Safety Is Everyones Responsibility
Safety Is Everyones Responsibility
Safety Is Everyones Responsibility
Safety is everyone’s responsibility! All employees, whether Always use the protections that are provided on the job:
permanent or temporary, should be concerned with safety
and should work as safely as possible. Making excuses a. Guards on machines and tools keep body parts from
for not working safely or trying to bypass safety rules and contacting moving equipment.
standards can cause injury to you or someone else. You
b. Insulation on electrical equipment prevents burns, shock
should keep safety at the top of your mental checklist, no
and fire.
matter what task you are performing.
c. Lock-out/tag-out: assure equipment is de-energized
Whether a permanent or temporary employee, you
before it is repaired.
d. Personal protective equipment shields your body from
a. Learn to work safely and take all rules seriously.
hazards you may face on the job.
b. Recognize hazards and avoid them.
In case of emergency:
c. Report all accidents, injuries and illnesses to your
a. Understand alarms and know evacuation routes.
supervisor immediately.
b. Know how to notify emergency response personnel.
d. Inspect tools before use to ensure that they are in good
condition. c. Stay out of the way of emergency personnel so they can
do their job.
e. Wear all assigned personal protective equipment.
d. Wipe up spills promptly and correctly.
Everyone must be aware of potential hazards on the
Safety benefits everyone! By incorporating safety rules,
a. Poor housekeeping results in slips, trips and falls. employees avoid injury as well as illness from exposure
to hazardous substances. With fewer injuries, a business
b. Electricity can cause shocks, burns or fire if not handled can be more productive and profitable. The welfare of the
properly. community is also enhanced by providing cleaner air and
water and less chance of dangerous accidents that can put
c. Poor material handling may cause back problems or lives and property at risk.
other injuries.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program
LIBC-187 REV 08-12