Abstract—In June 20051,2, Naval Surface Warfare Center of this testing was to collect data to develop algorithms
(NSWC) Gas Turbine Emerging Technologies conducted which detect and prevent imminent compressor stall.
testing on a General Electric LM2500 gas turbine engine.
This engine is the main propulsor for DDG-51 and CG-47 For this test, the engine, which employs variable stator vane
class United States Navy surface ships. The purpose of this geometry, was operated at various set points throughout its
testing was to induce compressor stall in order to evaluate operating range while stator vane angle was varied from on-
existing algorithms for stall prediction and gather data for design to eventual stall induction. Data was collected and
further algorithm development. In addition to existing subsequently analyzed.
sensor data, dynamic pressure sensors, with data rates
ranging from 20-1000 KHz, were installed in various 2. METHODOLOGY
compressor stages for additional capability.
Compressor Map Modeling
Utilizing the data collected, in conjunction with a
MATLAB-based neural network approach, NSWC has During testing, which was conducted at the Philadelphia
developed algorithms to detect and trend stall margin and Land Based Engineering Site (LBES), data was collected at
related quantities that can eventually be used in an early stall fixed gas turbine generator speeds (Ngg) while variable
warning system onboard ship. Algorithms can be stator vane (VSV) angle was varied manually. Interim vane
incorporated into the recently installed Full Authority angle data was collected prior to the actual compressor stall
Digital Control, allowing real-time stall detection and events. This data set is labeled “Map” data.
The effect of increasing vane angle for a given Ngg causes
This paper discusses the feasibility of employing a neural pressure ratio, Pr, for the overall compressor (and each
network approach to detect and output a compressor stall individual compressor stage) and consequently translates the
margin value and associated risk of compressor stall for operating point along the line of constant speed toward the
U.S. Navy LM2500 gas turbine engines surge line, as shown on the compressor map in Figure 1
below. In this manner, the gas turbine compressor was
stalled at both low speed for stalls 1, 2 and 3 (7000, 7500
and 7800 respectively) and high speed for stall 4 (8800
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................1
2. METHODOLOGY ....................................................1 In order to eventually train a neural network to detect
COMPRESSOR MAP MODELING ............................1 percent difference from the surge line, the intermediate goal
NEURAL NETWORK MODELING ............................5 •
3. CONCLUSIONS .....................................................14 was to train the network to detect mass flow, Μ . Since
REFERENCES ...........................................................14 pressure ratio is already available using existing engine
BIOGRAPHY .............................................................14 sensors, mass flow would allow the reconstruction of the
compressor map for a given compressor efficiency.
Mass flow training data was obtained by employing a
compressor map model (see Simulink model shown in
In June, 2005, Naval Surface Warfare Center Gas Turbine Figure 2) developed by Impact Technologies. Data from
Emerging Technologies conducted land-based testing on a this test was entered into the model, and corresponding mass
General Electric LM2500 gas turbine engine. The purpose flow values were obtained. As shown in Figure 3, these
mass flow values do not follow expected trends for varying
“U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright.” VSV angle and corresponding Pr increase. Mass flow
should be reduced, at least slightly, when vane angle is
IEEEAC paper #1001, Version 6, Updated August 11, 2004 increased. It was therefore determined that, since this
model’s look-up table (which has only corrected Ngg and Simulink model developed for this purpose. Data obtained
power turbine speed, Npt, as inputs) was constructed using during testing was entered into the model and a
typical engine VSV set points, it was not suitable for off- corresponding mass flow output was obtained. As shown in
design VSV data. Figure 5, mass flow values respond as expected for varying
VSV angle. The change in mass flow versus pressure ratio
The existing compressor map for the CF6 engine (from is more pronounced at higher speeds, which is also
which the LM2500 is an aero-derivative) was therefore consistent with the compressor map.
manually entered into a look-up table. Figure 4 shows the
Figure 1[1]
Figure 2 – Impact Tech. Simulink Compressor Model
Figure 3
Figure 4 – Simulink Compressor Map Model
Figure 5
The Matlab Neural Network Toolbox was utilized for this
effort. The multi-layer perceptron network specified,[2]
which contained 2 layers as shown in Figure 6, employed a
Neural Network Modeling non-linear sigmoidal function for summing at each node.
Figure 6 also shows the engine operating parameters
Network Setup
initially chosen as neural network inputs.
Once the Simulink model was developed for outputting
mass flow, neural network input parameters were chosen.
Figure 6
Training with On-Design “Map” Data (8 engine input Since the on-design-trained neural network did not perform
parameters) acceptably when simulated with off-design data, the next
step was to train the network with both on and off-design
The network was trained first on steady, on-design VSV data. An identical network structure was chosen to that of
data. The goal of this effort was to determine if such a Figure 6. Figure 9 shows the network when simulated with
network could be extended to accurately output mass flow data from the LBES Stall 1. As shown, the network did not
for off-design data having only knowledge of the typical on- track well when compared to the CF6 map model. In order
design operation of the engine. This would be advantageous to determine which of the 8 parameters might be causing the
should the network be employed in a situation where VSV drastic inaccuracy in mass flow for steady, on-design VSV
calibration is in question (data points 600 through 2000 in Figure 9), data from the
“Map” portion of the test was compared to that of the “Stall
Figure 7 shows the training results for the network, 1” portion. In addition, the neural network was simulated
performance goal was 0. As shown, the network with each of the 8 parameters being varied by 20% and
performance at 1200 epochs is 1.61419e-007. Figure 8 corresponding weight factors were developed. Table 1
shows the output of the network versus the mass flow as shows that inlet air temperature has the greatest effect on the
calculated by the Simulink model. As shown in Figure 8, mass flow output in this case, but that gas generator speed is
the network did not perform acceptably for off-design data. weighted the heaviest by the network in general.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Table 1
Ngg Npt T2 T54 Pt2 P54 Pt3 VSV Feedback
Map Data 6997 989 80.195 912 14.6 18.5 53.891 16.098
Stall 1 Data 6999 887 95.695 935 14.5 18.098 51.688 15
% change -0.03% 10.87% -17.62% -2.49% 0.69% 2.20% 4.17% 7.06%
NN Weight Factors 2.05 0.07 0.40 0.54 1.74 0.01 0.12 0.08
Overall Effect -0.00059 0.0081 -0.0704 -0.013 0.012 0.0002 0.0051 0.005889997
Training with Simplified “Map” Data (2 calculated engine compressor map model. Inputs were limited to corrected
inputs) gas generator speed and calculated compressor pressure
ratio. The structure chosen was a 2-layer ML perceptron
Although initially, several parameters were selected as network with a 2-5-2-1 node structure. Log-sigmoidal, Tan-
inputs to the neural network in order to allow for the largest sigmoidal, and purely linear neural network nodes were
amount of information from which to train, this approach selected. Tan-sigmoidal did not train with a variation of less
appeared to be unsuccessful. A new, streamlined approach than 10-2, and these results are therefore not shown. Log-
was therefore chosen. It was decided to limit the neural sigmoidal and purely linear results are compared to the CF6
network inputs to only those employed by the Simulink Simulink model outputs in Figure 10.
Figure 10
As shown, the mass flow values from the sigmoidal, 2-input Since, as seen in Figure 10, the neural network trained using
neural network track exceptionally well in the range where data from the “Map” test could not be transitioned to track
the 8-input neural network did not. Once VSV angle is actual stall events during stalls 1 and 2, the next step was to
varied above a certain level, the network no longer tracks train the neural network using a combination of “Map” data
along with the CF6 map. This is most likely due to the fact and data from stalls 1 and 2. The goal of this effort was to
that the network was never trained on data with VSV angles “build-in” understanding of the nuances of stall events in
and corresponding pressure ratios of this magnitude. general. A 2-layer network with a 2-4-3-1 node structure
was utilized. Figure 11 shows the results of the training.
Training with Combination “Map”, Stall1 and Stall2 Data As shown, the network tracked the entire training set quite
(2 calculated engine inputs) well. However, this network still did not quite capture the
downward trend exhibited in stall 3 as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 11
Figure 12
It become apparent that, although zero values were entered flow separation, these zero values were causing improper
into the CF6 look-up tables in order to accurately simulate interpolation at operating points near, but to the right of the
surge line. This explained and somewhat negated the Since beta runs parallel to the surge line, the Beta values for
accuracy of the rapid downward trend in mass flow during a given engine state were used as a measure of stall margin.
stall events. In fact Beta lines with a value less than one were utilized, as
shown in Figure 13, to represent a condition where the
Further research into gas turbine compressor performance engine was stalled and mass flow values must be ignored.
modeling yielded a potential solution to greatly improve the Using this technique, zero values in the mass flow values to
CF6 Simulink model. In order to generate compressor map the left of the surge line were replaced with smoother, more
look-up tables, an approach is often used in which lines continuous values. These values, while meaningless in the
parallel to the surge line (known as Beta lines) are plotted. presence of beta less than unity, allowed for more realistic
An intermediate Beta versus Nggr look-up table is generated interpolation to the right of the surge line (Beta greater than
through which more accurate mass flow and also unity).
compressor efficiency versus Beta tables are generated.
Figure 13 shows the compressor map overlaid with lines of
. constant Beta. This map was utilized to generate a new CF6
Simulink model.
Figure 13[3]
Figure 14
Comparison of mass flow output from the previous CF6 Figures 15 and 16 show Beta values overlaid with Nggr for
Simulink model and new CF6/Beta model is shown in Stalls 1 and 2 respectively. As shown, stall, and
Figure 14. As shown in the Stall 1 data, the mass flow corresponding emergency engine shutdown, coincides well
values generated by the Beta model, unlike the original CF6 with beta equal to unity.
model, did not have a pronounced downward trend during
Figure 15
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
using a neural network to detect and output a compressor
stall margin value and associated risk of compressor stall is
The two-input network was then modified to output both
Beta and mass flow. This network did not converge well
during training. An additional layer of nodes was added,
resulting in a 2-4-8-4-2 structure. Figure 17 shows the REFERENCES
training results for this network after 10000 epochs. Figure
18 shows that the trends from this network agreed with the [1] J. Klapproth, M. Miller, D. Parker, “79-7030
outputs from the Simulink CF6/Beta Model when the Aerodynamic Development and Performance of the CF6-
network was simulated with Stall3 data. Therefore, the 6/LM2500 Compressor”, General Electric Company,
end result was a neural network that accurately outputs mass Evendale, Ohio
flow for steady-state engine operations while also outputting
an indicator, beta, for the user to disregard mass flow at the [2] M. Hagan, H. Demuth, M. Beale, “Neural Network
actual onset of stall. This network fulfilled the end goal of Design”, Thomson, 1996.
outputting a stall margin for the LM2500 engine. It can
eventually be used, in an overall algorithm to safely operate [3] P Walsh, P. Fletcher, “Gas Turbine Performance”,
the LM2500 engine closer to the stall line in order to Blackwell Science Ltd., 2000
improve fuel efficiency.
Daniel Caguiat has been working for Naval Surface Warfare
The initial 8-2-1 neural network implementation did not Center since 1997. He has a Bachelor of Science in
provide expected output. This was due too an overload of Mechanical Engineering from Drexel University and a
input data into the neural network. When the network was Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from
reduced to a 2-4-8-4-2 structure with parallel Beta lines, University of Pennsylvania. His gas turbine work
more accurate mass flow output was generated that mapped experience includes Automated Oil Analysis Systems,
back to a known compressor map. The final outcome of Online Water Wash Systems, Compressor Performance
Monitoring, and Combustor Flame Contamination. He is intelligence techniques for compressor degradation trending.
currently interested in implementation of artificial