Iwrbs Reviewer
Iwrbs Reviewer
Iwrbs Reviewer
be very effective in lobbying and used to teach that the world is flat and
campaigning for certain social issues warned people against going to
using its own moral teachings as the faraway places if they do not wish to
basis of argument. fall off the edge of the earth.
● Religion Reduces Fear of the Unknown - ● Religion Obstructs The Use of Reason -
Religion provides answers for Many question the suitability of
phenomena and questions that religious doctrines to the needs of the
science or reason cannot explain. present and future generations. In order
● Religion Gives Positive Goals In Life - to put these dogma to practice, religion
People were inspired by the stories of should, therefore, evolve and learn to
different prophets from their own adapt to the ever changing world.
religious affiliations. Ancient religious beliefs and practices
● Religion Gives People Sense of which have proven to be inhuman
Belonging - Religion provides people should be replaced with sensible ones.
with personal identity as part of a group
with similar worldviews, beliefs, values,
practices, and lifestyles. JUDAISM
Negative Effects of Religion - Judaism is an ancient monotheistic religion
● Religion Affirms Social Hierarchy - Some that traces its origin as an organized belief
religions affirm social hierarchy often system during the Bronze Age in West Asia.
favoring men and as a result, - Judaism centered their doctrine and belief on
perpetuate the notions of class or the covenant revealed to Moses at Mount Sinai
gender discrimination and oppression. and such covenant was written in the Torah,
● Religion Causes Discrimination - also known as the Pentateuch.
Religious fanaticism can lead to - has three notable founding figures or
feelings of hatred, which could lead to patriarchs, namely : Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
racism, and eventually violence. - Judaism is anchored upon God’s revelation to
● Religion Triggers Conflicts and Fights - Abraham that he is the creator and ruler of the
History witnessed numerous lives universe, and that he loves his creatures and
sacrificed and lost in the name of demands righteousness from them.
religion. Wars have been fought in the -The religion of the Jewish people, Judaism is
name of religion, and this phenomenon one of three Abrahamic religions that also
continues up to the present time. include Christianity and Islam.
● Religion As An Economic Tool for - The Jewish people have been called the “
Exploiting The Masses - According to People of the Book” in reference to the Hebrew
the German philosopher Karl Marx, Bible.
“religion is the opium of the masses.”
According to Marx, it maintains social Throughout Judaism’s history, their followers
inequality by propagating a worldview have been called many names, and these
that justifies oppression. He believed names are often confused with one another.
that religion can be effectively used by The following names are listed below:
the ruling class to maintain a social ● “Hebrews” refer to those who accepted
order that is more favorable to them Yahweh as their God, and much of their
● Religion Impedes Scientific Success and history is written in the Hebrew Bible, or
Development - Throughout history, the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.
religion has proven to impede scientific ● “Israelites” refer to the descendants of
development. For example, it has often the Hebrews, which originated from
been said that the Catholic Church Abraham. His grandson, Jacob, had 12
Sacred Scriptures
● Hebrew Bible, also called Tanakh, is a
collection of 24 books divided into 3
parts :
- The Torah (Teaching or Law)
- Nevi'im (Prophets)
- Ketuvim (Writings)
● Pentateuch (Torah)
- Genesis
• The Catholic Church teaches that salvation
does not occur without faithfulness on the part
of Christians; converts must live in accordance
with principles of love and ordinarily must be
baptized. In Protestant theology, Jesus' death is
regarded as a subsidiary penalty carried by
Jesus, for the debt that has to be paid by
humankind when it broke God's moral law.
Martin Luther taught that baptism was
necessary for salvation, but modern Lutherans
and other Protestants tend to teach that
salvation is a gift that comes to an individual by
God's grace, sometimes defined as "unmerited
favor", even apart from baptism.
• The sacred text of Christianity is the Bible,
including both the Hebrew scriptures (also
known as the old Testament) and the New
Testament. Fundamental to Christian practice
is the gathering at churches for worship,
fellowship, and study, and engagement with the
world through evangelism and social action.