Special Quiz
Special Quiz
Special Quiz
Which effect of religion is referred to in the following sentences? Write the letter
of the correct answer.
a. Religion promotes discrimination.
b. Religion promotes social solidarity.
c. Religion affirms hierarchy.
d. Religion sets positive goals in life.
e. Religion obstructs scientific success and development.
f. Religion reduces fear of the unknown.
g. Religion obstructs the use of reason.
h. Religion gives people a sense of belonging.
i Religion makes people fight each other.
j. Religion provides moral values.
1. Pentateuch is the first five books of the Hebrew bible which includes :
________________, _________________, _________________,
________________, _________________ (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, Deuteronomy)
2. Who is the founder of Judaism? _________________ (Abraham)
3. A ________________ has been established between God and Abraham because
God promised to make Abraham’s descendants a great nation and he would
be blessed with descendants and land of Israel. (covenant)
4. The supreme laws, which are basic to the Jewish people, were communicated to
the Israelites through Moses during their time in the wilderness.
________________ (ten Commandments)
5. The Hebrew bible is divided into three principal sections.
________________, __________________, ___________________ (torah,
prophets, writings)
6. Known as the teacher in Judaism. __________________ (rabbi)
7. The most important day in the Jewish calendar. ________________ (Sabbath)
8. The most sacred and solemn day in the Jewish calendar that brings the period of
repentance to its conclusion. _____________________ (Yom Kippur)
9. A nine-day festival commemorating the autumn harvest and the forty years of
the Israelites’ stay in the desert wilderness subsisting solely on the bounty of
God. _____________________ (Sukkot)
10. The sacred place of worship for Jews. ____________________(synagogue)