BEF FRO BOOM momen - ye VAiw
1 #1. Find the average account balance at the Perryridge branch.
2+ select avg(balance)
3 from account
4 where branch_names'Perryridge' 5
[eso IG wwe Th
#2. Find the average account balance at each branch.
select branch_name,avg(balance)
from account|
group by branch_name;
| Reet) 9 Fe Rs | ot By swap ccs
Teh pane__ orale)
¥ ighen 750
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erwee 60
Ronda 30
#3, To eliminate duplicates, use the key distinct in the aggragiate expression
select branch_name, avg(distinct balance)
group by branch_nanes“BEF FROG COM vm: -%¥ ATH
{16 #4. Find the numbers of depositers for each branch.
217+ select branch_name, count (customer_name)
< 18 from depositor
we 19 natural join account
120 group by branch_name;
co 21
| Rent Grid |) Prov tase: Oy | wrap cat coments I
‘weere_curdastne pee)
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8 FFLOB COR mmm xiv ans
22° #5. (In this case, a depositor counts only once,
¢ ardiess of the rusber of accounts
ia thet deposttor may have) |
24+ select branch_name,count(distinet custom
25. from depositor
26 natural join account
27 group by branch_name;
29 #6. Find the branches where the average account balance is more than $1200.
30+ select branch_nane, avg (balance)
31 from account
32. group by branchname
33 having avg (balance) >38
39 #8. To find the number of tuples in the customer relation:
40+ select count(*)
41 from customer;
| eee Oy [waren
35 #7. Find the average balance for all accounts.
36+ a
37 from account;
«Ge 7 TAOS COM mm evans
4.44 0/9. Find the average balance for each custoner who Lives in Harrison and
“45. | nas at least three accounts.+/
Lass seect avo(batance
w= 47 FROM account
| 48 natural join customer
E49 mere
50 custoner_street = ‘Harrison’
51 group by customer_name
53 COUNT(aecount_number) >= 35
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