Om Q1 Week1
Om Q1 Week1
Om Q1 Week1
Department of Education ORGANIZATION AND
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1ST SEMESTER -1ST QUARTER
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learners have an understanding of basic concepts and theories of management.
The learners shall be able to apply management theories & concepts in solving business cases.
B. Performance Standards
*Explain the meaning, functions, types and theories of management:
C. Learning a. Define management.
Competencies/Objectives b. Explain and discuss the types and theories of management.
c. Show interest in understanding the importance of management in business, home, family, and school.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
a. Greet the students and ask
them to recall the previous
lesson on the functions and
a. Ask the students to define
a. Ask the students about their types of management.
management and the functions
understanding of the term b. Briefly summarize the key
of management.
1. Reviewing previous lesson "MANAGEMENT". points discussed in the previous
SUBJECT ORIENTATION b. Introduce the topic for the day,
or presenting the new lesson b. Present the topic for the day lesson.
the types and theories of
and review its importance in an c. Introduce the new lesson on the
management, and its relevance
organization. importance of management in
in an organizational context.
various settings, including
business, home, family, and
The purpose of the lesson is for the The purpose of the lesson is for the a. Explain the learning objectives
students to define and state the students to explain and discuss the for the current lesson.
2. Establishing the purpose of
functions of management and types and theories of management, b. Emphasize the relevance of
the lesson
understand its importance in an and to understand their significance understanding the importance
organization. in an organizational context. of management in daily life.
3. Presenting a. Present a scenario where a a. Provide examples of different a. Ask the students to share their
examples/instances of the company is planning to launch management types and experiences with management
in different settings, such as
managing a household budget
or organizing a school project.
a new product, and discuss how theories, such as scientific
b. Show examples of successful
management functions will be management, human relations
managers in various fields,
involved in the process. management, and contingency
such as business, sports, or
new lesson b. Give examples of how management.
management functions are used b. Discuss how these different
c. Provide statistics or case
in our daily lives, such as management types and theories
studies that demonstrate the
managing time and resources. are applied in organizations.
impact of effective
management on different
a. Define management and its
role in achieving organizational
a. Define the four functions of b. Explain how effective
management (planning, a. Define the different types of management can lead to better
organizing, leading, management, such as classical productivity, efficiency, and
controlling). management, behavioral customer satisfaction in
b. Discuss each function and management, and modern business.
4. Discussing new concepts and
provide examples of how they management. c. Discuss how good management
practicing new skills #1
are used in a business setting. b. Discuss the key features of practices can improve the
c. Ask students to provide each type of management and quality of life at home and in
examples of each function how they differ from one the family.
based on the scenario another. d. Describe how management
presented. principles can be applied to
academic settings, such as
organizing a study group or
managing a school event.
a. Define the different
a. Ask students to form small management theories, such as
groups and assign each group scientific management,
with a business scenario where administrative management,
5. Discussing new concepts and they will apply the four human relations management,
practicing new skills #2 functions of management. and contingency management.
b. Have each group present their b. Discuss the key principles of
scenario and explain how they each management theory and
applied each function. how they are applied in an
organizational context.
6. Developing Mastery a. Conduct a role-playing activity a. Divide the class into groups a. Divide the students into small
where students will play the and assign each group with a groups and assign them
role of a manager, and they will management theory or type to different scenarios that require
be given a scenario where they present. management skills, such as
will apply the four functions of b. Each group will prepare a skit, managing a budget, organizing
management. song, or presentation that a trip, or planning a party.
demonstrates the key features
b. Each student will be given a b. Ask the groups to identify the
and principles of their assigned
turn to play the role of a management principles that can
management theory or type.
manager, and the rest of the be applied to their scenario and
c. After each presentation, the
class will act as employees. develop a plan of action.
class will evaluate how well the
c. After each scenario, the class c. After a few minutes, ask each
group presented the key
will evaluate the performance group to present their plan and
features and principles of their
of the manager and provide discuss the effectiveness of
assigned management theory or
feedback. their approach.
a. Ask the students to identify
a. Ask students to reflect on how situations in their daily lives
a. Ask students to reflect on how
they can apply the different where they can apply the
they can apply the four
7. Finding practical management types and theories management principles
functions of management in
applications of concepts and in their personal and academic discussed in class.
their personal lives.
skills in daily living lives. b. Encourage them to think
b. Have a class discussion and ask
b. Have a class discussion and ask creatively and come up with
students to share their insights.
students to share their insights. innovative solutions to
common problems.
a. Summarize the key features of
a. Summarize the importance of
the different management types a. Summarize the key concepts
the four functions of
and theories and their and skills learned in the lesson.
management in achieving
significance in an b. Ask the students to reflect on
8. Generalizing and organizational goals.
organizational context. the importance of management
abstractions about the lesson b. Ask students to identify how
b. Ask students to identify how in their lives and how they can
each function is interrelated
each type and theory of benefit from learning more
and how they contribute to the
management can contribute to about it.
success of an organization.
the success of an organization.
a. Use a quiz or a class
discussion to assess the
Conduct a quiz to evaluate the students' understanding of
students' understanding of the the importance of
9. Evaluating Learning
different management types and management in different
theories. settings.
Provide feedback on their responses
and clarify any misconceptions.
a. Assign a project where students
will identify a business
organization and analyze how
each function of management is
10. Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation
b. For students who need
remediation, provide additional
examples and scenarios for
them to practice.
Prepared by :
SHS Teacher Checked by : MARVIN M. ANTIQUESA