Abdel Lateef2021
Abdel Lateef2021
Abdel Lateef2021
Keywords: The idea of the existing work is to progress the preparation of four conjugated polyazomethines contained
Polyazomethines thiazole through the backbone of the polymer. The synthesized conjugated polyazomethines were categorized
Inhibition and assessed as novel inhibitors for the C1018 steel pickling corrosion behavior at 298–328 K using surface
Surface morphology
morphology of C1018 steel electrode, potentiodynamic polarization (PDP), and electrochemical impedance
Theoretical study
Acidic corrosion
spectroscopy (EIS). The assessed polymers performed as effective inhibitors for C1018 steel corrosion in pickling
solution. The protection capacity of the polyazomethines augmented with a rise in concentration to attain 98.2%
efficacy with 150 mg L − 1 at 298 K. PDP plots designated that the conjugated polyazomethines performs as
mixed-type inhibitors and adsorbed on the C1018 steel interface via chemisorption. Isotherm model of Langmuir
was found the preeminent mode for the adsorption of polymers. The surface morphology examinations estab
lished the development of a protective layer getting a thick coverage at the optimal dose. Moreover, theoretical
study of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and density functional theory (DFT) were used to govern the association
among protection capacity and molecular structure. This study could be provided novel polyazomethines in
hibitors for C1018-steel corrosion protection in different industrial environments, especially in the pickling
1. Introduction With the aim of treat the aggressive attack of these acids, inhibitors
are introduced to the corrosive medium, which diminishes the aggres
C-steel (carbon steel) has been chosen as unique of the greatest sig siveness of acids to the C-steel surface. The chemical materials with both
nificance and extensively utilized structural accessories in numerous inorganic and organic sources have been applied as inhibitors to pre
industries, including automotive, chemical processing water, petroleum, serve minerals from harsh solutions [7]. Organic molecules containing
and power generation, and a diversity of other applications [1,2]. The hetero-atoms like nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, and aromatic rings
wide and important use of C- steel is related to its outstanding me π-electrons are originated to be actually effective in quashing the
chanical features and low-cost [2,4]. Nevertheless, C-steel is inclined to corrosion of the metal in various mediums [8,9]. Among the
corrosion in refinery categorized mineral acids such as H2SO4 (sulfuric carbon-based materials, polymeric corrosion inhibitors are a very wide
acid), HCl (hydrochloric acid), H2SO3 (sulfurous acid), and thio choice owing to their huge efficient groups and their capability to
sulfurous [5]. Among the previous corrosion mediums, hydrochloric complex with metal ions at interfaces [10,11]. By covering great surface
acid is generally used in various industrial implementations like acid extents of alloys and metals in the corrosive solutions, these formed
pickling, industrial cleaning, scale and rust elimination, acidification of pincers effectively “complete” the surface from aggressive ions and
oil wells in petrochemical procedures, and oil retrieval at temperatures molecules attack thus contributing the required inhibition [12]. Addi
up to 333 K [6]. tionally, small inhibitor molecules incline to destroy at higher
* Corresponding author. .
E-mail addresses: hmahmed@kfu.edu.sa, hany_shubra@science.sohag.edu.eg (H.M. Abd El-Lateef).
Received 27 December 2020; Received in revised form 28 January 2021; Accepted 17 February 2021
Available online 20 February 2021
2468-0230/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
temperatures, which consequence of the contagion of the hydrocarbon 2.2. Overall procedure for the synthesis of conjugated polyazomethines
stream owing to the unstable yields that occur [13]. (4a-d) (PAM-1-PAM-4)
Conjugated polyazomethines materials have stayed extensively
familiar for electronic devices [14-17]. Sun et al. stated the preparation An equimolar amount of [4,4′ -bithiazole]− 2,2′ -diamine 1 and
of polyazomethines having the thiazole moiety from polycondensation carbonyl compounds 2 in DMSO. The reaction mixture solution was
of diamine with dicarbonyl compounds [18]. Hyperbranched conju stirred at 393 K for 12 h, cool the reaction mixture to room temperature,
gated materials having bithiazole moiety were prepared from poly the solution was then poured over water, the final substance was filtered
condensation of [4,4′ -bithiazole]− 2,2′ -diamine and benzene-1,3, and then washes away numerous times with water and solid products
5-tricarbaldehyde are reported in [19,20]. The chemical investigations were dried at 65 ◦ C for 48 h (yield 82–88%) (Scheme 1).
of some prepared polyazomethines as corrosion additives were reported Polyazomethine (4a-PAM-1): Black solid; Yield (95%); mp > 573
in [21-24]. K, FT-IR showed signals at 3083 (aromatic rings), 1618 (C = N) and
Recently, theoretical approaches like density functional theory 1600 (C = C) cm− 1. FT-IR confirmed end capped aldehyde changed to
(DFT) have demonstrated to be beneficial computational methods in carboxylic (2400–3400 COOH) cm− 1. The 1H NMR spectrum revealed
inspecting the molecular construction and explaining the electronic signals at (1H NMR (500 MHz, DMSO‑d6): δ 6.69 (s, H-thiazol ring), and
structure and reactivity of corrosion inhibitors [25]. Review on DFT as a 8.14 (s, CH– – N) ppm (Fig. S1; ESI).
potent method in the designing of corrosion additive molecules have Polyazomethine (4b-PAM-2): Pale green; Yield (82%); mp > 573 K.
been reported by Obot, et al. 2015 [26]. Moreover, Monte Carlo (MC) FT-IR (cm− 1) (KBr): νmax 3302, 3174 (NH), 1652 (C = N), 1603 (C = C)
simulation, as an efficient approach, could deliver visions into the cm− 1. The appearance at 3302, 3174 (NH), is attributed to polymer
designing of structures comprising a comparatively great number of chain end (end capped group). 1H NMR spectrum (DMSO d6): 6.62 (s, H-
molecules, permitting investigators to investigate the adsorption routes thiazole ring), 7.10–8.15 (m, ArH’s), 8.61 (CH– – N) ppm (Fig. S2; ESI).
at the molecular level [27]. Polyazomethine (4c- PAM-3): Red Brown; Yield (89%); mp > 573
The current research designates the preparation of polyazomethines K. FT-IR (cm− 1) (KBr): νmax 3372, 3299 NH), 1663(C = N), 1628 (C = C)
(PAM) by condensing dicarbonyl, with a diamine. The prepared conju cm− 1. The appearance at 3372, 3299 (NH), is attributed to polymer
gated polymers were completely investigated through FT-IR and NMR. chain end (end capped group). 1H NMR spectrum (DMSO d6): 2.66 (s,
The protection performance of the four prepared conjugated poly CH3), 6.62 (s, H-thiazole ring), 7.01–8.19 (m, ArH’s), 8.44 (CH–– N) ppm
azomethines and their monomer diaminebisthiazole on C1018 steel (Fig. S3; ESI).
pickling corrosion behavior are evaluated. The corrosion inhibition Polyazomethine (4d- PAM-4): Black solid; Yield (91%); mp. 530 K.
features of these polymers were analyzed respectively using WL mea FT-IR (cm− 1) (KBr): νmax 3325 (NH), 1660 (C = N), 1580 (C = C) cm− 1.
surements, PDP plots, EIS, adsorption considerations, and surface The appearance at 3325 (NH), is attributed to polymer chain end (end
morphology (FESEM/EDX analysis). MC simulations and DFT calcula capped group). 1H NMR spectrum (DMSO d6): 2.72 (s, CH3), 6.84 (s, H-
tions have been as well achieved to decide the relationship among the thiazole ring), 7.41–8.17 (m, ArH’s), 8.99 (CH– – N) ppm (Fig. S4; ESI).
corrosion mitigation characteristics of the prepared conjugated poly
azomethines and their molecular constructions. This work also pointed
to describe the impact of molecular construction on the ability of the 2.3. Corrosion tests (PDP and EIS measurements)
prepared conjugated polyazomethines to be adsorbed on the steel
interface. All the electrochemical tests were achieved at atmospheric pressure
in a one-L glass cell. The glass cell contains a characteristic 3-electrode
2. Experimental procedure profile where C1018 steel was served as a working electrode (WE), sil
ver/silver chloride was applied as a reference electrode, and a Pt-wire
2.1. Apparatus, materials and solutions utilized as a counter electrode. Corrosion inspections were completed
by means of a Gamry Galvanostat/Potentiostat/ZRA at temperatures
Glyoxal, terephthaldehyde, isophthaldhyde and 1,1′ -(1,4-phenylene) ranging from 298 to 328 K. Before each experiment, the C-steel sample
bis(ethan-1-one), and dimethyl-sulfoxide (DMSO) were gotten from the was immersed in the solution to be tested (for 30 min) in advance until
company of Sigma-Aldrich. The substances were utilized as customary the open-circuit voltage (EOCP) was stable. In the EIS experiments, a
deprived of additional cleansing. The spectra of Fourier transform perturbation wave of sole sine and 10 mV amplitude was used, and the
infrared (FT-IR) were done by an FT-IR spectrometer Bruker Equinox-55 frequency was scanned in the range 10 mHz to 100 kHz at EOCP. Addi
using 32 scans at 4 cm1 resolves. The compounds were compacted into tionally, PDP assessment was measured by substituting the potential of a
pellets of potassium bromide at 2.0% loading heights. The NMR spectra WE from − 250 to +250 mV based on EOCP at a 0.2 mV/s scan rate of
were got on Varian Mercury and 300-MHz spectrometer by 5-mm o.d. [28].
tubes with sample amounts of 5–15% (w/v) in DMSO‑d6 having an in
ternal reference (tetramethylsilane). IA-9000 Electro-thermal sequence
digital was used for measuring melting points. 2.4. Surface morphology
The C1018 steel substrate had a one cm2 exposure area with chem
ical constitution (wt.%): C, 0.21; Cr, 0.72; Ni, 0.016; S, 0.05; Si, 0.16; The surface inspection by FE-SEM of the working electrode was
Mn, 0.07, and the remainder Fe. characterized after exposing these specimens for 48 h in molar HCl so
The corrosive medium (1.0 M HCl) was prepared by diluting 37% lutions lacking and with 150 mg/L of diaminebisthiazole (monomer)
HCl (Analytical grade) with triple distilled water. To ensure the solu and 150 mg/L of PAM-4 polymer at 303 K, correspondingly the
bility of all the prepared polyazomethines were dissolved as 0.01 g of elemental configuration of the adsorbed film registered with 5410-JSM
polymer in 3 mL of solvent. It was found that these compounds are (JEOL Model) equipped with EDX investigation.
partially soluble in dimethlsulfoxide (DMSO), and dimethylformamide FT-IR spectrum of the adsorbed PAM-4 polymer on C-steel surface
(DMF) and completely soluble in molar HCl solution. Moreover, the was detected after soaking of 2-polished metal specimens in an acidic
polyazomethines are insoluble in acetone, ethanol, methanol, Tetrahy solution of PAM-4 for 48 h. The adsorbed polymer layer of PAM-4
drofuran, methylene chloride, toluene, chloroform, and petroleum ether molecules was scratched from the metal surface and characterized by
(Table S1; ESI). The tests were performed in a half-liter of 1.0 M HCl in FT-IR spectroscopy. UV–visible spectra of an acidic solution of PAM-4
the lack and occurrence of 10–150 mg/L polymers. polymer prior and after C-steel dipping were carried out with SHI
MADZU UV/vis spectrophotometer (model UV-1800 – Japan).
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
A = − ELUMO (2) Tafel polarization profiles for corrosion of C1018-steel in molar HCl
solution lacking and with various doses of PAM-4 and in the presence of
1 150 ppm of different polymeric inhibitors at 298 K are reported in Fig. 2.
χ=− (EHOMO + ELUMO ) (3) At a first view, it is remarkable that Tafel polarization performance is
presented by both cathodic and anodic divisions. Furthermore, all pro
(EHOMO − ELUMO ) (4) files display comparable figures which show that neither anodic (i.e.,
2 C1018-steel corrosion) nor cathodic (i.e. reaction of hydrogen evolution
HER) mechanisms were changed as a result of the addition of the
σ= (5) polymers into the aggressive medium. The extracted Tafel indices i.e.,
corrosion current density (jcor), corrosion potential (Ecor), anodic (βa),
The fraction of electrons transferred (ΔN) from the polymer mole and cathodic (βc) Tafel slopes related to the polarization extents of
cules to the metallic interface during the adsorption could be computed thiazole amine polymers are registered in Table 1. The protection ca
utilizing the below Eqn: pacity (ηP/%) and the portion of surface coverage (θ) of polymeric ad
χ Fe − χ inh ditives on the C-steel corrosion were intended as following Eqn. [34]:
ΔN = (6) (0 )
2(ηFe + ηinh ) / j − Ji
ηp % = cor 0 cor × 100 = θ × 100 (7)
where, ηFe,ηinhχFeandχinh, are the hardness and electronegativity values
of Fe and additive molecules, correspondingly. The value of χFe is 7.00
where j0cor and jicor are respectively, the jcor in the lack and occurrence of
eV and ηFe is 0 [30].
PAM polymers. Examination of Fig. 2 exhibits equivalent cathodic Tafel
shapes, which designate that the HER is charge-transfer control (under
2.6. MC simulations activation) [35]. Moreover, there is no noteworthy modification in the
both βaandβc values of upon addition of different PAM polymers con
For MC simulation, the adsorption locator module in software V.7.0 centrations indicating that the protection mechanism of the last profits
Materials Studio from Accelrys Inc., USA was applied. The adsorption via hindering the active cathodic and anodic branches on the interface of
locator discovers the proper adsorption configurations of the monomer C1018-steel [36]. The inhibitory influence of PAM polymers is corre
structures of polyazomethines with Monte-Carlo examinations on the Fe spondingly shown as shows a shift in both cathodic and anodic branches
(1 1 0) interface for assessment of the inhibiting performance of PAM to lesser jcor values as the concentration of studied polymeric additives
molecules [31]. In a simulation, the box has dimensions of 32.27 Å × rises; this reproduces a lessening in the C1018-steel corrosion rate in the
32.27 Å × 50.18 Å with periodic boundary circumstances, the in corrosive solution. Not to mention, the addition of the synthesized PAM
teractions of PAM species and the Fe (1 1 0) surface were achieved. The polymers has no palpable influence on the Ecor value where the Ecor
energy optimization of PAM molecules (PAM-1, PAM-2, PAM-3, and changes over the inhibitor concentration range was within ±85 mV
PAM-4) was executed using the Forcite classical simulation engine [32]. around uninhibited medium, and this specifies that the mixed-inhibitors
The layer builder was employed to establish the corrosion system in type classification of the as-prepared PAM polymers [35].
aqueous media, which involves the optimized PAM molecules, Fe (1 1 0) The close inspection of Table 1 affirms that the addendum of poly
surface, and water. To simulate the adsorption capability of PAM in mers has a high influence on the jcor even in low doses. jcor is intensely
hibitors on Fe (1 1 0) surface, the COMPASS simulation study with force
field was performed [33].
3.1. Chemistry
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
Table 1
PDP parameters for C-steel in 1.0 M HCl without and with various concentrations of the as-prepared polymer additives at 298 K.
− 1 2 − 1 − 1
Inhibitor code Ci/ mg L jcor ±SD/ µAcm− -Ecor/ V (SCE) βa/ mV dec -βc/ mV dec θ ηP/%
Blank 0.0 347.5 ± 25.2 0.402 84.2 167.4 – –
Diaminebisthiazole (M) 150 57.6 ± 5.1 0.395 90.7 172.3 0.834 83.4
PAM-1 10 182.7 ± 13.6 0.397 91.5 183.1 0.474 47.4
25 127.5 ± 9.8 0.391 96.7 183.9 0.633 63.3
50 107.3 ± 8.3 0.403 98.8 179.9 0.691 69.1
75 73.6 ± 6.2 0.409 87.3 180.9 0.788 78.8
100 42.7 ± 3.5 0.401 90.5 185.1 0.877 87.7
150 30.2 ± 2.2 0.411 94.6 187.2 0.913 91.3
PAM-2 10 173.1 ± 13.4 0.413 98.8 186.1 0.502 50.2
25 115.3 ± 10.1 0.407 95.7 189.2 0.668 66.8
50 79.5 ± 6.5 0.405 92.5 183.2 0.771 77.1
75 64.6 ± 5.3 0.417 97.7 191.3 0.814 81.4
100 39.9 ± 3.1 0.419 90.5 192.4 0.885 88.5
150 21.5 ± 1.5 0.421 94.6 188.2 0.938 93.8
PAM-3 10 165.7 ± 13.9 0.406 98.8 180.9 0.523 52.3
25 103.5 ± 8.8 0.401 90.5 185.1 0.702 70.2
50 44.4 ± 4.2 0.415 95.7 183.4 0.872 87.2
75 55.2 ± 3.6 0.406 95.9 180.9 0.841 84.1
100 32.6 ± 2.8 0.414 92.5 180.3 0.906 90.6
150 12.5 ± 1.1 0.409 96.7 190.3 0.964 96.4
PAM-4 10 157.1 ± 11.3 0.393 96.9 180.9 0.548 54.8
25 92.1 ± 7.8 0.396 97.8 183.2 0.735 73.5
50 68.8 ± 5.6 0.392 98.8 185.2 0.802 80.2
75 44.8 ± 4.0 0.398 91.5 183.2 0.871 87.1
100 23.2 ± 1.8 0.402 94.6 183.8 0.933 93.3
150 6.2 ± 0.7 0.391 96.7 188.4 0.982 98.2
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
Fig 3. EIS plots for C- steel in 1.0 M HCl solution (A) Nyquist in the absence and presence of different concentration of PAM-4, (B) Nyquist in the absence and
presence of 150 ppm of different polymer inhibitors, (C) Bode and (D) phase angle representations in the absence and presence of different concentration of PAM-4 at
298 K.
corresponds to a corrosion reaction by adsorbing on C1018-steel/HCl experiential exponent which measures the inhomogeneity of the C-steel
interface [41]. Additionally, the values of phase angle in the inhibited interface [43]. Eqs. (9) and (10) express the Cdl and the protection ca
system containing PAM-4 seemed to be higher i.e. − 84.5◦ than the un pacity (ηI/%) [45]:
inhibited medium (~ − 51.1◦ ). These findings approving that the
as-prepared polymeric additives adsorbed more onto the C-steel inter Y0 (ω)n− 1
Cdl = (9)
face also the enhance of resistance performance of the protecting film sin(nπ /2)
owing to the development of double-layer as well as polymer doses [42]. (( i ))
In the Bode graph (log |Z| vs. log f; Fig. 3C) the impedance value rises Rp − R0p
with the polymer addendum as compared to the uninhibited medium, ηI / % = × 100 (10)
which indicates that the rate of corrosion is declined with the inhibitor
injection. where R0p is [Rct +Rf ] in the lack of polymer, and Rip is [Rct +Rf ] in the
To fit the empirical findings, the comparison of precise EIS findings
occurrence of polymer. The impedance parameters including Rp, Cdl, the
(points) measured for C1018-steel in the nonexistence and occurrence of
part of surface coverage (θ) [θ= ηI/100], and ηI/% values are demon
the polymer additive is presented in Fig. 4A and 4B. The proposed
strated in Table 2. It was found that, the Rp was augmented from 39.8 Ω
equivalent circuit model (EQCM) that has been used is revealed in
cm2 to 552.7, 621.8, 686.2, and 780.4 Ω cm2 in the presence of 150 ppm
Fig. 4A and 4B (inset). The fitness accuracy (χ2) of the equivalent circuit
of the PAM-1, PAM-2, PAM-3, and PAM-4, respectively. These findings
is recorded in Table 2. This EQCM that fit the impedance indices in the
indicate that the PAM polymer inhibitors function by adsorption on the
blank and inhibited solutions comprises of Rs as the electrolyte resis
C1018-steel/HCl surface and also affirm that the synthesized PAM
tance, the constant phase element (CPE), in parallel to Rp [Rp (the po
polymers show worthy inhibitive action for the corrosion of C1018-steel
larization resistance) = Rf (film resistance) + Rct (charge transfer
in molar HCl. Furthermore, the maximum Cdl values declined from
resistance)], which is in series to the parallel of Cads as capacitance
679.7 µF cm− 2 to 46.7, 33.7, 24.8, and 19.9 µF cm− 2 in the occurrence of
attributed to the inhibitor adsorption layer and the resistance owing to
150 ppm of the PAM-1, PAM-2, PAM-3, and PAM-4 inhibitors, respec
adsorption of the additive layer (Rads) in the circumstance of inhibited
tively. This decline in Cdl values might be owing to the diminution in
system. The C1018-steel/HCl interface is not performing as a real
dielectric constant and/or upsurge in the double layer thickness than the
capacitor, thus the Cdl as the capacitance of double-layer is frequently
blank, signifying that the PAM polymers work by adsorption at the
substituted by the CPE for the obtainment of an ideal behavior [43]. The
C1018-steel/medium interface. On rise, the defensive layer thickness
CPE impedance could be expressed as follows [44]:
formed with growing inhibitor doses, since more PAM molecules adsorb
ZCPE = [Y0 (jω)n ]− 1
(8) on the C1018-steel interface, resulting in lower Cdl values [46]. The
change in Rct and Cdl values was persuaded by the successive substitu
where j represents the imaginary number, Y0 signifies the CPE magni tion of the adsorbed H2O molecules by the polymer inhibitors on the
tude, ω symbolizes the frequency angular, and n characterizes an C1018-steel interface. This in turn declines the steel anodic reaction
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
+ nH2 O/Cl(ads) →PAM(ads) + nH2 O/Cl(sol) and/orPAM/Cl(ads) + nH2(sol)
The protecting layer designed on the C1018-steel interface coverage
is owing to the adsorption phenomenon. For PAM polymeric inhibitors,
Fig 4. Experimental and fitted Nyquist results of C-steel in uninhibited system the part of surface coverage values (θ) at various concentrations were
(A) and inhibited system (B). Inset equivalent circuits model for fitted to different adsorption isotherm models such as Temkin, Flor
the phenomena. y–Huggins, Frumkin, Freundlich, and Langmuir. By extreme the verified
models the greatest fit was achieved via the isotherm model of Langmuir
[47]. In the current investigation, the polymer concentrations are (as presented in Fig. 5.) that describes inhibitor adsorption route
appropriately high, the part of surface coverage (θ) of adsorbed mole correctly according to the following Eqn. [49]:
cules is enhanced and a high θ is extended. The highest θ was obtained at
Table 2
EIS parameters for C-steel in 1.0 M HCl without and with various concentrations of the as-prepared polymer inhibitors at 298 K.
Inhibitor codes inh/ppm Rs/Ω cm RP/Ω cm2±SD F cm-2 × 10- QCPE χ2× 10–4 θ ηI/%
1 n
s cm-2 n
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
CInh. 1 Table 3
= CInh. + (12)
θ Kads. Langmuir Adsorption parameters for C-steel in molar HCl for PAM polymeric
additives at 298 K using PDP results.
Herein, Kads symbolizes the adsorption-equilibrium constant and Cinh
Inhibitor R2 S=slope Kads (L g − 1
) ΔG0ads /kJg− 1
is the polymer dose expressed in g/L. The correlation coefficient values
(R2) is calculated from the best fitted was found to be in the range of PAM-1 0.9985 0.995 63.45 − 44.51
0.9985, 0.9967, 0.9988, and 0.9983 (Table 3) for the Langmuir isotherm PAM-2 0.9967 1.004 76.04 − 44.95
of PAM-1, PAM-2, PAM-3, and PAM-4, respectively, which also deliv PAM-3 0.9988 0.988 87.95 − 45.32
PAM-4 0.9983 0.957 97.08 45.56
ered the most largest fitting for the empirical findings of PAM com
Fig 5. Langmuir isotherm adsorption mode of (A) PAM-1, (B) PAM-2, (C) PAM-3, and (D) PAM-4 on the C-steel surface in molar HCl at 298 K from PDP
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
Fig 6. PDP diagrams for C-steel in blank 1.0 M HCl solution (A) and containing of 150 ppm PAM-4 at various temperatures (B). Variations of corrosion current
density (C) and inhibition efficiency (D) with temperature.
ΔHaandΔSa values could be intended from the slope and intercept of the corresponding diaminebisthiazole (monomer) [2,3].
relation between log (jcor/T)vs.1/T, respectively. The parameters of Particularly, a comparison of our findings with related polymeric
activation (Ea,ΔHa,andΔSa) for C1018-steel in molar HCl in the nonex inhibitors previously published elsewhere has been completed and
istence and existence of 150 ppm of PAM inhibitors are recorded in documented in Table 5. Azzam et al. [58] investigated the protection
Table 4. action of synthesized polymers based on polyacrylamide (PACM) on
The occurrence of the investigated polymeric additives improved the C1018-steel in HCl by using PDP, EIS, and weight loss approaches. They
energy barrier (Ea) of the impeding system above that of the uninhibited revealed that the protection efficiency in the presence of 800 ppm PACM
medium and subsequently the protection route (Table 4). This rise could was 75.2%. Bereket et al. [59] also inspected impeding the action of
be clarified by the continuing inhibitor molecules adsorption to produce polyvinylbenzyltrimethyl ammonium chloride on C-steel in 0.1 M hy
a barrier layer on C-steel interface. These outcomes indicate a phys drochloric acid by EIS and PDP studies. They reported that the protec
isorption route of PTA additives on the metallic interface [55]. The tion power was an increase by increasing the inhibitor concentrations up
positive ΔHa (enthalpy) sign proves the endothermic mode of the C-steel to a maximum of 94.8% at 1 × 10− 4 M. As another study, Dagdag et al.
corrosion process [56]. The negative ΔSa values (entropy) designate a [60] prepared diamine aromatic epoxy pre-polymers (DAEPs) and
decline in the randomness degree, which happened when the reactants studying its protection behavior on the erosion of C-steel in molar HCl.
are renovated to motivate complexes i.e., the association is preferable Their findings exhibited that, the protection capacity reached a
instead of the dissociation method [55-57]. maximum value of 93.5% in the occurrence of 1 × 10− 3 M of DAEPs.
Furthermore, the inhibitive action of chitosan and maltodextrin poly
mers on the C-steel erosion in acidic chloride medium has been assessed
3.6. Comparison between the protection capacity of the
by Abdallah et al. [61]. The inhibition power value was found to 88.62%
diaminebisthiazole monomer and its polymers and with previous studies
in the existence of 500 ppm. Our findings support the prepared PAM
polymeric materials show promising performance compared to the
The inhibition action of the monomer i.e., diaminebisthiazole (M) on
previous studies with high protection efficiency at a significantly low
the C1018-steel corrosion in molar HCl was performed, in comparison
polymer concentration (91.3% to 98.2% in the presence of 150 ppm of
with the protection accomplishment of the prepared PAM polymers
(PAM-1, PAM-2, PAM-3, and PAM-4) by Tafel polarization and imped
ance investigations at 298±1 K. It was seen that in the inhibited HCl
solutions comprising 150 ppm of diaminebisthiazole (M) and PAM 3.7. Surface morphology studies
polymers, the ηP% value of the diaminebisthiazole (monomer) is 83.4%,
while the ηP% values for PAM-1, PAM-2, PAM-3, and PAM-4 polymeric 3.7.1. FE-SEM/EDX analysis
additives are 91.3%, 93.8%, 96.4%, and 98.2%, respectively, as recor FE-SEM analysis method provides 2D optical knowledge about the
ded in Table 5. The higher protection capacity of the PAM polymeric inhibitor performance toward the electrode corrosion. Fig 8A-C char
additives with respect to the diaminebisthiazole (monomer) might be acterizes the C-steel electrodes in molar hydrochloric acid in the absence
due to the large size of the PAM polymers which shields broad area of and existence of 150 ppm of diaminebisthiazole (monomer) and PAM-4
the C-steel surface i.e. high surface coverage and also to the existence of polymer (as a best polymer additive). The morphology of the C-steel
more highly electron density centers in the polymer molecule than their surface (Fig. 8A, uninhibited medium), shows cracks and pits suggesting
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
Table 5
Comparative table screening the corrosion inhibition capacities of the prepared
PAM polymers and other related polymeric inhibitors.
Substrate Corrosive Dose/inhibitor protection References
Media capacity
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
Fig 8. FE-SEM surface analysis micrograph for C-steel immersed in (A) blank 1.0 M HCl, (B) in the presence of 150 mg/L of diaminebisthiazole (M), and (C) in the
presence of 150 mg/L of PAM-4 polymer at 298 K for 24 hrs and (D, E, and F) EDX analysis at the same conditions.
interface as revealed the thermodynamic outcomes. Moreover, the ELUMO values are − 2.80 and − 2.88 eV for PAM-3 and
PAM-4 (Table 6) lower than PAM-1 and PAM-2, indicating the high
3.8. DFT studies inhibition performance for PAM-3 and PAM-4.
In a similar way, the ΔE (energy gap) is another vital factor to sup
The optimized structure, LUMO and HOMO distribution of monomer port the corrosion protecting proficiency of the PAM molecule which
structure of the polyazomethines in gas phase are represented in Fig. 10, increases as the ΔE value is diminished [67]. As illustrated in Table 6,
and the related quantum chemical indices are found in Table 6. As re PAM-3 and PAM-4 have lower ΔE values (2.06 and 1.97 eV) than PAM-1
ported by the Frontier orbital theory, the interplay between the PAM and PAM-2, which approves a higher affinity for PAM-3 and PAM-4 to be
molecule and metal surface is governed by HOMO and LUMO energies adsorbed on the C1018S surface. Moreover, the small values of elec
[65]. Where, EHOMO is a gage of the molecule capability to provide tronegativity (χ) also offer a high potential reactivity of the PAM mol
electrons, while ELUMO is a gage of the molecule capability to receive ecules to provide electrons to the steel interface [68]. Furthermore, the
electrons [66]. Therefore, the corrosion inhibition performance is global hardness (η) and softness (σ) are vital features that assess the
enhanced for an inhibitor molecule that has large EHOMO and small stability and reactivity of the molecule. Where, the soft molecules are
ELUMO values. In a similar way, great corrosion protection capacity was highly reactive than hard molecules due to the effortlessly providing of
recommended for an inhibitor molecule has low value of the energy gap electrons to the metal surface during the adsorption [69]. According to
between LUMO and HOMO energy (∆E) result a small energy is required Table 6, it was found that PAM-3 and PAM-4 have higher σ values and
to offer an electron from EHOMO to ELUMO. lower η values than PAM-1 and PAM-2, indicating easily offering elec
According to Table 6, PAM-3 and PAM-4 have the largest EHOMO trons to metal surface and high inhibition performance.
value of − 4.86 and − 4.85 eV as compared to PAM-1 and PAM-2. As The ΔN values measure the capability of the PAM to provide elec
revealed in Fig. 10, for the PAM molecules, it is noticeable that the trons, and the larger ΔN value, the larger electron donation capability of
HOMO level is localized over the thiazole and imine moieties, signifying the inhibitor molecule. In accordance with Lukovits’s study [70], when
that the N- atoms are the favored location for electrophilic attacks on the ΔN < 3.6, the inhibition performance enhances with higher electron
steel interface. This approach enhances the adsorption capacity of PAM donation capability. According to the assessed values of ΔN are repre
molecules on the surface of C1018 steel and hence, boosts the protection sented in Table 6, the higher ΔN values for PAM-3 and PAM-4 (1.54 and
efficiency, which is in great concord with the empirical results. 1.59) than PAM-1 and PAM-2. This suggests that PAM-3 and PAM-4
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
PAM-2, the atoms C(1), N(3), N(6), C(8), C(9), C(11), C(12), C(13), C
(14), N(17), N(18), C(20), C(21), C(22) of PAM-3 and the atoms C(1), N
(3), N(6), C(8), C(9), C(10), C(11), C(13), C(14), C(15), N(18), N(19), C
(21), C(22) of PAM-4 are active sites located on thiazole, imine and
phenyl moieties, possess the capability of offering electrons as they
interplay with the steel interface.
The MEP mapping is regarded as an important 3D view tool to
discriminate the net electrostatic impact formed over a molecule from
the total charge distribution [75]. As displayed in Fig. 11, the red colors
describe the greatest electron density, where MEP is the highest negative
(nucleophilic reaction). In contrast, the blue colors portray the
maximum positive region (electrophilic reaction) [76]. As evidenced in
Fig. 11, the highest negative (red color) regions are mainly over N atoms
in thiazole and imine moieties, while the lesser density (green color)
over the phenyl moieties in PAM molecules. On the contrary, MEP
revealed the maximum positive (blue color) region methyl moieties in
PAM molecules. The positions with great electron density in PAM mol
ecules would be the most suitable for interplay with the C1018 steel
3.9. MC simulation
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
Fig 10. The optimized molecular structures, HOMO and LUMO for the monomer structure of PAM polymers using DFT caculations in the gas phase .
Table 6
The calculated quantum chemical parameters for the monomer structure of PAM
polymers in the gas phase.
Parameters Compound PAM-1 PAM-2 PAM-3 PAM-4
(i) The mechanism of anodic dissolution reaction for C1018 steel is:
Fe + Cl− ⇌(FeCl− )ads (16)
H.M. Abd El-Lateef et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101037
Fig 12. The most suitable adsorption configuration for the monomer structure of PAM polymers on Fe (1 1 0) substrate obtained by adsorption locator module.
Table 7
Data and descriptors calculated by the Mont Carlo simulation (MC) for the
adsorption of the monomer structure of PAM polymers on iron (1 1 0). In the presence of PAM polymers, which have several active sites for the
Systems Adsorption Rigid Deformation dEads/ dEads/
adsorption process, various approaches of adsorption may occur in the
energy/kcal adsorption energy/kcal dNi: PAM dNi: inhibition phenomena including PAM polymers on steel surface as
mol− 1 energy/kcal mol− 1 kcal Water subsequent:
mol− 1 mol− 1 kcal
mol− 1
(a) The PAM polymers in the acid solution can be protonated as
Fe − 4722.48 − 4964.62 242.14 − 57.32 − 17.82 follows:
PAM-1 PAM + xH + ⇌[PAMHx ]x+ (23)
Fe − 4811.81 − 5056.98 245.17 − 163.06 − 17.74
Water Therefore, the PAM molecules in acidic solutions exist as
Fe − 4876.97 − 5124.24 247.27 − 174.92 − 17.58 [PAMHx]x+. According to previously published researches, the C1018
(110) steel interface in hydrochloric acid solution is positively charged [81].
So, Cl− ions firstly adsorb onto the positively charged C1018 steel sur
Fe − 4888.23 − 5137.81 249.58 − 200.47 − 17.69 face based on reaction (16). Subsequently, the PAM molecules adsorb
(110) via electrostatic attraction between the negatively charged C1018 steel
PAM-4 surface (FeCl− )ads and positively charged PAM molecules [PAMHx]x+
and create a protective adsorbed layer (i.e., physisorption). Thereby, the
oxidation reaction of (FeCl− )ads as demonstrated by reaction steps from
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