1 s2.0 S0021979719312196 Main
1 s2.0 S0021979719312196 Main
1 s2.0 S0021979719312196 Main
g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Hypothesis: In the present time, there is enormous need for environmentally friendly and effective cor-
Received 11 July 2019 rosion inhibitor for the acidizing process. During acidization 15% hydrochloric acid is used, which causes
Revised 10 October 2019 corrosion of N80 steel.
Accepted 11 October 2019
Experiments: The present study aims at the synthesis of environmentally benign corrosion inhibitor,
Available online 18 October 2019
namely 2-amino-4-(5-hydroxy-3-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-yl)-4H-chromene-3-carbonitrile (PCP), and cor-
rosion inhibition evaluation for N80 steel in 15% HCl. The inhibition potential of PCP was examined by
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), potentiodynamic polarization (PDP), density functional
N80 steel
Green inhibitor
theory (DFT), and molecular dynamics simulation (MSD). The surface morphology of N80 steel samples
Acidization was characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle measurement, UV–vis spectroscopy,
SEM/AFM and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
DFT/MSD Findings: The EIS measurements disclosed that PCP inhibits corrosion via kinetic controlled process. PDP
results confirmed that PCP is a mixed type inhibitor and reduces the corrosion process effectively at
400 mg/L concentration with 98.4% efficiency. The adsorption of PCP followed Langmuir isotherm.
Surface analysis by SEM, AFM, contact angle measurement, and UV–vis spectroscopy supports PCP
adsorption over the N80 steel surface. The DFT study explores the adsorption and reactive regions of
the PCP molecules. The MSD reveals that the diffusion co-efficient of the corrosive species in inhibited
solution is less as compared to uninhibited.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: kashif.ansari@kfupm.edu.sa (K.R. Ansari).
0021-9797/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
226 A. Singh et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 560 (2020) 225–236
towards surface heterogeneity, respectively [33]. CPE values are 9 chlorine (Cl-), 9 hydronium (H3O+) ions along with 1 inhibitor
used for the estimation of double-layer capacitance (Cdl) and are molecule (PCP) of neutral or protonated forms, and both forms
given as follows [34]: together. The solvent layers of each simulation were collected with
the iron layer in one simulation box (25.22 25.22 39.62 Å3)
C dl ¼ Y 0 ðxmax Þn1 ð4Þ
and optimized before MDS [44]. The simulation was done using
where xmax = 2p fmax, fmax represents the maximum impedance the COMPASS force field [45] and the NVT canonical ensemble at
value (Zim) at the imaginary axis. 303 K temperature [46]. The Eq. (7) was used for interaction energy
and binding energy estimation [47]:
2.4. Surface studies
Eintraction ¼ Etotal ðEsurfaceþsolution þ Einhibitor Þ ð7Þ
N80 steel coupons were immersed in 15% HCl for 24 h at 308 K In the above equation, Einhibitor is the inhibitor molecule total
without and with optimum PCP concentration i.e., 400 mg/L. The energy alone, Esurfaceþsolution represents Fe(1 1 0) surface total energy
surface of N80 steel was analyzed by Ziess Evo 50 XVP scanning combined with solution energy without inhibitor molecule, and
electron microscope (SEM), at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV Etotal corresponds to system total energy.
and magnification of 1 KX. The AFM was done by NT-MDT multi- Radial distribution function (RDF) is given as follows [48]:
mode atomic force microscope having an NOVA program. The
1 X
scanning area of steel coupons were 5 lm 5 lm. 1 dðr ij rÞ
g AB ðrÞ ¼ ð8Þ
The UV–vis spectra were recorded using a Jasco V-770 UV–vis hqB ilocal NA i2A j2B 4pr2
spectrophotometer. A dynamic sessile drop method was used for
the contact angle measurement at 308 K temperature. where qB local is the averaged particle density of B around particle A.
The amorphous cell module of Material Studio software was
2.5. Quantum chemical calculations used for the estimation of mean square displacement (MSD). The
calculation was done taking 1 inhibitor molecules, and 30Cl- or
The atomic-level PCP analysis was achieved using Density Func- H3O+. Ewald summation technique was used for electrostatic inter-
tional Theory (DFT) with the help of the Gaussian 09W program action computation [49]. MSD was calculated using the below
[35]. The calculation was done using 6-31 G (d, p) basis set and equation [50]:
B3LYP correlation functional [36]. The presence of most dominant " #
1 XN
PCP forms in the corrosive environment was predicted by MSDðtÞ ¼ jRi ðtÞ Ri ð0Þj ð9Þ
Chemicalize-Instant Cheminformatics Solutions Software in the N i¼1
pH range of 0–14 [37]. The pH of the acid solution in the present
The following equation was used for diffusion coefficients esti-
investigation is 0.8. Some important parameters like (EHOMO),
mation [51]:
(ELUMO) and (DE) that are the highest occupied molecular orbital
energy, lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy and energy 1 dMSDðtÞ
D¼ lim ð10Þ
gap was calculated. The quantitative estimation of the amount of 6 t!1 dt
electrons transfer (DN) was computed and discussed. The real pic-
Here, Ri ðtÞis the position vector of corrosive particle at time t
ture of corrosive media was achieved by applying the solvent effect
and Ri ð0Þis the position vector of corrosive particle at time 0. The
using a Polarized continuum model (PCM) during the simulation
ensemble average of MSD is given by the term jRi ðtÞ Ri ð0Þj2 . The
process. In this model, the water acts continuum phase of solvent
total number of target molecules is represented by N. This is the
whose dielectric constant is 78.54. The DFT results were visualized
most straightforward approach to boost the understanding of the
using Gauss View 5 [38].
inhibitor-film behavior when it gets in contact with corrosive
The mathematical equation used for the estimation of electron
transferred (DN) was analyzed as per Eq. (5): [39]
/ vinh
DN ¼ ð5Þ 3. Results and discussion
2ðgFe þ ginh Þ
where / represents the magnitude of work function with a value of 3.1. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
4.82 [40]. vinh corresponds to PCP electronegativity. The iron sur-
face and PCP absolute hardness are denoted by ƞFe and ƞinh, The impedance data obtained from the EIS measurements were
respectively. used for the construction of Nyquist and Bode/phase angle plots
The UCA-FUKUI v 1.0 software was used for Fukui function esti- and are represented in Fig. 2a–b. According to Fig. 2a, Nyquist plots
mation [41]. The nucleophilic and electrophilic sites presenting on have a single depressed capacitive semicircle with the center is
the inhibitor molecules are given by (f–k) and (f+k), respectively. The- under the real axis, which represents a general charge transfer con-
oretically, Fukui function (fk) is written as follows: trolled corrosion reaction process [52]. The occurrence of the
! depressed semicircle is due to the heterogeneous nature of the
@ qð r Þ tubular N80 steel [53]. The impedance curves shape is similar both
fk ¼ ð6Þ
@N ! without and with PCP, suggesting the same mechanism of N80
steel dissolution [54]. However, the size or diameter of semicircle
! !
where qð r Þ, N and tð r Þrepresents the electron density, a constant increases with the increment of PCP concentration, which signifies
and external potential, respectively. that with the addition of PCP, deterioration of tubular steel
decreases [54]. This is because of the adsorption of PCP molecules,
2.6. Molecular dynamics simulation which minimizes the active corrosion sites presenting on the metal
Molecular dynamics simulations (MDS) were performed using The extraction of impedance parameters was done by fitting the
the Materials studio package [42]. The choice of Fe (1 1 0) plane Nyquist plots using the equivalent circuit, as shown in Fig. 2c. The
is based on its highly packed structure and high stabilization obtained impedance parameters such as solution resistance (Rs),
energy [43]. The calculation was done taking 491 water molecules, charge transfer resistance (Rct), phase shift (n) CPE constant (Y0),
228 A. Singh et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 560 (2020) 225–236
Table 1
Electrochemical impedance parameters of N80 steel in 15% HCl at different concentrations of PCP at 308 K.
Cinh (mg/L) Rs (X) Rp (X cm2) Y0 (lF/cm2) n Cdl mF/cm2 s (s) ao gEIS (%)
Blank 0.82 5.404 ± 0.22 603 0.755 134.2 0.00159 39.09 –
50 2.65 39.18 ± 1.02 300 0.772 91.7 0.00414 52.53 86.2
100 0.80 53.7 ± 0.77 242 0.799 88.1 0.00509 61.40 89.9
200 0.509 78.1 ± 0.94 154 0.807 60.8 0.00637 61.74 93.0
300 2.094 108.4 ± 0.88 118 0.840 56.0 0.00796 64.54 95.0
400 0.976 346.1 ± 1.25 64 0.889 39.9 0.01273 66.99 98.4
A. Singh et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 560 (2020) 225–236 229
shown in Fig. 3 at 308 K. The corrosion parameters such as corro- where R, T, and 55.5 are gas constant, the temperature of the sys-
sion potential (Ecorr), anodic Tafel slope (ba), cathodic Tafel slope tem, and water molecules concentration in molar. Negative values
(bc), corrosion current density (icorr) and percentage inhibition effi- of DG0ads indicated the spontaneity of the adsorption process. The
ciency (g%) were calculated and listed in Table 2. The analysis of values DG0ads are between 40 and 20 kJ mol1 that corresponds
Fig. 3, suggests that both anodic as well as cathodic Tafel curves to the existence of dual adsorption process i.e., physical and the
were shifted towards the lower current density with increasing chemical.
the concentration of the PCP, indicating that addition of PCP slows
down both the anodic N80 steel corrosion and cathodic hydrogen 3.4. Surface morphological analysis
evolution reactions simultaneously. This reveals the mixed nature
of corrosion inhibition performance of PCP. 3.4.1. Scanning electron microscopy
Table 2 reveals that the value of corrosion current density (icorr) SEM micrographs without and with the addition of PCP are
decreases as the concentration of PCP increases suggesting that the depicted in Fig. 5(a,b). The morphological appearance of N80 steel
PCP molecules adsorbed on the N80 steel surface. The values of without the addition of PCP reveals a severally damaged surface
anodic and cathodic Tafel slopes without and with PCP addition (Fig. 5a). However, the addition of PCP makes the N80 steel surface
are more or less the same, which reveals that PCP addition doesn’t morphology almost smooth. This is due to the adsorption of PCP
alter the corrosion inhibition mechanism, and its adsorbed merely over the N80 steel surface (Fig. 5b).
by obstructing the active sites presenting over the N80 steel sur-
face [63]. Also, the inhibition performance of PCP increases as the 3.4.2. Atomic force microscopy
concentration increased. It is important to note that the addition The AFM micrographs of the metal surface are depicted in Fig. 5
of PCP causes a minor change in the values of Ecorr, thereby sug- (c, d). The N80 steel surface morphology is highly damaged with-
gesting the mixed nature of PCP inhibition action. out adding PCP (Fig. 5c), and the surface roughness is 51.4 nm.
Although, the addition of PCP (Fig. 5d) makes the surface smooth,
3.3. Adsorption isotherm and average roughness decreased to 8.3 nm.
The interaction mode between the corrosion inhibitors and the 3.4.3. UV–vis spectroscopic analysis
metal surface can be analyzed by understanding the adsorption The spectrum of PCP solution in 15% HCl before and after
isotherms. In the present study, Langmuir, Temkin, Frumkin, Flow- immersion of the N80 steel sample is shown in Fig. 6. It is clear that
ery Huggins, and Freundlich isotherms were tested (Given in sup- in the presence of PCP without immersing N80 steel, three absorp-
plementary file Fig. S3). The fitting accuracy of Langmuir isotherm tion bands at 217.86 nm, 256.58 nm-276.84 nm and 326.68 nm
was best over the range of experimental data and mathematically were observed, which are due to the n ? p* transition, p ? p*
is given as follows [63,64]: transition and intramolecular charge transfers, respectively [66].
C=h ¼ 1=K þ C ð13Þ The absorbance band at 217.86 nm is decreased in case of PCP
+ N80 steel solution. The band at 256.58 nm undergoes a blue shift
where C is PCP concentration (mM), h is surface coverage, and Kads is
and appears at 252.00 nm with higher absorbance. The band at
equilibrium adsorption constant.
276.84 nm has disappeared. Also, a band at 330.35 nm appeared
The surface coverage data was taken from EIS and PDP for plot-
with higher absorbance. The significant change in the characteris-
ting Langmuir isotherm. It can be observed that in each case, a plot
tics of the electronic spectrum indicates the possible formation of
of C vs. C=h gives a linear graph, with a correlation coefficient (R2)
an inhibitor-metal complex.
and slope values near to 1 (Fig. 4). The intercept values were used
for Kads calculation (Table S1 in the Supplementary information).
3.4.4. Contact angle measurement
The below equation represents the relationship between the
The difference in hydrophobicity of N80 steel without and with
Kads and standard free energy of adsorption (DG0ads ) [65]: PCP was analyzed via contact angle measurements, as shown in
Fig. 7. In the absence of PCP, the contact angle value is 29.31°,
DG0ads ¼ - RTlnð55:5Kads Þ ð14Þ
which corresponds to the hydrophilic nature of the tubular N80
steel surface [67]. However, as the concentration of PCP increased
from 50 mg/L to 400 mg/L, the contact angle rises from 50.25° to
112.99°. This increase in contact angle with increasing PCP concen-
tration reveals that the wettability of the N80 steel surface reduced
and surface becomes hydrophobic due to PCP adsorption and film
formation onto the metal surface [68].
Table 2
Electrochemical polarization parameters in absence and presence of different concentrations of PCP at 308 K.
Inhibitor (mg/L) Ecorr (mV/SCE) icorr (lA/cm2) Βa (mV/dec) bc (mV/dec) gPDP (%)
Blank 443 1630 ± 1.63 86 101 –
50 412 274 ± 2.86 93 133 83.1
100 400 209 ± 2.05 80 125 87.1
200 403 183 ± 2.86 83 144 88.7
300 407 154 ± 1.63 77 134 90.5
400 420 113 ± 1.24 105 161 93.1
EHþ ¼ EðH3Oþ Þ EðH2 OÞ ð16Þ The HOMO regions of PCP are residing onto pyrazole and pyran
rings, an amine group (ANH2), hydroxyl group (AOH), and nitrile
The higher negative is the value of PA, more would be its nucle-
group (ACN) for the neutral form of PCP, while in protonated form
ophilic character, and thus more reactive is that site. In the present
of PCP it is on the pyrazole ring and AOH group. However, the
case ANH2, ACN and AOH has the most negative Mulliken charge
LUMO regions in neutral PCP are distributed on the pyran and phe-
values (Table S2 in the Supplementary information). Therefore, the
nyl ring, ANH2 and ACN groups, whereas in protonated PCP LUMO
PA of these sites was calculated and tabulated in Table S3. Accord-
regions are scattered on the pyran ring, phenyl ring and ANH2
ing to the table ANH2 has the most negative value of PA, which
group. The discussion related to Fukui indices is given in the Sup-
reveals that this is the most preferred site for protonation. The
plementary information along with the data of Fukui indices as
result of PA is also supporting the theoretically obtained result
Table S3.
by Chemaxon software [70].
The quantum chemical parameters and molecular orbitals dis-
(b) Molecular electrostatic potential analysis
tribution are given in Table 3 and Fig. 9(a–f).
The most stable metallic state of iron is Fe (1 1 0), which has a
The local reactivity center presenting in the inhibitor molecule
BCC structure [71]. According to Huang et al., the atomic cluster of
can be predicted using a molecular electrostatic potential (MEP)
five-iron atom, i.e., Fe5, has the values of 5.075 eV and 1.747 eV
plot, which is based on the isoelectron density surface. Computa-
for EHOMO and ELUMO, respectively. According to FMO, binding of
tionally the calculation of molecular electrostatic potential V(r)
PCP (inhibitor molecules) over iron depends upon the interaction
existing between the nucleus and electron of the inhibitor mole-
between EHOMO and ELUMO of inhibitor molecules and iron [72]. In
cules are given by the below equation:
general, lower the energy gap (DE) between EHOMO and ELUMO of
interacting species, stronger will be the interactions, which leads X qNucleus Z qðr 0 Þdr 0
to stronger adsorption [73]. VðrÞ ¼ A
j RA r j jr 0 r j
In Table 3, the energy gap between EHOMO of the iron atom clus-
ter and ELUMO of the PCP molecule is represented by DE1. Moreover, where q(r) represents the electronic density function of the mole-
the DE2 corresponds to the energy gap between EHOMO of the PCP cule with a charge qNucleus
A . On the nucleus A located at a distance
and ELUMO of the iron atom cluster. In other words, DE1 corre- RA. The calculation of MEP plots of neutral and protonated PCP
sponds to the donation of an electron from the iron atom cluster molecules was calculated using the B3LYP/6-31G (d, p) level of the-
to inhibitor molecules, i.e., back donation. However, DE2 corre- ory and shown in Fig. 9(g,h). The electron-donating regions are rep-
spond to donation of electron from PCP to iron atom cluster, i.e., resented by a red color that has significant negative values of the
direct contribution. potential, while the electron-accepting areas are presented by blue
According to Table 3, in the neutral form of inhibitor, the values colors that have large positive values. The other colors like orange,
of DE2 is lower than DE1, which reveals the electron-donating yellow, and green, represent intermediate values of the potential. It
A. Singh et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 560 (2020) 225–236 231
Fig. 5. SEM images (a) In absence of PCP (b) in the presence of PCP; and AFM images (c) in the absence of PCP; and (d) in the presence of PCP.
is evident from Fig. 9, in case of neutral PCP molecule, red regions understand the underlying adsorption mechanisms and the inter-
are located on nitrogen and oxygen atoms of pyrazole, pyran, active forces of the tested inhibitor, which can overcome many of
ACN, ANH2, and AOH. Whereas, the blue areas are on hydrogen the limitations of quantum chemical-based methods. Herein, the
atoms of pyrazole and pyran rings. However, after protonation, simulation of the interaction between the inhibitor molecule in
almost the whole PCP molecule becomes blue, and the intensity its neutral and protonated form with the iron surface can yield use-
of the blue color is more over the protonated ANH2 group. The ful information on how these changes influence its interactive
results obtained from MEP suggest that electron-rich centers like forces. Fig. 10 presents the optimized adsorption configurations
nitrogen and oxygen atoms of PCP interact with the electron- of the neutral (PCP-2), protonated (PCP-1), and both forms (PCP)
deficient center of the tubular N80 steel, whereas, the electron- of the inhibitor molecule on the Fe(1 1 0) surface.
deficient center accepts electrons from the electron-rich regions In three simulated systems, i.e., neutral (PCP-2), protonated
of the tubular N80 steel. (PCP-1) and both neutral and protonated (PCP), we observe that
the inhibitor molecule showed a strong binding affinity towards
3.5.2. Molecular dynamics simulation the iron surface and significant part of its molecular skeleton has
In the following paragraphs, we utilize molecular dynamic sim- nearly flat or parallel adsorption over the iron surface. A close
ulation strategy to discover hidden factors that can help us to inspection of the results showed that the protonated form exhib-
232 A. Singh et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 560 (2020) 225–236
Fig. 7. Contact angle (a) In absence of PCP (b) at 50 mg/L of PCP (c) at 100 mg/L of PCP (d) at 200 mg/L of PCP (e) at 300 mg/L of PCP (f) at 400 mg/L of PCP.
A. Singh et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 560 (2020) 225–236 233
Table 3
Energy order of the frontier molecular orbitals.
Inhibitor (mg/L) EHOMO (eV) ELUMO (eV) DE1 (eV) DE2 (eV) DN (%)
Fe5 5.075 1.747 – – –
PCP 5.452 0.441 4.634 3.705 0.373
PCP* 6.170 2.218 2.857 4.423 0.158
Fig. 9. Neutral PCP (a) Optimized geometry (b) HOMO (c) LUMO; Protonated PCP (a) Optimized geometry (b) HOMO (c) LUMO; Molecular Electrostatic Potential diagrams of
(g) Neutral PCP (h) Protonated PCP.
mon et al. [75] have investigated the corrosion inhibition of inhibitors as well as nanocomposites in the acidizing environment
N-(2-(2-pentadecyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-1-YL) ethyl) palmi- [17–20,78]. The ability of PCP to inhibit corrosion is 98.4% at only
tamide in 15% HCl and obtained the corrosion inhibition efficiency 400 mg/L concentration. Τhe Langmuir isotherm perfectly
(IE%) of 97.48%. Yadav et al. [76] explored the corrosion inhibition describes the PCP adsorption. The spontaneity of adsorption was
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4. Conclusions tonation site is ANH2 group that is correlating the theoretically
obtained results. MDS study reveals that the combined forms of
The corrosion inhibition performance of PCP at low concentra- neutral and protonated PCP interacted strongly with the metal sur-
tion is better than the earlier reported heterocyclic organic face than neutral and protonated alone. Additionally, the MSD
234 A. Singh et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 560 (2020) 225–236
Fig. 10. Side and top views of the adsorption of the PCP on the Fe (1 1 0) surface in solution.
result suggests that diffusion coefficient values of corrosive parti- potential candidate during the acidizing process. In the future, the
cles, i.e., chloride and hydronium ions, in PCP films are very small performance of PCP for high-temperature wells can further
compared to that in water. The developed inhibitor (PCP) can be a enhanced by developing new formulations using PCP as a core
A. Singh et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 560 (2020) 225–236 235
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