T1403-Constitutional Law II
T1403-Constitutional Law II
T1403-Constitutional Law II
Semester III
Constitutional Law II
Course Name: Constitutional Law II
Number of Credits: 4
Level: 4
Learning Objective(s):
1. To understand the theory of Separation of Powers, its practical relevance and the doctrine of
checks and balances
2. To understand the nature of the Government and Governance in India
3.To understand the role, powers and functioning of the various organs of the government as
embedded in the Constitution of India
4. To understand the relationship between the various organs of the government and the
centre and the state governments
Learning Outcomes:
1. The students will be able to understand how the government functions in practice
2. The students will be able to identify the problems or the issues which hinder the smooth
functioning of the government and come up with probable solutions of the same
3. The students will be able to comprehend the current issues of governance in a more
adequate and channelized manner
1. Seminar
2. Lecture
3. Discussion
4. Self Study
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Pursing BA/BBA LL.B or 3 year LL.B programme
Course Outline
Total 60
Suggested Readings:
Durga Das Basu, Shorter Constitution of India, Vol. 1 & 2 14th edition Lexis
NexisButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur, (2009)
Granville Austin, The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation, Oxford University Press,
Granville Austin, Working A Democratic Constitution: A History of the Indian Experience,
Oxford, (2000)
Jain M. P., Indian Constitutional Law, Wadhwa and Company, Nagpur, 5th edition (2007)
Khanna H. R., Making of India's Constitution, Eastern Book Co., 2nd Ed (2008)
Noorani A. G., Constitutional Questions in India, Oxford University Press, (2000)
Pandey J. N., Constitutional Law of India, Central Law Agency, 44th edition (2007)
Reddy O. Chinnappa, The Court and the Constitution of India, Summits and Shallows, Oxford
University Press, (2008)
Report of the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution Vol. I,
Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., (2002)
Academic Year 2018-19
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Seervai H. M., Constitutional Law of India, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 Universal Law Publishing Co.
Pvt. Ltd., 4th edition (1993)
Verma S. K. and Kusum (Editors) Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, Fifty Years of the Supreme
Court of India, Its Grasp and Reach,Oxford University Press, (2006)
All external courses will have 60% internal component and 40% external component
[University] examination.Methodology of Internal Assessment will be at least 4 components
from the following list of assessment methods:
Seminar Presentations
One written test
Viva Voce
Project, Group projects and Dissertations
Cases and open problems
Work based Assessment
Multiple choice Questions
Short Answer Questions
Learning logs/ diaries
Computer based Assessment
Single Essay Examination
Reflective practice Assignments
Modified Essay Questions
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Name of
Org. / Inst.