Rode Duivel Bingo
Rode Duivel Bingo
Rode Duivel Bingo
Safety First!
Before you print all your bingo cards, please print a test page to check they come out the right size and color.
Your bingo cards start on Page 3 of this PDF.
If your bingo cards have words then please check the spelling carefully.
Once you've checked they are printing correctly, print off your bingo cards and start playing! On the next page
you will find the "Bingo Caller's Card" - this is used to call the bingo and keep track of which words have been
called. Your bingo cards start on Page 3.
Virtual Bingo
Please do not try to split this PDF into individual bingo cards to send out to players. We have tools on our site to
send out links to individual bingo cards. For help go to
If you're having trouble printing your bingo cards or using the bingo card generator then please go to where you will find solutions to most common problems.
Pin these bingo cards on Pinterest, share on Facebook, or post this link:
The terms of use for these printable bingo cards can be found at
Have Fun!
If you have any feedback or suggestions, drop us an email on
Bingo Caller's Card
Use your Bingo Caller's Card to call the bingo and keep track of which words you have already called.
Print two copies of the caller's card. Cut one copy up, fold the squares in half, and put them in a hat. To call the
bingo, pull a square out of the hat, unfold it and read it out.
When you have called a word/number, tick it off on the second copy of the caller's card. You can use the second
copy of the caller's card to check if a player has a winning card during a game.
Nog een Carrasco Close up van Lukaku Bal voor "Die Feitje
slechte laat zijn Oostenrijkse
supporter in
mist doel,
Lukaku over Eden
controle man traditionele open geen volk
mekaar" scoort Hazard
Lukaku lopen klederdracht kans in de 16 die stopt
Bingo Card ID 005 Bingo Card ID 006
Slechte Duivel Feitje Carrasco Iets over Nog een Close up van
pas, zingt over Eden laat zijn het stadion
Lukaku slechte Oostenrijkse
supporter in
duim volkslied Hazard man uitverkocht scoort controle traditionele
omhoog niet mee die stopt lopen is Lukaku klederdracht
"Die Nog een Slechte Bal voor De Close up van Iets over
slechte pas, doel, 151ste stream Oostenrijkse het stadion
kennen geen volk
interland supporter in dat
controle duim Vertonghen loopt traditionele uitverkocht
mekaar" Lukaku omhoog in de 16 vast klederdracht is
Bingo Card ID 021 Bingo Card ID 022