In this article you'll find Swami Vivekananda's quotes and comments on children. Please
note, here we'll include only those quotes which are directly related to children. That means
in this article you'll not find quotes like—
✘ "Do you think these Sannyasin children of Shri Ramakrishna are born simply to sit
under trees lighting Dhuni - fires?. . ."
✘ "Feel, my children, feel; feel for the poor, the ignorant, the downtrodden; feel till the
heart stops and the brain reels and you. . ."
If I had a child I would from its very birth begin to tell it, "Thou art the Pure One". You
have read in one of the Puranas that beautiful story of queen Madâlasâ, how as soon as she
has a child she puts her baby with her own hands in the cradle, and how as the cradle rocks
to and fro, she begins to sing, "Thou art the Pure One the Stainless, the Sinless, the Mighty
One, the Great One." Ay, there is much in that. Feel that you are great and you become
How many thousands of students I know who live upon the worst food possible, and live
amidst the most horrible surroundings, what wonder that there are so many idiots,
imbeciles and cowards among them. They die like flies. The education that is given is
onesided, weakening, it is killing by inches. The children are made to cram too much of
useless matter, and are incarcerated in school rooms fifty or seventy in each, five hours
together. They are given bad food. It is forgotten that the future health of the man is in the
child. It is forgotten that nature can never be cheated and things cannot be pushed too early.
In giving education to a child the law of growth has to be obeyed. And we must learn to
wait. Nothing is more important than that the child must have a strong and healthy body.
The body is the first thing to attain to virtue. I know we are the poorest nation in the world,
and we cannot afford to do much. We can only work on the lines of least resistance. We
should see at least that our children are well fed. The machine of the child's body should
never be exhausted. In Europe and America a man with crores of rupees sends his son if
sickly, to the farmers, to till the ground. After three years he returns to the father healthy,
rosy and strong. Then he is fit to be sent to school. We ought not for these reasons push the
present system of education any further.
None loves the children for the children; but because one loves the Self, therefore one
loves the children. . .
On Child Psychology
According to Swami Vivekananda—[Source]
Each man in his childhood runs through the stages through which his race has come up;
only the race took thousands of years to do it, while the child takes a few years. The child
is first the old savage man — and he crushes a butterfly under his feet. The child is at first
like the primitive ancestors of his race. As he grows, he passes through different stages
until he reaches the development of his race. Only he does it swiftly and quickly.
We notice children are sometimes "instinctively afraid". Swamiji told while commenting
on Patanjali's Yoga Sutra—[Source]
We have seen that all our knowledge, whether we call it perception, or reason, or instinct,
must come through that one channel called experience, and all that we now call instinct is
the result of past experience, degenerated into instinct and that instinct regenerates into
reason again. So on throughout the universe, and upon this has been built one of the chief
arguments for reincarnation in India. The recurring experiences of various fears, in course
of time, produce this clinging to life. That is why the child is instinctively afraid, because
the past experience of pain is there in it.
"Where shall it fall?" — a story
From Jnana Yoga—[Source]
In a certain school a number of little children were being examined. The examiner had
foolishly put all sorts of difficult questions to the little children. Among others there was
this question: "Why does not the earth fall ?" His intention was to bring out the idea of
gravitation or some other intricate scientific truth from these children. Most of them could
not even understand the question, and so they gave all sorts of wrong answers. But one
bright little girl answered it with another question: "Where shall it fall?" The very question
of the examiner was nonsense on the face of it. There is no up and down in the universe;
the idea is only relative. So it is with regard to the soul; the very question of birth and death
in regard to it is utter nonsense. Who goes and who comes? Where are you not? Where is
the heaven that you are not in already? Omnipresent is the Self of man. Where is it to go?
Where is it not to go? It is everywhere.