Path Integral Action of A Particle in A Magnetic Field in The Noncommutative Plane and The Aharonov-Bohm Effect

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Path integral action of a particle in a magnetic field in the noncommutative

plane and the Aharonov-Bohm effect

Article in Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical · September 2013

DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/47/7/075301 · Source: arXiv


9 197

2 authors:

Sunandan Gangopadhyay Frederik G Scholtz

National Institute for Theoretical Physics Stellenbosch University


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Path integral action of a particle in a magnetic field in the noncommutative plane and
the Aharonov-Bohm effect
Sunandan Gangopadhyaya,b,c∗ , Frederik G Scholtz a,d†
National Institute for Theoretical Physics (NITheP), Stellenbosch 7602, South Africa
Department of Physics, West Bengal State University, Barasat, Kolkata 700126, India
Visiting Associate in Inter University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune 411007, India
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch 7602, South Africa

The formulation of noncommutative quantum mechanics as a quantum system represented in the

space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators is used to systematically derive, using the standard time slicing
procedure, the path integral action for a particle moving in the noncommutative plane and in the
presence of a magnetic field and an arbitrary potential. Using this action, the equation of motion and
the ground state energy for the partcle are obtained explicitly. The Aharonov-Bohm phase is derived
using a variety of methods and several dualities between this system and other commutative and
noncommutative systems are demonstrated. Finally, the equivalence of the path integral formulation
arXiv:1309.3144v2 [hep-th] 8 Jan 2014

with the noncommutative Schrödinger equation is also established.

PACS numbers: 11.10.Nx

The idea of noncommutative spacetime [1] and its possible physical consequences in quantum mechanics [2]-[17], field
theories [18]-[24] as well as their phenomenological implications in the standard model of particle physics [25]-[31]
has been an active area of research for quite some time. Futhermore, the framework of noncommutative geometry
[32] provides a useful mathematical setting for the analysis of matrix models in string theory [33]. In a recent paper
[34], attention has been paid to the formal and interpretational aspects of noncommutative quantum mechanics. It
has been discussed that noncommutative quantum mechanics can be viewed as a quantum system represented in the
space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators acting on noncommutative configuration space. Based on this formalism, the path
integral formulation and derivation of the action for a particle moving in a noncommutative plane was done in [35]
using coherent states. The results obtained were indeed found to be in agreement with those found by other means
[11], [34]. It is worth mentioning that the noncommutative version of the path integral was also derived in [36] but it
did not reflect the breaking of the time reversal symmetry that one would expect. The same trick of using coherent
states to define the propagation kernel was employed in [37], however, the final expressions for the propagator and the
resulting physics were quite different from [36]. In [38], a phase-space path integral formulation of noncommutative
quantum mechanics was carried out and its equivalence to the operatorial formulation was shown. However, the
explicit form of the action derived in [35] was not obtained here.
In this paper, we proceed to derive the path integral representation and the action for a particle in a magnetic field
moving in a noncommutative plane. From this action, we obtain the equation of motion for the particle and compute
the ground state energy for the particle in a magnetic field in the presence of a harmonic oscillator potential. We
then move on to investigate the Aharonov-Bohm effect (studied earlier by comparing the solutions of the Schrödinger
equation in the noncommutative plane in the presence and absence of the magnetic field [13]) in the path integral
approach. Similar studies using the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics has also been made earlier in [39].
However, the results obtained are upto linear order in the noncommutative parameter. In this context, it is observed
that when the noncommutative parameter and magnetic field are related in a specific way, the action for a particle in
this magnetic field and noncommutative plane can be mapped to a particle of zero mass moving in a magnetic field
in the commutative plane. This relation between the noncommutative parameter and magnetic field has also been
found earlier in the context of the Landau level problem in the noncommutative plane [3], quantum mechanics on the
noncommutative torus [4] and in the study of exotic Galilean symmetry in the noncommutative plane [5]. Further,
the relation between the noncommutative parameter and magnetic field leads to a second class constrained system
which upon quantization yields a noncommutative algebra. This is in fact an fairly old and well known result [40, 41],
obtained here for the first time on the level of the action within a path integral setting. The Aharonov-Bohm phase-
difference can then be very easily computed by following the standard arguements. Obtaining this phase-difference
in general (without any specific relation between the magnetic field and noncommutative parameter) is rather subtle
and needs to be done with great care. We also substantiate our results (obtained by the path integral approach) by
computing this phase-difference through the transportation of the particle in a closed loop around a magnetic field

† e-mail:

confined in a solenoid. We also find that the action obtained can be mapped to the action for a particle in a harmonic
oscillator potential (whose frequency is determined by the magnetic field) moving in the noncommutative plane and
also to a commutative Landau problem. Finally, we discuss the equivalence of the path integral formulation with the
noncommutative Schrödinger equation.
To begin our discussion, we present a brief review of the formalism of noncommutative quantum mechanics de-
veloped recently in [34] before constructing the path integral representation of a particle in a magnetic field on the
noncommutative plane. It was suggested in these papers that one can give precise meaning to the concepts of the
classical configuration space and the Hilbert space of a noncommutative quantum system. The first step is to define
classical configuration space. In two dimensions, the coordinates of noncommutative configuration space satisfy the
commutation relation

[x̂, ŷ] = iθ (1)

for a constant θ that we can take, without loss of generality, to be positive. The above commutation relation is invariant
with respect to SL(2, R) transformation in (x̂, ŷ)-plane, in particular to rotations in this plane. The annihilation and
creation operators are defined by b̂ = √12θ (x̂ + iŷ), b̂† = √12θ (x̂ − iŷ) and satisfy the Fock algebra [b̂, b̂† ] = 1. The
noncommutative configuration space is then isomorphic to the boson Fock space
Hc = span{|ni = √ (b̂† )n |0i}n=∞
n=0 (2)
where the span is taken over the field of complex numbers.
The next step is to introduce the Hilbert space of the noncommutative quantum system, which is taken to be:

Hq = ψ(x̂, ŷ) : ψ(x̂, ŷ) ∈ B (Hc ) , trc (ψ † (x̂, ŷ)ψ(x̂, ŷ)) < ∞ .


Here trc denotes the trace over noncommutative configuration space and B (Hc ) the set of bounded operators on Hc .
This space has a natural inner product and norm

(φ(x̂, ŷ), ψ(x̂, ŷ)) = trc (φ(x̂, x̂)† ψ(x̂, ŷ)) (4)

and forms a Hilbert space [42]. To distinguish states in the noncommutative configuration space from those in the
quantum Hilbert space, states in the noncommutative configuration space are denoted by |·i and states in the quantum
Hilbert space by ψ(x̂, ŷ) ≡ |ψ). Assuming commutative momenta, a unitary representation of the noncommutative
Heisenberg algebra in terms of operators X̂, Ŷ , P̂x and P̂y acting on the states of the quantum Hilbert space (3) is
easily found to be

X̂ψ(x̂, ŷ) = x̂ψ(x̂, ŷ) , Ŷ ψ(x̂, ŷ) = ŷψ(x̂, ŷ)

h̄ h̄
P̂x ψ(x̂, ŷ) = [ŷ, ψ(x̂, ŷ)] , P̂y ψ(x̂, ŷ) = − [x̂, ψ(x̂, ŷ)] . (5)
θ θ
The minimal uncertainty states on noncommutative configuration space, which is isomorphic to boson Fock space,
are well known to be the normalized coherent states [43]

|zi = e−zz̄/2 ezb |0i (6)

where, z = √12θ (x + iy) is a dimensionless complex number. These states provide an overcomplete basis on the
noncommutative configuration space. Corresponding to these states we can construct a state (operator) in quantum
Hilbert space as follows
|z, z̄) = √ |zihz|. (7)
These states have the property
B̂|z, z̄) = z|z, z̄) ; B̂ = √ (X̂ + iŶ ). (8)

Writing the trace in terms of coherent states (6) and using |hz|wi|2 = e−|z−w| it is easy to see that
1 1 1 2
(z, z̄|w, w̄) = trc (|zihz|wihw|) = |hz|wi|2 = e−|z−w| (9)
θ θ θ

which shows that |z, z̄) is indeed a Hilbert-Schmidt operator. The ‘position’ representation of a state |ψ) = ψ(x̂, ŷ)
can now be constructed as
1 1
(z, z̄|ψ) = √ trc (|zihz|ψ(x̂, ŷ)) = √ hz|ψ(x̂, ŷ)|zi. (10)
θ θ
We now introduce the momentum eigenstates normalised such that (p0 |p) = δ(p − p0 )
θ i 2h̄θ2 (p̄b+pb† )
|p) = e ; P̂i |p) = pi |p) (11)
px = Re p , py = Im p
satisfying the completeness relation
d2 p |p)(p| = 1Q . (12)

We now observe that the wave-function of a “free particle” on the noncommutative plane is given by [35]
− 4h̄θ2 p̄p i (pz̄+p̄z)
(z, z̄|p) = √ 2
e e 2h̄2 . (13)
The completeness relations for the position eigenstates |z, z̄) (which is an important ingredient in the construction of
the path integral representation) reads
|z, z̄) ? (z, z̄| = 1Q (14)
where the star product between two functions f (z, z̄) and g(z, z̄) is defined as

f (z, z̄) ? g(z, z̄) = f (z, z̄)e∂z̄ ∂z g(z, z̄) . (15)

This can be proved by using eq.(13) and computing
dzdz̄ 0 θ 0 0 θ 0
(p |z, z̄) ? (z, z̄|p) = e− 4h̄2 (p̄p+p̄ p ) e 2h̄2 p̄p δ(p − p0 ) = (p0 |p) . (16)
Thus, the position representation of the noncommutative system maps quite naturally to the Voros plane. With the
above formalism and the completeness relations for the momentum and the position eigenstates (12, 14) in place,
we now proceed to write down the path integral for the propagation kernel on the two dimensional noncommutative
plane. This reads (upto constant factors)
(zf , tf |z0 , t0 ) = lim (dzj dz̄j ) (zf , tf |zn , tn ) ?n (zn , tn |....|z1 , t1 ) ?1 (z1 , t1 |z0 , t0 ) . (17)

The Hamiltonian (acting on the quantum Hilbert space) for a particle in a magnetic field in the presence of a
potential on the noncommutative plane reads
ˆ ~ˆ 2
(P~ − eA)
Ĥ = + : V (B̂ † , B̂) : (18)
where V (X̂, Ŷ ) is the normal ordered potential expressed in terms of the annihilation and creation operators (B̂, B̂ † ).
In the symmetric gauge [46]
~ˆ B B
A = − Ŷ , X̂ (19)
2 2

(note that B refers here to the magnetic field and not the annihilation operator B̂. This slight abuse of notation will
not create confusion in what follows) the above Hamiltonian takes the form
P~ 2 e2 B 2 2 eB
Ĥ = + (X̂ + Ŷ 2 ) − (X̂ P̂y − Ŷ P̂x )+ : V (B̂ † , B̂) : . (20)
2m 8m 2m

With this Hamiltonian, we now compute the propagator over a small segment in the above path integral (17). With
the help of eq(s) (12) and (13), we have
(zj+1 , tj+1 |zj , tj ) = (zj+1 |e− h̄ Ĥτ |zj )
= (zj+1 |1 − Ĥτ + O(τ 2 )|zj )

Z +∞ q
θ i [p (z̄ −z̄ )+p̄ (z −z )]
= d pj e− 2h̄2 p̄j pj e 2h̄2 j j+1 j j j+1 j
i p̄j pj e2 B 2 θ ieB
√θ eBh̄
×e− h̄ τ [ 2m + 8m (2z̄j+1 zj +1)+ 2m 2 (pj z̄j+1 −p̄j zj )− 2m +V (z̄j+1 ,zj )] + O(τ 2 ) . (21)

Substituting the above expression in eq.(17) and computing the star products explicitly, we obtain (apart from a
constant factor)
Z Y n
(zf , tf |z0 , t0 ) = lim (dzj dz̄j ) d2 pj
j=1 j=0
 " r   #
X i θ ieBτ ieBτ i
exp  pj 1− z̄j+1 − z̄j + p̄j zj+1 − 1 − zj + αpj p̄j − τ V (z̄j+1 , zj )
h̄ 2 2m 2m h̄

θ X
+ 2 pj+1 p̄j  (22)
2h̄ j=0

iτ θ

where α = − 2mh̄ + 2h̄2
. Making the identification pn+1 = p0 , the integrand of the above integral can be cast in
following form :
exp −∂~z ∂~z̄
f 0

 " r   #
X i θ ieBτ ieBτ i θ
× exp  pj 1− z̄j+1 − z̄j + p̄j zj+1 − 1 − zj + αpj p̄j − τ V (z̄j+1 , zj ) + 2 pj+1 p̄j  .
h̄ 2 2m 2m h̄ 2h̄

The purpose of the boundary operator in the above expression is to cancel an additional coupling which has been
introduced between p0 and pn . TheP introduction of this coupling makes it easy to perform the momentum integral
since it is of the Gaussian form exp( i,j pi Ai,j p̄j ), where A is a D × D (D = n + 1 = T /τ , T = tf − t0 ) dimensional
matrix given by
Alr = αδl,r + δl+1,r . (23)
A simple inspection shows that the eigenvalues and the normalised eigenvectors of the matrix A are given by
θ 2πik/D
λk = α + e ; k ∈ [0, n]
uk = √ (1 e2πik/D e4πik/D ....)T . (24)
Since the real part of the eigenvalues of A are nonpositive, one can carry out the momentum integral, to obtain
Z Y  
(zf , tf |z0 , t0 ) = lim N (dzj dz̄j ) exp −∂~zf ∂~z̄0
n n       !
θ XX ieBτ ieBτ
× exp 1− z̄l+1 − z̄l A−1
lr zr+1 − 1 − zr
2h̄2 l=0 r=0 2m 2m
 
i X
× exp − τ V (z̄j+1 , zj ) . (25)
h̄ j=0
The inverse of the matrix A is easily obtained as A−1
lr = k=0 λ−1
k e
leading to [47]

Z Y n   −1
  θτ X ieB θ −τ ∂(rτ )
(zf , tf |z0 , t0 ) = lim N (dzj dz̄j ) exp −∂~zf ∂~z̄0 exp  τ ˙
z̄(lτ ) − z̄(lτ ) α + e
2h̄2 T l,r,k=0 2m 2h̄2
 
ieB i X
× [e2πi(l−r)kτ /T ] × τ ż(rτ ) + z(rτ ) × exp − τ V (z̄j , zj ) + O(τ 2 )
2m h̄ j=0
Z Y  
= lim N (dzj dz̄j ) exp −∂~zf ∂~z̄0

n   −1
θ X ieB i θ
× exp  ˙
τ z̄(lτ ) − z̄(lτ ) − − ∂(rτ ) + O(τ )
2h̄2 T l,r,k=0 2m 2mh̄ 2h̄2
 
ieB i X
× [e2πi(l−r)kτ /T ]τ ż(rτ ) + z(rτ ) × exp − τ V (z̄j , zj ) + O(τ 2 )(26)
2m h̄ j=0

where in the first line, we have used the fact that zl = z(lτ ) and zl+1 − zl = τ ż(lτ ) + O(τ 2 ). Taking the limit τ → 0
and performing the sum over k, we finally arrive at the path integral representation of the propagator
  Z z(tf )=zf i
~ ~
(zf , tf |z0 , t0 ) = N exp −∂zf ∂z̄0 DzDz̄ exp( S) (27)
z(t0 )=z0 h̄

where S is the action given by

Z tf "  −1  #
e2 B 2 θ
θ ieB 1 iθ ieB
S= dt ˙ −
z̄(t) z̄(t) + ∂t ż(t) + z(t) − z̄(t)z(t) − V (z̄(t), z(t)) . (28)
t0 2 2m 2m 2h̄ 2m 4m

We now compute the ground state energy for the particle in a magnetic field and in the presence of a harmonic
oscillator potential V = 21 mω 2 (X̂ 2 +Ŷ 2 ) from the above path integral representation of the transition amplitude. Using
the normal ordered form of this potential in terms of the creation and annihilation operators, that is : V := mω 2 θB̂ † B̂,
the action (28) reads
Z tf "   −1    2 2  #
1 ieB 1 iθ ieB e B 2
S= dt θ ˙ −
z̄(t) z̄(t) + ∂t ż(t) + z(t) − + mω z̄(t)z(t) . (29)
t0 2 2m 2m 2h̄ 2m 4m

The equation of motion following from the above action is of the following form
mω 2 θ
eB eBθ
z̈(t) + i 1+ + ż(t) + ω 2 z(t) = 0 . (30)
m 4h̄ h̄
It is easy to see that the above equation reduces to the equation of motion for the particle in the harmonic oscillator
in the B → 0 limit [35]. Making an ansatz of the solution of the above equation in the form z(t) ∼ e−iγt leads to the
following ground state energy eigenvalues for the particle
 
 s 2
1  mω 2 θ eB mω 2 θ eB
eBθ eBθ 
γ= + 1+ ± + 1+ + 4ω 2 . (31)
2  h̄ m 4h̄ h̄ m 4h̄ 

In the ω → 0 limit, the above expression yields the two frequencies for the particle in a magnetic field on the
noncommutative plane to be
eB eBθ
γ= 1+ ,0 . (32)
m 4h̄
This ground state energy, computed from the path integral formalism, matches with those obtained by the canonical
approach as we show in an appendix. In the B → 0 limit, the above expression yields the two frequencies for a particle
in a harmonic oscillator potential on the noncommutative plane [35].

With the above results in place, we now move on to study the Aharonov-Bohm effect. To proceed, we first observe
that the action (28) can be recast in the following form
Z tf "  2  −1   #
eBθ iθm eBθ
S= dt θm 1 + ˙
z̄(t) 1+ ∂t ż(t) + ieBθ 1 + ˙
z̄(t)z(t) − V (z̄(t), z(t)) . (33)
t0 2h̄ h̄ 4h̄

Setting V = 0, we find that the above action can be mapped to a particle of zero mass moving in the commutative
plane and in a magnetic field given by
B=− . (34)

The above choice for the magnetic field has also been observed earlier in the literature in different contexts [3],[4],[5],[9],
e.g. in [3],[4] they were found to be critical values where the density of states for a charged particle in a magnetic
field with a harmonic oscillator potential becomes infinite.
Indeed, with this choice of the magnetic field:

ieBθ tf
S = ˙
dt z̄(t)z(t)
2 t0
eB tf
= − dt [ẋ(t)y(t) − ẏ(t)x(t)]
4 t0
e ~xf ~
= A.d~x (35)
2 ~x0

where the second line is true upto boundary terms. It is evident from the first line that this is a constrained system
with the following second class constraints
Ω1 = px + y≈0
Ω2 = py − x≈0. (36)
Introducing the Dirac bracket and replacing {., .}DB → ih̄ [., .] yield the following noncommutative algebra

2h̄ ih̄ eB ih̄2

[xi , xj ] = −i ij = iθij ; [xi , pj ] = δij ; [pi , pj ] = −ih̄ ij = ij ; (i, j = 1, 2) (37)
eB 2 8 4θ
where we have used eq.(34). It is to be noted that this noncommutativity was observed earlier in [40, 41] by noting
that in the limit m → 0, the y-coordinate is effectively constrained to the momentum canonical conjugate to the
x-coordinate. However, in the path integral approach, the mass zero limit arises naturally.
With the usual Aharonov-Bohm experimental set up, one can now easily read off the Aharonov-Bohm phase-
difference φ from the action (35) following the discussion in [44] to be
eBA eΦ
φ= = . (38)
2h̄ 2h̄
Here A is the area enclosed by the loop around which the particle is transported and the magnetic field is non-vanishing
and, correspondingly, Φ is the total magnetic flux enclosed by this loop.
In general it is, however, not this easy to obtain the Aharonov-Bohm phase-difference from the action (28) (for V=0)
(without making the choice (34) for the magnetic field) due to the presence of the non-local time derivative operator.
To proceed in the general case, consider the experimental setup shown in figure 1. The transition amplitude for a
particle originating at S to arrive at point B is the sum over all paths connecting these two points. From the setup
in figure 1, these can naturally be divided into two classes, those paths that pass through slit A and those that pass
through slit O and the total transition amplitude therefore consists of the sum of these two contributions. Since the
action is quadratic, the transition amplitude can be computed exactly in a saddle point (or classical) approximation in
which case the phase of the transition amplitude is simply given by the action evaluated on the classical path divided
by h̄. Hence, we can compute these two contributions by evaluating them for two classical paths passing through the
two slits. The phase difference is then, of course, obtained by computing the difference between these two phases.
The result for the action for a classical path starting from the source S (z−T = √12θ (xs , −ys ) at time t = −T ), passing

FIG. 1: Experimental setup for Aharonov-Bohm phase, which shows two slits (A and O) through which particles originating
at a source, S, pass. The two beams pass on opposite sides of a thin solenoid, placed behind the slits and carrying a constant
magnetic field, after which they recombine at point B on a screen.

through a slit A (z2 = √1 (x2 , 0) at time t = 0) and reaching a point B (zT = √1 (xf , yf ) at time t = T ) located on
2θ 2θ
the screen reads
(z−T z̄2 − c.c) + (z̄−T z2 eiγT − c.c) + |z2 |2 (1 − eiγT ) + |z−T |2 (e−iγT − 1)

S1 =
2(1 − cos γT )
(z̄T z2 − c.c) + (zT z̄2 eiγT − c.c) + |z2 |2 (e−iγT − 1) + |zT |2 (1 − eiγT ) (39)
where γ = eB eBθ

m 1 + 4h̄ . The result for the action evaluated on a classical path starting from the same point S (at
t = −T ), passing through a slit O (z0 = √12θ (0, 0) at time t = 0) and ending at the same point B (at t = T ) on the
screen can be obtained just by replacing z2 by z0 in the above expression. Taking the difference of these two classical
→ →

actions and noting that the boundary operator e− ∂ zT ∂ z̄−T has no effect on this difference, we get
mγ γT eB eBθ
S1 − S2 = cot [x2 (x2 − xs − xf )] + 1+ × A. (40)
2 2 h̄ 4h̄
Here A is, as before, the area enclosed by the closed loop and in which the magnetic field is non-vanishing. Clearly
the only topological term in the above expression is the second term, which must be identified with the Aharonov-
Bohm-phase. We remark that in the above calculation one should actually also integrate over the intermediate times
at which the particles pass through the slits (to sum over all paths), but one can easily check that this only leads to
a multiplicative factor that does not affect the Aharonov-Bohm phase. The result reduces to eq.(38) for the choice of
the noncommutative parameter θ in eq.(34).
An elegant way of obtaining the Aharonov-Bohm-phase is by transporting a particle in a closed loop. This can be
done by the action of a chain of translation operators on the wave-function as follows
i i i i
e− h̄ π̂y ∆y e− h̄ π̂x ∆x e h̄ π̂y ∆y e h̄ π̂x ∆x Ψ . (41)
Now using the identity Ŝ −1 e Ŝ = eŜ ÂŜ
and the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula [44], the above expression can
be simplified to
e h̄ ∆x∆yeB (1+ )Ψ .
i eBθ
4h̄ (42)

The AB-phase can immediately be read off from the above expression and agrees with that obtained from eq.(40).
There exists another interesting connection between the action of (28) and the action of a harmonic oscillator in
the noncommutative plane. Setting V = 0 and making the following change of variables
z(t) = ζ(t)e− 2m t (43)

eq.(28) can be recast in the following form

Z tf " −1  #
θ ieB t ˙

1 iθ ieB
 e2 B 2 θ
− t
S= dt e 2m ζ̄(t) + ∂t ζ̇(t)e 2m − ζ̄(t)ζ(t) . (44)
t0 2 2m 2h̄ 4m

Now making a Fourier transform of ζ̇(t), the above expression simplies to

Z tf " −1 #
e2 B 2 θ

θ˙ 1 eBθ iθ
S= dt ζ̄(t) + + ∂t ζ̇(t) − ζ̄(t)ζ(t) . (45)
t0 2 2m 4mh̄ 2h̄ 4m

The above action is that of a noncommutative harmonic oscillator with the following identifications
1 1 eBθ
= + ,
2M 2m 4mh̄
e2 B 2
M Ω2 = . (46)
The equation of motion following from this action reads

ie2 B 2 θ e2 B 2
ζ̈(t) + eBθ
 ζ̇(t) +  ζ(t) = 0 . (47)
4M 1 + 2h̄ h̄ 4M 2 1 + eBθ

The ground state energy of this harmonic oscillator can be obtained by substituting the ansatz ζ(t) = e−iΓt in the
above equation and solving for Γ or by simply using the formula for the ground state energy of a harmonic oscillator
[35] which yields
1 n p o
Γ = M Ω2 θ ± Ω M 2 Ω2 θ2 + 4h̄2
eB e2 B 2 θ eB
= + , − (48)
2m 4mh̄ 2m
where we have used eq.(46) to obtain the final result. The ground state energy for the problem of the particle in a
magnetic field in the noncommutative plane can now be obtained (as implied by eq.(43)) by shifting the above energy
by 2m which gives the result obtained earlier (32).
Another interesting link between the problem of a particle moving in a magnetic field in the noncommutative plane
and a particle moving in a magnetic field in the commutative plane can be obtained from the following change of
u= 1+ ∂t z. (49)

Using this we find that the action (33) (for V = 0) can be rewritten in the following form
Z tf    
ieB eBθ
S= ˙
dt θm z̄(t)u̇(t) + 1+ ˙
z̄(t)u(t) . (50)
t0 m 4h̄

The above action shows that the problem of a particle in a magnetic field in the noncommutative plane can be mapped
to a problem of a particle in a different magnetic field in the commutative plane. Although this is true on the level of
the actions, one must realize that the map between transition amplitudes is more subtle as the boundary conditions
on the path integral are also affected by this change of variables. Indeed, note that the boundary condition on u
depends on all higher order derivatives of z at the boundary. This simply implies the expected, namely, that the
commutative transition amplitude is only uniquely determined once all higher order derivatives of z is specified at
the boundary. This is in line with the analysis carried out in [45]. This does, however, indicate an interesting duality

between a quantum Hall system and a particle in a magnetic field in the noncommutative plane. Alternatively, one
can start from the problem of a particle in a magnetic field B (kept fixed) and get a one parameter family of problems
of a particle in a magnetic field B ? in the noncommutative plane where B and B ? are related by
eB ? θ
B = B? 1 + . (51)
Solving for B ? gives
( r )
? 2h̄ eBθ
B (θ) = − 1− 1+ . (52)
eθ h̄

Expectedly, this solution reduces to the appropriate B and θ zero limits, i.e. B ? → 0 for B → 0 and B ? → B for
θ → 0.
Finally, we show the equivalence between the path integral formulation in the noncommutative plane and the
noncommutative Schrödinger equation. To proceed, we use the fact that the transition amplitude is the propagator
which gives the propagation of the wave-function in the following way
Z 2
d zi
ψ(zf , ) = (zf , |ψ) = (zf , |zi , 0) ?zi (zi , 0|ψ)
Z 2
d zi
= (zf , |zi , 0) ?zi ψ(zi , z̄i , 0) . (53)
For infinitesimal  and Ĥ = 2m + : V (B † , B) :, the infintesimal transition amplitude (zf , |zi , 0) upto O() reads [35]
θ i θ 2
(zf , |zi , 0) = 2 1 − V (z̄f , zi ) e− 2h̄2 α |zf −zi | (54)
2h̄ α h̄
i θ
where α = 2mh̄ + 2h̄2
Substituting this expression in eq.(53), we get
θ i θ 2
ψ(zf , ) = 2 d2
z i 1 − V (z̄f , zi ) e− 2h̄2 α |zf −zi | ?zi ψ(zi , z̄i , 0) . (55)
2πh̄ α h̄
Making a change of variables to

zi = zf + η (56)

the above expression can be recast in the form

θ i θ 2
ψ(zf , ) = d 2
η 1 − V (z̄ ,
f fz + η) e− 2h̄2 α |η| ?η ψ(zf + η, z̄f + η̄, 0) . (57)
2πh̄2 α h̄

Using the form of the star product and the fact that f (z + η) = eη∂z f (z), the above equation can be simplified to
Z → →

θ 2
− 2h̄θ2 α |η|2 2mh̄α η ∂ zf η̄ ∂ z̄f i η ∂ zf
ψ(zf , ) = d η e e e 1 − V (z̄ ,
f fz )e ψ(zf , z̄f , 0) . (58)
2πh̄2 α h̄

We now expand the exponential involving  in the exponent in a power series (keeping terms upto O()) and perform
the η integral to get

ih̄ ∂ 2 i θ
ψ(zf , ) = ψ(zf , 0) + ψ(zf , 0) − V (z̄f , zf ) ?zf ψ(zf , 0) . (59)
mθ ∂z̄f ∂zf h̄ 2h̄2 α

In the limit  → 0, we get the time dependent Schrödinger equation in NC plane

h̄2 ∂ 2
ih̄∂t ψ(zf , t) = − + V (z̄f , zf )?zf ψ(zf , t) . (60)
mθ ∂z̄f ∂zf

To summarise: In this paper, we have systematically derived the path integral representation of the propagation
kernel for a particle in a magnetic field in the presence of an arbitrary potential moving in the the noncommutative

plane using the recently proposed formulation of noncommutative quantum mechanics. From the path integral,
we have obtained the action for the particle in noncommutative quantum mechanics. This is one of the important
results in our paper. The equation of motion of the particle is obtained from this action and was used to compute the
ground state energy of the particle and to show that the result is in conformity with the results obtained by other
methods. We then investigated the Aharonov-Bohm effect using the path integral formulation. In this context we
found an interesting connection (observed earlier in different contexts in [3]-[5]) with a particle of zero mass moving in
a magnetic field related in a particular way to the noncommutative parameter. The Aharonov-Bohm phase-difference
in this case is easy to read off. Although the computation is in general a bit more subtle, this computation has also
been performed and found to be in agreement with other techniques of computation. We also observed interesting
connections of this action with those of a noncommutative harmonic oscillator and a commutative Landau problem.
Finally, we discussed the equivalence of the path integral formulation and the noncommutative Schrödinger equation.


In this appendix, we obtain the energy spectrum of the particle in a magnetic field in the noncommutative plane by
the canonical method [7]. The noncommuting coordinates can be expressed in terms of commuting coordinates and
their momenta in the form
X̂ = X − Py
Ŷ = Y + Px ; P̂i = Pi . (61)
Under this change of variables, the Hamiltonian (20) can be rewritten as
1 n 2 ~2 o
Ĥ = h1 X + h22 P~ 2 + h3 (XPy − Y Px ) (62)
h21 = m2 ωc2 ; ωc =
mωc θ
h22 = 1 +
mωc θ
h3 = 2mωc 1 + = 2h1 h2 . (63)

Introducing the operators

ih2 Px + h1 X ih2 Py + h1 Y
ax = √ ; ay = √ (64)
h3 h̄ h3 h̄

where [ax , a†x ] = 1 = [ay , a†y ] leads to

h3 h̄
Ĥ = {(a†x ax + a†y ay + 1) + i(a†y ax − a†x ay )} . (65)
Finally, defining
ax ± iay
a± = √ (66)

where [a+ , a†+ ] = 1 = [a− , a†− ] leads to the following second quantized Hamiltonian from which the energy spectrum
can easily be read off:
h3 h̄ † eB eBθ
: Ĥ : = a a− = 1+ h̄a†− a− . (67)
m − m 4h̄

For the sake of completeness, we also obtain the Heisenberg equations of motion for the noncommutative variable Ẑ
which reads
˙ 1
Ẑ(t) = [Ẑ, Ĥ]
 ( )
1 eBθ P̂ ieB
= 1+ √ − Ẑ . (68)
m 2h̄ 2θ 2

Similarly, one gets

˙ √ e2 B 2 ieB
P̂ (t) = − 2θ Ẑ − P̂ . (69)
4m 2m
Differentiating eq.(68) and combining it with eq(s)(68, 69) leads to
¨ ieB eBθ ˙
Ẑ(t) + 1+ Ẑ = 0 (70)
m 4h̄

which is the equation of motion for the particle.

Acknowledgements : This work was supported under a grant of the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
The authors would also like to thank the referees for useful comments.

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