4 Characterizing and Defining Cities - Part 1
4 Characterizing and Defining Cities - Part 1
4 Characterizing and Defining Cities - Part 1
and Defining CITIES
Arch. Eduardo F. Bober, Jr., PhD Cand.
TIP-QC Special Industry Lecturer
Have distinct cultural
(heterogeneity), economic,
demographic, political
In the past, they are usually
market or trading centers,
and focal points from
public administration of the
state’s citizens.
City Characteristics
Primary Secondary Others
Size and Density Monumental public works Transportation
Full-time specialization Long-distance trade
Concentration of surplus Standardized Communication
monumental artworks
Class-structured society Writing
State organization Arithmetic, geometry, Environmental
astronomy considerations
Life-cycle of Cities
Rapid growth Slow growth Shrinkage Decay Renewal/Revitalization
Different views in defining/characterizing Cities
Cultural state of mind, a body of customs and traditions, a
society of formal relations rather than a folk
Economic A place where more than half of the
labor forces is engaged in non-agricultural work; or
a site where there is a bulk of processing and
Political The site of certain administrative functions; where
governance is done.
Demographic A place where certain number of people, with a
certain density live.
Ecological A place where the environment is modified to fit
and enhance the living conditions of the
Different views in defining/characterizing Cities
The city is what it is because our citizens are what they are (Plato)
A great city is not to be confounded with a populous one (Aristotle)
All cities are mad: but the madness is gallant. All cities are beautiful: but the
beauty is grim. (Christopher Morley, Where the Blue Begins)
A great city is that which has the greatest men and women (Walt Whitman)
A city is the people, resources, leaders and structures (Anonymous)
City Classification
Highly Urbanized Cities (HUCs): min.
population of 200,000 and latest
annual income of PhP50 million (33);
Independent Component Cities
(ICCs): cities whose charters prohibit
their voters from voting for provincial
elective officials;
Component Cities which do not meet
the requirements for HUCs and ICCs
Why Convert?
Effectual changes in their fiscal
Political payoffs
[] Every 500 families (HH) must have 1 day care (RA 6972)
[] Senior Citizen Center @ least 500 sqm (RA 7876)
[] Ideal Police-Pop Ratio = 1:500 pax (ideal)/1:1000 pax (standard)
[] Fireman-Pop Ratio = 1:2000pax/Fire Truck-Pop Ratio = 1:28,000pax
[] Fire Truck-Fireman = 1:14FO
[] Jail Guard-Inmate Pop Ratio = 1:5 (ideal)/1:7 (standard)
[] Classification of Police Stations By Population
STANDARDS in R.H.U Personnel
Population (R.A. 1082) Colleges and Universities
500 or less students 0.50 has.
501 to 1,000 1.00 has
1,001 to 2,000 2.00 has