10 1016@j Cep 2019 107771
10 1016@j Cep 2019 107771
10 1016@j Cep 2019 107771
PII: S0255-2701(19)30873-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cep.2019.107771
Reference: CEP 107771
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The present review (with 205 refs.) addresses the need for microdevices and presents the
basic microfluidic equations.
The review describes the relevant numerical and experimental approaches.
Various types and designs of passive and active micromixers are discussed.
The present review (with 205 refs.) addresses the need for microdevices, presents the basic
microfluidic equations and describes the relevant numerical and experimental approaches.
Various types and designs of passive and active micromixers are presented. In addition, the
relevant effective dimensionless or dimensional parameters and the fabrication technology for
different micromixer types are introduced. Different general configurations of lamination,
obstacle, convergence-divergence and curved-channel are discussed for passive micromixers.
The active micromixers are categorized and described as pressure field driven, acoustic field
driven, magnetic field driven, electric field driven and thermal field driven.
c Species concentration (mol/lit) q Heat-flux vector (W/m2)
1. Introduction
Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) or microfluidic chips have been of great interest over the past two
decades. Microfluidic has many applications in the fields of engineering, biotechnology and
medicine. The history of microfluidics dates back to the 1950s, which was specifically used in
the production of inkjet printers [1]. The mechanism of these printers was based on microfluidic
devices, because they include very small tubes that carry ink for printing. In the 1970s, with the
advancement of silicon technology, this technology was developed into small mechanical
machines [2]. In the 1980s, with the advent of micro-valves and micro-pumps, the use of small-
scale technology was increased [1, 2]. In these years, several analytical systems were proposed
based on micron methods. All of these samples showed the precision and control of microfluidic
devices when the volume of fluid was reduced [1]. Microfluidics has reached advanced stages
and many achievements. In principle, microfluidics can be used in many engineering, bio and
medical sciences especially in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). MEMS are
combinations of mechanical components, sensors, mechanical arms, and electronic components
that are located on a layer of strategic material, such as silicon. Nguyen and Wereley [2] have
presented the Fig. 1 for a better understanding of the size of microfluidic devices and the volume
of the fluid.
Microfluidic technology has specific characteristics such as small-scale particle control, low cost
and rapid response time [3]. The development of microfluidic devices has led to a lot of interest
in using these devices in medical science and experimental chips [4]. The advantages of these
devices include reduction of the consumption of samples (reactants), high controllability and the
ability to manipulate samples during the process as well as high surface to volume ratio [4].
The analysis time in microfluidic devices is much shorter than that in milli-scale ones. On the
other hand, high surface-to-volume ratio is an ideal property for microfluidic systems [5].
Therefore, application of these devices with laboratory equipment reduces the time required for
analysis as well as the required space [6-7].
2.1. Fluid flow and heat transfer equations
In general, the governing equations for the simulation of mixing process of Newtonian and non-
Newtonian fluids are continuity, momentum, and energy equations. These equations in
conservative form are presented as follows, respectively [15]:
𝜕𝜌 (1)
+ ∇. 𝜌𝑽 = 0
= −∇. (𝜌𝑽𝑽) + 𝜌𝐟 + ∇. 𝛕
-p (2)
𝜕𝜌𝑒 (3)
= ∇. (𝜌𝑒𝐕 − 𝛕𝑽 + 𝐪)
where 𝐕 is velocity vector, 𝜌 is the density, 𝐟 is the body forces, 𝛕 is shear stress tensor, e is the
energy, p is the pressure, and q is the heat-flux vector. The shear stress tensor can be expressed
for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.
𝜕𝐜 (4)
+ 𝐕. ∇𝐜 = 𝐃∇2 𝐜
where c and D are the species concentration and diffusion coefficient, respectively.
𝑈𝐿 (6)
𝑃𝑒 =
𝑓𝐷ℎ (7)
𝑆𝑡 =
𝐿𝐷 (8)
𝐹𝑜 = 2
𝐷ℎ 𝑈
𝜅𝜋 𝑈 (9)
𝐾𝑛 = √
2 𝐶𝑠 𝐿
𝐷𝑒 = 𝑅𝑒√
where 𝐷ℎ is hydraulic diameter, L is characteristic length scale, f is disturbance frequency, U is
average velocity, 𝐶𝑠 is the sound velocity, R is the mean radius of the channel curvature, and 𝜅 is
the ratio of specific heats.
The Reynolds number determines the flow patterns. In channel flow, critical Reynolds number is
about 1500. The fluid flow regime in microchannels is typically laminar due to small dimensions
of channels and low fluid flow velocity. Micromixers may reach high mixing index at low, high
or optimal Reynolds number depends on their geometries, types of fluids, boundary conditions,
and external actuators. Peclet number is employed when there is a competition between
convection and diffusion. For the mixing process with a constant diffusion coefficient, the Peclet
number indicates the flow rate through the channel. For laminar flow, the Peclet number is
proportional to the mixing length [9]. The Strouhal number is used to characterize the operation
conditions of active micromixers according to the disturbance frequency. The Fourier number is
defined as the ratio of tr to tm, where tr is the residence time and tm is the mixing time [16]. If Fo <
1, tr is sufficient for occurrence of mixing. Hence, when Fo is greater than one, the complete
mixing can be achieved by decreasing the flow rate, reducing the characteristic length scale, or
increasing the channel length. Knudsen number is used to determine the regimes of fluid
rarefaction. As a result, no-slip or slip boundary conditions are employed based on the values of
Knudsen number. In gas flow problems, no-slip boundary condition is imposed on the channel
walls for Kn < 10-3. When 10-3 < Kn < 10-1, slip boundary condition is employed. The values of
10-1 < Kn < 101 indicate transitional flow regime [17]. Finally, the Dean number is considered
for the micromixers with curved channels (for more details, see Sec. 5.1.4).
3. Numerical approaches
Numerical simulations of mixing process have been performed using commercial softwares such
as ANSYS/CFX, FLUENT and COMSOL Multiphysics or written codes, for instance, lattice
Boltzmann technique. Finite volume method (FVM) [18] and finite element method (FEM) [19]
have been used to solve the velocity field. The Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked
Equations (SIMPLE) [20] and Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations-Consistent
(SIMPLEC) [18] algorithms have been employed for pressure-velocity coupling. To discretize
the velocity fields, upwind Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Convective Kinematics
(QUICK) [18] and second order [21] schemes have been used. QUICK method is usually
employed for structured grids along the channel and upwind second order is commonly used for
complex flow paths (see Sec. 3.2 for more details). Slip [22] and no-slip [18] boundary
conditions have been imposed on the walls of microchannel for hydrophobic and hydrophilic
surfaces, respectively. Since most of experimental devices are made of hydrophilic materials, no-
slip boundary condition is more common in numerical simulations compared to the slip one. No-
slip/no-jump boundary conditions are valid for most microscopic fluids. In other words, the
velocity and temperature of the fluid are equal to the velocity and temperature of the wall (uwall =
uliquid|wall and Twall = Tliquid|wall) [1, 2].
The above governing equations are also valid for gas flows, but their boundary conditions are
different. For the case of gases, the slip boundary condition is applied for temperature and
velocity depends on the Knudsen number. The velocity slip condition was determined by
Maxwell [23]:
2 − 𝜎𝑣 𝜕𝑢 3 𝜇 𝜕𝑇 (11)
𝑢𝑔𝑎𝑠 − 𝑢𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 𝜆 | + |
𝜎𝑣 𝜕𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙 4 𝜌𝑇𝑔𝑎𝑠 𝜕𝑥 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙
where 𝜎𝑣 and 𝜎𝑇 are the tangential momentum and temperature accommodation coefficients,
respectively. 𝜆 is the mean free space, k is the thermal conductivity, and Pr is the Prandtl
number. Slip flow regime using the above boundary conditions have been investigated by some
researchers [25-27]. For example, Reyhanian et al. [27] analyzed the micromixing of two gases
for 10-2 < Kn < 0.5 using direct simulation Monte Carlo.
As mentioned before, commercial softwares are employed to simulate the microfluidic process.
Since COMSOL Multiphysics software is widely used in the study of passive and active
micromixers, some details are provided on the procedure of numerical simulations using this
software. To simulate the mixing process in passive and active micromixers (see Sec. 5), two
main modules are “Fluid Flow_ Laminar Flow” and “Chemical Species Transport_ Transport of
Diluted”. Simple geometries can be sketched using COMSOL software and complex ones should
be created using other softwares such as AutoCAD and SolidWorks and then exported the ECAD
or DXF files to COMSOL. For non-Newtonian fluids, the models (Power Law, Carreau Model,
and User Defined) are chosen as follows: Laminar Flow_Fluid Properties_Dynamic Viscosity:
non-Newtonian. For active micromixers, external actuator is selected as Electric Current,
Magnetic Fields, etc. in AC_DC module. As mentioned before, several numerical simulations
have been conducted to evaluate the mixing process using COMSOL Multiphysics software.
References [28-34, 93, 103, 105, 107, 127, and 185] are some articles used this software
published between 2017 and 2019.
analyzed the mixing performance of a T-shaped micromixer using FVM and FEM and different
types of mesh. They found that at Re = 0.1, similar amount of numerical diffusion is produced
for different types of mesh (hexahedral, prism, and tetrahedral). They revealed that FEM can
produce higher numerical diffusion error than FVM. The average false diffusivity was computed
for connective-diffusive mixing by Liu [37]. The author proposed a method for different
numerical schemes and various types of mesh. It was demonstrated that first order upwind
scheme produces higher false diffusion than QUICK one. However, the accuracy of second order
upwind, QUICK, and Monotone Upstream Scheme for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) schemes in
terms of false diffusion is about the same. In addition, it was revealed that tetrahedral cells lead
to higher numerical diffusion than hexahedral ones.
4. Fabrication techniques
In recent years, microtechnology has been developed rapidly. Now, microchannels are integrated
with accessories such as sensors, actuators and other electronic devices, and used in laboratories
for biological applications [39]. Nano- and micro-scale devices have been studied for many
years, however the devices that are now available are much more accurate than previous ones
[40]. The application of microdevices depends on their materials. These materials are non-
organic, such as silicon, Plexiglas and glass, or organic such as polydimethylciloxane (PDMS)
and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) that are rapidly developing with different fluids [41]. The
polymers such as PDMS, PMMA, etc. are used for micro and nanodevices due to their low cost
and environmental compatibility [39]. One of the main features to fabricate the microfluidic
devices is their geometry. Another important factor is the particle size of the materials. Recently,
Chaurasia et al. [42] presented a unified microfluidic technique using oil-encapsulated calcium
alginate microfibers. They demonstrated that the encapsulate shape can be tuned for different
5. Micromixers
Microfluidic devices based on their stimulus can be divided into two categories: passive and
active devices. Passive microfluidic devices do not use any external actuator to drive the fluids,
guide the particles in the fluid, separate them, etc. Active microfluidic devices use external
energy sources for mixing, separation, etc.
There are some equations used by the researchers to quantify the mixing quality. Table 1
summarizes these relations, where 𝐶𝑖 , 𝐶𝑜 , 𝐶̅ , 𝐶𝑜̅ and 𝐶∞ indicate the point concentration, the point
concentration in the non-mixing cross section, the average concentration, the average
concentration in the non-mixing cross section and the concentration of completed mixing,
respectively. Also, N and 𝛿 denote the number of nodes in the considered section and the section
width, respectively. Eq. (13) computes the mixing index using intensities of pixels across a
cross-section of channel. At the inlet MI = 0.5 and when the fluids are mixed completely, MI =
0. Eq. (14) is an improved definition for mixing index. In this equation, mixing index is non-
dimensionalized by comparing the standard deviation to the average intensity. Some researchers
called the ratio as the Absolute Mixing Index (AMI) [52]. The values of 1 and 0 indicate
unmixed and fully mixed states, respectively. When the mixing index is non-dimensionalized by
comparing the standard deviation to the intensity in non-mixing cross section, Eq. (15) can be
used. The difference between Eq. (15) and Eq. (16) is that the last one is expressed based on the
integral of the point concentration and intensities of pixels.
Table 1. The equations used by the researchers for calculating the mixing index.
Equation Reference Equation number
𝑁 (𝐶 − 𝐶̅ )2 1/2
𝑖 [53] (13)
𝑀𝐼 = [∑ ]
𝑖=1 𝑁
(𝐶𝑖 − 𝐶̅ )2
[54] (14)
[∑𝑁 ]
𝑖=1 𝑁
𝑀𝐼 = 1 −
(𝐶𝑖 − 𝐶̅ )2 2
[∑𝑁 ] [55] (15)
𝑖=1 𝑁
𝑀𝐼 = 1 − 1
(𝐶𝑜 − ̅̅̅
𝐶𝑜 )2 2
[∑𝑁 ]
𝑖=1 𝑁
∫0 |𝐶𝑖 − 𝐶∞ |𝑑𝑦 [56] (16)
𝑀𝐼 = 1 − 𝛿
∫0 |𝐶𝑜 − 𝐶∞ |𝑑𝑦
There are many researchers who studied the mixing process in active or passive micromixers.
Suh and Kang [57] evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of passive micromixers.
dimensional ones based on their structural dimensions. It should be pointed out that fabrication
of two-dimensional passive micromixers using lithography is simpler than three-dimensional
ones. Many special structures have been proposed for passive micromixers. Parallel lamination,
multi lamination, obstacle (or baffle) based, curved-channel, convergence-divergence based, and
unsymmetrical are some features that have been considered in numerical and experimental
In parallel lamination micromixers, the inlet flows are divided into two (T-type and Y-type
mixers) or more sub-streams (multi lamination patterns) [8]. T-type and Y-type micromixers are
well known structures in which two streams are injected into two separate channels. The fluid
flows are then combined in a straight channel. Since the molecular diffusion causes the fluids to
mix in these types of micromixers, two long straight microchannels are required to achieve high
mixing efficiency at low Reynolds numbers. Hessel et al. [9] reported that the mixing length Lm
= Pe × w for laminar flow, where w is the channel width. To provide fast mixing in this type of
micromixers, the researchers generate secondary flow, swirling flow and vortices at high-
Reynolds-number problems. For example, Wong et al. [58] used a diamond step close to the
main straight channel of a T-type micromixer fabricated from silicone/glass to disturb the fluid
flow for the Reynolds number range of 400-500 (Fig. 2a). Even though the straight microchannel
was not roughened, the diamond step caused the flow to be asymmetry due to flow circulation.
Gobby et al. [59] evaluated the effect of orientation of two inlets of micro Y-mixers on mixing
characteristics and found that the shortest mixing length can be achieved by placing a throttle
Fig. 2. (a) Schematic of T-type micromixer fabricated from glass/silicon [58] and (b) methanol
mass fraction contours in a venturi-type Y-mixer used for the mixing of oxygen and methanol
In multi lamination patterns, the fluids enter the mixer with different arrangements compared to
Y-type pattern. They include multiple flows [60], hydrodynamic focusing [9, 61], interdigitated
mixing [62, 63] and cyclone arrangements [64]. These feed patterns result in a reduction in the
mixing distance, leading to an excellent mixing in the millisecond range [8, 9]. Most of multi-
laminating patterns have three dimensions [65-73], i.e. the streams are joined horizontally and
vertically in subsequent stages. Hong et al. [74] introduced a two-dimensional modified Tesla
configuration (Fig. 3a) fabricated from cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) using thermal bonding.
The increase in the mixing quality of this micromixer is due to chaotic advection due to Coanda
effect. Hossain et al. [75] optimized the modified Tesla pattern by considering the ratio of the
diffuser gap to the channel width and also the ratio of the curved gap to the channel width for
0.05 < Re < 40. Yang et al. [76] proposed a three-dimensional Tesla structure for realization of
the cancer cells (Fig. 3b). Hong et al. [74] and Yang et al. [76] reported that two- and three-
dimensional Tesla structures work well for Re > 5 and 0.1 < Re < 100, respectively. Other three-
dimensional designs that have been proposed for multi lamination micromixers include C-shape
[77] (Fig. 4a), H-C-shape [78] (Fig. 4b), H-shape [79] (Fig. 4c), L-shape [80] (Fig. 4d) etc. Table
2 compares the lamination based micromixers.
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Schematic of two-dimensional modified Tesla structure [74] and (b) three-dimensional
Tesla structure [76].
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 4. Schematic of three-dimensional multi lamination micromixers: (a) C-shape [77], (b)
Table 2. Lamination based micromixers.
Characteristic/ Re Pe Mixing Materials Year Reference
mixing species efficiency
Hybrid / n/r 0.001-45 n/r 100% PDMS 2018 [30]
T-shape / blue dye 500 7×105 83% Silicon/Pyrex 2004 [58]
and a colorless liquid glass
Y-shape / oxygen and
Crossing manifold / n/r n/r 90% Numerical 2011 [73]
DI water and ethanol simulation
Modified 2D Tesla n/r n/r n/r Cyclic Olefin 2004 [74]
/ dyed DI water Copolymer
Modified 2D Tesla / 0.05-40 n/r 70.2% Numerical 2010 [75]
dyed DI water simulation
3D Tesla / DI water 0.1-100 n/r 94% PDMS 2015 [76]
and DI water
solution containing
fluorescent dye
C-shape / water and n/r n/r 90% Numerical 2000 [77]
ethyl alcohol simulation
H-C-shape / Blue- 1-100 n/r 93% Polycarbonate 2016 [78]
and yellow-colored
food-grade water
H-shape / colored 0.08-4.16 n/r 98% Plexiglas 2012 [79]
water solutions
L-shape / deionized 1-20 2×103-4×104 n/r PDMS 2003 [80]
triangular, diamond (smooth) and diamond (stepped) in the mixing process and demonstrated
that as the height of obstructions increases, the mixing quality increases. They found that the use
of circular obstacles leads to higher mixing efficiency compared to other ones. The obstacle
configurations include chevron, check mark, arc, and straight [89], leakage side-channels [90],
triangle [91] and staggered grooves [92-96] have been proposed by researchers to obtain short
mixing length and high mixing index for various ranges of Reynolds numbers. Sadeghcheri et al.
[89] employed round corner rectangular (RCR) and hexagonal (H) chambers and investigated the
mixing efficiency using four different obstacles (Fig. 5c) numerically and experimentally. They
concluded that the mixing performance of RCR chamber with straight obstacles is higher than
that of other geometries. Different staggered grooves have been also evaluated to get higher
mixing of fluids in shorter microchannel length. Recently, Hama et al. [93] investigated reverse-
staggered herringbone micromixer (Fig. 5d) numerically and experimentally for 1 < Re < 100.
They demonstrated that mixing efficiency does not depend on the Reynolds number and
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5. Schematic of obstacle based micromixers in which they are placed in the channel: (a)
cylindrical array [84], (b) cylindrical obstacles in a curved-channel mixer [85], (c) round corner
rectangular (RCR) and hexagonal (H) chambers with chevron (CH), check mark (CM), arc (A),
and straight (S) obstructions [89] and (d) reverse-staggered herringbone [93].
It should be mentioned that some of lamination based, obstacle based and divergence-
convergence based micromixers are known as spilt-and-recombine (SAR) or split-joint
micromixers [74-76, 89, 97-98]. He et al. [97] experimentally and numerically showed that a D-
shaped obstacles lead to the generation of extended vortex and Dean vortices, resulting in the
maximum mixing efficiency of 95% for Re = 80. Baheri Islami and Ahmadi [98] combined
passive (using rectangular obstacles) and active mixers (using oscillatory inlet velocity) to
achieve maximum mixing index of 98% at Re = 0.156.
The second category of obstacle based micromixers is those with the obstacles embedded on the
walls [17, 99-102]. Karthikeyan et al. [100] used micromixers with triangular and rectangular
obstacles on the walls to analyze and optimize the mixing quality of fluids having very low
diffusivity (O ~ 10-12 m2/s) (Fig. 6a) using ANOVA approach. Four parameters of height, pitch,
width and shape of obstacles were evaluated to find optimum layout for mixing of water and
blood. Tsai et al. [101] proposed a planar micromixer with radial obstacles on its wall (Fig. 6b)
and demonstrated that Dean vortices, expansion vortices after the obstructions and converging-
diverging flow in the gap between obstacles and mixer wall force the fluids to merge. Milotin et
al. [102] analyzed the mixing efficiency of micromixers with bare microtube and quarter and half
cross-section obstacles as the orifice for 0.2 < Re < 91 (Fig. 6c). They revealed that the mixing
efficiency could reach 100% for the case of quarter cross-section at Re = 91. Recently, the Koch
fractal snowflake has been used in obstacle-based micromixers to improve their mixing
performance [103-15]. Zhang et al. [103] used staggered Koch fractal-based micromixer to
enhance the mixing efficiency (Fig. 6d). The baffles were placed at the top and bottom of a T-
mixer, leading to the mixing efficiency of 95% for Re = 0.05 and Re = 100. Chen et al. [105]
proposed a Koch fractal mixer with rounding corner pattern (Fig. 6e) and demonstrated that the
pressure drop in the micromixer with rounding corners is lower than that with secondary fractal
Table 3 compares some configurations of obstacles embedded through the channels or on the
walls of micromixers.
(a) (b)
(d) (e)
Fig. 6. Schematic of obstacle based micromixers in which they are embedded on the wall: (a)
rectangular obstacles [100], (b) radial obstacles on curved wall [101], (c) bare microtube and half
and quarter cross-section obstacles [102], (d) staggered Koch fractal [103] and (e) Koch fractal
mixer with rounding corner pattern [105].
Table 3. Obstacle based micromixers.
Characteristic Re Pe Mixing Materials Year Reference
Circular obstacle 0.13-1333 100-106 55% Numerical 2002 [84]
array in channel simulation
Circular and 0.1-60 n/r 88% Numerical 2014 [85]
hexagonal obstacles simulation
in curved channel
diamond (smooth)
and diamond
(stepped) obstacles in
Chevron, check 0.1-40 n/r 99% PDMS 2013 [89]
herringbone in
Triangular and n/a n/r 68% Numerical 2017 [100]
rectangular obstacles simulation
on the wall
Radial obstacles on 0.01-100 n/r 93% PDMS 2011 [101]
curved wall
Half and quarter 0.2-91 n/r 100% Numerical 2016 [102]
cross-section of simulation
circular obstacles on
the wall
Koch fractal baffles 0.05-100 n/r 95% Numerical 2019 [103]
on the wall simulation
Rounded Koch 0.1-100 n/r 90% Numerical 2019 [105]
fractal baffles on the simulation
vortices in convergent-divergent based micromixers for 0.2 < Re < 75. The convergent-divergent
cross section was created by changing the phase shift between the side walls. The maximum
mixing efficiency of 90% was obtained for the phase shifts between π/2 and 3π/4. Recently,
Mondal et al. [107] compared the mixing performance of micromixers with two configurations,
called raccoon and serpentine (Fig. 7a). Their results revealed that the mixing index increases
with the wavelength for two types of micromixer, however, the mixing performance of raccoon
one is more appropriate than the serpentine one for given Reynolds number and wavelength.
Afzal and Kim [108-109] investigated different combinations of SAR and convergence-
divergence patterns for 10 < Re < 70 and showed that mixing index is strongly dependent on the
ratio of throat-width to the diameter of circular wall of the micromixer (Fig. 7b). Tran-Minh et
al. [111] designed a micromixer in which ellipse-like micropillars caused the fluid to converge
and diverge and reached the efficiency of 90% for laminar blood mixing (Fig. 7c). Chen and Li
[112] employed a topological micromixer to improve the mixing performance by increasing
chaotic advection. The mixing efficiency was 95% and 85% for the ranges of (Re < 0.1 and Re >
10) and (0.1 < Re < 10), respectively.
Asymmetric structures of the microchannel are another category of divergence-convergence
micromixers. Rhombic micromixers proposed by Chung and Shih [113] and Hossain and Kim
[114] are two examples of asymmetric passive micromixers. Chung and Shih [113] revealed that
combination effects of focusing/diverging, recirculation and Dean vortices lead to very high
mixing efficiency. It was observed that Dean vortices and recirculation are strongly depend on
the size of the gap between the baffle and channel wall. Their micromixer was modified by
Hossain and Kim [114]. They proposed two-split and three-split rhombic configurations and
reached the mixing efficiency of 86% for three-split one at Re = 60. Recently, Raza and Kim
[115] investigated the mixing performance in unbalanced SAR micromixers for 0.1 < Re < 120
(Fig. 7d). They reported that the mixing efficiency reaches 86% and 95% for Re > 20 and Re >
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 7. Schematic of convergence-divergence based micromixers: (a) serpentine [103], (b) SAR
and convergence-divergence [109], (c) ellipse-like micropillars [111], and (d) unbalanced SAR
Characteristic Re Pe Mixing Materials Year Reference
Sinusoidal side walls 0.2-75 n/r 90% Plexiglas 2014 [106]
Raccoon and 0.1-100 n/r ~ 100% Numerical 2019 [107]
serpentine simulation
SAR and 10-70 n/r 95% Numerical 2012 [108]
convergence- simulation
SAR and 10-70 n/r 95% Numerical 2014 [109]
convergence- simulation
Ellipse-like 0.238-2.38 238-2381 90% Numerical 2014 [111]
micropillars simulation
Re < 0.1 n/r 85%
and Re > Numerical
Topological 10 simulation 2016 [112]
0.1-10 95%
Rhombic > 20 n/r 84% PDMS 2007 [113]
Unbalanced SAR Re > 20 n/r 86% PDMS 2019 [115]
Re > 50 95%
type of micromixer [9]. It was revealed that for De > 150 and De < 150, the secondary flow
consists of two and four vortices, respectively [116]. It is obvious that several loops are required
to get high mixing efficiency. Hence, creative designs have been proposed to enhance the mixing
performance of curved-channel mixers using few numbers of loops. In addition, as pointed out
before, this pattern is combined with other configurations such as obstacle-based and
convergence-divergence ones [109, 115]. Schönfeld and Hardt [117] proposed a three-
dimensional micromixer build up from two curved square channel relying on various types of
Dean vortices. Jiang et al. [118] found that the mixing process depends on the value of Dean
number that is larger or smaller than 140. They proposed a planer meander mixer and stated that
chaotic mixing is induced without multistep or three-dimensional structure (Fig. 8a). Spiral
microchannels with several mixing sections that are joined by a central S-section were proposed
by Sudarsan and Ugaz [119] (Fig. 8b). They considered five spiral configurations for 0.02 < Re <
18.6 and reported that transverse Dean flows lead to the mixing efficiency > 90%. Santana et al.
[120] used this design to mix Jatropha curcas oil and ethanol and showed that the mixing
performance of spiral micromixer is much higher than that of T-type one. Mehrdel et al. [121]
modified this design using expansion and contraction parts (Fig. 8c) and reached the mixing
efficiency of 85% and 98.5% for one and three loops with 10% expansion, respectively, at Re =
1. Inspired by spiral configurations, several designs have been proposed to investigate the effect
of Dean vortices on mixing performance of micromixers [122-130]. Scherr et al. [123] proposed
a logarithmic-spiral based micromixer experimentally using PDMS (Fig. 8d). They achieved
mixing efficiency of 86% for Re = 67 and demonstrated that logarithmic curvature leads to the
generation of three-dimensional Dean vortices due to variable cross-sectional area. A micromixer
composed of staggered three-quarter ring-shaped channels and a semi-circular channel was
designed by Sheu et al. [124] (Fig. 8e). The authors concluded that the secondary flows are
negligible for Re < 5 and are considerable at Re = 50. Double layers of spiral channel were used
by Yang et al. [125] (Fig. 8f), Rafiei et al. [126] (Fig. 8g) and Clark et al. [127] (Fig. 8h) to
design three-dimensional micromixers. Yang et al. [125] demonstrated that mixing index
increases with the height of channel and using cylindrical geometry instead of cubical one. Rafiei
et al. [126] developed a fine-threaded lemniscated-shaped mixer for 1 < Re < 1000 and reached
the mixing efficiency of > 90%. Non-rectangular cross-sections were employed by Clark et al.
[127] to investigate their effects on the Dean flows in a spiral micromixer. They showed that full
mixing is obtained at Re = 20 in their proposed mixers, while it can be achieved at Re = 100 in
rectangular cross-section mixer. Table 5 compares curved-channel micromixers.
(d) (e)
Spiral and concentric 0.6 n/r ~ 40% Aluminum 2012 [122]
Logarithmic spiral 1-70 n/r 86% PDMS 2012 [123]
Tapered curved 1-100 n/r 88% PDMS 2012 [124]
Two layers of spiral
channels overlapped 8-40 n/r 90% Glass 2012 [125]
Fine-threaded 1-1000 n/r > 90% PDMS 2017 [126]
Non-rectangular 1-100 n/r ~ 100% Numerical 2018 [127]
cross-section simulation
Spiral, interlocking- 0.01-50 n/r ~ 100% PDMS 2015 [128]
semicircle, Ω channel
Double helical 0.003-30 n/r 99% Numerical 2015 [129]
channel simulation
Square, semi-circle,
trapezoid cross 20-277 n/r > 90% PDMS 2017 [130]
External energy sources are used to enhance the mixing quality by increasing the contact area
between the fluids, disturbing them or inducing the chaotic advection. Pressure filed [131-138],
acoustic filed [139-152], magnetic field [153-171], electric field [172-192], thermal field [193-
205], etc. are types of external energy sources.
by driving and stopping the flow in the channel. In other words, the step function was used to
generate pulsatile flow; hence many pulses were required to mix the fluids. Velocity pulsing has
been also used to disturb the fluids and increase their contact area [132-135]. Niu and Lee [132]
designed a pressure-driven micromixer according to fluid stretching and folding concepts (Fig.
9a). They used Lyapunov exponent to describe the chaotic behavior and optimize their proposed
micromixer. Wu et al. [136] investigated the effect of oscillatory/pulsatile flow on the mixing
performance of a micromixer (Fig. 9b). They demonstrated that stretching and folding of the
fluids increase due to oscillatory flow and the mixing index reaches 97% after four mixing units
for total flow rate of 44 ml/min and fluid viscosity of 8 mPa s. Li and Kim [137] used constant
input of water head pressure to create pulsatile pressure in the mixer unit (Fig. 9c). Their
proposed micromixer exhibited the mixing efficiency of about 90% for a range of flow rates up
to 20 μl/min and the frequency range of 14-20 Hz. Recently, Zhang et al. [138] investigated the
time pulsed mixing for Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids in a T-mixer (Fig. 9d). They
demonstrated that as the time pulsing increases, the mixing index of Newtonian fluids decreases
and increases for 0.002 < Re < 0.01 and 0.1 < Re < 0.2, respectively. They also revealed that the
mixing of viscoelastic fluids is independent of the time pulsing for Weissenberg numbers Wi <
20, however, it reaches a high value for Wi = 50. Table 6 compares some pressure-driven
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 9. Schematic of pressure-driven micromixers: (a) one pair of side channels [132], (b)
oscillatory/pulsatile flow in a micromixer [136], (c) Oscillator unit in a mixer [137], and (d)
time-pulsed flow in a micromixer [138].
Multiple side n/r n/r Modelling 2003 [132]
Electric circuit 0.17 n/r Analytical 2012 [133]
methods solution
Planar mixing 83-250 90% n/r 2013 [135]
Pulsatile n/r 90% PDMS 2017 [136]
Oscillator and n/r 97% PMMA 2018 [137]
divergent chambers
Time-pulsed flow 0.002-0.1 ~ 53% PDMS 2019 [138]
the laminar flows in the channel, resulting in their excellent and so fast mixing. They
characterized the mixing time as t = dmix/vavg, where dmix and vavg are the distance between
unmixed and full mixed regions and the average fluid velocity, respectively. It was concluded
that as the number of air bubbles increases, the mixing time decreases considerably [139]. Wang
et al. [143] investigated the influence of applied frequency (0.5-10 kHz) on mixing performance
of a micromixer (Fig. 10b) and concluded that low (0.5 kHz) and high frequencies (10 kHz) do
not affect the mixing index. However, the mixing efficiency is strongly dependent on applied
frequencies between 1.0 to 5.0 kHz. This frequency range resulted in the generation of single or
multiple bubbles, leading to disturbance in the local flow field. They demonstrated that the
mixing efficiency increases significantly by generation of bubbles in the frequency range of 1.0
to 5.0 kHz. Bubbles were not occurred in the microchannel outside this range of actuation
frequency. Orbay et al. [144] introduced a bubble-based acoustic micromixer with three inlets in
which nitrogen injected into the center inlet to form bubbles in the mixer. Their proposed
micromixer worked well for high viscous liquids at low Reynolds numbers.
The other types of acoustic micromixers involve ultrasonic transducers [145-146], thin film
piezoelectric devices [147-148] and surface acoustic wave ones [149-150]. Yang et al. [146]
introduced a micromixer made up of glass to achieve a homogeneous mixture using ultrasonic
vibration (Fig. 10c). The ultrasonic vibration was generated by a piezoelectric lead-zirconate-
titanate (PZT) ceramic. Luong et al. [151] proposed a surface-acoustic-wave-driven micromixer
using parallel and focusing interdigitated electrodes (Fig. 10d). It was showed that the mixing
performance depends on applied voltage. It was reported that the focusing type leads to higher
mixing index compared to parallel one. Unlike many investigators who used planar piezoelectric
transducers with flat surfaces, Lim et al. [152] proposed concave and convex surface structures.
They revealed that convex geometry leads to higher mixing quality than flat and concave ones.
(c) (d)
Fig. 10. Schematic of acoustic filed driven micromixers: (a) bubble-based acoustic micromixer
[142], (b) bubble-based acoustic micromixer [143], (c) ultrasonic transducers [146], and (d)
parallel interdigitated electrodes design [151].
transducer with << 1 220-260 45% n/r 2019 [152]
curved surface
magnetic strength of 200 G. Four electromagnet placed opposite to each other were used in a
micromixer to mix Rhodamine dye and DI water by Soraj et al. [162] (Fig. 11e). They
determined a critical actuation frequency, where the mixing degree decreases with the actuation
frequency for the frequencies greater than critical one. Boroun and Larachi [163] investigated the
mixing performance of a T-mixer under static, oscillating and rotating magnetic fields for 10 <
Re < 200. It was concluded that the mixing index increases with the magnetic field intensity.
They reported that rotating magnetic field leads to better mixing performance compared to static
and oscillatory ones.
Kang et al. [165] used magnetic particles as magnetic chains to induce the chaotic mixing under
a rotating magnetic field. Their results were presented based on Mason number that is the ratio of
magnetic to viscous forces. Symmetric and asymmetric motion of artificial cilia was investigated
by Chen et al. [166] for enhancing fluid mixing. They demonstrated that the mixing due to the
asymmetric motion is 1.34 times faster than that due to the symmetric one. Veldurthi et al. [167]
placed a microrotor in a chamber to obtain maximum mixing quality. The magnetic actuator was
made of magnetic nanoparticles dispersed PDMS and the micromixer was fabricated with PDMS
(Fig. 11f). They achieved the mixing efficiency of 90%. Owen et al. [168] used a regular array of
magnetic microbeads to increase the fluid mixing in a channel. They reported that longer array of
moving force applied on charged particles. Jeon et al. [170] evaluated the shape and arrangement
of electrodes and the applied voltage on the mixing of a reagent and phosphate buffered solution
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 11. Schematic of magnetic field driven micromixers: (a) rotating permanent magnet [153],
(b) Permanent parallel magnet [155], (c) permanent parallel magnet [156], (d) electromagnet
driven by a DC electric field [159], (e) four electromagnet placed opposite to each other [162],
with microrotor
Array of rotating n/r n/r ~ 72% NiFe 2016 [168]
magnetic microbeads
Integrated electrodes n/r n/r 27.8% PDMS 2011 [169]
Integrated electrodes n/r n/r 100% Numerical 2017 [170]
5.2.4. Electric-field driven micromixers
Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) disturbance [132, 172-174] and electrokinetic (EKI) instability
[175-192] are used in electrical field driven micromixers. Alternating current (AC) and direct
current (DC) electric fields are used to charge the fluids in EHD instability-based micromixers.
The charged fluids disturb the interface, leading to an enhancement in the mixing performance of
micromixers. EI Moctar et al. [172] proposed a T-type micromixer in which an electric field that
was perpendicular to the interface was applied to the fluids, leading to the creation of a
secondary flow. They used AC and DC electric fields at Re = 0.0174 and observed that a
reasonable mixing can be achieved in less than 0.1 s. A Y-mixer with an array of inclined
electrodes on the bottom of the main channel was considered by Huang et al. [173] (Fig. 12a).
The authors observed that four vortices are generated above each electrode pair so that two
strong vortices remain for a long time and two weak ones cancelled out.
EKI instability occurs when a liquid or particles move towards a charged surface. EKI mixing
methods include electroosmosis [175-186], electrophoresis [187-189] and dielectrophoresis
[190-192]. Zhang et al. [175] numerically and analytically studied mixing of electroosmosis flow
transfer characteristics for four ribbed channel configurations. They gave interesting results
about the mixing rate of fluids: if the Schmidt number is less than a critical one, the mixing index
decreases by applying the electric field. Vertical flow enhancement was also observed by
Bhattacharyya and Bera [177] for an electroosmosis-pressure driven microchannel with a
rectangular block due to the difference between the surface potential of block and the channel
wall. Ahmadian Yazdi et al. [179] investigated the effect of ionic size on diffusion in a Y-
micromixer at high zeta potentials. They revealed that the mixing length is a decreasing function
of ionic concentration for high zeta potentials. The mechanism of chaotic mixing was studied by
Shamloo et al. [180] using a charged electrode array with AC electric field. Different
configurations of one-ring, two-ring and diamond types were considered and it was reported that
the diamond type has maximum index of 99.8% in comparison one-ring and two-ring ones.
Matsubara and Narumi [181] proposed an electroosmotic micromixer with a staggered array of
electrodes with AC signal for 0.005 < Re < 1.0. They showed that a core vortex is generated
between the electrode pairs and two vortices are formed before and after them for the case of
oscillating electroosmotic flow. Kazemi et al. [182] studied the mixing performance of an
electroosmotic micromixer by placing an electrical conductive flap at the entrance of the main
channel. Asymmetrical planar floating-electrodes were mounted in a T-mixer by Zhang et al.
[185] to induce asymmetrical vortices. They obtained the mixing quality of 94.7% for a
frequency of 400 Hz with the mixing length of 3.2 mm. Recently, Usefian and Bayareh [186]
proposed a novel electroosmotic micromixer (Fig. 12b) in the presence of AC and DC electric
fields. Their results revealed that the generated vortices due to DC electric field are stronger than
those formed by AC one. It was showed that the mixing index increases with the applied voltage
of AC and DC electric fields.
Electrophoresis is defined as the motion of conductive or non-conductive particles due to an
external electric field that is applied to a solution of an electrolyte. It should be pointed out that
the use of conductive particles leads to higher mixing index due to convection. Daghighi and Li
[187] proposed a new electrophoresis micromixer including a cylindrical chamber connected to
straight channels. A circular conductive particle was placed in the chamber (Fig. 12c). They
observed that the external electric field induces vortices around the particle, leading to an
enhancement in the mixing rate of the solution. The optimum angle of 45° was found for
applying the external electric field relative to the channel direction. Daghighi et al. [188]
experimentally observed the vortices generated around conductive and non-conductive particles
due to the applied electric field. The generation of vortices and flow circulations around a
conductive particle was studied by Kazemi et al. [189] during mixing process in a micromixer
which consisted of a rectangular chamber connected to microchannels. They demonstrated that at
a specific zeta potential, as the electric field increases, the outlet mass flow rate increases,
leading to a reduction in the mixing quality.
Dielectrophoresis is defined as the motion of neutrally particles due to AC electric field. It leads
to the formation of asymmetric polarization of the particles. A dipole moment is formed on the
particles, resulting in a force causes the particles to move away or towards the electrodes. The
stretching and folding phenomena occur due to the accumulation of particles in a quasi no-
velocity region, leading to chaotic motion and an increase in the mixing index. Deval et al. [191]
presented a dielectrophoretic micromixer to induce the chaotic motion of particles and showed
that the mixing time decreases dramatically. Similar to electrophoretic micromixers, conductive
particles can be used in dielectrophoretic ones to improve their mixing performance due to the
convection. Kim et al. [192] proposed a new micro/nano mixer based on dielectrophoresis
technique (Fig. 12d). It was demonstrated that as the channel depth decreases, the mixing quality
increases. However, the channel depth must be greater than about 20 micrometers.
Table 9 summarizes the characteristics of some electric-field driven micromixers.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 12. Schematic of electric-field driven micromixers: (a) EHD based micromixer with an array
of inclined electrodes [173], (b) an electroosmotic micromixer with two electrodes [186], (c)
electrophoretic micromixer with a conductive particle [187], and (d) dielectrophoretic
micro/nano mixer [192].
(Hz) efficiency
EHD (perpendicular 0.0174 0.5-100 ~ 81% Lexan 2003 [172]
electrode array)
EHD (inclined n/r 1000 94% n/r 2011 [173]
electrode array)
Electroosmotic 0.2-2
micromixer with a 0.005-1.0 (dimensionless ~ 98% Numerical 2016 [181]
staggered array of frequency) simulation
Electroosmotic Numerical
micromixer with a n/r n/r 51.5% simulation 2017 [182]
micromixer with n/r n/r ~ 98% Numerical 2019 [183]
rotating inner simulation
Turbulent-like <1 1-10000 n/r Transparent 2017 [184]
electroosmotic mixer acrylic
Planar floating-
electrodes in a T- n/r 400 94.7% Glass 2018 [185]
micromixer with two n/r 0.5-4 ~ 96% PDMS 2019 [186]
electrodes in a
Electrophoretic n/r n/r 100% Numerical 2013 [187]
micromixer with simulation
cylindrical chamber
micromixer with n/r n/r 99.5% Numerical 2017 [189]
rectangular chamber simulation
Dielectrophoretic 0.02 n/r n/r Si-SU8-glass 2002 [191]
Dielectrophoretic n/r n/r n/r Silicon 2008 [192]
5.2.5. Thermal-field driven micromixers
Thermal energy can be used to improve mixing performance of micromixers by increasing the
diffusion coefficient [193], utilizing thermal bubbles [194-196] or using electrothermal effects
[197-202]. Huang and Tsou [195] used microvalve and micropump to implement a thermal
bubble based micromixer (Fig. 13a). It was revealed that larger thermal bubbles lead to higher
mixing capacity. Tan [196] simulated the mixing of a dye solution and pure water in a Y-mixer
with an embedded microheater (Fig. 13b). Thermal bubbles play the role of a micropump and
drive the streams. The author revealed that if the microheater embedded asymmetrically,
asymmetric vortex and secondary flow are generated, leading to an enhancement in the mixing
rate. Maximum mixing index of 95.6% was obtained when the microheater was placed in the
channel inlet. Zhang et al. [199] employed AC electrothermal flow to increase the mixing of two
laminar streams. Two asymmetric planar electrodes were mounted along the microchannel and a
thin film resistive placed below the electrodes. They showed that the temperature gradient
created by external heating leads to stretching and folding of fluid flow, resulting in higher
mixing quality. Electrothermal actuated micromixers were also investigated by Kunti et al. [200-
201]. Kunti et al. [200] used the characteristics of passive micromixers by using grooved floor
and the advantages of electrothermal micromixers by mounting pairs of asymmetric electrodes
on the walls. They achieved the mixing efficiency of 97.25% for the flow rate of 29.9 μl/s. Meng
et al. [202] used AC electrothermal advantages to design a micromixer for biomicrofluidic
applications. The micromixer consisted of two straight channels and a cylindrical chamber. The
streams were actuated in the chamber due to four arc electrodes (Fig. 13c), leading to the mixing
index of 100%.
Table 10 summarizes the characteristics of some thermal-field driven micromixers.
(a) (b)
Fig. 13. Schematic of thermal-field driven micromixers: (a) thermal-bubble actuated micromixer
[195], (b) Y-mixer with an embedded microheater [197], and (c) AC electrothermal micromixer
with four arc electrodes [202].
actuated micromixer
Electrothermal 0.214 95.6% Numerical 2019 [196]
micromixer simulation
Electrothermal n/r 83.6% Numerical 2016 [199]
micromixer simulation
40 μm/s
6. Discussion
Characteristic nondimensional numbers such as Reynolds number, Peclet number, Strouhal
number, Fourier number and Knudsen number determine the operation conditions of passive and
active micromixers. Since viscous effects are dominant in microscale, mixing occurs due to
molecular-diffusion mechanism. Hence, passive micromixers need long channel length or
complex geometry, leading to high pressure drop along the mixer. Thus, the ratio of mixing
index to pressure drop (MI/∆p) should be calculated. It is obvious that a fast flow (high-
Reynolds-number flow) has a short residence time (tr), hence higher disturbance frequency (for
active micromixers) or longer channel length (or shorter characteristic length) (for passive
micromixers) are required. As a result, Strouhal number and Fourier number characterize the
mixing process in active and passive micromixers, respectively. Mixing of viscoelastic fluids in
microchannels is affected by viscous and elastic effects. It was revealed that sharper and smaller
geometries can be used to increase the chaotic flow instability, leading to higher mixing quality
[203]. The dimensionless Deborah number that is defined as the ratio of elastic and viscous
forces is employed to characterize the mixing of viscoelastic fluid streams. As the Deborah
number increases, the flow instability at the interface is suppressed by the elastic force.
Therefore, the geometry and external actuators play a crucial role to improve the mixing
efficiency of viscoelastic fluids. The constitutive models such as Oldroyd-B, Phan-Thien-Tanner
(PTT), Giesekus, etc. can be used to describe the flow of viscoelastic fluids [204].
In numerical simulations, the quantification of the mixing index is strongly depends on the
numerical diffusion error. Types of grid and discretization method have significant influences on
the generation of false diffusion in the numerical simulations. The presentation of reports about
the numerical diffusion error is required to obtain valid mixing index especially for three-
dimensional micromixers. Time-dependent approach is another important issue in the numerical
study of micromixers. Most of numerical simulations have not considered time-dependent
scheme to evaluate the mixing performance of the micromixers. Since the mixing time is an
essential characteristic parameter of micromixers, it is required to perform time-dependent
simulations especially for the case of validation with the experimental results.
Many fabrication techniques with different materials have been used to make micromixers.
Nowadays, soft lithography using PDMS is widely used in academic microfluidic labs to
evaluate the mixing process or particle separation for biomedical devices. The PDMS can be
combined with carbon nanotubes or solid nanoparticles to exhibit different thermal and electrical
conductivities. In addition, hydrophobic-hydrophilic properties can be controlled by dispersing
nanoparticles in the PDMS during the molding process. 3D printing technique is inexpensive for
fabricating micromixers in comparison with the molding method. Since the fabrication process is
controlled by machine, this technology is cheaper and faster than lithography, thus it can be
commercialized. However, the resolutions of PDMS products are higher than those of 3D
printing ones [205]. In addition, the fabrication of multi-material chips is still a challenge for 3D
printing technology.
7. Conclusions
Passive and active micromixers have been attracted many researchers in recent years due to their
applications in many situations such as chemical, medical and biochemical ones. Passive
micromixers have been widely used due to their simple fabrication. To enhance their mixing
performance, three-dimensional complex designs have been proposed. The researchers combined
different configurations of passive micromixers to improve their mixing performance. The use of
active micromixers leads to higher mixing index for wider range of Reynolds numbers.
Experimentally, electric-field driven and thermal-field driven micromixers have not been
considered in comparison with the micromixers use pressure, magnetic and acoustic fields.
Conflict of Interest
The authors confirm that: This manuscript has not been submitted to, nor is under review at, another
journal or other publishing venue. The authors have no affiliation with any organization with a direct or
indirect financial interest in the subject matter discussed in the manuscript
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