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Proceedings of The International Conference on Health Technology (ICoHT)

Volume 1, 2022
ISSN 2986-917X


Maria Hilaria1*, Priska Ernestina Tenda1, Yorida Febry Maakh1
Health Polytechnic of Kupang, Piet A Tallo Street , Kupang, 85111

*E-mail: mariahilaria023@gmail.com

The preparation of bath bar soap can be used to clean the skin from dirt, and can be useful as antioxidant that can
protect the skin from free radicals. This study aims to determine whether a solid soap formulation from ethanol
extract of Moringa leaves could meet the physical characteristics of the soap and the test of antioxidant activity.
The research design used was experimental laboratory. Moringa leaves ethanol extract obtained by soxhletation
method with 96% ethanol solvent. The extract then formulated in 5 bar soap formulations with various
concentrations of Moringa extract were FI (0g); FII (1g); FIII (2g); FIV (3g); FV(4g). Bath bar soap would be
tested for the characterization of the soap, namely organoleptic, water content, amount of free alkali, pH and
ethanol insoluble material according to the requirements of the Indonesian National Standard 3532:2021.
Antioxidant activity of bath bar soap would be tested by the DPPH reduction method. The results of the physical
quality showed that the Moringa extract bar soap had organoleptic of solid, brownish green in color, had uniform
homogeneity, the pH value was qualified the requirements of SNI, the water content was qualified the
requirements of SNI, the stability of the FI-FIV foam was qualified the requirements, the ethanol insoluble
material FI, FII, FIV were not qualified the requirements. Requirements, for testing the free alkali content of FIII
was qualified the requirements of SNI. The bath bar soap of moringa extract showed an weak antioxidant activity.

Keywords: Bar soap, Moringa extract, Antioxidant

The skin function is to protect the inside of the body from physical and mechanical
disturbances, heat, cold, germs and bacteria. Protection and treatment for the skin is needed
because of the function of the skin as a protector of tissues and organs, one of which is by
cosmetics usage (1).Cosmetics are preparations used on the outside of the human body to clean,
give a good scent, change appearance and/or improve body odor or protect or nourish the body.
One of the cosmetics used to treat the skin is soap. Bath soap can clean, treat and protect the
skin, clean dirt, and used to nourish healthy skin from free radicals as antioxidants and anti-
bacterials (2).
Antioxidants have the ability to inhibit or prevent the oxidation of a molecules or
compounds (3). Antioxidants help protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals,
slowing down the aging process by damaged body cells regeneration, so they are suitable for
application in cosmetic preparations. The effect of free radicals on the skin is characterized by
skin wrinkled rapidly and black spots formation. This can be overcome with antioxidants,
although in fact the human body is capable to synthesizing various antioxidant compounds on
its own, if the natural antioxidant defense ability, it can cause disease or skin disorders,
therefore additional antioxidants are needed from outside to protect the skin from free radical
hazards (4). Antioxidants commonly used for the bar bath production are synthetic antioxidants
such as butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), which are unsafe for the skin if used excessively, so in
this study antioxidants used are from natural ingredients, namely the Moringa plant which also
has anti-bacterial properties (2,5).
Moringa leaves contain bioactive compounds. Compounds contained in Moringa is
functionate as antioxidants as well as inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi. Moringa is rich
in phenolics which can inhibit oxidation. Moringa leaves contain 11 phenolic acids (galic acid,

Proceedings of The International Conference on Health Technology (ICoHT)
Volume 1, 2022
ISSN 2986-917X

caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, o-coumaric acid, p-coumaric acid, ellagic acid, gentisic acid,
synapic acid, and citric acid), flavonoids (especially flavonols and glycosides: quercetin,
rhamnetin, campferol, apigenin, and miricetin), and its derivatives (coumaroylquinic acid and
its isomers, feruloylquinic and caffeoylquinic). In addition, Moringa leaves are rich in amino
acids, minerals, vitamins, and beta-carotene (6). This study aimed to obtained quality ethanol
extract of moringa and can be made into a bar soap that qualified the characteristics of a bath
bar soap and has antioxidant activity.

The type of research conducted was laboratory experimental. This research was carried out in
the pharmaceutical laboratory, phytochemical laboratory and pharmaceutical technology
laboratory at Kupang Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health. The research was conducted
from January to November 2022. The equipments used were UV-Vis spectrophotometer
(himadzu type 1700), pH meter, vacuum rotary evaporator (Eyela type N-1000), analytical
balance (Type EW-220-3NM), oven (Memert), hotplate, blender, test tube, glassware.
Research materials used were a sample that taken from the Moringa leaves in the Belo sub-
district, Kupang. Other materials used were olive Oil, VCO, technical Cocomid DEA, NaOH
p.a. (Merck), technical stearic acid, Glycerin, Sucrose, Ethanol 95% , Chloroform, HCl p.a,
FeCl3,p.a., CH3COOH p.a, Concentrated H2SO4 ,p.a., Mayer's reagent, Dragendorf's reagent,
Bouchardat's reagent, Standard Buffer Solution pH 4.7 and 10.

Moringa Leaves Ethanol Extract Making

Moringa leaves were determined at Jatinangor Herbarium, Laboratory of Plant Taxonomy,
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University.
Moringa leaves were made into simplicia until a simplicia powder was obtained, then 70 grams
of simplicia were taken and extracted using a soxhlet method with 96% ethanol as solvent. The
liquid extract obtained was concentrated using a vacuum rotary evaporator and evaporated in
a water bath at temperature of 50 °C. Extract resulted was weighed to calculated its yield
percentage (7) (Equation 1). Phytochemical screening was carried out against the extract,
namely testing for alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and polyphenols, saponins, steroids and

Yield Percent Formula: 𝑥 100% ………… (Equation 1)

Bath Bar Soap from Moringa leaves Ethanol Extract Making

Moringa soap was made by oil phases such as stearic acid, VCO and olive oil was melted at
temperature of 60 °C, then 30% NaOH was added until saponification reaction occurs. The
mixtures was added with Cocomid DEA until it was homogeneous. The water phase, namely
sucrose and NaCl, was dissolved and then glycerin was added. Water phase was put into the
oil phase, then stirred until homogeneous. The temperature was lowered to 30 °C. The extract
which has been dissolved in water was added. Pour the soap into the mold and left it for 24
hours (8).

Proceedings of The International Conference on Health Technology (ICoHT)
Volume 1, 2022
ISSN 2986-917X

Table 1. Bath Bar Soap of Moringa Leaves Ethanol Extract Formulations (2).
Ingredients Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula
I(g) II (g) III (g) IV (g) V (g)
Moringa leaves ethanol extract 0 1 2 3 4
VCO 65 65 64 64 63
Olive oil 25 24 24 23 23
NaOH 30% 54 54 54 54 54
Stearic acid 9 9 9 9 9
Aquadest 10 10 10 10 10
Cocoamid DEA 25 25 25 25 25
Glycerin 7 7 7 7 7
Sucrose 12 12 12 12 12
NaCl 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
Total Weight 207,2 207,2 207,2 207,2 207,2

Bath Bar Soap of Moringa Ethanol Extract Characterization Test

The purpose of the soap characterization test was to ensure that the soap to be used qualified
the physical requirements of the preparation. The tests carried out were organoleptic, pH,
homogeneity, water content, insoluble ethanol matter, free alkali and foam stability test.
The organoleptic test carried out was in parameter of shape, smell and color (9). The pH
test was carried out using a pH meter by measured 1 g ± 0.05 of soap in a 1 L volumetric flask
(10). The homogeneity test was carried out by applying soap to a transparent glass to observed
wether there were granules in the soap or not (11).
Water content test (10) was carried out by a petri dish that had been dried in an oven (105
± 2) °C was weighed (bo); 5 ± 0.005 soap in a petri dish was weighed (b1); Heat in the oven at
temperature of 105 ± 2) °C and cooled down to room temperature then weighed (b2), repeat
this procedure until the weight was constant. Water content was calculated using the formula

Water Content: 𝑥 100% ………………………………… (Equation 2)

Ethanol insoluble matter test (10) was carried out by (5 ± 0.05) grams of soap was
weighed in an Erlenmeyer with a sharpening lid, with 200 mL of freshly boiled ethanol, the
vertical cooler was connected, then heating it over a water bath until the soap was completely
dissolved; The filter paper or cup was dried in the oven at temperature of (103 ± 2) °C for 30
minutes; Cooled it down in a desiccator, then weighed until the weight was constant (b0); When
the soap was completely dissolved, pour the soap solution into a filter paper or cup.
The solution was protected from carbon dioxide and acid during the process by covering
it with an Erlenmeyer lid or a watch glass; The material that did not dissolve in Erlenmeyer
was washed with hot neutral ethanol; The residue was washed on filter paper or dishes with
hot neutral ethanol until soap-free; The filter paper or cup was dried with the residue in an oven
at temperature of (103 ± 2) °C for 3 hours; Cooled it down in a desiccator, then weighed until
constant weight was obtained (b2). Ethanol insoluble materials then calculated using formula

Insoluble-ethanol materials = 𝑥 100%............................... (Equation 3).

Determination of free Alkali (10) was calculated as NaOH or free fatty acid (calculated
as oleic acid). Principle: The filtrate of the insoluble material in alcohol was titrated with a
standard acid solution if the phenolphthalein indicator turns out to be an alkaline solution or

Proceedings of The International Conference on Health Technology (ICoHT)
Volume 1, 2022
ISSN 2986-917X

titrated with an alkaline standard solution if the phenolphthalein indicator turns out the solution
was acidic. Calculated to NaOH if it's alkaline or to be oleic acid if it's acid.

Free alkali: 𝑥 100%....................................................... (Equation 4)

Free fatty acids: 𝑥 100%.............................................. (Equation 5)

Description: Alkali free/fatty acids free in % mass fraction, V: Volume of HCl/KOH used in
mL. N: Normality of HCl/KOH used, b: Weight of the sample in mg, 40: Equivalent weight of
NaOH and 282: Equivalent weight of moleic acid.
Foam stability test used a method that referred to Handayani (12) in Hasibuan (13). The
foam stability test was carried out using the cylinder shake method. 1 g of soap was added with
9 ml of water and then put it into a test tube. The reaction tube was shaken for 30 seconds using
a vortex and let it stand for 1 hour. Next, the height of the soap foam was measured.

Antioxidant Activity Test of Moringa Soap

Antioxidant activity test was carried out using method that referred to William et al. (1995) in
Hasibuan (13). 0.5 g of solid soap sample was diluted with 5 mL of alcohol and left for 24
hours in a dark room. A total of 1.3 mL of the extract was taken and 5 mL of DPPH solution
was added which was prepared by dissolving 0.0001 g of DPPH in 100 mL of alcohol. The
solution was incubated for 30 minutes, and then its absorbance was measured at a wavelength
of 517 nm. The control that was used was DPPH blank whose absorbance was measured at a
wavelength of 517 nm.

Research design
The design used was a single factor complete randomized design with three replications. The
factor studied was the weight (g) of Moringa extract in the solid soap formulation.


Extraction of Moringa Leaves
Plant determination aimed to checked the truth or authenticity of the plants used. The results
of the determination showed that the moringa plant used in the study was Moringa oleifera
Lam according to letter No.40/HB/02/2022. Fresh moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera Lam),
sorted, dried, mashed and then sieved to obtained dry moringa leaves powder with yield
percentage of 9.73% w/w ± 0.42. The dried moringa leaves powder was then soxhletated using
ethanol as solvent to obtained an extract with yield percentage of 16.81% w/w ±
0.52.Extraction method selection by soxletation was based on the results of research on the
total flavonoid content and antioxidant activity tests of Moringa oleifera Lam leaves extract by
Susanty et al., (7) which had the largest flavonoid content of 245.771 mg/L. Phytochemical
screening was carried out to determined the presence or absence of secondary metabolites in
moringa leaves extract produced.

Proceedings of The International Conference on Health Technology (ICoHT)
Volume 1, 2022
ISSN 2986-917X

Table 2. Phytochemical Screening of Moringa Leaves Ethanol Extract Result

Compounds Group Reagent Result Description
Alkaloids Mayer Orange precipitate (white) +++
Wagner Brown precipitate +++
Dragendorf White colour +++
Flavonoids Mg + HCl Pekat +etanol Red colour +++
Saponins Sampel + air Stable foam formed ++
Steroid Libermann-Burchard Bluish purple/green colour ++
Tannin FeCl3 1% Blackish purple colour +++
(Source: laboratory primary data, 2022)
Description: - : not contained; ++: contained weakly. +++: contained strongly

Data in table 2 showed that Moringa leaves ethanol extract contained alkaloids,
flavonoids, saponins, tannins and terpenoids. The results of this test are the same as the research
conducted by Rahmawati (14). Flavanoids in the ethanol exctract of Moringa leaves are thought
to function as natural antioxidants with a mechanism of action as reducing coumpounds (15).

Moringa Ethanol Extract Soap Making

Ethanol extract of Moringa leaves was formulated into a bar soap preparation. Bar soap was
chosen because it was most widely used by the community to clean the skin from dirt (16). The
soap was formulated into 5 preparations with different extract concentrations in each formula
for 3 replications. Based on research from Windi Eka Putri in 2018 which examined the
addition of moringa extract to transparent soap. This study used moringa extract using 70%
ethanol as solvent and extracted by the maceration method (2). The extract was formulated into
transparent soap with several ingredients. The results of the study concluded that the addition
of moringa extract greatly affected the quality of transparent soap including color, scent,
foaming ability and pH.

Moringa Ethanol Extract Soap Characterization Test

Bath bar body soap test was carried out with the aim of seeing whether the preparation of bath
bar soap that was made qualified the requirements in accordance with the Indonesian National
Standard number 3532 year: 2021 concerning bath soap and several other requirements. The
tests that was conducted included organoleptic, pH, homogeneity, weight uniformity, foam
stability, water content, ethanol insoluble matter and free alkali (Table 3).
Organoleptic testing was carried out at room temperature, the result showed that the five
formulas had the same form, namely solid dosage form, had the same aroma, which is typical
of olive oil. The bar soap produced had a different color depending on the concentration of the
extract added. The higher the concentration of Moringa leaves extract added, the color of the
solid soap produced was also darker, namely blackish green color. Based on the organoleptic
test, the solid soap of Moringa leaves extract qualified the organoleptic evaluation test, during
a storage period of 3 weeks stored at room temperature.The pH value determined the
appropriateness of soap for use as a bath soap. The pH value of the solid soap produced could
be seen in table 3. The pH test conducted in this study aimed to determine whether the pH of
bar soap produced affects the irritating properties of the skin (17). According to Rusli, (2018)
a very high or very low pH value of soap can increased the absorption power of the skin thereby
allowing the skin to experienced irritation (1). The standard pH value for bar soap based on
INS number 3532: 2021 was 6 – 11, so that the bar soap produced qualified the INS
requirements. The pH of bar soap produced showed a relatively alkaline pH. Basically solid
bath soap that was made from fat and alkali had a pH between 8-10, this was because bath soap

Proceedings of The International Conference on Health Technology (ICoHT)
Volume 1, 2022
ISSN 2986-917X

that was produced from fat and alkali would not be able to reach a normal pH (pH 7). Bath
soap that had a pH of 8-10 was not a place for bacteria to grow. The large amount of alkali in
soap was due to the presence of alkali which did not react with fatty acids in the saponification
process. A higher pH value made the soap easily foamed because it was alkaline (18)

Table 3. Test Results of Moringa Soap Ethanol Extract

Consistency Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid
pH 8,72 ± 0,06 8,87± 0,04 8,43± 0,04 8,51± 0,03 8,62 ± 0,04
Homogenity H H H H H
Weight uniformity 17,44±0,3 17,65±0,21 17,35±0,26 17,63±0,24 17,54±0,07
Foam height (mm)
Beginning (0 mnt) 19,30 ± 1,15 21,00±2,52 20,00± 2,89 19,00±2,00 18,00±3,79
Ending (60 mnt) 13,30± 12,00±1,53 16,00±1.00 13,00±1,53 11,00±0,58
Foam stability 69±0,12 56±0,01 80±0,11 67±0,07 60±0,13
Water content 15,69± 15,60± 0,49 16,40± 1,27 16,40± 0,65 17,20± 0,71
Ethanol insoluble matter 6,80±6,51 1,60±1,13 17,13±11,67 10,73±8,57 13,00±8,13
Free alkali 0,017±0,0 0,0925±0,02 0,1163±0,01 0,1189±0,01 0,1401±0,01
(Source: primary data, 2022)
Description: YW : Yellowish white; BG : Brownish green; LG : Blackish green; OO :Typical scent
of olive oil; H : Homogeneous

Homogeneity test was carried out to found out whether there were granules in the bar
soap or not. This test was carried out by looking at the color uniformity of the soap mixed with
Moringa leaves extract. If there are granules and the color was not uniform, then the soap was
said not homogeneous (11). The results obtained were that there were no granules present in
the soap. This showed that formula 1-5 were homogeneously dispersed. Differences in the
concentration of Moringa leaves extract did not affect the results of the soap homogeneity test.
The results of the foam height test showed that formula 1 to formula 5 Moringa leaves
extract bar soap had a foam height according to the requirements of 13-220 mm. It could be
concluded that it had abundant foam which was effective in cleansing the skin and spreading
the active substance of Moringa leaves extract. So that it could be more effective in cleansing
the skin. Formula 5 did not qualified the requirements because when shaken there was foam
height decreased below the predetermined requirements (8).
The foam stability test aimed to determine the stability of the foam produced by bar soap
preparations with the addition of surfactant and foam stabilizer, namely comid DEA. In
addition to comid DEA, the addition of stearic acid could also stabilized the foam reluted (19).
Foam measurements were carried out more related to psychological perceptions of soap being
able to clean properly if it produced a lot of foam (20). Bath soap was said to had good stability
if it produced a stable foam of between 60-70% within 5 minutes. More than 70% could still
be said qualified the requirements (21). The foam stability test results for formulas 1, 3, 4 and
5 qualified the requirements, namely between 60-80%, except for formula 2, which was 56%.

Proceedings of The International Conference on Health Technology (ICoHT)
Volume 1, 2022
ISSN 2986-917X

The results of the water content test showed that the Moringa leaves extract bar soap had
a water content that varied from 15.69% - 17.20% w/v. The water content of the test results
was still within the recommended value of 10-20% (22) and was in accordance with the water
content quality requirements based on INS no. 3532: 2021, which was a maximum water
content was 23% mass fraction. The water content in bar bath soap showed the amount of water
present in the soap. Soap with a high water content would experience shrinkage faster and the
soap would became hard when used. So that it became less comfortable when used, while soap
that contained a little water content could increased its shelf life. However, the duration of soap
storage could affect the hardness of the soap because the water content in the soap evaporated
more and more (23). Therefore, the water content of bath bar body soap products greatly
determined the characteristics of the soap stored during sale and when it was used by the public.
Ethanol insoluble materials test aimed to identified impurities such as sodium silicate,
sodium phosphate, sodium carbonate and materials added in small amounts to soap such as
bleach and florescent materials. Formulas III and V did not qualified the requirements for
ethanol insoluble materials test. The requirements for ethanol insoluble materials test according
to INS 3532: 2021 were maximum of 10%. So, bar soap that qualified the requirements were
Formulas I, II, and Formula IV. This may be caused by alkaline impurities used to produced
the soap (24).
Free alkali content test of bar bath soap was a measurement of the excessed alkali in the
soap or it did not saponified or did not react with fatty acids. The high percentage of free alkali
value indicated that the bar soap produced can caused irritation to the skin. The results of free
alkali test in bath bar soap were presented in Table 3. Based on the results of the free alkali
content test, FII (formula 2) qualified the requirements by INS 3532: 2021. Maximum free
alkali content of bar soap was 0.1% (10). The pH value will increased with increasing alkalinity
and decreased with increasing acidity, so that the higher the pH value of the soap on the
Moringa extract, the higher the alkali content contained in the soap.

Antioxidant activity
Based on the results of the study, it was found that the addition of ethanol extract from Moringa
leaves had a significant effect on antioxidant activity (Formula II-V) which was greater than
without the addition of ethanol extract of Moringa leaves (FI). Figure 1 shows the IC50 value
of Formula 1 is higher than Formula II-V. The higher the IC50 value the lower the antioxidant
activity. Formula II – V showed relatively weak antioxidant activity with an IC50 value of
181,27 to 208,16. Formula V produced the largest antioxidant activity compared to thr other
formulas, namely 181,27, although its activity was still relatively low.

500 442,84
Nilai IC50

199,83 200,32 208,16 181,27
Nilai IC50 442,84 199,83 200,32 208,16 181,27

Figure 1. IC50 value of antioxidant activity test of Moringa leaf bath bar soap.

Proceedings of The International Conference on Health Technology (ICoHT)
Volume 1, 2022
ISSN 2986-917X

Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the ethanol extract of Moringa leaves
contains alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and terpenoids. Ethanol extract can be made
into bath bar soap preparations. Based on the characterization tests, formula 1 to 5 qualified
the test requirements for organoleptic, homogeneity, pH and water content. For the foam
stability test, formula 1, 2, 4 and 5 qualified the requirements, in ethanol insoluble materials
test, bar soap that qualified the requirements were formulas 1, 2 and 4. In free alkali test, bar
soap that qualified the requirements was formula 2. Moringa leaves ethanol extract bath bar
soap in formula 1 to 5 has weakness antioxidant activity.

The authors are thankful to Health Polytechnic of Kupang for providing fund and facilities.

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