Melcs: Mount Olive Laymen'S Academy P-4, Mt. Olive, Bayugan City, Agusan Del Sur Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

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“The School that Prepares Students for the Higher Course…”

P-4, Mt. Olive, Bayugan City, Agusan Del Sur

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Module 13

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
 Prepare survival kits and materials for one’s family and for public information and advocacy;
 Explain DRR-related laws and policies.

Pre Test
Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices
Directions: Read each item very well and encircle the best answer of your choice.
1. What factor allows the force of gravity to overcome the resistance of earth material to landslide?
A) Saturation by water C) steepening of slopes by erosion
B) Loosened stones D) Both A and B

2. Landslides are often associated with ____ ?

A) El Niño C) Periods of Humidity
B) El Niña D) Periods of Intense Rainfall

3. Typhoon “Sendong” was known internationally as ____ ?

A) Typhoon ‘Washi’ C) Typhoon ‘Haiyan’
B) Typhoon ‘Bopha’ D) Typhoon ‘Yolanda’

4. Minimization of risks – is a term which means?

A) Geological Processes C) Creation of TWG
B) Hazard control D) Create a small group

5. It is important to know the following when reading the map.

A) Symbols and Scale C) Direction
B) Distance D) All of the above

6. Geologic hazards includes earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and __?

A. Sinkholes C) Rain-induced landslides
B. Wildfires D) Both A and C

7. A geological hazard that is characterized by caving in of the ground is called?

A) Sinkholes C) Mudslides
B) Earthquakes D) Landslides

8. Which item below is not included in preparing for an emergency?

A) Spare Batteries C) Whistle
B) Medicine Kit D) Ball

9. How many typhoons in a year pass through the PAR?

A) 20 C) 30
B) 28 D) 38

10. When you are caught in a landslide, you should?

A) Lay flat on the ground C) rescue someone
B) Move slowly away D) Move out quickly from the debris path

Lesson 1 Survival Kits and Materials for One’s Family and for Public
Information and Advocacy
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
Prepare survival kits and materials for one’s family and for public information and advocacy.
Pre- Test
Direction. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. A package of basic tools and supplies prepared in advance as an aid to survival.

A. Medicine kit C. Make-up kit
B. Survival kit D. Bag

2. One of the materials inside the survival kit that is use to produce sound to alarm, to call or ask
A. Flashlight C. Whistle
B. Fire Alarm D. Bell

3. The measures undertaken to prepare people to react appropriately during and after the disaster or
A. Preparedness C. Family plan
B. Mitigation D. Response

4. This is useful to make the members of the household prepared and informed about how the family
will respond to disaster or emergency.
A. Family forum C. Medicine kit
B. Survival kit D. Family preparedness plan

5. The information dissemination through mass media, symposia, and meetings.

A. Advocacy C. Mitigation
B. Forum D. Rehabilitation

What’s New
Preparedness before the disaster is the key to life’s survival. It is important that the whole
family and the community as well is prepared and informed before, during and after the disaster.
During disaster, all resources will be stretched to limit and government respond to the needs of the
affected communities is not immediate due to some limitations. Hence, preparation should start in
every family of a community. Preparedness is the measures undertaken to prepare people to react
appropriately during and after the disaster or emergency. Regardless of the emergency situation or
hazard, the best thing that an individual can do is to make a plan and prepare the whole family. The
advocacy is information dissemination through mass media, symposia, and meetings are also an
important factor in disaster preparedness.

The basic steps to make sure that everyone in the family is prepared and informed;
1. Gather information about disasters and hazards that are likely to occur in your place.
2. Meet the household members and together create a family disaster plan.
3. Discuss how to prepare and respond to emergencies that are most likely to happen where you live,
work and household routines.
4. Identify the responsibilities for each family member and plan to work together.
5. Prepare survival kits and materials for the whole family and for public information and advocacy.
6. Plan how to work with your neighbor’s and the community for awareness and advocacy

What is It
Survival kit is a package of basic tools and supplies prepared in advance as an aid to survival in an
emergency. You will need an emergency bag if you have to evacuate.

Activity 1
Direction: In this activity, you are going to make a family disaster preparedness plan. Using a
separate paper, sketch your house and present your plan to the class. Do the following steps with the
presence of all household members.

Materials: pen and paper

1. Discuss which natural and man-made hazards are present around your home, workplace, school,
and daily routines.
2. Discuss how safe your house is and if it can withstand different disaster scenarios. Talk about
whether it is safer to stay inside the house or to evacuate in case a certain disaster happens.
3. Draw a floor plan of your home and mark-out escapes routes from each room.
4. Also, in the drawing of your house include the information such as the main electrical box, the
gas / LPG and water lines can be turned off in case of emergency.
5. Discuss and agree on the safest evacuation routes from each room in the house. Ideally, you
should have two separate routes planned from each spot in the house. Discuss who is responsible for
helping family members who need assistance and how to help them evacuate
6. Discuss ways to make your house more resistant against hazards and what you can do to prepare
your house before a hazard strikes.
7. Map your surroundings. Think from where a hazard may come from the secondary hazards that
might harm you when evacuating or prevent you from evacuating (large trees and/or electrical lines
that could fall, drenches and rivers that could flood, bridges that be impassable, buildings that could
collapse and more).
8. Decide on the best evacuation routes and where to evacuate for each hazard. Have more than one
option for evacuation.
9. Decide where to meet or how to contact each other in case you get separated.
10. Discuss what to do with your pets and/or livestock in case of disaster. 2. Discuss how safe your
house is and if it can withstand different disaster scenarios. Talk about whether it is safer to stay
inside the house or to evacuate in case a certain disaster happens.
11. Make a list of people and institutions that can help in the event of a disaster. Write down
important phone numbers (fire fighters, police, ambulance, relatives, neighbors, doctors, utilities,
etc.) and make a copy for each family member. Save the numbers in your cellphones but have them
on paper as well.
12. Write down your plan. Make sure each family member is oriented on their responsibilities, and
that there is always someone to back up in case the person is away.

Some Tips:
 Agree on two meeting points:
 One right outside your house in case of a sudden emergency, such as fire.
 One outside your neighborhood, in case you cannot return home or are asked to evacuate.
 Practice evacuating from your home and neighborhood twice a year (both on foot and in a
 Include your neighbors in your emergency planning. Maybe you can help each other in case of an
 Agree on a relative or friend in a different village or town that you all can contact in case you lose
each other.

What’s More
Activity 2
Direction: For this activity, your goal is to help your family prepare for an emergency.
Prepare an emergency kit for the whole family. Below are the list of materials, choose the most
important materials to be included in your survival kit. Decide what items should be in your survival
kit and be ready to present it in the class. The scoring rubric attached in this lesson will be used in
assessing your kit.

Medicines, first aid kit, flashlight, LED light, candles, matches, radio, cellphone, Television
set, battery, whistle, drinking water, canned goods, soft drinks, rice, important documents (birth
certificate, marriage contract & etc), towel, soap, books, toothbrush, money, blanket, and clothes.

Activity 3
Direction: Identify the terms being referred to by the statements below. Select the correct word
inside the box.

Food Drinking Water Cell phone

Flashlight & lighter Important documents Whistle

______________________ 1. Needed to provide immediate hydration and source of energy when
you have nothing to eat.
______________________ 2. Use to contact and inform people in authority about the disaster.
______________________ 3. Use to change when you are cold and wet, choose something bright-
colored for easy to spot for the rescuers.
______________________ 4. This include crackers, instant foods, canned goods, and not perishable
to sustain for days.
______________________ 5. This is helpful to monitor the latest weather condition or updates for
announcement of rescue operations and delivery of relief goods.
______________________ 6. A material needed to make you warm and have something to cover
your body to take some rest.
______________________ 7. Very important to be able to produce sound to alarm, to call or ask
______________________ 8. This will save you from trouble of getting replacement after the
disaster where record and identifications are very important.
______________________ 9. In case of blackout, you need this to find your way, your household
members, and to signal rescuers.
______________________ 10. This is important to cure wounds or illness brought by the disaster.

What I Can Do
Activity 4
Direction: Conduct a symposium in your Purok or Zone on how to prepare survival kits and
materials for a family. Present your own Family Disaster Preparedness Plan and survival kit for
information and advocacy.
Make a reflection on how your neighbors react and made their own survival kit.

Activity 5
Direction: Conduct a puppet show or mini-theatre show in your Purok or community. This is a great
way to teach other children, parents or other community members about disaster resilience and

Making your own finger or paper bag puppets
• Papers or a paper bag
• Scraps of fabric, wool thread
• Scissors and glue
• Colored pens
• tape

1. Decide on how your puppet should look like. Will it be a person, an animal, a superhero?
2. Draw its shape and outline on a piece of paper. If you are making a finger puppet, make the body
as long as about half your finger and draw the head on top of it.
3. Cut out the shape of the puppet.
4. Color and decorate your puppet. You can use scraps of fabric to make clothes for your puppet and
use wool threads for its hair.
5. Glue parts of your puppet together.
6. For finger puppets, it’s fun to have more than one character on hand, so go ahead and be creative
in making different characters.

Direction. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of your choice.
1. This is useful to make the members of the household prepared and informed about how the family
will respond to disaster or emergency.
A. Family forum C. Medicine kit
B. Survival kit D. Family preparedness plan

2. The measures undertaken to prepare people to react appropriately during and after the disaster or
A. Preparedness C. Family plan
B. Mitigation D. Response

3. A package of basic tools and supplies prepared in advance as an aid to survival.

A. Medicine kit C. Make-up kit
B. Survival kit D. Bag

4. The information dissemination through mass media, symposia, and meetings.

A. Advocacy C. Mitigation
B. Forum D. Rehabilitation

5. One of the materials inside the survival kit that is use to produce sound to alarm, to call or ask
A. Flashlight C. Whistle
B. Fire Alarm D. Bell

Lesson 2 Laws and Policies of Disaster Risk Reduction Management

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

Explain DRR-related laws and policies

What’s New
Republic Act No. 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010
(DRRM) is a law which transform the Philippines’ disaster management system from disaster relief and
response towards disaster risk reduction (DRR). It was approved on May 27, 2010. It repealed Presidential
Decree No. 1566 which was enacted way back in 1978.

What is It
Under the Presidential Decree 1566, disaster management focused on the hazard and impacts
of a disaster. It assumed that disasters cannot be avoided. Most of the plans where government on
the provision of relief goods and infrastructures like dikes and flood control systems. The
government’s response to disaster was focused on disaster response. The national and local
governments were reactive to disasters.
The DRRM Acct provides a responsive and proactive manner of addressing disasters through
a framework that:

A. Prioritizes on community level DRRM focusing on the most vulnerable sectors

(i.e., the poor, the sick, people with disabilities, the elderly, women and children)
B. Recognizes the important role and strengths capacities of local communities
C. Ensures broad-based and greater participation form civil Society
D. Addresses root cause of disaster risks

The DRRM Act adopts and adheres to principles and strategies consistent with the
international standards set by the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). The HFA is a
comprehensive action oriented response to international concern about growing impacts of disasters
on individuals, communities, and national development.

Salient features of DRRM Act include the following:

1. Coherence with international framework

- Adherence to universal norms, principles, and standards of humanitarian assistance
- Good governance through transparency and accountability
- Integrated, coordinated, multi-sectorial, inter-agency, and community- based approach to disaster
risk reduction.

2. Empowerment of Local Government Units (LGUs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) as
key partners in disaster risk reduction
- Integration of DRRM into the educational system
- Establishment of DRRM Fund (DRRMF) at the national and local levels
- Provisions on the declaration of the state of calamity, remedial measures, prohibited acts and

3. Wider scope of collaboration as mandated in the DRRM Act

- National Government
- Local Government Units
- Civil Society Organizations
- Communities

The President can declare a state of calamity upon the recommendation of the NDRRMC.
The local sanggunian may also declare and lift the state of calamity within their locality. This is
upon the recommendation of the LDRRMC based on the results of the damage assessment and needs
analysis. The executive chief of every government level is also the head of the Disaster Risks
Reduction Management Committee in each level. The local DRRM fund is not less than 5% of the
estimated revenue from regular sources.
The Disaster Risks Reduction Management Committees take the lead in preparing for,
responding to, and recovering from the effects of any disaster according to the criteria which is
based on the affected area in hierarchical manner. The LDRRMCs coordination starts from the
barangay level to city or municipality, provincial level and regional level such us the Barangay
Disaster Committee (BDC), city / municipal DRRMC, provincial DRRMC, regional DRRMC and
national DRRMC respectively.

1. According to RA 10121, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council should be headed by
the following?

1. According to RA 10121, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council should be headed by
the following?

1. According to RA 10121, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council should be headed by
the following?

What’s More
The National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) is empowered with
policy making, coordination, integration, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation functions. The
council is composed of the government agency with one (1) chairperson and assisted by four (4)
vice-chairpersons and 36 member agencies.

The RA 10121 also stipulates prohibited acts to any person, group or corporation who
commits any of the following with corresponding penalty and fines.
1. Dereliction of duties which leads to destruction, loss of lives, critical damage of facilitates
and misuse of funds;
2. Preventing the entry and distribution of relief goods in disaster-stricken areas, including
appropriate technology, tools, and equipment, accessories, and disaster teams/experts;
3. Buying, for consumption or resale, from disaster relief agencies any relief agencies any
relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities which are intended for distribution to disaster
affected communities;
4. Buying for consumption or resale, from the disaster affected recipient any relief goods,
equipment or other aid commodities received by them;
5. Selling of relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities which are intended for
distribution to disaster victim;
6. Forcibly seizing relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities intended for or
consigned to a specific group of victims or relief agency;
7. Diverting or mis-delivery of relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities to persons
other than the rightful recipient or consignee;
8. Accepting, possessing, using or disposing relief goods, equipment or other aid
commodities not intended for nor consigned to him/her;
9. Substituting or replacing relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities with the same
items or inferior / cheaper quality;
10. Misrepresenting the source of relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities by:

A. Either covering, replacing or defacing the labels of the containers to make it
appear that the goods, equipment or other aid commodities came from another agency or
B. Repacking of goods, equipment or other aid commodities into containers with
different markings to make it appear that the goods, equipment or other aid commodities was
released upon the instance of a particular agency or persons,
C. Making false verbal claim that the goods, equipment or other aid commodity in its
un-tampered original containers actually came from another agency or persons or was
released upon the instance or a particular agency or persons.
11. Illegal solicitations by a persons or organizations representing others as defined in
standards and guidelines set by the NDRRMC;
12. Deliberate use of false or inflated data in support of the request for funding, relief goods,
equipment or other aid commodities for emergency assistance or livelihood projects;
13. Tampering with or stealing hazard monitoring and disaster preparedness equipment and

The penalties for committing the prohibited acts according to Section 20 are both fine and
imprisonment. The fine is ranging between P50, 000.00 to P500, 000.00 and imprisonment between
six months to 1 year. Also a confiscation or forfeiture of the objects instrumentalities used.

Activity 1
Arrange the following composition of NDRRMC. Number 1 as the highest position as
head to 6 as lowest position as member.
_____ Secretary of Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
_____ Director-General of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
_____ Secretary of the Department of National Defense (NDD)
_____ Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
_____ Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development
_____ Secretary of the Department of Health (DOH)

Activity 2
The Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (LDRRMC) is created in
every province, city, municipality and barangay headed by the local chief executive of each level.

Direction: Fill in the appropriate local chief executive of the government level.
Who are the corresponding local chief executive of the following?
_______________________ Province
_______________________ City
_______________________ Municipality
_______________________ Barangay

Activity 3
In coordination during emergencies, the lead agency that will take lead in preparing for, responding
to, and recovering from the effects are based on the affected area.

Direction: Match Column A to Column B for the corresponding agency that is responsible in times
of emergencies.

Column A Column B
1. If barangay is affected a. the regional DRRMC
2. If two or more barangays are affected b. the NDRRMC
3. If two or more cities/municipalities are affected c. the BDC
4. If two or more provinces are effected d. the Provincial DRRMC
5. If two or more regions are affected e. the city/municipal DRRMCs

What’s More
Activity 4
Direction: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is DRRM Act?

2. Who can declare a State of Calamity?


3. How will the DRRMCs coordinate from each government level during disaster?

4. In your locality, have you experienced disaster? What kind of disaster? How did the
DRRMC act to address the disaster? Explain the process.

What I Can Do
Activity 5
Direction: Conduct a class symposium about RA 10121. Invite speakers from the Local DRRMC.
Make a reflection or reaction paper on the topic presented by the speaker.

Activity 6
Direction: Conduct an On-the-Spot essay writing, poster and slogan making contests.
Select which activity you would like to do, essay writing, poster making or slogan making about
participation of the youth in the government program on risks reduction and management towards
safe and resilient communities. Use rubric in grading the output.

Direction. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction Management Act was approved on

A. May 27, 2010 C. May 15, 1966
B. May 27, 1978 D. May 15, 2016

2. How many percent is the allocation of the local DRRM fund from the regular revenue
A. 5% C. 20%
B. 10% D. 30%

3. Who can declare the State of Calamity?

A. The President C. The Governor
B. The Mayor D. The Barangay Captain

4. The NDRRMC is mainly responsible for

A. Policy making, coordination, integration, supervision, monitoring and evaluation functions
ensuring the protection and welfare of the people during disasters or emergencies
B. Training people for disaster preparedness
C. Conducting rescue operations during typhoons and distribution of relief goods
D. Communicating with other countries for aids during disasters.

5. How will the DRRMCs coordinate during disaster based on the affected area?
A. From the barangay affected to the BDC, to city or municipal DRRMC, to provincial DRRM, to
regional DRRMC, and to NDRRMC.
B. From the city or municipal DRRMC, to provincial DRRM, to barangay BDC, to regional

C. From the NDRRMC, to city or municipal DRRMC, to provincial DRRM, to barangay BDC, and
to regional DRRMC.
D. From the city or municipal DRRMC, to NDRRMC, to provincial DRRM, to barangay BDC, and
to regional DRRMC.

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