Isfahani 2009
Isfahani 2009
Isfahani 2009
I. Introduction
This paper is concerned with erosive burning of ammonium percholate (AP)-based composite solid pro-
pellants, a common propellant used for solid rocket propulsion for more than five decades. Erosive burning
is defined as the modification of the local burn rate from its nominal value by some mechanism. The nominal
burn rate is measured using strands in an enclosed bomb at some predefined pressure, or measured using the
ballistic evaluation motor (BEM), which is a standardized small rocket motor with high port/throat area
ratio. Erosive burning is a well known phenomenon first reported in [1] and subsequently in a number of
independent studies and review articles (e.g., [2-11]). The most important process that has been observed
that leads to a modification of the nominal burn rate is high crossflow velocity. Thus, erosive burning refers
to the sensitivity of the solid composite propellant burning rate to crossflow velocity. For composite propel-
lants, studies show that the nominal burn rate increases with increasing crossflow velocity, an increase in
the coarse grain AP diameter, type of binder, and temperature in the unburnt propellant. Factors which do
not appear to modify the burn rate are crossflow temperature, crossflow composition, and metal addition.
Erosive burning has also been observed for homogeneous propellants, but here we are only concerned with
composite propellants. The increase in burning rate from the nominal value can vary from one (no erosive
burning) for low pressures and low crossflow velocities, to three or more at higher pressures and higher
crossflow velocities. As an example, Figure 1 of [6] shows the burn rate for an AP/polyester propellant as a
function of pressure and crossflow velocity. The data is taken from [2]. It can be seen from the figure that
the burning rate is significantly increased as the pressure increases with the crossflow velocity held fixed, or
as the crossflow velocity increases with fixed pressure. For example, at 80 atm, the burn rates are roughly
0.4 cm/s (no crossflow), 0.6 cm/s (at a crossflow velocity of 49 m/s), 0.8 cm/s (at 103 m/s), and 1.2 cm/s
(at 214 m/s).
∗ ResearchAssistant, 1324 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Email:, Member AIAA
† Visiting
Scholar, 3243 Digital Computer Laboratory, Email:, Member AIAA
‡ Senior Research Scientist, 2256 Digital Computer Laboratory, Email: Corresponding author. Associate
Fellow, AIAA.
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periodic Primary Diffusion
applied Flame
AP Monopropellant Flame
Propellant flux
Binder AP
Figure 1: Sketch of the configuration. The binder lies in the region: x < 0, y < 0 and AP in the region:
x > 0, y < 0. The solid propellant turns to gas at the surface x = 0, with the gas-phase region defined by
y > 0. Shown are the primary diffusion flame and the AP decomposition flame. The final diffusion flame
lies beyond the leading edge of the primary diffusion flame.
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R1 = D1 Po n1 X exp{−E1 /Ru T },
R2 = D2 Po n2 X 3.3 Y 0.4 exp{−E2 /Ru T },
R3 = D3 Po n3 Y Z exp{−E3 /Ru T }.
The reaction rate R1 corresponds to AP decomposition, R2 is the so-called primary diffusion flame of the
Beckstead-Derr-Price model (BDP) [19] and takes into account reaction between virgin AP gases and binder
gases, and R3 is the final diffusion flame. Because the reaction rates do not correspond to real reactions but
are representative of many, the usual relations between the stoichiometric coefficients, the pressure exponents,
and the exponents of the reacting species do not have to be satisfied. The interested reader is referred to
[24] for a complete discussion of the kinetics model.
Note that in our earlier work [18] only the primary diffusion flame, represented by the reaction rate
R2 (and hence with different parameter values from the ones listed below in Table 1), was used. Below
we compare the results of the three-step mechanism with that of a two-step (R2 = 0) and a one-step
(R1 = R3 = 0), the latter being similar to the work of [18].
The corresponding dimensional equations for the species X, Y, Z, and the temperature T are
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In some of the results presented below for the quarter-plane geometry we turn off surface corrugation and
so explicitly set fx = 0.
Connection Conditions at the Propellant Surface
The propellant surface is an interface between the condensed phase and the gas phase, and certain conditions
are imposed there which relate the solution in one phase to that in the other. These include continuity of
tangential velocity (zero in the solid phase, and therefore zero in the gas) and continuity of normal mass flux
(ρc rb in the solid) [29]. Energy conservation at the surface has the form
~ ] = −Qs M,
[λ~n · ∇T (12)
so that the surface is flat in the new coordinates. This is used to transform both the field equations and the
surface conditions.
Boundary Conditions
In addition to the connection conditions across the propellant surface, we assume zero normal derivatives at
x = ±∞, zero normal derivatives at y → ∞, and a supply temperature T0 as y → −∞.
Kinetic Parameters
The parameters are given in Table 1. A complete discussion of how the parameters were determined can be
found in [24].
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Figure 2: Vorticity field corresponding to Reinj = 400 and ǫ = 0.04 for the planar periodic rocket.
by near-wall large-scale coherent structures, the parietal vortex shedding (PVS), inclined at an angle opposite
to the mean flow direction seen in [20] was reproduced [31]. It was also shown in [31] that the vortex is
stronger for smaller ǫ (further downstream in the full-scale configuration) and weaker for larger ǫ, and the
60 14
50 12
∆ywall = 2.88e-3; ∆ysym = 2.84e-2
20 ∆ywall = 7.81e-3 ∆ywall = 2.88e-3; ∆ysym = 2.84e-2
∆ywall = 1.56e-2 4 ∆ywall = 7.81e-3
∆ywall = 1.56e-2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
y/h y/h
Figure 3: Time-averaged (left) and rms (right) velocity profiles along wall normal direction for an ǫ = 0.025
invscid PPR with different grid resolutions.
main frequencies found for velocity time series are identified as being associated with how fast the vortex is
being shed. The grid convergence was shown for finite Reynolds number cases there whereas in this work,
we will try to examine the inviscid case in greater detail. To this end, we performed inviscid ǫ = 0.025 PPR
simulations with three different type of grid points, two of which are uniform and have 1282 and 2562 grid
points, respectively, while the remaining one has a mesh of 1282 grid points that is stretched in the wall
normal direction. The stretched grid has the best resolution in the wall normal direction near the wall. None
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0.5 1 1.5 2
Figure 4: Time history of the shear estimated based on the streamwise velocity at the first grid point away
from the wall for the different resolutions shown in Figure (3).
One natural question we also brought up in [31] is, “What determines the streamwise domain size?”
It is suggested here that it is nominally related to the turbulence driving scale, i.e., the chamber half-
width h. By employing a domain of sufficiently large size in the streamwise direction, one can first identify
the spatial wavelength of the parietal vorticies. A domain with adequate streamwise domain size should,
therefore, contain at least one such periodic feature along each side of the wall. If the domain size is too
small, an artificial spatial wavelength will be incorrectly imposed. For example, the typical nondimensional
streamwise domain size in our simulation is 4π, and we identified three vorticies along each wall so the spatial
wavelength is nominally 4π/3 as seen in Figure (5). If we further increase or decrease the domain size by
2π, the total number of vortices is indeed roughly proportional to the streamwise domain length as also can
be seen in Figure (5). This also indicates that there is, in fact, an length scale in the problem, i.e., the
turbulence driving scale, h, that dictates the spatial wavelength, λ, of the parietal vorticies. Note that this
spatial wavelength can be defined only nominally as a domain size of noninteger times of λ can also result in
periodic parietal vorticies due to the periodic boundary condition imposed in the streamwise direction. The
vorticies are simply slightly “shrinked” or “stretched” as shown by comparing the cases with domain sizes
of 3.5π, 4π and 4.5π in Figure (5). In the remaining discussion the streamwise domain length is set to 4π.
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occur, for example, in star-aft grains. The Reynolds number is defined above, i.e., Reinj = Vinj ∗
h/ν where
ν = µ/ρ = 1.43 × 10 m /s, and its value is found by using Sutherland’s law and assuming a chamber
temperature and pressure of 3600 K and 6 MPa, respectively. Using the parameters in Table 2 as the
reference scales, i.e., h as the reference length scale and Vinj
the velocity scale, and defining the reference
time scale as tr = h/Vinj , we obtained the dimensional shear rates and frequencies listed in Table 3. The
ranges next to them show the effect of variation in the chamber pressure that will be discussed below. These
dimensional values are based on the nondimensional values obtained in [31] and summarized in Table 4.
Note that Table 4 is based on the results for Reinj of 1000 since we just demonstrated that the estimated
shear rates do not differ much between the inviscid limit and the Reinj = 1000 case. This Reynolds number
independence is also attributed to the fact that there is no boundary layer at the wall because it is blown-off
by injection.
To assess the effect of chamber pressure on the reference scales, Vinj
in particular, used in Table 2, we
assume that the propellant burn rate has the following empirical dependence on pressure,
rb = apn , (21)
with n < 1. The injection velocity can be obtained by the connection condition at the propellant surface
Vinj = (ρc − ρg )rb /ρg ≈ ρc aRT pn−1. (22)
Thus, for a particular motor, the higher the pressure, the lower the injection velocity and, thus, the lower
the reference velocity scale and higher the reference time scale, tr = h/Vinj , which imply a lower shear rate
and frequency. For a reasonable approximation, take, for example, the values of n of 0.5 and ρc rb = 25.14
kg/m2 -s at a chamber pressure of 6 MPa. Then the injection velocities are ∼2.25, 4.10 and 5.80 m/s for
chamber pressures of 20, 6 and 3 MPa, respectively. Therefore, Vinj varies within a factor of only ∼3 for
typical operation pressures from 3 to 20 MPa. Assuming the same propellant mentioned in the above example
for all the motors, the ranges of the variation in shear rate and frequency due to the variation in chamber
pressure can be derived and are given in Table 3 with the minimum and maximum corresponding to 20 and
3 MPa chamber pressures, respectively. It is also worthwhile to note that for a particular motor, the higher
the injection velocity Vinj , the higher the shear rate which leads to a more pronounced erosive burning as
will be seen in the next section.
Finally, we note that the gas-phase combustion zone is less than 1 mm thick, and this value is much
smaller than the thickness of the oscillating flow region, yth∗
. It is therefore expected that the dynamics
within the oscillating flow region can couple with the combustion, a subject investigated in the next section.
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Table 3: Shear rates, maximum streamwise velocities, frequencies and thickness of oscillating flow region
at the surface for Reinj = 1000 at different streamwise locations (x∗ ) and for different rocket motor sizes;
2562 uniform mesh. Except for ǫ = 0.0171, the Space Shuttle booster and the 5-Segment are identical. The
estimated shear rates are based on the maximum positive values of the near wall velocity variations [31].
The numbers in parentheses correspond to a range of values for pressures of 20 MPa (the first number in the
range) to 3 MPa.
Table 4: Nondimensional main frequency f , corresponding amplitude a, shear rate, oscillating flow thickness
yth and mean velocity Ū as a function of ǫ.
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the same as that used in [18]. A similar definition is used for the surface-averaged burn rate. Also plotted
in each sub-figure as a dashed curve is the shear profile sin(2πf t) with f = 1000 Hz. From the figure it can
be seen that for the smaller amplitudes, e.g., a = 3000 1/s, the surface-averaged heat flux is greater when
the shear is blowing AP gases over the binder. This behavior reverses when the amplitude increases to say,
a = 10000 1/s. This transition is also present for lower frequencies of f = 100 and f = 10 Hz (see Figure 9).
For all values of a, integration over one period results in an increase in both the total surface-averaged heat
flux and the burn rate, an erosive burning effect. We note here that the surface heat flux for no shear is 69.5
cal/s-cm and the corresponding burn rate is 0.217 cm/s (both are shown as the dot-dash lines in Figures 8
and 9).
Erosive burning refers to the modification of the local burn rate from its strand burner value by some
mechanism. Let r0 denote the normal burn rate in the absence of a crossflow. This burn rate is usually
measured using strands in an enclosed bomb at some predefined pressure, or measured using the ballistic
evaluation motor (BEM), which is a standardized small rocket motor with high port/throat area ratio. Define
the erosive burn rate coefficient
ǫb = rb /r0 , (24)
as the ratio of the burn rate under crossflow conditions to the normal burn rate without crossflow. If ǫb > 1
we say that erosive burning has taken place, if ǫb < 1 then negative erosive burning has occurred, and if
ǫb = 1 then there is no erosive burning present. Figure (10a) plots ǫb as a function of shear amplitude and
for various frequencies at a fixed pressure of 30 atm, and Figure (10b) plots the burn rate as a function of
shear amplitude and for various pressures for a fixed frequency of f = 1000 Hz. Note that as the pressure is
increased, the burn rate also increases, a trend in agreement with experimental data. In calculating ǫb , rb
and r0 are both surface and time averaged over one period of the sinusoidal shear. As mentioned, r0 = 0.217
cm/s. This figure clearly shows significant erosive burning at the larger amplitudes and as a function of
To have a more realistic time-dependence of the imposed shear, the shear evolution in a PPR simulation
may actually be used in the flame simulation here. The time history of the shear from the ǫ = 0.04 and
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V. Concluding Remarks
We have examined a flame exposed to a time-periodic shear, and have shown significant effects on the
average heat flux to the propellant surface and the average burn rate. In particular, the erosive burn rate
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4 5 6 7
(e) t = 11
T (f) t = 11
T (g) t = 11
T (h) t = 11
8 9 10 (l) t = T
(i) t = 11
T (j) t = 11
T (k) t = 11
Figure 6: Top panels: gas-phase temperature in the domain X ∈ [−0.3, 0.3] cm, Y ∈ [0.0, 0.3] cm. Bottom
panels: gas-phase reaction rate R3 in the domain X ∈ [−0.1, 0.1] cm, Y ∈ [0.0, 0.1] cm. Here, a = 60 1/s
and f = 1000 Hz in a period of T = 1 ms.
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sin 2πf t
sin 2πf t
240 0 0.6 0
220 0.55
−1 −1
r̄b (cm/s)
100 0.3
80 0.25
60 0.2
0.046 0.047 0.048 0.049 0.05 0.046 0.047 0.048 0.049 0.05
time (s) time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 8: (a) Surface-averaged heat flux (calculated from the solid side) and (b) surface-averaged burn rate
for a sinusoidal shear of u = ay sin(2πf t) with a frequency of f = 1000 Hz and amplitudes of a = 0 (dash-
dot), a = 500 1/s (triangle), a = 3000 1/s (square), a = 10000 1/s (circle), and a = 60000 1/s (diamond).
The surface-averaged heat flux for the case with no shear is 69.5 cal/s cm and the surface-averaged burn rate
for the case with no shear is 0.217 cm/s. The shear profile is shown as – –, and is presented for reference.
180 +1 +1
sin 2πf t
sin 2πf t
Surface-averaged heat flux (cal/s-cm)
Surface-averaged heat flux (cal/s-cm)
0 0
−1 160 −1
120 120
100 100
80 80
60 60
0.14 0.142 0.144 0.146 0.148 0.15 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9
time (s) time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Surface-averaged heat flux (calculated from the solid side) over one period for a sinusoidal shear
of u = ay sin(2πf t) with frequencies of (a) f = 100 Hz and (b) f = 10 Hz, and different amplitudes of
a = 0 (dash-dot), a = 500 1/s (triangle), a = 3000 1/s (square), a = 10000 1/s (circle), and a = 60000 1/s
(diamond). The surface-averaged heat flux for the case with no shear is 69.5 cal/s cm, the same as Figure
(8). The shear profile is shown as – –, and is presented for reference.
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rb (cm/s)
1.2 0.2
1.0 0.1
1 10 102 103 104 105 1 10 102 103 104 105
Shear amplitude (1/s) Shear amplitude (1/s)
(a) (b)
Figure 10: (a) Erosive burn rate coefficient as a function of the shear amplitude for different frequencies and
fixed pressure of 30 atm. (b) Burn rate as a function of shear amplitude for different pressures with fixed
frequency of f = 1000 Hz.
PPR velocity history
PPR average shear rate and main frequency
rb (cm/s)
0.21 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30
time (s)
Figure 11: A comparison between the surface-averaged burn rate, rb , as a function of time for when the
actual shear history of the PPR is fed into the combustion computations and that of a simplified sinusoidal
shear with the average shear and main frequency. The constant burn rate lines on the plot represent the
time averaged burn rates.
16 of 20
10 1
1 0.1
1 10 102 103 104 105 1 10 102 103 104 105
Shear amplitude (1/s) Shear amplitude (1/s)
(a) (b)
Figure 12: Erosive burn rate coefficient as a function of the shear amplitude with a frequency of f = 1000
Hz and for different reaction combinations. In the left panel the reference burn rate r0 is different for each
case: 0.217 cm/s when all R1 , R2 , and R3 are considered, 0.215 cm/s when only R1 and R3 are considered,
and 0.027 cm/s when only R2 is considered. In the right panel all cases have been normalized by r0 = 0.217
No shear
0.9 a = 500
a = 3000
0.8 a = 60000
rb (cm/s)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Pressure (atm)
Figure 13: The burn rate, rb , averaged over the surface and one period as a function of the pressure for
different shear amplitudes and for a frequency of f = 1000 Hz.
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0.6 1.2
0.4 1.0
0.2 0.8
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
αw αw
(a) (b)
Figure 14: Burn rate (a) and erosive burn rate coefficient (b) for f = 1000 Hz and different amplitudes for
different AP/binder blends (based on AP mass fraction, αw ) in the left quarter plane.
coefficient, defined as the ratio of the burn rate with shear to the burn rate without shear, was shown
to increase by almost a factor of three as the amplitude of the shear increases. This is in agreement with
experimental data, although a quantitative comparison will wait until three-dimensional packs are considered.
As in [18], the primary diffusion flame is responsible for most of this increase; ignoring this flame can decrease
the effect significantly. The primary diffusion flame is characterized by a region of intense edge reaction, the
source of surface heating, and similar discrete structures are found in three-dimensional periodic packs so
that we expect similar influence of shear in those cases.
To estimate the amplitude and frequency of the shear for turbulent flows, we carried out a DNS of a
planar periodic rocket. This allows for the estimate of the shear parameters as a function of motor geometry
and downstream location. We showed that the parameter values thus obtained were consistent with that
required to generate significant erosive burning effects.
Future work will re-examine the effect of a time-periodic shear but in a three-dimensional configuration.
We will also extend the DNS solver to three dimensions as well as to compressible flows.
This work was supported by the US Department of Energy through the University of California under
subcontract B523819, and by the NASA Constellation University Institutes Project under grant NCC3-
989 through the University of Maryland with a subcontract Z634015 to University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, with Claudia Meyer as the project manager.
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