EN HRS Brochure
EN HRS Brochure
EN HRS Brochure
Radial shaft seal, HRS1 Radial shaft seal, HRSA Radial excluder seal, HRE
Wind turbine
Description Radial shaft seal for large Radial shaft seal with additional auxiliary lip for Excluder seal to be used in combination with
diameters and large large diameters and large misalignments. Designed HRS1 design to keep contamination (dust,
misalignments. Designed to keep to keep lubricant inside while keeping particles out. moisture) out and protect the main sealing lip
lubricant inside. against abrasive particles.
Highlight Solution for standard use Compact solution for contaminated environment Solution for contaminated environment
Required Narrow seal housing bore depth Narrow seal housing bore depth and medium Wider seal housing bore depth and wider
space and counterface counterface counterface
Designation system
4 5
HRS1 and HRSA radial shaft seals HRE radial excluder seal
These large diameter radial shaft seals are designed to protect large size bearings in wind tur- HRE is a radial contacting excluder seal, designed to be used in combination with an HRS1
bines with grease lubrication and low pressure differentials. A flexible manufacturing process radial shaft seal as additional protection against contamination. A flexible manufacturing
allows a degree of customization to the seal dimensions to help meet unusual requirements. process allows a degree of customization to the seal dimensions to help meet unusual
HRSA seals feature an additional auxiliary lip to protect the seal and the application against requirements.
contamination from the environment.
HRS1 and HRSA seals feature a garter HRS seals HRE seal HRE seals are additional auxiliary lips for
spring that stabilizes the sealing lip, increas- Housing Housing contamination protection to be used in com-
es the lip followability (DRO and STBM) and bination with HRS1 seals. They are generally
maintains the sealing function even in alter- used where additional protection from con-
nating operating temperatures. The seals taminants is needed.
are designed to secure the garter spring Cover plate HRS1 seal Cover plate
inside the spring groove once the seals are (axial clamping) (axial clamping)
Solid seals feature an endless garter HRE seal
spring, while split seals feature an open
connection that is closed during seal Counterface
installation. Counterface
6 7
Installation Material and manufacturing
1 Solid version
Designed and packed for installation in a
workshop, solid seal versions are used when
it is possible to access the housing bore and
shaft axially.
Seal and garter spring are delivered solid
and cannot be cut.
Recommended adhesives: Permabond HM162 (preferred),
Marston-Domsel MD666.620, Loctite 243
2 Split version
This seal version is used for up-tower Fig. 3 G-ECOPUR 160
Abrasion wear of various sealing materials
replacements or where it is impossible to HRE split seals joint at 6 o’clock position
120 [mm3]
Abrasion G-ECOPUR is 5 times more
access the shaft axially. Standard seals are made from G-ECOPUR
160100 abrasion-resistant than the
HRS seals are delivered cut and the garter which is a casted polyurethane elastomer. next best performing elasto-
spring has one connection left open to place This material has outstanding wear re- 140 80 mer material.
them around the shaft. It is recommended sistance and increased stiffness compared 120 60
that the seal is installed with the ends to rubber materials. Increased stiffness al- 100 40
located in the area of the lowest media lows for easier handling and minimizes the 80 20
pressure. Usually the 12 o’clock position. risk of installation failures like bending the 60 0
(† fig. 1). sealing lip or losing the garter spring. 40
During installation, the garter spring 20
must be connected. Back-wind the spring 0
7 full turns before the ends are brought CNC manufacturing G-ECOPUR NBR FKM HNBR
together and allowed to thread into each
other. To prevent installation failures, SKF process
recommends additionally securing the con- Featuring proprietary software and high- Tear strength of various sealing materials
Recommended installation temperature range
nection with an adhesive († fig. 2). precision cutting tools, the SKF SEAL JET
Tear strength [kN/m]
HRE split seals can be easily placed manufacturing system uses Computer G-ECOPUR offers almost 3,5
Seal installation temperature 120
around the shaft. Do not position the ends Numerical Control (CNC) technology to times greater tear strength
of the HRE seal in the same area as the 5 40 [°C] machine polymer seals quickly. The system than the next best performing
100 elastomer material.
main seal. Using the 6 o’clock position is 41 104 [°F] machines a seal from a semi-finished tube
recommended († fig. 3). of the selected material. 120 80
nn Lower temperature range: Within this range SKF recommends to warm up the seal or
the seal housing. 100
nn Higher temperature range: Within this range SKF recommends to cool down the seal or
the seal housing. 60
8 9
Operating conditions and Shaft and bore requirements
requirements C
B ?0,1
Design requirements
• Seal is clamped axially (e.g. with bolted Housing
S2 S1
cover plate)
• Rotating applications
Cover plate Seal
D d1 LRS
(axial clamping)
Operating conditions
Inside media
• Permissible misalignments (STBM and
DRO) according to table 1.
• Pressure differential: 0,5 bar continuously,
up to 3 bar short-term
d1 D CS B S1 S2 LRS C
• Counterface surface speed (linear)
< 2,5 m/s Seal installed with surrounding components Range Tol Tol minimum HRS1 HRS1 HRS1 HRSA HRS1 HRSA +HRE HRS1 HRE
• Lubrication: Grease NLGI ≥1 incl. up to (recommended) HRSA +HRE HRE HRSA
• Temperature range mm
Table 1
Permissible misalignment
350 900 –0,4 +0,4 ≥ 20 (25) ≥ 20 ≥ 25 ≤ 12 ≤ 12 7-12 ≥ 15 ≥ 25 ≥ B + 10 ≤ 10 ≤ 1,5
Counterface diameter †d1 350 – 500 500 – 900 900 – 1 800 >1 800
900 1 800 –0,5 +0,5 ≥ 25 (32) ≥ 25 ≥ 30 ≤ 16 ≤ 16 7-16 ≥ 15 ≥ 30 ≥ B + 10 ≤ 10 ≤ 1,5
1 800 3 900 –0,7 +0,7 ≥ 28 (32) ≥ 25 ≥ 30 ≤ 18 ≤ 18 7-18 ≥ 15 ≥ 30 ≥ B + 10 ≤ 10 ≤ 1,5
STBM and DRO 1,5 2 2,5 3
(deviation max. [mm])
10 11
The Power of Knowledge Engineering SKF BeyondZero
Combining products, people, and application-specific knowledge, SKF SKF BeyondZero is more than our climate strategy
delivers innovative solutions to equipment manufacturers and production for a sustainable environment: it is our mantra;
facilities in every major industry worldwide. Having expertise in multiple a way of thinking, innovating and acting.
competence areas supports SKF Life Cycle Management, a proven approach For us, SKF BeyondZero means that we will reduce
to improving equipment reliability, optimizing operational and energy the negative environmental impact from our own
efficiency and reducing total cost of ownership. operations and at the same time, increase the
These competence areas include bearings and units, seals, lubrication positive environmental contribution by offering our
systems, mechatronics, and a wide range of services, from 3-D computer customers the SKF BeyondZero portfolio of
modelling to cloud-based condition monitoring and asset management products and services with enhanced environmental performance
services. characteristics.
SKF’s global footprint provides SKF customers with uniform quality standards For inclusion in the SKF BeyondZero portfolio, a product, service or solution
and worldwide product availability. Our local presence provides direct access must deliver significant environmental benefits without serious
to the experience, knowledge and ingenuity of SKF people. environmental trade-offs.
All our solutions for the renewable energy sector have been selected for inclusion
in the SKF BeyondZero portfolio, which includes products and solutions with
significant environmental benefits, such as improved energy efficiency and the
enabling of increased renewable energy generation.