Gas Detector SPR
Gas Detector SPR
Gas Detector SPR
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: We propose a high performance surface plasmon resonance (SPR) affinity gas sensor based on graphene
Received 12 June 2014 on Ag in visible and near infrared. Proposed sensor configuration has been optimized for maximum
Received in revised form 2 October 2014 surface plasmon field at the sensing layer interface. The field intensity enhancement factor at sensing
Accepted 5 October 2014
layer interface is found to be higher than that of silicon over layer on Ag thereby increasing the imaging
Available online 12 October 2014
sensitivity by 340%, 120% and 82% and detection accuracy by 440%, 150% and 100% as compared to Si on
Ag configuration at = 653 nm, = 850 nm and = 1000 nm respectively. The performance of the sensor
is found to be high over a broad refractive index range (1.0000–1.0008) of gaseous analyte with sensor
Surface plasmon resonance
resolution of 8 × 10−5 RIU and 2 × 10−5 RIU at = 653 nm and = 1000 nm respectively. We believe the
Graphene proposed SPR based gas sensor configuration will open a new route for efficient gas sensing by riding on
Imaging sensitivity the advantage of graphene and latest nanofabrication techniques.
Field intensity enhancement factor © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0925-4005/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
118 P.K. Maharana et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 207 (2015) 117–122
at half maximum (FWHM) of SPR curve thereby degrading the sen- 2.2. The wavelength dependent dielectric constant of metal and
sor performance [23]. We have addressed the above limitation by graphene
using graphene as the dielectric over layer on Ag because it has
been found that graphene not only prevents oxidation of Ag [24], The wavelength dependence of dielectric constant of metal layer
but itself is robust against oxidation [25,26]. Moreover, our results follows Drude Lorentz model as given in below equation:
show that the graphene over layer on Ag shows exceptionally high
performance as compared to silicon over layer in imaging mode of 2 c
interrogation [27,28]. Unlike the conventional angular interroga- εm () = −εmr + iεmi = 1 − (3)
2p (c + i)
tion technique, in imaging mode, the spatial change in reflectivity
is measured at a fixed incident angle, i.e. without any moving com-
ponents which guarantees a simpler design from implementation where is the wavelength in m, p and c denote the
point of view. The imaging sensitivity is mathematically defined plasma wavelength and collision wavelengths respectively. The
as (dR/dnd ) which quantifies the change of slope of the reflectivity values of p and c for Ag are respectively 1.4541 × 10−7 m and
curve close to resonance angle ( spr ) [27]. Greater the slope better is 1.7614 × 10−5 m [10,29]. Further, the refractive index of graphene
the imaging sensitivity. This can be observed from the performance in the range 210–1000 nm has been taken from Ref. [30].
analysis of the proposed sensor as shown in Fig. 1.
The present configuration is a four layer planar structure, con- We employed the well known transfer matrix method [29] to
sisting of SF11 prism, Ag, graphene and flow cell containing gas obtain the reflectivity from the proposed SPR sensor, as discussed
as analyte as shown in Fig. 1. Optimized thickness of Ag film below. Different layers (i.e., silicon prism–metal–graphene-sensing
and graphene can be successively deposited on the prism surface layer) of thickness dk , dielectric constant εk , and refractive index nk
by suitable deposition techniques for efficient SP excitation. TM- are assumed to be stacked along the Z-axis. The tangential fields at
polarized light is to be incident on the prism–metal interface at the first boundary Z = Z1 = 0 are related to those at the final boundary
angles beyond critical angle and the reflected light can be col- Z = ZN−1 by
lected and studied using photo detector. Here, N-layer model has
been considered for theoretical calculation of reflectivity of TM-
polarized light [29] from the multilayer structure to study the U1 UN−1
=M (4)
device performance. In the following we discuss the dispersion of V1 VN−1
different constituents and the numerical formulation of reflectivity
along with the performance parameter of the proposed sensor.
where U1 and V1 , respectively, are the tangential components of
2.1. The wavelength dependent refractive index of SF11 electric and magnetic fields at the boundary of first layer. UN−1 and
VN−1 are the corresponding fields at the boundary of Nth layer and
The refractive index of SF11 is given by M is known as characteristic matrix of the combined structure. It is
to note that the SPP modes are p-polarized, so for p-polarized light
1.737596952 0.3137473462
n2 = 1 + + 2 M is given by:
2 − 0.013188707 − 0.0623068142
+ (2)
M11 M12
2 − 155.23629 M= Mk = (5)
M21 M22
where is the wavelength in m. k=2
P.K. Maharana et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 207 (2015) 117–122 119
cos ˇk (−i sin ˇk )/qk
Mk = ,
−iqk sin ˇk cos ˇk
where qk = (εk − n21 sin2 1 ) /εk , and ˇk =
(2dk /) εk − n21 sin 1 .
The parameter 1 is the incident angle at the prism base (in
radians). Thus, transfer matrices are calculated using above equa-
tions. The four elements M11 , M12 , M21 and M22 of matrix M are
used to calculate the amplitude reflection coefficient (r), which for
p-polarized incident light is given as:
(M11 + M12 qN )q1 − (M21 + M22 qN )
r= (6)
(M11 + M12 qN )q1 + (M21 + M22 qN )
Finally, the reflectivity (R) for p-polarized light is given by:
R = |r|2 (7)
at nd = 1.0008 as shown in Fig. 6(c). It can be observed that imaging for monolayer of graphene on Ag for = 653 nm, = 850 nm and
sensitivity increases with the wavelength. Moreover, at = 653 nm, = =1000 nm. As can be seen from Fig. 7(a)–(c), FWHM increases
= 850 nm and = 1000 nm, our numerical result shows that the linearly with increase in the value of nd . At = 653 nm, FWHM
values of imaging sensitivities are respectively 340%, 120% and 82% increases from 0.6269◦ at nd = 1.0000 to 0.6287◦ at nd = 1.0008.
higher as compared to high index Si over layer on Ag configu- However, for wavelength in near infrared regime i.e. at = 850 nm,
ration highlighting the high imaging sensitivity of the proposed FWHM varies from 0.200◦ at nd = 1.0000 to 0.2026◦ at nd = 1.0008
sensor over a broad wavelength range. This high imaging sen- and at = 1000 nm, FWHM varies from 0.1428◦ at nd = 1.0000 to
sitivity with graphene monolayer originates from higher FIEF at 0.1444◦ at nd = 1.0008. At higher wavelength, the SPR curve is blue
graphene–sensing layer interface. The different inset of Fig. 6(a)–(c) shifted and the width of SPR curves decreases due to reduced
shows the variation of imaging sensitivity with incident angle ohmic losses [2]. Based on FWHM calculation, at = 653 nm, the
at nd = 1.0000 and 1.0008. It is to be noted that over a large detection accuracy (DA) decreases (i.e. increase of FWHM) from
range of refractive indices (such as 1.0000–1.0008) of the gases 1.5951 degree−1 at nd = 1.0000 to 1.5905 degree−1 at nd = 1.0008.
(N2 , O2 , H2 , CO, CO2 , O3 , CH4 , He, C3 H8 ), the variation of imag- At higher wavelength = 850 nm, DA decreases from 5 degree−1
ing sensitivity is marginal thereby predicting a broad operating at nd = 1.0000 to 4.935 degree−1 at nd = 1.0008 and at = 1000 nm
range of the sensor with high performance over a broad wave- DA decreases from 7.002 degree−1 at nd = 1.0000 to 6.925 degree−1
length range. The marginal variation in the imaging sensitivity is at nd = 1.0008. Increasing nd , increases damping in SP oscillations
because with the increase in the value of nd , propagation vector and hence FWHM increases. The inset of Fig. 7 shows the typical
of SPs increases, which in turn increases the concentration of SP SPR reflectance curve at nd = 1.0000 and 1.0008 for the respective
fields in the lossy sensing layer thereby creating more damping wavelength. It can be observed that FWHM increases marginally
in SP oscillations and hence FWHM increases with nd . Marginal with nd thereby maintaining nearly constant detection accuracy
increase in FWHM with nd thus leads to small decrease in imag- over a broad range (0.0008) of sensing layer refractive index. Our
ing sensitivity as it is a measure of slope of SPR curve. Besides calculation shows that the proposed sensor has detection accuracy
imaging sensitivity, the other important parameter of sensor is 440%, 150% and 100% higher as compared to Si on Ag configuration
its FWHM. Fig. 7(a)–(c) illustrates the variation of FWHM with nd at = 653 nm, = 850 nm and = 1000 nm respectively over a broad
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