HSP-OS 3.07 Lock Out
HSP-OS 3.07 Lock Out
HSP-OS 3.07 Lock Out
Requirements: HSP-OS-LIB
3.07 Gu1
1. All plant and equipment energy sources must be fitted with lockable isolators.
3. Documented ways of working for plant and machinery disconnections / isolations must
be approved and issued including as a minimum: - HSP-OS-LIB
How / where to obtain disconnection / isolation equipment. 3.07:
When disconnections / isolations will be required. Sp1
Who will perform / be responsible for required disconnections / isolations. Sp3
How disconnections / isolations will be controlled for protracted periods.
How isolation equipment keys will be controlled.
How to implement multiple disconnections / isolations.
How disconnections / isolations by more than one person will be controlled.
How locks will be forcibly removed and documented including who will perform the
task / who will authorise the forcibly removal.
Maintenance / replacement of locks
5. Inspection of specified physical controls that reduce the risk of an incident must be
observed, recorded and actions completed.
First Issued: 01/02/12 Rev No: 1 Date: 29/05/2014 Approved: European Risk Manager
Requirements Revised: Library References added Page 1 of 1