DLL - 1st Quarter - wk1
DLL - 1st Quarter - wk1
DLL - 1st Quarter - wk1
B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using
appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-
verb agreement.
C. Learning EN7RC-I-a-7: EN7LC-I-a-5.2: Note the changes EN7LT-I-a-1: Discover literature as EN7F-I-a-3.11: Observe the EN7G-I-a-11: Observe
Competencies/Objectives: Use the appropriate reading style in volume, projection, pitch, stress, a means of connecting to a correct production of vowel and correct subject-verb
Write the LC Code for each (scanning, skimming, speed reading, intonation, juncture, and rate of significant past consonant sounds, diphthongs, agreement
intensive reading etc.) for one’s speech that affect meaning EN7LT-I-a-2: Describe the blends, glides, etc.
purpose EN7VC-I-a-8: Use structural different literary genres during the EN7F-I-a-3.11.1: Read words
EN7SS-I-a-1.5.2: Scan for specific analysis to determine the meaning pre-colonial period phrases, clauses, sentences and
information of unfamiliar words or expressions EN7LT-I-a-2.1: Identify the paragraphs using the correct
EN7LC-I-a-5: Recognize prosodic from the material viewed distinguishing features of proverbs, production of vowel and consonant
features: volume, projection, pitch, EN7V-I-a-22: Distinguish between myths, and legends sounds, diphthongs, blends and
stress, intonation, juncture, and slang and colloquial expressions in EN7WC-I-a-4: Distinguish between glides
speech rate that serve as carriers of conversations oral and written language use
meaning EN7V-I-a-22.1: Distinguish EN7WC-I-a-4.1: Recognize the
EN7LC-I-a-5.1: Listen for important features of colloquial language common purposes for writing
points signalled by volume, (fillers, contractions, etc.) and
projection, pitch, stress, intonation, slang.
juncture, and rate of speech
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
I. CONTENT Lesson 1. Valuing Our Elders’ Wisdom- Selected Philippine Proverbs, Recorded Speech and Dialogues
Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
II. LEARNING RESOURCES manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
3. Textbook Pages
B. Establishing a Purpose for the The students will be asked to find a Task 1. Locate, Reflect, Evaluate! Students will be assigned into pairs. Require students to study if the
Lesson partner to exchange ideas. Students will accomplish the task in Each pair will be given a set of sentences in the paragraph were
pairs. different passages, the contents of written correctly.
which will not be divulged
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of Task 2. What did they say? Students will be called to prove the Have each student read quietly Allow students to work in pairs to
the Lesson The students listen to three taped correctness of their responses. his/her assigned passage and discuss if the sentences were
descriptions of Philippine folk literature formulate three questions to ask his/ written correctly
her partner after reading it aloud.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Task 3. Similar or Opposite Teacher will probe into students’ Focus must be on the influence of Elicit from the students their
Practicing New Skills #1 Students will accomplish Task 3 and they value judgments concerning the volume and enunciation to observations, with particular
will be asked to locate other synonymous issues they forward or imply. understanding of the message. focus on the subjects and verbs
or antonymous words in the text. of the sentences
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students
which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question
their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Students will explore their awareness of Ask students to use Damiana Probing questions can focus on Present the version of the
Practicing New Skills #2 a thesaurus as a helpful tool in learning Eugenio’s system to classify what must be done by a speaker paragraph that shows
synonyms and antonyms proverbs when she or he has a bigger grammatically correct sentences
audience and when there are
disturbances in listening.
F. Developing Mastery Students will be presented with a Students’ responses and the The teacher will model the proper Subject-Verb Agreement
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) thesaurus for the key concept in their meaning of proverbs will be oral reading of each of the two Drill/Exercises will be provided
reading selection discussed passages and have the students
practice fundamentals of proper oral
G. Finding Practical Applications of A Reading selection will be assigned for Students will be provided an Tune In: Listening to Dialogue EXAMINING SENTENCES
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living home reading. opportunity to think aloud by Instruct the students to take note of (15 minutes)
explaining why proverbs may the characteristics of the speakers’ a. The students will examine
fall under more than one voices and their conversations as several sentences about
category they listen to the taped dialogue narratives that may or may
between an elderly and a student not include several
about proverbs. examples of determiners
b. Elicit from the students
their observations,
corrections and
generalizations about
PRACTICE (15 minutes)
a. The students will perform
Task 4 in Your Discovery
b. The answers will be
PRACTICE (10 minutes)
a. Have the students
perform another exercise
covering the subject of
b. Process the answers of
the students.
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students
which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question
their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
H. Making Generalizations and Students will write in their notebook Summarize the day’s discussion Processing the Dialogue Have students make INSIGHTS SHARING (20
Abstractions about the Lesson three questions about the selection that The listening activity will be generalization concerning the rules minutes)
they want to be answered during class processed focusing on the discussed a. Each student will write
discussion following: characteristic of the on a sheet of paper three
speakers’ voices, quality if the ideas:
conversation, and the students’ i. why the views of other
difficulty in listening to the elderly. people about us matter
ii. how we could learn
more about ourselves
through others
iii. why identity is such an
important subject for
b. Have each student
discuss his/her ideas with
a partner.
c. Have each pair join
another pair to expand
their sharing.
d. Call on a few students to
share their small group
e. Synthesize the lesson.
I. Evaluating Learning Discuss with the students how YOUR FINAL TASK
their experience of noting A Story from my Past
information was. The learners will think of
a story from childhood
when they played a prank
on a sibling, friend, or
parent. They may interview
him or her if they are still in
good terms with the said
person so that you can get
a more complete view of
that episode. They will
complete the statement
that follows the grid.