EN7LC-I-f-5.1: EN7SS-I-f-1.2 EN7WC-I-f-2.8.1: EN7OL-I-f1.14.4: EN7V-I-f-22.2
EN7LC-I-f-5.1: EN7SS-I-f-1.2 EN7WC-I-f-2.8.1: EN7OL-I-f1.14.4: EN7V-I-f-22.2
EN7LC-I-f-5.1: EN7SS-I-f-1.2 EN7WC-I-f-2.8.1: EN7OL-I-f1.14.4: EN7V-I-f-22.2
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the
sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using
appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct
subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives EN7LC-I-f-5.1: Listen for EN7SS-I-f-1.2: Transcode orally EN7WC-I-f-2.8.1: Recognize the EN7V-I-f-22.2: Select an appropriate Individual/Cooperative
Write the LC code for each. important points signalled by and in writing the information parts of a simple paragraph colloquial or idiomatic word or Learning
volume, projection, pitch, stress, presented in diagrams, charts, EN7OL-I-f1.14.4: Use the rising expression as a substitute for another
intonation, juncture, and rate of table, graphs, etc. intonation pattern with Yes/No word or expression
speech and tag questions; the rising- EN7LT-I-f-1: Discover literature as a
EN7VC-I-f-9: Organize falling intonation with information- means of connecting to a significant past
EN7LC-I-f-5.2: Note the information from a material seeking questions, option EN7LT-I-f-2.2.3: Determine the tone,
changes in volume, projection, viewed questions and with statement mood, technique, and purpose of the
pitch, stress, intonation, EN7G-I-f-11: Observe correct author
juncture, and rate of speech subject-verb agreement
that affect meaning
III. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
MYTH ( Why There is MYTH ( Why There is MYTH ( Why There is MYTH ( Why There is High Tide
High Tide During Full High Tide During Full High Tide During Full During Full Moon)
Moon) Moon) Moon) Colloquial/ Idiomatic
Prosodic Feature of NON-LINEAR TAG QUESTIONS expressions
Speech (Stress and VISUALS Subject – Verb Mood
Intonation) Agreement
Parts of a simple
B. Establishing a purpose for the The learners will: The learners will: The learners will The students will:
lesson Read the myth entitled Read a sample Revisit the text
“Why There is High The learners will watch paragraph and identify Identify the colloquial/ idiomatic
Tide During Full a video downloaded the different parts expressions
Moon?” by the teacher Act out Yes-No Identify the mood
Read a dialogue Questions/ Tag
emphasizing some Present information Questions
words using diagrams, Construct sentences
charts, table, graphs, following subject-verb
Act out a situation etc. agreement
given by the teacher
C. Presenting examples/Instances What is the difference between Give examples of non-linear Give some rules in Give an example of colloquial
of the new lesson stress and intonation? visuals subject-verb agreement expression.
D. Discussing new concepts and Improve the stress and Group Collaboration Let the students read a sample Let the students revisit the text “Why
practicing new skills # 1 intonation that you have learned paragraph and let them identify There is High Tide During Full Moon”
from the previous lessons. Direction: Recall an experience the introduction, body and
Read the dialogue below. similar to that of the characters’ conclusion. Process Question:
Emphasize some words as you (Luna and Mar) State the 1. How does the story help you
read them. consequences of not following understand the importance of
or heeding the advice of your valuing the wisdom of the elders?
Mar: Where did you come from, elders. Use an organizer to 2. Identify the colloquial/ idioms used
most beautiful one? present your ideas. Use a in the text.
Luna: I am Luna, daughter of cartolina and be creative.
the immortal sun god. Present you output in the class.
Mar: I am Mar, the son of the
sea god. Welcome to our
Luna: Thank you! I have to go
E. Discussing new concepts and Group Collaboration Group Collaboration Think- Pair Share What is the mood of the text? Justify
practicing new skills # 2 Task 7 Story Star Page 106 LM your answer.
Direction: Remain with your Direction: Act out the following
Act out a situation given by the group. Complete the five points Yes/ No Questions/ Tag
teacher. Make sure to give of the star by answering the Questions
emphasis to some words questions that will be given by
the teacher. Each correct 1. She is studying, isn’t
answer corresponds to a point she?
of a star. The first group who 2. The boys are playing,
can collect five points wins the aren’t they?
game. 3. You don’t like the food,
do you?
4. He has passed the
exam, hasn’t he?
5. Mark is sleeping, isn’t
F. Developing mastery Do Task 9.1: High Time and Answer Task 12.1. Follow the Direction: Choose the verb that Sentence Construction
(leads to Formative Assessment ) Task 9.2: Highlight Page 109 leader Page 114 LM goes with the subject.
LM Direction: Construct 10 sentences using
1. Few (was, were) different idioms. Encircle the idioms and
punished for breaking give its meaning.
the rules.
2. Each (has, have ) a role
to perform.
3. (Has, Have) you ever
disobeyed your parents’
4. Everyone (is, are)
expected to heed the
wisdom of the elders.
5. One of the rules (was,
were) not to go out of
their kingdom.
G. Finding practical application of What is the importance of stress How do graphic organizers help What should you remember about How do idiomatic expressions help in
concepts and skills in daily living and intonation? in presenting ideas? subject- verb agreement? everyday conversation?
H. Making generalizations and Stress is the relative emphasis Non-linear visual is one of the In Standard English, the verb Idioms help in expressing ideas
abstractions about the lesson given to a syllable or a word in a effective ways in presenting must agree with the subject. artistically?
sentence. information efficiently. Otherwise the sentence is faulty
or erroneous.
Intonation is the rising and
lowering of the voice when
I. Evaluating learning Oral Recitation Talk about the parts of the story Answer Task 11.2 Brighten Up. Write a short paragraph about your best
that interest you most. Use a Activity 2. Page 113 LM friend. Use appropriate idiomatic
graphic organizer to highlight expressions.
the important events in the
story. Present your output to
the class.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
VI. REMARKS ________ Accomplished ________ Accomplished ________ Accomplished ________ Accomplished ________ Accomplished
________ Not ________ Not ________ Not Accomplished ________ Not Accomplished ________ Not
Accomplished Accomplished Reason: Reason: Accomplished
Reason: Reason: Reason:
VII. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies _____ Explicit Teaching _____Inquiry-Based teaching _____ Think-Pair Share
worked well? Why did these _____ Group Collaboration _______ ICT Integration
Others: ____________________
F. What difficulties did I encounter __________ Appropriate teaching strategy
which my principal or supervisor __________ Promoted learners Arrangement
can help me solve? __________ Others
G. What innovation or localized _________ Used stimulating IM’s
materials did I use/discover _________ Video Clips
which I wish to share with other _________ Quality Outputs produced/made
Others: ___________________________