Kaiser's Gate - AP2 Fire & Vengeance
Kaiser's Gate - AP2 Fire & Vengeance
Kaiser's Gate - AP2 Fire & Vengeance
fails the check, the golem begins 6” away • Iron Fists: Str+d6, AP 2, HW CRIMSON FLYING WYRM
from the tank. If the entire party suc- • Size +1: Armored clay golems stand Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8,
ceeds, the trap is flawless and the team over 10’ high and weigh 800 pounds. Spirit d10, Strength d12+4, Vigor d10
starts with The Drop on the tank. Since • Steel Heart: Clay golems can take 3 Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10,
the golem is the only thing that can dam- wounds but do not get a wild die unless Notice d10
age the heavy armor of the tank, this bat- controlled by a member of a Golem Crew. Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 (2)
tle is all about supporting the golem. Special Abilities
Scene 2
• Armor +2: fine, scaly hide
The tank will be accompanied by two in- Allow the party a moment to heal or per-
• Breath of Flame: Instead of a melee
fantry per player. This is going to be close form repairs on the golem. But the mo-
attack, Crimson Wyrms may breathe a
quarters with the possibility of high ex- ment they are ready, the dragon attacks.
cone of fire. Use the cone template or roll
plosives. Even the golem crew needs to The village is sprayed with flames and the
2d4 for narrative combat. Anyone caught
stay fairly close to be of aid, though the shouts of British defenders can be heard
inside must make an Agility test at -1 or
sniper is definitely best on his own. fleeing their posts. But the squad has a
take 2d8 damage and risk catching fire.
While it is not necessary to use a battle job to do. Deal initiative as normal. On
• Claws/Bite: Str + d6 (HW)
map for this encounter, certainly have the the dragon’s turn it will blast any group
• Fear: Crimson wyrms are swift and
player with the most enthusiasm draw a of characters first, or the easiest target
ferocious. The sight of one causes a fear
diagram of the trap. The tank has some (GM’s call). The dragon has to come
check at -1.
heavy guns. Make your team be very clear within 12” to use it’s Breath of Flame, so
• Flight: Crimson wyrms fly at 18” and
about where they are in relation to those use that as the range for player actions.
Climb 1.
guns. Remind them to use cover in their If one of the squad manages to wound • Hardy: The creature does not suffer a
narration for situational bonuses. the dragon, it will land near the squad. wound from being Shaken twice.
Describe the hit as injuring the dragon’s • Massive: Attackers add +2 to Fighting
GERMAN SOLDIERS wing, preventing flight. This is a chance or Shooting rolls when attacking Crim-
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit for the squad to capture or slay one of the son Flying Wyrms due to their size.
d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Kaiser’s newest weapons; a huge oppor- • Improved Frenzy: Instead of using
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Notice tunity for intelligence. The squad must Breath of Flame, crimson wyrms may make
d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d6 neutralize the dragon and secure it before two Fighting attacks without penalty.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 the German assault takes the city. • Level Headed: Act on best of two cards.
Hindrance: Loyal • Size +4: Dragons are massive creatures.
Edge: Combat Reflexes Scene 3 This version is over 30’ long from nose to
Gear: Beyonet d6+Str, Rifle (use stats for In this scene, it is crucial to note the go- tail, and weighs over 15,000 pounds.
Winchester ’76) lem’s Improved Arcane Resistance, which • Tail Lash: As a standard Fighting at-
works against the mystical fire of the tack, a crimson wyrm can use its tail
BRITISH WAR GOLEM Crimson Flying Wyrm.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit against foes behind it in a 2” long by 4”
d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12 The dragon should have at least a wound wide area. Damage is equal to the crim-
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, by this point. This will help prevent too son wyrm’s Strength -2.
Notice d8, Throwing d8 many of our heroes from being eaten…
Wrap Up
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 (4) Let each squad member describe how If the squad is successful, they will find
Special Abilities they approach the dragon’s crash site and evidence of Dark Elf involvement, the
• Arcane Construct: Golems gain +2 to make an appropriate skill roll. A success body of the crimson wyrm’s rider. This
recover from being Shaken; take no addi- grants a +2 on the next roll against the signals an arms race among the sides to
tional damage from called shots; and are dragon; a raise grants The Drop. Make seal allegiances beyond the gates.
immune to poison, disease, Fear and In- anyone who gets The Drop elaborate on
timidation. his description and describe the attack.
• Armor +4: Most clay golems are Let the most animated player draw a map
equipped with metal armor plating. of the battle site.
• Darkvision: Ignores all vision penalties
based on light.
• Improved Arcane Resistance