COVID 19 CP Banisilan
COVID 19 CP Banisilan
COVID 19 CP Banisilan
Contingency Plan
For COVID-19
(as of October 11, 2021)
Prepared by:
I. Introduction:
a. Municipal Profile
Before Banisilan was created as a separate municipality from Carmen, its mother town,
President Ramon Magsaysay signed Proclamation No. 317 dated July 17, 1956 reserving an area
of 100,018 hectares of land for a resettlement project which was under the general
administration (NARRA) now known as the Department of Agrarian Reform. This resettlement
project covers three (3) municipalities and part of these is the North Cotabato Resettlement
Project No. 1. As years passed, hundreds of landless and qualified citizens coming from almost
all parts of the country were resettled in the area. On March 19, 1959 the first batch of settlers
from Panay called SAKADA, headed by Jesus T. Alisasis who become the first Vice Mayor, set
foot in Banisilan and in the succeeding months, other tribes from Luzon followed.
The goal of this contingency plan is to provide effective, efficient, timely and well-
coordinated response mechanisms in the event of COVID-19 outbreak or surge in the locality
and when the schools are affected. Such mechanisms shall help to protect lives, properties and
the environment, and restore the immediate needs of the personnel and operations of the
This document was developed by the District and Cluster DRRM Coordinators together with
the School DRRM Coordinators with the guidance of the district supervisors and cluster head.
A. Hazard Identification
Hazard Probability Impact Average Rank
Rate Remarks Rate Remarks (P+I)/ 2
Death 1 3 2 1
Moderate to severe infection 2 3 2.5 2
Mild Infection 3 3 3 3
B. Scenario Generation
The following table describes the three different scenarios that may occur in the event of
COVID 19 surge or outbreak hits.
Affected Population
Effects on:
-Learners, teachers -Learners cannot -Learning and
and personnel continue education. services are
Human Lives affected by the virus -Lack of teachers suspended due to
are still manageable. and personnel to big percentage of
provide continuity population affected
of education and by the pandemic.
Barangay Schools Dead Probable Suspect (Confirmed
1. Busaon Busaon ES 1 5 10 3
2. Carugmanan Carugmanan ES 1 5 10 3
Carugmanan HS 1 5 10 3
3. Capayangan Capayangan ES 1 5 10 3
4. Gastav Gastav ES 1 5 10 3
Malinao HS-Gastav Annex 1 5 10 3
5. Kalawaig Kalawaig ES 1 5 10 3
Kiaring ES 1 5 10 3
6. Kiaring Kiaring HS 1 5 10 3
Badtucon ES 1 5 10 3
7. Malagap Kulawan ES 1 5 10 3
Malagap ES 1 5 10 3
Malinao Central ES 1 5 10 3
8. Malinao Malinao HS 1 10 15 3
Malinao Baptist Christian School 1 5 10 3
10. Miguel M. Macasarte ES 1 5 10 3
11. Pantar Pantar ES 1 5 10 3
12. Paradise Paradise ES 1 5 10 3
Pinamulaan ES 1 5 10 3
13. Pinamulaan Pinamulaan HS 1 5 10 3
Riverside ES 1 5 10 3
Balindong ES 1 5 10 3
14. Poblacion 1 Banisilan Central ES 1 5 10 3
Banisilan National HS 1 10 15 3
Sabang ES 1 5 10 3
15. Poblacion 2 Banisilan Learning Center, Inc. 1 5 10 3
Love Grace Christian School 1 5 10 3
16. Puting-Bato Puting-Bato ES 1 5 10 3
Kalalagan ES 1 5 10 3
17. Salama Kudon ES 1 5 10 3
Salama Central ES 1 5 10 3
Salama HS 1 5 10 3
18. Thailand Buay-Buay ES 1 5 10 3
Thailand ES 1 5 10 3
19. Tinimbacan Tinimbacan ES 1 5 10 3
20. Tumbao- Tumbao ES 1 5 10 3
21. Wadya Wadya ES 1 5 10 3
Rancho ES 1 5 10 3
TOTAL 38 200 490 114
A. Activation - The contingency plan shall be activated and implemented based on the risk
situation of the COVID-19 pandemic in the municipality having reference to the DOH
official declaration of hotspot or outbreak or a surge in number of COVID-19 cases. The
activation is in concomitance with the Municipal IATF response. Activation shall originate
from the IC having recommended by the Municipal IATF/RHU on red alert status.
Afterwards the IC directs the District and Cluster Heads who shall mobilize and implement
necessary response and mitigation actions at the district level down to the school level.
B. Deactivation-The contingency plan shall be deactivated once the situation has improved
and when heightened alert is no longer required. The recommendation for deactivation
shall emanate from the IC having recommended by the Municipal IATF/RHU. Once
deactivated, operation will still remain until such time that the Municipal IATF/RHU will
be back to “white alert” status or the new normal. At this point, the operation is already
C. Non-activation – When the response and policies being implemented by the Municipal
IATF/RHU is enough to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus and that the risk remains
to be in control, the Contingency Plan will not be activated.
The procedures for activating and deactivating the contingency plan shall adhere to the flowchart
a. Coordination
DepEd-Banisilan implements the guidelines set for the DepEd Division COVID-19 Task
Force, and as expressly provided in DepEd Order No. 14, s. 2020, entitled “Guidelines on the
Required Health Standards in Basic Education Offices and Schools” and DTFC Memorandum
No. 68, entitled “Protocols in Handling, Management, and Testing of Reported Cases”.
District COVID-19 Task Force is organized with the following members:
The DepEd-Banisilan COVID-19 Task Force shall primarily ensure the development and
implementation of the guidelines on health standards and protocols in handling, management, testing of
reported COVID-19 cases as well as tracing of personnel with close contact to confirmed cases in their
locality; conduct virtual meetings to discuss issues and concerns regarding the implementation of the
guidelines and to ensure enabling work environment.
The following are the required clusters with the corresponding lead and member offices that must
be activated in response to the COVID19:
Division -Established
Partnership and networking to Amas, Kidapawan Laarni Y. Blase 09195256736
Social Mobilization potential partners City
-Monitors the
BLGU safety of the Respective -Barangay Chairmen
learners and Barangay
teachers and whole
immediate Respective
response during Barangay -Barangay Chairmen
BDRRMC/ BHERTS emergencies.
-Develops plan of
action to address
the prevention of
COVID-19 spread
-Monitors and
BPAT compliance to Respective -Barangay Chairmen
social distancing Barangay
and wearing of face
checkpoints to
barangay entry
CID Functional -Ensures that Amas, Kidapawan Elpidio A. Daquipil,
Division curriculum in K-12 City Ed.D
is in place
-Monitors and gives
Assistance in the
implementation of
distance learning
OSDS Functional -Administrative and Amas, Kidapawan Marrisa J. Jusi 0938-2362864
Division Finance support City
SGOD Functional -Governance & Amas, Kidapawan Ayesha P. Pinol 0908-8637357
Division Operational City
Development in
schools and offices
Incident Commander MONICA D. BERMEJO
Deputy Incident Commander
General Objectives:
DepEd-Banisilan ensures safety and learning continuity, and strengthens resilience of schools and
learners by empowering personnel and schools at all levels in basic education in the context of COVID-19
pandemic, and facilitate a return to normalcy and stability through strengthened systems, tools and
effective partnerships in education in emergencies for better preparedness, coherent response and
early recovery.
Specific Objectives:
1. To provide support in ensuring continuity of quality education to school-aged children and
teachers affected by COVID-19 pandemic
2. To ensure effective coordination and information sharing among cluster members necessary to
facilitate effective emergency response.
3. To establish strategic partnerships and linkages with other partners/clusters in order to respond
effectively to emergency situations.
Concept of Operation:
It shall apply across the four thematic areas of DRRM as stipulated in RA 10121 namely:
Preparedness, Prevention and Mitigation, Disaster Responses, and Recovery and Rehabilitation. To specify
the points of goals and implementation of efforts, all interventions should target the provision and/or
reinforcement of at least one of the education outcomes: ACCESS, QUALITY, GOVERNANCE.
Enabling Environment
Installation of footbath in school gates/entrance.
Strict adherence to proper hand washing before entering the school and the classroom.
(Installation of hand washing facility with sufficient antibacterial hand soap).
Body temperature checking before entering the school and classroom. School should have
at least one thermal scanner.
Mandatory wearing of face masks. NO FACE MASK and FACE SHILED, NO ENTRY POLICY.
Strict implementation of PHYSICAL DISTANCING to limit to 15-20 per classroom.
Personnel are enjoined to bring their food and snacks and proper disposal of garbage.
Strictly NO VENDORS shall be allowed to enter inside the premise of the school.
Follow the Floor Plan Management
Log Book for Contact Tracing Purposes
Classroom/office floor plans and markings
Effective Health To ensure safety of -Advocacy on Raising Awareness on -DepEd/
Governance, learners and COVID-19 Prevention through learning Year Round DOH/IATF/RHU/MESU
Advocacy and personnel in the areas integration. SY 2021-2022 issuances
Communication delivery of quality - COVID-19 Prevention and Awareness
Program education services. campaign through social media platforms
-Intensified utilization of WASH facilities
in schools and at home
-Development and distribution of
localized, learner-friendly COVID-19 IEC
-Creation of School COVID-19 Task Force
-Localization of assignments/tasking to
ease up queuing of teachers, school
officials and other personnel
Teacher’s Training To ensure -Strengthened partnership with NGO and
by Distance continuous learning other education partners in providing Year Round
and professional learning and development program for SY 2021-2022
development for DepEd personnel through webinars in an
personnel on-line platforms.
To ensure the -Disinfections of classrooms, offices,
safety of school canteens, feeding centers, ancillary
Brigada Eskwela children and facilities, and other functional rooms
employees from the -Sanitation of school surroundings Year Round
risk of contracting following DOH prescribed procedures of SY 2021-2022
diseases not to limit room disinfection and shall be conducted
on COVID19 in a regular basis
- Provision of COVID 19 essential items in
-Construction of WASH facilities
-Orientation of parents and stakeholders
on Health and Safety Protocols
-Partnership with key offices and
organizations for COVID-19 response
-Observance of health protocols when
coming to school for Brigada Eskwela
To enhance -Strict adherence to proper handwashing
advocacies on before entering the school/classroom,
health promotion, and other essential activities
management and -Mandatory wearing of mask
prevention upon -Personnel are enjoined to bring food for
the start of the snacks and lunch, physical distancing
school year, shall be observed in school canteens. Year Round
Operation Balik involving active -Strictly no vendors shall be allowed SY 2021-2022
Eskwela for SY participation of inside school premises.
2020-2021 stakeholders in the -Minimize/prohibit entry of visitors in
implementation. schools to avoid disturbances and
possible carrier of infectious diseases
-To boost immune system, learners and
personnel shall be provided with Vitamin
C or other supplements
-No handshake/hands contact
-If there will be cases with sign and
symptoms of COVID-19, the school shall
inform the health personnel assigned,
following the Preventive Alert System in
School (PASS) protocol and referral to
proper authorities
-Ensure provision of hand sanitizers,
soap, footbath with regular cleaning and
change of disinfectant
Post-Disaster To facilitate -Conduct of online PSS and wellness
Psychosocial psychosocial program for teachers and learners Year Round
Support (PSS) intervention as - MHPSS and PFA webinars SY 2021-2022
important -Printing and distribution of PFA/MHPSS
mechanism in the IEC and Supplementary materials
return to normalcy
School Opening To ensure safe -Risk Assessment MIATF/ RHU
Decision return of school -Policy Tracking August-September School- MOOE Local DepEd Offices
personnel and -School Preparedness and Readiness 2021 Based School Head
pupils in school Assessment MDRRMO
DepEd Memorandum No. 015, s. 2020: First Set of Policy Directives of the DepEd Task Force NCOV
Regional Memorandum ESSD No. 19, s. 2020: Creation of School Task Force for the Management
and Response to COVID 19
DM NO. 158, s. 2020 Reiteration of Class Suspension and Cancellation of School-Related Activities in
Responses to Covid-19 Stringent Social Distancing Measures
DM- OSDS NO. 222, s. 2020 Reiteration of the Guidelines on Alternative Work Arrangements in
DepEd Schools Division of Cotabato
OUA MEMO 00-0620-0102: Providing guidance to regions and divisions to utilize the funds
allocated for the Development and Enhancement of Contingency Plans of Regions and Divisions,
taking the pandemic into consideration.
REGION MEMORANDUM AD NO. 32, s. 2020: Corrigendum to Region Memorandum Ad No. 31,
Series 2020 Re: Reinforcing The Implementation of the Policy on Alternative Work Arrangement
Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic
REGION MEMORANDUM CLMD No. 91, s. 2020: Management of the Delivery, Distribution and
Retrieval of Self-Learning Modules, Learning Materials and Outputs
REGION MEMORANDUM FTAD No. 08, s. 2020: Brigada Eskwela and Oplan Balik Eskwela
Monitoring and Provision of Technical Assistance in the New Normal
This Contingency Plan for COVID-19 pandemic shall be effective upon publication. The plan shall be
considered a “working document “and be subjected to continuous review and enhancement by the
Technical Working Group based on latest risk assessment findings and innovations in DRRM policies and
Prepared by: