How Important Are Good Looks?: Reflecting On Beauty Issue 16 Home Page
How Important Are Good Looks?: Reflecting On Beauty Issue 16 Home Page
How Important Are Good Looks?: Reflecting On Beauty Issue 16 Home Page
From the time I was a child, I have been told that good not important, that the important thing is inner beauty. grow older, I am beginning to feel good looks are a ver important factor for success.
For a few years, the Korean economy has been decreas sharply. Many companies have closed, and many peopl been fired. Big companies are not hiring new employee serious situation, few young people can find jobs.
Maybe most people think they can get jobs because they are very smart or h special skills, but according to an article that was published in Korean newsp common point for newly-hired employees is that they are good-looking. Sinc article was published, cosmetic surgery has come to be a hit among graduati seniors in Korea.
Why do the big companies choose the good-looking man? When they were as question, one official at a large, well-known company said most people tende relate the company's image to the employee's image, so to give a good imag company, they had to choose a good-looking person.
I think this shows how important good looks are nowadays. If people are not looking, they don't find jobs as easily. If they don't find jobs, they can't marr house, or have a car. So, in my opinion, good looks are very important in mo
More on beauty: In Search of Beauty | My Sister Ligia | Inner Beauty is the Real Beauty Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder | Communicating about Beauty Stories about beauty: International Folktales about Beauty Return to: Reflecting on Beauty | Issue 16 | Home Page
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People make judgments of physical attractiveness based on what they see, but also on what they know about the person. Specifically, perceptions of beauty are malleable such that information about the person's personality traits can influence one's assessment of another person's physical beauty. A 2007 study had participants first rate pictures for attractiveness. After doing distracting math problems, participants saw the pictures again, but with information about the person's personality. When participants learned that a person had positive personality characteristics (e.g., smart, funny, kind) that person was seen as more physically attractive.[116] Conversely, a person with negative personality characteristics (e.g., materialistic, rude, untrustworthy) was seen as less physically attractive. This was true for both females and males. When a person is seen as attractive or unattractive, assumptions are brought into play. Across cultures, what is beautiful is assumed to be good. Attractive people are assumed to be more extroverted, popular, and happy. This could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy; from a young age, attractive people receive more attention that helps them develop these characteristics.[117][118] But attractiveness varies by society; in ancient China, a small foot was considered attractive, so foot binding was practiced by confining young girls' feet in tightly bound shoes to prevent the feet from growing to normal size.[119] Physical attractiveness can have various effects. A survey conducted by London Guildhall University of 11,000 people showed that those who subjectively describe themselves as physically attractive earn more income than others who would describe themselves as less attractive.[120] People who described themselves as less attractive earned, on average, 13% less than those who described themselves as more attractive, while the penalty for being overweight was around 5%. It is important to note that other factors such as self-confidence may explain or influence these findings as they are based on self-reported attractiveness as opposed to any sort of objective criteria; however, as one's self-confidence and self-esteem are largely learned from how one is regarded by his/her peers while maturing, even these considerations would suggest a significant role for physical appearance. One writer speculated that "the distress created in women by the spread of unattainable ideals of female beauty" might possibly be linked to increasing incidence of depression.[121] Many have asserted that certain advantages tend to come to those who are perceived as being more attractive, including the ability to get better jobs and promotions; receiving better treatment from authorities and the legal system; having more choices in romantic partners and, therefore, more power in relationships; and marrying into families with more money.[117][118][122] The halo effect
In society, attractive people tend to be more intelligent, better adjusted, and more popular. This is described as the halo effect - due to the perfection associated with angels. Research shows attractive people also have more occupational success and
more dating experience than their unattractive counterparts. One theory behind this halo effect is that it is accurate -- attractive people are indeed more successful.
Much of our culture is based on physical attractiveness and its power to persuade, to attract, to influence, and in a real sense to succeed. Our advertising media clearly believe in the power of physical attractiveness to persuade, and spokespersons for products and other people used in television commercials and print ads tend to be physically attractive far beyond the norm in society, apparently based on the belief that we tend to listen more closely to a message delivered by someone who is physically attractive. We are certainly attracted to beauty, though our definition of beauty will differ from person to person and even from context to context. It seems clear then that we would tend to listen to someone who is physically attractive, in essence paying more attention to them than we would to someone who was not physically attractive. It is not as clear that we would be persuaded by beauty instead of by the strength of the message delivered. Those who feel that physical beauty and persuasion go hand in hand are effectively identifying physical beauty itself as persuasive so that the mere presence of physical beauty is an argument in itself. This has been and should be analyzed through social scientific theory, postulating that physical attractiveness will increase p ersuasive effects, and testing this empirically.
The characterization of a person as beautiful, whether on an individual basis or by community consensus, is often based on some combination of inner beauty, which includes psychological factors such as personality, intelligence, grace, and elegance, and outer beauty, which includes physical factors, such as health, youthfulness, symmetry, averageness, and complexion. A common way to measure outer beauty, as based on community consensus, or general opinion, is to stage a beauty pageant, such as Miss Universe. Inner beauty, however, is more difficult to quantify, though beauty pageants often claim to take this into consideration as well. Many people will agree that Mother Teresa, for example, was a beautiful person, but such general measures are hard to define. Likewise, Helen of Troy was often described as being a magnificent beauty. Outer physical appearance does not necessarily predetermine the measure of a persons perceptual beauty, which may perceptually change, in peoples minds, based on inner personal qualities. Researchers have found that good looking students get higher grades from their teachers than students with an ordinary appearance. Furthermore, attractive patients receive more personalized care from their doctors. Studies have even shown that handsome criminals receive lighter sentences than less attractive convicts. How much money a person earns may also be influenced by physical beauty. One study found that people low in physical attractiveness earn 5 to 10 percent less than ordinary looking people, who in turn earn 3
to 8 percent less than those who are considered good looking.[6] Discrimination against others based on their appearance is known as lookism.
ScienceDaily (Dec. 16, 2009) Do good-looking people really benefit from their looks, and in what ways? A team of researchers from the University of Georgia and the University of Kansas found that yes; attractive people do tend to have more social relationships and therefore an increased sense of psychological well-being. This seems like common sense, and might be why we spend billions of dollars each year trying to become more attractive.
Personally, I think someone can look beautiful -- but that doesn't mean they are beautiful. Sure someone can have amazing looks, but do they have the brains, heart, and personality to back that up? As for the different physical features... I think it varies. Some people have different "types" that they are attracted to. I think everyone has beautiful qualities and everyone has a quality they don't like. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, and it depends on what people see in your personality that helps determine beauty. Personally I think beauty is confidence, pride, and will. A true understand of themself, and anyone that is secure in their own skin (imperfections and all) they are beatiful. Beauty shouldn't be a goal, and shouldn't stop someone from reaching their dreams. Being beatiful is a state of mind, not a way of life. Although I do not believe I am physically beautiful yet, I think I do have the potential. I just need to lose a little weight, clear my skin, and gain self confidence. However I do think I have a beautiful heart and personality. Since i'm still a teenager, it's true that striving for beauty and physical perfection is almost always on my mind. I compare the pretty girls at school with my own looks and bring myself down on a daily basis. But i'm learning to not compare myself to supermodels or even the good looking girls I pass in the hall or at the mall. I'm hoping to get to a place where I can focus on myself and not constantly compare myself to others. I don't think we should sacrifice too much for beauty. There's the saying "no pain no gain" or "it hurts to be beautiful". I don't think people need severe plastic surgery or spends hundreds trying to find the right makeup or product to cover up their flaws. I think flaws make us beautiful. An example I could give you (and who you would recognize) is Angelina Jolie. I believe she is physically insanely gorgeous with her figure, eyes, lips, grace on the red carpet, etc... but she also has such a wonderful heart. Look at the children she's adopted. Look at all the humanitarian work she's done. To me she's the epitome of beautiful because she has beauty, brains, and the heart. I also think that beauty has a lot to do with how a person feels inside. Sometime when I am very happy, I look so beautiful... my cheeks are glowing.... it is incredible... But then when I am in a foul/sad mood, I look so horrible even if I have all the makeup and the most beautiful outfit on.
I can tell you exactly what make someone beautiful. My mom died last year. She was old and wrinkly and she had altzheimers, but she was beautiful. She loved people and they loved her. At her funeral he flowers spilled out of the chapel. The thing was, when she lost her physical beauty, it just moved to her heart and that madeher truly beautiful. want to change the way they appear to the society. But what really matters in life? An old proverb states, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Something or someone is beautiful, depending on the perspective of the person looking in. But the major thing that matters is- Is the person goodlooking from inside? Because Without a doubt inner beauty lasts forever whereas outer beauty fades. Anyone can fake the outside to make himself or herself look better and pretty but inner beauty can't be faked. For example you could be the most beautiful person in the world but if you have a horrible personality it just makes you ugly. Your body image is how you perceive, think and feel about your body but this may have no link at all on your actual appearance. For instance, it is common in 2011
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What Is Beauty?
Essay By: Wingsword Editorial and Opinion
Tags: beauty, what, is, definition, self-confidence, esteem An essay I wrote back in middle school on the concept of beauty. :) View table of contents...
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What is the definition of beauty? What defines beauty? What is it to be beautiful? Beauty is confidence. Many people in the celebrity world view beauty as ones physical appearance. They are not wrong: there is physical beauty, but people fail to realize inner beauty. Confidence has been shown in many makeover shows such as Ten Years Younger or Make Me a Supermodel to make peoples physical and inner beauty increase dramatically. Confidence allows self-esteem to heighten, and grants the person more positive thinking in their view of life. Confidence in oneself is needed to reveal the true beauty in every person. The perception of beauty is immensely broad, making it an exceptionally complex topic, as there are many ideas about beauty. An example of such, there is a certain ethnic group in Africa who believe having rings to elongate their neck is beautiful. Also, bound feet in China are a well-known perspective of beauty. These are merely several ancient traditions of physical attractiveness; seeing inner beauty is another way to view beauty. People are beginning to believe that confidence and beauty are interlinked. In search of evidence to support this argument, When you have confidence in yourself you tend to dress with the clothes that fit you the best..... That looks good on them. They take care of themselves... On top of that, I smile a lot more because I'm happy with myself. Smiles are always attractive. When they can see that amount of self respect it makes everyone around you feel good and when that happens beauty radiates from everyone. ( How are beauty and confidence interlinked?) This is one case on how beauty and confidence are connected. However, dressing as yourself, and being
happy and proud of who you are, is another sign of confidence that increases external and internal beauty. Other people, especially friends nearby, will notice others happiness and confidence, which will make them more attractive. Subjective and objective beauty is vital, and when one feels positive and is grateful for their attractive qualities, they will be more confident, and their true beauty will be shown. Beauty is confidence. Some people fail to realize this; however, the moral that confidence and beauty are connected is beginning to spread. Confidence will increase self-esteem, happiness, and pride in oneself, and the true beauty of the person will soon be revealed.
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I think you wrote this well for one so young, the rings you mention around the necks of Africans also serve a purpose, they protect the women from attacks by big cats. A big cat kills by suffocating its victim, with the metal rings for protection women can survive such an attack and actually walk away. They also use the same neck ring system in Thailand where I learned of its purpose. I think beauty is a matter of perception and should not be confused with sexual attraction. I know lots of women who are beautiful, but I don't think of them as
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a few reasons. 1. you are more likely to find a spouse. The girl/guy will go for the nice good looking girl/guy over just a nice one. And beauty and personality aren't mutually exclusive. People are attracted by beauty. 2. Excess smartness is often linked to lack of social skills. 3. The world is generally kinder to beautiful people. Guys but them free drinks etc.... 4. Beautiful people tend to have a higher self confidence. They are less insecure. 5. Societies perception of beauty is linked to skinniness which is more healthy then being overweight. also, the other team will probably use to argument would you want to marry a beautiful person if they were shallow and dumb, but re-but by saying something like beauty and stupidity don't come hand in hand. The debate is that beauty is better than brains which does not mean that a beautiful person wont have brains, just that their beauty is more important and will get them further than their brains. good luck
Didn't the beauty of Helen of Troy launch a thousand ships? Cleopatra was said to be the most beautiful woman in the world, including the most powerful and the most mysterious. It was Eve who enticed Adam according to Hebrew mythology. Aphrodite fell in love with Adonis. Beauty is said to have created the first love-poems, like those of ancient Egypt (i.e. Chester Beaty Papyrus).
Beauty presents a standard of comparison, and it can cause resentment and dissatisfaction when not achieved. People who do not fit the "beauty ideal" may be ostracized within their communities. The television sitcom Ugly Betty portrays the life of a girl faced with hardships due to society's unwelcoming attitudes toward those they deem unattractive. However, a person may also be targeted for harassment because of their beauty. In Malna, a strikingly beautiful Italian woman is forced into poverty by the women of the community who refuse to give her work for fear that she may "woo" their husbands.
Read more: Researchers have found that good looking students get higher grades from their teachers than students with an ordinary appearance.[13] Furthermore, attractive patients receive more personalized care from their doctors.[citation needed] Studies have even shown that handsome criminals receive lighter sentences than less attractive convicts.[citation needed] How much money a person earns may also be influenced by physical beauty. One study found that people low in physical attractiveness earn 5 to 10 percent less than ordinary looking people, who in turn earn 3 to 8 percent less than those who are considered good looking. [15] Discrimination against others based on their appearance is known as lookism.[citation
Read more: Studies among teens and young adults, such as those of psychiatrist and self-help author, Eva Ritvo, show that skin conditions have a profound effect on social behavior and opportunity[14].
Please feel free to share your thoughts.Where do you think the person's true beauty is coming from? It's complicated and simple at the same time.It's within you and all around you. It's up to you to take it in and be attractive. Smile is a must. Knowledge of interesting and fun things is must must. Have an open mind but be strong in your convictions. Invite people over., don't over do, let people be themselves, don't push. Develop what you think is the best quality you have. Above all things, love and RESPECT yourself. This is not a prescription, but is a good start. ?/a> ?/a>
You are unique, and you have ONE LIFE to be the best you can be.Where do you think the person's true beauty is coming from? From their soul. If you are a loving, giving, serving, caring, compationate person, that comes across so easily. Confidance and self esteem have to be in there, too, so a person is not a doormat. It comes from your soul. It will show up in your actions, your facial expression, and how you talk to people. Be kind and thoughtful. Give instead of taking. Think of others before self, and you will be beautiful. Beauty and attractiveness are two different things. Beauty is strictly aesthetic appreciation, while you can do many things to make yourself attractive to people. Attitude will overcome a lot of physical unattractiveness. Honesty, altruism and love. Call them what they are. You do not euphemistically have to call them '; beauty ';.
Beauty is a combination of factors, looks, style, attitude and stance, to name a few. Anybody can look beautiful if they feel beautiful, the secret is as simple as that. So how do you feel beautiful? Various things can make a person feel beautiful, from being loved and appreciated to having a good hair day or receiving a compliment from a stranger, feeling beautiful is mostly something that comes from within, an enlightening of the soul which lifts up your spirits and makes you feel good about yourself. It is important to feel beautiful and content with oneself. But how do you achieve this feeling? Here are a few tips that will definitely help you feel beautiful and discover yourself. Experience Beauty
A simple gesture, a compliment or an achievement will help you experience beauty by feeling good about yourself. Generate positive energy and help your loved ones make you experience beauty in your life. Being loved and appreciated is the most important key to feeling beautiful. Dress Beautiful Take time dressing up, admiring your best features and accentuating them. Dress stylish and trendy and you will feel beautiful, especially when you receive more attention than before. It is amazing how a bit of extra effort with your makeup and outfit will get you noticed. Pamper Yourself Often Indulge in extra comforts when you can afford it. From a spa treatment to buying yourself new clothes or shoes, spending extra money on yourself will help you feel good about yourself and make you feel beautiful. Smile a Lot Smiling is the mirror to the soul, they say. So smile often and reach out to others. Smiling will always receive pleasing responses. It will accentuate your beauty and make people see you in a new light. But do remember to smile from your heart! Enhance Your Surroundings Make your surroundings beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Use colorful dcor and pleasing adornments that generates a cheerful atmosphere. Your surroundings definitely reflect on your moods, and inadvertently, on your appearance. Stay in Tune with Nature Find pleasure in your day to day natural surroundings; appreciate the simple beauty of Mother Nature. It helps calm your soul, relax your body and cleanse your mind. Favorite Things Indulge in your favorite pastimes. A long, relaxing bubble bath, curling up in bed with a good book, spending time with friends, watching your favorite movie to listening to soothing music, anything that helps you relax and relieve stress. Finding time for yourself always makes you feel wonderful and beautiful. What are the benefits of feeling beautiful? It isn't surprising to discover how rewarding it can be.Improves Self Confidence. When you feel beautiful, you feel proud of your existence. This in turn boosts up your self
confidence and makes you feel content with yourself. Appreciation of Yourself and Your Surroundings With better self confidence comes contentment, appreciation of yourself and circumstances surrounding your life. This in turn cultivates self reliance and acceptance of life the way it is. Makes You a Healthier Person When you feel beautiful, you are happy and relaxed. Your good mood improves your blood circulation and perks up your physique. Enhances Your Natural Beauty Feeling beautiful and good about yourself enhances your physical beauty and makes you more beautiful than you were before. When you are always in a good mood and smiling, it improves your positive facial muscles and avoids unwanted wrinkles due to stress and unhappiness. It is important in life to feel beautiful. The rewards are miraculous and their impact on life is astounding. Anybody would agree, feeling beautiful is the best remedy in the world! has been helping women work from home for over 10 years. Now, Bizymoms strives to be the number one resource website for women by including many informative sections that focus on womens issues. Our Beauty and Style section includes beauty tips, ideas and techniques to help you look and feels your best.