Vs CS Ch1.2
Vs CS Ch1.2
Vs CS Ch1.2
Visual C# has many controls that give users many choices just by
clicking the mouse. These controls are attractive, familiar, and
minimize the possibility of errors in your application. You will use
a lot of these controls.
RadioButton control provides the capability to make mutually
exclusive choices from a number of candidate choices. This means
that the radio button works as a group, only one button can be
selected. The radio button is widely used in Windows applications.
Named as a radio button because it looks similar to a button on a
transistor radio.
You already knew that check boxes and radio buttons work in a
group. The GroupBox control provides a way to group related
controls in a Visual C# application.
The group box affects how the radio button works. The radio
buttons on a GroupBox control work as a group, and are not
related to the radio buttons on other GroupBox controls.