Lesson3 - 0 - Basic Controls
Lesson3 - 0 - Basic Controls
Lesson3 - 0 - Basic Controls
1. The Form Object -The Form is where the user interface is drawn. It is central
to the development of Visual Basic applications.
Form Properties:
Appearance Selects 3-D or flat appearance.
BackColor Sets the form background color.
BorderStyle Sets the form border to be fixed or sizeable.
Caption Sets the form window title.
Enabled If True, allows the form to respond to mouse and
keyboard events; if False, disables form.
Font Sets font type, style, size.
ForeColor Sets color of text or graphics.
Picture Places a bitmap picture in the form.
Visible If False, hides the form.
Form Events:
Activate Form_Activate event is triggered when form becomes the active
Click Form_Click event is triggered when user clicks on form.
DblClick Form_DblClick event is triggered when user doubleclicks on form.
Load Form_Load event occurs when form is loaded. This is a good place to
initialize variables and set any runtime properties.
Form Methods:
Cls Clears all graphics and text from form. Does not clear
any objects.
Print Prints text string on the form.
frmExample.Cls ' clears the form
frmExample.Print "This will print on the form"
2. Command Buttons: It is probably the most widely used control. It is used to begin,
interrupt, or end a particular process.
Command Button Properties:
Appearance Selects 3-D or flat appearance.
Cancel Allows selection of button with Esc key (only one button on a form can
have this property True).
Caption String to be displayed on button.
Default Allows selection of button with Enter key (only one button on a form can
have this property True).
Font Sets font type, style, size.
Command Button Events:
Click Event triggered when button is selected either by clicking on it or by pressing the
access key
3) Label Boxes A label box is a control you use to display text that a user can't edit
directly. We've seen, though, in previous examples, that the text of a label box can be
changed at run-time in response to events.
Label Properties:
Alignment Aligns caption within border.
Appearance Selects 3-D or flat appearance.
AutoSize If True, the label is resized to fit the text specifed by the caption
property. If False, the label will remain the size defined at design time and the
text may be clipped.
BorderStyle Determines type of border.
Caption String to be displayed in box.
Font Sets font type, style, size.
Label Events:
Click Event triggered when user clicks on a label.
DblClick Event triggered when user double-clicks on a label.
4. Text Boxes: A text box is used to display information entered at design time, by a
user at runtime, or assigned within code. The displayed text may be edited.
Text Box Properties:
Appearance Selects 3-D or flat appearance.
BorderStyle Determines type of border.
Font Sets font type, style, size.
MaxLength Limits the length of displayed text (0 value indicates
unlimited length).
MultiLine Specifies whether text box displays single line or
multiple lines.
PasswordChar Hides text with a single character.
ScrollBars Specifies type of displayed scroll bar(s).
SelLength Length of selected text (run-time only).
SelStart Starting position of selected text (run-time only).
SelText Selected text (run-time only).
Tag Stores a string express