GR 8 LO June - July Exam - MEMO 2022
GR 8 LO June - July Exam - MEMO 2022
GR 8 LO June - July Exam - MEMO 2022
Grade: 8
Examination: Life Orientation
1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Choose the most correct answer and write only the letter (A-D) next to the
question numbers (1.1.1 to 1.1.5) in the ANSWER BOOK, e.g. 1.1.6 B.
1.1.1 Which of the following would be an ideal way for a visual learner to learn?
A. social hazing
B. cyberbullying
C. friendship
D. peer pressure.
1.1.4 An example of appropriate behaviour to stop and avoid substance abuse is:
A. to agree to do something
B. to go along with something
C. to disagree with something
D. to ask no questions about something.
(5X1) (5)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
1.2 Give ONE word/term for each of the following descriptions. Write only the
word/term next to the question numbers (1.2.1 to 1.2.5) in the ANSWER
1.2.2 Groups of people with similar problems or addictions who get together
to talk about their problems. (1)
1.2.3 People in the community who are admired and looked up to, who
inspire others. (1)
1.2.5 A learner who retains knowledge and learns best using his/her eyes. (1)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
Answer ALL of the questions in this section. Write your answers in full sentences.
Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow:
Self-concept formation
Don't 'BE' because you HAVE to ...
'BE' because you WANT to!
Being yourself is the better choice!
2.2 State TWO reasons why it’s important to be yourself. (2X1) (2)
2.3 Explain the importance of positive self-worth during one's teenage years. (1X2) (2)
2.4 Discuss TWO ways in which social media can negatively contribute to the
self-concept that teenagers have about themselves. (2X2) (4)
2.5 Assess TWO practical ways that teens can ensure that they build a positive
self-concept. (2X2) (4)
2.6 Recommend TWO ways that positive self-talk can boost your self-confidence
and in doing so, your self-concept. In your answer, also indicate how this
will allow teenagers to achieve certain goals set out. (2X3) (6)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
Your responses must consist of paragraphs. Marks will only be allocated for responses
written in full sentences.
Read the extract below and answer the question that follows:
Source: Anonymous
Learning styles
Marcelo is in Grade 8 and has recently found out that he is a visual learner. Marcelo also
enjoys listening to podcasts and watching videos on YouTube, leading him to believe
that he may also be an aural learner.
Currently, his least favourite subjects are Natural Science and Mathematics and he is
wanting to use learning strategies to improve his marks.
● Critically discuss TWO practical aural learning strategies that Marcelo can
use to improve his Natural Science and Mathematics mark. (2X4) (8)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
Study the image below and answer the question that follows:
Substance abuse
E-cigarettes are now the most frequently used tobacco product among adolescents —
some 2.1 million middle and high school students were e-cigarette users in 2017 — far
surpassing traditional cigarettes.
What Is Vaping?
Vaping is the inhaling of a vapour created by an e-cigarette or other vaping device.
Vaping puts nicotine into the body.
E-cigarettes are battery-powered smoking devices. They have cartridges filled with a
liquid that usually contains nicotine, flavourings, and chemicals. The liquid is heated into
a vapour, which the person inhales. That's why using e-cigarettes is called "vaping."
● State FOUR dangers that substance abuse pose to one's health. (4X1) (4)
● Analyse TWO ways that a teen can avoid becoming a substance abuser. (2X4) (8)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
Study the image below and answer the question that follows:
● Analyse TWO reasons why the media (including social media) may make
teens feel pressured to engage in sexual activities. (2X4) (8)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
Jeppe High School for Boys
Grade: 8
Examination: Life Orientation
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
2.2 Identify TWO reasons why it’s important to be yourself. (2X1) (2)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
2.3 Explain ONE importance of positive self-worth during one's teenage years. (1X2) (2)
2.4 Discuss TWO ways in which social media can negatively contribute to the
self-concept teenagers have about themselves. (2X2) (4)
● Social media can potentially make teenagers believe that they are not
good enough✔, and make them feel insecure about their physical
● Social media is a platform where you can say things you will not say face
to face✔, so you may bully someone and lower someone’s self-concept✔
● Social media might give impression everybody is in relationship✔, this
makes you believe you are not good enough if you are not, and this
contributes to low self-concept✔
● The advertisements, photos of friends/models/peers on social media gives
perfect picture✔, this makes teenagers believe that they are not ‘perfect’✔
● Social media are sometimes linked to higher levels of loneliness and
anxiety✔, which have a negative effect on self-concept✔
2.5 Assess TWO practical ways how teens can ensure they build a positive
self-concept.* (2X2) (4)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
● Identify and challenge negative beliefs ✔ This will assist in being logical
about your accomplishments✔
● Identify the positive about yourself ✔ This shines a light on what you are
good at ✔
● Build positive relationships✔ that build you up and accept you as you are
● Engage in positive self-talk ✔ as this will reaffirm your strengths and
abilities to yourself✔
2.6 Recommend TWO ways how positive self-talk can boost your self-confidence
and in doing so, your self-concept. In your answer, also indicate how this
will allow teenagers to achieve certain goals set out. (2X3) (6)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
● Gives you the best possibility to achieving well✔ because you are
learning in a manner that best suits you✔. This will enable you to
understand the work better ✔allowing you to truly maximise your potential
and be prepared for the exam.✔
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
podcasts are only aural in nature✔. This will assist him to hear the content
in a direct way ✔ and allow him to better his marks✔
● he can read his notes out loud and record them ✔ he can then replay them
during free time ✔ and be able to clearly recognize and listen to the
content✔, allowing him to achieve better marks✔
● he can create rhymes/songs✔, which can be replayed✔and repeated,
giving him an ideal way to learn/reatian✔ the content and will help him
remember the content during exams/tests✔
● State FOUR dangers substance abuse poses to one's health (4X1) (4)
● Analyse TWO ways a teen can avoid becoming a substance abuser. (2X4) (8)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
● Being aware of one’s own boundaries✔ This will help a teen be aware of their
morals and values✔ and can assist with sticking by them in pressured
situations✔, allowing you to avoid using harmful substances. ✔
● Avoid pressure or negative influences✔by making friends who respect your
boundaries✔ and what you are comfortable with✔ allowing them not to
pressure you into taking drugs✔
● Be comfortable saying no ✔ in pressure situations where it is easy to say
yes✔ This will make it clear to the person offering that you are not
interested✔ and you will be confident to avoid using substances during
those pressure situations✔
● Remove yourself from the situation✔ when you feel that you might be
vulnerable to overuse asubstance✔ If they continue to try and persuade you,
walk away and leave the situation entirely ✔. Sometimes the best way to
prevent yourself from using is to get it out of sight and out of mind. ✔
○ They want to look cool ✔ by doing what their friends do ✔to fit into
a peer group✔, and believe that if they refuse that they will be seen
as a loser/ uncool ✔
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
● Analyse TWO reasons why the media (including social media) may make
teens feel pressured to engage in sexual activities.* (2X4) (8)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Year End Exam 2022 Grade 8
A healthy relationship:
● is built on respect ✔ and mutually understanding each other. If one is
respected, then their boundaries around sexual activities will be
acknowledged and respected ✔ leading to positive engagement in sexual
activity✔ which leads to healthy choices when faced with circumstances of a
sexual nature✔
● Communication is essential in a healthy relationship ✔ Partners who openly
communicate are likely to know where the other person stands when it comes
to sexual activities✔, therefore, no misunderstandings can take place✔ and
healthy sexual choices are understood and valued✔
● requires Trust ✔ Having trust ensures that partners will remain loyal to each
other✔ and therefore not engage in sexual activities with other people ✔
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