Fpe QB 23
Fpe QB 23
Fpe QB 23
Triggering means turning-ON of a device from its OFF-state.
Types of Triggering:
1) Forward voltage triggering
2) Thermal triggering (Temperature triggering)
3) Radiation triggering (Light triggering)
4) dv/dt triggering
5) Gate triggering
(i) D.C. Gate triggering
(ii) A.C. Gate triggering
(iii) Pulse Gate triggering
The process of turning-off a conducting thyristor is called “commutation”.
Types of Commutation:
i) Line commutation (Natural commutation)
ii) Load commutation
iii) Forced commutation
iv) External pulse commutation
i) Class A: load commutation (Self-commutated by resonating the load)
ii) Class B: Resonant pulse commutation
iii) Class C: Complementary commutation
iv) Class D: Auxiliary commutation
v) Class E: External pulse commutation
vi) Class F: AC line commutation
a) Explain the operation of RC triggering circuit with neat diagram.
RC triggering circuit:
The RC half-wave
triggering circuit is as shown in the figure. During negative half
cycle of supply voltage vs, the capacitor C charges through diode D2 and load, with
lower plate positive. The charging time constant depends upon C and load impedance.
If this charging time constant is low, the capacitor gets quickly charged to supply
voltage and may attain peak value Vm at -90° as shown in the waveform diagram. Atthis
instant, as both capacitor voltage and supply voltage are equal and opposite,
capacitor current is zero. During period after t = -90° to t = 0°, the supply voltage vs
drops from Vm as capacitor discharges. The discharging current passes through supply
source, load and R. At t = 0°, the capacitor voltage reduces to a value less than Vm,
represented by OA in the waveform diagram. After t = 0°, the supply voltage become
positive, it now helps the discharging current and therefore, the capacitor gets
discharged at faster rate. Its negative voltage (lower plate positive) get reduced to zero
at a particular instant. The discharging current further continues in the same direction
to charge capacitor with upper plate positive. When the capacitor voltage reaches to
gate trigger voltage, the SCR is fired. After firing, voltage across SCR drops to low
value and hence capacitor voltage also get reduced to low value as shown. The
discharging of negatively charged (lower plate positive) capacitor and further charging
with upper plate positive is through load and R. Therefore, R determines the
discharging and positive charging time-constants. If R is increased, the time-constant
get increased and firing is delayed. The SCR can never be triggered at 0° & 180°
because the supply voltage is zero and less than finger voltage.
b) Give the operation of battery charger using SCR with a neat diagram.
Battery charger circuit using SCR:
The figure shows the battery charger circuit
using SCR. A 12V discharged battery is
connected in the circuit and switch SW is
closed. The single-phase 230V supply is
stepped down to (15-0-15) V by a centre
tapped transformer. The diodes D1 and D2
forms full wave rectifier and pulsating DC
supply appears across terminals A and B.
When SCR is off, its cathode is held at the
potential of discharged battery. During each positive half-cycle, when the potential of
point C rises to sufficient level so as to forward bias diode D3 and gate-cathode
junction of SCR, the gate pulse is provided and SCR is turned on. When SCR is turned
on, the charging current flows through battery. Thus during each positive half-cycle of
pulsating DC supply, voltage across A-B, SCR is fired and charging current is passed
till the end of that half-cycle. Due to Zener diode D4, the maximum voltage at point C
is held at 12V. Due to the charging process, the battery voltage rises and finally attains
full value of 12V. When the battery is fully charged, the cathode of SCR is held at
12V. So the diode D3 and gate-cathode junction of SCR cannot be forward biased,
since the potential of point C can reach up to 12V. Therefore, no gate current is
supplied and SCR is not fired. In this way, after full charging, further charging is
automatically stop
c) Explain the operation of UPS with a neat block diagram.
Uninterruptible-Power-Supplies (UPS):
A block diagram of UPS system is shown in figure. It essentially consists of four major
f) explain two transistor analogy with diagram and derive the relation.
G)Draw a structure of TRIAC with doping levels. Write operating principle and
give applications of it.
TRIAC Structure:
i. A high power lamp switch.
ii. Electronics changeover of transformer taps.
iii. As light dimmers.
iv. Speed control for electric fans and other electric motors.
v. Heating control
vi. Zero voltage switched relay