PD 957

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SEC 1.



1. Location
2. Physical Suitability
3. Accessibility

1. Location

- Conformity with Zoning Ordinance / Comprehensive Land Use Plan

- Zoning Ordinance

Is a rule that defines how property in specific geographic zones can be used. Zoning ordinance
may also regulate lot size, placement, density, and the height of structures.

-Subdivision projects shall be located in residential zones or other appropriate for residential

- If there is no Zoning Ordinance or approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the dominant land
use principle and site suitability factors cited herein shall be used in determining suitability of a

-Subdivision projects supportive of other major urban activities may be allowed in area zoned
for the said urban activities. e.g. Housing for Industrial Workers


A - Residential Dwellings
B - Residential, Hotels, and Apartments
C - Education and Recreation
D - Institutional
E - Business and Mercantile
F - Industrial
G - Storage and Hazardous
H - Assembly other than I
I - Assembly Occupant Load 1000 or more J – Accessory

Group A. Residential Dwellings

a. Division 1.
Residential building/structure for exclusive use of single-family occupants and not operated
primarily for gain.

b. Division 2.
Residential building for the exclusive use of nonleasing occupants not exceeding 10 persons
including single-attached or duplex or townhouses, each privately owned.
A low-density residential zone, characterized mainly by single family, single detached dwellings
with the usual community ancillary uses on a neighborhood scale, such as executive
subdivisions and relatively exclusive residential communities which are not subdivisions
• Low Density Residential Zone
• Single Family
• Single Detached Dwellings

A medium density residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a low-rise single
attached, duplex or multi-level building/ structure for exclusive use as multiple family
dwellings. This includes R-2 structures within semi-exclusive subdivisions and semi-exclusive
residential communities which are not subdivision
• Medium Density Residential Zone
• Multi Family
• Low-rise Single Attached, Duplex

Basic R-2
Single-attached or duplex building/structure of from one(1) storey up to three (3) storeys in
height and with each unit for separate use as a single-family dwellings.

Maximum R-2
Low-rise multi-level building/structure of from three (3)up to five (5) storeys in height and for
use as multiple family dwelling.

Group B. Residential, Hotels, and Apartments

Shall be multiple dwelling units including boarding or lodging houses, hotels, apartment
buildings, row houses, convents, monasteries and other similar building each of which
accommodates more than 10 persons.

A high-density Residential residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a low-rise or
medium-rise building/ structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings with mixed
housing types. R-3 structure may include low-rise or medium-rise residential condominium
buildings that area already commercial in nature and scale.


• High Density Residential Zone

• Multi Family
• Low-rise or Medium-rise

Basic R3
Rowhouse building/structure of from one (1) storey up to three (3) storeys in height and with
each unit for separate use as single-family dwelling.

Maximum R3
Medium-rise multi-level building/ structure of from six(6) up to twelve (12) storeys in height
and for use as multiple family dwellings.

Medium to high-density residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a low-rise
townhouse building/ structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings.

The term R-4 specifically refers to the building/structureon an individual lot (a townhouse unit)
and generally refers to the series or rows of R-4 buildings/structureswithin a subdivided lot or
property (an R-4 development).

• Medium to High Density Residential Zone
• Multi Family
• Low-rise Townhouse

A very high density residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a medium-rise or high-
rise condominium building/structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwelling.

• Very High Density Residential Zone
• Multi Family
• Medium-rise or High-rise Condominium

A- SITE Criteria

2. Physical Suitability

-Subdivision projects shall be located within suitable sites for housing and outside hazard prone
areas and protection areas as provided for by pertinent laws.
-Critical areas must be avoided.
e.g. Flooding
Landslides Unstable Soil

-The site shall be stable enough to accommodate foundation load without excessive
earthmoving, grading or cutting and filling.

3. Accessibility
-The site must be served by a road that is readily accessible to public transportation lines.
-In no case shall a subdivision project be approved without the necessary access road/right-of-
-Said access road right-of-way may be constructed either by the developer or the local
government unit.

1. Area Planning
2. Site Preservation
3. Easements
4. Circulation
5. Installation of Street Names/Signs

1. Area Planning

Planning and designing of subdivision projects shall take into account the following:

a. Safety and general welfare of the future occupants.

b. Adequate, safe, efficient and integrative road circulation system servicing every lot

c. Judicious allocation of land uses for diversity and amenity.

d. Preservation of site

e. Proper siting or orientation of lots.

f. Harmony with existing and proposed development in the vicinity.

g. Application of workable design principles or parameters for a well planned and self-
sustaining environment.

- When a developer or planner submits a Planned Unit Development (PUD) type of

project, the layout shall likewise conform to the standards for residential/ condominium

1. Area Planning
a. Open Spaces
b. Facilities and Amenities
c. Density
a. Open Spaces
Shall conform to the provisions of PD 1216 and its implementing rules.
PD 1216
Presidential Decree No. 1216. Defining ‘Open Space’ in Residential Subdivisions and Amending
Section 31 of Presidential Decree N o . 9 5 7 Requiring Subdivision Owners to Provide Roads,
Alleys, Sidewalks and Reserve Open Space for Parks or Recreational Use.

a.1. Streets
adequate and safe means of vehicular and pedestrian circulation easements for utilities and
planting strips, shall be provided.
a.2. Walks
paved walks shall be provided to the living units from streets, parking spaces, and from living
units to play areas.
a.3. Parks and Playground
suitable recreational areas shall be allocated within the subdivision these areas must be
accessible to living units and free from any form of hazard risk.
parks and playgrounds shall be cleared and free from any debris. parks and playgrounds as
much as possible shall be at street level.

b. Facilities and Amenities

Areas required for subdivision facilities and amenities shall be judiciously allocated in
accordance with the provisions herein specified.

c. Density
Density of subdivision projects shall conform with the residential densities set forth in the
zoning ordinance of the city/municipality where project is

2. Site Preservation

a. Slope
b. Preservation of Site Assets
c. Ground Cover

a. Slope
-The finished shall have a desired slope to allow rain water to be channeled into street drains.
-Where cut and fill is necessary, an appropriate grade shall be attained to prevent any
depression in the area.
-Grading and ditching shall be executed in a manner that will prevent erosion or flooding of
adjoining properties.
b. Preservation of Site Assets
-Suitable trees with a caliper diameter of 200 millimetres or more, shrubs and desirable ground
cover per Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) rules shall be preserved.
-Good quality top soil exists in the site, it shall be banked and shall be preserved for finishing
grades of yards, playgrounds, parks and garden area.

c. Ground Cover
-Grass, shrubs, plants and other landscaping materials used for ground cover shall be of a
variety appropriate for its intended use and location.

-They shall be planted so as to allow well-tended cover of the area.

3. Easements

Subdivision projects shall observe and conform to the following provisions on easements as
may be required by:

a. Chapter IV, Section 51 of the Water Code, on water bodies.

b. National Power Corporation (NPC), on transmission lines
c. PHIVOLCS per Resolution No. 515, Series of 1992, on identified fault traces.
d. Other public utility companies and other entities' right-of-way.
e. National/Local Government Units for projects abutting national roads (primary roads)
where adequate easement shall be provided for, including loading and unloading areas
f. Other related laws.

4. Circulation
a. Roads complemented with path walks within the subdivision must be so aligned to
facilitate mo

Whenever there are existing roads within the project site which shall be made part of the
subdivision plan, these shall be improved in accordance with the standards set forth herein.

b. Streets should conform to the contours of the land as far as practicable.

Where a proposed project adjoins a developed property, roads within the said project shall be
connected/integrated/aligned with existing ones.

Where a proposed project adjoins undeveloped property, a provision for future connection shall
be mandatory.

c. As far as practicable, streets shall be laid out at right angles to minimize critical
intersections such as blind corners, skew junction, etc.

d. Roads shall conform to sound engineering practices.

e. Shall comply to the pertinent requirements of Batas Pambansa No.344, otherwise
known as the Accessibility Law.

5. Installation of Street Names/Sign

The developer shall bear the cost of installation of street names/signs coincident with the
construction of streets.


1. Land Allocation

For open market and medium cost subdivision projects with an area of one (1) hectare or more,
the percentage allocation of land shall be as follows:

a. Saleable area
- maximum of 70% of the gross area

b. Non saleable area

- minimum of 30% of the gross area

The following non-saleable area shall be observed consistent with PD No. 1216:

b.1 Parks / Playgrounds

Allocation of area for parks and playgrounds shall be mandatory for projects one (1) hectare or
more and shall be deemed non-buildable area.

Area allocated for parks and playgrounds shall in no case be less than 100 square meters.

Table 1. Parks and Playgrounds Allocation

b.2 Community Facilities

Mandatory provision of areas for community facilities, such as neighborhood multi-purpose
center both for open market and medium cost housing projects with are one (1) hectare and

However, the developer may provide additional areas for community facilities such as schools
and commercial/retail centers in excess of the mandatory requirement set forth in this rule
which shall be deemed saleable.

Table 2. Facilities According to the Number of Saleable Lots/ Dwelling Units for Subdivision
Projects 1 hectare and Above.

b.3 Circulation of Roads

b.3.1. Hierarchy of Roads
Minimum road right-of-way shall be in
accordance with b.3.2 of this section.

b.3 Circulation of Roads

In no case shall a major road be less than 10 meters when used as main access road and/or as
future connection.

a) Major Road - a street or road linking the site and serves as the main traffic artery within
the project site and shall traverse the longer axis of the property.
b) Collector Road - a street or a road that services pedestrian/ vehicular traffic from minor
roads leading to major roads.
c) Minor Road - a road which main function is to provide direct access to lots and other
activity centers.
d) Motor Courts - shall have a right-of-way of not less than 6 meters in width with
provision for sufficient space for vehicular turn around in the form of a cul-de-sac, loop, branch
or ‘T’, with maximum length of 60 meters.
e) Service Roads - roads which provide for the distribution of traffic among individual lots
and activity centers.
f) Alley - a 2-meter wide walkway which shall be used to break a block and to serve
pedestrians and emergency purposes. It shall not be used as access to property.

b.3.2 Road Right-of-Way

Note: a 6-meter service road, both ends connecting to a minor road, shall allowed for blocks not
exceeding 60 meters.

b.3 Circulation of Roads

a) Major roads shall maintain a uniform width of road right-of-way.

b) Interior Subdivision project must secure right- of-way to the nearest public road and the
right- of-way shall be designed as interconnecting road with a minimum width of 10 meters.
c Subdivision Projects abutting main public road must provide a setback of 3-meter deep
by 5-meter in length at both sides of the subdivision entrance to accommodate loading and
unloading of passengers.
d) Subdivision Projects shall have a provision for future expansion where applicable, by
designating the major roads as the interconnecting road right-of-way for both open market and
medium cost housing projects.

Table 4. Road Right-of-Way

b.3.3 Planting Strips

Table 5. Width of Planting Strips and Sidewalks

b.3.4 Road Pavement

All roads for both open market and medium cost housing projects shall be paved with either
concrete or asphalt.

b.3 Circulation of Roads

Concrete - min. 150 mm thickness

- min. compressive strength of 20.7 mpa

Asphalt - min. 50 mm thickness

Sidewalk Pavement
- min. compressive strength of 17.2 mpa.

Distance between offset intersections should not be less than 20 meters from corner to corner.

Intersections should occur on straight sections instead of on curved sections of road and on
gentle grades with clear sight distance.

b.3.5 Road Intersection

Roads should intersect at right angles as much as practicable. Multiple intersections along major
roads shall be minimized.

b.3.6 Road Grade/ Slope

Crown of the roads - min. slope of 1.5% Curbs and Gutters - min. slope of 7% to 9%

Grades and Vertical Curbs shall conform to the design requirements of the Department of Public
Works and Highways (DPWH).
2. Lot Requirements
a. Lot Layout

The following shall be considered when plotting the subdivision project:

a.1 Preservation of site assets and proper siting orientation of lots. Blending with existing
and proposed development in the vicinity.

a.2 Application of workable design principles/ parameters for a well planned environment.

b. Minimum Lot Area

The minimum lot area for various types of housing under open market and medium cost
housing project shall be as follows:

c. Lot Design

c.1 Saleable lots shall be designed such that they are not bisected by political boundaries,
water courses, drainage ways, and utilities lines.

c.2 A lot shall be served by an independent access road.

c.3 Whenever possible, lot frontage elevation shall be at street level.

c.4 Lot lines shall preferably be made perpendicular to street lines.

c.5 Deep lots and irregularly shaped lots shall be avoided.

c.6 Lots shall be planned with adequate width of yards.

c.7 Lots shall be protected against risks.

c.8 Lots shall not be laid out if potential risk exist. e.g. erosion, slides, flooding, fault lines.

d. Lot Frontage

The minimum lot frontages for various types of housing under open market and medium cost

The number of rowhouses shall not exceed 20 units per block/cluster but in no case shall
this be beyond 100 meters in length.

3. Length of Block
400 m. - max. length of block
However, blocks exceeding 250 meters shall be provided with an alley approximately at mid-

4. Shelter Component

a. Minimum Floor Area

Open Market Housing - 42 sqm.
Medium Cost Housing - 30 sqm.

b. Minimum Level of Completion

Complete house for all types of dwelling units based on the submitted specifications.

5. Yard/ Setback
The minimum setback of dwelling units both for open market and medium cost housing
projects shall conform to the National Building Code of the Philippines.

Table 8.2 Minimum Setbacks for Residential Buildings according to NBCP

6. Water Supply System

a. Specific Rules
The subdivision water supply shall be mandatory or obligatorily connected to an appropriate
public water system or community system.
When neither a public water system, nor an acceptable community system is available, a
centralized water supply system shall be accepted, provided that:

a.1 The technical consultant of the developer shall determine the location and discharge
capacity of the water sources within the subdivision.
a.2 The permit to drill well(s) or tap water lines from the appropriate government agencies
shall be obtained.
a.3 The water source shall be sufficient to meet the daily water requirements of every
household in the subdivision.
a.6 Each subdivision shall have at least an operational deep well and pump sets with sufficient
capacity to provide Average Daily Demand (ADD) to all homeowners.

b. Water Requirement
Every dwelling unit shall be served by an individual supply of water sufficient to meet the total
hourly domestic needs of every household for any 8 hour period.
The Average Daily Demand (ADD) for both open market and medium cost housing projects is
150 liters per capita per day (LCPD) household connection.

c. Fire Protection Demand

Provision for fire protection shall comply with the requirements of the National Fire Protection
d. Water Tank Capacity
- 20% ADD plus fire reserve.

e. Pipes
- Pipes shall conform to the standards required by

Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) and/or Local Water Utilities
Administration (LWUA).

7. Electric Power System

Mandatory individual household connection to primary and/or alternate sources of power.
Provision of street lighting per pole is mandatory at 50-meter distance and every other pole if
distance is less than 50 meters.
8. Sewage Disposal System
The sewage disposal system for open market and medium cost subdivision projects shall either
be any of the following:
a. Connection to Community Sewer System
b. Septic Tanks

a. Connection to Community Sewer System Connections shall be made to an approved

public or community sewer system, subject to the requirements and provisions of the Sanitation
Code of the Philippines and other applicable rules and regulations.
b. Septic Tanks
Where community sewer system is not available, sewage shall be disposed of and treated in
individual septic tanks.
Construction of individual septic tanks shall conform to the design standards of Sanitation Code
of the Philippines (PD 856) and National Plumbing Code of the Philippines (RA 1378).
9. Drainage System

Shall drain into appropriate water bodies or public drainage system.

In no case shall drainage outfalls drain into a private lot.

For both open market and medium cost subdivision projects, underground drainage system
shall be properly engineered and environmentally sound and shall be provided with adequate
Reinforced Concrete Pipes (RCP),catch basins manholes, inlets and cross drain for efficient
Minimum drainage pipes diameter shall be 30 centimeters.

10. Garbage Disposal System

The subdivision shall have a sanitary and efficient refuse collection and disposal system,
whether independently or in conjunction with the municipal/ city garbage collection and
disposal services.

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