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Book 1


by Hong Kong Interior Design Association & The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Preface i

Chapter 1 Interior Challenges, Interior Relevance 1

Chapter 2 Building Services Systems and Interior Design 8

Chapter 3 Human Sensory Perceptions in Built Environment 17

3.1. Vision 17

3.2. Hearing 21

3.3. Air 23

3.4. Thermal Environment 25

3.5 Case Study 30

Chapter 4 Universal Design and User-friendly Space 32

Chapter 5 Sustainability in Interior Design 39

5.1. Resource Management 39

5.2. Recommended / Voluntary / Valued-added Standards 42

End Note

About the Authors


At present, there are no formal educational materials for Hong Kong interior design
learning, and educators can only rely on ad hoc literature produced overseas (particularly
in the West), or architectural-based materials to learn about interior design. Given that
interior design has already established a unique and well-defined body of professional
knowledge, and is firmly rooted in the cultural and social practices of a place, there
is a need for interior design textbooks to reflect this context and allow interior design
students to keep pace with rapid development of the industry. This series of interior
design textbooks is aimed at satisfying the needs of Hong Kong interior design students
at different academic levels from diploma, higher diploma to bachelor’s degree. Filled with
case studies of award winning works from across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond,as
well as interviews and articles written by well-known professionals and academics from
Hong Kong and around the world, these are the first interior design textbooks researched
and written in Asia.

The series contains six books, related to the 6 body of knowledge areas well-defined in
the Interior Design Professional Guideline, published by the Hong Kong Interior Design
Association (HKIDA) in 2014. Based on research of reputable international standards and
confirmed by surveys of local interior design educators and practitioners, this guideline
sets out in a systematic way the knowledge and skills that Hong Kong interior designers
should possess. The 6 body of knowledge areas covers and follows the typical process
of any interior design project, which includes:

• Human Environment Needs

• Design
• Products and Materials
• Communication
• Interior Construction, Codes and Regulations
• Professional Practice

This Book 1, Human Environment Needs, focuses on the key knowledge that
needs to be equipped by interior designers in starting a design project: the study and
understanding of client, user and environment needs. Topics include Interior Relevance,
Building Services System, Human Sensory Perceptions in Built Environment, Universal
Design and Global Sustainable Design Standard will be covered and illustrated with
detailed diagrams and case studies.

Our greatest challenge in compiling this book series was deciding which key content to
select from the vast pool that is relevant to not only global but also local context and turn
them into useful teaching resources and materials for educators’ future elaboration. For
this reason, choosing examples to fit within the physical constraints of a book required
a rigorous edit. We hope it will be of enormous benefit to interior design students,
educators and practitioners and inspire everyone to look for more.

Horace Pan
Project Chief Investigator

Interior Challenges, Interior Relevance i
By Kees Spanjers
Interior design is seen by many as a fashionable addition to architecture, or as a decoration to the
autonomous qualities of a building. And of course, that is what it is, too. While architecture is a slow
art, producing buildings that are meant to outlive us by decades, we know that the users of such
buildings move or change workplace every 7 or 8 years. The interior is the user-side of architecture
and is subject to wear and tear and changing preferences and demands. Interior design is the art of
sustainable adaptation of interior spaces to the ever- changing social functional and aesthetic demands
of users. A good interior grows with its users and cannot escape fashion influences.

Interior design has long been considered a private affair. People decorate their home, their car, their
personal surroundings. Many are influenced by the life-style media that made design fashionable
and brought it within everybody’s reach. But apart from the safety of their home, most people spend
a considerable part of their time in interior spaces that are not their own. Think of schools, offices,
hospitals, public buildings, shops and sport facilities. In most cases they do not have any influence on
the design of these spaces. Yet, such design (or the lack thereof) can significantly affect their health,
their well-being, their happiness. Interiors in all buildings with a collective use are part of the urban
society, and if interior design is the art of planning and design of interior spaces to accommodate
human occupation and behavior, such public and semi-public spaces deserve our urgent attention,

New Challenges

Exactly now that the focus is shifting from “building more” to “using better”, the contribution of the interior
design is indispensable. Traditionally, interior designers have been involved in re-use, transformation
and spatial renewal, in which user quality is of the highest importance. Interior designers are the pre-
eminent specialists who create opportunities that reach beyond the building itself. Interior design makes
a valuable contribution to developing innovative work processes (the New World of Workingii), to new
concepts for the health care industry (Healing Environmentsiii, Evidence Based Designiv), it brings
innovation in education, safety and accessibility to public buildings, and it creates opportunities in
important economic sectors such as retail, hospitality, leisure and home furnishings.


Computer technology and new communication systems have changed the way we work, communicate
and do business. Society has become more and more transparent and resources and opportunities
are now available for all. With that, the focus changed from building to user, and from long term to short
term development. Interior designers have taken a position at the forefront of office design, as the use
of buildings and cities became interchangeable in the cloud of technology that binds us together.

At the end of the last century, the Dutch insurance company Interpolis built a new headquarters,
designed by architect Abe Bonnema. The building was originally intended to be fitted with classic
individual office rooms, and interior designer Nel Verschuuren was hired to design the interiors of
public and representative spaces. However, the Interpolis management was well aware of the digital
revolution taking place, and contacted consultant Eric Veldhoen. Verschuuren and Veldhoen designed
a new office concept in which none of the workers had a private desk. The new way of working was
born. In this new concept there are no fixed workplaces, but an environment of atmospheres that relate
to different types of concentration and communication. No rooms or cubicles, but a cafe, a lounge,
meeting points, concentration rooms and leisure rooms, as well as sport facilities, libraries and even
a movie theater. All employees, from director to janitor, log in to the wireless network and find a place
that suits their activities of the day. What was also special in Verschuuren’s concept was that within
her design, she made space to bring in other designers, such as Piet Hein Eek and Jurgen Bey, which
helped boost the attention to design in general.

This concept became a standard for new developments. Today, we no longer work five days a week
and 8 hours a day. The office is more than a place to work and has developed into a social networking
environment. People feel better and perform better in a congenial environment that supports the
identity and attitude of both the workers and the company. The office became the new home.
Leaving the one-person, one-workplace concept
also turned out to be profitable; flex-working
generated a space saving of up to 30%. Of
course, it was tempting to see that profit as cost
saving, but as soon as clients realize that the
real profit is in the happiness and employability
of the people, it becomes clear that this gain
has to be reinvested as a contribution to further
development of the concept. Open offices
require a different approach to comfort, routing,
acoustics, lighting and climate control. Interior
designers are used to working with these aspects
and to integrate utilities to human needs.

Fig. 1.1 Interpolis office - chairs that provide privacy to


The enormous technological developments and

the ecological crisis that threatens us spurred
this search for new concepts. Why should well-
educated independent professionals suffer traffic
congestion to go to an office, when they can log in
to the network to do their task from virtually every
place in the world? The added value of the office is
that it is a place for communication, a place to share
ideas, a place for development, which starts with
the personal development of the office workers,
who are the most valuable asset in a knowledge-
based networking society. Emerging companies
Fig. 1.2 Open office concept
recognize that and want workplaces that are not
only functional but also appeal to the young people
that fuel the company with their ideas.

Fig. 1.3 Flexible work space

We need to create offices that are durable and flexible, capable to anticipate to changing work processes
and contribute to the social climate of the city.

Interior designers are actively working on this new task, and we found a new array of partners to
collaborate with: management consultants, strategy developers, facility managers, IT-architects and
the like. Key words today are communication, transition and reflection.


These are key words that we also find in education, in the way we pass on our knowledge and train
our next generations to become independent thinkers. Today, schools are complex structures, where
groups and individuals, pupils and teachers gather in an atmosphere of receptiveness.

For a long time, creating such atmosphere has

been the domain of educators, but now we see
that interior design has a measurable effect
on the way pupils feel and behave. And here
also the interior designer turns out to be the
partner to facilitate such environments, because
interior designers are used to thinking from
the users’ perspective, to not only functionally
accommodate spatial needs but to adapt to
processes of communication and interaction.

Fig. 1.4 Encounter, Work, Learn. Erasmus Education Center,

Rotterdam, the Netherleands. Design KAAN Architects,
Health Care

Spatial design influences the instincts and emotions of the user. It can cause the user to do or feel
something without thinking. For instance, we use leather in the treatment rooms in a cancer treatment
centre because it has a soft and warm appearance. The curtains that we hang have a strong emotional
impact; you create your own protected space and the flower pattern calls for associations with home
and nature.

In an open space people communicate more

and social interaction makes people happier.
Indirectly, that is the way to influence behaviorv
Francesco Messori (D/DOCK Designers
Amsterdam) was responsible for the design
of the VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam, one
of the first successful examples of healing
environments in the Netherlands. In it, scientific
research (evidence-based design) supports
the way patients experience their physical
environment. In this facility where patients are
treated with chemotherapy, not just the interior,
Fig. 1.5 VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam but the whole process of intake, examination and
treatment is designed to provide optimal comfort
for the patient. Great emphasis has been given to
routing (avoiding distraction and stress), lighting
and auditory environment.

Fig. 1.6 VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam

Patients are given a variety of choices at all times, for instance to choose a more private or a more
social environment, or a low or high cognitive environment. Operational management and technology
are organized in such a way that it is always in the background.

Especially in the ‘care industry’ attention to the experiences and perception of the clients is crucial.
After all, most people do not eagerly look forward to a doctor’s visit or hospitalization. Fear and anxiety
color the space between patient and health services. Excellent medical care of the highest standards is
of course a prerequisite, but patients also require attention for their personal questions and fears. They
want a safe comfortable environment, not an atmosphere that refers to illness, medical engineering
and loss of dignity; a quiet and comfortable place for recuperation, not a medical production-unit.

It is important to avoid the monotony that often

makes health care facilities boring and to give
patients positive stimulants. For decades, beige
and grey have been the colors of choice in
hospitals. We all know the endless corridors and
the crowded waiting rooms where patients have
to wait for hours for an available doctor. Today,
we want to give clients a sense of identity. We
speak of clients or residents, instead of patients,
and we respect privacy and human scale. In the
new medical center, the patient is a guest. The
hospital creates an atmosphere that ensures
privacy and relaxation. Guests feel at home in
an environment that equals a 4-star hotel, where Fig. 1.7 Providing health care for the elderly
family and friends can stay over and help to take
care of the patient.

Where medical conditions permit, guests can use informal meeting facilities, relax rooms and even
workspaces, so they do not lose contact with their social context while being physically away from

An interior designer can create such a space in which a guest or patient can feel at ease, allowing for
dignity and self-respect. However, care also has to be an efficient process. Medical care requires high
quality design. The interior designer can join these seemingly incompatible requirements into a spatial
concept that leaves room for atmosphere and emotion, and in which efficiency and clinical demands
are incorporated optimally. In a pleasant environment people feel better and heal faster.

Health care is a fast-growing market due to the strong increase of the aging population. With that
increase comes attention for nursing homes and homes for the elderly. In 2030 we expect 30% of
the population to be older than 65, the result of increased prosperity and strongly improved health
care. Today the percentage is 15%. Luckily, the older ones have a healthy life expectancy and a good
social-economic position, allowing for a relatively long social life. But elderly people are vulnerable,
and for many of them there would come a time when they need support and care. Having to leave your
familiar surroundings is a radical change. It’s our duty to give them a new home that at least matches
the comfort and familiarity they were used to.


Sustainability is of course on top of everybody’s

agenda these days. It is probably also the
most misused term of our days. Governments
and companies are very much aware of the
marketing value of a sustainable profile, so
they want to move to fancy new buildings that
are built to the latest standards in green design,
thus leaving the environment with a heap of
scrap buildings, outdated and abandoned. This
is not very sustainable. What’s more important,
these buildings often form part of our collective
memory, of the way we explore the city and find
our way in it. They are part of our sense of place.
So, simply demolishing is not just unsustainable,
Fig. 1.8 Glass Music Hall in the Beurs van Berlage Building,
it’s also an attack on the DNA of our cities and,
Amsterdam the Netherlands. Design Zaanen Spanjers hence, the emotional relation people have with
Architects. their environment.

An example from the present author’s own practice: in the early 1990’s the former stock exchange
building in Amsterdam, originally designed by the famous Dutch architect H.P. Berlage in 1904, was
transformed into a concert hall and congress center. To solve an acoustical problem between two
halls, a glass box in the box hall was created, which served as a music hall for chamber music concerts
and also as a small lecture hall for a small audience of 250 people. After 25 years of service, the
building is now being renovated again, and of course demand has changed. The glass music hall had
to be removed as it was no longer feasible. Instead of just demolishing it, it was put up for sale for 1
Euro. Of course, the buyer would have to rebuilt the hall and give it a new use, preferably something
cultural. Interest was overwhelming; over 40 serious bids from all over the world were received, from
as far away as New Zealand.

After long consideration, the glass structure was sold to a municipal project in the town of Tilburg, in
the south of the Netherlands. Here a former railroad maintenance factory, located in the middle of the
city right behind the railway station, will be transformed into a public space, housing the public library,
a cultural center and a small lecture hall. And that lecture hall will be the rebuilt glass music hall.

By transforming existing real estate and giving new use to old buildings, interior designers revalue known
qualities, enhance social coherence and quality of life, and give a boost to existing neighborhoods.
This type of adaptive reuse also enhances creativity; very often we see young start-up companies or
cultural organizations settle in these new premises. Last but not least, re-using existing space is cost

New Dynamics

These are just a few practical examples of projects that are innovative and experimental, but above all
aimed at user quality and environmental perception. They go way beyond the concept of decoration;
these are designs that are rooted in knowledge. Decoration is still an important part of the work, but
the true strength lies in the creation of spaces that enhance and empower people.

In general, society today sees a shift from new development directed at growth to consolidation,
transformation and revaluation of existing real estate. A changed social context that puts a different
emphasis; health, care, education and small-scale (private) commissioning are now the task for the
future. Of course, these developments do not go unnoticed by many interior designers, but what is
noteworthy is that traditionally, these new challenges have been the scope of work of the interior
designers. With the physical space as starting point, interior designers design living spaces that are
tailored to the well- being of all users, be they residents, staff, clients or visitors. They take into account
aspects of health and safety, implement applicable (building-)rules and regulations, and integrate beauty,
comfort and sustainability in designs that satisfy all functional, technical and economic demands. In
doing so, they create a social added value that reaches beyond the attractive and functional design of
the physical intervention itself. Good design contributes to the coherence, the sustainability and the
economic feasibility of society.

A New Design Methodology

Interior design is a dynamic process, a continuous interaction between building and user, contributing
to the sustainability and value retention of the built environment. Interior designers are accustomed
to working in a direct relationship with clients and users on small scale projects that require a specific
approach. They work in variable teams with architects, graphic and product designers and interior
furnishers, but also, for example, with facility managers, management consultants, environmental
psychologists, anthropologists and art historians. More and more we see the interior designer as a
researcher, self-initiated or commissioned, exploring and reinterpreting certain aspects of our living
environment. Interior designers are used to playing many different roles, and to making themselves
subordinate to the user’s demand. In such a multidisciplinary approach it is often difficult to see where
the work of one professional ends and that of another other begins. That sometimes makes it difficult
for the outside world to see the significance of interior design, but unlike in most forms of fashion and
design that is precisely its added value. You only notice it when it is not right.

The interior designer protects and promotes the health, safety and well-being of all users of buildings
and integrates beauty, comfort and sustainability in designs that meet functional, technical and
economic demands. Like architects, they serve a public interest that goes beyond the direct interests
of the client and that contributes to the quality of the built environment. But it’s a competitive market,
often dominated by public media that show a tendency to focus on different aspects of it. To maintain
and develop quality and expertise and to offer clients and consumers clarity and guidance, we have to
invest even more in the quality of our education, and research and development must be an integrated
part of our everyday work.

We have to share and deepen our knowledge, and by all means we must gather much more knowledge
based on practical experience. By now, the instruments to do that are on hand; the Bachelor and
Master system made scientific research a compulsory part of the training, and in some countries,
we even see PhD programs emerging. The bookshelf with interior design books, which a decade
ago was mainly filled with picture books, is slowly sagging under the weight of gathered knowledge.
But it is by far not enough yet. Especially in daily practice we do not see much adoption of evidence-
based design, post-occupancy evaluations, and the interface of the profession with environmental
psychology, neuroscience and behavioral economics. For that we shall have to change the way we
work from a linear process, focused on result, into a circular process, in which we constantly research
whether what we have done works, and incorporate the result of that research in new assignments. For
our clients the result of our work has always been the beginning of the journey. Now, we shall have to
convince them that from now on we join them on the trip, to learn, to adjust where needed, and to change
when necessary. We will become the consultant who’s not only concerned with accommodation, but
who also contributes to productivity, effectiveness of processes and happiness in life.

Rethinking Principles

Rather than creating spaces that will be remembered, place making is a dynamic process. More than
2000 years ago Vitruvius formulated his famous doctrine of architecture, Firmitas, Utilitas et Venustas,
solid, useful and beautiful. Maybe it’s time to reformulate that, or at least to formulate a triad that
qualifies interior space. May I suggest Beauty, Comfort and Sustainability?

Building Services Systems and Interior Design
By Jimmy Law Ching-Hin & Eagle Mo
Building services systems refer to all the internal systems that make a building function. They affect
people’s comfort, health, productivity and safety. Interior designers are expected to work with building
services consultants or relevant professionals to ensure that building services meet functional and
aesthetic requirements.

Fig. 2.1 Building Services

In general, building services comprises mainly

four components: 火

(a) Mechanical Ventilation & Air- conditioning Fire
(MVAC), Services
(b) Fire Services, MVAC
(c) Plumbing and Drainage, 電
and (d) Electrical and Extra-low Voltage (ELV) 水 Electrical
Services (風、火、水、電). Plumbing and
and ELV
Drainage Services
Fig. 2.2

(a) MVAC 風

Natural Ventilation & Mechanical Ventilation Fan Coil Unit (FCU)

Ventilation can be categorized into natural FCU is a kind of simple equipment and self-
ventilation and mechanical ventilation. Natural contained system re-circulating indoor air; it
ventilation is a process of supplying and removing houses an air filter, heating or cooling coil, and
air through an indoor space by natural means, a centrifugal fan, and operates by moving air
like making use of the pressure differences through an opening in the unit and across the
between the building and its surrounding, while coils.
mechanical ventilation requires the use of a fan
or other mechanical systems.i

According to the American Society of Heating

and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), air-
conditioning is defined as the process of treating
air to meet the requirements of a conditioned
space by controlling its temperature, humidity,
cleanliness, and distribution.ii

Ventilation Fan

It includes exhaust fan, which expels air from the

interior to outside; and fresh air fan, which draws Fig. 2.4
outdoor fresh air to the interior.

Fig. 2.5

Fig. 2.3 Ventilation Fan

Air Handling Unit (AHU)

AHU is connected to a more complex and larger central air conditioning system with duct works treating
outside air, which is usually applied for a larger design space like a whole storey of office. It adjusts
the temperature and humidity of the air and controls the air flow. The basic components are supply fan
(return fan), water cooling coil, filters, mixing box, dampers and controls.

Fig. 2.6 Fig. 2.5

Air diffusers

Air diffuser is one of the essential parts of mechanical ventilation. There are many designs of air
diffuser that interior designers can choose from.iii

Fig. 2.8

Central Air Conditioning System & Non-Central Air Conditioning System

Central AC system circulates cool air to different room spaces via supply and return ducts, which is a
common system applied in larger service area like office buildings.

Fan coil system

Fig. 2.9 Fig. 2.10 Constant air volume (CAV) system:

simple on/off cooling operation, high temperature

Fig. 2.11 Variable air volume (VAV) system: more precise

temperature control, less temperature fluctuations.

Non-central air conditioning system is usually used in a smaller service area, such as a single residential

Fig. 2.13 Split type air-conditioner

Fig. 2.12 Window type air-conditioner

(b) Fire Services 火

Fire services detect and avoid the destructive effects of potential fires in buildings.

• Smoke detector is a device that senses • Break-glass fire alarm is a manually

smoke, which generally indicates the activated device which indicates the
presence of fire. presence of fire.

Fig. 2.14 Fig. 2.15

• Fire sprinkler is thermally activated and • Fire flash light is connected to the detectors
consists of water supply through piping. It to deliver visual warning signals.
can help to reduce the spread of flames,
thereby ensuring safety and limiting structural
damage of buildings.

Fig. 2.16 Fig. 2.17

• Fire shutter partitions a building during

a fire, prevent fire from rapidly spreading
to other areas so that occupants can have
enough time to escape.

Fig. 2.18

(c) Plumbing and Drainage 水

Water supply systems can be categorized into cold water systems and hot water systems. Water
supply is required for drinking, flushing, fire services, air-conditioning and so on in a building
• Plumbing utilizes pipes, valves, plumbing • Drainage aims to remove the used water from
fixtures, tanks, and other apparatuses to toilets, sinks, basins, baths, showers, bidets,
supply fluids. All plumbing works must be dishwashers, roof and washing machines.
carried out in accordance with the Hong A well-designed drainage system ensures
Kong Waterworks Requirements, which adequate flow during discharge, exclude
include the following types of waterworks: smells and foul air as well as limit noise
- Potable water during discharge. One of the components is
- Flushing water water trap, which prevents foul gas, insects
- Cleansing water and bacteria from entering the premise. Used
- Irrigation water water includes the following types of water:
- Rain water
- Waste water
- Soil water

Fig. 2.20

Fig. 2.19

Fig. 2.21

• False Ceiling can be used to balance aesthetics and infrastructure needs. For instance, it can be
used to hide air ducts or water pipes. In addition, it can be a good heat or acoustical insulation.
False ceiling can be made from a variety of materials:iv

»» Gypsum board: light in weight, flexible, »» Metal panels: reusable, strong, higher
economical. resistance, modern look.

Fig. 2.22 Fig. 2.23

»» Plaster of Paris (POP): light in weight, smooth »» Plywood: strong, various finishes
texture, uniform finish.

Fig. 2.24 Fig. 2.25

»» Fiberboard/Mineral reinforced tiles: high

sound and fire insulation, various finishes.

Fig. 2.26

(d) Electrical and ELV Services 電

Electrical and ELV (Extra Low Voltage) services are a vital component in any building. It includes
wiring, schemes of distribution and protection for lighting and power installations. In Hong Kong, the
normal power supply is 220V for AC single phase electricity; 380V for 3 phases electricity.

• Lighting provides illumination for people to use a space and to see well enough to function at their
designated tasks. It also creates perception of the space or form and allows interior designers to
present their spatial concepts and reveal texture and color. Methods for creating visual environment
include ambient lighting, accent lighting, task lighting and perimeter lighting. The photo below
illustrates an example of reflected ceiling plan. For more project details, please refer to Chapter 5.

Fig. 2.27 Reflected ceiling plan

• Power plugs and sockets are devices that allow electrically operated equipment to be connected
to the primary alternating current (AC) power supply in a building. Electrical plugs and sockets differ
in voltage and current rating, shape, size and type of connectors. There are currently 15 types of
electrical outlet plugs in use today, according to the US Department of Commerce International
Trade Administration (ITA).v The photo below illustrates an example of electrical plan of BEAM
Society Limited Office - Reno Green. For more project details, please refer to Chapter 5.

Fig. 2.28 Electrical plan

• Telecom and Internet Telecom refers to telecommunication, which is defined as “Any transmission,
emission or reception of signs, signals, writings, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature by
wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems.” In interior design, telephone, radio, television
and especially internet, are the most important forms of telecom.

Fig. 2.30

Fig. 2.29

Human Sensory Perceptions in Built Environment
By Jimmy Law Ching-Hin & Eagle Mo
Interior design aims to create different spatial experiences by manipulating human senses. By selecting
different kinds of lighting, providing access to daylight and fresh air, or by modulating indoor temperature
and room acoustics, the way people see, hear, smell and feel can be affected. In addition, there is a
variety of measurement tools and standards to help designers achieve the desired effect in precise
and scientific ways.

3.1 Vision

Indoor lighting
Hue is the general description of the perceived color of an object, that is, the name of the color like red,
green or blue. Value indicates the relative lightness or darkness of a color like sky blue and pond blue.
In addition, chroma indicates how saturated a color appears. Last but not least, Correlated color
temperature (CCT) is used to specify source color’s appearance, which is expressed using Kelvin
temperature scale. A lower CCT means an object emitting light rays with longer wavelength that gives
a warmer color. CCT is one of the major considerations of interior designers.

Fig. 3.1

Room Type Properties Example CCT

Home Warm White, which gives 2700K

an orange-tinted and
comfortable colour

Office Cool White, which is suitable 3500K

for reading and task work

1. Types of lighting functionality

Fig. 3.4 Fig. 3.6

»» Ambient lighting provides overall »» Accent lighting focuses on selected objects

illumination, which define the space and and surfaces, providing a dramatic effect.
forms a comfortable visual environment.

Fig. 3.5 Fig. 3.7

»» Task lighting illuminates the area where work »» Decorative lighting highlights and accents
is performed, which enhances productivity. hallways, walkways, and other elements of
interior and exterior design.

Fig. 3.8 Fig. 3.9

»» Exterior lighting provides light in outdoor »» Landscape lighting adds beauty, character
areas where people may enjoy various and safety to the landscape and offers the
activities. functionality and peace of mind of a well-lit
landscape design.

WELL Building Standard is a U.S. public benefit corporation whose mission is to improve human health
and well-being through the built environment. WELL Building Standard 58: Color quality states
that light color quality impacts visual appeal and can either contribute to or detract from occupant
comfort. Poor color quality reduces visual acuity and the accurate rendering of illuminated objects.
This standard ensures that lights with high color quality are in place.

Types of lighting sources

Type Characteristics

Incandescent bulb »» Light generated by electric current

passing through a filament
»» Inexpensive bulb
»» Shorter service time
»» Less energy efficiency

Fig. 3.10

Fluorescent bulb/tube »» Light generated by phosphor coating

»» Risk of leaked toxic mercury gas
»» Expensive bulb/tube
»» Fair service time
»» Better energy efficiency

Fig. 3.11 Fig. 3.12

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) »» Light generated by recombining

»» Very expensive bulb
»» Long service time
»» Highest energy efficiency

Fig. 3.13 Fig. 3.14

Halogen lamp »» A form of incandescent lamp that has
a small amount of a halogen such as
iodine or bromine added
»» Operates at a very high temperature
»» Risk of fire hazards
»» Higher color temperature

Fig. 3.15

Access to daylight
There are many benefits to using daylight. It can save energy by reducing the use of electric lights and
increase users’ satisfaction and achieve visual comfort. Good daylighting requires both qualitative and
quantitative aspects of design.

To be specific, daylight factor (DF) is an indication of amount of daylight at a point inside a room.
Various size and arrangement of windows can change the DF value. On the other hand, daylight model
can be simulated and analyzed using software RADIANCE.

Lux is the International System of Units’ unit of luminance, which measures the luminous flux per unit

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE),

which is the standard setter and authority on building services
engineering, has set out the lux requirement for different activities
according to CIBSE SLL Code for lighting.

Fig. 3.16

Type of area, task or activity Lux requirement

Rest rooms 100
Store and stockrooms 100
Circulation areas and corridors 100
Elevators, lifts 100
Canteens, pantries 100
Cloakrooms, washrooms, bath-rooms, toilets 200
Rooms for physical exercise 200
Classrooms, tutorial rooms 300
Office – Reception desk 300
Laboratories 300
Auditorium, lecture halls 500
Library – Reading area 500
Kitchen 500
Office – Conference and meeting rooms 500
Office – Writing, typing, reading, data processing 500
Rooms for medical attention 500
Art rooms in art schools 750
Technical drawing rooms 750
Dentist patient rooms 1000

WELL Building Standard 63: Daylighting Fenestration states that exposure to natural light can
improve mood, alertness and overall health. This standard outlines design parameters for windows to
optimize the quantity and quality of daylight.

Fig. 3.17 Fig. 3.18

Spatial arrangement/Congestion
The U.S. verification scheme “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” (LEED) has devised
the LEED EQ Credit 8.2: Daylight & Views: Views for 90% of Spaces, which intends to provide for
building occupants with a connection between indoor spaces and the outdoors through the introduction
of daylight and views into the regularly occupied areas of the building. The scheme states that a direct
line of sight to the outdoor environment between 0.8 meters and 2.3 meters above finish floor for
building occupants in 90% of all regularly occupied areas should be achieved.

Fig. 3.19

3.2 Hearing

Noise isolation
Noise is unwanted and unpleasant sound, which may lead to hearing loss and high blood pressure.i
For example, noise is produced by printers and ventilation system in an office. Noise isolation can be
affected by the structure of buildings, namely the building envelope, walls and floors. Noise Isolation
Class (NIC) indicates the sound control between two adjoining areas. The higher the number, the
better the sound control. Sound Transmission Class (STC) is another sound parameter that indicates
how well a wall can stop the transmission of sound. The higher the number, the better the wall can
stop the sound transmission. The following tables shows the STC values based on different building

Thickness and Material STC
5/16” Plywood 25

5/8” Gypsum Board 28

1/4” Plate Glass 30

3/16” Steel plate 35

1” Thick wood panel 36

12” Brick wall 59

Building Environmental Assessment Method (BEAM Plus) is a Hong Kong voluntary green building
labeling scheme. BEAM PLUS For New Buildings IEQ 19 Noise Isolation is a guideline that aims at
improving the noise isolation of normally occupied premises or rooms to reduce impact of unwanted
noise. Different performance criteria are mentioned in the guideline. For example, Noise Isolation Class
(NIC) should be at least 40 for cellular offices; Sound Transmission Class (STC) between bedrooms
and living rooms in residential premises should be STC46.iii

WELL Building Standard 81 Sound barriers states that noise from adjacent spaces can be very
disturbing to building occupants. Careful detailing and high quality construction materials can greatly
improve the sound reducing abilities of an interior partition or door.

Fig. 3.20 Fig. 3.21

Room Acoustic
Room Acoustic describes how sound behaves in an enclosed space. It concerns how sound is created,
propagated, perceived, measured and modeled inside a room. One of the important parameters in
room acoustic is reverberation time, which measures how long the acoustic energy emitted from
sound sources inside a room will linger.

The optimal reverberation time depends on the nature of the room. To be specific, longer reverberation
time is suitable for churches and large concert halls for enhancing the musical experience.iv The table
below suggests the reverberation time for different room types: v

Room Type Optimum Reverberation Time (s)

Studio 0.2-0.5

Classroom 0.5-1.0

Small Theatre 1.0-1.5

Church 1.5-2.0

Orchestra 2.0-2.5

In addition, Noise Criterion (NC) was established in U.S.
for rating indoor noise, which is a set of criteria curves
defining the limits of octave band spectra that must not
be exceeded for the sake of human comfort in certain
spaces. The graph left illustrates the NC curve.­vi

For instance, 1000Hz sound measured at 60dB cannot be

accepted in a space with NC40 requirement.

Fig. 3.22

BEAM PLUS For New Buildings IEQ 18 Room Acoustics is the guideline aimed at improving the
acoustical properties of rooms in which speech intelligibility is important. The suggested reverberation
time of A-weighted sound pressure level, in modular (private) offices and conference rooms, should be
0.6 s or below. The noise assessment criterion should be NC40.

WELL Building Standard 78 Reverberation Time seeks to establish lower reverberation time to
help maintain comfortable sound levels. This performance specification can be met through the use of
sound-absorbing materials on various surface and design elements.

Fig. 3.23 Fig. 3.24

3.3 Air

Indoor air quality (Pollutants and Odor)

Indoor air quality (IAQ) relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. IAQ can be affected
by gases like carbon monoxide, radon, volatile organic compounds (VOC), particulates and microbial
contaminants. Poor IAQ contributes to coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, headaches and so on.vii
Worse still, poor IAQ can sometimes lead to bad odor.

Pollutants generated from different interior sources can cause many adverse health problems.viii

Pollutant Potential health problems Possible sources
Asbestos • Asbestosis • Floor tiles
• Mesothelioma • Roofing materials
• Lung cancer

Fig. 3.25

Flame retardants (PBDEs) • Potential effects on • Some plastics

behavioral and nervous • Electrical and electronic
system development equipment
• Upholstered furniture
• Non-clothing textiles
• Foam products
Fig. 3.26

Formaldehyde (Methanol) • Burning sensations in the • Tobacco smoke

eyes, nose and throat • Varnish and glues
• Breathing problems • Wallpapers, cardboard and
• Allergies paper products
• Furniture, cabinets and
building materials made
from particleboard

Fig. 3.27

Volatile organic compounds • Eye, nose and throat • Cigarette smoke

(VOCs) irritation • Varnish and glues
• Headaches, loss of • Hair sprays and nail polish
coordination and nausea
• Damage to liver, kidney and
central nervous system

Fig. 3.28

Radon • DNA damage • Building materials

• Lung cancer • Soil and rock

Fig. 3.29

BEAM PLUS For New Buildings IEQ 6 Outdoor Sources of Air Pollution is the guideline that aims
at ensuring airborne contaminants from external sources will not give rise to unacceptable levels of
indoor air pollution in normally occupied spaces. Similarly, IEQ 7 Indoor Sources of Air Pollution
aims to ensure airborne contaminants from internal sources are within acceptable levels.

WELL Building Standard 01 Air quality standards requires an accredited assessor to complete
aperformance test after occupancy as an independent means of verifying that the building, whether
naturally or mechanically ventilated, meets critical air quality requirements.

Fig. 3.30 Fig. 3.31

3.4 Thermal Environment

Indoor temperature

Indoor temperature can affect productivity indirectly by possibly inducing sick building syndrome
symptoms or influence occupants’ satisfaction with air quality. However, different people have different
sensory perceptions to temperature. It is better to have a consensus among the room occupants and
then setting an average temperature.

Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) is a thermal scale that runs from Cold (-3) to Hot (+3). Data describing
comfort sensation is collected by a large group of people subjected to different thermal conditions, and
then a mathematical relation between all the environmental and physiological factors is derived. This
relation allows us to calculate the value of PMV once several parameters are given, which include:ix

1. Metabolic rate (met): The energy generated from the human body;
2. Clothing insulation (clo): The amount of thermal insulation the person is wearing;
3. Air temperature: Temperature of the air surrounding the occupant;
4. Radiant temperature: The weighted average of all the temperatures from surfaces surrounding
an occupant;
5. Air velocity: Rate of air movement given distance over time;
6. Relative humidity: Percentage of water vapor in the air.
ASHRAE 55 recommends the acceptable PMV range for thermal comfort is between -0.5 and +0.5.
The table below shows the PMV sensation scale:

Value Sensation
-3 Cold
-2 Cold
-1 Slightly cool
0 Neutral
1 Slightly warm
2 Warm
3 Hot

There is an online Comfort Calculator (ISO7730-1993) which can interactively suggest the PMV based
on these parameters.

Fig. 3.32

The objective of BEAM PLUS For New Buildings IEQ 13 Thermal Comfort in Air-conditioned
Premises is to ensure that air-conditioning systems provide the stated design conditions in occupied
spaces under changing load conditions. Also, IEQ 14 Thermal Comfort in Naturally Ventilated
Premises aims at promoting the application of measures that reduce elevated temperatures caused
by external heat gains and ensure installed air-conditioning units can provide adequate control of
indoor temperature.

WELL Building Standard 76 Thermal comfort states that thermal comfort can affect mood, focus
and productivity. However, preferences are highly personal and differ greatly from one individual to
another. Balancing the energy requirements of large buildings with these varied occupant preferences
can be challenging.

Fig. 3.33

Fig. 3.34

Natural ventilation (or passive ventilation) is the process that supplies air to and removes air from an
indoor space without using electrical and mechanical systems. The process that the air flows from
exterior to an indoor space is a result of stack effect arising from pressure difference. This process can
cool and ventilate a building while reducing a large fraction of total energy use.

For a room using natural ventilation, occupants sitting nearby windows will be affected by the breezes
circulating the space. A certain amount of air movement around the human body is essential for
thermal comfort. It is also important in dispersing air pollutants. However, when the wind speed is too
high or unstable, it can interrupt work and adversely affect occupants’ comfort.

BEAM PLUS For New Buildings SA 8

Microclimate Around Buildings states that
physical discomfort sets in at wind speeds of
about 5 ms -1 , with speeds above 8 ms -1 being
very uncomfortable.

A wind-catcher in traditional Persian/Arabic

architecture makes use of the wind movement to
achieve natural ventilation. The ceiling opening
of the tower faces opposite to the direction of
the prevailing wind, and indoor air will tend to
Fig. 3.35
be expelled while warm air will naturally rise
to ceiling. Thus air is drawn upwards by this
According to BEAM Plus for New Buildings Appendices Natural Ventilation, there are
several cross-ventilation suggestions for wind movement that interior designers have to consider when
designing interior structures.

Fig. 3.36

However, interior designers have to realize the constraints of natural ventilation. First, sites with high
level of acoustic noise and air contamination will be less suitable for natural ventilation, which requires
a high interaction with the surrounding space.x Secondly, buildings in cold weather regions require a
relatively closed space to trap heat. Thus, it may not be feasible to achieve natural ventilation. On the
other hand it is necessary to consider the daylighting when designing the facade for ventilation.

• Glass Type
A major component of thermal environmental
is glass insulation. There are many types
of glass available in the market. In order
to create a suitable thermal environment,
interior designers have to take into account
two parameters when selecting glass for

The first is U-values. The ‘U’ value of a double

glazing window is the measure of its ability
Fig. 3.37 to transfer heat – so double glazing windows
with the lowest U value are the most efficient
insulators against heat loss from a room.

The second parameter is the Solar Heat Gain

Coefficient (SHGC), which measures the
ability of thermal insulation glass to transmit
solar energy into a room, as measured in
value from 0 to 1. The lower a window’s solar
heat gain coefficient, the less solar heat it

Fig. 3.38
Fig. 3.39

There are many types of insulation glass in the market, each with different characteristics. Below is a
sampling of a few common types.

»» Clear Float Glass: ordinary, transmission, »» Tinted Float Glass: colored, high sunshade
widely used. high light efficiency

Fig. 3.40 Fig. 3.41

»» Low-E glass: microscopically thin and »» Laminated glass: PVB interlayer between
transparent coating on glass, low ultraviolet multiple glass layers, hard to break,
and infrared light transmission but prevention against hurricane and earthquake
considerable visible light transmission.

Fig. 3.42 Fig. 3.43

»» Insulating glass: glazed glass comprises »» Photovoltaic glass (PV glass): the glass
multiple piles of glass separated by a vacuum incorporates solar cells to generate electricity
or gas filled space to reduce heat transfer, from sunlight.
very low ‘U’ value.

Fig. 3.45

Fig. 3.44

3.5 Case Study
Project: Small Home Smart Home
Firm: LAAB (

Small Home, Smart Home is a 309 square-feet

apartment situated in Hong Kong. The clients, a
young professional couple, had a long wish-list
for this small space, including a full kitchen, large
bathtub, home cinema, gym, cat friendly spaces
and plenty of storage room. To fulfill these
requirements, the designers applied meticulous
planning and extraordinary craftsmanship to
create a space with many different components
that serve multiple functions and can be moved
around. Different parts of the apartment can open
and close depending on the purposes needed at
that particular time, and the synchronization of
components, structures and appliances make for Fig. 3.46 Overhead view of the space
a spatial experience well-tailored to the needs of
the clients.

Fig. 3.47 Fig. 3.48

Fig. 3.49

The use of partitions allows different activities to take place at the same time.

The bathtub area can serve as a bathroom and can also be turned into a second tier seating for
guests. It also functions as a guest bedroom for short-stay guests.

The design tackles different human senses to create an overall sense of well-being and comfort.

Visual: All elements, from the 4K TV, dining table, to the make-up table and storage are all designed
to be flat and easy to hide, so as to keep the flat looking neat and spacious.

Lighting : The smart lights are able to slowly brighten the room in the morning, giving the couple a
gentle wake-up.

Air: Materials, details and mechanical systems were all strategically designed to keep the spaces dry,
cleanable, cat-friendly, and free of undesirable smells. As an example, the cat toilet has been equipped
with its own ventilation system that pulls smells out of the building.

Fig. 3.50 Fig. 3.51

Fig. 3.52 Fig. 3.53

In addition to the human inhabitants, the designers also cater to the needs of the owners’ three cats.
Cat areas include a cat walk around the ceiling, cat ladder, litter-box hidden beneath the bathroom sink,
cat food trays hidden within the kitchen cabinets and a hidden den for them to relax in.

Fig. 3.54 Fig. 3.55

This apartment is a smart home in which technology plays a big role. A range of app-controlled smart
home technologies have also been implemented, such as smart bulbs and smart lock. The lights
can be adjusted according to time and brightness, while the door lock enables the owners to enter
effortlessly or send electronic keys to friends to help them look after their cats.

Universal Design and User-friendly Space
By Simon Leung, Edwin Leung, Issac Tam
As society develops, there is a growing awareness that people with different needs and abilities should
have equal access to goods and services. Universal Design, also known as inclusive design, is a design
approach to a universally accessible standard in which all products, environments and communications
will cater to all people regardless of diversity, age and physical conditions. The designed products and
constructions through the universal design approach are user-friendly and aim to be as convenient as
possible to grant access to different social groupsi.

Human Factors and Ergonomics


Interior design is human-centric, and designers must come up with furniture and spaces that fit the
needs of users. The dimensions of the individual human being vary with time and from one person to
another, and there are also variations from one country to another. When carrying out detailed design,
consideration should also be given to size variation between males and females as well as people of
different ages.

Fig. 4.1 Dimensional Data of an Average Person

Fig. 4.2 Reaching Zones of an Average Person

Below are the key dimensions for an Asian male with an average height of 1680mm.ii

Fig. 4.3

Ergonomic Recommendations for Seating Furniture

In making designs for seated furniture, comfort requires that the seat slant down slightly toward the
rear. The more the back slants to the rear the more important it is that the seat slant downward to the
Seat surface should not be set too high. If it does,
it tends to compress the thigh and results in
constricted blood circulation, and also weakens
body stability because the soles of the feet
are not permitted proper contact with the floor
surface. Nor should it be set too low because
it tends to extend the legs and be positioned
forward, depriving them of stability. Furthermore,
it will cause the body to slide away from the
backrest that gives proper lumbar support.
Fig. 4.4 Proper seat height

Office Furniture

For rectangular tables, an ideal length is to provide an elbow room of 560 mm. to 600 mm. per seater
and a space allowance of 300 mm. on each side. This is recommended where the room or area is

For circular table, space allotment is 560mm. to 600 mm. of the circumference. To determine the
diameter of required table, multiply intended capacity by the allotted space or elbow room per seater
(560 mm. to 600 mm.), then divide the result by 3.14 (the value of pi) The final answer will be the
approximate diameter of the table required.

The height of tables should complement the seats. Ideal seat level is 300 mm. below the table top. For
average Asian stature, table height of 730 mm. is recommended. Complementing chairs with a seat
height of 430 mm. is ideal.

Fig. 4.5
Wheelchair access

In Hong Kong, new buildings are now required to provide access for people with disabilities. The
dimensions of corridors and doorways must be wide enough for people travelling on wheelchairs.

Fig. 4.5

Fig. 4.5

Dimensions Of Wheelchairs

The dimensions of wheelchairs commonly used by persons with a disability in Hong Kong are provided

Fig.4 8 Dimensions of Wheelchairs

Disabled Toilets

Restaurants, shopping malls and public facilities must be equipped with toilets for the disabled. By law,
there must be sufficient, properly designed and located toilet and W.C. cubicles stalls available for use
by everybody including people of either gender, people with babies and small children, persons with
disability, wheelchair users and the elderly and elderly with frailty, etc. with or without any assistance
from others. Space requirements for disabled toilets must be such that a wheelchair user can maneuver
into position for frontal, side or diagonal transfer to and from the toilet seat.

Fig. 4 .9 Design Heights for Various Features

Fig. 4 .10 Diagonal Approach for Transferring from a wheelchair to a W.C.

The Seven Principles of Universal Design

The Seven Principles of Universal Design were developed in 1997 by a working group of architects,
product designers, engineers and environmental design researchers at the North Carolina State
University. The purpose of the Principles is to guide the design of environments, products and
communications. According to the Center for Universal Design in NCSU, the Principles “may be applied
to evaluate existing designs, guide the design process and educate both designers and consumers
about the characteristics of more usable products and environments.” iii Universal Design, also known
as “design for all people”, is a principle for designing environments for all people, regardless of age,
gender, ability or change in ability.

1. Equitable use. 3. Simple and intuitive.

The building’s design should make it equally The building should make it easy for everyone to
accessible to everyone. Ideally, the means by understand the purpose of each design feature
which people use the building should be the and how to use it (e.g., providing washroom
same (e.g., providing one means of entry to the lavatory faucets that make their method of
building that works well for everyone). If it cannot operation readily apparent and relatively easy).
be identical, the several means provided must Moreover, its means of use should be intuitively
be equivalent in terms of their privacy, security, obvious so that it operates as anticipated and,
safety and convenience. The building must therefore, can be used spontaneously.
never employ means that isolate or stigmatize
any group of users or privilege one group over

Fig. 4 .13

4. Perceptible information

The building should provide all essential

information in a variety of modes (e.g., written,
symbolic, tactile, verbal) to ensure effective
Fig. 4 .11
communication with all users regardless of
2. Flexibility in Use. their sensory abilities. The information provided
must be presented with sufficient contrast to
The building’s design should allow people to use surrounding conditions so that it is distinguishable
its design features in more than one prescribed from its context and decipherable in all its various
way (e.g., providing a countertop orientation modes of presentation.
map that is viewable from either a seated or
standing position). It should accommodate both
right and left-handed use and be adaptable to
the individual user’s pace. The building’s design
should have the built-in flexibility to be usable
even when it is employed in an unconventional
or unanticipated manner.

Fig. 4 .14

Fig. 4 .12 Information counter at a shopping mall is viewable

from either a seated or standing position

5. Tolerance for error 7. Size and space for approach and use.

Ideally, the building’s design should eliminate, A building’s design features should provide an
isolate or shield any design features that could adequate amount of space that is appropriately
prove hazardous or inconvenient to any user. arranged to enable anyone to use them (e.g.,
When potentially dangerous conditions are providing knee space under a washroom lavatory
unavoidable, users should receive warnings as to enable use by someone in a seated position).
they approach the design feature (e.g., providing In addition, the space needs to be arranged
proximity warnings in a variety of sensory modes to provide a clear path of travel to and from
near the top of stairs). The building’s design important design features for all users.
should also anticipate accidental or unintended
actions by any user to minimize the inconvenience
and/or protect the user from harm.

Fig. 4 .15

6. Low physical effort.

Fig. 4 .17
The building’s design should employ design
features that require little or no physical force to
use them (e.g., replacing a traditional door knob
with a lever handle that does not require the
ability to grasp and turn the wrist). If a low level
of force is required, any user should be able to
engage the feature without assuming an awkward
or hazardous body position (e.g., providing a
smooth travel surface with minimal slope along
the path of travel leading to the entrance).

Fig. 4 .16

Sustainability in Interior Design
By Jimmy Law Ching-Hin & Eagle Mo
Sustainability has become an important consideration in the practice of interior design world-wide.
Interior designers ought to select various products that help clients conserve resources and save
on utility bills. In addition, there are a number of local and global green building and green interiors
standards, and attaining relevant certifications can make a positive contribution to the environment
while safeguarding the well-being of occupants.

5.1 Resource Management

On the other hand, automatic control does not
a) Electricity rely on the daily decision of building users. Photo
sensors are mounted in the ceiling to detect
i. Daylighting controls the illumination automatically. Light source,
control unit, photo sensor and controller are the
With daylighting controls, a building can consume components of a complete control unit.i
less energy for lighting as well as save on cooling
costs. Usually, the electric energy consumed
during peak demand period (e.g. 3 – 6 p.m.) is
the most expensive. Therefore, making use of
skylights during the period can significantly save
the lighting cost.

Fig. 5.3

ii. Energy Label

The rapid growth in the ownership of energy-

using products has brought with it huge energy
consumption and increased pressure on the
5.1 Resource Management living environment. To encourage the public to
choose energy efficient appliances and raise
There are two types of daylighting control, public awareness on energy saving, the HKSAR
which are manual control and automatic control. Government has introduced the Mandatory Energy
Manual control means it is the responsibility of Efficiency Labeling Scheme (MEELS) through
the occupants to switch off the lighting when the Energy Efficiency (Labeling of Products)
daylight is adequate. There is no additional Ordinance, Cap. 598. Under MEELS, energy
hardware required but it seems not to be feasible labels are required to be shown on prescribed
when a building is very large and complex. products sold in Hong Kong to inform consumers
of their energy efficiency performance.ii

(Official Website: http://www.energylabel.emsd.

Fig. 5.2
Fig. 5.1 Fig. 5.4

In addition, China’s energy efficiency labeling
management system, known as the China
Energy Label, is a type of information tag
attached to the product or its packaging, which
indicates the energy efficiency grade, energy
consumption and other indices of energy-using
products. It provides consumers (including all
levels of government, enterprises and individuals)
with the information they need when they are
making purchasing decisions to guide and help
them in choosing energy-efficient products.
Based on the energy efficiency distribution and
technical potential/cost-effectiveness of energy
efficiency improvement, energy efficiency labels
display different grade classifications.iii

(Official Website:


EQUIPMENT encourages the wider use of
energy efficient appliances. For example, 2
credits will be given when 80% of total rated
power of appliances and equipment are certified
energy efficient products.

iii. Energy Star

“ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) voluntary program that
helps businesses and individuals save money
and protect our climate through superior energy Fig. 5.5
efficiency.”iv Energy Star certified lighting fixtures
consume 70- 90% less operational energy and
produce about 70-90% less heat than traditional
incandescent light bulbs. The certified lighting
fixtures distribute light more efficiently and
effectively, which helps to protect the environment
by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

(Official Website:

Fig. 5.6

b) Water efficiency features c) Sustainable materials

Water efficiency refers to using less water to BEAM PLUS Interiors Commercial, Retail and
achieve same level of service or same result. Institutional Materials Aspects MA6 Sustainable
Some water fixtures allow us to consume less Flooring Products, MA 7 Sustainable Ceiling
water to finish a task effectively, such as water- Products and MA 8 Sustainable Wall and Door
efficient showerheads, taps and toilets. Products encourage the use of rapidly renewable
materials, recycled materials and sustainable
Voluntary Water Efficiency Labeling and timber for flooring products, ceiling products and
Standards (WELS) scheme is a HKSAR wall and door products respectively. For example,
Government water efficiency labeling scheme. some flooring products like carpet cushion-backing
Products participating in WELS incorporate a are made of recycled used bottles. Thanks to
water efficiency labels that inform consumers the the technological advancement, these backing
level of water consumption and water efficiency systems are comfortable, environmentally friendly,
to help them choose water efficient products and readily available in the market.
for water conservation. The labeling scheme
includes showers for bathing, water taps, washing
machines, urinal equipment and flow controllers.

(Official Website:
ht tp:/ /

Fig. 5.8-9

In addition, some manufacturers provide

upcycling of waste materials, which is a good
practice to prolong the lifecycle of wood products.
Furniture like doors and partitions can also be
upcycled or recycled to reduce environmental
pollution. Sustainable materials can be a good
Fig. 5.7 option for interior designers.

Fig. 5.10-11 Upcycling wooden components

5.2 Recommended / Voluntary / Valued-added Standards
• BEAM Plus / LEED • WELL Building Standard

BEAM (Building Environmental Assessment The WELL Building Standard is administered

Method) is a Hong Kong- based scheme which by the International WELL Building Institute
aims to achieve a sustainable community and (IWBI), launched in 2013, a public benefit
a green livable built environment in harmony corporation whose mission is to improve
with nature. The BEAM Plus assessment human health and well-being through the built
tools help to build capacity in the community environment. The WELL standard features
through education and training to advance seven performance-based standards to
health and well-being of occupants. optimize the building quality to humans.
Unlike other standards for creating more
BEAM Plus provides users with a single environmentally-friendly buildings, WELL
performance label that demonstrate the focuses on the connection between buildings
overall quality of a building. BEAM Plus and the impact on the health and wellness of
New Buildings include a large variety of its occupants.
parameters that can be assessed. (Official Website: https://www.wellcertified.
(Official Website: com/) (Official Website: https://www.hkgbc.

Fig. 5.14

Fig. 5.12 • Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme

• LEED (Leadership in Energy and The Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Certification
Environmental Design) Scheme aims to improve indoor air quality
and promote public awareness of the
LEED is a US green label for assessing importance of IAQ. This voluntary and self-
different kinds of buildings. LEED-certified regulatory approach provides two-levels of
buildings are resource efficient, provide a IAQ objectives (Excellent Class and Good
competitive differentiator, make for happier Class) to suit the needs of different premises
employees and occupants, attract tenants, and buildings. IAQ Certification Scheme
save energy and resources, lower operating sets different monitoring parameters, such
costs, provide public relations community as room temperature, relative humidity, air
benefits, increase rental rates and optimize movement, CO2, CO, PM10, NO2, O3,
health. HCHO, TVOC, radon and airborne bacteria.
(Official Website:
leedeng/NB_Intro.aspx) (Official Website:

Fig. 5.13

Fig. 5.15

• Green building standards for interior design

BEAM Plus Interiors – Commercial, Retai and Institutional Manual is an environmental

assessment method for interior spaces, and includes offices, shops, and related interior premises.
The BEAM Plus Interiors rating system benchmarks sustainability in the fit-out, renovation and
refurbishment of non-domestic, occupied interior spaces. The aspects considered include:

1. Green Building Attributes (GBA)

2. Management (MAN)
3. Materials Aspects (MA)
4. Energy Use (EU)
5. Water Use (WU)
6. Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
7. Innovation (IV)

Fig. 5.16

b) LEED v4 for Interior Design and Construction is a green building standard developed in the
United States. It is an environmental assessment method for interior spaces, including Green
Building Attributes (GBA) commercial interiors, retail and hospitality. The aspects considered

1. Location and Transportation (LT)

2. Sustainable Sites (SS)
3. Water Efficiency (WE)
4. Energy and Atmosphere (EA)
5. Materials and Resources (MR)
6. Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ)
7. Innovation (IN)

Fig. 5.17

Examples of LEED Green Features
MR Credit: Interiors Life-Cycle Impact Reduction
Interior nonstructural elements
should be reused or salvaged for
at least 50% of the surface area.
Also, furniture and furnishings
should be reused, salvaged or
refurbished for at least 30% of the
total furniture and furnishings cost.
These measures aim to encourage
adaptive reuse and optimize the
environmental performance of
products and materials.

Fig. 5.18

MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Sourcing of Raw Materials

Fig. 5.19

At least 20 different permanently installed products from at least five different manufacturers that
have publicly released reports from their raw material suppliers are used. The reports include raw
material supplier extraction locations, commitment to long-term ecologically responsible land use,
commitment to reducing environmental harms from extraction and/or manufacturing processes,
and commitment to meeting applicable standards or programs voluntarily that address responsible
sourcing criteria.
Table 1. Thresholds of compliance with emissions and content standards for 6 categories of
Emissions and content
Category Threshold requirements
Interior paints and coatings At least 90%, by volume, for • General Emissions Evaluation
applied on site emissions; 100% for VOC for paints and coatings applied to
content walls, floors, and celings
• VOC content requirements for
wet applied products

Interior adhesives and sealants At least 90%, by volume, for • General Emissions Evaluation
applied on site (including emissions; 100% for VOC • VOC content requirements for
flooring adhesive) content wet applied products
Flooring 100% • General Emissions Evaluation

Ceilings, walls, thermal, and 100% • General Emissions Evaluation

acoustic insulation

Furniture At least 90%, by cost • Furniture Evaluation

Case Study
Project: BEAM Society Limited

The office of BEAM Society Limited (BSL) is situated at the Jockey Club Environmental Building in
Kowloon Tong. It achieved Platinum rating under BEAM Plus Interiors (BI) v1.0 Accreditation.

Fig. 5.20

The office renovation project embodies the

key concepts of BEAM Plus Assessment tools,
which involve providing a comfortable yet simple
workplace with various green features, illustrating
how a balance of sustainability and efficiency
can be achieved at a modest budget.

Some of the features of the office that enabled it

to attain the Platinum rating include:
Fig. 5.21

BEAM Society Limited Office - Reno Green“Platinum”Rating Accreditation Examples

MAN 5 Corporate Social Responsibility Facilities
• Encourage space development that is
an asset to the society and promotes
the organization’s Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)

»» Provide a safe and healthy working

environment for employees and
occupants within the space area

»» A fitness area with air climber and

resistance band

Fig. 5.22-23

MAN 7 Occupational Health and Safety

• Interior layout provisions that embrace health and safety Some of the items under this category

Items Narrative Photo Record
Item 1 The chair was purchase from
second hand supplier and the
Provided catalogue is not applicable.
adjustable & All chairs are adjustable
movable office and moveable. The layout
chairs. showed the quantity and
location of chair.

Item 2 Office chairs with adjustable

armest can be chosen by the
Armrests on colleagues.
office chair (if
provided) shall
be adjustable in

Item 3 Standing-height-benches
which can be adjustable in
Standing-height- height located at photocopy
benches can room.
be adjustable
in height (if

Indoor Environmental Quality
Item 8 By setting up room for
photocopying, and doors
Wall/Sound for server area, the
barrier between photocopy machine and
occupant and server are isolated from the
noisy equipment workstations.
or locations (e.g.
kitchen etc.).

Item 9 Air is not directly blown at

seating occupants, since
Draught: Air ceiling fans are provided to
from air diffuser reduce the air velocity from
is not directed cooled air diffuser to seating
at seating occupant.

Item 10 All monitors are not facing

the window.
Glare: No
TV) are facing

MA 1 Waste Recycling Facilities

• Reduce pressure on landfill sites and help to preserve non-renewable resources by promoting the
recycling of waste materials

»» Recycling of waste paper, plastic, metal, rechargeable batteries, fluorescent lamps, waste
electrical and electronic equipment, glass containers.

Fig. 5.24-25

MA 2 Interior Components Reuse

• Extend the life cycle of the existing wall, doors, and glazing in the premises to conserve resources,
reduce waste, and lower environmental impact.

»» These items include the following;

MA 6 Sustainable Flooring Products

• Promote the use of environmentally friendly materials, manufacturing processing, and minimize
impacts arising from material transportation.

»» Reused existing carpet;

»» Newly purchased dark green carpet backing made of recycled bottles, manufactured within
800 sq. km of the site in Jiangxi province.

Fig. 5.26-27

EU 1 Energy Performance – Prescriptive-Based Approach

• Reduce the consumption of energy, resources and consequentially harmful emissions of carbon
dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere.

»» HVAC&R System
-- Six ceiling mounted fans serving more than 50% of the occupied area;
-- The windows in this office are openable.

Fig. 5.28

»» Lighting System

-- LED panels with acceptable Lighting

Power Density (LPD);
-- Appropriate lighting zoning and
manual control distribution system;
-- Occupancy sensor controls and timer
controls are widely adopted;
-- Task lights are provided for every
-- Master light switch is installed for
easily turning off of all non-essential

Fig. 5.29

EU 2 Energy Efficient Appliances

• Procurement of labeled energy efficient

equipment and appliances
»» One new LED Monitor with USEPA
Energy Star Certificated was

Fig. 5.29

Fig. 5.31

EU 5 Metering And Monitoring

• Real time monitoring, measurement, and historical record keeping, to enable managing
and improving energy performance.

»» A real time monitoring display is located in the pantry of BSL office;

»» Displays real time raw information of the energy usage at 15-minute intervals.

Fig. 5.32 Fig. 5.33

WU 2 Annual Water Use
• Reduce the consumption of fresh
(potable) water through the application
of water saving devices that have proven
performance and reliability

»» The water tap (Brand & Model: GTB GA

4072) is certified Grade 1 according to
the Water Efficiency Labeling Scheme
(WELS), with a flow rate of 2.6l/min.

Fig. 5.34

IEQ 2 Indoor Planting
• Improve indoor air quality and enhance
»» Two green walls are located at waiting
area, with a total area 5.28m2.

Fig. 5.35

IEQ 9 Natural Lighting

• Encourage a holistic examination of interior layout, building design, and fenestration

design, so as to maximize access to daylight for the purposes of improved health and
»» Achieved where 75% of workstations or seating are located in an area of floor plate that
has a natural light luminance level of 100 lux.

Fig. 5.36

IEQ 10 Views To Outside

• Provide occupants in normally occupied spaces with a connection to the outdoors.

»» All workstations are within 8m of the nearest vision glazing and have direct line of sight
at seated eye level of 1.2m of the vision glazing.

Fig. 5.37 The angle of view is 7.5°


Chapter 2 Building Services Systems and Interior Design

Building Services 屋宇設備
Cable Trucking 電線槽
Air Duct 風管
Mechanical Ventalation & Air-conditioning (MVAC) 通風及空調
Fire Services 消防設備
Plumbing and Drainage 水管和排水設施
Electrical and Extra-low Voltage (ELV) Services 特低電壓設備
Natural Ventilation 自然通風
Mechanical Ventilation 機械通風
Ventilation Fan 通風機
Fan Coil Unit (FCU) 風機盤管機組
Air Handling Unit (AHU) 空氣處理機組
Dampers 閘閥
Air diffusers 空氣擴散器
Constant air volume (CAV) system 定風量系統
Variable air volume (VAV) system 變風量系統
Window type air-conditioner 窗式空調機
Split type air-conditioner 分體式空調機
Chilled Water 冷凍水
Smoke Detector 煙霧探測器
Fire Alarm 消防警鐘
Fire sprinkler 消防灑水器
Fire flash light 消防閃光燈
Fire shutter 防火擋板
False Ceiling 假天花
Lighting Fitting 燈具
Power plugs and sockets 電源插頭及插座
Telecom and Internet 電訊及互聯網

Chapter 3 Human Sensory Perceptions in Built Environment
Hue 色調
Chroma 色品
Correlated color temperature (CCT) 相對色溫
Lux 光通量/勒克斯
Illuminance 照度
Ambient lighting 環境照明
Accent lighting 重點照明
Task lighting 工作照明
Decorative lighting 裝飾照明
Exterior lighting 室外照明
Landscape lighting 景觀照明
Incandescent bulb 白熾/鎢絲燈泡
Fluorescent bulb 螢光燈
Halogen lamp 鹵素燈
Daylight factor (DF) 日照係數
Spatial arrangement 空間佈置
Room Acoustic 室內聲學
Noise Isolation Class (NIC) 隔音等級
Sound Transmission Class (STC) 聲音穿透等級
Reverberation Time (RT) 迴響時間
Noise Criterion (NC) 噪聲標準
Indoor air quality (IAQ) 室內空氣質素
Asbestos 石棉
Flame retardants (PBDEs) 阻燃劑
Formaldehyde (Methanal) 甲醛
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 揮發性有機化合物
Radon 氡
Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) 舒適感指標
Metabolic rate (met) 代謝率
Clothing insulation (clo) 衣物隔熱
Radiant temperature 輻射溫度
Air velocity 風速
Relative humidity 相對濕度
Windcatcher 風斗
U-values 總熱傳送值
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) 太陽得熱係數

Chapter 5 Sustainability in Interior Design
Daylighting controls 日光控制
Photosensors 光電傳感器
Energy Label 能源標籤
China Energy Label 中國能效標識
Voluntary Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards 自願參與用水效益標籤計劃
(WELS) scheme

Sustainable materials 永續材料

Upcycling 升級再造
BEAM Plus 綠建環評
USGBC 美國綠色建築協會
LEED 領先環境能源設計
Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme 室內空氣質素檢定計劃
Life Cycle 生命週期
Low-Emitting Materials 低排放材料


Chapter 1

i. This article is an adaptation of an essay published in the Journal of Interior Architecture, published by
the Association of Estonian Interior Architects, 2016.
ii. The term ‘New World of Work’ stems from an executive email from Bill Gates published May 19,
2005 ( 19newworldofwork.mspx). Erik Veldhoen
published the strategy earlier in his book ‘The Art of Working’, 2004, Academic Service. New ways of
working may find their roots in Frank Duffy’s ‘The Changing Workplace’ 1992, Phaidon Press.
iii. According to Wikipedia the term ‘Healing Environment’ goes back to Florence Nightingale’s ‘Notes on
Hospitals’, published in 1859, now available on Google Books (public domain). Today the term refers
to a concept of spatially designing and organizing healthcare in a holistic way that puts the patients
wellbeing central. It is closely related with Evidence Based Design.
iv. ‘Evidence Based Design’ is a field of study emphasizing credible evidence to influence design, mostly
in the health care sector. Note to this note: is a good starting point for Evidence
Based Design resources.
v. Interview with Francesco Messori by Marit Overbeek in ‘de Architect’, September 2011.

Figures & Charts

1.1 Interpolis office

1.2 Interpolis office - chairs that provide privacy to users
1.3 Open offic
1.4 Flexible work space
1.5 Encounter, Work, Learn. Erasmus Education Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Design KAAN
   Architects, 2013
1.6 VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam
1.7 VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam
1.8 Providing positive stmulants for patients
1.9 Taking care of aging population
1.10 Glass Music Hall in the Beurs van Berlage Building, Amsterdam the Netherlands. Design Zaanen  
   Spanjers Architects. Built 1990, demolished 2015, to be rebuild in Tilburg 2018
Chapter 2


Figures & Charts

Chapter 3


Figures & Charts


Chapter 4

i. Kwan, J. (2004). Universal Design and Technical Requirements. Architectural Services Department.
Retrieved from
ii. Republic of the Philippines, Department of Public Works and Highways, The Technical Standards for
the Practice of Interior Design in the Philippines.

Chapter 5

Figures & Charts

5.11 h
About the Authors

Jimmy Law Ching-Hin

Mr. Law Ching Hin Jimmy graduated from China’s Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a Bachelor of
Mechanical Engineering, majoring in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, and a Bachelor of Economics,
majoring in International Commerce and Economy. He then proceeded to obtain a Master’s Degree in
Built Environment from the University of New South Wales, Australia. He has been involved in research
and consultancy for building sustainable design and building energy optimization from 2010, including
air-conditioning system optimization, building energy audit, building energy audit and simulation,
daylighting analysis, green building assessment, air ventilation assessment.

Simon Leung
Mr. Leung is the General Manager of Tung Fat Ho Building Material Limited. He holds an Economics
degree from the University of Saskatchewan and he is a registered Architectural Ironmonger in the UK.
Currently, he is continuing his education further and enrolled in the Master of Design (Design Strategies)
program at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. With 15 years industrial experience in including
architectural ironmongery and strategic business governance, he specializes in implementing business
strategies by design thinking. Mr. Leung’s research focuses on how to conduct risk management by
design to sustain a company with creating shared value. He actively engages in different business and
academic committees, such as American Institute of Architects (AIA) to facilitate youth learning and
development in design field. He also works with different non-profit organizations to promote design
thinking and sustainable design (including universal design) in Hong Kong.

Eagle Mo
Ms. Eagle Mo, with more than 20 years as a building services consultant with various building services
design and green building design experience, has completed more than 100 energy projects and
50 green buildings projects. She was graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a
Bachelor ( Hons.) Degree in Building Services Engineering, and further obtained her Master’s degree
at the University of Hong Kong. She was a visiting lecturer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s
Building Services Engineering Department, specializing in indoor environmental quality and building
services. She is currently a member of the Advisory Committee of PolyU Building Services Engineering
Department and the chair of Industrial Advisory Panel of Asia Institute of Built Environment. Ms. Mo
was the President of ASHRAE Hong Kong Chapter in the year 2010-2011.

Isaac Tam
Mr. Isaac Tam is a project manager at Tung Fat Ho Building Material Limited and a registered
Architectural Ironmonger in UK, mainly focusing on institutional projects. He received his B.Sc. in
Computer Science (Information System) from Hong Kong Baptist University. After finishing the 3- year
Diploma programme at the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI), UK, he achieved the Pinnacle
Award and obtained the Top Scheduling Student. He is also the Promising Ironmonger of the Year 2016.
The project he followed, Hong Kong Velodrome Project, was the winner of the 2014/15 International
Architectural Ironmongery Specification Award.

Edwin Leung
Mr. Leung joined Tung Fat Ho Building Material Limited (TFH) in 2011 and served as a project coordinator
after he graduated from the University of Plymouth, UK with a Bachelor’s degree in Management
Science. In pursuit of professional aspirations in Architectural Ironmongery, he is currently enrolled in
a 3-year Diploma programme at the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers, UK with credits at Stage 1 and
2. He is currently a project consultant at TFH, focusing on interior design projects. He is currently a
project consultant at TFH, focusing on interior design projects.
Kees Spanjers
Mr. Spanjers is a registered interior architect and architect living and working in Amsterdam and New
York. He is the director of Zaanen Spanjers Architects. He is the recipient of numerous awards, in
particular the Architectural Record Interiors Award and the European Parking Award. Kees held the
position of President of ECIA from 2004–2008. He also served as a co-opted board member of IFI from
2004–2009. Over many years, Kees has contributed to the design community by serving on several
platforms. Kees has written professional articles in numerous publications, and has been active on
several international panels and juries. He is the initiator and curator of the World Interiors Meeting in
Amsterdam in 2013 and in Guangzhou, China, in 2014.

Horace Pan

Simon Chung

Jackie Cheung
Cheung Man-yi
Wendy Lee

School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong Interior Design Association

Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Telemax Environmental and Energy Management Limited
Tung Fat Ho Building Material Ltd
LAAB Architects


The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and
does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed
in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organizers only and do
not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Communications
and Creative Industries Branch of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the
CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.

ISBN 978-988-18618-7-0
©2020 Hong Kong Interior Design Association & The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. All rights reserved

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