CW Reviewer
CW Reviewer
CW Reviewer
Globalization - Globalized
Exports: goods that are sold in a foreign market It’s the transmission of ideas, meanings, and
Imports: foreign goods that are purchased in a values around the world in such a way as to
domestic market. extend and intensify social relations.
The process of cultural globalization is marked
by the common consumption of cultures that
have been diffused by the Internet, popular -we can now already communicate with others
culture media, and interpretation travel. despite the distance that separates us.
The world is becoming “smaller”
POLITICS there are the activities related with
the governance of a country and also the It is becoming vaster and more powerful in
participation of citizen in the government. today ́s world. The fast growth of technology
and communication has allowed the world to
Through globalization, political issues such as intertwine with ease.
the rights of women and children are now
currently often discussed - many laws are now CLASSIFICATION OF GLOBALIZATION
already implemented regarding that issue.
Promote globally certain common values such
as equality, human rights, justice, democracy
and moral values. A. BROAD AND INCLUSIVE
Negative effect: Drug trafficking and the “Borderless world” – Kenichi Ohmae
trafficking of women and children have become
It is not just about the lack of physical borders/
more difficult to control because of their
the elimination of passports. In fact, it is a
international character. higher order concept about how people and
Not only crimes are globalized, but also organizations could work, transact, operate,
disease.” (Muzaffar, 1998) and really live more efficiently and effectively
accessing resources that they may not have had
TECHNOLOGICAL GLOBALIZATION before at the same time regardless of their
location and time zone.
Advancement in technology
B. NARROW AND EXCLUSIVE Why is Contemporary World required to all
Internationalization of production college students?
the process of establishing production relations 1. Studying the outside world is cure to
between enterprises of different countries parochialism/provincialism.
whereby a country’s production increasingly 2. By teaching you about the world it will
becomes a part of the world production stretch the limit of your imagination and
process. outlook
3. this is also an opportunity to expand your
Thomas Larsson ethical horizon as a responsible global citizen
- Globalization is the process of world 4. If you’re planning to go abroad after your
shrinkage. Distance getting shorter graduation- this course can serve as your
things moving closer orientation
Martin Khor
- Globalization is a form of colonization. “Your late nights, your struggles, your pursuit of
Martin Khor (1995) has declared that knowledge — they are the brushstrokes of your
globalization is what we in the third future masterpiece.”
world have for several centuries called
colonization. Goodluck sa Quiz :3
Globalization as colonization
Barriers of Globalization