Quick-Dna Magbead Plus Kit
Quick-Dna Magbead Plus Kit
Quick-Dna Magbead Plus Kit
• Any Sample Type: Extract DNA from any sample type including
biological fluids, blood, saliva, solid tissues, swabs and more.
Catalog Numbers:
D4081, D4082 (Patent Pending)
Proteinase K & Storage Buffer1 2 x 20 mg 8 x 20 mg
(after mixing)
Prior to use, reconstitute the lyophilized Proteinase K with 1040 µl Proteinase K Storage Buffer. Vortex to
dissolve. Store at -20ºC.
A precipitate may have formed in the DNA Pre-Wash Buffer during shipping. To completely resuspend the
buffer, incubate the bottle at 30 – 37 ºC for 30 minutes and mix by inversion. DO NOT MICROWAVE.
Product Description
The Quick-DNA™ MagBead Plus Kit is the easiest method for high
throughput total DNA extraction (e.g., genomic, mitochondrial, viral) from any
biological fluid, cell culture, or solid tissue sample. Innovative reagents and Zymo
Research’s unique system allow for a simple Bind, Wash, & Elute procedure that
is unmatched in providing ultra-pure and high yielding DNA (up to 150 kb). Isolated
DNA is ready for immediate use in sensitive downstream applications including
DNA sequencing (NGS and long read), qPCR, arrays, and methylation analysis.
High Quality DNA From Any Sample Type. 106 Mammalian HeLa cells, 25 mg mouse muscle, brain, and
liver, 200 μl human blood, 200 μl mouse blood, 200 μl human saliva, and buccal swabs stored in DNA/RNA
Shield (R1100-50) were extracted using the Quick-DNA™ Magbead Plus Kit (n=2). DNA is of high molecular
weight size (>60 kb). Quality was assessed using Agilent 2200 TapeStation®.
High DNA Yields With RNA Removal Technology. 200 μl human blood was processed using the Quick-
DNA™ MagBead Plus Kit compared to various competitor MagBead purification kits (n=2). Input DNA was
analyzed in a 1% (w/v) TAE/agarose/EtBr gel (shown above). The gel electrophoresis was prematurely paused
to check for RNA contamination.
Product Description (cont.)
Ultra-Pure. 200 μl human blood was processed using the Quick-DNA™ MagBead Plus kit against various
competitor kits and eluted with 100 µl (n=2). Zymo Research had higher or comparable DNA recovery (ng/µl;
A) and consistently higher purities (A260/230: >1.8; B). Absorbance A260/230 and total DNA recovery were
quantified by NanoDrop™ 2000.
Purification Guide
The Quick-DNA™ MagBead Plus Kit facilitates rapid and efficient purification of
genomic DNA from any sample type by combining enzymatic and chemical
extraction regimens.
Viral DNA from serum or plasma samples can also be processed using this workflow. Not recommended for cell-
free DNA isolation from urine, serum, or plasma samples.
Reagent Preparation
✓ Add 1,040 µl Proteinase K Storage Buffer to each Proteinase K (20 mg) tube prior
to use. The final concentration of Proteinase K is ~20 mg/ml. Store at -20ºC after
✓ Mix the MagBinding Beads until the beads are completely resuspended before use.
Sample Preparation
All steps should be performed at room temperature (20-30ºC) unless specified.
2. Pipette mix 5 times and incubate at 55ºC for 1-3 hours or until tissue solubilizes.
3. Centrifuge the sample at ≥ 10,000 x g with a microcentrifuge for 1 minute to pellet the
4. Remove up to 400 µl of the supernatant while avoiding debris and transfer it to a new
DNA Purification
1. Add 400 µl (equal volume) Quick-DNA™ MagBinding Buffer to 400 µl digested
5. Transfer the sample to the magnetic stand3 until beads have separated from the solution,
then remove4 and discard the supernatant. Transfer the sample off the magnetic stand.
8. Transfer the sample to the magnetic stand until beads have separated from the solution,
then remove4 and discard the supernatant. Transfer the sample off the magnetic stand.
10. Mix the sample by pipette mixing (~10 times) or by shaker2 for 1 minute.
11. Transfer the sample to the magnetic stand until beads have separated from the solution,
then remove4 and discard the supernatant. Transfer the sample off the magnetic stand.
13. Mix the sample by pipette mixing (~10 times) or by shaker2 for 1 minute6.
14. Transfer the sample to the magnetic stand until beads have separated from the solution,
and then remove4 and discard the supernatant. Transfer the sample off the magnetic stand.
16. To dry the beads, transfer the sample to a heated element and incubate at 55⁰C for 10
minutes. If no heating element is available, air dry for 20 minutes7.
19. Transfer the sample to the magnetic stand until beads have separated from solution,
then transfer the eluted DNA to a new tube (plate). The eluted DNA can be used
immediately or stored at ≤-20ºC.
MagBinding Beads settle quickly, ensure that beads are kept in suspension while dispensing.
Shaking speeds can be different for each shaker. Shaker should be fast enough to completely resuspending the
beads (1100 – 1500 rpm).
Magnetic stand (manual processing) or strong-field 96-well magnetic stand (i.e., ZR-96 MagStand, P1005).
Some beads will adhere to the sides of the well. When removing supernatant, aspirate slowly to allow these
beads to be pulled to the magnet as the liquid level is lowered.
If high speed shaker plates are used, dispense 500 µl g-DNA Wash Buffer.
To avoid salt carryover, you may transfer your samples to a new tube / plate between each wash step.
Over drying the beads may result in lower DNA recovery. Beads will change in appearance from glossy black
when still wet to a matte black/brown when fully dry.
DNA Elution Buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, 0.1 mM EDTA. If water is used, make sure the pH is > 6.0.
Appendix A: Ezymatic Digestion of Microbes
Enzymatic lysis of cells walls (e.g. Lysozyme, Zymolyase) from microbes is necessary to effectively
isolate high molecular weight DNA from microbes.
Cells and Solids (Cultured Cells, Feces, Soil, etc.) ≤ 100 mg or 108 bacterial cells
1. Resuspend up to 100 mg of sample or up to 108 cells with 200 µl DNA/RNA Shield™3
in a microcentrifuge tube and pipette mix well.
2. Incubate at room temperature (20-30°C) on a tube rotator for 5 minutes. Proceed to
Microbial Lysis.
Microbial Lysis___________________________________________________
1. Centrifuge at 5,000 x g in a microcentrifuge for 1 minute to pellet the sample. Transfer
the supernatant (~180 µl) in a new microcentrifuge tube. Save both the supernatant
and pellet.
2. Add 100 µl PBS (user supplied) to sample pellet and pipette mix until pellet is visibly
3. Centrifuge at 5,000 x g for 1 minute to pellet the sample. Combine the supernatant with
the original sample supernatant (total ~280 µl) from the previous step.
4. Add 1 ml PBS (user supplied) to the new pellet and mix until pellet is visibly
5. Centrifuge at 5,000 x g in a microcentrifuge for 1 minute to pellet the sample and discard
the supernatant.
6. Add 100 µl TE Buffer and 25 µl lysozyme4 (100 mg/ml; user supplied) to the pellet.
7. Pipette mix until pellet is visibly resuspended, then incubate at 55°C for 30 minutes.
8. Combine the saved supernatant (~280 µl) with the 125 µl digested sample.
9. Add 20 µl 10% SDS (user provided) and 10 µl Proteinase K. Briefly pipette mix and
incubate at 55°C for 10 minutes.
10. Centrifuge 5,000 x g in a microcentrifuge for 1 minute to pellet residual debris. Transfer
the supernatant to a new microcentrifuge tube.
11. Add 800 µl (2 volumes) Quick-DNA™ MagBinding Buffer to the sample and mix well.
12. Proceed to step 3 of DNA Purification on Page 7.
DNA/RNA Shield™ (2X Concentrate) (R1200-25) is sold separately.
If sample is already resuspended in DNA/RNA Shield™, add 100 µl DNA/RNA Shield™.
DNA/RNA Shield™ (R1100-50) is sold separately.
Lysozyme (100 mg/mL) is available through Sigma-Aldrich (L2879-1G)
Appendix B: Cell Monolayer Sample Preparation
The following procedure is designed for up to 3 x 10 6 monolayer cells (dilute if
necessary for proper cell counts). Although cell types and culture conditions may
vary, the protocol will work with high-density growth cells (e.g., HeLa cells) as well
as with low-density growth cells (e.g., neuronal cells).
Trypsinize or scrape adherent cells from a culture flask or plate. Centrifuge the
suspension at approximately 500 x g for 5 minutes. Remove the supernatant and
resuspend the cell pellet in 1 ml PB and then transfer suspension to a new tube.
Centrifuge the suspension at approximately 500 x g for 5 minutes. Discard the
supernatant and then follow the Biological Fluids & Cells workflow on Page 6.
B. Swab Isolation Method: Thoroughly rinse mouth out with water before
isolating cells. Brush the inside of the cheek with a buccal swab for 15 seconds
(approximately 20 brushes), making sure to cover the entire area of the inner
cheek. Rinse the brush into a 96-well plate using an isotonic solution and follow
the Biological Fluids & Cells workflow on Page 6.
Appendix C: Nucleated Blood Samples
3. Add 100 µl (equal volume) of Biofluid & Solid Tissue Buffer to the
tube and mix thoroughly by pipetting up and down. Ensure the sample
is homogenous before continuing.
Low Concentration. If the final
concentration of your extracted DNA is too
low, use 15 µl MagBinding Beads and 30
µl DNA Elution Buffer when processing
similar samples in future.
Ordering Information
Product Description Catalog No. Size
D4081-E 1 x 96 Preps.
Quick-DNA™ MagBead Plus Kit D4082-E 4 x 96 Preps.
D4081-3-25 25 ml
Biofluid & Solid Tissue Buffer
D4081-3-100 100 ml
D4077-1-150 150 ml
Quick-DNA™ MagBinding Buffer
D4077-1-250 250 ml
D3004-5-15 15 ml
D3004-5-30 30 ml
DNA Pre-Wash Buffer
D3004-5-50 50 ml
D3004-5-250 250 ml
D3004-2-50 50 ml
D3004-2-100 100 ml
g-DNA Wash Buffer D3004-2-200 200 ml
D3004-2-250 250 ml
D3004-2-500 500 ml
D3004-4-1 1 ml
D3004-4-4 4 ml
DNA Elution Buffer D3004-4-10 10 ml
D3004-4-16 16 ml
D3004-4-50 50 ml
D4100-4-3 3 ml
D4100-4-8 8 ml
MagBinding Beads D4100-4-12 12 ml
D4100-4-16 16 ml
D4100-4-24 24 ml
Complete Your DNA Methylation Workflow
✓ Rapid Method for Complete Bisulfite Conversion of DNA
EZ DNA Methylation Kits Size Catalog No.
50 Rxns. D5030
EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning Kit
200 Rxns. D5031
4 X 96 Rxns. D5046
EZ-96 DNA Methylation Lightning MagPrep
8 X 96 Rxns. D5047
10 Preps. D5455
Pico Methyl-Seq Library Prep Kit
25 Preps. D5456
24 Preps. D5460
Zymo-Seq RRBS Library Kit
48 Preps. D5461
50 Rxns. E2003
ZymoTaq Premix
200 Rxns. E2004
50 Rxns. E2001
ZymoTaq DNA Polymerase
200 Rxns. E2002
50 Rxns. E2054
ZymoTaq qPCR Premix
200 Rxns. E2055
Human D5011
Universal Methylated DNA Standard
Mouse D5012
100% satisfaction guarantee on all Zymo Research products,
or your money back.
Zymo Research is committed to simplifying your research with quality products
and services. If you are dissatisfied with this product for any reason, please call
1(888) 882-9682.
Integrity of kit components is guaranteed for up to one year from date of purchase.
Reagents are routinely tested on a lot-to-lot basis to ensure they provide the highest performance and reliability.
This product is for research use only and should only be used by trained professionals. It is not for use in
diagnostic procedures. Some reagents included with this kit are irritants. Wear protective gloves and eye
protection. Follow the safety guidelines and rules enacted by your research institution or facility.
Qubit™ and NanoDrop™ are trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific. TapeStation® is a registered trademark of
Agilent Technologies, Inc.