Ch11 Quiz
Ch11 Quiz
Ch11 Quiz
3. The end of the new mRNA molecule in E. coli. usually terminates in a string of A's
a. True
b. False
4. How do the core enzyme and the holoenzyme of RNA polymerase differ in E. coli?
a. The holoenzyme includes the sigma (σ) subunit, the core enzyme does not.
b. The core enzyme includes the sigma (σ) subunit, the holoenzyme does not.
c. The holoenzyme transcribes from an RNA template, the core enzyme from a DNA
d. The core enzyme transcribes from an RNA template, the holoenzyme from a DNA
5. At what point does the sigma (σ) subunit of RNA polymerase released from the core
a. Prior to the incorpora8on of any nucleo8des into an RNA strand.
b. AUer transcrip8on begins and about 10 nucleo8des have been added to the RNA
c. Just prior to chain termina8on.
d. Never; it is an intrinsic part of the core enzyme.
e. AUer RNA polymerase discovers an inverted repeat
6. What is the func8on of the sigma (σ) subunit of RNA polymerase in E. coli?
a. It recognizes promoters where transcrip8on should begin.
b. It contains the ac8ve site for synthesis of RNA.
c. It ensures proper processitvity of the polymerase, so it doesn't stop prematurely.
d. It is involved in chain termina8on.
e. It scrunches the DNA
15. Operons
a. control the expression of cons8tu8ve genes.
b. are subject to posi8ve or to nega8ve control.
c. are not affected by muta8ons in the genes for repressors or inducers.
d. occur in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
16. Which of the condi8ons would result in the least amount of transcrip8on of the lac
[glucose] [lactose]
I. high high
II. low low
III. high low
IV. low high
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
17. Which of the following statements about eukaryo8c and prokaryo8c RNA polymerases,
is false?
a. There are 3 different RNA polymerases in eukaryotes, instead of just one.
b. Eukaryo8c polymerases have the same number of subunits as prokaryo8c ones.
c. Only prokaryo8c polymerases use sigma factor.
d. The enzyma8c mechanism is the same for both types of organisms.
18. Which of the following is not a key step in the ac8va8on of mRNA synthesis in
a. Binding of TBP to the DNA.
b. Binding of other transcrip8on factors.
c. Binding of RNA Pol I.
d. Phosphoryla8on of the RNA Pol.
e. All of these are necessary to ini8ate RNA synthesis in eukaryotes.
19. How do eukaryo8c and prokaryo8c RNA polymerases compare?
a. Since eukaryo8c RNA polymerases are more complex, lijle homology has been
found between the actual protein sequences in the cataly8c subunits.
b. Since eukaryo8c transcrip8on is less complex than in prokaryotes, monomeric
RNA polymerases are used.
c. Despite their added complexity, eukaryo8c and prokaryo8c RNA polymerases are
generally homologous.
d. Eukaryo8c and prokaryo8c RNA polymerases are virtually iden8cal.
24. The major difference between RNA ini8a8on in eukaryotes and prokaryotes is the
number of factors involved in the process.
a. True
b. False
25. Which of the following is not a structural mo8f encountered in DNA-binding proteins?
a. helix-turn-helix
b. leucine zipper
c. zinc finger
d. β−barrel
27. The combina8on of events revolving around chroma8n remodeling that controls
transcrip8on is known as:
a. The gene8c code
b. The second gene8c code
c. The histone code
d. Histone deacetylase code
e. None of these
28. Which of the following RNAs is noted for having a "cloverleaf" structure?
a. mRNA
b. rRNA
c. tRNA
d. All of these
31. Alterna8ve splicing of exons is a mechanism to get more than 1 protein from the same
a. True
b. False
32. Ribozymes
a. are more efficient catalysts than protein-based enzymes.
b. are involved in protein synthesis.
c. always use the same mechanism of catalysis.
d. probably evolved later than protein-based enzymes.
33. Non-coding RNAs are known to:
a. bind to mRNA targe8ng them for destruc8on
b. bind to mRNA preven8ng their transla8on
c. promote RNA silencing
d. all of these
34. In the template DNA strand formed during transcrip8on, the area from the end of the
Upstream Promoter (UP) element to the transcrip8on start site (TSS) is called the _____.
a. proximal promoter
b. core promoter
c. distal promoter
d. extended promoter
35. During which phase do the β’- and σ-subunits of RNA polymerase melt 14 base pairs
surrounding the transcrip8on start site, causing the strands to separate?
a. chain ini8a8on
b. chain elonga8on
c. intrinsic chain termina8on
d. rho-dependent chain termina8on