Angels and Bears

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In the 1980’s the most conflict was modern

powerful air forces and naval combat. With
naval fleets in the world missiles, helicopters,
prepared for World War aircraft, submarines, and
Three. Thousands of ships, a wide variety of ships,
submarines, and aircraft it is easily the most
constantly patrolled the complex part of an air,
globe, rehearsing what ground, and naval global
could have turned out to be war to simulate.
the most technologically game scenario without
Several board games
advanced war in the history needing a degree from An-
(i.e., Fast Carriers,
of the world. In the end, napolis, thus Angels &
Seapower & the State, Vic-
however, the Russians and Bears was born.
tory’s Fleet series, etc.) did
their allies blinked, ending
a good job of modeling A&B is designed to let
in the fall of the Berlin
modern operational com- gamers launch airstrikes,

Wall and the collapse of

bat, but miniatures rules for engage in desperate battles
the Warsaw Pact.
this era were few and far with a carrier’s CAP, fire
Angels & Bears

For gamers, however, between. These ranged large salvos of surface to

this was fertile ground and from the complex surface missiles, and get it
hundreds of board games, (Harpoon 4) to the very done in an evening’s worth
rules, and miniatures simple that appeared as one of gaming. So now it’s
emerged to cover these or two page articles in time to turn back the clock
potential conflicts. One of gaming magazines. How- to the 1980’s when super-
the most fascinating, but ever, gamers love to use powers almost came to
hard to simulate/game ar- their miniatures and want blows with the most pow-
eas of a potential WW3 to play a modern naval erful forces ever seen.

Setting up the Game

Angels & Bears is de- the templates needed to produce multiple copies
signed for 1/600th or play the game, plus you for a number of players
1/300th aircraft minia- will need some six sided to help speed things up
tures, although 1/144th dice for various rolls dur- during play.
can be used by doubling ing the game. It is a
You will need a large
all measurements. Ship good idea to laminate
mat or surface that will
models may be of any the templates or print
enable the players to
size, although 1/2400 or them on cardstock as
maneuver multiple jets
1/3000th are suggested. they will be used quite
and naval vessels on the
often during the game. It
Print and cut out all of play area.
is also a good idea to

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x Designer: David Child-Dennis
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x Layout: Matt Irsik
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x If you have questions or comments, please
.,/('"(45/62+$(0"%12'( 7( email the designer at:

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ISBN# 978-0-473-17729-4
Air Combat Rules: Sequence of Play
Angels & Bears is really two games in one. The first is the air combat portion of the rules and the second deals with naval combat.
Each turn has a strict sequence of play and players on both sides need to completely finish each part of the turn before moving on to the
next phase. Once the final step is completed, then start a new turn by returning to the first step.

1. Place altitude, manoeuvre and airspeed markers beside the aircraft model stand, face down.

2. Turn over markers. Declare radar missile fire at this point and nominate the target.

3. Check Initiative – The fastest aircraft moving first, whether following or not, and then follow-
ing aircraft moving last, if their movement rate does not exceed the aircraft they are attempting
to follow.

4. Move all aircraft in order of initiative.

5. Check target acquisition.

6. Engage in air-to-air firing.

7. Engage in anti-aircraft fire against ground attack aircraft

8. Aircraft attacking ground targets conduct their attack(s)

9. Has the mission been completed? If not, go to 1 above and repeat game steps.

Every aircraft craft with the the aircraft has successfully disengaged.
model MUST jets, then re-
move each game duce the piston
turn, unless shot engine aircraft
In the event of two models being moved
down or in an movement
across the same flight path or coming
unrecovered stall. rates by half
within physical contact during manoeu-
that indicated
Aircraft following vre, in the same game turn, there will be a
for jets. Play-
another, within possibility of collision. Both players will
ers may at-
gun range (12cm), roll one dice each and if they roll the
tempt to leave
and within their same number a collision has occurred.
the battle area
front firing arc, always have the initiative, Both aircraft, including crew are immedi-
at any point during the game (battle dam-
provided they are not moving at a higher ately lost.
age, outnumbered, out of ammo, etc.).
speed. The front arc of an aircraft is de-
The player waits until the movement
fined as the arc from wingtip to wing tip Maneuver Restrictions due to ordi-
section of the game turn and then de-
across the nose. By having the initiative a nance loads
clares that they are disengaging and
player may choose whether they move Fully loaded ground attack machines are
egressing the battle area, then checks to
first or last. notoriously difficult to maneuver, thus if
see if it is successful. An aircraft must
attacked by enemy aircraft, they should
Maximum combat movement rate on the start the turn outside of an enemy air-
immediately dump their ordinance and
table is 50cm for 1:300 or 1:600 scale craft’s 90 degree frontal arc to disengage
attempt to defend themselves or exit the
models. If players wish to use 1:144 scale successfully. If there is no pursuit, weap-
area as quickly as possible. While carry-
models, then double all measurements. If ons that cannot engage the player’s air-
ing ordinance, ground attack aircraft may
players are combining piston-engine air- craft, or the enemy aircraft lose visibility,

@-%"'A' A N G EL S & B E AR S
Movement (cont.)
only turn within the first maneuver seg- turned first and then moved the required rent turn speed counter until the new speed
ment of the turning circle. Aircraft carry- distance set by the movement counter. counter is turned over at the beginning of
ing ordinance MAY NOT loop. the turn. As the aircraft ceases turning, the
As can be seen from the turn and bank indi- pilot selects a new speed setting according
cator circle, aircraft movement is reduced to
Changing altitude
by the amount of turn being attempted. The the
Fighter aircraft may change altitude by
tighter the turn the greater the loss of speed.
one level per game turn. Ground attack
Players must determine the amount of turn
aircraft must remain at their inbound
required, and at the beginning of the game
altitude, until they reach the target, at
turn, place a speed marker next to the model
which time they may dive to Very Low to
that indicates the speed the aircraft will
attack. Altitude bands are relatively
finish at when the movement step of the
broad, being approximately 10,000 feet at
game turn is completed. Remember that
middle levels.
unless an aircraft can reduce its speed to the
Altitude bands are ‘H’ (High), movement rate shown on the turn and bank
‘M’ (Medium) ‘L’ (Low) and ‘VL’ (In indicator, then it cannot turn until it can be
the weeds) slowed to that speed using the ‘changing ‘changing speed rules’ Players cannot in-
speed rules’. Thus, a supersonic aircraft crease their aircraft speed beyond that
Changing speed moving at 50cm can only reduce its speed which is indicated on the turning and bank-
All supersonic aircraft may increase their to 20cm in the next game turn, and manoeu- ing circle. If players voluntarily decrease
speed by THREE increments or slow by vre accordingly. speed below the maximum shown on the
THREE per game turn. turning and banking circle, they must use
Players may turn through up to three sectors the ‘changing speed’ rules to do so.
All other jet aircraft may increase or
per movement phase of the game turn, but
slow their speed by TWO increments per
they must continue in the same direction Stalling
game turn.
from which they started the turn, except This represents the greatest peril in air com-
Piston engined aircraft may increase or when side-slipping (see template for de- bat. While most experienced pilots coped
slow their speed by ONE increment per tails). If they wish to turn in the opposite with a stall with little difficulty, there was a
game turn direction, they can only do so in the next real danger of losing all power and being
game turn. unable to restart the jet engine. Once an
Harrier/AV8 may stop immediately and
aircraft falls to 10cm airspeed, it has stalled
turn through four turning segments with-
If the aircraft continues the same amount of and must take a stall test to see if it recov-
out penalty.
turn from the previous move, there is no ers. Experienced pilots require anything but
Movement counters are provided in 1- a ‘1’ while inexperienced pilots require a
step increments. ‘3’ or better on a 1D6 roll to recover. If the
stall cannot be recovered, the pilot auto-
The aircraft model is always aligned with matically ejects. Given the reliability of the
US and Russian ejection systems, there is
the top heading of the turn indicator, BE-
no requirement to test for a successful bail
FORE any turn movement is calculated.
This is their ‘course heading’ at the begin- out. Once recovery has been achieved, the
further speed penalty. Whatever the turn aircraft begins the next game turn at ‘10cm’
ning of the game turn. The turn indictor
and bank sector speed shows for that degree airspeed and the player must then decide
speed-setting counter beside the model
shows their previous speed. Models must be of turn, sets the maximum speed for the what airspeed they will advance to. The
current turn. Players should retain the cur- falling aircraft will lose one altitude level in
the recovery phase.

@-%"'B' A N G EL S & B E AR S
Radar Detection firing template tion, that is, the models are within 12cm of
All targets are auto- across the front arc each other, the formation is located once
matically acquired by of his aircraft, in any model within the formation is acquired.
radar, unless the system the same position
is subject to jamming as if he were at- Targets must be visually detected to be
by a dedicated EW tempting to engage engaged in air to air gunnery combat or to
aircraft or ground a target. Crew
based system, in which members of
case visual detection bombers may
rules apply. Enemy place the tem-
aircraft can be locked on and engaged with plate according to their normal facing
radar guided missiles without being de- direction. A tail gunner in a B52
tected visually. would place the template so that the
blue arrow was pointing directly to the
Visual Detection rear. A crew may attempt to locate all
This visibility system is designed to take targets within range, once per game
into account the relative movement between turn.
acquirer and target. It also allows for multi-
ple crew-members, such as those in a B52 The calculation to acquire the target is made be fired on by an infrared (IR) missile.
or Tu95 etc, to individually locate a target. AFTER all movement has been completed.
Soviet IRST systems, fitted to the The observer (s) takes into account the Visual Target Sighting
MiG23ML and MLD series and MiG29, same sector penalty applied to gunnery (Roll one six sided dice for each crew
were little better than normal visual ranging accuracy and subtracts it from their dice member)
at this time. roll. Players must be aware that because of
Subtract any penalties as they apply, from
the different position of crew members in
the dice roll. The minimum adjusted
Visual detection is limited to 24 inches in the same aircraft, their acquisition dice rolls
score to locate a target visually is:
clear weather conditions. As the range may be different.
between the observer and target decreases Up to 24inches = 5+
so does the score to detect the target. Air- Once acquisition has been successful it Up to 18 inches = 4+
craft with GCI or AWACS support ADD +1 remains so until the aircraft separate by
to their detection dice roll. The player at- more than 24 inches. Pilots in the same Up to 12 inches = 3+
tempting to acquire the target places the formation may hand off targets to other Up to 6 inches = 2+
aircraft. Therefore, once a
bomber cell locates a hostile
aircraft, every other aircraft Heavy Monsoon cloud = -1
in that cell automatically does
Observers at H altitude +2 to location
so. Each aircraft in each cell
dice roll.
or formation may make a
target acquisition check until GCI or AWACS support +1
one is successful. At that Target fired a weapon on previous turn+1
point all aircraft in that cell or
formation have located the
enemy aircraft. If enemy Rolling a ‘1’ indicates the player failed to
aircraft are in a close forma- see the enemy aircraft, regardless of any

A N G EL S & B E AR S @-%"'C'
Air to Air Combat
Air-to-Air Gunnery Air-to-Air Missile fire
All gun systems are con- Players may conduct one round
sidered to be of similar of missile fire per game turn, per
effective range and per- aircraft. Both the firer and target
formance; therefore no roll one dice to achieve a hit, the
specific gun is listed for highest adjusted dice roll wins. If
any individual aircraft. the firer wins, they have scored a
Maximum gunnery range hit. If the target wins, the missile
is 12cm and the target misses. If the firer scores a hit
must be in a direct line against the target, the aircraft is
with the blue arrow on the shot down. Compare the original
gunnery template, after all dice rolls. If the firer’s dice roll is
movement is completed. It double that of the target, the air-
does not matter where the craft is lost in a ball of fire, no
gunnery line crosses the survivors. If not, subtract the
target, just as long it makes lower dice roll from the higher to
contact with some part of determine the minimum dice roll
the target model. Ensure required for the crew to survive
the gunnery template penalties are sub- Calculating Gun Damage and eject to safety.
tracted from the firer’s dice roll. Guns Note that the attacker is only permitted
may be used at any time a target is within ONE damage dice roll per target per Missile inter-generation adjustments
range. If however a gun is chosen and game turn. Players will note that each missile has a
found to be out of range or arc, a missile If the firer hits the target, both target and ‘Generation’ number allocated to it. This is
may only be selected in the next game firer immediately roll one six-sided dice to allow for a ‘to hit’ dice roll modification
turn. An example of how to use the gun- each and compare the score. If the firer’s where air forces of different generations are
nery/missiles system is included with the dice roll is twice that of the target, the target involved in combat. Soviet export missiles
missile and gunnery template. is instantly destroyed. The pilot and crew always have their generation number re-
have no chance of surviving. If the firer’s duced by -1 to reflect downgraded radar,
Range and Dice Rolls to hit the target score is greater, but not twice that of the and missile systems.
with gunfire (1D6 dice roll per aircraft
target, subtract the lower from the higher
per game turn)
NOTE: Gunnery range is measured from and this is the minimum score required for The player with the higher generation num-
the centre to centre of aircraft stands the pilot and crew to bail out. If the firer’s ber ADDS the difference between genera-
At 12cm it requires a ‘6’ to hit the target. dice roll is less than the target, there is no tion numbers to his dice roll. Therefore a 3rd
For each centimetre less than 12cm, reduce damage. generation missile carrier adds +2 to their
the dice roll by ‘1’ to ob- dice roll when engaging or defending
tain a hit. Therefore at 6cm against a 1st generation missile carrier.
an automatic hit will be This dice roll modification is to reflect not
scored against the target, only the difference between the individual
provided there are no other missiles, but also the difference in the
gunnery factors involved. ESM and ECCM associated with the more
If the final gunnery calcu- advanced aircraft system carrying the
lation exceeds ‘6’, then no more advanced missile. To determine
shot is possible. missile damage use the gunnery damage
calculation system, but the attacker’s dice

A N G EL S & B E AR S @-%"'D'
Air to Air Combat (cont.)
rolls have +1 added to reflect their immediately the movement order
higher lethality in comparison to counters are revealed. This has the
gunfire. By 1982, it was possible to effect of a radar-warning receiver
engage a target with generation 3 (RWR) alerting the target they are
and 4 missiles, at a different altitude under attack. Once the missile firer
to the firer. Players may engage a reveals their order counters, all play
target with missiles one altitude stops until the player with the target
level above or below their current aircraft makes a decision to either
position. remains within the front arc of the immediately change their maneuver, alti-
firing aircraft. Generation 3 and 4 tude and speed counters, in an attempt to
Infra-red missiles (IR) missiles may be launched one avoid the incoming missile, or continue
All IR missiles can be fired from between altitude level above or below the with his originally placed order markers.
12cm to 30cm range on the table provided target, BUT maximum engage- This missile avoidance move has priority
they are within the firing envelope of the ment ranges will be halved. Mini- over all other movement, unless the player
missile. mum engagement ranges will still chooses to continue with the orders they
Generation - 1 IR missiles require an apply. have already placed, in which case the nor-
almost direct line of sight to ef- mal priority rule applies.
fectively engage a target from Any target aircraft that manages to move
behind, and must be at the same out of firing arc automatically breaks mis- Top Gun (Optional Rule)
altitude. The target must be sile lock and no shot is possible. Targets To reflect the advanced training and tactics
within the [0] firing sector of the changing altitude as part of an evasion ma- that USN pilots received, players may de-
gunnery template AFTER all noeuvre don’t break missile lock unless termine that designated aircraft may make
movement is completed. they manage to move out of firing arc or an extra move should an enemy aircraft
Generation - 2 IR missiles were better range. gain an automatic ‘following’ position,
behind them at gun range. The Top Gun
Radar Missiles (R) aircraft moves first, as per the initiative
Radar missiles may be launched at the rule, followed by the attacker. The Top
target from any angle of approach, Gun aircraft may then make a second
between 30cm to 100cm from the tar- move that is half the original move dis-
get. Only Generation 3 and 4 missiles tance indicated by the Top Gun aircraft’s
may be launched at VL altitude. To original movement counters. They may
make a missile shot, ensure the target also turn through one additional segment
aircraft begins its movement within of the turn indicator, adjusting their speed
range and the [-1] sector of the gunnery accordingly. This does not cause their
template. The target does not need to aircraft to stall. All other rules apply.
finish its movement in that sector, but In the reverse position, where a Top Gun
but the target must be engaged must remain in the first arc of the firing aircraft manages to gain a ‘following’
within the [-1] sector of the gun- aircraft. In order to score a hit, both players position behind a Soviet or Soviet client
nery template from behind and at roll one dice, and after applying any genera- aircraft, the Top Gun aircraft may make
the same altitude as the target, tion modifiers, the highest dice roll wins. an extra move, using the same restrictions
after all movement is complete. as those above, after the player has made
Generation - 3 and 4 IR missiles may RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) his move. Players should randomly deter-
be launched from any angle of A player intending to fire a radar guided mine which aircraft have this capability.
approach to the target, provided it missile must declare their intention to do so

@-%"'E' A N G EL S & B E AR S
Air to Surface Combat
Anti-Aircraft Fire – Against tactical damage but it is not sufficient to shoot it attacking aircraft a ‘1’, the defender’s
dice roll is twice that of the attacker’s.
and ground support strikes with un- down.
Instant destruction of the attacking air-
guided weapons craft. The model is immediately removed
Ground Attack using short-range
from the table.
‘stand off’ weapons.
Each attacking aircraft must pass over
Attackers using short range guided weap- Electronic warfare - ‘the Dark Art’ of
the target to complete the attack and is
ons such as the Russian AS-7 ‘Kerry’, the Wild Weasels, Prowlers, Ravens and
subject to the defender’s AAA and short- Bears
French AS-30, or US Bullpup, etc can be
range missile fire – if available, BEFORE Specialised EW aircraft began to appear
launched by the attacker, nominating the
they drop their weapons. Each attacking at the end of the Vietnam War and con-
target and placing the aircraft model
tinued to be developed as the ‘Cold War’
aircraft will be subjected to a single six- within 20cm of the target, at Medium or
deepened. Various approaches to EW
sided dice roll from the defender’s AAA, High altitude, before attempting the at-
were adopted as the threat environment
tack. Only dedicated attack aircraft,
plus a second if short-range AA missiles changed.
known to have carried such weapons may
(SA-7, Redeye, Blowpipe, Roland etc) are
be used. All defensive AAA fire dice
available. They will be treated as two rolls against such attack aircraft will be
x One specialised EW aircraft can
separate firing events. reduced by –2. AA missile fire dice rolls
be assigned as a specialist ECM
are not reduced, unless subjected to
aircraft to an attack formation.
ECM. Players can assume that aircraft
Each attacking aircraft and defender will The effect of the EW aircraft is
such as the Buccaneer, Jaguar, Tornado,
roll one six sided dice, per aircraft attack, to reduce defensive AAA fire
F15, A4, A6, MiG23BM and 27, Su7, 17,
and compare the result. If the defender’s by -2 when engaging attacking
20 and 22 are all standoff weapon capa-
dice roll is double that of the attacker’s, aircraft. This allows for the
ble. It is not essential that players nomi-
the aircraft instantly disappears in a ball attacker firing ARM missiles at
nate the exact weapon fitted to their air-
of fire! It cannot release weapons or defending radar sites, dumping
craft, this class of weapon being assumed
make a crew bailout check. If the result is ‘chaff’ and IR flares.
to have similar operating parameters and
a draw, the air- capabilities. However, the
craft does not attacker must be represented x Ground based defensive AA
complete the by one of the aircraft included missile fire has its ‘to hit’ dice
mission but in this list or one that a player roll reduced by –2
immediately can show historically carried
withdraws dam- such a weapon.
Examples: x All Soviet Tu95E, USAF B52
and B1 have a substantial inte-
AAA fire (without missiles in
support) against an attack- gral ESM/ECM suite which will
If the defender’s
ing aircraft with ‘dumb reduce missile fire ‘to hit’ dice
dice roll beats
bombs’ rolls by –1.
the attacker’s the aircraft is considered
lost to enemy AA fire. The difference
If the defending AAA rolls a ‘6’ and the
between the two dice rolls determines the attacking aircraft a ‘5’, the attacker has x Ground based ESM/ECM sys-
MINIMUM dice roll required for the received only minor damage, (there is ‘1’
difference between the dice rolls) but tems reduce accuracy by -2 on
crew to bail out. If the defender’s dice
enough to be shot down. The pilot will all ‘to hit’ dice rolls.
roll fails to equal or beat the attackers’, automatically bail out, it being impossi-
the attack proceeds as planned. The at- ble not to roll a ‘1’.
tacking aircraft may have received some If the defending AAA rolls a ‘6’ and the

@-%"'F' A N G EL S & B E AR S
Air to Surface Combat (cont.)
Bomb Damage Assessment. nominal range of up to 24 inches, while
beyond the horizon is limited to 48 inches
Each attacking aircraft passing across the
or the average width of a gaming table.
target makes an attack check. Both at-
Most torpedo attack ranges are limited to
tacker and defender roll one dice each
12 inches, although some torpedoes can
with the highest dice roll winning. If the
operate beyond the horizon. Because air
defender wins the dice roll, the attacking
attacks last only minutes, the rate of
aircraft fails to damage the target. This
movement for ships is largely irrelevant.
competing dice roll off is to simulate the
Ship models (or markers) are placed in
problem of accurate targeting under in-
the desired formation to receive an attack
tense AAA and AA missile fire. For each
determine the amount of damage to the and not moved until the attack is finished.
aircraft that obtains a hit against the tar-
target. LGB’s and cruise missiles may be Aircraft move at the rate shown in the
get subtract the lower number from the
carried by individual B52 and B1 specifi- rules. This gives a reasonable appearance
higher and for each number difference
cally equipped with laser designators and of movement for the aircraft in relation to
between the two dice rolls, this represents
satellite targeting systems for the pur- 1:3000th scale ships, given that even a
10% per number. Therefore a difference
pose. If the bomber cell carries LGB, lowly Skyhawk attacking at 300 knots,
of ‘3’ would cause 30% damage to the
then the bomb damage dice roll is in- would clear the horizon in under a min-
target. A draw (both numbers rolled are
creased by +1. ute.
the same) represents no damage.

Cruise Missiles are treated as BOL mis-

Players should attempt to alter the sile fire. Because cruise missiles are very
amount of damage a target can absorb by small targets, defenders subtract –1 from To establish unaided visibility within the
incorporating a penalty for large or dis- ALL AA dice rolls to hit them, but add horizon - roll 4 dice and add their total
persed targets. Rail yards are more diffi- +1 to their damage dice roll to shoot them together to give between 4 – 24 inches.
cult to damage than a warehouse com- down. Due to the cruise missile’s high Radar range – surface to surface at sea
plex. Bridges are difficult to hit, but are accuracy, the firer adds +2, to their ‘to level – 24 inches. Airborne search radar
more easily damaged, so should attract a hit’ dice roll. No nuclear release authority range is unlimited.
penalty to hit them, but a bonus to dam- has been given to theater commanders.
age them. Aircraft launching LGB or Damage is calculated using the Bomb ESM range – up to 36 inches. This allows
PGM, add +2 to their accuracy dice rolls, Damage Assessment rule. for the detection of electronic emissions
but they may only be used to attack a just over the horizon.
single tactical or strategic target such as a
bridge, communications centre or radar Part 2 – Attacking Naval Targets
Air attacks against Naval units :
site etc.
Air attack against naval targets Attack Turn Sequence

Area Bombing with the B52 or B1 x The player commanding the naval
Scales and Movement: force places all ships. Ship models
B52 and B1 raids consist of 3 models in
do not move after deployment.
‘V’ formation to represent nine aircraft in These rules are intended for use with ship
three cells bombing from high altitude.
x The player commanding the attack-
models in 3000th or 6000th scales. All ing air units responds by moving all
The nature of area bombing, removes the dice are D6. attacking aircraft or missiles.
necessity for a dice roll to hit the target.
Combat occurs in three distinct zones. (1) x The naval force conducts all AA
The only matter to be determined is the (including fighter interception of
Within the horizon. (2) Over the horizon
amount of damage to the target. Each raid enemy attack aircraft) and ASW fire.
and (3) Underwater. The horizon has a
and the defender, roll one dice each to

A N G EL S & B E AR S @-%"'G'
Air to Surface Combat (cont.)
x The remaining aircraft attack their highest dice roll(s) win. If there are other
nominated targets. ships within 12 inches of the target ship
Most defensive systems are ‘layered’ in
x All damages are recorded against they may add their AA fire in support of
their targets and ships tested for that they are capable of engaging incom-
the target ship. They do this by adding
sinking. ing attacks at long range (over the hori-
one extra dice per ship to the defender’s
zon or at very high altitude) within the
x The Naval force commander at- AA dice rolls. Ships must always fire in
tempts to repair damage. horizon, (about 15 miles) and very close
their own defence first before offering
to the vessel itself. Missiles form the long
x Morale is tested for damaged ships. additional AA fire support to other ships.
(OTH or BVR) and medium (Within the
The radar horizon (at sea level) is 24 horizon) range defence while point de-
inches (600mm) from the observer. fense weapons deal with threats under
When comparing each group of dice to
Therefore, players may deploy markers 1500m. Many of these systems are fully
determine the winner, players
for those units outside visual range
should read them in the following
and beyond 24”. The marker should
manner. Remove all matched dice;
state the type, (large, medium or
i.e. those with the same number
small target) but not the identity of
rolled, continuing until you are left
the ship. Helicopters and aircraft are
only with those dice that cannot be
placed as they are.
matched. The remaining dice are
Gun Range = 12” (300mm) paired off, highest against highest.
Torpedo Range = 12” (300mm) If the defender’s dice roll is the
unless capable of very long-range. highest, the attacking missiles are
destroyed by AA fire. If the at-
Missile Range = 24” (610mm) tacker’s dice roll wins, they have
within the horizon scored a hit and must then calculate
Missile Range – Over the Horizon the number of damages caused to
(OTH) or Beyond Visual Range (BVR) = the target ship.
automated and do not require operator
48” (1220mm)
intervention to engage a target. This is
especially true of ‘CIWS” systems that For each dice pair that is a ‘hit’, subtract
All targets within the horizon are auto- are a final defence against incoming mis- the lower dice roll number from the
matically detected, while those over the siles. In addition, a large array of sophis- higher, and this becomes the number of
horizon are automatically detected by ticated electronic support measures (ESM ‘damages’ the target sustains. Place a
aircraft or helicopters once they are and ECM) attempt to mislead or jam en- counter for each damage beside the tar-
within the observers horizon or are as- emy radar and missile control signals. get ship (with the damage counters pro-
sumed to reach sufficient altitude to gain vided). Roll 2D6 for each new hit (not
a direct line of sight to the target. Satel- new damages or those already recorded)
lites give targeting information but not in The combat system is based on opposing and any doubles rolled result in the im-
‘real time’, therefore satellite targeting dice rolls. This is designed to reflect both mediate destruction of the target.
should always be treated as a ‘bearing the manoeuvre and electronic counter
only launch’. Only specialised naval at- measures (ECM, ECCM and decoys in-
tack aircraft (listed in the attached data cluding ‘chaff’) of the defender and at- Each unrepaired or retained damage is
tables) may launch air to surface missiles tacker. It works very simply. The attack- assumed to degrade the efficiency of the
at the maximum ‘Beyond Visual Range’ ing aircraft rolls the number of dice listed ship by reducing its firing capacity and
48inch range. in their data tables. The defending ships manoeuvre. Ships firing in their defence
rolls an equal number of dice and the while retaining unrepaired damages re-

@-%"'HI' A N G EL S & B E AR S
Air to Surface Combat (cont.)
duce their dice roll(s) by that number. air attack against the naval units com- if the target is sunk or damaged. Once the
Therefore, a ship with six retained dam- mences. air attack is complete, the aircraft group
ages would reduce each defence or attack withdraws from the table. Remember, it
dice roll by ‘6’. The ship has no capacity is the missile(s) the aircraft are launching
to fight or defend itself. Air to Surface Attacks – over the ho-
that is the focus of the AA fire from the
rizon (OTH) or Beyond Visual Range
(BVR) ships and not the launching aircraft.
Only those listed as specialized maritime
Damage is repaired by rolling 1D6 and
removing the appropriate number of dam- attack aircraft may attempt OTH or BVR
ages from each damaged ship, in the attacks against shipping. The attacking Because of the time required to mount
damage repair phase of the game turn. aircraft are deemed to have either satellite such an attack, only one OTH or BVR
This reflects damage control parties re- or long-range radar tracking of the in- attack may be made per aircraft in each
pairing or bypassing damage. However,
tended target, therefore their attack dice game. This means that the actual game
once a ship retains a certain number of
numbers are not reduced, as would be the time to mount an air attack against ships
unrepaired damages, it sinks. This re-
flects out of control flooding or fire that case in a BOL attack. These aircraft are is relatively short. Players should be ca-
ultimately causes the loss of the ship. The placed between 24 and 36 inches (if pable of a number of air attack scenarios
smaller the ship the smaller the number OTH) or between 36 and 48 inches (if in the space of a couple of hours gaming.
of unrepaired damages leading to its loss. BVR) from the target ship(s) at the begin-
ning of the attack. The attacker must
Air Defense Rates of Fire - OTH Bearing Only Launch (BOL) attacks
clearly nominate each target before the
Some warships have a ‘layered’ AA de-
attack is made. Only one attack may be This form of attack is used where the
fence that allows them to engage targets
made by each aircraft against any one attacker has only a general idea where the
from OTH. Ships shown in the “ship
stats” as having an OTH capability, may ship. However, more than one aircraft target is at the moment of launch. This is
roll an extra dice in their AA defence to may attack a single ship. used by submarine cruise missile fire
simulate their ability to engage a target at against moving ship targets, where target-
a longer range than those that don’t. This ing data is not ‘real time’. Hence the im-
only applies to defence against air attack If the attack succeeds, the number of portance the Soviets placed on their Tu95
from OTH.
damages are recorded against the ship D and H aircraft being able to track and
and then the attacker attempts to roll a engage targets at extreme range. The
Air to Surface Attacks – within the
‘double’ for each hit (not damages) to see missile is lunched at the last known posi-
Aircraft are placed next to their tion of the target and the onboard
intended targets. Before any air missile sensors (ITARH etc) are
attack commences, each ship, left to detect the target. The accu-
within 12-inches, or a combat air racy of such attacks is not as high
patrol within 24” of the attackers as fully controlled and observed
may attempt to engage the incom- attacks, therefore the defender has
ing aircraft. If a fighter combat air two dice rolls to the attacker’s
patrol intercepts an incoming air one.
attack, this combat will need to be
fought as an air action before the

A N G EL S & B E AR S @-%"'HH'
Naval Combat Operations
Maneuver Rate points is removed
When a surface action commences, nor- from each of
mal table movement of the various ships their defending
occurs. All ships deployed in combat dice roll(s). Dam-
formation may manoeuvre at up to 8 age sustained in
inches, with a maximum turning rate of the current game
450 per game turn. Independent ships, turn is not
outside the combat formation may move counted until the
at up to 8 inches per game turn but have a next game turn.
maximum turning rate of 900 per game
turn. The dice are then
matched off and
the highest indi-
Surface Attack – Missiles and Guns vidual dice rolls
Submarine Operations and Attacks
(rate of fire) within the horizon win. Each time an attacker wins a dice
These are different to all other attacks.
roll, it inflicts one hit against the de-
When an enemy warship engages a target Submarines are placed within 12” of their
fender that inflicts the difference between
(the defender), with missiles, guns, or intended target during the movement
the winning and losing dice rolls as the
both, the attacker rolls the number of D6 phase of the game turn. They are not re-
number of damages. Make a sink test for
dice listed for that ship under Rate of quired to move across the table to get to
each HIT, by rolling a double with two
Fire – Surface in the ship data tables. the attacking position. Any defending
dice. This ‘sink test’ represents the possi-
Add +1D6 to each gun armed ship once warship or aircraft with ASW capability,
bility of a catastrophic explosion causing
range closes to within 12”. Vessels classi- then attempts to drive off or destroy the
the immediate loss of the ship.
fied as ‘stealth ships’ have –1 from all submarine BEFORE the submarine at-
dice rolls for missile fire against them. Surface attack – Missiles Fired Over tacks – using ASW warfare. The defender
The defender rolls the same number of The Horizon (OTH) or Bearing Only (s) may attack the submarine using a 1D6
dice to defend against the attack. If the Launch (BOL) dice roll for every ASW capable warship
target ship has any retained damage Attackers firing missiles Over The Hori- (not freighter, aircraft carrier or assault
points, the number of retained damage zon (between 24 and 36 inches range) ship) within 12” of the submarine. The
must have an OTH capability in their ship Submarine defends against these attacks
listing, or fire on a ‘Bearing Only by throwing the same number of dice as
Launch’. The firer rolls the number of the attacker(s). The highest dice rolls win.
dice listed in the Surface Warfare - OTH If the ASW defence wins, the submarine
column, and the target must equal or beat suffers the number of damages equal to
the number rolled to avoid being hit. the difference between the defender and
attacker’s highest dice roll(s). For each
damage suffered by the submarine, the
Attackers using Bearing Only Launches ASW force makes a ‘sink test’ against the
(up to 48 inches range) have no mid submarine. If they succeed they immedi-
course correction capability. The firer ately destroy the submarine. If not, the
rolls 1D6, but the target rolls 2D6, the submarine withdraws – being immedi-
highest dice roll winning. This reflects ately removed from the game. A dam-
the inaccuracy of such a targeting aged submarine may not be redeployed in
method. Submarines firing cruise missiles the same game.
from OTH must use BOL firing rules.

@-%"'HJ' A N G EL S & B E AR S
Naval Combat Operations (cont.)
If the submarine player marine or continue ASW aircraft (Nimrod, P3 Orion etc)
succeeds in beating the against the original available for the scenario.
ASW dice rolls, they surface target. All
Only one mission per aircraft, against one
may then attack their damage and sinking
target submarine is permitted. Detection
nominated target with 4 is assessed using the
is attempted by each aircraft making a
dice. The target ship above ship damage
single location attempt against a single
counters with 4 dice, rules.
submarine target. Both players roll one
the highest dice rolls
dice with the highest player winning. If
winning. Each success- ASW aircraft versus submarine the ASW aircraft win the roll off, they
ful hit causes the number of damages, as Players using independent submarine immediately attack the submarine using
described in ‘the combat system’. Each forces to attack naval units are subject to the ASW rules for ships engaging subma-
successful hit also allows the attacker to ASW operations by long-range ASW rines. Early Russian nuclear submarines
attempt to roll a double, with two dice, aircraft, either naval or land based. The (including Alfas) were noisy therefore the
which if successful, sinks the target im- player with the submarine force declares NATO ASW forces will get a +1 on all
mediately. they are preparing to close to attack range detection dice roll attempts against such
with the enemy naval target(s). No mod- targets. Russian diesel electric boats suf-
els need be placed on the table for this fer no extra penalty. If the submarine
Once the submarine attack is concluded, part of the game. The defending naval evades the ASW force, it may then pro-
the submarine is removed from the table player allocates air and naval resources to ceed to engage the target it was assigned.
until it is required for another attack, detect and engage the enemy submarine Players will need to construct some form
either in the next or future game turns. (s). of time frame for the commencement of
Submarines may only attack one target
this attack, depending on the distance the
per game turn. Surface ASW ships and
submarine is from its intended target.
aircraft may only attack one submarine Once allocated, these forces may only
per game turn. They may not attack any conduct ASW operations until the end of
other target while doing so, but may de- the scenario. For each submarine, the Submarines firing cruise missiles
fend themselves if attacked. defender allocates an ASW aircraft or Submarines firing cruise missiles do so
ASW ship that will attempt to detect the from OTH, and therefore are not required
submarine. Only specialist ASW aircraft to be placed on the table. The player fir-
Submarine versus Submarine. and ships may be tasked with ASW op- ing the cruise missiles rolls one dice us-
At the beginning of the game, players erations. The
may allocate one of their submarines to a defender may
dedicated ASW role. U.S and NATO allocate as many
Carrier Battle Groups have a submarine ASW assets
attached for this purpose. This allows the against a subma-
defending player to immediately placing rine as they have
a dedicated ASW submarine within 6” of availble, however
the enemy submarine that has declared an a carrier battle
attack on a friendly surface warship. Both group is limited
roll 4 dice. The attacking enemy subma- to four ASW
rine must attempt to avoid the attack by aircraft (S3 Vi-
equalling or beating the defending ASW king, ASW heli-
submarine dice rolls and then must elect copters etc) and
to either return fire against the ASW sub- two land based

A N G EL S & B E AR S @-%"'HA'
Naval Combat Operations (cont.)
ing the BOL rules for missiles. withdraw at ‘best speed’ from the ta-
The target rolls two dice in ble. It may continue to roll to remove
defence. The highest dice roll retained damages, but must still leave
(s) win. Damage is assessed the table.
according to the ship damage
Specialized Naval Attack Aircraft –
Rate of Fire
The rates of fire given for these spe-
Damage and Repair
cialise naval attack aircraft reflect not
Each successful hit causes a only the number and type of weapon
number of damages to the carried, but the sophistication of those
target. The counters attached weapons and their supporting EW
to the rules should be placed systems.
reduces the ship movement by 1 inch.
beside damaged ships to allow players to
FSU and Allies Rate of Fire
know the state of ships as they become
progressively damaged. Battle damage Tu95 Bear D 2
Sinking ships
degrades all ship systems through the loss Tu95 Bear G 3
of personnel, systems and machinery. All ship targets (except aircraft carriers)
Damaged ships may attempt repairs at the are immediately destroyed by rolling any Tu26M Backfire 4
end of the game turn. Damage is removed double, (with two dice), for each success-
Su24 Fencer 2
by rolling 1D6 dice and reducing the ful hit (not damage), scored against that
target. Aircraft carriers ( including the Su25T 1
number of damages by the number rolled.
Soviet Helicopter carriers and the Kirov Su27K 3
Any damage not repaired, remains with
the ship as ‘retained damages’. It may class battle cruiser) require two catastro-
take several dice throws to remove all phic hits to immediately sink. However,
United States & NATO Allies
damage, but until all damage is removed if they suffer one catastrophic hit, they
Orion P3 3
the ship may only manoeuvre and fire at a are unable to continue operating aircraft
and must immediately withdraw from the F14 Tomcat 3
reduced rate. Damaged ships also have all
battle. Destroyed ships are FA18 Hornet 2
immediately removed from A6 2
the game. Once ships reach
their maximum number of
damage points as retained NATO
damages, they sink and are Bruget Atlantique 3
immediately removed from Tornado 2
the game.
Euro Fighter/Mirage 2000 2

Etendard 2
Ship Morale
Ships that have remaining ‘retained dam-
types of fire is reduced by 1 point, for
ages’ at the beginning of the player’s
every retained damage, on each dice NOTE: These specialized naval attack
game turn, must roll 1D6 and equal or
rolled in attack or defence. CV with 4 or aircraft DO NOT reduce their number of
exceed the number of retained damages
more retained damage points cannot op- attacks when launching missiles from
to remain in the battle. If they fail the
erate aircraft. Each retained damage point OTH or BVR.
morale test, the ship must immediately

@-%"'HB' A N G EL S & B E AR S
Ship Data
Vessel Surface Warfare OTHAA ASW Damage Carrier Air Groups
To Horizon OTH Points Attack Fighter Recon

Soviet Union Rate of Fire

Kuznetsov CV 2 2 Y Y 12 1 1 1
Kiev CVH 2 N Y Y 10
Moskva CVH 1 N Y Y 10
Kynda CG 3 1 Y Y 7
Kresta I CG 1 1 N Y 7
Kresta II CG 1 1 Y Y 7
Kara CG 3 1 Y Y 7
Kirov BCGN 3 2 Y Y 8
Sovremenny CG 3 2 Y Y 7
Udaloy CG 1 1 Y Y 7
Neustrashimy FFG 1 1 Y Y 5
Slava CG 4 2 Y Y 7
Kashin Mod DDG 2 1 Y Y 5
Krivak II FFG 1 N Y Y 5
Krivak III FFG 1 1 Y Y 5

United States
Kennedy Class CV 2AA N N N 15 2 2 1
Nimitz Class CVN 2AA N N N 15 2 2 1
Enterprise CVN 2AA N N N 15 2 2 1
Arleigh Burke DDG 3 3 2 Y Y 6
Arleight Burke DDG 1-2 2 1 Y Y 6
Ticonderoga CG 3 2 Y Y 7
Virginia CGN 3 1 Y Y 7
California CGN 2 1 Y Y 7
Kidd DDG 2 1 Y Y 6
Spruance DDG 2 1 Y Y 6
O.H.Perry FFG 2 1 Y Y 5
Knox FF 2 N Y Y 5

United Kingdom

Invincible CVH 2AA N N N 10 1 1 1

Type 82 DDG Bristol 2 1 Y Y 6
Type 42 DDG 2 N N Y 6
Type 22 FFG Batch 1 & 2 2 N N Y 5
Type 22 FFG Batch 3 3 N N Y 6
Type 23 FFG York Class 3 2 N Y 5
Leander Type 2TA 2 N N Y 5
Leander 2B 1 N N Y 5
OTH - Over the Hori-
OTHAA - Over the Horizon
ECM Range to 36

A N G EL S & B E AR S @-%"'HC'
Missile Data
Aircraft Missiles Air to Air Missiles
The tables list missiles by type – Missile Type Generation Aircraft to which it is fitted
Infra-red or Radar, (IR or R) and
the generation of the missile. Russia and Client States
AA6 'Acrid' (R40) R 1/3 MiG25 B and MiG31M
When firing a missile against an-
AA7 'Apex' R23T IR 2 MiG23 MF-D from 1980
other aircraft, compare the target
AA7 'Apex' R24R R 2 MiG23 MF-D from 1980
aircraft’s missile generation with AA8 'Aphid' R60 IR 3 MiG23MF, MiG29, Su27
that of the firer. If there is a differ- AA9 'Amos' R 3 MiG31 only
ence, add or subtract that from the AA10a "Alamo' R27A R 2 MiG21MF, MiG23MFD,MiG25B
dice roll of the attacker. This simu- AA10b 'Alamo' R27B IR 2 As above
lates the better guidance, ECM or AA10c 'Alamo' R27C R 3 As above

ECCM capability of a later or AA10d 'Alamo' R27D IR 3 As above

AA10e 'Alamo' R27E R 3 As above
more advanced system. Ground
AA11 'Archer' R73 IR 4 MiG29, 31, Su27, MiG23 MLA
based AA missiles, listed as ‘short
AA12 ' Adder' R77 R 4 Similar to AMRAAM, MiG29, Su27 series
range’ are ‘point defence’ missiles
that only allow fire against aircraft NATO and US
as they attack the target or, listed AIM-9L Sidewinder IR 3 Fitted to most NATO and US fighters
as ‘medium’ and ‘long range’, AIM-7F Sparrow R 3 Fitted to most NATO and US fighters
allow them to engage attacking MATRA 550 Magic 2 IR 3 Mirage 2000, Rafael
MATRA Super 530 R 3 Mirage 2000, Rafael
aircraft immediately they are
AMRAAM R 4 Most NATO, US fighters
placed on the table, before they
ASRAAM IR 4 Typhoon, Tornado F3, Harrier GR7
begin any attack. Specialist at-
tached EAW aircraft can be used Anti-Aircraft Missiles-Ground or Ship Mounted
to reduce missile fire effect against Type Name Homing Altitude Range Type Generation
targets. SA-2 Guideline R med to high 48” R 2
SA-3 Goa R med 48” R 2
SA-4 Ganef R med to high 48” R 2
SA-5 Gammon R med to high 48” R 2
Note on missiles generation SA-6 Gainful R low 36” R 2
numbers. SA-7 Grail IR low 24” IR 1
SA-8 Gecko R low 24” R 2
Missile generation numbers reflect
SA-9 Gaskin IR low 24” IR 1
NATO, US and Soviet military SA-10 Grumble R low to high 48” R 2
standards. They don’t reflect So- SA-11 Gadfly R low 36” R 2
viet export model capabilities. In SA-12 Gladiator R low to high 24” R 2
the case of Soviet export clients SA-13 Gopher IR low 24” IR 3
SA-15 Gauntlet R low to med 24” R 3
(most of the Arab world) the mis-
sile generation should be 1 less Hawk R low to med 36” R 2
than that listed. Chaparral IR low 24” IR 2
Rapier R low 24” R 2
Missile Range scales:
Roland R low 24” R 2
Infra-Red (IR) missile range is Stinger IR low 24” IR 2
Patriot R low to high 48” 3
between 12cm and 30cm
Crotale R low 24” R 2
Radar (R) missile range is be- Javelin IR low 24” IR 3
tween 30cm and 100cm Mistral IR low 24” IR 2
Sky guard R Low-High 36” R 3

A N G EL S & B E AR S @-%"'HD'
Modern naval and air combat is a very complex subject and has been presenting

!"#$%& difficulties to gamers for a long, long time. Taken separately, they are subjects with
a lot of depth unto themselves, but when combined they can become almost unplay-
able. Harpoon 4 does perhaps the best job of integrating air and surface combat,
detection, ASW, anti-air warfare, and more, but there is a steep learning curve and
2343,(5'6789,'5:4,87:(3;' the person preparing the sce-
nario must do an incredible
2/$2I((@$(+5//$&'9A(D2%$(.D$("6(J$2<"&G(.D$("6(*,<+"#$/AG(.D$( amount of work to prepare for
the game. Angels & Bears at-
K%2,9(Q5$<',"&<('"R( tempts to use an established air
combat system for miniatures
(as used in Air War-Korea and
Air War-Vietnam) and mated a
surface combat system to it.
The result is hopefully a fast
playing modern combat simulation that will attract gamers who have to this point
been put off by the complexity of trying to game this type of warfare. Angels &
Visit our site at: Bears will not be the last word on this subject, but hopefully it will get people to try this period out and have some fun with it.

Other Air Combat Miniatures Rules

If you’ve enjoyed Angels & Bears there are several other sets of air combat rules that can be downloaded for free. Go to the
Downloads section at to learn more.

Quick play rules for modern air com- Using the same system as Air War- Operational level game simulating one
bat using 1/144th scale aircraft. Vietnam, but for the Korean air war. day in the Battle of Britain for use
Another in the series of introductory with miniatures. Suitable for begin-
level air combat rules that give a quick ners and large groups.
game and is suitable for almost any
scale of miniatures.
ISBN #978-0-473-17728-7
Angels & Bears
NATO and USAF aircraft

] s z k
Canberra PR7 Nimrod E3 Sentry E2C Hawkeye

E mm S
P3 Orion E6 Intruder EA6B Prowler B2 Spirit

c { & [ ] :
Jaguar F104 F5 Buccaneer Canberra F111

; 6 M 5 B 7
F15 Eagle F4 Phantom F16 F117 AV8 Harrier Mirage F1

& ) $ % , 4
F104 G91 Mirage III A4
F/A 18 Etendard

= T ' $
Tornado B52 G/H A10 Warthog Mirage 2000

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Angels & Bears
Soviet Aircraft Markers

g < !O # X
MiG 25 Su 27 MiG 29 Tu26M MiG 21 MiG 27

- X8 | e "
Yak 36 MiG 23 Su24 B Su 7B MiG 19 Su 17/20/22

l . Z h 3
Su25 MiG 17 Tu22 Blinder MiG 31 EW Yak 28

L V U q
Tu 160
Tu95E [ELINT] Tu16 Badger IL76 AWACS

IL38 May - ASW
Tu95 D [Bear D]

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Angels & Bears
Israel, Iran, Iraq aircraft markers


n % 7 # X
IAI Kfir A4 Skyhawk IrAF F1EQ IrAF MiG21 IrAF MiG23

6 o ! g |
F4 Mirage III IrAF MiG29 IrAF MiG25 IrAF Su7B

; M

F15 F16

6 & x



Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Angels & Bears
Contact Markers

Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small
Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar
Target Target Target Target Target Target Target Target

Medium Medium Medium Medium Medi um Medium Medium

Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar
Target Target Target Target Target Target Target

Large Large Large Large Large Large Large

Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar
Target Target Targe t Target Target Target Target


Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact

v v v v v v v
v v v v v v v

! ! ! ! ! !
Ka 25 Ka 25 Ka 25 Ka 25 Ka 25 Ka 25

d d d d d d

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Angels & Bears
Radar Plots and ASW Markers

Small Small Small Small Radar Small

Radar Radar Radar Radar Small Radar
Target Target Target Target Target Target

Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium

Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar
Target Target Target Target Target Target

Large Large Large Large Large Large

Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar Radar
Target Target Target Target Target Target

d d d d d d d

! ! ! ! ! ! !

k k k k k
k k k k k

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Angels and Bears
Speed and altitude markers





50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

stall stall stall stall stall stall stall stall

o o o o o o o o

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Angels and Bears
Turn Markers

Left Left Left Left Left Left Left

Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Left Left Left Left Left Left Left

Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn
2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Left Left Left Left Left Left Left

Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn
3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Right Right Right Right Right Right Right

Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Right Right Right Right Right Right Right

Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn
2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Right Right Right Right Right Right Right

Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn
3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Side Side Side Side Side Side Side

Slip Slip Slip Slip Slip Slip Slip
Left Left Left Left Left Left Left

Side Side Side Side Side Side Side

Slip Slip Slip Slip Slip Slip Slip
Right Right Right Right Right Right Right

Note: The number shown on the

turn marker is the number of
Left sectors a player wishes to turn his
Turn aircraft through when making a
3 manoeuvre.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Angels and Bears
Turn and Movement indicator

All movement is in centimetres

Begin calculating rates

of turn from this


40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

Each sector of the Turn and Movement Indicator shows the maximum speed permitted after
turning from straight ahead onto that heading. Place the aircraft model to align with the ‘start here’
box and then calculate the rate of turn from that point. The speed at which the model will move is
listed within the sector selected. It does not matter how fast the aircraft is moving at the beginning
of the turn, the speed number shown in the sector is the speed it will use when moving in the
current game turn.

Note: The maximum combat speed is 50cm. Should an aircraft elect to leave the battle it may
increase speed to supersonic, in one game turn, and move in a straight line towards its original
entry point on the table. It will move at 100cm per game turn until it crosses the table edge. It may
not fire guns or missiles while doing so.

David Child-Dennis and Matt Irsik 2010 1

Angles and Bears
Turning and movement indicator

Start with aircraft

heading at this point

No turn

40 40

30 30

45 arc

10 10

The model is turned to its new heading before it moves.

The MiG has turned through 3 sectors of the turning circle [40,30,20] from
straight ahead. Once facing the new heading it is then moved.

Being supersonic, it may slow from 50cm to 20cm (three increments). The
player turns the model and then moves it 20cm within the 20cm movement
sector. Note there is a 45 arc within which the player may choose to turn the

Monday, 1 November 2010

Template measurements for sideslip - 1:144 scale models
Halve measurements for 1:350 – 1:300 scales





Angels and Bears
Gunnery example

Dice roll to hit

target at listed
X -1
Position at the
beginning of the
movement phase

12cm = 6 to hit
11cm = 5+ to hit -2
10cm = 4+ to hit
9cm = 3+ to hit
8cm = 2+ to hit
7cm = 1+ to hit
6cm = 0+ to hit
Position at the end of the
movement phase
Gun 12cm
IR Missile 12-30 cm
R Missile 30-100cm 0

At the beginning of the movement phase, the players note the position of their respective aircraft. The
MiG23 is in the [-1] position of the F16, and the F16 is in the [-2] position of the MiG23. The F16 player
decides to make a ‘side-slip’ to the left in the hope of bringing the MiG23 into his line of cannon fire.
The MiG23 player opts to continue his left turn and slow in the hope that F16 will overshoot, allowing
him to fire an IR missile at short range.
The F16 manages to end up behind the MiG23. The MiG’s position in relation to the F16 was [-1] at
the beginning of the movement phase. The F16 is only 8 cm behind the Mi G, and has a line of fire to
it, reducing the ‘to hit’ dice score to 2+ to hit the MiG. But there is an additional [-1] penalty from the
F16 player’s dice roll to allow for their relative positions at the beginning of the movement phase. This
brings the final dice roll calculation for the F16 player to 3+

Monday, 1 November 2010

Angles and Bears
Gunnery Template

This blue arrow must be pointing

at some part of the target aircraft
model, after all movement is
complete, before firing is

-1 -1


The firing aircraft has its

nose placed against this
point and the aircraft
aligned with the blue line.

The gunnery calculator is designed to calculate the relative motion penalties of the target in
relation to the firer.

As can be seen from the negative numbers in the various boxes, the further from the line of
fire the relative movement of both firer and target commences, the greater the penalty. Note
that penalties are not cumulative. Only the highest penalty is used. Therefore, if the target
moves from behind the firer – say overshoots due to speed difference - the penalty is –2.

The blue arrow is the direction of travel of the firer. The nose of the firing aircraft, or gun
turret, is placed at the base of the blue arrow. It is important to note the position the target
aircraft was originally in BEFORE the firer moved into position to engage the target aircraft.

David Child-Dennis and Matt Irsik 2010

Angles and Bears
Ship Damage Counters

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

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pFad v3 Proxy

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