WTF Final Sample
WTF Final Sample
WTF Final Sample
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one At that time it wasn’t unusual for me to eliminate
step." Lao Tzu somebody’s pain in a matter of minutes using the
methodology I have developed. That was in March
“You’re doing what?” I asked. 2009. Since then I have pushed both professional
therapists and personal trainers through my training
“Running seven ultra-marathons in seven days on programmes and worked incredibly hard to bring
seven different continents.” alive the concept that comes so naturally to me:
reading and working with the human body… isn’t it
I think my next question was “Why?” ironic that my mission is to bring the human body
alive? There is, however, a certain truth in that. Never
When I asked Oliver Dudley how I could help, he told has the human body been so alive, and yet the
me he had to do it in five weeks’ time and he had worlds of fitness and therapy still thrive on evidence
currently injured his hip to the point of not being able based on dead people in an attempt to try and
to bear weight on his left leg. understand how the human body operates.
I wasn’t surprised to hear that this had happened as My mission is simple: to create an awareness of new
a result of him going from zero training to running a ways of working with the human body in therapy,
straight unprepared 10 miles. performance and coaching circles and bring that
alive for fitness and therapy professionals alike –
“You’re a novice runner as well?” I probed. and even the layman, for even he can take control
of his own wellbeing, should he choose to.
“Yes, that’s my thing,” he suggested nonchalantly.
“I was part of the World record-breaking team to row
across the Atlantic having never set foot on a boat in GROWING PAINS
my life before!”… and he can’t even swim! With a population of nearly eight billion and growing,
the world is full of people in pain. Postural distortions,
My own limiting belief kicked in, though I didn’t share injuries and physical complaints are rife. We have a
it with Oliver, but how the **** was he going to do this range of people competing at the top of their game
event in five weeks’ time with little or no preparation. whose daily toil is to stay injury free, and when that
Anyone with two brain cells would most likely prepare policy fails, the question is how quickly can they get
a year for something like this. The guy would need back on the field of play?
a miracle.
Thankfully we have a whole industry set up to
So I said “Yes.” deal with that; it comprises of therapists such as
physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors and My method incorporates full human movement. It’s My honest
exciting and different way. I teach them to read B Be in a position to work with people you can’t
the body, to let the human body give them all ordinarily work with and have success
the information they need and to give the client’s C Grow your business through a unique approach
body no option but to heal itself through a that gets standout, exceptional results
deep and profound understanding of the
Training providers are literally pumping personal
This new dimension of understanding has been trainers into your local area on a monthly basis.
honed into five big rules about human movement Pilates and yoga schools are doing the same. Every
that flip conventional anatomy on its head, rip year, more physios, chiropractors and osteopaths
up the anatomy book as we know it and create qualify in your area. It gets harder and harder to
a whole new handbook and user guide for the find work – thankfully there are millions of people
human body. Like many new things, it appears looking to get out of pain and get fit, strong and
complex at first and simple at the end, the more healthy again!
you play and experience the work, the clearer the
process becomes. If you are to get noticed in your local area, you must
stand out from the crowd. You must differentiate
For now I ask you to park everything you think you yourself from all the rest. One way of doing that is
know about the human body to one side, out of to learn about human movement for correction
sight and mind. Keep it somewhere safe as you’ll and rehabilitation, and three-dimensional training
need it later, but for now, in this, the complexity and movement for development and performance.
stage, what you think you know now will only hinder
any acceptance of what I am going to tell you. It’s Right now you are not unique: you choose exercises
possible that you’ll fight it, deny it, rubbish it, critique based on what everybody else is doing. Your
it and question it… and yet when you get the chance packages are unlikely to be bespoke and relevant
to put some of it into practice, like many others it’s for each client. I know this because there are
highly likely that you, too, can begin to see the value apps out there on people’s phones offering the
in this work. Despite everything, it’s the practice same service as you – for free. This is a problem
and experience of it that will ultimately make the for hundreds of exercise coaches and personal
difference for you. trainers. Apps have become your competitor,
too. You have to differentiate yourself from them
WHAT STUDYING MOVEMENT CAN DO FOR YOU if you are going to get paid doing what you love.
I believe that advancing your skills in any way If you only offer standardised training, as most
creates new and exciting opportunities for yourself. apps do, why would someone pay your hourly
When that new skill is as unique and high impact rate when Nike offers something amazing for
as understanding movement is, there are three free? Even if you don’t think it’s amazing, to the
natural responses: consumer it is.
Seek to be different and break the mould of what’s more enquiries as to what they do, many of them Recognition
FORM AN ORDERLY QUEUE Keep your eyes open for the little hidden messages
Both your unique approach in your local area and and see if you, too, can relate the human body to
your unfathomable success with the wide variety what goes on in your life. I see it everywhere. By
of clients that come your way means only one thing: understanding the wholeness of the human body
recognition. Recognition brings word of mouth, and I am able to use the principles and the five big
success brings people to your door. I get calls on a rules to help coach somebody through a difficult
daily basis asking if I can help people with their pain. situation or manage my own family life better.
The answer is always “Yes!” The way of the universe, the way of the world and
the way of the human body seem intrinsically
When people incorporate human movement in the connected and inseparable, adding to the richness
right way into their business, I have noticed a couple and fascination that we as beings represent on
of things: they become a source of intrigue and get this planet.
If you spot this hidden theme, written between the understanding we can naturally start to open new
lines, you’ll find it easy to get people out of pain and doors for the future. There has always been a ceiling
into peak performance on all levels. You’ll find it easy of knowledge we have been approaching and as we
to stand out from the crowd. You’ll find yourself approach that ceiling we realise we still don’t have
attracting clients and patients that you previously all the answers: so there must be something more,
could not have been successful with, and you’ll mustn’t there? New doors like this will always change
notice a long line of people queueing at your door the way we work and do things.
to experience first-hand the magical work you are
doing with their friends and colleagues. We got to where we are today with a very simple
question: “How does this thing we call the human
That is what this book is really about for you: body work?”
new tools, a greater understanding of the human
body, getting superior results with previously The answer to this question set a framework for
unattainable clients and growing a training and the exercises we do today relative to each individual
therapy business that helps you lead the life you body part and the therapeutic techniques you apply
want to lead. Oh, and all of that whilst being true as well.
to your passion – discovering the true inner workings
of the human body… The problem is that all exercise and therapy theories
were created through the study of anatomy,
Well, it’s here, in this book, sewn into the five big rules discovering what joints do and recreating that pattern
of motion. I can’t wait to share it with you. of movement or muscle action into an exercise to
stimulate the muscle function, joint range or both.
Let’s assume that we have come to the end of our Firstly, the research into how this body works took
understanding of traditional anatomy as we know place on dead bodies and in an isolated environment
it and through the evolution of practice of that and manner – presumably no live volunteers wanted
AiM has changed my life, personally and professionally. Personally, AiM has taken my yoga practice and overall mobility to
a different level as I now understand why I had any restrictions I did and how to correct this. Even through the late stages of
pregnancy I have maintained full mobility and remained pain free. Professionally speaking, I am a completely different yoga
teacher. Anatomy training for yoga teachers is often basic or not necessarily up to date. I now teach with confidence, knowing
that what I can offer my students will make a difference from the moment they leave the class. As a result, my classes have never
been so busy and private work has trebled. I now have this amazing tool to use to help people help themselves, and watching
someone go through such a positive, dramatic change after just one simple move is mind-blowing every time. Gary Ward is my
biggest inspiration. Tish Dodson
the electrical stimulation caused by the original shorten, and when that contraction or shortening Without an
So it was discovered that when a muscle is Alone, conventional methods have a place, but
electrocuted, it is also stimulated to contract or combined with movement, to influence the brain,
nervous system and physical structures, the the cause, not the pain’ approach. Yet movement
conventional methods will finally begin to add up and integration still fail to be completely present in
and make sense. the world of anatomy.
This is why I created my five big rules of motion. Frustratingly for me, even current concepts of
movement that are rapidly infiltrating the fitness
INTRODUCING CHAOS (COINS HAVE ANOTHER SIDE) and therapy industry are still heavily focused on
I first had a sense, but now I know, that there is the conventional side of the coin, which means, for
a large part of human anatomical understanding me, that there remain limitations to understanding
that is missing and, more importantly, that when human movement and the actual practice of it.
I, or my students, tap into the part that is missing,
there is an undeniable truth that lies beneath it. I have a vision where the next step is to see
traditional therapies, as well as training and exercise
I call it the ‘other side of the coin’ – where most companies, incorporating the full understanding
of my opinions appear to oppose and conflict the of human movement into their way of working,
methods currently being taught. Not a great way adapting techniques, getting off the couch – when
of winning friends, I must admit. possible – embracing the true workings of the
human body and truly integrating the system as
However, I should make clear, at this point, that a whole. Bringing both sides of the coin to life,
what I am saying and what I am going to pour forth exposing the truth.
in this book is not in opposition to current methods,
but is more of an extension of what already exists. The future is confusingly impossible to see. Even
It’s simply building onto what we already know to on the newer side of the coin, there would appear
make it more powerful. to be a limit to how we work with the human body,
but my feeling is we are a long way off from that,
You cannot have one side of a coin without the and yet seem so close as well. There are only so
other. Both will always be present, yet one seems many bones, joints, arms and legs to worry about,
to grab the limelight and the other shall be and understanding the complexity of it all has to
overlooked. Wonderfully, when you put both sides be getting simpler – it is getting simpler – but we
of a coin together, you start to see the bigger are not there yet. I do wonder though what would
picture and greater outcomes become possible. happen to our knowledge and awareness if we
There even arises a third side, upon which both brought together all the theories of anatomy, from
sides of the coin can stand together, solid in the chiropractic and osteopathic to Pilates and yoga,
awareness that all outcomes are covered. and wonder often if there lies one simple solution
to all of it. Somewhere in the centre…
Now, I’m not the first person to come onto the
scene ranting on about human movement,
integration of a wholesome system and the ‘treat
POLITICS? Interestingly,
It is my experience, on many occasions, that using For me, it highlighted significantly different ideas
movement as a tool for rehab has given so many and key concepts that challenge the status quo
things back to so many people; some claim to have and impact upon everything from:
their life back – many of them who had given up the way we stand to the way we move
on ever being out of pain again. They literally came the way we exercise and develop strength and
to me as a last resort and wished they’d found specific conditioning
me earlier. the way we can treat clients, receive treatment or
even treat ourselves
What’s the difference between what I do and what whether we choose to be stable or more mobile
they had experienced elsewhere? The difference whether you can get out of pain or not
lies in what I pay attention to and the lack of
influence that the conventional model of anatomy These new ideas and concepts began to come
has had on me. I’m not blinkered in my approach together to form my five big rules of motion, which
and never have been. I’ll discuss in detail later.
If it didn’t make sense to me, I didn’t use it. After the trip, Oliver christened me the ‘human horse
I did countless courses that were simply a waste whisperer’ – a horse whisperer being a talented
of money, that gave me things to look at, but no horseman with a remarkable gift for understanding
solution to offer my client or patient. Movement horses, who is hired to nurse horses back to health.
is still the only thing that makes sense to me. Except I do that with humans… and have been referred
Even the anatomy book we all learn from doesn’t to as the ‘human body whisperer’ before now.
make sense to me. If it is accurate, then it’s
limited in its accuracy and can be expanded UNLOCKING POTENTIAL
on greatly, and yet it remains what we all learn Here follows some headings that summarise the
from and use as our ‘go to’ tool for muscle and approach I both use and teach AiM students to follow
joint reference. to get a result with the human body. Scan it, identify
it, solve it… it’s how we begin to unlock the hidden
It’s truly amazing what can happen when you take potential in every client we see and work with.
the raw state of the human body, uninfluenced by
text books and old science, and just play with it to Scan it
see what it can do. I watch the body in motion and gait, scanning the
body, observing the movement of joints and body,
reading for anomalies in muscle balance, stance
and posture. I look for what is not happening and
compare it to what should be happening.
Identify it
I study the movement to recognise poor or failing
movement patterns so as to seek out and identify patterns, which enable the body to function optimally It’s like hitting
the cause of the patient’s problem. Poor movement once again. The movement pattern that is faulty (or
in one part of the skeleton impacts on the missing) needs rewiring to the brain so the person
the reset button
movement of the whole skeleton and can be visible can begin to use it again in a pain-free environment. on an electronic
from head to toe. I ask myself what movement or device so the
imbalance occurring somewhere else in the body Reset body refreshes
could be causing that inhibition. It’s like hitting the reset button on an electronic
device so the body refreshes itself, starting again,
itself, starting
Solve it pain free, mobile and raring to go. In fact, this is again, pain free,
I use movement patterns, and/or exercises to beyond giving new movement back to the human mobile and
replace the movement or movements that are not body. It’s about allowing the body to access old raring to go
happening in the client’s body. These have been movement patterns, the factory setting’s default
mapped to the body over years of watching the mode. Clearing the decks to start again.
body move, and using force and pressure plates
to determine how movement occurs from the In fact, it is my firm belief that every human body
foot up the kinetic chain. I have developed a way to has unlimited potential locked away inside; inhibited
re-educate the body, to restore lost movement possibly by three things:
I. Poor skeletal alignment and posture problem, which is, quite simply, that pain, under
II. The internal workings of the body (organ function, the current way of addressing it, is little more than
hormonal imbalance) manageable. We have the skill set to help people
III. Belief or mindset relieve pain, but do we have the skill set to eradicate
All of which could have arisen over the years as that pain for ever? It’s an interesting thought. I’d like
compensation for previous pain, from postural habit, to create that as a possibility for mankind.
emotional state, poor attitude to one’s health and, of
course, present pain or circumstance. What I am used to witnessing is that people who
suffer from back pain can come right out of their
Do we understand pain? Do we respect it? Do we pain immediately once the overall inhibition has
even respect the magical capabilities of the human been resolved.
body itself? I’m not sure en masse that we do.
Immediately? How can back pain be the number one
Let’s look at it like this: search term on Google and therefore the biggest
If your body is not as good as it can be then it’s physical problem on the planet if an immediate
likely you will have problems at some time in turnaround is possible?
your life.
That much, I think, we all do understand. So if we flip Quite simply, because it is. On the other side of the
that in reverse (I’ll do a lot of that through the book coin there is a solution to every problem, and I would
you’ll notice) then it becomes: like to reveal some of the methods I use throughout
this book to give you a basic understanding of how
As soon as your body is as good as it can be, you that is possible. So that next time you have back pain
overcome these problems and create awesome and seek treatment, you might think twice about just
opportunity for yourself. getting a ‘back rub’ or a ‘back crack’ when in reality
What I am suggesting is that as overall inhibitions that could simply be a way of masking the situation
are removed from your body, the overall potential in the short term. Next time you consider referring a
of your body increases, too. client for treatment, consider that using movement
correctly, as introduced in this book, you could offer
Let’s use back pain as our analogy here, since it a solution where others offer a mask. People need
is the number one search term on Google for the real answers to their pain and real solutions to
health and fitness industry – notice that people do overcoming performance inhibitions.
also seek fitness trainers to help with back pain.
Have you ever noticed how every six weeks to three
Is this because back care is inadequate? No, it just months patients are back at the local therapist with
means that people are always looking for more yet another bout of back pain? This is because the
answers and consistently seeking alternative environment in which the pain arose has not been
opinions about their predicament. Human beings challenged or changed. By this I mean the skeletal
thrive on choice. The predicament arises out of the alignment, the gait patterns, the thought processes
around the pain and the system as a whole remains challenge yourself? When you go beyond your own What if it really
Your body is MOBILITY that this might be difficult for some of you, but bear
being truly One of my biggest fears has always been to lose with me for now, OK?
mobility and as I explore more and more the
functional in its simplicity of optimising human movement Your body has an innate awareness that intuitively
dysfunction! potential, I question how it can be that we are, knows what it means to work efficiently and
in the main, happy to have our bodies operate with effortlessly. It knows how to be pain free if only you
sub-standard performance. would stop using it in the same way day in day out
and with every step you take. Seriously, changing
Why do we accept our pain as the norm and forget your body to a more vital state could be the biggest
to question things until the only possible solution is habitual trait you will ever try to break. Harder than
to be cut open and have parts removed or added to smoking. Worse than picking your nails. More
our already perfect body? debilitating than your need for a biscuit... Unless you
get the right type of practitioner in place – one who
You have all the parts you need, ladies asks the question “what is happening in your body
and gentlemen! that is causing your pain?” and understands how to
Yes, your body is perfect, even if you think it isn’t. start the process of self-healing or auto-correction,
As I mentioned already, not many people truly unlock the secrets and crack the code of the human
respect the potential of the human body, including body. Did I mention using movement?
practitioners I speak to and teach. We are forever
using the word ‘dysfunctional’ to describe a failing That’s what Oliver did. He found me. He paid for
body. Yet your body is being truly functional in its me to experience this magical round the world
dysfunction! We’ll clear some definitions around trip because, in Oliver’s words, “he couldn’t do it
this later. without me”.
Consistently, when this situation of accepting our The truth, as he was finding out, is that, sadly, he
pain as normal arises, nobody ever asks: “Have could not have done it with conventional therapy
you tried using movement as a tool?” swiftly backing his corner.
followed by: “Give your body a chance to heal itself.
You didn’t know that your own body knows best, MY STORY
did you?” I’d like to wind back a bit further to my own story. A
trainee teacher with a degree in Modern European
People are generally left asking the question: Studies at Loughborough University, I spent my
“What’s happening to me?” and that is the question years at university gazing out of a window or with
that I consider on a daily basis: “What is happening my head stuck in my mate’s sports science manuals
in your body that is causing your pain?” trying to work out how to do better in the gym, build
great muscles and wow the ladies. I’d lost the desire
My body knows best? Yup. Despite what your to teach foreign languages to schoolchildren who
conscious mind is thinking right now, and I accept barely even left their home town and thought France
was a fictional land somewhere in the region of banning any thought processes that could link the Knee pain?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as specificity (two massive buzzwords) across to your
you please." Mark Twain (1835-1910) client. Wouldn’t that be frustrating?
Before moving onto the five big rules I first would I have 10 basic rants that seem to completely go
like to share some of my struggles and frustrations against the grain of all that we are taught about the
that may also ring a bell with you and your own human body… and yet when I go against the grain in
frustrations. These are things that are prevalent in practice I see amazing transformative results… and
the businesses and ideologies of fitness and therapy so do my students.
professionals. It’s a good time to remind yourself to
park what you know and entertain the idea that what
I am saying could have some validity and a significant RANT #1: STATIC STRETCHING
role to play in the way you work with the human body My core statement here is simple: “Static stretching
in the future. does NOT work!”
When I teach my courses, I get the students to It’s quite simple actually. I have not employed static
stumble upon these concepts by themselves: that stretching with a client for at least six years now.
way they can’t really disagree with them as they have This MUST mean two things: 1) stretching is not
simply discovered it for themselves. I don’t want you necessary to get results; and 2) there must be a
just to accept what I am saying – I want you to go better way than stretching to get the type of results
out and experience it, play with it yourself and see I am used to seeing. The problem, for me, lies in the
what happens. Most of all, challenge it and observe term ‘static’. I don’t have a problem with stretching
the outcomes. The reason I call them the five big as long as we stretch a muscle in accordance with
rules is because rules are made to be broken and all its true functionality.
progress relies on the breakdown and rebuilding of
things. I consistently challenge the rules and as yet Muscle function basics
they remain intact, so I urge you to do the same – In motion, all muscles work like so:
don’t accept them, run them into the ground and see OFF - ON - OFF - ON - OFF - ON – OFF -ON
if they work all the time to serve the people of this Never static – ever!
world better.
To hold a stretch deprives the muscle of the ON part
If you finally decide to accept the five big rules, you of that relationship. A muscle lengthens to its end
will most likely notice that in movement, many of range (stretches), stabilises and contracts back to
the strategies you employ readily in your day-to- where it started again.
day work actually don’t carry any functionality or