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he Mel GST 103 (2019/2020) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY BIRNIN KEBM! [DIVISIC N OF GENERAL $1 UDIES) First Semester Examinations, 2019/2020 SESSION “Giniect. Gst 103 (Information and Communication Technology) UNIT: DATE OF EXAMINATION: Tue., 2" February, 2021 INSTRUCTION: Answe. all questions in . oth Sections WME ALLOWED: 120 minutes Do not write anything on the ques:ion paper. SECTIONA Questions 1-19 are about Microsoft Office Power Point 1) Tocreate a presentation in Microsoft office power point, the following should be foliawer! acrovdinaly (@) Start, applications, all programs, Microsoft office power point (b) All programs, Micmnsoft power point, start, applications {c) Start. all programs, applications, Microsoft office power point (d) Al of the abave 2) When open a new power point, .. {s created automatically. (a) empty slide {b) new document (c) dacument 1 4) de .s 3) The layout fr the opened default side contains and {a) start, end (b) ttle, subtitle (0) add, delete (d) new presentation, old presentaion 4) Inorder to change the default backg-ound of the slide show, click the {ab on “ie ton {a)home (b) slideshow. _(c) insert (a) design 5) Whena theme is chosen fora slide shor it./be....... . (a) aulomaucally added to cnly he currents .. (b) ¢ ~natally died to new slide (c) automatically deleted from previous slide (d) automatically adder to al sides 6) _Aslide can move from one place to another using .... (a) side bar (b) vertical scroll baron the right — (c) task bar (4) transitions tab 7 tab is noton the ribbon. (a) Design ——_(b) Tools (6) View (6) Review 8) Power point does not allows adding (a) animation (b) transition (c) sound effec: (é) clipboard 8) Tocchange the looks of a side while editing, .... ... tab is used. (a) review (b) home (c} view (a) anirrati. 10) The view shows thumbnai ofall the slides. (@) view sorter (6) review {c) view ——_(d) transition 11) The notes page view creates.........foreach slide. (a) 2pages (b) 3 pages (c) 4 peges (d) allof ine above 12). Slides, fonts, drawings are found in the ....... tab {a) Insert (0) design (c)transiton 4) home 13) The insert tab contains all ofthe following tools except (a) Tables (b) symbols___(c) Font —_(¢)'llustralions 14) Page setup, Themes, Background tools can be found in the......... tab (a) design _(b) home. (c) tansiion (4) inser, 15) The ........ tab controls slide movement effects (a)insert —(b) home (¢) view (d) barsitions 16) Proofing, language, comments, compare tools can be found in the (a) review (b) view (c) enimation J) nome 17) Spelling errors, track changes can be done in the tab (a)view —(b) home (c) insert (4) review 18) To save in Microsoft power point, both procedure can be used; {a) click file tab and click save orctii+s —_(b) click home tab and click save or ctl +s (c) Click file tab and click open or etr!+p (dl) ctr! +s or click file tab and click print 19) Documents in power poiftare saved usi.g ti following & tension, (a) docs (0) .ppt als (€) pops Questions 20-33 are about Microsoft Office Excel 20) wei computerized spreadsineet application software? (a) Worksheet (b) Workbook (¢“olumns a! Row- D1) scoscsmsen 8 prefixes that must come before a formula in Microsoft excel worksheet? (a) The bracket (b) The Equality Sign (c) The CellAddress (4) The cell Reference. 22) sven i8 aN equation that calculates a new value from values currently in a worksheet. (a)Cell address (b) Formula (c) Active Cell, (4) Query 23) The.......«. command save a workbook with a new name or toa new location 24) (a) Save As (b) Save (c) Rename (a) Edit . 25) Agrd like application software in which text and numbers are enfered and results are calculated is (a) Spreadsheet (b) Workbook —_(c) Worksheet (d) Grid lines -——-—— 26) The cell in the worksheet in which data is currently typed in is called « (a)Celladdress —(b) Formula (c) Active cell (4) Query 27) coson i$ used to reference data in Microsoft excel worksheet. (a) Coll aridress 28) nn Gisplays a formula when a worksheet cell contains a calculated value (a)Cell address (b) Formula Bar (c) Active Cell (d) Query Cell Page 1 of 3 (b) Formula (c) Active Celi (d) Query ind Communication Technology , 2019/2020 ection of a row and column. (@) Cell address. (b) Formul isthe inters ' -apperhronay ra haben ee yfeimua Bar (c) Active cel (dC ame box (0) Row & column (c) Active Cell & column —_() Column & row ‘of the folowing Is a in NS-Eeel workbook ues {@) a (o)insen )Rewew — (Reference an scare fetes a function c Orie nm a single col ference reaieg =) ee linsert (Review (3) Data 'b) Wrap text —_(c) Combine cell (d) Combine data Cetons sts are tbeut Microsoft Office Excel 2M) ns the word processing companent of the Microsoft Office Suite (a) Microsoft Libre (b) Microsoft Access. (c) Microsoft Word (4) Unix Word 35) When a new word document s created, its automatically named as (a) Emply side (0) New document (c) Document 1 _(d) Docs 36) Quick access toolbar contains (a) Size (b)Menu —(c) Save (d) Quick 37) In Microsoft Word, Ribbon is found at ...... sereen (a) bottom (b) up (c) right (d) left 38) Home Tab contains {a) Mouse (b) Cursor (c) Font (a) File 39) To save in Microsoft Word, both procedure can be used; {a} Click file tab and click save or ot + s (b) Click home tab and click save or ctrl +s (6) Click file tab and click open or ctr! +p (a) Ctl + or click file tab and click print 40) View Tab contains the following commands except (a)DOS _(b) Window (c) Blank __(d) Close 41), Which elements of a Word document can be displayed in color? (a) Text only (b) Numbers only (c) Graphics only (d) Al elemen 42) How many different word documents can be open at a time? (@) Not more than three (b) One only _(¢) As many as the computer memory can hold (4) Two only 31), Which 32), Abar chat FS ‘The Combination ‘of two or more C 43) Text cannot be selected in MS word using... (2) Mouse (b) Keyboard (¢) Light pen (d) Scanner 4a) Data canbe defined as (a) science (a) Art (c)Raw fact (4) IT 15). nn displays the names of the open program (inthis case Microsoft Word) and the name ofthe current fle. (@)Name Bar (b) Title Bar —_(c) Ruler (¢) Header 46) Ctrl + Cand Ctrl + Xin Microsoft Word are the same. (a) True (b) False 47) In MS Word once a textis deleted it can't be retrieved back. (a) True (b) False 48)... devices is mostly used for navigation in the computer. (2) Keyboard (b)Mouse (c) Monitor (Printer 49) In medicine, Computer cannot be used in .... ” (2) Hospital Management System _(b) Storing Patient data and medical records. (c) Diagnosing sofware (4) Allofthe abow 50) on is used in typing text into the coniputer. (a) Keyboard (b) Mouse (c) Joystick (d) Monitor 51) Megabyte is approximately equal (a) Billon Bytes _(b) Trion Byles (c) Million Bytes (a) T-» ssand bytes (2) system software (b) freeware (c) application software (4) hardware 52) Microsoft office suite is an example of... 53) Microsoft office does not have.........t001. (a) PowerPoint _(b) Excel (c) Wore! (@) Letter 4) Mouse and Cursor represent both hardware and software respectively. (a) True (b) False 56) Itis advisable to connect R directly without using UPS. (a) Tue (b) False 56) Ctrl + Jig used 10 .....-€ text (2) Bold (0) Justify (c) Align (a) Undertine 57) Ct+ Bis used to..........atext (a) Bold (b) Color (c) Align (d) Customize 58) Ct + Xis used t0.......atext (a) Cut (b) Paste (c) Align (c) Delete 59) Cll +E is used f0.........atext (a) Paste (b) Centralize (¢) Align (d) Color 60) Ciri+Fisusedto.........atext , — (@) Bold (b) Find (} Align (a) Highlight Section B 61) COMMENTS tool is found O° .....:.neeTab in MS word. 62) Document area in MS word is an area where... 63) Another name for Select text in MS WoId iS ......nense 64) The file that has not been saved is 2 default name. 65) To save an existing document with a different name... s used 66) What isthe full meaning of UPS? 67) ssn 8 used primarily to enter, edit, 68) Undo is ct .. While Redo is ct... 69) .. are types of computers that are designed to process both analog and digital information. save, retrieve and print documents. Page 20f3 2019/2020 ‘ST 103: Information and Communication Technology iv) ‘encompasses all of the technology that we use to collect, process, protect and store informatian. 1) system isa set-up consisling of hardware, software, data and the people who use therm , n) is a colection of hardware, software, data, people and procedures that are designed to generate information that supports the day-to-day, short-range, and long-range activities of users in an organization ; 73) 2 wantlomatin ‘system thal caplures and processes data generated during an organizaiion's day-to-day transactions 74) an information system that generates accurate, timely and organized information so managers and other users can make decisions, solve problems, supervise activities, and track progress. . 75). ..48 an information system designed to help users reach a decision when a decision-making situation arises. 76) Signals or information's passes from source to destination through > - 77) The use of an electronic transmission to allow a meeting to occur atthe same time in different locations is kr.7¥m as 78) an be defined as an electronic machine, operating under the control of Instructions stored in its meriary. 79) Two Characteristics of computer af@ «oe... and 80) Two broad classifications of computer are .... ANG... 81) ..... isa multiprocessing system capable of supporting up to 200 users simultaneously. 82) How many types of computers are classified based on Data Representation? .. 83) ....are used mainly in scientific applications for processing analog information. BA) sone AMM on. are tWO parts that make up a computer system, £85) ats as brain of the computer. 86). The Acronym RAM stands fo... 87) The Acronym ROM stands for : 88) ..... process any kind of graphical data. 89) one ND renee FE {WO EXAMpIeS of output devices. 90) Two types of software af@ seo. ANG sre nsen 91) consists of programs designed to perform specific tasks for users. $2) .....consists of the programs that control the operations ofthe computer and its devices. 3) .....computers contain at least one input device, one output device, one storage device, memory and a processor. Use the diagram below to answer question 94 to 100 a3 - fe - a A 8 c o E F 1 HAJIVA ZINATU STORE 2 | __sn [rem name] price [QUANTITY] TOTAL [AVERAGE] BEST soLD| 304 ik | _ 200 5 af 2 ‘illo | 450 7 s{3 Sugar_| 100 12 6 ia Salt 50 7igs Gart__| 250 - si 6 oi 350) 9 | 7 | Maggi | 450 10 8 Bread 300 2) Tetame ofthe Store owner is in which cl... oe) A Re ag on . 2) We acon range is... . ne the Total which is the product of the Price aid Quantity a Wie te, Average... 109) jhe datin the formula bar sin. cell. Whalis the cel address of the highest quantity value of the items. 2 Page 3 of 3 fa GST 104 (2019/2020) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY BIRNIN KEBBI [DIVISIGN OF GENERAL STUDIES} First Semoster Examinations, 2019/2020 SESSION SUBJECT: GST 104 (Use of Library and Study Skills) 1 Unit DATE OF EXAMINATION: Wed. 3, Feb. 2021 INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in both Sections TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hours Do not write anything on the question paper. SECTION A '. _Ailthe folowing are basic rules in wring reference except. a) Reference lst is arranged in alphabetical order using authors’ last names b) Use 8 instead of “and” when listing multiple authors of a source c) None of the above d) All of the above 2. Every country has its own..............ibrary that promotes and. Preserves the knowledge and culture of its citizens. a) Private b) Public c) National d) Special =I nota reference style a)NLAb) APA ¢) MLA. d) Harvard Library of congress classification scheme was “vise by. a) University library b) Melvin Dewey ¢) Library of congress d) Computer 8. Information divide means a gap between, a) Selection and acquisition b) Information rich and Information poor _c) System and computer d) Lata and information 3. Special brary can be regarded as a library thats established in.......@) Company b) Univesity) Col so rive jage_d) Polytechnic 4. Whatis the end product of Cataloguing? a) Book b) Subject c) Catalogue d) Library 5. Online publi aecess catalogue is use for information... a) coverage b) circulation) oieval ~—_—d) storage Bibliographic information does not incides......._ a) Tle. b) Publsher c) Autor <) iary 8 10. Offtine database could be accessed without....... a) network b) collection ¢) library materials) computer 11. Eslbrary is also called... library. a) Private b) Special ©) Digital 4) Manual 12 merge the result found in other search engine database a) Google _b) c) Search engine 4) Meta search engine 2 hhave_its own database but uses others database to search for information online a) Computer —b) Information ©) Meta search engined) Search engine 4 are used for organizing library materials a) OPAC and Search engine b) Cataloguing and classification c) Computer and catalogue d) Operating systems and browsers 15, .s.ueu 8 the earliest form of preserving and transmiting information among peopl. a) Written records b) Design ¢) Oral tradition 4) History 16. Inscription on cave walls, stones, tree brk, and in other forms, mark the era of. ) written communication b) oral tradition «) history d) ‘nowledge 17. The development of libraries can be traced to the ancient civilizations of... 2) Egypt, Greece, Rome b) China, Greece, USA) China, USA, Rome _d) Rome, Greece, China 18. Invention of movable types Mcrecited to... a) Assurbanipal b) Johannes Gutenberg c) LO. Aina) Jone Harris 19. sos Wa invented as @ medium of recoi:ied ..owledge be ‘ween 10 BC and 105 AD by Ts'ai Lun of Ch va a)Book —b)Papyrus —c) Paper _—d) Clay tablet ; - 20. Library can be describe as a place where information materials of different formats are systematicclly acquired except. a) Store b) Organize c) Pubic library) Preserve 21, ..... is nota hard copy material. a) Books b) Periodicals ¢) E Books 4) Journals ; 22, ...... nota softcopy materials. a) E Joumals b) Database _c) Audio-visual material _¢) Encyclopedia 23, ......48 not a method of acquiring library materials. 4) Purchased_b) Gits_c) Donations _d) Preservation _ _ 26, ...eni8 nota type of library, a) Academic Library b) School Library ¢) Intemational Library 4) National Librery 25. .-ooo8 another name of referencing. a) Connotation _b) Citation ) Annotation 4) Copy write 26, Referencing is an important element of academic writing to locate the original source of work and to fight. a) Theft b) Plagiarism —c) Buyers d) user . in reference style iS... @) African Physical Association b) Afican Psychological Assocation acini ee 3) amercan Psa ‘Association __d) American Psychological Association ‘a) In text citation and reference lst b) In textcitation and out text citation f ing are... 28, The wo pes ofeferencing ae ) out text citation and reference list d) In text citalion and bibliography Page 10f3 2020 GST 104: Use of Library and Study Skills 2019) 2. Suietansdevlpe he lem wg called 2) Cuneiform sign) Alphabetic sign c)Arabic sign d) Hone ofthe ove 20. --».WaS the writing medium of recording information during the middle era. a) Clay tablet —_b)Parchment oe aa = 31. Papyrus and... are the writing medium before paper a)Papyrus. ——b)Parchment —_¢) . Henry Cans collection formed the nucleus of the... ® a) Uneaty College, Ibadan _b) University of ile ¢) University of Lagos 4) None ofthe above aden nd Bin iy Was opened in 1943 fo serve as an information centre and later established Hbraries in Kaduna, Enugu, non a) Library of Congress b) Oxford University Library ¢) The British Council Library) University college Library 34. ...... oes not contribute to the development of libraries in Nigeria, a) The UNESCO Seminar, Ibadan held in 1953 ) The Advent of Information Communication Technologies _c) The creation of states in Nigeria 4) None of the above 35. Areference usually includes name of author, ....aNd .... Of information material oe ) date of publication, price, and tile ——-——b) colour,_ publishing company-and tite ; ©) date of publication, publishing company, and ilustration —d) date of publication, publishing company, and tie sory Sehee 38. Academic library exstn...... a) Nursery School b) Tertiary institutions of higher learning c) Primary School _d) Secon fry Schoo 37. Schoo! library operates in... a) Tertiary institution b) University library c) College library dd) Secondary, Primary and Nursery School 38. .....i8 nota function of Academic library. a) Provision of Conducive accommodation for study and research b) Provision of information materials that assist the library users fr recreational and selfdevelopment ©) Provision of information resources that suppors the information needs of faculles, and postgraduate stuients who are camrying out Tesearch work. — d) None of the above . - 2 38. The main purpose of School Library is to provide information materials. 8) Tomeetthe information needs of the pupils, students and sal ofthe schools 6) To Serve as legal depository d) To discourage reacng culture of the pup 40. 600 represent... in Dewey decimal classifation scheme a) Engish b) Physics) Applied science 4) Religion “iy, Pulte notations use by... classification scheme a) Computer” b) DDC Scheme ©)LC Scheme d) Library System 43 Gyreptesent...subjctin LC Classifeaion scheme a) Geography 8) Geology ¢) Science) Biology 43. Mixed notation is use by... classifation scheme ) Geman science b) American invention) Libray of congress) Onine Public access catalogue 44. A Catalogue card contain bibliographic information ofa. ) Library b) University c) Book) Nigeria 5, .. are information elieval tool. a) Lbraty registration and library orientation b) System organization and bibliography ©) OPAC and Search engined) Collection and retrieval 46. Browsers are used to search for an information... 2)inthe Hbrary b)onthe shelve c)online —_d) in catalogue da, S2meh engines can ony be accesS@d an ajindatabase yin acquisition —c) online) in the library 48. an. nk information and wisdom a) Dala b) Collection ©) Knowledge d) System 49. The full meaning of ISBN is. 2) Intemational Standard Book Number _b) Intermediate Standard Book Number ¢)Inlemational Serial British Number —__d) Intermediate Serici Bish umber ) Information Series Serial Number b) Internal Standard Series Number ©) International Standard Serial Number B. b) To serves as a depository centre forall publications 50. The acronyms ISSN means. 4) Intemet Standard Seeking Number 81. library serves as National repository Centre of all pubicaton. a) National b) Special) Public 4) Virtual 52, ...... library issue ISBN an@\SSN numbers a) National) Private ©) Academic) Public 53. ..... brary is regarded as Layman University, a) Virtual b) Special) Academic d) Public 54... library is owned by individual, a)Private ——b) Special ~—_c) Virtual 4) Public 55. ...... library collection is in electronic format. a) Virtual b) School ¢) Private 4) Special 56. Library materials can be classified info two groups namely, 2) Print and non printed format — b) Conservation and preservation _c) Book and journal 4) Collection and shelving 87... f8 not a reference material.) Dictionary b) Hand Book c) Encyclopedia 4) Textbook 58._...18 a designated Institution where information materials in printed and non-printed format. are collected, organized and arranged for __ easy access and use, a) School ) Library ¢) internet café 4) University 59. .. Is not a form of catalogue, a) Card b) Book ¢) Table 4) Shelf 60. The name of subscribed database in the FUBK Library is a)TinLib —b)Newgen —_¢) Ebscohost SECTION B: Answer All questions Aa) Write a short note on the following: (Encyclopedia (i) Dictionary (ii) E-Book (iv) Journals. (yy OPAC (b) Differentiate between DDC and LC 2a) Legal deposit is one of the functions of . 4) E-Granary Page 2 of 3 Gst 104: Use of Library and Study Skills 2oigr202" (vb) — Anexclusive right given by law to the creator of literary work as regard 9 the use. production and explottatian for economic ‘commercial purpose is refers to @ is standardized method of “acknowledging sources of information and ideas consulted for one’s research or (© Mention any three search method on FUBK Library OPAC. assignment to uniquely identity their sources ! GST 101 (2019/2020) : ony FEDERAL UNIVERSITY BIRNIN KEBBI < [DIVISION OF GENERAL STUDIES] Rone FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, 2019/2020 SESSION GST 101 Communication in English | (2 Units) Date of Examination: Monday 01°" Feb, 2021 INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in Section Aand one question in Section B TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hours Do not write anything on the question pa) er! SECTION A: OBJECTIVES Choose from letters A-D the best option that fills In the gap in each of questions 1-50. .Phone call D.Nap 4. Acouis nota form of communication. ‘A, Communiqué B.Letter 2. 18 nota barrier to effective communication. A. Strange accent B, Noisy C. Distance D. Sex 3. Ata point in oral communication between "vo people, the fst speaker becomes a(n). A.dunce B. audience C. fighter D. listener 4. The natural process of language leaming begins wth... A.wriing B, speaking C. reading —_—_. listening 5. Listening and speaking constitule...skils A, receptive B.literacy ©. productive D. oracy 6. The.....keep their opinion and thought to themselves. ‘Amen Buarrogant C.reticent —_—D. loquacious 7. Writing and... are productive skls A listening B.reading speaking —_D. studying 8 does not preclude effective reading A. Vocalizaion B, Regression C. Silence. Poisting 9. Productive language skils comprise. A listening and speaking B. listening and reading C. writing and speaking. reading and writing 10. Receptive skills encompass... ‘A listening and speling B. writing and listening C. istening and reading D. reading and writing 11. Reading with understanding is called... A. fll reading B. comprehension C. fluent reading D. perfect reading 42... nota bad reading practice. A, Head movement B. Reading in chunk C. Regressing D. Sub-vocalization 13. Allof the following have to be read extensively except... A. Newspapers B. Lecture notes C. Dictionary D. Encyclopedia 14. A reading practice that involves leaving out a part that would normally be read next is termed... ‘A.dictation —B. skipping C. skimming 9. scanning 415. Outlining is usually preceded by.... A. paragraphing B. brainstonning C. brain cracking D. brain stressing 416. A very thorough reading with attention to all details is known as .... reading ____Aiintensive__B. communicative _C, extensive _D. reading __ _ oe ; ow. ‘can begin a concluding paragraph. A. Finally B. Moreover C.Contrariwise . Again 18. paragraph is on@tthat initiates a piece of writing. A. Introductory 8. Concluding C. Summative D. Terminating 49. The part ofa sentence beginning from the verb to the end is broadly termeed.....A. predicate B. tal C. body D. subject 20. The predicate in the sentence: (ro loves Hadiza comprises ‘A.averb and an object B. a verb and predicate adjective C.a verb D. a verb and predicate pronoun 24. The subject inthe sentence: This is corrects a... A.pronoun —_B. noun C. adjective. complement 22. My uncle and guardian... to be here soon. A. are hoping B. hopes C. hoped D. hope 23. The Examination Oficerin the company of some final year students ..coming tothe hallow. A is. 8 was C. are D. were 2A, tis about time you...preparing A. started B. starts C.start D. are starting 25. Hadiza and Deborah are good..... A. fiends B. friendship C. fiend D. friends’ 38. Tom is...-.nefather. A.Jano.and.loh's —B.Jane'sand John’s C. Jane and John, Jane's and John 27, Pettaps my mother or |..t0 blame. Aam Bis C.are D. will The rest ofthe pupils ..expected to arrive tonight. A fs B.was C.are _D. were fallernow A.are Bis C.was D. were by the gate. A.tomatoes —_B. tomato C. many tomatoes _D. some tomatoes A. filantropist B. philanthropist. C. philantopistD. philanthrophist Page 1 of 2 28 p 99, You, not your sister 30, The litte girs sel 31, Tom's father's a GST 101: Communication in English I 32. Tolu suffered from..... recently. A. diorhea B. diarrhea C. dharriah 33. ...... ale two parts of speech. 2019/2020 D. dhorriah A. Preposition and conjuntion B. Preposition and conjunction C. Proposition and conjunction D. Priposition and conjunction 34. The Vice Chancellor is a..... A.nerosurgeon B. newrosurgeon C.neurosurgion —_D. neurosurgeon 35. Matthew started his career as an...... teacher, A. auxilliary B, auxiliary C. auxillary D. auxilary 36. The committee proposed ten thousand naira as ..... allowance. A. coffy B. coffee C. coffe D. cofee 37. Please, sit on the... A. sitee B. settee C. seettee D. sittee 38. The ball belongs to me. So, itis... Amy B. mime C. mes D “ine's 39. No sooner had the examination begun .., Patience started sweating. A.then B.than — C. when D. and 40. The visitor cannot differentiate between &mum B. dad's & mum's C. dad's & mum D. dad & mum's 41. The books are not only inadequate but they are .... fake. A. equally B. similarly C. also D. merely 42. Asentence that ends with ‘seeking for information. A: B.. Cc? 6D, 43. | admire two.... A. woman journalists B. women journalist C. women journalists D. womans journalists 44. We recently had a.......seminar in our department. A. two days B. twos day C. two-day D. two-days 45. ........8 the punctuation mark used to indicate insertion of missing word (s) A. Apostrophe B. Comma C. Caret D. Ellipsis 46. Parenthesis is another name for ....... A.dash B. colon C. brackets D. hyphen 47. The old man said that we had not seen the........A. worse _B. badest C. worst D. bad 48. explained clearly, | am still confused, A. However B. Since C. Though D. That 49.__.......he switched on the light, the shadow disappeared. A. Until B. Except C. When. D. Although 50. That Ada is currently doing the assignment means the assignment .........done. been B.hasbeen C.isbeing —_D. was being Choose from the options A-D the one that bears the correct grammatical name of the part underlined in each of 51-60. 51. The celebrant appreciated Dora. A. adverb B. verb C. adjective D. noun, 52. The professor complicates the concept. A. noun B. preposition — C. adjective D. verb, 53. Check your name below. A. adverb B. noun C. adjective D. teh 54. This examination is not difficult A. noun B. verb C. adjective D adverb 55. Ann lives outside the campus A. adverb B. preposition —_C. adjective D. noun 56. The guest speaker delivered her lecture quite aptly A. adjectival phrase B. noun phrase C. prepositional phrase D. adverbial phrase 57. The academic staff may soon goon strike. A. adjectival phrase B. adverbial phrase C. preposition phrase D. noun phrase 58. | know what can solve your problem. A. adjectival phrase B. noun phrase _C. adverbial clause D. noun clause 59. {1 have a distinction in this course, ! will celebrate it. A. adjectival clause B. noun clause C. noun phrase D. adverbial clause 60. We now live in a world where there is no peace. A. adverbial clause B. noun clause C, noun phrase _D. adjectival clause {Section B: Composition - Answer one question only in not less than 300 words, _ You were dissatisfied Pith the manner some of your GST courses were run this semester. Write a letter to the Director, Division cof General Studies of the University complaining about aspects of the programme that displeased you. 2. Narrate an experience which you have either had or heard that aptly illustrates the truth of the saying: uneasy lies the heac that wears the crown. . a ; 3, vai have observed an orphan that walks barefooted and sleeps in the open in spite of the cold. Write a letter to your mother : appreciating her love and giving reasons you will never be ungrateful. GST 104 (2017/2018) era) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY BIRNIN KEBBI IE ISION OF GENERAL STUDIES] FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, 2017/2018 SESSION WAT cg GST 104: Use of Library and Studies Skills (2 Unite) Date of Examination: Tuesday 37 April, 2018 INSTRUGHON: Answer all questions in Section A and Four Questions in Section & TIME ALLOWED: ? Hours eee LO Ot Write anything-on the question. paper! -—- SECTION A '_Awoiganized collection of information resources macle accessible fo a defined community for reference or borrowing is called --- A) Infomation Centre B. school C. bookshop th. library ‘ho librayy has been patronized frequently by the following users excepl... A shunts B. teachers C.rtesearchers 0, visitors {he following information resources are provided by tbrary oxcept . A Exesources _B. reference materials C. books D/personal data Library provided... . access (o information a) closed B. open/rée C.fees _D. none of the above Library helps sluddonts fo cary oul thei studies independently, by so... A. selling materials B. exchange of materials C, provide materials 0. help 6. Aiibrary can provide access to the re: aun -s that are inthe Hbrary through... A. purehs B. donation €. borrowing OF intertivrary loan j,_Milthe folowing are regulation inthe brary except...) smoking B. noise © reading D eating a - must be produced on entering the library ~ B. School LD Card. Borrowers Ticket Q. Library 1D Card fo, pvardue of library materials an offence which attracts... A. bonus B.fines C.giltD,allof ths above 1. he most dangerous offence inthe library thal atvacts expulsion {fom the university... pnt ‘A. noise making B, reco'ving call C. mutilation. stealing of fbrary material ils sreenss oreo Materials are not faken out ofthe library A, Fiction B. Reference book . Non-fiction D. All of the above 12. Allregistered students are entitled to... +». Borrowers Tickets A2 B5 c.3 a4) '3._ The first acadernic library in Nigeria was established if .......s.0. A.1960 8.1940, 1947 D. 1948 1. The National Library of Nigeria was established in... 191984 A. Abuja B. tbaden ©. Lagos. Kano 1_One of the responsibilities of National Library is-f issue = to publishers —- A funds B. infgimation materials G.ISBNASSN D. ofientation 1G. Letal deposit is one of le functions of 2 A. National fsrary B. Academic library, Law lbrary D. Private library 17, F UBK Library is an example of ..... A, Schoo! brary B, Research library C. University library D, Academic library Ii. Which of he folowing users patronize academic ibraies A, Sudents B, Lecturers C, Researchers. At ofthe above: 19, An information resource that carries current information in academic libraries i ‘A. New books B. Soriais C.Novels ——_D. None of the abo 20. Mibrary owned by stale or focal government is known a8... library A. School B, State C. Local -D. Public. 21. Users in public ibrarios ore .. A Student B. Teachers C. Researchers. D. Allof the above 22. Resouces fond in pubic Hoaries ref... A. General colecton 8, Cllural Documents. Books only D, Sel only 23. Vhe Iibrary established in Secondary and Primary Schools is known as .......... eeseeseee ‘A. Academic library ——_B. Primary/Secondary library. School lbvaty ‘0. Allo ne above 24. The following are the users of school library @COt nee Ax pUpils B. sludent C, teachers D. researchers 25, Motil ibrary is an example of. . library A. Clinical —-B Special». Private D. Health 78, Airary oveed by an individual is called... brary A. Special_B. Private. individual Academic 1. soniul6 an example of non-printed materials? A, Audio-visual B, Book ©. Encyclopedia D. Serial 28. Novel is an example Of... .. Material A, Non-fiction B, Serial ©. Fiction D. References . 1S the process of description of book and non-book material with bibliographic information, sssification B. Processing & Discrimination B. Cataloguing —— 10f2 * GSY AOA (2017/2018), |. The end product of cataloguing is called. sso A. Class mark B. Callnumher (, Catalogue —_D. Cabinet 31. LC was developed in ee A. England B. Nigeria C. France D. USA 3? LC divided the whole knowledge into .......... classes. A. 26 Bat C.19 0.40 33. Academic libraries used one of the following schemes to classify their resources ...... A, DDC BCC C.LC D.UDC 34, DDC was devised by assesses ‘A. Melvin Dewey 8. John Melvin C. Ranganathan 0. Librarian 36, InLCletler © & H sland for....... A. Science & Social Science B, Arts & Humanity C. Technology & Medicine D. None of the above 36, NDC used to classify information resources in .. library \carlamic B. Public & School C: Private D. Special =~ 27. DDC divided the whole knowledge into . . major classes. A. 20 B21 C10 om i... is aroference material that contains information of a prominent people. A..Biography B. Yearbookg.Almanac D.Dictionary 39. .... 18 a collection of Maps in a single and bound volume Is called ... A. Gazette B. Allas C. Map D. Government publication 40, Reference materials in the library are mainly for A.borrowing —B. selling C. consulting. all of the above 41. Which of the following is an example of reference malerials...... A, Encyclopedia B. Novel. C. Serial D, None of the above 42. he att of giving summary of original publication or article is called A index B. journal C. book —_D. abstract 43. Electronic or Digital catalogue is known as A.Nol B, Bio-one Microform —_D. Opac 44. An intellectual protection provided by law is A.intemet 8. publishers law ©, cdpyright D. library 45. A bound publication with less than 40 pages is called .......A. Journal B. books —_C. pamphlet D. newspaper 46. Copyright Inw gives the copyright owner the right 0... a A. perform publicly B. display publiclyC. reproduce —_D. all of the above AL. DDC uses, ...A. Mixed Notation B, Special Notation, Pure Notallon D. None of the above 8. .... Slyleis he most used reference style in Nigerlan academic environment. AAPA. B. MLA C. Harvard D. Oxford 49, The following are bibliographic information of a book material except... A-surname B.tille C. publisher. color ‘50. The process of acknowledging the sources of information consulled is Soho —_-—- A appreciation, citation C. bibliography D. none of the above -»- i8 an act of quoting someone's ideas without acknowledgement A. references B. copyright C, plagiarism D. citation Call number consists Of... sean Ac letter and numbers B. numbers only — C. leer only. none of the above Another name for library Users iS... A. patrons B. clients G. customers D. all of the above A library staff staying on the counter is called........ A.porter B.securily ._C. librarian __D. all ofthe above _ “Whur date MeANS wa... AL Fetuming date — B. borrowing date” ©. publication date 0 all of the above Undergraduate student publication is known as ......... A-dissertation B, thesis C. project _D. none of the above ‘A place where books are arranged in the library is called...... A. cabinets B. shelf —_C, counter D. none of the above 8, Box which contains catalogue cards is called ..... A. catalogue B. catalogue cabinet C. card house D. all of the above ‘54, F-libvary contains the following resources ‘A.Ejounals —_B. E-books~C-Esiewspapers—D-Alt of the above ——~ — G0. FUBK library services hours during working days are. i A.8:00am10 9:00pm —_B, 8:00am fo 10:00pm —C. 7:00am to 10°00pm —_D. S:00am to 11:00pm SECTION B (Answer only four (@} questions) ~ 4. A.Define book — B, Differentiate between fiction and non-fiction books 2. Write short note on the following: a. Year Book “B. Handbook — C. Dictionary 0. Map_@. Biography J Define OPAC B, Mention three (3) search method using OPAC ‘A. Whalis trary catalogue? —_B. Explain the major objectives/functions of library catalogue _ . 5, A. Brfefly explain the procodure for borrowing books in the library. A. Whal do you understand by overdue charges? 6. Wile the full meaning of the following a. OASP BL CASP C.DDG: c.LC D. UDC 7. Astucient ised work in writing his project, the work was published in 2010 in Journal of Advanced Nursing, volume 66 number +, wnitten by Musa Bako, Abduilkarim Yahaya, Aminu Said, Hassan Suleiman, Zainab Suleiman and Nafisa Abdullahi. The tile ~ of the arlicles is ‘Effectiveness of Respiratory in Pationts’. 1. Show how to cile this source in text b. Make a reference list for this source according to APA style Senor farby pb neato ned ly pubhcetvery ASP 3 Eper BEES CRSP => Clonee ACCESS FEDERAL UNIVERSITY BIRNIN KEBBI [DIVISION OF GENERAL STUDIES] First Semester Examinations, 2018/2019 SESSION OE SUBJECT: GST 103 (Information and Conununication Technology) UNITS: 1 DATE OF EXAMINATION: Thursday, 14" March 2019 INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in both Sections IME ALLOWED: 120 minutes Do not write anything on the question paper. SECTION A ee met Ee '.—_|snotan area concemed by computer security when dealing with data processing A Integrity B. Confidential C. Availablity D. Porosity 2 The function of computer Motherboard is__ A.(o deletes all data, anti-virus, C. to holds crucial ‘components of the system, D. fo controls and coordinates all the software a networking is the use of dedicated ‘websites and applications to interact with other users. . Cultural B, Social C. Traditional. Physical Trojans creates {hat gives malicious users access lo on a computer, A. Donor B. Backdoor, C. Files _D. Query. is a malicious program that selt-repicates by copying itself to another program, A. Vis B, Worm C, Trojan D.Spy. is not the purpose of creating a computer virus, jain Admin Control B, Steal Sensitive Data. C. Destroy Data_D. Synchronize Data. a —— snot an ideal method by which viruses spread. A. Emails) B. Infected Website C. Executable File D. Visiting Google. =< —Witus infects the master boot record and requires the system to be formatted to remove i A Boot Sector —_B. Resident. “oot Cluster D. Overwrite 9. Acomputer_____ if there is no fan or heat sink in ‘computer. A. will run faster. B. will have much clearer sound quality. C. may not work and cause certain functions to stop working properly. D. will delete the operating system 10. ____ is nota characteristic of a computer. A Speed B. Accuracy C. Versatility O. Flexibility 11, is not a criterion for classifying computers. ‘A Speed and size B. Manufacturing dale C. Mode of data representation D. Application 12. ____ virus is difficult to identiy wit a traditional ant-vius program. A. Boot Sector B. Polymorphic C. Boot Chster O. Overvrita 13. virus is difficult be identified and to remove, A. Boot Sector B.Resident C, Boot Cluster D. Overwrite 14. Js an input device, “A. monitor" B, Keyboard C. printer D. speaker 15, |s an Outputdevice; A. Mouse’ ‘' B. Scanner’ _C. Speaker —_. Joystick 16. Using size and speed of operation, ___is nota category of computers ‘A Minicomputer—B. Mainframe Computer C. Supercomputer D. Analog Computer 17. ____isavolatle memory. A, RAM B.ROM C. Hard Disk Drive (HDD) D.. DvD 18. ____islare the most important component of a computer. A. Hardware B, software C. Hardware and Software D-Nane otra 19, {sa commercial ofgghe shelf software that is designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of users, ‘A. Custom Software B. Packaged Software C, Shareware _D. Freeware 20, ____ are set of instructions thal govern the operation ofa computer system. A. CPU BRAM C, software D. Hardware 21. _____ provides physical protection to other intemal components of the computer. A Compulercase —_B, Motherboard C. Sou! card D. Operating System 22. ___i.a series of stops undertaken to ac‘ieve a desired outcome or goal. A Data B. Process C. Pesple D. Spy. 23. ___{s nt th use ofa computer in education. A. Enertainment B. CBT. C. Distence Learning. Computor Aided Leeming 24, virus deletes all the files it infects. A. Boot Sector B. Resident C. Boot Cluster. Overwnie 2B. collects and stores information about transactions, and controls some aspects of transactions . ‘A. Transaction Processing System B.Payment —_C. Destroy Data ‘D. Synchronize Data— - — —— 26, ___virus stays attached tothe specific type. A. Muliparite B. Resident C. Direct Action D. Ovenwite 27, virus is a non-resident vius. A. Boot Sector B.Resident —C. Overwrile D. Direct Action 28. _virus does not affect the user experience and system's performance. A. Direct Action B. Multipartite C. Overwrite D. Boot Sector 29. The computer secur area concemed with ony autorzed users having access to data resources and theiformaton scaled A imearty Coney oval Outen Page 1 of 3 . GST 103 ‘The computer ‘security area concerned with Data being available fo users when needed Is called i1,_ Integrity B. Confidentiality C. Availability D, Authentication. — ¥. .._ Vitus uses the extension of the infected files, A, Bool Sector B. File infeclorsC Overwrite Direct Action 1 CPUisthe ofthe computer. A. Heart B. Memory ——. Brain D. lungs MW «lo not reproduce by infecting other files nor do they selfsepiicate. A. Worms A. Trojans © Vins‘. Horse. 35, Due to the copying nalure of a worm and ils capability to travel across networks, worm consumes foo much of ‘A Haul Disk Space B. System memory. Program Speed. Processor 6 bilsisequalto tbyle, AT BB G10 0.16 MW. Posting negative comments on social media is an example of A.Privacyissue —B. sedentary ilestyle—_C. procrastina D. Cyberbullying 38 is the dedicated websites and application use (0 interact with people of similar interests A Facebook B Snapchat—C. Social networking. wow is not a benefit of social networking. A. Great opportunities for business B. Relaxation and enjoyment 1D. Realtime news and information discovery. 10 Mictosot office docs not have A. PowerPoint ® Eycel C. Word D Letter " is the dismulvantage of social networking. A. Cyberbullying B. Procrastination C. Sedentary ilestyle_D All ofthe above 12. Stross, anxiely, and depression can be caused by __on soctal networking. ‘A jmivacy issue —_B. peer pressure and cyberbullying C. distraction D. procrastination 43. Using the phone on the steering whee! is an example of _ A. Sedlentary lifestyle B. Privacy issue C. Gyber Bullying D. Distraction end procrastination 14, When social networking applications share your geographical location online is an example of __ disadvantage. A.lecation 8. distraction. instant communication , privacy issue ‘15 Selling and buying of products online through WhatsApp is afan ____ of social networking sites. A Disadvantage B. Limitation C. Benefit D. All of the above 16. The collection of computing devices connected via a communication medium is called ___ ‘A Networking B. Communication C.Network —_. connection is nota positive use of the infemet A. Research ~—_B. Adverlisement _. Online conference _D. yber crime Infermet of things (loT) equipment is used fo check blood genotype in___sector. A. Health B. Clinic C. Security D. Sducation allows users tu access a huge amount of information over the internet. A. Internet services B. Network C. Networking D Wi-Fi is not a service rendered by the intermet. A, Communication B. information retieval C. web services D. Intranet is used {0 log on to a computer attached over the intemet. A. Telnet B. Email C. intemet relay chat D. internet telephony ollers real-time chat between a group of people. A. WhalsApp B. Yahoo —C. Instant messaging _D. MSN messenger Data can be defined as____A. science B Art C.Rawlect —D.IT is the most common resource shared today. A. Music B.intemet —_C. Picture D. Intranet is not a service rendered under Information retrieval services. AFTP — B.Email C.Gopher 0. VERONICA tlisplays the names of the open program in a Microsoft Word. A.Name bar 8. Title Bar C. Ruler D. Header not a good use of a computer. A. Hacking —_B. Theft . Soltware Piracy D, Aliof the above _ is used to open a pr@yrarnfle. A. Leftclick _B. Right-cick CC. Double click D. Highlight ~ ate called! commercial off the shelf software designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of users. ‘A.Ransomware B.OSWare —_C. Packaged Software. Delete ware. 60. Megabyleis approximately equal___bytes. A. billion B.trilion C. miion D. thousand Section B (Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate answer) 1. The full meaning of PSU is_____ 2. GPUstands for 3. GUI stands for 4 ___is mostly used for navigation in the computer 5. The Information System DSS stands for__ ~ - ~ 6. __ is a medium which sends information from source to receiver 7 is a hardware that allows user enter text Into the computer. 8 Telephones send information through wires in form of ____ 9. __is amethod of transferring information to far off places instantly. 10. ____creales simple to complex data/numerical Page 2 of 3

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