Organisms and Population
Organisms and Population
Organisms and Population
• Organisms- every individual of a species
The organism is defined as the minimal functional unit of life. An Organism
can grow, reproduce, and respond to its environment. It is made up of cells
that work together to keep it alive. Organisms have specific structures and
organs that enable them to perform different functions necessary for their
survival. They interact with other organisms and their surroundings in
complex ecosystems, forming food chains and ecological relationships.
Organisms have the ability to adapt to their environment and evolve over
time to increase their chances of survival.
• Population- individuals of the same species at a given place
Groups of individuals from the same species that share or compete for similar
resources and live together in a defined geographical area constitute
a population.
The population also has the potential to interbreed. Populations are dynamic
and can change over time due to factors like birth, death, immigration
(individuals moving into the population), and emigration (individuals
moving out of the population). They can exhibit certain characteristics and
behaviors specific to their species, which may be influenced by genetic
variations and environmental factors. At the population level, evolutionary
changes take place through natural selection.
1. Artic & Alpine Tundra
2. Coniferous Forest
3. Temperate Forests
4. Grassland
5. Tropical Forest
6. Desert
Life exists even in extreme & harsh habitats. E.g. Rajasthan desert, rain-soaked
Meghalaya forests, deep ocean trenches, torrential streams, permafrost (snow
laden) polar regions, high mountain tops, thermal springs & compost pits.
Our intestine is a habitat for many microbes.
- The physico-chemical (abiotic) components (water,light, temperature, soil
etc.) & biotic components
(pathogens, parasites, predators, competitors etc.) lead to variation of
different habitats.
- The distinct role and position of an organism in its environment is called its
niche. By this, each organism tolerates various conditions, utilises various
resources etc.
• Ecologically most imp. Factor
• Decreases progressively from equator towards pole and from plane to
mountain tops
• Polar Region and high altitudes- sub zero level Tropical deserts > 50°C
• Organisms survive only in suitable range of temperature
Average temperature in thermal springs & deep-sea hydrothermal vents is
above 1000C.
- Mango trees cannot grow in temperate countries (Canada, Germany etc.).
There is no Snow leopard in Kerala forests. Tuna fishes are rare beyond
tropical latitudes in the ocean.
- Temperature affects kinetics of enzymes, basal metabolism and other
physiological functions of the organism.
• Based on tolerance to temperature
- Eurythermal
Organisms that tolerate wide range of temperature
- Stenothermal
Organisms that tolerate only narrow range of temperature
• Life on earth originated in water
It is the second most important factor.
- Desert organisms have special adaptationsto limited water.
- Productivity & distribution of plants is dependent on water.
- For aquatic organisms, water quality (pH, chemical composition) is
important. The salt concentration (salinity in parts per thousand) is less than
5 in inland waters, 30-35 in the sea and > 100 in some hypersaline lagoons.
- Based on the tolerance to salinity, organisms are 2 types:
▪ Euryhaline: Tolerate a wide range of salinities.
▪ Stenohaline: Tolerate only a narrow range of salinity.
Many freshwater animals cannot live for long in sea water and vice versa
because of the osmotic problems.
• Small plants (canopied by tall plants) adapted to photosynthesize at
low light conditions.
• Flowering dependent on sunlight
• Foraging, Reproductive and migratory activities of animals depend on
seasonal variation in light intensity
• UV component – harmful to organisms
Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis.
- Small forest plants (herbs & shrubs) are adapted to photosynthesize
optimally under very low light because they are overshadowed by tall,
canopied trees.
- Many plants depend on sunlight for photoperiodism (e.g.flowering).
- Many animals use diurnal and seasonal variations in light intensity and
photoperiod for timing their foraging, reproductive & migratory activities.
- Sun is the ultimate source for light & temperature on land.
Deep (> 500m) in the oceans, the environment is dark and there is no energy
available from sun.
- The spectral quality of solar radiation is also important for life. The UV
spectrum is harmful to many organisms. Not all the colour components of the
visible spectrum are available for marine plants.
Depending upon requirement of light intensity, plants may be heliophytes
(requires high light intensity) or sciophytes (requires low intensity).
Change of position by the organism from one place to another to escape from
stressful situation.
For example, every winter the famous Keolado NP (Bharatpur) in Rajasthan
host thousands of migratory birds coming from Siberia and other extremely
cold northern regions.
4. Suspend:
Stopping of metabolic activities and slower their rate to escape from the
unfavourable environment conditions.
E.g. Thick walled spores in bacteris, fungi and lower plants and seed
dormancy in higher plants.
Hibernation- The phenomenon in which animals arrest their metabolism
during winter to escape from extreme of cold. E.g. polar bears.
Aestivation-The phenomenon in which animals arrest their metabolism
during summer to escape from extreme of heat. E.g. snail and fish aestivation.
Diapause- It is a state of suspended or arrested in development of an
organism. E.g. zooplankton in lakes and ponds.
Any attributes or qualities of an organism (morphological, physiological or
behavioural) that enables the organism to survive and reproduce in its own
It may be -
a. Phenotypic (changes in morphology and physiology) that result in the
production of phenotype variants called ecads or ecophenes.
b. Genotypic (changes in the gene constituents) that results in the production
of genetic variants subpopulation called ecotypes.
Adaptations in Plant:
1. Light regime:
a. Sun plants (Heliophytes) requires high light intensity, have shorter and
thicker internodes and leaves are pale green with shiny surface and thicker
cuticle, while
b. Shade plants (Sciophytes) requires low light intensity, have soft, slender,
long internodes. Leaves are bright green colour with thinner cuticle.
2. Water and Heat:
Xerophytes (Ephemerals, Annuals, Succulents, Non-succulents) -
a. Leaves are modified into spines to minimize water loss during
b. Presence of thick cuticle and sunken stomata.
c. Stem becomes flattened, green (Phylloclades) to perform photosynthesis.
d. CAM pathway of photosynthesis.
e.g. Opuntia, Aloe, Agave, Asparagus, Euphorbia, Acacia, etc.
3. Aquatic environments:
Hydrophytes (Submerged, suspended, free floating, floating leaved anchored
and emergent) -
a. Mucilage covering to protect them from epiphytes, pathogens and animals.
b. Roots are not well developed and presence of root pockets for balancing.
c. Stem are long, slender, spongy and flexible.
d. Presence of special air storing organs and aerenchymatous tissues.
e. Emergent hydrophytes have heterophyllous leaves.
e.g. Hydrilla, Vallisneria, Ranunculus, Eichhornia, Pistia, Wolffia, etc.
3. Saline environments:
Halophytes –
a. Stem mostly succulent or fleshy.
b. Mangroves have specialized roots called pneumatophores for gaseous
exchange and show vivipary.
c. Stem has thick cuticle.
d. Sorbitol and Proline are often found for osmoregulation.
e.g. Rhizophora, Atriplex, Ceriops, etc.
Adaptations in Animal:
1. Migration:
2. Suspension:
3. Camouflage:
a. Ability to blend with the surroundings or background (to protect against
b. Leaf like grasshopper (Arantia rectifolia), Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa).
c. Stick insect (Carausius), leaf insect (Phyllium) and dead leaf butterfly
4. Mimicry:
Resemblance of one species with another in order to escape against predation
(offence and defence).
a. Batesian mimicry – resemblance to a dangerous or unpalatable model. E.g.
Viceroy butterfly (Bosilarchia) mimics Monarch butterfly.
b. Mullerian mimicry – resemblance of two animal species to their mutual
benefits. E.g.Monarch butterfly and Queen butterfly.
5. Water Scarcity:
Kangaroo rat in North American deserts adapted to scarcity of external water
through internal fat oxidation (in which water is releases as by-product) and
concentrate its urine so that minimal volume of water is used to remove
excretory products. Feeds mainly on dry seeds.
Camel adapted by economical in water consumption, tolerance to temperatute
fluctuations, no sweating till body temperature rises to 55o - 66oC, drinking
large quantity of water, production of dry faeces and concentrated urine, store
fats in their humps to insulate heat.
6. Behavioural:
Desert lizards keeps their body temperature fairly constant by sun basking
when body temperature drops and moves into shades when surrounding
temperature starts increasing. Fossorial species are also observed.
7. Physiological:
1. Altitude sickness due to low atmospheric pressure of high altitudes and the
body does not get enough oxygen. Under these conditions, our body
acclimatized by increasing RBCs production, decreasing the binding capacity
of haemoglobin to oxygen and by increasing breathing rate.
That is why, many tribes living in high altitude normally have a higher count
of haemoglobin than people living in the plains.
Adaptations of archae bacteria in hot springs-They have heat shock proteins
in their body and also have branched chain lipids in their cell membranes.
8. Excessive cold:
1. Allen’s rule- Mammals in colder climates possess shorter body extremities
such as ears, tail, snout and limbs.
2. Bergman’s rule- Temperature affects the absolute size of an animal i.e.
colder region have larger body size.
3. Jordan’s rule- Temperature affects the morphology of certain fishes i.e.
increasing scales, fin rays, vertebrae with decreasing temperature.
Adaptations of certain fishes in Antarctic water-
They have extra solutes like glycerol and antifreeze amino acids in their body
fluids and specialice nucleating proteins in the extracellular spaces that
prevent the blood and tissue fluid from being frozen.
Group of individuals living in a well defined area which share or compete for
similar resources and potentially interbreed
Number of individuals present per unit area at a given time.
Factors affecting change in population density
1. Food availability
2. Predation pressure
3. Weather
1.Natality (B) : Number of births during given period in the population that
are added to the initial density
2.Mortality (D) : Number of deaths in the population during a given period.
3.Emigration (E) : Number of individuals of the population who left the habitat
and went elsewhere during the given period
4. Immigration (I) : Number of individuals of the same species that have come
into the habitat from elsewhere during the time under consideration.
If N is the population density at time ‘t’, then its density at time ‘t+1’
Nt+1 = Nt + [(B + I) – (D + E)]
• When resources are unlimited, each species realizes its innate potential
to grow in no. – population grows exponentially
• N – Population size
b – Birth rates( per capita births)
d – Death rates (per capita deaths)
dN/dt – increase/decrease in N during time t
Nt = N0ert
• No population has unlimited resources-leads to competition for
• Fittest individual survive and reproduce
• Carrying capacity (K)- Maximum population density a habitat’s
resources can support
• When a population has limited resources it shows
1. lag phase
2. phase of acceleration
3. asympote- population density = K
Types of Interactions:
Mutualism + +
Competition - -
Predation + -
Parasitism + -
Commensalism + 0
Ammensalism - 0