Sadbhav EPE-PKG-1-Design Report For RE Wall

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TEL: 0124 – 2841400

REPORT NO.: IND/HR/16/PW-173/02/R0 DATE: 24/01/2017








Note on Design of Reinforced Soil Wall


For proposed six laning of eastern periphery expressway of NH NO.NE-II on EPC
Basis package-1 , the solid approaches are to be retained using Reinforced Soil (RS) Walls. It
is proposed to build the walls using ParaWebTM reinforced soil wall system. ParaWebTM
reinforced soil wall comprises of thin pre-cast concrete panels, polymeric strips ParaWebTM
2E, connected to the pre-cast units at the face of the structure using Cavity Connector and
passing around anchor bars at the rear, the earth fill and accessories. Refer Figure 1.

The ParaWebTM 2E comprise of tendons made from high tenacity polyester fibers
concentrated in ten separated bundles and encased in a durable polyethylene sheath. The
strength of the material is in the fibers whereas the sheath forms the size and shape of the
anchor and provides protection to the polyester core yarns.

The design principles, design considerations such as properties of fill material, loading on RS
Wall and partial material factors for ParaWeb 2E considered in design have been presented

The design of Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls follow the principles involved in conventional
soil retaining structure, however, reinforced soil structures require additional consideration
with respect to soil/ reinforcement interaction.

The design involves checks for external and internal stability. The external stability covers the
basic stability of the reinforced soil structure as a unit, whilst internal stability analysis
examines the effectiveness of the geosynthetic reinforcement to hold the reinforced soil mass
together so that the geosynthetic layers and soil function as a monolithic block.
Figure 1. Components of ParaWeb Reinforced Soil Wall

The external stability is evaluated by assuming that the reinforced soil mass acts as a rigid
body. It must resist the earth pressure imposed by the backfill retained by the reinforced soil
mass and any surcharge loads. Potential external modes of failure considered are:
- Sliding
- Overturning
- Bearing capacity of foundation

Internal Stability basically considers two failure possibilities:
- Rupture of reinforcement
- Pullout of reinforcement
Initially the overall geometry of the wall is assumed based on standard guidelines. Thereafter
necessary checks for external and internal stability are carried out. Based on the results the
reinforcement layout is optimised.
Design has been carried out using BS 8006: 2010 Code of Practice for Strengthened/
reinforced soils and other fills. BS: 8006 advocates limit state principles for design of
reinforced soil wall, wherein, partial factors are applied on materials and loads and adequate
safety margins are ensured under various load combinations. As per the guidelines given in
BS:8006, design has been carried out for three load combinations i.e., Load combination A, B,
and C using partial load factors given in Table 17.

The seismic design and the surcharge design are not covered in BS: 8006. Hence, the seismic
design and surcharge design has been carried out based on the guidelines given AFNOR

The properties of fill as well as foundation material considered in design are:
Unit Weight - 21.5kN/m3
Angle of internal friction - 30


Unit Weight - 18 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction - 30
Cohesion - 0 kN/m2


Apart from self weight of the structure other loads considered in design are:
a) Dead weight of material above the top of panel equal to 13.5 kN/sq.m, considering the
road crust thickness of 610mm in the design.
b) Live load due to vehicular loading equal to 26 kN/sq.m
c) Strip load due to self weight of crash barrier and friction slab 16.0kN/m2 over a width
of 1.8m.
The project lies in Zone - IV as per IS 1893 Part I-2002. Thus, for seismic analysis
maximum ground acceleration coefficient of 0.12 has been considered.
ParaWeb 2ETM shall be used as reinforcing elements. The material factors considered for
ParaWeb 2ETM in the design are given in table below:
Summary of material factors for ParaWeb 2E+ & 2ETM 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 85 and 100
ParaWeb 2E+ & 2E Type
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
30 40 50 60 75 85 100
Characteristic tensile
30.16 40.2 50.27 60.32 75.4 85.45 100.54
strength, Tult (kN)
Width of Strip (m) 0.085 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09
Durability reduction factor
1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21
Installation damage
1.05 1.05 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03
reduction factor (RFid)
Creep reduction factor
1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Coverage Ratio, Rc (with
0.17 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18
2 strips per rmt.)
Coverage Ratio, Rc (with
- - - - - 0.225 0.225
3 strips per rmt.)
Coverage Ratio, Rc (with
- - - - - 0.27 0.27
4 strips per rmt.)

The soil – reinforcement interaction coefficients considered in design are:

Pullout resistance factor – 1.1 at top reducing to 0.9 tan at 6m depth from top and then

The design has been carried for wall heights (measured up to top of panel for convenience)
0.8,1.6,2.4,3.2,4.0,4.8,5.6, 6.4 ,7.2 ,8,8.8,9.6,10.4,11.2,12,12.8,13.6 & 14.4m

The reinforced soil walls were designed using in house Maccaferri software – MacRes 2.0.

MacRes 2.0.
MacRes 2.0 is a spreadsheet based program which checks external stability of the wall and
calculates the internal forces and adhesion of the reinforcement elements using the coherent
gravity method in the reinforced soil block. The program uses databases of Maccaferri’s range
of polymeric or steel reinforcement and standard concrete wall panels.
The output reported herein is related to each Cross section analyzed:
Soil characteristics:
RE backfill (Structural Soil) (Soil 1): containing maximum and minimum value of the weight
density (gamma1) and the angle of shearing resistance (phi1) of the reinforced soil.
General Backfill (Soil 2): containing the maximum and minimum value of the weight density
(gamma2) and the angle of shearing resistance (phi2) of the general backfill soil.
Foundation Soil (Soil 3): containing the angle of shearing resistance (phi3) and the cohesion
(C3) of the foundation soil.
In the output table are reported all the calculation results for each layer of reinforcements
Internal stability – Rupture (overdesign factors)
Column 1 : number of the reinforcements layer.
Column 2 : Loading conditions.
Column 3: depth “z” of the layer from the top of the wall (m)
Column 4: Length of the reinforcement
Column 5 : sv, vertical spacing between two contiguous reinforcement layers.
Column 6 : k value, thrust coefficient, evaluated according to the following diagram (NF P 94-
227 - Annex E paragraph E.2.3.3)

K a 1,6 K a
0 K


FIG. 1
Column 7 : strip type
Column 8: Number of reinforcements at the layer considered (in the width of calculation).
Column 9: vi
Column 10 : hi, ; hi = k *vi
where : k is reported in Column 6, and
v total vertical stress at the depth considered due to weight and unstabilizing moment
Column 11 : Tmax (kN), maximum force in the reinforcement;
Column 12: To (kN), maximum force at the junction between the reinforcement and concrete
Column 13: Tr/Tm, ratio between the reinforcement long-term strength Tr (already divided by
the partial factor γmt) and Tm =Tmax. (in case of Steel reinforcement in the calculation of Tr the
cross section of the reinforcements has already been reduced using the sacrificial thickness due
to corrosion).
Column 14: Tro/Tm, ratio between the long-term strength at the junction between the
reinforcement and concrete panel Tro (already divided by the partial factor γmt) and To.
Internal stability – adherence (overdesign factors)
For each loading conditions and for each layer of reinforcements the software evaluate the
maximum force in the reinforcement (Tmax) and the maximum values of the adherence
between the reinforcement and the soil Tf . The software compare these values.
In the output table are reported all the calculation results for each layer of reinforcements
Column 1 : number of the reinforcements layer.
Column 2 : Loading conditions.
Column 3: depth “z” of the layer from the top of the wall (m)
Column 4: Length of the reinforcement
Column 5 : La (m), adherence length
Column 6 : μ* , design shear resistance coefficient between reinforcement and structural soil;
Column 7 : type of reinforcement (used in definition of μ*)
Column 8: Number of reinforcements at the layer considered (in the width of calculation).
Column 9: Width of reinforcement
Column 10: vi
Column 11 : Tmax (kN), maximum force in the reinforcement
Column 12 : Tf (kN), maximum adherence value in the reinforcement at the layer (already
divided by the partial factor γmf).
Column 13 : Tf/Tmax, ratio between the maximum adherence value and Tmax
Meyerhof stress, v is the base pressure at the founding level of RS wall, and thus is the safe
bearing capacity requirement for the structure. For load Case A, the loads are multiplied with
partial factor of 1.5 and thus ultimate bearing capacity of the founding stratum shall be 1.35
times the safe bearing capacity requirement i.e., Meyerhof stress, v (Refer Table -16 of
BS:8006). In load case C, load factors considered are 1. Thus, minimum safety factor over
ultimate bearing capacity for this case shall be 2 for evaluating the safe bearing capacity of
founding strata. The safe bearing capacity requirement at the founding stratum indicated in
design summary and drawings is on the basis of Meyerhof stress for load case C.

The maximum design section applicable for the project is of 14.4 m (H) height. This height
“H” for the design and analysis is measured from top of leveling pad to top of topmost panel.
The Mayerhof stress v for 14.4 m design section at the base of the wall from load case
‘C’ is 442.86 kN/m2.

The minimum embedment of RS wall below E.G.L./S.R.L has been considered as 1 m.




500 1000 500


wv kN/m
2000 BM diagram

P P wh kN/m

BM diagram

The facia elements of ParaWeb reinforced soil wall are reinforced concrete panels. The standard panel covers an effective area of
about 2 m x 1.6m. ParaWeb is connected to the panel by Cavity Connector arrangement. ParaWeb of different strength ranging from
30kN to 100kN are used for the construction of reinforced soil wall as per the strength requirement depending on the loads for different
wall heights.

For the design and construction purpose the panels are distinguished as normal panels and heavy panels depending upon the strength
of ParaWeb connected to the panel. Panels with ParaWeb of strength less than or equal to 75kN are designated as normal standard
panels [S] and for panels with ParaWeb of strength more than 75kN are designated as heavy panels [SH].

The panels are designed in two directions i.e., vertical plane and horizontal plane as one way spanning slabs. It considered that the
slabs shall resist a uniformly distributed soil pressure wv in vertical plane and wh in horizontal plane. The ParaWeb connections to the
panels are modeled as simple supports.

Design of standard normal and heavy panel by Limit State Method as per provisions of IS: 456 2000 has been presented herein.

Load on Panels:

As described above, for normal panels the maximum strength of ParaWeb is 75kN and for heavy panels the maximum strength of
ParaWeb is 100kN. Following minimum partial safety factors are considered in design.

Durability reduction factor (RFd) 1.21

Installation damage factor (Rfid) 1.03
Creep Reduction factor (RFc) 1.43
Minimum Factor of Safety (F.O.S) 1.5

Characteristic Strength, Tult, kN 75 100 MI/WDC/QF/25

Long Term Design Strength, kN 42.08 56.11 R00/1.07.08
LTDS = Tult/ (RFdxRFidxRFc)
Force in the reinfrocement F, (LTDS/FOS) 28.06 37.41

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At each connection there are two ParaWebs.

Uniformly distributed load on panel in vertical plane, w v, kN/m:

For 75 kN ParaWeb = 4*2*28.06/1.6 = 140.28 kN/m
For 100 kN ParaWeb = 4*2*37.41/1.6 = 187.03 kN/m

Uniformly distributed load on panel in horizontal plane, w h, kN/m:

For 75 kN ParaWeb = 4*2*28.06/2 = 112.22 kN/m
For 100 kN ParaWeb = 4*2*37.41/2 = 149.63 kN/m

Bending moment and Shear Force

Vertical Plane:

P, support reaction = wv x 0.8

Bending moment at Support, BMs = wv x 0.4^2/2

Bending moment at Midspan, BMms = wv x 0.8^2/2 - P x 0.4

Shear force at Face of Support, SFs = wv x (0.4-0.033)

Shear force at Midspan, SFms = wv x 0.8 - P

P BMs BMms SFs SFms

kN kN.m kN.m kN kN
75 kN ParaWeb 112.22 11.22 0.00 51.48 0
100 kN ParaWeb 149.63 14.96 0.00 68.64 0

Horizontal Plane:

P, support reaction = wh x 1.0

Bending moment at Support, BMs = wh x 0.5^2/2

Bending moment at Midspan, BMms = wh x 1^2/2 - P x 0.5

Shear force at Face of Support, SFs = wh x (0.5-0.06)

Shear force at Midspan, SFms = wh x 1.0 - P

P BMs BMms SFs SFms

kN kN.m kN.m kN kN
75 kN ParaWeb 112.22 14.03 0.00 49.26 0.00
100 kN ParaWeb 149.63 18.70 0.00 65.69 0.00

Panel Details:
Total thickness of Panel : 180 mm
Thickness of asthetic design : 20 mm
Effective thickness of Panel : 160 mm
Characteristic Strength of Concrete : 35 N/
Characteristic Strength of Steel : 500 N/
Clear cover to the Reinforcement : 50 mm from Earth Side

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Reinforcement Requirement:
75 kN ParaWeb 100 kN ParaWeb
Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
Plane Plane Plane Plane
Bending Moment : 11.22 14.03 14.96 18.70 kN.m
Design Bending Moment : 16.83 21.04 22.44 28.06 kN.m
Effective depth, d : 106 98 106 98 mm
Width, b (perpendicular to plane): 2000 1600 2000 1600 mm
Area of steel required : 374.71 518.30 504.12 703.53
Minimum area of steel : 384.00 307.20 384.00 307.20 (IS: 456, Cl.

Provide : 8T8 6T8+2T16 12T8 6T8+2T20

Area of steel provided : 402.12 703.72 603.19 929.91

Check for Shear:

75 kN ParaWeb 100 kN ParaWeb
Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
Plane Plane Plane Plane
Maximum Shear Force : 51.48 49.26 68.64 65.69 kN
Design Shear Force : 77.22 73.90 102.96 98.53 kN
Effective depth, d : 106 98 106 98 mm
Width, b (perpendicular to plane): 2000 1600 2000 1600 mm
Shear Stress : 0.364 0.471 0.486 0.628 N/
Percentage Steel provided : 0.190 0.449 0.285 0.593
Shear Strength of Concrete tck : 0.412 0.605 0.497 0.683 N/ (IS: 456, Cla. 40.2
and Table 19)

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Rev. 05, Issue Date 07.07.2015


ParaWebTM strips consists of a core of high tenacity polyester yarn tendons encased in a polyethylene sheath. The strips are
suitable for reinforcement applications in combination with precast concrete panel facing.

PARAWEB GRADE 30 40 50 60 75 85 100

PARAWEB TYPE 2E+ 2E+ 2E+ 2E 2E 2E 2E
Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) kN 30.16 40.20 50.27 60.32 75.40 85.45 100.54
Long Term Tensile TCR (70% of UTS at 30°C - kN 21.09 28.11 35.15 42.18 52.73 59.76 70.31
120 years design life)
PARTIAL MATERIAL FACTORS (according to BS 8006 - Ultimate Limit State)
Consistency of manufacturing fm11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Assessment of available data fm121 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Extrapolation to 120 year design life fm122 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Intermediate and long term effects of installation damage: (See Notes)
Soil type I fm21 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.07 1.06
Soil type II fm21 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03
Soil type III fm21 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03
Environmental degradation - pH range 4.0 to fm22 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21
MATERIAL FACTOR (BS 8006 - U.L.S.) fm = fm11 x fm121 x fm122 x fm21 x fm22

Soil type I fm 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.29 1.28

Soil type II fm 1.27 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Soil type III fm 1.27 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Soil type I/II/III α 0.80 to 0.90


Soil type I TD 16.14 21.51 26.90 32.28 40.35 46.16 54.82

Soil type II TD 16.60 22.13 28.20 33.85 42.31 47.95 56.41
Soil type III TD 16.60 22.13 28.20 33.85 42.31 47.95 56.41

Soil type I : coarse crushed gravel (Dmax = 75.0mm D50 ≈ 12.5mm)
Soil type II : concrete sand (Dmax = 25.0mm D50 ≈ 0.850mm)
Soil type III : silty sand (Dmax = 25.0mm D50 ≈ 0.150mm)

For the optimisation and improvement process of the technical characteristics of the
products, the manufacturer reserves the right to modify the standard characteristics of
the product without any notice. The information contained herein is to the best of our
knowledge accurate, but since the circumstances and conditions in which it may be used
are beyond our control, we do not accept any liability for any loss or damage, however
arising, which results directly or indirectly from the use of such information nor we do
offer any warranty or immunity against patent infringement.

Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. LRQA certified Quality management system with
14th Floor, Vatika Professional Point, Golf Course Ext. Road ,Gurgaon – 122001 UKAS accreditation.
Tel: +91- 0124– 4398400 , Fax: +91– 0124– 4398444
E-mail: - Web site:

R00 - 01/07/08
Summary of Design for Paraweb Reinforced Soil Wall


Reinforced Fill: Density :-21.5 kN/m phi = 30 Seismic Zone - IV
Retained Fill: Density :-21.5 kN/m3 phi = 30

Design Height,
(m) 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8.0 8.8

S.B.C. (kN/m2)
Reinf. 84.44 102.54 123.55 146.27 166.26 188.83 211.47 235.08 257.70 279.65
top to bottom) (in
m) Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m
0.4 40 3.2 40 3.3 40 3.6 40 4 40 4 40 4.4 40 5 40 5.5 40 6.1 40 6.6
1.2 50 3.9 50 3.3 50 3.4 50 3.8 50 3.9 50 4.4 40 5 40 5.5 40 6.1 40 6.6
2 - - 50 4.2 50 3.4 50 3.6 50 3.8 50 4.4 50 5 50 5.5 50 6.1 50 6.6
2.8 - - - - 60 4.5 60 4.3 60 3.8 60 4.4 60 5 60 5.5 60 6.1 60 6.6
3.6 - - - - - - 60 4.8 60 4.6 60 4.4 60 5 60 5.5 60 6.1 60 6.6
4.4 - - - - - - - - 75 5.1 75 4.9 75 5 60 5.5 60 6.1 60 6.6
5.2 - - - - - - - - - - 75 5.5 75 5.5 75 5.5 75 6.1 75 6.6
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 75 6 75 6 75 6.1 75 6.6
6.8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85 6.4 85 6.5 85 6.6
7.6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 6.9 100 7
8.4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 7.4

Design Height,
(m) 9.6 10.4 11.2 12.0 12.8 13.6 14.4

S.B.C. (kN/m ) 301.16 326.16 350.79 373.41 395.46 420.25 442.86
top to bottom) (in Name of Paraweb Rc
m) Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m Type Length, m
0.4 40 7.2 40 7.7 40 8.3 40 8.9 40 9.4 40 10 40 10.6
1.2 40 7.2 40 7.7 40 8.3 40 8.9 40 9.4 40 10 40 10.6 ParaWeb 2E 30 0.17
2 50 7.2 50 7.7 50 8.3 50 8.9 50 9.4 50 10 50 10.6 ParaWeb 2E 40 0.18
2.8 60 7.2 60 7.7 60 8.3 60 8.9 60 9.4 60 10 60 10.6 ParaWeb 2E 50 0.18
3.6 60 7.2 60 7.7 60 8.3 60 8.9 60 9.4 60 10 60 10.6 ParaWeb 2E 60 0.18
4.4 60 7.2 60 7.7 60 8.3 60 8.9 60 9.4 60 10 60 10.6 ParaWeb 2E 75 0.18
5.2 75 7.2 75 7.7 60 8.3 60 8.9 60 9.4 60 10 60 10.6 ParaWeb 2E 85 0.18
6 75 7.2 75 7.7 75 8.3 75 8.9 75 9.4 75 10 75 10.6 ParaWeb 2E 100 0.18
6.8 85 7.2 85 7.7 75 8.3 75 8.9 75 9.4 75 10 75 10.6 ParaWeb 2E 100* 0.225
7.6 100 7.2 85 7.7 85 8.3 85 8.9 85 9.4 85 10 85 10.6 ParaWeb 2E 100** 0.27
8.4 100 7.5 100 7.7 100 8.3 100 8.9 100 9.4 100 10 100 10.6 ParaWeb 2E 100*** 0.315
9.2 100* 7.8 100* 8.0 100* 8.3 100 8.9 100 9.4 100 10 100 10.6
10 - - 100* 8.3 100* 8.3 100* 8.9 100* 9.4 100* 10 100* 10.6
10.8 - - - - 100* 8.7 100* 8.9 100* 9.4 100* 10 100* 10.6
11.6 - - - - - - 100** 9.2 100** 9.4 100* 10 100* 10.6
12.4 - - - - - - - - 100** 9.7 100** 10 100** 10.6
13.2 - - - - - - - - - - 100** 10.1 100** 10.6
14 - - - - - - - - - - - - 100*** 10.6

Design Height - Height measured from top of leveling pad to top of topmost panel.
SBC – is the required SBC from design for Load Combination C. The ultimate bearing capacity should be at least twice the required SBC. MI/WDC/QF/25


MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil
fs 1.20 1.00
to soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 1.60
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m2) g Max (kN/m3) g Min (kN/m3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 1.60 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 2.21 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Value in Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m the face of
kN/m2 (m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 0.00
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.403 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.403 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 529.06 48.22 922.62 54.53 0.40 4.15 5.28 16.92 170.58
Load Case B 246.63 48.22 398.67 54.53 0.64 6.72 2.46 7.31 94.47
Load Case C 246.63 18.28 398.67 16.32 0.49 8.07 6.49 24.44 84.44
Load Case 1S + dW 308.10 37.30 517.81 27.10 0.45 9.14 4.77 19.11 102.52
Load Case 1S - dW 291.24 37.30 495.94 27.10 0.43 9.85 4.51 18.30 95.81
Load Case 2S + dW 308.10 37.30 517.81 27.10 0.45 9.14 4.77 19.11 102.52
Load Case 2S - dW 291.24 37.30 495.94 27.10 0.43 9.85 4.51 18.30 95.81


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.25

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 4.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 4.88 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 0.00 € -


Length No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k Strip Type
points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 3.20 0.80 0.47 2 4 80.57 38.02 19.28 17.00 1.15 1.30
B 24.26 11.45 7.30 6.61 3.03 3.35
C 24.67 11.64 7.37 6.68 3.00 3.31
1S 39.07 18.44 10.52 8.99 2.10 2.46
2S 39.07 18.44 10.52 8.99 2.10 2.46
2 A 1.20 3.90 0.80 0.45 3 4 92.71 41.68 19.91 17.41 1.42 1.62
B 39.63 17.82 9.29 8.62 3.04 3.28
C 37.24 16.75 8.86 8.23 3.19 3.43
1S 50.13 22.54 11.76 9.63 2.40 2.93
2S 50.13 22.54 11.76 9.82 2.40 2.87

Effective No. of
Length Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m* Strip Type Reinforce
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 3.20 2.70 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 19.28 20.54 1.07

B 36.50 7.30 13.70 1.88
C 36.50 7.37 13.70 1.86
1S 36.50 10.52 13.70 1.30
2S 36.50 10.52 13.70 1.30
2 A 1.20 3.90 3.70 0.92 3 8 90 76.95 19.91 36.45 1.83
B 51.30 9.29 24.30 2.62
C 51.30 8.86 24.30 2.74
1S 51.30 11.76 24.30 2.07
2S 51.30 11.76 24.30 2.07

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil
fs 1.20 1.00
to soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 2.40
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m2) g Max (kN/m3) g Min (kN/m3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 2.40 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 3.01 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Value in Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m the face of
kN/m2 (m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 0.00
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.341 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.341 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 677.72 79.09 1310.76 114.24 0.42 3.69 4.12 11.47 202.24
Load Case B 337.93 79.09 624.44 114.24 0.68 5.62 2.06 5.47 119.01
Load Case C 337.93 31.92 624.44 37.15 0.45 7.19 5.09 16.81 102.54
Load Case 1S + dW 406.13 61.57 766.86 66.17 0.46 7.98 3.81 11.59 124.18
Load Case 1S - dW 383.62 61.57 731.42 66.17 0.46 8.52 3.60 11.05 116.66
Load Case 2S + dW 406.13 61.57 766.86 66.17 0.46 7.98 3.81 11.59 124.18
Load Case 2S - dW 383.62 61.57 731.42 66.17 0.46 8.52 3.60 11.05 116.66


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.25

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 2.75 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 6.25 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 0.00 € -


Length No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k Strip Type
points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 3.30 0.80 0.47 2 4 80.31 37.89 19.23 16.96 1.15 1.30
B 24.21 11.42 7.29 6.60 3.04 3.35
C 24.59 11.60 7.36 6.66 3.01 3.32
1S 38.95 18.38 10.67 8.97 2.07 2.47
2S 38.95 18.38 10.67 8.97 2.07 2.47
2 A 1.20 3.30 0.80 0.45 3 4 104.66 47.06 22.06 19.24 1.28 1.47
B 42.08 18.92 9.73 8.59 2.90 3.28
C 42.42 19.07 9.79 8.64 2.88 3.27
1S 55.27 24.85 12.73 10.61 2.22 2.66
2S 55.27 24.85 12.73 10.61 2.22 2.66
3 A 2.00 4.20 0.80 0.43 3 4 118.16 50.50 22.84 20.29 1.24 1.39
B 58.75 25.11 11.80 11.18 2.39 2.53
C 52.41 22.40 10.72 10.16 2.63 2.78
1S 67.06 28.66 14.16 11.78 1.99 2.40
2S 67.06 28.66 14.16 11.78 1.99 2.40

Effective No. of
Length Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m* Strip Type Reinforce
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 3.30 2.56 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 19.23 19.48 1.01

B 36.50 7.29 12.99 1.78
C 36.50 7.36 12.99 1.76
1S 36.50 10.67 12.99 1.22
2S 36.50 10.67 12.99 1.22
2 A 1.20 3.30 2.70 0.92 3 8 90 76.95 22.06 26.60 1.21
B 51.30 9.73 17.73 1.82
C 51.30 9.79 17.73 1.81
1S 51.30 12.73 17.73 1.39
2S 51.30 12.73 17.73 1.39
3 A 2.00 4.20 4.00 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 22.84 47.00 2.06
B 66.78 11.80 31.34 2.65
C 66.78 10.72 31.34 2.92
1S 66.78 14.16 31.34 2.21
2S 66.78 14.16 31.34 2.21

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil
fs 1.20 1.00
to soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 3.20
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m2) g Max (kN/m3) g Min (kN/m3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 3.20 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 3.81 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Value in Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m the face of
kN/m2 (m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 3.85
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.322 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.322 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 850.23 116.22 1795.72 200.15 0.46 3.27 3.52 8.97 237.94
Load Case B 446.33 116.22 917.99 200.15 0.73 4.75 1.85 4.59 146.98
Load Case C 445.14 49.74 912.42 70.42 0.45 6.34 4.31 12.96 123.55
Load Case 1S + dW 520.47 91.12 1080.59 128.68 0.51 6.90 3.30 8.40 149.65
Load Case 1S - dW 491.50 91.12 1028.97 128.68 0.51 7.33 3.11 8.00 141.09
Load Case 2S + dW 520.47 91.12 1080.59 128.68 0.51 6.90 3.30 8.40 149.65
Load Case 2S - dW 491.50 91.12 1028.97 128.68 0.51 7.33 3.11 8.00 141.09


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.25

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 2.25 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 4.25 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 2.81 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 0.00 € -


Length No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k Strip Type
points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 3.60 0.80 0.47 2 4 79.93 37.71 19.16 16.90 1.15 1.31
B 24.37 11.50 7.32 6.63 3.02 3.34
C 24.59 11.60 7.36 6.66 3.01 3.32
1S 38.85 18.33 10.85 8.95 2.04 2.47
2S 38.85 18.33 10.85 8.95 2.04 2.47
2 A 1.20 3.40 0.80 0.45 3 4 114.52 51.49 23.83 20.74 1.18 1.36
B 42.70 19.20 9.84 8.69 2.87 3.25
C 45.39 20.41 10.32 9.10 2.73 3.10
1S 60.02 26.99 13.73 11.33 2.06 2.49
2S 60.02 26.99 13.73 11.33 2.06 2.49
3 A 2.00 3.40 0.80 0.43 3 4 135.39 57.86 25.78 22.31 1.09 1.26
B 67.92 29.03 13.37 11.74 2.11 2.40
C 62.01 26.50 12.36 10.87 2.28 2.60
1S 74.74 31.94 15.39 12.26 1.83 2.30
2S 74.74 31.94 15.39 12.62 1.83 2.24
4 A 2.80 4.50 0.80 0.41 4 4 144.75 58.65 25.65 23.31 1.32 1.45
B 79.23 32.10 14.30 13.70 2.37 2.47
C 67.96 27.54 12.47 11.96 2.71 2.83
1S 84.69 34.31 16.49 13.82 2.05 2.45
2S 84.69 34.31 16.49 13.82 2.05 2.45

Effective No. of
Length Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m* Strip Type Reinforce
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 3.60 2.62 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 19.16 19.94 1.04

B 36.50 7.32 13.29 1.82
C 36.50 7.36 13.29 1.81
1S 36.50 10.85 13.29 1.23
2S 36.50 10.85 13.29 1.23
2 A 1.20 3.40 2.56 0.92 3 8 90 76.95 23.83 25.20 1.06
B 51.30 9.84 16.80 1.71
C 51.30 10.32 16.80 1.63
1S 51.30 13.73 16.80 1.22
2S 51.30 13.73 16.80 1.22
3 A 2.00 3.40 2.80 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 25.78 32.90 1.28
B 66.78 13.37 21.94 1.64
C 66.78 12.36 21.94 1.77
1S 66.78 15.39 21.94 1.43
2S 66.78 15.39 21.94 1.43
4 A 2.80 4.50 4.30 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 25.65 56.85 2.22
B 82.70 14.30 37.90 2.65
C 82.70 12.47 37.90 3.04
1S 82.70 16.49 37.90 2.30
2S 82.70 16.49 37.90 2.30

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil
fs 1.20 1.00
to soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 4.00
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m2) g Max (kN/m3) g Min (kN/m3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 4.00 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 4.61 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Value in Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m the face of
kN/m2 (m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 6.44
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.315 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.315 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 1042.61 159.88 2379.82 317.61 0.51 2.93 3.14 7.49 276.13
Load Case B 568.64 159.88 1279.30 317.61 0.80 4.08 1.71 4.03 177.57
Load Case C 565.60 71.92 1264.14 119.69 0.47 5.63 3.78 10.56 146.27
Load Case 1S + dW 649.14 127.69 1462.59 222.84 0.58 5.97 2.94 6.56 178.35
Load Case 1S - dW 611.54 127.69 1388.09 222.84 0.58 6.31 2.77 6.23 168.42
Load Case 2S + dW 649.14 127.69 1462.59 222.84 0.58 5.97 2.94 6.56 178.35
Load Case 2S - dW 611.54 127.69 1388.09 222.84 0.58 6.31 2.77 6.23 168.42


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.25

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 2.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 3.70 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 4.55 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 0.00 € -


Length No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k Strip Type
points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 4.00 0.80 0.47 2 4 79.32 37.43 19.05 16.80 1.16 1.32
B 24.36 11.49 7.32 6.63 3.02 3.34
C 24.46 11.54 7.33 6.64 3.02 3.33
1S 38.60 18.21 10.97 8.91 2.02 2.48
2S 38.60 18.21 10.97 8.91 2.02 2.48
2 A 1.20 3.80 0.80 0.45 3 4 113.69 51.12 23.68 20.62 1.19 1.37
B 43.29 19.47 9.94 8.78 2.84 3.22
C 45.24 20.34 10.30 9.07 2.74 3.11
1S 59.85 26.91 13.87 11.31 2.04 2.50
2S 59.85 26.91 13.87 11.31 2.04 2.50
3 A 2.00 3.60 0.80 0.43 3 4 146.73 62.71 27.72 23.96 1.02 1.18
B 67.34 28.78 13.27 11.54 2.13 2.44
C 66.02 28.22 13.04 11.35 2.16 2.49
1S 80.06 34.22 16.37 13.39 1.72 2.11
2S 80.06 34.22 16.37 13.39 1.72 2.11
4 A 2.80 4.30 0.80 0.41 4 4 152.57 61.82 26.91 23.27 1.26 1.45
B 84.42 34.21 15.14 13.60 2.24 2.49
C 73.09 29.61 13.30 11.97 2.54 2.83
1S 89.88 36.42 17.31 13.88 1.95 2.44
2S 89.88 36.42 17.31 13.88 1.95 2.44
5 A 3.60 4.80 0.80 0.38 4 4 177.41 67.94 29.01 26.78 1.17 1.26
B 104.13 39.88 17.18 16.58 1.97 2.04
C 87.64 33.56 14.65 14.15 2.31 2.39
1S 106.37 40.73 19.12 16.18 1.77 2.09
2S 106.37 40.73 19.12 16.18 1.77 2.09

Effective No. of
Length Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m* Strip Type Reinforce
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 4.00 2.78 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 19.05 21.15 1.11

B 36.50 7.32 14.10 1.93
C 36.50 7.33 14.10 1.92
1S 36.50 10.97 14.10 1.29
2S 36.50 10.97 14.10 1.29
2 A 1.20 3.80 2.72 0.92 3 8 90 76.95 23.68 26.78 1.13
B 51.30 9.94 17.85 1.80
C 51.30 10.30 17.85 1.73
1S 51.30 13.87 17.85 1.29
2S 51.30 13.87 17.85 1.29
3 A 2.00 3.60 2.65 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 27.72 31.16 1.12
B 66.78 13.27 20.77 1.57
C 66.78 13.04 20.77 1.59
1S 66.78 16.37 20.77 1.27
2S 66.78 16.37 20.77 1.27
4 A 2.80 4.30 3.70 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 26.91 48.92 1.82
B 82.70 15.14 32.61 2.15
C 82.70 13.30 32.61 2.45
1S 82.70 17.31 32.61 1.88
2S 82.70 17.31 32.61 1.88
5 A 3.60 4.80 4.60 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 29.01 65.42 2.25
B 98.90 17.18 43.62 2.54
C 98.90 14.65 43.62 2.98
1S 98.90 19.12 43.62 2.28
2S 98.90 19.12 43.62 2.28

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil
fs 1.20 1.00
to soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 4.80
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m2) g Max (kN/m3) g Min (kN/m3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 4.80 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 5.41 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Value in Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m the face of
kN/m2 (m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 8.98
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.310 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.310 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 1244.17 208.67 3078.67 469.59 0.54 2.73 2.87 6.56 309.95
Load Case B 698.16 208.67 1721.70 469.59 0.85 3.68 1.61 3.67 204.93
Load Case C 692.17 97.51 1690.03 186.94 0.47 5.22 3.42 9.04 166.26
Load Case 1S + dW 783.06 167.40 1919.85 346.91 0.63 5.41 2.70 5.53 204.06
Load Case 1S - dW 738.55 167.40 1822.63 346.91 0.64 5.69 2.55 5.25 193.53
Load Case 2S + dW 783.06 167.40 1919.85 346.91 0.63 5.41 2.70 5.53 204.06
Load Case 2S - dW 738.55 167.40 1822.63 346.91 0.64 5.69 2.55 5.25 193.53


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.25

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 1.67 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 3.21 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 3.50 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 2.13 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 0.00 € -


Length No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k Strip Type
points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 4.00 0.80 0.47 2 4 79.51 37.51 19.08 16.83 1.16 1.31
B 24.54 11.58 7.35 6.66 3.01 3.32
C 24.58 11.60 7.36 6.66 3.01 3.32
1S 38.72 18.27 11.09 8.93 2.00 2.48
2S 38.72 18.27 11.09 8.93 2.00 2.48
2 A 1.20 3.90 0.80 0.45 3 4 110.02 49.47 23.02 20.06 1.23 1.41
B 42.84 19.26 9.86 8.71 2.86 3.24
C 44.46 19.99 10.15 8.95 2.78 3.15
1S 58.28 26.21 13.72 11.07 2.06 2.55
2S 58.28 26.21 13.72 11.07 2.06 2.55
3 A 2.00 3.80 0.80 0.43 3 4 138.35 59.13 26.29 22.74 1.07 1.24
B 65.50 28.00 12.96 11.28 2.18 2.50
C 63.83 27.28 12.67 11.03 2.23 2.56
1S 76.43 32.67 15.92 12.86 1.77 2.19
2S 76.43 32.67 15.92 12.86 1.77 2.19
4 A 2.80 3.80 0.80 0.41 4 4 164.02 66.46 28.77 24.78 1.18 1.37
B 94.23 38.18 16.73 14.44 2.02 2.34
C 80.35 32.55 14.48 12.53 2.34 2.70
1S 97.81 39.63 18.48 14.93 1.83 2.27
2S 97.81 39.63 18.48 14.93 1.83 2.27
5 A 3.60 4.60 0.80 0.38 4 4 180.94 69.29 29.56 26.07 1.15 1.30
B 107.06 41.00 17.63 16.09 1.92 2.10
C 89.66 34.33 14.96 13.67 2.26 2.48
1S 108.76 41.65 19.56 15.79 1.73 2.14
2S 108.76 41.65 19.56 15.79 1.73 2.14
6 A 4.40 5.10 0.80 0.36 5 4 204.19 73.66 31.02 28.95 1.36 1.46
B 125.87 45.41 19.20 18.63 2.20 2.27
C 103.45 37.32 15.97 15.50 2.65 2.73
1S 124.20 44.80 21.01 17.70 2.01 2.39
2S 124.20 44.80 21.01 17.70 2.01 2.39

Effective No. of
Length Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m* Strip Type Reinforce
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 4.00 2.54 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 19.08 19.33 1.01

B 36.50 7.35 12.89 1.75
C 36.50 7.36 12.89 1.75
1S 36.50 11.09 12.89 1.16
2S 36.50 11.09 12.89 1.16
2 A 1.20 3.90 2.58 0.92 3 8 90 76.95 23.02 25.40 1.10
B 51.30 9.86 16.93 1.72
C 51.30 10.15 16.93 1.67
1S 51.30 13.72 16.93 1.23
2S 51.30 13.72 16.93 1.23
3 A 2.00 3.80 2.61 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 26.29 30.69 1.17
B 66.78 12.96 20.46 1.58
C 66.78 12.67 20.46 1.61
1S 66.78 15.92 20.46 1.29
2S 66.78 15.92 20.46 1.29
4 A 2.80 3.80 2.80 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 28.77 37.02 1.29
B 82.70 16.73 24.68 1.48
C 82.70 14.48 24.68 1.70
1S 82.70 18.48 24.68 1.34
2S 82.70 18.48 24.68 1.34
5 A 3.60 4.60 4.00 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 29.56 56.89 1.92
B 98.90 17.63 37.93 2.15
C 98.90 14.96 37.93 2.54
1S 98.90 19.56 37.93 1.94
2S 98.90 19.56 37.93 1.94
6 A 4.40 5.10 4.90 0.62 5 8 90 172.95 31.02 72.17 2.33
B 115.30 19.20 48.11 2.51
C 115.30 15.97 48.11 3.01
1S 115.30 21.01 48.11 2.29
2S 115.30 21.01 48.11 2.29

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil
fs 1.20 1.00
to soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 5.60
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m2) g Max (kN/m3) g Min (kN/m3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 5.60 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 6.21 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Value in Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m the face of
kN/m2 (m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 9.88
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.309 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.309 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 1494.72 264.38 4021.15 664.04 0.59 2.57 2.72 6.06 346.65
Load Case B 857.73 264.38 2312.06 664.04 0.92 3.38 1.56 3.48 234.18
Load Case C 848.80 127.72 2261.36 277.26 0.50 4.85 3.20 8.16 188.83
Load Case 1S + dW 950.34 215.63 2537.74 517.41 0.71 4.94 2.54 4.90 233.40
Load Case 1S - dW 894.94 215.63 2404.39 517.41 0.73 5.17 2.40 4.65 221.68
Load Case 2S + dW 950.34 215.63 2537.74 517.41 0.71 4.94 2.54 4.90 233.40
Load Case 2S - dW 894.94 215.63 2404.39 517.41 0.73 5.17 2.40 4.65 221.68


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.25

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 1.57 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 3.14 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 3.14 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 3.71 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 0.00 € -


Length No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k Strip Type
points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 4.40 0.80 0.47 2 4 78.88 37.22 18.96 16.73 1.17 1.32
B 24.40 11.51 7.32 6.63 3.02 3.34
C 24.39 11.51 7.32 6.63 3.02 3.34
1S 38.43 18.13 11.17 8.88 1.98 2.49
2S 38.43 18.13 11.17 8.88 1.98 2.49
2 A 1.20 4.40 0.80 0.45 3 4 105.77 47.56 22.26 19.41 1.27 1.45
B 42.05 18.91 9.72 8.59 2.90 3.29
C 43.18 19.42 9.92 8.76 2.84 3.22
1S 56.38 25.35 13.56 10.78 2.08 2.62
2S 56.38 25.35 13.56 10.78 2.08 2.62
3 A 2.00 4.40 0.80 0.43 3 4 130.67 55.85 24.98 21.63 1.13 1.31
B 62.44 26.68 12.43 10.83 2.27 2.61
C 61.27 26.19 12.23 10.66 2.31 2.65
1S 73.03 31.21 15.56 12.37 1.81 2.28
2S 73.03 31.21 15.56 12.37 1.81 2.28
4 A 2.80 4.40 0.80 0.41 4 4 159.04 64.44 27.96 24.10 1.21 1.40
B 87.79 35.57 15.69 13.55 2.16 2.50
C 78.36 31.75 14.16 12.25 2.39 2.76
1S 94.16 38.15 18.10 14.43 1.87 2.35
2S 94.16 38.15 18.10 14.43 1.87 2.35
5 A 3.60 4.40 0.80 0.38 4 4 195.70 74.94 31.82 27.32 1.06 1.24
B 117.54 45.01 19.23 16.82 1.76 2.01
C 99.67 38.17 16.49 14.45 2.05 2.34
1S 118.75 45.48 20.93 16.55 1.62 2.05
2S 118.75 45.48 20.93 16.69 1.62 2.03
6 A 4.40 4.90 0.80 0.36 5 4 218.36 78.77 33.07 29.62 1.28 1.43
B 135.79 48.99 20.63 19.06 2.05 2.22
C 112.67 40.64 17.30 15.99 2.45 2.65
1S 133.68 48.22 22.24 18.22 1.90 2.32
2S 133.68 48.22 22.24 18.22 1.90 2.32
7 A 5.20 5.50 0.80 0.34 5 4 235.77 79.81 33.25 31.30 1.27 1.35
B 149.66 50.66 21.15 20.61 2.00 2.05
C 123.17 41.69 17.56 17.12 2.41 2.47
1S 145.17 49.14 22.90 19.34 1.85 2.19
2S 145.17 49.14 22.90 19.34 1.85 2.19

Effective No. of
Length Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m* Strip Type Reinforce
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 4.40 2.70 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.96 20.54 1.08

B 36.50 7.32 13.70 1.87
C 36.50 7.32 13.70 1.87
1S 36.50 11.17 13.70 1.23
2S 36.50 11.17 13.70 1.23
2 A 1.20 4.40 2.84 0.92 3 8 90 76.95 22.26 27.96 1.26
B 51.30 9.72 18.64 1.92
C 51.30 9.92 18.64 1.88
1S 51.30 13.56 18.64 1.37
2S 51.30 13.56 18.64 1.37
3 A 2.00 4.40 2.97 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.98 34.92 1.40
B 66.78 12.43 23.28 1.87
C 66.78 12.23 23.28 1.90
1S 66.78 15.56 23.28 1.50
2S 66.78 15.56 23.28 1.50
4 A 2.80 4.40 3.10 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.96 41.05 1.47
B 82.70 15.69 27.37 1.74
C 82.70 14.16 27.37 1.93
1S 82.70 18.10 27.37 1.51
2S 82.70 18.10 27.37 1.51
5 A 3.60 4.40 3.40 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 31.82 48.36 1.52
B 98.90 19.23 32.24 1.68
C 98.90 16.49 32.24 1.95
1S 98.90 20.93 32.24 1.54
2S 98.90 20.93 32.24 1.54
6 A 4.40 4.90 4.30 0.62 5 8 90 172.95 33.07 63.33 1.92
B 115.30 20.63 42.22 2.05
C 115.30 17.30 42.22 2.44
1S 115.30 22.24 42.22 1.90
2S 115.30 22.24 42.22 1.90
7 A 5.20 5.50 5.30 0.54 5 8 90 197.77 33.25 78.03 2.35
B 131.84 21.15 52.02 2.46
C 131.84 17.56 52.02 2.96
1S 131.84 22.90 52.02 2.27
2S 131.84 22.90 52.02 2.27

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil
fs 1.20 1.00
to soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 6.40
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m2) g Max (kN/m3) g Min (kN/m3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 6.40 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 7.01 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Value in Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m the face of
kN/m2 (m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 10.22
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.308 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.308 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 1797.81 326.66 5295.98 906.21 0.65 2.48 2.65 5.84 382.23
Load Case B 1049.89 326.66 3108.52 906.21 0.99 3.23 1.55 3.43 261.47
Load Case C 1037.86 162.30 3034.15 393.95 0.55 4.63 3.08 7.70 211.47
Load Case 1S + dW 1152.81 271.46 3374.52 740.20 0.80 4.63 2.45 4.56 262.58
Load Case 1S - dW 1083.59 271.46 3190.28 740.20 0.83 4.84 2.30 4.31 249.55
Load Case 2S + dW 1152.81 271.46 3374.52 740.20 0.80 4.63 2.45 4.56 262.58
Load Case 2S - dW 1083.59 271.46 3190.28 740.20 0.83 4.84 2.30 4.31 249.55


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.25

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 3.13 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 1.56 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 3.13 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 5.16 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 0.00 € -


Length No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k Strip Type
points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 5.00 0.80 0.47 2 4 78.07 36.84 18.81 16.60 1.18 1.33
B 24.16 11.40 7.28 6.59 3.04 3.36
C 24.12 11.38 7.27 6.59 3.04 3.36
1S 38.04 17.95 11.28 8.82 1.96 2.51
2S 38.04 17.95 11.28 8.82 1.96 2.51
2 A 1.20 5.00 0.80 0.45 2 4 105.14 47.27 22.15 19.31 1.00 1.15
B 42.04 18.90 9.72 8.58 2.28 2.58
C 42.82 19.25 9.86 8.70 2.24 2.54
1S 56.09 25.22 13.69 10.73 1.62 2.06
2S 56.09 25.22 13.69 10.73 1.62 2.06
3 A 2.00 5.00 0.80 0.43 3 4 130.71 55.87 24.98 21.63 1.13 1.30
B 60.93 26.04 12.18 10.61 2.32 2.66
C 61.03 26.09 12.19 10.63 2.31 2.66
1S 73.18 31.28 15.78 12.39 1.79 2.28
2S 73.18 31.28 15.78 12.39 1.79 2.28
4 A 2.80 5.00 0.80 0.41 4 4 156.34 63.35 27.53 23.73 1.23 1.43
B 84.20 34.12 15.10 13.06 2.24 2.59
C 78.50 31.81 14.18 12.27 2.39 2.76
1S 92.19 37.35 17.97 14.16 1.88 2.39
2S 92.19 37.35 17.97 14.16 1.88 2.39
5 A 3.60 5.00 0.80 0.38 4 4 190.32 72.88 30.99 26.62 1.09 1.27
B 110.47 42.30 18.15 15.61 1.87 2.17
C 97.52 37.35 16.16 13.92 2.09 2.43
1S 114.93 44.01 20.46 16.19 1.65 2.09
2S 114.93 44.01 20.46 16.19 1.65 2.09
6 A 4.40 5.00 0.80 0.36 5 4 227.06 81.91 34.32 29.74 1.23 1.42
B 140.26 50.59 21.28 18.91 1.99 2.24
C 119.56 43.13 18.29 16.27 2.31 2.60
1S 139.56 50.34 22.99 18.36 1.84 2.30
2S 139.56 50.34 22.99 18.36 1.84 2.30
7 A 5.20 5.50 0.80 0.34 5 4 247.62 83.82 34.86 31.61 1.21 1.34
B 156.57 53.00 22.09 20.60 1.92 2.05
C 131.61 44.55 18.71 17.45 2.26 2.42
1S 153.08 51.82 23.83 19.60 1.78 2.16
2S 153.08 51.82 23.83 19.60 1.78 2.16
8 A 6.00 6.00 0.80 0.33 5 4 269.33 89.78 37.11 35.16 1.14 1.20
B 174.85 58.28 24.11 23.57 1.75 1.80
C 144.31 48.10 20.04 19.59 2.11 2.16
1S 167.45 55.82 25.75 21.92 1.64 1.93
2S 167.45 55.82 25.75 21.92 1.64 1.93

Effective No. of
Length Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m* Strip Type Reinforce
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 5.00 3.06 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.81 23.28 1.24

B 36.50 7.28 15.52 2.13
C 36.50 7.27 15.52 2.13
1S 36.50 11.28 15.52 1.38
2S 36.50 11.28 15.52 1.38
2 A 1.20 5.00 3.20 0.92 2 8 90 76.95 22.15 31.50 1.42
B 51.30 9.72 21.00 2.16
C 51.30 9.86 21.00 2.13
1S 51.30 13.69 21.00 1.53
2S 51.30 13.69 21.00 1.53
3 A 2.00 5.00 3.33 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.98 39.15 1.57
B 66.78 12.18 26.10 2.14
C 66.78 12.19 26.10 2.14
1S 66.78 15.78 26.10 1.65
2S 66.78 15.78 26.10 1.65
4 A 2.80 5.00 3.46 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.53 45.81 1.66
B 82.70 15.10 30.54 2.02
C 82.70 14.18 30.54 2.15
1S 82.70 17.97 30.54 1.70
2S 82.70 17.97 30.54 1.70
5 A 3.60 5.00 3.60 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 30.99 51.20 1.65
B 98.90 18.15 34.13 1.88
C 98.90 16.16 34.13 2.11
1S 98.90 20.46 34.13 1.67
2S 98.90 20.46 34.13 1.67
6 A 4.40 5.00 4.00 0.62 5 8 90 172.95 34.32 58.91 1.72
B 115.30 21.28 39.27 1.85
C 115.30 18.29 39.27 2.15
1S 115.30 22.99 39.27 1.71
2S 115.30 22.99 39.27 1.71
7 A 5.20 5.50 4.90 0.54 5 8 90 197.77 34.86 72.14 2.07
B 131.84 22.09 48.09 2.18
C 131.84 18.71 48.09 2.57
1S 131.84 23.83 48.09 2.02
2S 131.84 23.83 48.09 2.02
8 A 6.00 6.00 5.80 0.52 5 8 90 222.75 37.11 92.95 2.50
B 148.50 24.11 61.97 2.57
C 148.50 20.04 61.97 3.09
1S 148.50 25.75 61.97 2.41
2S 148.50 25.75 61.97 2.41

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil
fs 1.20 1.00
to soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75 Paraweb 2E 85
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4 85.45
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31 47.95
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 7.20
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m2) g Max (kN/m3) g Min (kN/m3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 7.20 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 7.81 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Value in Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m the face of
kN/m2 (m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 10.69
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.307 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.307 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 2097.37 394.63 6622.80 1198.16 0.70 2.36 2.56 5.53 420.08
Load Case B 1243.05 394.63 3956.83 1198.16 1.07 3.02 1.52 3.30 291.89
Load Case C 1227.17 200.69 3852.35 538.84 0.59 4.36 2.94 7.15 235.08
Load Case 1S + dW 1354.34 332.17 4253.37 1013.74 0.90 4.28 2.35 4.20 294.16
Load Case 1S - dW 1271.08 332.17 4014.17 1013.74 0.93 4.45 2.21 3.96 279.90
Load Case 2S + dW 1354.34 332.17 4253.37 1013.74 0.90 4.28 2.35 4.20 294.16
Load Case 2S - dW 1271.08 332.17 4014.17 1013.74 0.93 4.45 2.21 3.96 279.90


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.25

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 3.06 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 1.53 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 4.58 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 3.19 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 1.78 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 0.00 € -


Length No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k Strip Type
points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 5.50 0.80 0.47 2 4 77.54 36.59 18.71 16.52 1.18 1.34
B 24.00 11.33 7.25 6.57 3.05 3.37
C 23.95 11.30 7.24 6.56 3.06 3.37
1S 37.78 17.83 11.40 8.78 1.94 2.52
2S 37.78 17.83 11.40 8.78 1.94 2.52
2 A 1.20 5.50 0.80 0.45 2 4 104.70 47.08 22.07 19.24 1.00 1.15
B 42.02 18.89 9.71 8.58 2.28 2.58
C 42.59 19.15 9.82 8.67 2.25 2.55
1S 55.90 25.13 13.83 10.70 1.60 2.07
2S 55.90 25.13 13.83 10.70 1.60 2.07
3 A 2.00 5.50 0.80 0.43 3 4 130.69 55.86 24.98 21.63 1.13 1.30
B 60.06 25.67 12.03 10.49 2.35 2.69
C 60.88 26.02 12.17 10.60 2.32 2.66
1S 73.24 31.30 15.96 12.40 1.77 2.28
2S 73.24 31.30 15.96 12.40 1.77 2.28
4 A 2.80 5.50 0.80 0.41 4 4 155.35 62.94 27.37 23.59 1.24 1.43
B 82.16 33.29 14.77 12.78 2.29 2.65
C 78.57 31.83 14.19 12.28 2.38 2.76
1S 91.05 36.89 17.96 14.00 1.88 2.42
2S 91.05 36.89 17.96 14.00 1.88 2.42
5 A 3.60 5.50 0.80 0.38 4 4 187.24 71.70 30.52 26.22 1.11 1.29
B 106.56 40.81 17.55 15.10 1.93 2.24
C 96.26 36.87 15.97 13.76 2.12 2.46
1S 112.74 43.17 20.30 15.90 1.67 2.13
2S 112.74 43.17 20.30 15.90 1.67 2.13
6 A 4.40 5.50 0.80 0.36 4 4 221.85 80.03 33.57 28.77 1.01 1.18
B 133.56 48.18 20.31 17.50 1.67 1.93
C 117.40 42.35 17.98 15.51 1.88 2.18
1S 135.90 49.02 22.57 17.44 1.50 1.94
2S 135.90 49.02 22.57 17.71 1.50 1.91
7 A 5.20 5.50 0.80 0.34 5 4 258.68 87.57 36.36 31.96 1.16 1.32
B 163.41 55.32 23.01 20.71 1.84 2.04
C 139.69 47.29 19.80 17.83 2.14 2.37
1S 160.57 54.36 24.73 19.90 1.71 2.13
2S 160.57 54.36 24.73 19.90 1.71 2.13
8 A 6.00 6.00 0.80 0.33 5 4 279.73 93.24 38.50 35.25 1.10 1.20
B 180.91 60.30 24.92 23.41 1.70 1.81
C 151.81 50.60 21.04 19.78 2.01 2.14
1S 174.44 58.15 26.58 22.03 1.59 1.92
2S 174.44 58.15 26.58 22.03 1.59 1.92
9 A 6.80 6.40 0.80 0.33 6 4 305.70 101.90 41.87 39.88 1.15 1.20
B 203.46 67.82 27.87 27.30 1.72 1.76
C 166.89 55.63 22.99 22.53 2.09 2.13
1S 191.68 63.89 29.19 25.05 1.64 1.91
2S 191.68 63.89 29.19 25.05 1.64 1.91

Effective No. of
Length Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m* Strip Type Reinforce
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 5.50 3.32 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.71 25.25 1.35

B 36.50 7.25 16.84 2.32
C 36.50 7.24 16.84 2.33
1S 36.50 11.40 16.84 1.48
2S 36.50 11.40 16.84 1.48
2 A 1.20 5.50 3.46 0.92 2 8 90 76.95 22.07 34.07 1.54
B 51.30 9.71 22.71 2.34
C 51.30 9.82 22.71 2.31
1S 51.30 13.83 22.71 1.64
2S 51.30 13.83 22.71 1.64
3 A 2.00 5.50 3.59 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.98 42.20 1.69
B 66.78 12.03 28.14 2.34
C 66.78 12.17 28.14 2.31
1S 66.78 15.96 28.14 1.76
2S 66.78 15.96 28.14 1.76
4 A 2.80 5.50 3.72 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.37 49.25 1.80
B 82.70 14.77 32.83 2.22
C 82.70 14.19 32.83 2.31
1S 82.70 17.96 32.83 1.83
2S 82.70 17.96 32.83 1.83
5 A 3.60 5.50 3.86 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 30.52 54.87 1.80
B 98.90 17.55 36.58 2.08
C 98.90 15.97 36.58 2.29
1S 98.90 20.30 36.58 1.80
2S 98.90 20.30 36.58 1.80
6 A 4.40 5.50 4.10 0.62 4 8 90 172.95 33.57 60.38 1.80
B 115.30 20.31 40.26 1.98
C 115.30 17.98 40.26 2.24
1S 115.30 22.57 40.26 1.78
2S 115.30 22.57 40.26 1.78
7 A 5.20 5.50 4.50 0.54 5 8 90 197.77 36.36 66.25 1.82
B 131.84 23.01 44.17 1.92
C 131.84 19.80 44.17 2.23
1S 131.84 24.73 44.17 1.79
2S 131.84 24.73 44.17 1.79
8 A 6.00 6.00 5.40 0.52 5 8 90 222.75 38.50 86.54 2.25
B 148.50 24.92 57.69 2.32
C 148.50 21.04 57.69 2.74
1S 148.50 26.58 57.69 2.17
2S 148.50 26.58 57.69 2.17
9 A 6.80 6.40 6.20 0.52 6 8 90 247.86 41.87 110.56 2.64
B 165.24 27.87 73.71 2.65
C 165.24 22.99 73.71 3.21
1S 165.24 29.19 73.71 2.52
2S 165.24 29.19 73.71 2.52

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil
fs 1.20 1.00
to soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75 Paraweb 2E 85 Paraweb 2E 100
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4 85.45 100.5
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31 47.95 56.39
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 8.00
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m2) g Max (kN/m3) g Min (kN/m3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 8.00 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 8.61 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Value in Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m the face of
kN/m2 (m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 10.85
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.307 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.307 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 2452.19 469.19 8373.72 1548.20 0.76 2.31 2.51 5.41 455.22
Load Case B 1470.60 469.19 5071.65 1548.20 1.14 2.93 1.51 3.28 318.87
Load Case C 1450.71 243.46 4930.83 716.90 0.64 4.21 2.87 6.88 257.70
Load Case 1S + dW 1592.81 400.57 5413.11 1352.93 0.99 4.08 2.30 4.00 323.86
Load Case 1S - dW 1492.70 400.57 5100.20 1352.93 1.03 4.24 2.15 3.77 308.36
Load Case 2S + dW 1592.81 400.57 5413.11 1352.93 0.99 4.08 2.30 4.00 323.86
Load Case 2S - dW 1492.70 400.57 5100.20 1352.93 1.03 4.24 2.15 3.77 308.36


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.25

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 3.05 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 1.53 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 4.58 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 3.05 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 1.63 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 1.73 € -


Length No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k Strip Type
points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 6.10 0.80 0.47 2 4 77.01 36.33 18.61 16.43 1.19 1.35
B 23.83 11.24 7.22 6.54 3.07 3.38
C 23.77 11.21 7.20 6.53 3.07 3.39
1S 37.52 17.71 11.54 8.74 1.92 2.53
2S 37.52 17.71 11.54 8.74 1.92 2.53
2 A 1.20 6.10 0.80 0.45 2 4 104.18 46.84 21.97 19.16 1.01 1.15
B 41.91 18.84 9.70 8.57 2.28 2.58
C 42.32 19.03 9.77 8.63 2.26 2.56
1S 55.65 25.02 13.97 10.66 1.58 2.07
2S 55.65 25.02 13.97 10.66 1.58 2.07
3 A 2.00 6.10 0.80 0.43 3 4 130.46 55.76 24.94 21.59 1.13 1.31
B 59.31 25.35 11.90 10.38 2.37 2.72
C 60.61 25.91 12.12 10.57 2.33 2.67
1S 73.18 31.28 16.13 12.39 1.75 2.28
2S 73.18 31.28 16.13 12.39 1.75 2.28
4 A 2.80 6.10 0.80 0.41 4 4 155.67 63.07 27.42 23.63 1.23 1.43
B 80.43 32.59 14.49 12.54 2.34 2.70
C 78.45 31.79 14.17 12.27 2.39 2.76
1S 90.08 36.50 17.98 13.87 1.88 2.44
2S 90.08 36.50 17.98 13.87 1.88 2.44
5 A 3.60 6.10 0.80 0.38 4 4 184.61 70.70 30.12 25.88 1.12 1.31
B 103.31 39.56 17.05 14.68 1.99 2.31
C 95.70 36.65 15.89 13.69 2.13 2.47
1S 110.88 42.46 20.20 15.66 1.68 2.16
2S 110.88 42.46 20.20 15.66 1.68 2.16
6 A 4.40 6.10 0.80 0.36 4 4 217.43 78.43 32.93 28.23 1.03 1.20
B 128.12 46.22 19.53 16.75 1.73 2.02
C 115.53 41.68 17.71 15.21 1.91 2.23
1S 132.81 47.91 22.25 17.33 1.52 1.95
2S 132.81 47.91 22.25 17.33 1.52 1.95
7 A 5.20 6.10 0.80 0.34 5 4 251.94 85.28 35.44 30.37 1.19 1.39
B 154.99 52.46 21.87 19.12 1.93 2.21
C 136.80 46.31 19.41 16.98 2.18 2.49
1S 155.89 52.77 24.21 18.86 1.75 2.24
2S 155.89 52.77 24.21 18.86 1.75 2.24
8 A 6.00 6.10 0.80 0.33 5 4 290.37 96.79 39.92 35.51 1.06 1.19
B 186.65 62.22 25.69 23.35 1.65 1.81
C 159.95 53.32 22.13 20.13 1.91 2.10
1S 181.64 60.55 27.42 22.26 1.54 1.90
2S 181.64 60.55 27.42 22.26 1.54 1.90
9 A 6.80 6.50 0.80 0.33 6 4 315.45 105.15 43.17 39.85 1.11 1.20
B 208.06 69.35 28.48 26.92 1.68 1.78
C 174.49 58.16 24.00 22.69 2.00 2.11
1S 198.25 66.08 29.95 25.08 1.60 1.91
2S 198.25 66.08 29.95 25.08 1.60 1.91
10 A 7.60 6.90 0.80 0.33 7 4 341.00 113.67 46.50 44.49 1.21 1.27
B 230.50 76.83 31.42 30.84 1.79 1.83
C 189.35 63.12 25.93 25.46 2.17 2.21
1S 215.19 71.73 32.54 28.11 1.73 2.01
2S 215.19 71.73 32.54 28.11 1.73 2.01

Effective No. of
Length Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m* Strip Type Reinforce
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 6.10 3.68 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.61 27.99 1.50

B 36.50 7.22 18.66 2.59
C 36.50 7.20 18.66 2.59
1S 36.50 11.54 18.66 1.62
2S 36.50 11.54 18.66 1.62
2 A 1.20 6.10 3.82 0.92 2 8 90 76.95 21.97 37.61 1.71
B 51.30 9.70 25.07 2.59
C 51.30 9.77 25.07 2.57
1S 51.30 13.97 25.07 1.80
2S 51.30 13.97 25.07 1.80
3 A 2.00 6.10 3.95 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.94 46.43 1.86
B 66.78 11.90 30.96 2.60
C 66.78 12.12 30.96 2.55
1S 66.78 16.13 30.96 1.92
2S 66.78 16.13 30.96 1.92
4 A 2.80 6.10 4.08 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.42 54.01 1.97
B 82.70 14.49 36.01 2.48
C 82.70 14.17 36.01 2.54
1S 82.70 17.98 36.01 2.00
2S 82.70 17.98 36.01 2.00
5 A 3.60 6.10 4.22 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 30.12 59.99 1.99
B 98.90 17.05 40.00 2.35
C 98.90 15.89 40.00 2.52
1S 98.90 20.20 40.00 1.98
2S 98.90 20.20 40.00 1.98
6 A 4.40 6.10 4.35 0.62 4 8 90 172.95 32.93 64.09 1.95
B 115.30 19.53 42.73 2.19
C 115.30 17.71 42.73 2.41
1S 115.30 22.25 42.73 1.92
2S 115.30 22.25 42.73 1.92
7 A 5.20 6.10 4.70 0.54 5 8 90 197.77 35.44 69.20 1.95
B 131.84 21.87 46.13 2.11
C 131.84 19.41 46.13 2.38
1S 131.84 24.21 46.13 1.91
2S 131.84 24.21 46.13 1.91
8 A 6.00 6.10 5.10 0.52 5 8 90 222.75 39.92 81.73 2.05
B 148.50 25.69 54.49 2.12
C 148.50 22.13 54.49 2.46
1S 148.50 27.42 54.49 1.99
2S 148.50 27.42 54.49 1.99
9 A 6.80 6.50 5.90 0.52 6 8 90 247.86 43.17 105.21 2.44
B 165.24 28.48 70.14 2.46
C 165.24 24.00 70.14 2.92
1S 165.24 29.95 70.14 2.34
2S 165.24 29.95 70.14 2.34
10 A 7.60 6.90 6.70 0.52 7 8 90 273.06 46.50 131.63 2.83
B 182.04 31.42 87.75 2.79
C 182.04 25.93 87.75 3.38
1S 182.04 32.54 87.75 2.70
2S 182.04 32.54 87.75 2.70

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil to
fs 1.20 1.00
soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75 Paraweb 2E 85 Paraweb 2E 100
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4 85.45 100.5
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31 47.95 56.39
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 8.80
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m 2) g Max (kN/m 3) g Min (kN/m 3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 8.80 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 9.41 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m2 Value in kN/m the face of
(m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 11.12
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.307 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.307 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 2832.57 549.47 10415.01 1958.42 0.80 2.27 2.48 5.32 489.14
Load Case B 1715.92 549.47 6383.02 1958.42 1.21 2.87 1.50 3.26 344.76
Load Case C 1691.30 290.05 6196.41 929.79 0.68 4.11 2.81 6.66 279.65
Load Case 1S + dW 1848.45 473.95 6768.02 1754.31 1.08 3.94 2.25 3.86 352.44
Load Case 1S - dW 1731.22 473.95 6371.73 1754.31 1.12 4.08 2.11 3.63 335.88
Load Case 2S + dW 1848.45 473.95 6768.02 1754.31 1.08 3.94 2.25 3.86 352.44
Load Case 2S - dW 1731.22 473.95 6371.73 1754.31 1.12 4.08 2.11 3.63 335.88


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.25

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 3.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 1.50 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 4.50 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 3.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 1.50 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 3.27 € -


Length Strip No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k
Type points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 6.60 0.80 0.47 2 4 76.64 36.16 18.54 16.37 1.19 1.35
B 23.72 11.19 7.19 6.52 3.08 3.39
C 23.64 11.16 7.18 6.51 3.08 3.40
1S 37.35 17.62 11.67 8.71 1.90 2.54
2S 37.35 17.62 11.67 8.71 1.90 2.54
2 A 1.20 6.60 0.80 0.45 2 4 103.82 46.68 21.91 19.11 1.01 1.16
B 41.83 18.81 9.68 8.55 2.29 2.59
C 42.14 18.95 9.74 8.60 2.27 2.57
1S 55.47 24.94 14.10 10.64 1.57 2.08
2S 55.47 24.94 14.10 10.64 1.57 2.08
3 A 2.00 6.60 0.80 0.43 3 4 130.28 55.68 24.91 21.57 1.13 1.31
B 59.26 25.33 11.89 10.37 2.37 2.72
C 60.43 25.83 12.09 10.54 2.33 2.68
1S 73.12 31.25 16.29 12.38 1.73 2.28
2S 73.12 31.25 16.29 12.38 1.73 2.28
4 A 2.80 6.60 0.80 0.41 4 4 155.85 63.14 27.45 23.66 1.23 1.43
B 79.35 32.15 14.32 12.39 2.36 2.73
C 78.36 31.75 14.16 12.25 2.39 2.76
1S 90.18 36.54 18.17 13.88 1.86 2.44
2S 90.18 36.54 18.17 13.88 1.86 2.44
5 A 3.60 6.60 0.80 0.38 4 4 182.99 70.08 29.87 25.66 1.13 1.32
B 101.31 38.80 16.74 14.42 2.02 2.35
C 95.81 36.69 15.90 13.70 2.13 2.47
1S 109.72 42.02 20.19 15.51 1.68 2.18
2S 109.72 42.02 20.19 15.51 1.68 2.18
6 A 4.40 6.60 0.80 0.36 4 4 214.71 77.45 32.54 27.89 1.04 1.21
B 124.84 45.03 19.05 16.35 1.78 2.07
C 114.37 41.26 17.54 15.07 1.93 2.25
1S 130.90 47.22 22.15 17.09 1.53 1.98
2S 130.90 47.22 22.15 17.09 1.53 1.98
7 A 5.20 6.60 0.80 0.34 5 4 247.81 83.89 34.88 29.85 1.21 1.42
B 149.98 50.77 21.19 18.15 2.00 2.33
C 135.00 45.70 19.17 16.42 2.21 2.58
1S 153.03 51.80 23.92 18.50 1.77 2.29
2S 153.03 51.80 23.92 18.50 1.77 2.29
8 A 6.00 6.60 0.80 0.33 5 4 284.12 94.71 39.08 33.93 1.08 1.25
B 178.90 59.63 24.65 21.81 1.72 1.94
C 157.20 52.40 21.76 19.26 1.94 2.20
1S 177.32 59.11 26.95 21.23 1.57 1.99
2S 177.32 59.11 26.95 21.23 1.57 1.99
9 A 6.80 6.60 0.80 0.33 6 4 324.05 108.02 44.31 39.82 1.08 1.20
B 212.35 70.78 29.05 26.64 1.65 1.80
C 181.20 60.40 24.90 22.84 1.93 2.10
1S 204.07 68.02 30.64 25.12 1.56 1.91
2S 204.07 68.02 30.64 25.12 1.56 1.91
10 A 7.60 7.00 0.80 0.33 7 4 348.83 116.28 47.54 44.18 1.19 1.28
B 233.78 77.93 31.86 30.26 1.77 1.86
C 195.60 65.20 26.77 25.43 2.11 2.22
1S 220.48 73.49 33.16 27.96 1.70 2.02
2S 220.48 73.49 33.16 27.96 1.70 2.02
11 A 8.40 7.40 0.80 0.33 7 4 374.09 124.70 50.84 48.82 1.11 1.15
B 256.19 85.40 34.80 34.22 1.62 1.65
C 210.35 70.12 28.69 28.21 1.97 2.00
1S 237.23 79.08 35.74 30.99 1.58 1.82
2S 237.23 79.08 35.74 30.99 1.58 1.82

Effective No. of
Length Strip Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m*
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 6.60 3.94 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.54 29.96 1.62

B 36.50 7.19 19.98 2.78
C 36.50 7.18 19.98 2.78
1S 36.50 11.67 19.98 1.71
2S 36.50 11.67 19.98 1.71
2 A 1.20 6.60 4.08 0.92 2 8 90 76.95 21.91 40.17 1.83
B 51.30 9.68 26.78 2.77
C 51.30 9.74 26.78 2.75
1S 51.30 14.10 26.78 1.90
2S 51.30 14.10 26.78 1.90
3 A 2.00 6.60 4.21 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.91 49.49 1.99
B 66.78 11.89 32.99 2.78
C 66.78 12.09 32.99 2.73
1S 66.78 16.29 32.99 2.03
2S 66.78 16.29 32.99 2.03
4 A 2.80 6.60 4.34 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.45 57.45 2.09
B 82.70 14.32 38.30 2.67
C 82.70 14.16 38.30 2.70
1S 82.70 18.17 38.30 2.11
2S 82.70 18.17 38.30 2.11
5 A 3.60 6.60 4.48 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 29.87 63.69 2.13
B 98.90 16.74 42.46 2.54
C 98.90 15.90 42.46 2.67
1S 98.90 20.19 42.46 2.10
2S 98.90 20.19 42.46 2.10
6 A 4.40 6.60 4.61 0.62 4 8 90 172.95 32.54 67.92 2.09
B 115.30 19.05 45.28 2.38
C 115.30 17.54 45.28 2.58
1S 115.30 22.15 45.28 2.04
2S 115.30 22.15 45.28 2.04
7 A 5.20 6.60 4.80 0.54 5 8 90 197.77 34.88 70.67 2.03
B 131.84 21.19 47.11 2.22
C 131.84 19.17 47.11 2.46
1S 131.84 23.92 47.11 1.97
2S 131.84 23.92 47.11 1.97
8 A 6.00 6.60 5.20 0.52 5 8 90 222.75 39.08 83.34 2.13
B 148.50 24.65 55.56 2.25
C 148.50 21.76 55.56 2.55
1S 148.50 26.95 55.56 2.06
2S 148.50 26.95 55.56 2.06
9 A 6.80 6.60 5.60 0.52 6 8 90 247.86 44.31 99.86 2.25
B 165.24 29.05 66.57 2.29
C 165.24 24.90 66.57 2.67
1S 165.24 30.64 66.57 2.17
2S 165.24 30.64 66.57 2.17
10 A 7.60 7.00 6.40 0.52 7 8 90 273.06 47.54 125.73 2.64
B 182.04 31.86 83.82 2.63
C 182.04 26.77 83.82 3.13
1S 182.04 33.16 83.82 2.53
2S 182.04 33.16 83.82 2.53
11 A 8.40 7.40 7.20 0.52 7 8 90 298.35 50.84 154.55 3.04
B 198.90 34.80 103.03 2.96
C 198.90 28.69 103.03 3.59
1S 198.90 35.74 103.03 2.88
2S 198.90 35.74 103.03 2.88

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil to
fs 1.20 1.00
soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75 Paraweb 2E 85 Paraweb 2E 100
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4 85.45 100.5
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31 47.95 56.39
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 9.60
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m 2) g Max (kN/m 3) g Min (kN/m 3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 9.60 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 10.21 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m2 Value in kN/m the face of
(m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 11.23
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.306 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.306 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 3204.86 636.29 12451.65 2434.88 0.86 2.18 2.42 5.11 527.90
Load Case B 1958.65 636.29 7709.06 2434.88 1.30 2.72 1.48 3.17 376.26
Load Case C 1929.10 340.99 7473.25 1182.03 0.73 3.92 2.72 6.32 304.16
Load Case 1S + dW 2101.35 554.83 8132.96 2233.80 1.18 3.69 2.19 3.64 386.66
Load Case 1S - dW 1964.32 554.83 7641.39 2233.80 1.24 3.81 2.04 3.42 368.83
Load Case 2S + dW 2101.35 554.83 8132.96 2233.80 1.18 3.69 2.19 3.64 386.66
Load Case 2S - dW 1964.32 554.83 7641.39 2233.80 1.24 3.81 2.04 3.42 368.83


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.28

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 3.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 1.50 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 4.50 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 3.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 1.50 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 5.09 € -


Length Strip No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k
Type points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 7.20 0.80 0.47 2 4 76.26 35.98 18.47 16.31 1.20 1.36
B 23.59 11.13 7.17 6.50 3.09 3.40
C 23.52 11.10 7.16 6.49 3.09 3.41
1S 37.16 17.53 11.75 8.68 1.88 2.55
2S 37.16 17.53 11.75 8.68 1.88 2.55
2 A 1.20 7.20 0.80 0.45 2 4 103.42 46.50 21.84 19.05 1.01 1.16
B 41.72 18.76 9.66 8.54 2.29 2.59
C 41.93 18.85 9.70 8.57 2.28 2.58
1S 55.27 24.85 14.18 10.61 1.56 2.09
2S 55.27 24.85 14.18 10.61 1.56 2.09
3 A 2.00 7.20 0.80 0.43 3 4 130.00 55.56 24.86 21.53 1.14 1.31
B 59.29 25.34 11.89 10.37 2.37 2.72
C 60.20 25.73 12.05 10.51 2.34 2.69
1S 72.99 31.20 16.38 12.37 1.72 2.28
2S 72.99 31.20 16.38 12.37 1.72 2.28
4 A 2.80 7.20 0.80 0.41 4 4 155.85 63.15 27.45 23.66 1.23 1.43
B 78.37 31.75 14.16 12.26 2.39 2.76
C 78.19 31.68 14.13 12.23 2.40 2.77
1S 90.24 36.56 18.29 13.89 1.85 2.44
2S 90.24 36.56 18.29 13.89 1.85 2.44
5 A 3.60 7.20 0.80 0.38 4 4 181.51 69.51 29.64 25.47 1.14 1.33
B 99.51 38.11 16.47 14.18 2.06 2.39
C 95.77 36.68 15.90 13.70 2.13 2.47
1S 108.66 41.61 20.14 15.37 1.68 2.20
2S 108.66 41.61 20.14 15.37 1.68 2.20
6 A 4.40 7.20 0.80 0.36 4 4 212.24 76.56 32.18 27.59 1.05 1.23
B 121.90 43.97 18.63 15.99 1.82 2.12
C 113.30 40.87 17.39 14.94 1.95 2.27
1S 129.17 46.60 22.01 16.88 1.54 2.00
2S 129.17 46.60 22.01 16.88 1.54 2.00
7 A 5.20 7.20 0.80 0.34 5 4 244.08 82.62 34.38 29.42 1.23 1.44
B 145.57 49.28 20.60 17.64 2.05 2.40
C 133.36 45.14 18.94 16.24 2.23 2.61
1S 150.44 50.93 23.65 18.20 1.79 2.32
2S 150.44 50.93 23.65 18.20 1.79 2.32
8 A 6.00 7.20 0.80 0.33 5 4 278.53 92.84 38.34 32.77 1.10 1.29
B 172.19 57.40 23.76 20.53 1.78 2.06
C 154.70 51.57 21.43 18.53 1.97 2.28
1S 173.46 57.82 26.46 20.35 1.60 2.08
2S 173.46 57.82 26.46 20.46 1.60 2.07
9 A 6.80 7.20 0.80 0.33 6 4 315.84 105.28 43.22 37.94 1.11 1.26
B 202.26 67.42 27.71 24.76 1.73 1.94
C 177.49 59.16 24.40 21.82 1.96 2.20
1S 198.43 66.14 29.92 23.88 1.60 2.01
2S 198.43 66.14 29.92 23.88 1.60 2.01
10 A 7.60 7.20 0.80 0.33 7 4 356.20 118.73 48.52 43.96 1.16 1.28
B 236.20 78.73 32.18 29.72 1.75 1.90
C 201.87 67.29 27.60 25.50 2.04 2.21
1S 225.46 75.15 33.66 27.86 1.68 2.02
2S 225.46 75.15 33.66 27.86 1.68 2.02
11 A 8.40 7.50 0.80 0.33 7 4 385.29 128.43 52.33 48.91 1.08 1.15
B 261.55 87.18 35.51 33.88 1.59 1.66
C 219.00 73.00 29.84 28.47 1.89 1.98
1S 244.80 81.60 36.52 31.11 1.54 1.81
2S 244.80 81.60 36.52 31.11 1.54 1.81
12 A 9.20 7.80 0.80 0.33 7 5 415.33 138.44 45.02 43.37 1.25 1.30
B 288.54 96.18 31.26 30.78 1.80 1.83
C 236.66 78.89 25.72 25.33 2.19 2.23
1S 264.79 88.26 32.29 27.67 1.75 2.04
2S 264.79 88.26 32.29 27.67 1.75 2.04

Effective No. of
Length Strip Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m*
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 7.20 4.30 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.47 32.70 1.77

B 36.50 7.17 21.80 3.04
C 36.50 7.16 21.80 3.05
1S 36.50 11.75 21.80 1.85
2S 36.50 11.75 21.80 1.85
2 A 1.20 7.20 4.44 0.92 2 8 90 76.95 21.84 43.72 2.00
B 51.30 9.66 29.15 3.02
C 51.30 9.70 29.15 3.01
1S 51.30 14.18 29.15 2.06
2S 51.30 14.18 29.15 2.06
3 A 2.00 7.20 4.57 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.86 53.72 2.16
B 66.78 11.89 35.81 3.01
C 66.78 12.05 35.81 2.97
1S 66.78 16.38 35.81 2.19
2S 66.78 16.38 35.81 2.19
4 A 2.80 7.20 4.70 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.45 62.21 2.27
B 82.70 14.16 41.47 2.93
C 82.70 14.13 41.47 2.93
1S 82.70 18.29 41.47 2.27
2S 82.70 18.29 41.47 2.27
5 A 3.60 7.20 4.84 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 29.64 68.81 2.32
B 98.90 16.47 45.87 2.79
C 98.90 15.90 45.87 2.89
1S 98.90 20.14 45.87 2.28
2S 98.90 20.14 45.87 2.28
6 A 4.40 7.20 4.97 0.62 4 8 90 172.95 32.18 73.22 2.28
B 115.30 18.63 48.81 2.62
C 115.30 17.39 48.81 2.81
1S 115.30 22.01 48.81 2.22
2S 115.30 22.01 48.81 2.22
7 A 5.20 7.20 5.10 0.54 5 8 90 197.77 34.38 75.16 2.19
B 131.84 20.60 50.10 2.43
C 131.84 18.94 50.10 2.64
1S 131.84 23.65 50.10 2.12
2S 131.84 23.65 50.10 2.12
8 A 6.00 7.20 5.40 0.52 5 8 90 222.75 38.34 86.54 2.26
B 148.50 23.76 57.69 2.43
C 148.50 21.43 57.69 2.69
1S 148.50 26.46 57.69 2.18
2S 148.50 26.46 57.69 2.18
9 A 6.80 7.20 5.80 0.52 6 8 90 247.86 43.22 103.43 2.39
B 165.24 27.71 68.95 2.49
C 165.24 24.40 68.95 2.83
1S 165.24 29.92 68.95 2.30
2S 165.24 29.92 68.95 2.30
10 A 7.60 7.20 6.20 0.52 7 8 90 273.06 48.52 121.81 2.51
B 182.04 32.18 81.20 2.52
C 182.04 27.60 81.20 2.94
1S 182.04 33.66 81.20 2.41
2S 182.04 33.66 81.20 2.41
11 A 8.40 7.50 6.90 0.52 7 8 90 298.35 52.33 148.11 2.83
B 198.90 35.51 98.74 2.78
C 198.90 29.84 98.74 3.31
1S 198.90 36.52 98.74 2.70
2S 198.90 36.52 98.74 2.70
12 A 9.20 7.80 7.60 0.52 7 10 90 323.70 45.02 177.00 3.93
B 215.80 31.26 118.00 3.77
C 215.80 25.72 118.00 4.59
1S 215.80 32.29 118.00 3.65
2S 215.80 32.29 118.00 3.65

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil to
fs 1.20 1.00
soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75 Paraweb 2E 85 Paraweb 2E 100
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4 85.45 100.5
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31 47.95 56.39
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 10.40
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m 2) g Max (kN/m 3) g Min (kN/m 3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 10.40 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 11.01 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m2 Value in kN/m the face of
(m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 11.41
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.306 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.306 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 3637.08 728.80 15085.63 2982.03 0.91 2.16 2.40 5.06 561.65
Load Case B 2239.46 728.80 9420.90 2982.03 1.36 2.68 1.48 3.16 402.03
Load Case C 2204.24 395.73 9122.25 1475.66 0.77 3.85 2.68 6.18 326.16
Load Case 1S + dW 2393.00 640.60 9891.24 2786.17 1.27 3.59 2.16 3.55 415.58
Load Case 1S - dW 2235.96 640.60 9288.09 2786.17 1.33 3.70 2.02 3.33 396.74
Load Case 2S + dW 2393.00 640.60 9891.24 2786.17 1.27 3.59 2.16 3.55 415.58
Load Case 2S - dW 2235.96 640.60 9288.09 2786.17 1.33 3.70 2.02 3.33 396.74


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.30

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 2.96 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 1.48 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 4.44 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 2.96 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 2.96 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 5.40 € -


Length Strip No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k
Type points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 7.70 0.80 0.47 2 4 76.00 35.86 18.42 16.27 1.20 1.36
B 23.50 11.09 7.15 6.49 3.09 3.41
C 23.43 11.05 7.14 6.48 3.10 3.42
1S 37.03 17.47 11.84 8.66 1.87 2.56
2S 37.03 17.47 11.84 8.66 1.87 2.56
2 A 1.20 7.70 0.80 0.45 2 4 103.13 46.37 21.79 19.00 1.02 1.16
B 41.63 18.72 9.65 8.52 2.29 2.60
C 41.78 18.79 9.67 8.55 2.29 2.59
1S 55.12 24.78 14.26 10.58 1.55 2.09
2S 55.12 24.78 14.26 10.58 1.55 2.09
3 A 2.00 7.70 0.80 0.43 3 4 129.79 55.47 24.83 21.50 1.14 1.31
B 59.31 25.35 11.90 10.38 2.37 2.72
C 60.04 25.66 12.02 10.48 2.35 2.69
1S 72.90 31.16 16.48 12.35 1.71 2.28
2S 72.90 31.16 16.48 12.35 1.71 2.28
4 A 2.80 7.70 0.80 0.41 4 4 155.84 63.14 27.45 23.66 1.23 1.43
B 77.73 31.50 14.06 12.17 2.41 2.78
C 78.06 31.63 14.11 12.21 2.40 2.77
1S 90.27 36.58 18.41 13.89 1.84 2.44
2S 90.27 36.58 18.41 13.89 1.84 2.44
5 A 3.60 7.70 0.80 0.38 4 4 181.21 69.39 29.60 25.43 1.14 1.33
B 98.34 37.66 16.29 14.03 2.08 2.41
C 95.75 36.67 15.89 13.69 2.13 2.47
1S 107.98 41.35 20.14 15.28 1.68 2.21
2S 107.98 41.35 20.14 15.28 1.68 2.21
6 A 4.40 7.70 0.80 0.36 4 4 210.63 75.98 31.95 27.39 1.06 1.24
B 120.01 43.29 18.36 15.76 1.84 2.15
C 113.03 40.77 17.35 14.90 1.95 2.27
1S 128.05 46.19 21.96 16.74 1.54 2.02
2S 128.05 46.19 21.96 16.74 1.54 2.02
7 A 5.20 7.70 0.80 0.34 5 4 241.66 81.81 34.05 29.14 1.24 1.45
B 142.75 48.32 20.21 17.32 2.09 2.44
C 132.29 44.78 18.80 16.11 2.25 2.63
1S 148.76 50.36 23.53 18.01 1.80 2.35
2S 148.76 50.36 23.53 18.01 1.80 2.35
8 A 6.00 7.70 0.80 0.33 5 4 274.91 91.64 37.85 32.36 1.12 1.31
B 167.95 55.98 23.19 19.83 1.82 2.13
C 153.07 51.02 21.21 18.15 1.99 2.33
1S 170.97 56.99 26.16 20.18 1.62 2.10
2S 170.97 56.99 26.16 20.18 1.62 2.10
9 A 6.80 7.70 0.80 0.33 6 4 310.59 103.53 42.52 36.58 1.13 1.31
B 195.97 65.32 26.87 23.48 1.78 2.04
C 175.09 58.36 24.08 21.05 1.99 2.28
1S 194.82 64.94 29.47 22.99 1.63 2.09
2S 194.82 64.94 29.47 22.99 1.63 2.09
10 A 7.60 7.70 0.80 0.33 6 4 348.79 116.26 47.53 42.13 1.01 1.14
B 227.09 75.70 30.96 27.91 1.55 1.72
C 198.45 66.15 27.15 24.47 1.77 1.96
1S 220.38 73.46 33.01 26.65 1.45 1.80
2S 220.38 73.46 33.01 26.65 1.45 1.80
11 A 8.40 7.70 0.80 0.33 7 4 389.96 129.99 52.95 48.33 1.06 1.17
B 262.04 87.35 35.58 33.06 1.58 1.71
C 223.37 74.46 30.42 28.27 1.85 1.99
1S 247.96 82.65 36.83 30.76 1.53 1.83
2S 247.96 82.65 36.83 30.76 1.53 1.83
12 A 9.20 8.00 0.80 0.33 7 5 419.04 139.68 45.42 42.66 1.24 1.32
B 287.62 95.87 31.16 29.83 1.81 1.89
C 240.56 80.19 26.14 25.03 2.16 2.25
1S 267.29 89.10 32.44 27.23 1.74 2.07
2S 267.29 89.10 32.44 27.23 1.74 2.07
13 A 10.00 8.30 0.80 0.33 7 5 449.04 149.68 48.58 46.92 1.16 1.20
B 314.76 104.92 34.03 33.54 1.66 1.68
C 258.27 86.09 28.00 27.60 2.01 2.04
1S 287.25 95.75 34.87 30.03 1.62 1.88
2S 287.25 95.75 34.87 30.03 1.62 1.88

Effective No. of
Length Strip Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m*
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 7.70 4.56 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.42 34.67 1.88

B 36.50 7.15 23.11 3.23
C 36.50 7.14 23.11 3.24
1S 36.50 11.84 23.11 1.95
2S 36.50 11.84 23.11 1.95
2 A 1.20 7.70 4.70 0.92 2 8 90 76.95 21.79 46.28 2.12
B 51.30 9.65 30.85 3.20
C 51.30 9.67 30.85 3.19
1S 51.30 14.26 30.85 2.16
2S 51.30 14.26 30.85 2.16
3 A 2.00 7.70 4.83 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.83 56.78 2.29
B 66.78 11.90 37.85 3.18
C 66.78 12.02 37.85 3.15
1S 66.78 16.48 37.85 2.30
2S 66.78 16.48 37.85 2.30
4 A 2.80 7.70 4.96 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.45 65.65 2.39
B 82.70 14.06 43.76 3.11
C 82.70 14.11 43.76 3.10
1S 82.70 18.41 43.76 2.38
2S 82.70 18.41 43.76 2.38
5 A 3.60 7.70 5.10 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 29.60 72.51 2.45
B 98.90 16.29 48.34 2.97
C 98.90 15.89 48.34 3.04
1S 98.90 20.14 48.34 2.40
2S 98.90 20.14 48.34 2.40
6 A 4.40 7.70 5.23 0.62 4 8 90 172.95 31.95 77.05 2.41
B 115.30 18.36 51.37 2.80
C 115.30 17.35 51.37 2.96
1S 115.30 21.96 51.37 2.34
2S 115.30 21.96 51.37 2.34
7 A 5.20 7.70 5.36 0.54 5 8 90 197.77 34.05 78.98 2.32
B 131.84 20.21 52.66 2.60
C 131.84 18.80 52.66 2.80
1S 131.84 23.53 52.66 2.24
2S 131.84 23.53 52.66 2.24
8 A 6.00 7.70 5.50 0.52 5 8 90 222.75 37.85 88.14 2.33
B 148.50 23.19 58.76 2.53
C 148.50 21.21 58.76 2.77
1S 148.50 26.16 58.76 2.25
2S 148.50 26.16 58.76 2.25
9 A 6.80 7.70 5.90 0.52 6 8 90 247.86 42.52 105.21 2.47
B 165.24 26.87 70.14 2.61
C 165.24 24.08 70.14 2.91
1S 165.24 29.47 70.14 2.38
2S 165.24 29.47 70.14 2.38
10 A 7.60 7.70 6.30 0.52 6 8 90 273.06 47.53 123.77 2.60
B 182.04 30.96 82.51 2.66
C 182.04 27.15 82.51 3.04
1S 182.04 33.01 82.51 2.50
2S 182.04 33.01 82.51 2.50
11 A 8.40 7.70 6.70 0.52 7 8 90 298.35 52.95 143.82 2.72
B 198.90 35.58 95.88 2.69
C 198.90 30.42 95.88 3.15
1S 198.90 36.83 95.88 2.60
2S 198.90 36.83 95.88 2.60
12 A 9.20 8.00 7.40 0.52 7 10 90 323.70 45.42 172.34 3.79
B 215.80 31.16 114.89 3.69
C 215.80 26.14 114.89 4.40
1S 215.80 32.44 114.89 3.54
2S 215.80 32.44 114.89 3.54
13 A 10.00 8.30 8.10 0.52 7 10 90 349.10 48.58 203.45 4.19
B 232.73 34.03 135.63 3.99
C 232.73 28.00 135.63 4.84
1S 232.73 34.87 135.63 3.89
2S 232.73 34.87 135.63 3.89

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil to
fs 1.20 1.00
soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75 Paraweb 2E 85 Paraweb 2E 100
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4 85.45 100.5
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31 47.95 56.39
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 11.20
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m 2) g Max (kN/m 3) g Min (kN/m 3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 11.20 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 11.81 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m2 Value in kN/m the face of
(m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 11.49
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.306 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.306 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 4056.05 827.84 17671.72 3605.14 0.97 2.09 2.36 4.90 600.35
Load Case B 2514.24 827.84 11120.90 3605.14 1.45 2.56 1.46 3.08 433.60
Load Case C 2473.15 454.83 10756.04 1815.25 0.82 3.70 2.62 5.93 350.79
Load Case 1S + dW 2678.45 733.88 11632.17 3429.55 1.38 3.40 2.11 3.39 450.55
Load Case 1S - dW 2498.74 733.88 10905.01 3429.55 1.45 3.49 1.97 3.18 430.57
Load Case 2S + dW 2678.45 733.88 11632.17 3429.55 1.38 3.40 2.11 3.39 450.55
Load Case 2S - dW 2498.74 733.88 10905.01 3429.55 1.45 3.49 1.97 3.18 430.57


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.32

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 2.96 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 1.48 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 5.93 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 2.96 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 1.48 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 7.13 € -


Length Strip No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k
Type points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 8.30 0.80 0.47 2 4 75.72 35.73 18.37 16.22 1.20 1.36
B 23.41 11.04 7.14 6.47 3.10 3.42
C 23.33 11.01 7.12 6.46 3.11 3.42
1S 36.89 17.41 11.95 8.64 1.85 2.56
2S 36.89 17.41 11.95 8.64 1.85 2.56
2 A 1.20 8.30 0.80 0.45 2 4 102.81 46.23 21.73 18.95 1.02 1.17
B 41.52 18.67 9.63 8.51 2.30 2.60
C 41.62 18.71 9.64 8.52 2.29 2.60
1S 54.95 24.71 14.37 10.56 1.54 2.10
2S 54.95 24.71 14.37 10.56 1.54 2.10
3 A 2.00 8.30 0.80 0.43 3 4 129.52 55.36 24.78 21.46 1.14 1.32
B 59.27 25.33 11.89 10.37 2.37 2.72
C 59.85 25.58 11.99 10.46 2.35 2.70
1S 72.76 31.10 16.59 12.33 1.70 2.29
2S 72.76 31.10 16.59 12.33 1.70 2.29
4 A 2.80 8.30 0.80 0.41 4 4 155.73 63.10 27.43 23.64 1.23 1.43
B 77.12 31.25 13.96 12.08 2.42 2.80
C 77.88 31.56 14.08 12.19 2.40 2.78
1S 90.24 36.56 18.54 13.89 1.83 2.44
2S 90.24 36.56 18.54 13.89 1.83 2.44
5 A 3.60 8.30 0.80 0.38 4 4 181.36 69.45 29.62 25.45 1.14 1.33
B 97.23 37.24 16.12 13.89 2.10 2.44
C 95.64 36.62 15.88 13.68 2.13 2.47
1S 107.34 41.11 20.18 15.20 1.68 2.23
2S 107.34 41.11 20.18 15.20 1.68 2.23
6 A 4.40 8.30 0.80 0.36 4 4 209.11 75.43 31.73 27.20 1.07 1.24
B 118.23 42.65 18.10 15.54 1.87 2.18
C 113.05 40.78 17.35 14.90 1.95 2.27
1S 126.98 45.81 21.94 16.61 1.54 2.04
2S 126.98 45.81 21.94 16.61 1.54 2.04
7 A 5.20 8.30 0.80 0.34 4 4 239.37 81.03 33.74 28.88 1.00 1.17
B 140.11 47.43 19.86 17.01 1.70 1.99
C 131.26 44.43 18.66 15.99 1.81 2.12
1S 147.18 49.82 23.45 17.83 1.44 1.90
2S 147.18 49.82 23.45 17.83 1.44 1.90
8 A 6.00 8.30 0.80 0.33 5 4 271.50 90.50 37.40 31.97 1.13 1.32
B 164.02 54.67 22.67 19.39 1.87 2.18
C 151.52 50.51 21.00 17.97 2.01 2.35
1S 168.63 56.21 25.98 19.91 1.63 2.12
2S 168.63 56.21 25.98 19.91 1.63 2.12
9 A 6.80 8.30 0.80 0.33 5 4 305.66 101.89 41.86 35.75 1.01 1.18
B 190.22 63.41 26.10 22.36 1.62 1.89
C 172.82 57.61 23.78 20.39 1.78 2.08
1S 191.44 63.81 29.07 22.20 1.46 1.91
2S 191.44 63.81 29.07 22.44 1.46 1.89
10 A 7.60 8.30 0.80 0.33 6 4 341.88 113.96 46.61 40.52 1.03 1.18
B 218.88 72.96 29.87 26.35 1.61 1.82
C 195.23 65.08 26.72 23.58 1.79 2.03
1S 215.66 71.89 32.43 25.59 1.48 1.87
2S 215.66 71.89 32.43 25.59 1.48 1.87
11 A 8.40 8.30 0.80 0.33 7 4 380.53 126.84 51.70 46.20 1.09 1.22
B 250.51 83.50 34.04 30.91 1.66 1.82
C 218.93 72.98 29.83 27.09 1.89 2.08
1S 241.51 80.50 36.02 29.35 1.57 1.92
2S 241.51 80.50 36.02 29.35 1.57 1.92
12 A 9.20 8.30 0.80 0.33 7 5 421.99 140.66 45.73 42.00 1.23 1.34
B 285.77 95.26 30.96 28.92 1.82 1.95
C 244.13 81.38 26.52 24.78 2.13 2.28
1S 269.27 89.76 32.57 26.82 1.73 2.10
2S 269.27 89.76 32.57 26.82 1.73 2.10
13 A 10.00 8.30 0.80 0.33 7 5 466.72 155.57 50.46 47.60 1.12 1.18
B 325.47 108.49 35.17 33.77 1.60 1.67
C 271.08 90.36 29.37 28.20 1.92 2.00
1S 299.26 99.75 35.92 30.53 1.57 1.85
2S 299.26 99.75 35.92 30.53 1.57 1.85
14 A 10.80 8.70 0.80 0.33 7 5 491.00 163.67 53.01 51.33 1.06 1.10
B 347.88 115.96 37.53 37.04 1.50 1.52
C 285.24 95.08 30.85 30.44 1.83 1.85
1S 315.31 105.10 37.98 32.98 1.48 1.71
2S 315.31 105.10 37.98 32.98 1.48 1.71

Effective No. of
Length Strip Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m*
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 8.30 4.92 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.37 37.41 2.04

B 36.50 7.14 24.94 3.49
C 36.50 7.12 24.94 3.50
1S 36.50 11.95 24.94 2.09
2S 36.50 11.95 24.94 2.09
2 A 1.20 8.30 5.06 0.92 2 8 90 76.95 21.73 49.83 2.29
B 51.30 9.63 33.22 3.45
C 51.30 9.64 33.22 3.44
1S 51.30 14.37 33.22 2.31
2S 51.30 14.37 33.22 2.31
3 A 2.00 8.30 5.19 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.78 61.01 2.46
B 66.78 11.89 40.67 3.42
C 66.78 11.99 40.67 3.39
1S 66.78 16.59 40.67 2.45
2S 66.78 16.59 40.67 2.45
4 A 2.80 8.30 5.32 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.43 70.41 2.57
B 82.70 13.96 46.94 3.36
C 82.70 14.08 46.94 3.33
1S 82.70 18.54 46.94 2.53
2S 82.70 18.54 46.94 2.53
5 A 3.60 8.30 5.46 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 29.62 77.63 2.62
B 98.90 16.12 51.75 3.21
C 98.90 15.88 51.75 3.26
1S 98.90 20.18 51.75 2.56
2S 98.90 20.18 51.75 2.56
6 A 4.40 8.30 5.59 0.62 4 8 90 172.95 31.73 82.35 2.60
B 115.30 18.10 54.90 3.03
C 115.30 17.35 54.90 3.16
1S 115.30 21.94 54.90 2.50
2S 115.30 21.94 54.90 2.50
7 A 5.20 8.30 5.72 0.54 4 8 90 197.77 33.74 84.28 2.50
B 131.84 19.86 56.19 2.83
C 131.84 18.66 56.19 3.01
1S 131.84 23.45 56.19 2.40
2S 131.84 23.45 56.19 2.40
8 A 6.00 8.30 5.86 0.52 5 8 90 222.75 37.40 93.88 2.51
B 148.50 22.67 62.59 2.76
C 148.50 21.00 62.59 2.98
1S 148.50 25.98 62.59 2.41
2S 148.50 25.98 62.59 2.41
9 A 6.80 8.30 6.10 0.52 5 8 90 247.86 41.86 108.78 2.60
B 165.24 26.10 72.52 2.78
C 165.24 23.78 72.52 3.05
1S 165.24 29.07 72.52 2.49
2S 165.24 29.07 72.52 2.49
10 A 7.60 8.30 6.50 0.52 6 8 90 273.06 46.61 127.70 2.74
B 182.04 29.87 85.13 2.85
C 182.04 26.72 85.13 3.19
1S 182.04 32.43 85.13 2.62
2S 182.04 32.43 85.13 2.62
11 A 8.40 8.30 6.90 0.52 7 8 90 298.35 51.70 148.11 2.86
B 198.90 34.04 98.74 2.90
C 198.90 29.83 98.74 3.31
1S 198.90 36.02 98.74 2.74
2S 198.90 36.02 98.74 2.74
12 A 9.20 8.30 7.30 0.52 7 10 90 323.70 45.73 170.01 3.72
B 215.80 30.96 113.34 3.66
C 215.80 26.52 113.34 4.27
1S 215.80 32.57 113.34 3.48
2S 215.80 32.57 113.34 3.48
13 A 10.00 8.30 7.70 0.52 7 10 90 349.10 50.46 193.40 3.83
B 232.73 35.17 128.93 3.67
C 232.73 29.37 128.93 4.39
1S 232.73 35.92 128.93 3.59
2S 232.73 35.92 128.93 3.59
14 A 10.80 8.70 8.50 0.52 7 10 90 374.55 53.01 229.05 4.32
B 249.70 37.53 152.70 4.07
C 249.70 30.85 152.70 4.95
1S 249.70 37.98 152.70 4.02
2S 249.70 37.98 152.70 4.02

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil to
fs 1.20 1.00
soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75 Paraweb 2E 85 Paraweb 2E 100
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4 85.45 100.5
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31 47.95 56.39
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 12.00
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m 2) g Max (kN/m 3) g Min (kN/m 3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 12.00 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 12.61 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m2 Value in kN/m the face of
(m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 11.50
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.306 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.306 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 4541.06 933.32 20960.09 4311.78 1.02 2.07 2.34 4.86 634.90
Load Case B 2830.71 933.32 13272.47 4311.78 1.52 2.53 1.46 3.08 460.20
Load Case C 2783.49 518.22 12829.60 2204.66 0.87 3.64 2.58 5.82 373.41
Load Case 1S + dW 3007.76 834.40 13841.32 4169.90 1.47 3.31 2.08 3.32 481.16
Load Case 1S - dW 2803.11 834.40 12961.66 4169.90 1.55 3.39 1.94 3.11 460.06
Load Case 2S + dW 3007.76 834.40 13841.32 4169.90 1.47 3.31 2.08 3.32 481.16
Load Case 2S - dW 2803.11 834.40 12961.66 4169.90 1.55 3.39 1.94 3.11 460.06


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.33

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 2.97 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 1.48 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 5.93 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 2.97 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 1.48 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 8.98 € -


Length Strip No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k
Type points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 8.90 0.80 0.47 2 4 75.47 35.61 18.32 16.18 1.21 1.37
B 23.32 11.00 7.12 6.46 3.11 3.43
C 23.25 10.97 7.11 6.45 3.11 3.43
1S 36.77 17.35 12.05 8.62 1.84 2.57
2S 36.77 17.35 12.05 8.62 1.84 2.57
2 A 1.20 8.90 0.80 0.45 2 4 102.52 46.09 21.68 18.91 1.02 1.17
B 41.42 18.62 9.61 8.49 2.30 2.61
C 41.48 18.65 9.62 8.50 2.30 2.60
1S 54.80 24.64 14.46 10.54 1.53 2.10
2S 54.80 24.64 14.46 10.54 1.53 2.10
3 A 2.00 8.90 0.80 0.43 3 4 129.26 55.24 24.74 21.42 1.14 1.32
B 59.21 25.31 11.88 10.36 2.38 2.72
C 59.66 25.50 11.96 10.43 2.36 2.71
1S 72.63 31.04 16.68 12.31 1.69 2.29
2S 72.63 31.04 16.68 12.31 1.69 2.29
4 A 2.80 8.90 0.80 0.41 4 4 155.57 63.03 27.40 23.62 1.24 1.43
B 76.64 31.05 13.88 12.02 2.44 2.82
C 77.70 31.48 14.05 12.16 2.41 2.78
1S 90.18 36.54 18.64 13.88 1.82 2.44
2S 90.18 36.54 18.64 13.88 1.82 2.44
5 A 3.60 8.90 0.80 0.38 4 4 181.39 69.47 29.62 25.46 1.14 1.33
B 96.36 36.90 15.99 13.77 2.12 2.46
C 95.50 36.57 15.85 13.66 2.13 2.48
1S 107.40 41.13 20.31 15.21 1.67 2.23
2S 107.40 41.13 20.31 15.21 1.67 2.23
6 A 4.40 8.90 0.80 0.36 4 4 207.90 75.00 31.56 27.06 1.07 1.25
B 116.83 42.14 17.90 15.37 1.89 2.20
C 113.00 40.76 17.34 14.90 1.95 2.27
1S 126.13 45.50 21.93 16.51 1.54 2.05
2S 126.13 45.50 21.93 16.51 1.54 2.05
7 A 5.20 8.90 0.80 0.34 4 4 237.56 80.42 33.50 28.67 1.01 1.18
B 138.04 46.73 19.58 16.77 1.73 2.02
C 130.44 44.16 18.55 15.90 1.82 2.13
1S 145.92 49.40 23.39 17.68 1.45 1.91
2S 145.92 49.40 23.39 17.68 1.45 1.91
8 A 6.00 8.90 0.80 0.33 5 4 268.82 89.61 37.04 31.67 1.14 1.34
B 160.97 53.66 22.26 19.04 1.90 2.22
C 150.29 50.10 20.84 17.83 2.03 2.37
1S 166.78 55.59 25.85 19.70 1.64 2.15
2S 166.78 55.59 25.85 19.70 1.64 2.15
9 A 6.80 8.90 0.80 0.33 5 4 301.79 100.60 41.35 35.31 1.02 1.20
B 185.80 61.93 25.51 21.80 1.66 1.94
C 171.03 57.01 23.54 20.12 1.80 2.10
1S 188.80 62.93 28.78 22.14 1.47 1.91
2S 188.80 62.93 28.78 22.14 1.47 1.91
10 A 7.60 8.90 0.80 0.33 6 4 336.50 112.17 45.90 39.21 1.04 1.22
B 212.64 70.88 29.04 25.14 1.65 1.91
C 192.70 64.23 26.38 22.85 1.82 2.10
1S 211.98 70.66 31.98 24.74 1.50 1.94
2S 211.98 70.66 31.98 24.74 1.50 1.94
11 A 8.40 8.90 0.80 0.33 7 4 373.23 124.41 50.72 44.49 1.11 1.27
B 241.87 80.62 32.89 29.26 1.71 1.93
C 215.46 71.82 29.37 26.14 1.92 2.16
1S 236.53 78.84 35.39 28.23 1.59 2.00
2S 236.53 78.84 35.39 28.23 1.59 2.00
12 A 9.20 8.90 0.80 0.33 7 4 412.27 137.42 55.87 50.29 1.01 1.12
B 273.96 91.32 37.13 33.93 1.52 1.66
C 239.48 79.83 32.53 29.74 1.73 1.90
1S 262.64 87.55 39.01 32.07 1.45 1.76
2S 262.64 87.55 39.01 32.07 1.45 1.76
13 A 10.00 8.90 0.80 0.33 7 5 453.97 151.32 49.10 45.34 1.15 1.24
B 309.48 103.16 33.46 31.40 1.69 1.80
C 264.93 88.31 28.71 26.95 1.96 2.09
1S 290.56 96.85 35.02 29.04 1.61 1.94
2S 290.56 96.85 35.02 29.04 1.61 1.94
14 A 10.80 8.90 0.80 0.33 7 5 498.75 166.25 53.84 50.97 1.05 1.11
B 349.18 116.39 37.67 36.28 1.50 1.55
C 292.05 97.35 31.58 30.41 1.79 1.85
1S 320.57 106.86 38.37 32.78 1.47 1.72
2S 320.57 106.86 38.37 32.78 1.47 1.72
15 A 11.60 9.20 0.80 0.33 7 6 528.58 176.19 47.49 46.07 1.19 1.22
B 376.69 125.56 33.82 33.40 1.67 1.69
C 309.72 103.24 27.87 27.52 2.02 2.05
1S 340.40 113.47 34.66 29.68 1.63 1.90
2S 340.40 113.47 34.66 29.68 1.63 1.90

Effective No. of
Length Strip Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m*
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 8.90 5.28 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.32 40.14 2.19

B 36.50 7.12 26.76 3.76
C 36.50 7.11 26.76 3.77
1S 36.50 12.05 26.76 2.22
2S 36.50 12.05 26.76 2.22
2 A 1.20 8.90 5.42 0.92 2 8 90 76.95 21.68 53.37 2.46
B 51.30 9.61 35.58 3.70
C 51.30 9.62 35.58 3.70
1S 51.30 14.46 35.58 2.46
2S 51.30 14.46 35.58 2.46
3 A 2.00 8.90 5.55 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.74 65.24 2.64
B 66.78 11.88 43.49 3.66
C 66.78 11.96 43.49 3.64
1S 66.78 16.68 43.49 2.61
2S 66.78 16.68 43.49 2.61
4 A 2.80 8.90 5.68 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.40 75.17 2.74
B 82.70 13.88 50.11 3.61
C 82.70 14.05 50.11 3.57
1S 82.70 18.64 50.11 2.69
2S 82.70 18.64 50.11 2.69
5 A 3.60 8.90 5.82 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 29.62 82.75 2.79
B 98.90 15.99 55.17 3.45
C 98.90 15.85 55.17 3.48
1S 98.90 20.31 55.17 2.72
2S 98.90 20.31 55.17 2.72
6 A 4.40 8.90 5.95 0.62 4 8 90 172.95 31.56 87.65 2.78
B 115.30 17.90 58.44 3.27
C 115.30 17.34 58.44 3.37
1S 115.30 21.93 58.44 2.66
2S 115.30 21.93 58.44 2.66
7 A 5.20 8.90 6.08 0.54 4 8 90 197.77 33.50 89.58 2.67
B 131.84 19.58 59.72 3.05
C 131.84 18.55 59.72 3.22
1S 131.84 23.39 59.72 2.55
2S 131.84 23.39 59.72 2.55
8 A 6.00 8.90 6.22 0.52 5 8 90 222.75 37.04 99.65 2.69
B 148.50 22.26 66.44 2.98
C 148.50 20.84 66.44 3.19
1S 148.50 25.85 66.44 2.57
2S 148.50 25.85 66.44 2.57
9 A 6.80 8.90 6.35 0.52 5 8 90 247.86 41.35 113.26 2.74
B 165.24 25.51 75.51 2.96
C 165.24 23.54 75.51 3.21
1S 165.24 28.78 75.51 2.62
2S 165.24 28.78 75.51 2.62
10 A 7.60 8.90 6.70 0.52 6 8 90 273.06 45.90 131.63 2.87
B 182.04 29.04 87.75 3.02
C 182.04 26.38 87.75 3.33
1S 182.04 31.98 87.75 2.74
2S 182.04 31.98 87.75 2.74
11 A 8.40 8.90 7.10 0.52 7 8 90 298.35 50.72 152.40 3.00
B 198.90 32.89 101.60 3.09
C 198.90 29.37 101.60 3.46
1S 198.90 35.39 101.60 2.87
2S 198.90 35.39 101.60 2.87
12 A 9.20 8.90 7.50 0.52 7 8 90 323.70 55.87 174.67 3.13
B 215.80 37.13 116.45 3.14
C 215.80 32.53 116.45 3.58
1S 215.80 39.01 116.45 2.99
2S 215.80 39.01 116.45 2.99
13 A 10.00 8.90 7.90 0.52 7 10 90 349.10 49.10 198.42 4.04
B 232.73 33.46 132.28 3.95
C 232.73 28.71 132.28 4.61
1S 232.73 35.02 132.28 3.78
2S 232.73 35.02 132.28 3.78
14 A 10.80 8.90 8.30 0.52 7 10 90 374.55 53.84 223.66 4.15
B 249.70 37.67 149.11 3.96
C 249.70 31.58 149.11 4.72
1S 249.70 38.37 149.11 3.89
2S 249.70 38.37 149.11 3.89
15 A 11.60 9.20 9.00 0.52 7 12 90 400.03 47.49 259.03 5.45
B 266.69 33.82 172.69 5.11
C 266.69 27.87 172.69 6.20
1S 266.69 34.66 172.69 4.98
2S 266.69 34.66 172.69 4.98

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil to
fs 1.20 1.00
soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75 Paraweb 2E 85 Paraweb 2E 100
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4 85.45 100.5
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31 47.95 56.39
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 12.80
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m 2) g Max (kN/m 3) g Min (kN/m 3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 12.80 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 13.41 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m2 Value in kN/m the face of
(m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 11.63
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.306 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.306 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 5052.26 1044.20 24648.04 5101.32 1.07 2.06 2.33 4.83 668.48
Load Case B 3165.57 1044.20 15699.26 5101.32 1.59 2.51 1.46 3.08 485.83
Load Case C 3111.29 585.20 15163.04 2644.05 0.92 3.59 2.56 5.73 395.46
Load Case 1S + dW 3354.26 938.85 16318.71 4994.66 1.56 3.25 2.06 3.27 510.38
Load Case 1S - dW 3125.21 938.85 15276.35 4994.66 1.65 3.32 1.92 3.06 488.33
Load Case 2S + dW 3354.26 938.85 16318.71 4994.66 1.56 3.25 2.06 3.27 510.38
Load Case 2S - dW 3125.21 938.85 15276.35 4994.66 1.65 3.32 1.92 3.06 488.33


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.37

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 2.94 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 1.47 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 5.88 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 2.94 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 1.47 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 11.09 € -


Length Strip No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k
Type points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 9.40 0.80 0.47 2 4 75.30 35.53 18.29 16.16 1.21 1.37
B 23.26 10.98 7.11 6.45 3.11 3.43
C 23.19 10.94 7.09 6.44 3.12 3.44
1S 36.68 17.31 12.10 8.60 1.83 2.57
2S 36.68 17.31 12.10 8.60 1.83 2.57
2 A 1.20 9.40 0.80 0.45 2 4 102.31 46.00 21.64 18.88 1.02 1.17
B 41.34 18.59 9.59 8.48 2.31 2.61
C 41.38 18.60 9.60 8.48 2.30 2.61
1S 54.69 24.59 14.51 10.52 1.52 2.10
2S 54.69 24.59 14.51 10.52 1.52 2.10
3 A 2.00 9.40 0.80 0.43 3 4 129.07 55.17 24.70 21.39 1.14 1.32
B 59.18 25.29 11.88 10.36 2.38 2.72
C 59.54 25.45 11.94 10.41 2.36 2.71
1S 72.53 31.00 16.74 12.30 1.69 2.29
2S 72.53 31.00 16.74 12.30 1.69 2.29
4 A 2.80 9.40 0.80 0.41 4 4 155.47 62.99 27.38 23.61 1.24 1.43
B 76.66 31.06 13.88 12.02 2.44 2.82
C 77.58 31.43 14.03 12.15 2.41 2.79
1S 90.14 36.52 18.70 13.88 1.81 2.44
2S 90.14 36.52 18.70 13.88 1.81 2.44
5 A 3.60 9.40 0.80 0.38 4 4 181.43 69.48 29.63 25.46 1.14 1.33
B 95.75 36.67 15.89 13.69 2.13 2.47
C 95.41 36.54 15.84 13.65 2.14 2.48
1S 107.45 41.15 20.38 15.22 1.66 2.22
2S 107.45 41.15 20.38 15.22 1.66 2.22
6 A 4.40 9.40 0.80 0.36 4 4 207.08 74.70 31.44 26.96 1.08 1.26
B 115.86 41.80 17.76 15.25 1.91 2.22
C 112.99 40.76 17.34 14.90 1.95 2.27
1S 125.55 45.29 21.91 16.44 1.54 2.06
2S 125.55 45.29 21.91 16.44 1.54 2.06
7 A 5.20 9.40 0.80 0.34 4 4 236.32 80.00 33.33 28.53 1.02 1.19
B 136.63 46.25 19.39 16.61 1.75 2.04
C 130.28 44.10 18.53 15.88 1.83 2.13
1S 145.06 49.10 23.34 17.58 1.45 1.93
2S 145.06 49.10 23.34 17.58 1.45 1.93
8 A 6.00 9.40 0.80 0.33 5 4 266.98 88.99 36.80 31.46 1.15 1.34
B 158.89 52.96 21.99 18.81 1.92 2.25
C 149.44 49.81 20.73 17.74 2.04 2.39
1S 165.52 55.17 25.74 19.56 1.64 2.16
2S 165.52 55.17 25.74 19.56 1.64 2.16
9 A 6.80 9.40 0.80 0.33 5 4 299.15 99.72 40.99 35.01 1.03 1.21
B 182.81 60.94 25.11 21.46 1.68 1.97
C 169.79 56.60 23.38 19.98 1.81 2.12
1S 186.99 62.33 28.60 21.93 1.48 1.93
2S 186.99 62.33 28.60 21.93 1.48 1.93
10 A 7.60 9.40 0.80 0.33 6 4 332.84 110.95 45.41 38.75 1.06 1.24
B 208.45 69.48 28.48 24.31 1.68 1.97
C 190.97 63.66 26.15 22.33 1.83 2.15
1S 209.49 69.83 31.63 24.43 1.52 1.96
2S 209.49 69.83 31.63 24.43 1.52 1.96
11 A 8.40 9.40 0.80 0.33 7 4 368.28 122.76 50.06 43.18 1.13 1.31
B 236.12 78.71 32.12 28.06 1.76 2.01
C 213.10 71.03 29.05 25.39 1.94 2.22
1S 233.16 77.72 34.92 27.37 1.61 2.06
2S 233.16 77.72 34.92 27.37 1.61 2.06
12 A 9.20 9.40 0.80 0.33 7 4 405.71 135.24 55.00 48.62 1.03 1.16
B 266.18 88.73 36.09 32.35 1.56 1.74
C 236.32 78.77 32.11 28.79 1.76 1.96
1S 258.18 86.06 38.40 30.97 1.47 1.82
2S 258.18 86.06 38.40 30.97 1.47 1.82
13 A 10.00 9.40 0.80 0.33 7 5 445.42 148.47 48.19 43.66 1.17 1.29
B 299.08 99.69 32.35 29.74 1.74 1.90
C 260.78 86.93 28.27 25.99 1.99 2.17
1S 284.74 94.91 34.37 27.93 1.64 2.02
2S 284.74 94.91 34.37 27.93 1.64 2.02
14 A 10.80 9.40 0.80 0.33 7 5 487.75 162.58 52.67 48.86 1.07 1.15
B 335.37 111.79 36.20 34.10 1.56 1.65
C 286.66 95.55 31.00 29.21 1.82 1.93
1S 313.07 104.36 37.55 31.38 1.50 1.80
2S 313.07 104.36 37.55 31.38 1.50 1.80
15 A 11.60 9.40 0.80 0.33 7 6 533.05 177.68 47.89 45.49 1.18 1.24
B 375.72 125.24 33.73 32.56 1.67 1.73
C 314.17 104.72 28.26 27.28 2.00 2.07
1S 343.43 114.48 34.77 29.32 1.62 1.92
2S 343.43 114.48 34.77 29.32 1.62 1.92
16 A 12.40 9.70 0.80 0.33 7 6 562.84 187.61 50.51 49.09 1.12 1.15
B 331.89 110.63 36.17 35.75 1.56 1.58
C 331.89 110.63 29.82 29.48 1.89 1.91
1S 363.23 121.08 36.82 31.69 1.53 1.78
2S 363.23 121.08 36.82 31.69 1.53 1.78

Effective No. of
Length Strip Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m*
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 9.40 5.54 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.29 42.12 2.30

B 36.50 7.11 28.08 3.95
C 36.50 7.09 28.08 3.96
1S 36.50 12.10 28.08 2.32
2S 36.50 12.10 28.08 2.32
2 A 1.20 9.40 5.68 0.92 2 8 90 76.95 21.64 55.93 2.59
B 51.30 9.59 37.29 3.89
C 51.30 9.60 37.29 3.88
1S 51.30 14.51 37.29 2.57
2S 51.30 14.51 37.29 2.57
3 A 2.00 9.40 5.81 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.70 68.29 2.76
B 66.78 11.88 45.53 3.83
C 66.78 11.94 45.53 3.81
1S 66.78 16.74 45.53 2.72
2S 66.78 16.74 45.53 2.72
4 A 2.80 9.40 5.94 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.38 78.60 2.87
B 82.70 13.88 52.40 3.77
C 82.70 14.03 52.40 3.73
1S 82.70 18.70 52.40 2.80
2S 82.70 18.70 52.40 2.80
5 A 3.60 9.40 6.08 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 29.63 86.45 2.92
B 98.90 15.89 57.63 3.63
C 98.90 15.84 57.63 3.64
1S 98.90 20.38 57.63 2.83
2S 98.90 20.38 57.63 2.83
6 A 4.40 9.40 6.21 0.62 4 8 90 172.95 31.44 91.48 2.91
B 115.30 17.76 60.99 3.43
C 115.30 17.34 60.99 3.52
1S 115.30 21.91 60.99 2.78
2S 115.30 21.91 60.99 2.78
7 A 5.20 9.40 6.34 0.54 4 8 90 197.77 33.33 93.41 2.80
B 131.84 19.39 62.27 3.21
C 131.84 18.53 62.27 3.36
1S 131.84 23.34 62.27 2.67
2S 131.84 23.34 62.27 2.67
8 A 6.00 9.40 6.48 0.52 5 8 90 222.75 36.80 103.82 2.82
B 148.50 21.99 69.21 3.15
C 148.50 20.73 69.21 3.34
1S 148.50 25.74 69.21 2.69
2S 148.50 25.74 69.21 2.69
9 A 6.80 9.40 6.61 0.52 5 8 90 247.86 40.99 117.90 2.88
B 165.24 25.11 78.60 3.13
C 165.24 23.38 78.60 3.36
1S 165.24 28.60 78.60 2.75
2S 165.24 28.60 78.60 2.75
10 A 7.60 9.40 6.80 0.52 6 8 90 273.06 45.41 133.59 2.94
B 182.04 28.48 89.06 3.13
C 182.04 26.15 89.06 3.41
1S 182.04 31.63 89.06 2.82
2S 182.04 31.63 89.06 2.82
11 A 8.40 9.40 7.20 0.52 7 8 90 298.35 50.06 154.55 3.09
B 198.90 32.12 103.03 3.21
C 198.90 29.05 103.03 3.55
1S 198.90 34.92 103.03 2.95
2S 198.90 34.92 103.03 2.95
12 A 9.20 9.40 7.60 0.52 7 8 90 323.70 55.00 177.00 3.22
B 215.80 36.09 118.00 3.27
C 215.80 32.11 118.00 3.67
1S 215.80 38.40 118.00 3.07
2S 215.80 38.40 118.00 3.07
13 A 10.00 9.40 8.00 0.52 7 10 90 349.10 48.19 200.93 4.17
B 232.73 32.35 133.96 4.14
C 232.73 28.27 133.96 4.74
1S 232.73 34.37 133.96 3.90
2S 232.73 34.37 133.96 3.90
14 A 10.80 9.40 8.40 0.52 7 10 90 374.55 52.67 226.36 4.30
B 249.70 36.20 150.91 4.17
C 249.70 31.00 150.91 4.87
1S 249.70 37.55 150.91 4.02
2S 249.70 37.55 150.91 4.02
15 A 11.60 9.40 8.80 0.52 7 12 90 400.03 47.89 253.27 5.29
B 266.69 33.73 168.85 5.01
C 266.69 28.26 168.85 5.97
1S 266.69 34.77 168.85 4.86
2S 266.69 34.77 168.85 4.86
16 A 12.40 9.70 9.50 0.52 7 12 90 425.55 50.51 290.86 5.76
B 283.70 36.17 193.91 5.36
C 283.70 29.82 193.91 6.50
1S 283.70 36.82 193.91 5.27
2S 283.70 36.82 193.91 5.27

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil to
fs 1.20 1.00
soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75 Paraweb 2E 85 Paraweb 2E 100
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4 85.45 100.5
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31 47.95 56.39
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 13.60
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m 2) g Max (kN/m 3) g Min (kN/m 3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 13.60 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 14.21 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m2 Value in kN/m the face of
(m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 11.64
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.306 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.306 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 5541.85 1161.93 28197.08 5982.94 1.13 2.00 2.29 4.71 707.15
Load Case B 3488.61 1161.93 18054.61 5982.94 1.68 2.42 1.44 3.02 517.55
Load Case C 3427.29 656.75 17424.23 3140.31 0.97 3.48 2.51 5.55 420.25
Load Case 1S + dW 3689.40 1051.85 18722.14 5936.47 1.67 3.10 2.03 3.15 546.49
Load Case 1S - dW 3432.46 1051.85 17500.15 5936.47 1.77 3.16 1.88 2.95 523.41
Load Case 2S + dW 3689.40 1051.85 18722.14 5936.47 1.67 3.10 2.03 3.15 546.49
Load Case 2S - dW 3432.46 1051.85 17500.15 5936.47 1.77 3.16 1.88 2.95 523.41


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.38

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 2.94 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 1.47 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 5.88 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 2.94 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 1.47 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 12.89 € -


Length Strip No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k
Type points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 10.00 0.80 0.47 2 4 75.11 35.44 18.25 16.13 1.21 1.37
B 23.19 10.94 7.10 6.44 3.12 3.44
C 23.12 10.91 7.08 6.43 3.12 3.44
1S 36.59 17.26 12.22 8.59 1.81 2.58
2S 36.59 17.26 12.22 8.59 1.81 2.58
2 A 1.20 10.00 0.80 0.45 2 4 102.08 45.90 21.60 18.84 1.02 1.17
B 41.25 18.55 9.58 8.46 2.31 2.61
C 41.26 18.55 9.58 8.47 2.31 2.61
1S 54.57 24.53 14.62 10.50 1.51 2.11
2S 54.57 24.53 14.62 10.50 1.51 2.11
3 A 2.00 10.00 0.80 0.43 3 4 128.84 55.07 24.66 21.36 1.14 1.32
B 59.11 25.26 11.86 10.35 2.38 2.73
C 59.39 25.38 11.91 10.39 2.37 2.72
1S 72.41 30.95 16.85 12.28 1.68 2.30
2S 72.41 30.95 16.85 12.28 1.68 2.30
4 A 2.80 10.00 0.80 0.41 4 4 155.29 62.92 27.36 23.58 1.24 1.44
B 76.66 31.06 13.88 12.02 2.44 2.82
C 77.41 31.37 14.01 12.12 2.42 2.79
1S 90.05 36.49 18.82 13.86 1.80 2.44
2S 90.05 36.49 18.82 13.86 1.80 2.44
5 A 3.60 10.00 0.80 0.38 4 4 181.38 69.46 29.62 25.45 1.14 1.33
B 95.15 36.44 15.80 13.61 2.14 2.49
C 95.27 36.48 15.82 13.63 2.14 2.48
1S 107.44 41.15 20.51 15.22 1.65 2.22
2S 107.44 41.15 20.51 15.22 1.65 2.22
6 A 4.40 10.00 0.80 0.36 4 4 207.05 74.69 31.43 26.95 1.08 1.26
B 114.91 41.45 17.62 15.13 1.92 2.24
C 112.90 40.73 17.33 14.89 1.95 2.27
1S 124.97 45.08 21.96 16.37 1.54 2.07
2S 124.97 45.08 21.96 16.37 1.54 2.07
7 A 5.20 10.00 0.80 0.34 4 4 235.09 79.58 33.16 28.39 1.02 1.19
B 135.23 45.78 19.20 16.45 1.76 2.06
C 130.27 44.10 18.53 15.88 1.83 2.13
1S 144.21 48.82 23.36 17.48 1.45 1.94
2S 144.21 48.82 23.36 17.48 1.45 1.94
8 A 6.00 10.00 0.80 0.33 5 4 265.16 88.39 36.56 31.25 1.16 1.35
B 156.86 52.29 21.71 18.58 1.95 2.28
C 148.59 49.53 20.61 17.64 2.05 2.40
1S 164.27 54.76 25.71 19.42 1.65 2.18
2S 164.27 54.76 25.71 19.42 1.65 2.18
9 A 6.80 10.00 0.80 0.33 5 4 296.54 98.85 40.65 34.72 1.04 1.22
B 179.89 59.96 24.72 21.13 1.71 2.00
C 168.57 56.19 23.21 19.84 1.82 2.13
1S 185.21 61.74 28.49 21.73 1.48 1.95
2S 185.21 61.74 28.49 21.73 1.48 1.95
10 A 7.60 10.00 0.80 0.33 6 4 329.24 109.75 44.93 38.34 1.07 1.25
B 204.39 68.13 27.94 23.85 1.72 2.01
C 189.25 63.08 25.92 22.13 1.85 2.17
1S 207.03 69.01 31.41 24.15 1.53 1.99
2S 207.03 69.01 31.41 24.15 1.53 1.99
11 A 8.40 10.00 0.80 0.33 7 4 363.44 121.15 49.42 42.15 1.14 1.34
B 230.60 76.87 31.39 26.98 1.80 2.09
C 210.76 70.25 28.74 24.71 1.96 2.28
1S 229.86 76.62 34.54 26.59 1.63 2.12
2S 229.86 76.62 34.54 26.69 1.63 2.11
12 A 9.20 10.00 0.80 0.33 7 4 399.33 133.11 54.14 47.10 1.04 1.20
B 258.78 86.26 35.10 30.92 1.61 1.82
C 233.21 77.74 31.69 27.92 1.78 2.02
1S 253.84 84.61 37.87 29.97 1.49 1.88
2S 253.84 84.61 37.87 29.97 1.49 1.88
13 A 10.00 10.00 0.80 0.33 7 5 437.15 145.72 47.31 42.12 1.19 1.34
B 289.30 96.43 31.31 28.25 1.80 2.00
C 256.72 85.57 27.83 25.12 2.03 2.25
1S 279.12 93.04 33.83 26.91 1.67 2.10
2S 279.12 93.04 33.83 26.91 1.67 2.10
14 A 10.80 10.00 0.80 0.33 7 5 477.15 159.05 51.54 46.95 1.09 1.20
B 322.54 107.51 34.83 32.17 1.62 1.75
C 281.43 93.81 30.45 28.13 1.85 2.00
1S 305.87 101.96 36.83 30.11 1.53 1.87
2S 305.87 101.96 36.83 30.11 1.53 1.87
15 A 11.60 10.00 0.80 0.33 7 5 519.64 173.21 56.03 52.21 1.01 1.08
B 358.99 119.66 38.70 36.59 1.46 1.54
C 307.51 102.50 33.21 31.40 1.70 1.80
1S 334.30 111.43 40.02 33.60 1.41 1.68
2S 334.30 111.43 40.02 33.60 1.41 1.68
16 A 12.40 10.00 0.80 0.33 7 6 564.94 188.31 50.70 48.29 1.11 1.17
B 335.14 111.71 35.81 34.64 1.57 1.63
C 335.14 111.71 30.11 29.12 1.87 1.94
1S 364.65 121.55 36.86 31.18 1.53 1.81
2S 364.65 121.55 36.86 31.18 1.53 1.81
17 A 13.20 10.10 0.80 0.33 7 6 606.99 202.33 54.41 52.97 1.04 1.06
B 438.12 146.04 39.25 38.82 1.44 1.45
C 360.53 120.18 32.35 32.00 1.74 1.76
1S 392.77 130.92 39.57 34.28 1.43 1.64
2S 392.77 130.92 39.57 34.28 1.43 1.64

Effective No. of
Length Strip Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m*
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 10.00 5.90 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.25 44.85 2.46

B 36.50 7.10 29.90 4.21
C 36.50 7.08 29.90 4.22
1S 36.50 12.22 29.90 2.45
2S 36.50 12.22 29.90 2.45
2 A 1.20 10.00 6.04 0.92 2 8 90 76.95 21.60 59.48 2.75
B 51.30 9.58 39.65 4.14
C 51.30 9.58 39.65 4.14
1S 51.30 14.62 39.65 2.71
2S 51.30 14.62 39.65 2.71
3 A 2.00 10.00 6.17 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.66 72.52 2.94
B 66.78 11.86 48.35 4.08
C 66.78 11.91 48.35 4.06
1S 66.78 16.85 48.35 2.87
2S 66.78 16.85 48.35 2.87
4 A 2.80 10.00 6.30 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.36 83.36 3.05
B 82.70 13.88 55.58 4.00
C 82.70 14.01 55.58 3.97
1S 82.70 18.82 55.58 2.95
2S 82.70 18.82 55.58 2.95
5 A 3.60 10.00 6.44 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 29.62 91.57 3.09
B 98.90 15.80 61.05 3.86
C 98.90 15.82 61.05 3.86
1S 98.90 20.51 61.05 2.98
2S 98.90 20.51 61.05 2.98
6 A 4.40 10.00 6.57 0.62 4 8 90 172.95 31.43 96.79 3.08
B 115.30 17.62 64.52 3.66
C 115.30 17.33 64.52 3.72
1S 115.30 21.96 64.52 2.94
2S 115.30 21.96 64.52 2.94
7 A 5.20 10.00 6.70 0.54 4 8 90 197.77 33.16 98.71 2.98
B 131.84 19.20 65.81 3.43
C 131.84 18.53 65.81 3.55
1S 131.84 23.36 65.81 2.82
2S 131.84 23.36 65.81 2.82
8 A 6.00 10.00 6.84 0.52 5 8 90 222.75 36.56 109.59 3.00
B 148.50 21.71 73.06 3.36
C 148.50 20.61 73.06 3.54
1S 148.50 25.71 73.06 2.84
2S 148.50 25.71 73.06 2.84
9 A 6.80 10.00 6.97 0.52 5 8 90 247.86 40.65 124.32 3.06
B 165.24 24.72 82.88 3.35
C 165.24 23.21 82.88 3.57
1S 165.24 28.49 82.88 2.91
2S 165.24 28.49 82.88 2.91
10 A 7.60 10.00 7.10 0.52 6 8 90 273.06 44.93 139.58 3.11
B 182.04 27.94 93.05 3.33
C 182.04 25.92 93.05 3.59
1S 182.04 31.41 93.05 2.96
2S 182.04 31.41 93.05 2.96
11 A 8.40 10.00 7.40 0.52 7 8 90 298.35 49.42 158.84 3.21
B 198.90 31.39 105.90 3.37
C 198.90 28.74 105.90 3.68
1S 198.90 34.54 105.90 3.07
2S 198.90 34.54 105.90 3.07
12 A 9.20 10.00 7.80 0.52 7 8 90 323.70 54.14 181.65 3.36
B 215.80 35.10 121.10 3.45
C 215.80 31.69 121.10 3.82
1S 215.80 37.87 121.10 3.20
2S 215.80 37.87 121.10 3.20
13 A 10.00 10.00 8.20 0.52 7 10 90 349.10 47.31 205.96 4.35
B 232.73 31.31 137.30 4.39
C 232.73 27.83 137.30 4.93
1S 232.73 33.83 137.30 4.06
2S 232.73 33.83 137.30 4.06
14 A 10.80 10.00 8.60 0.52 7 10 90 374.55 51.54 231.75 4.50
B 249.70 34.83 154.50 4.44
C 249.70 30.45 154.50 5.07
1S 249.70 36.83 154.50 4.19
2S 249.70 36.83 154.50 4.19
15 A 11.60 10.00 9.00 0.52 7 10 90 400.03 56.03 259.03 4.62
B 266.69 38.70 172.69 4.46
C 266.69 33.21 172.69 5.20
1S 266.69 40.02 172.69 4.32
2S 266.69 40.02 172.69 4.32
16 A 12.40 10.00 9.40 0.52 7 12 90 425.55 50.70 287.80 5.68
B 283.70 35.81 191.87 5.36
C 283.70 30.11 191.87 6.37
1S 283.70 36.86 191.87 5.21
2S 283.70 36.86 191.87 5.21
17 A 13.20 10.10 9.90 0.52 7 12 90 451.09 54.41 321.30 5.90
B 300.73 39.25 214.20 5.46
C 300.73 32.35 214.20 6.62
1S 300.73 39.57 214.20 5.41
2S 300.73 39.57 214.20 5.41

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)


Project Number IND/HR/16/PW-173
Revision R0
Date 1/24/2017
Client NHAI
Analysis using BS 8006 : 2010
Analysis Details
Reinforcement type Polymeric and Panel Type MacRES T-shape India

Load Factors Associated with Wall as per BS 8006 : 2010

Load Combination
Effect Seismic Seismic
(Internal) (External)
Mass of reinforced soil body 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass of the backfill on the top of reinforced soil wall 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earth Pressure behind the structure 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load on reinforced soil block 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Traffic load behind reinforced soil block 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
Density of reinforced soil fill, Y1 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50

Factors as per BS 8006 : 2010

For soil:- ULS SLS
To be applied to tan f'p fms 1.00 1.00
To be applied to c' fms 1.60 1.00
To be applied to cu fms 1.00 1.00
Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Pullout resistance to reinf fp 1.30 1.00

Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.00
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil to
fs 1.20 1.00
soil contact

Input Data

Reinforcement Details
Reinforcement Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7
Reinforcement Grade Paraweb 2E 40 Paraweb 2E 50 Paraweb 2E 60 Paraweb 2E 75 Paraweb 2E 85 Paraweb 2E 100
Width of Reinforcement, b 90 90 90 90 90 90
Short Term Design Strength, kN 40.2 50.3 60.32 75.4 85.45 100.5
Long Term Design Strength, kN 22.13 28.22 33.85 42.31 47.95 56.39
Material Factor, fm 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Creep 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Remification Factor, fn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Geometrical Details Geotechnical Details

Height of wall 14.40
Soil Type f' (Deg) c' (kN/m 2) g Max (kN/m 3) g Min (kN/m 3)
Coping Height 0.00
Given Coping height 0.00 Reinforced soil fill (r) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Panel Height 14.40 Backfill soil (b) 30.00 0.00 21.50 21.50
Depth of embedment 1.00 Foundation soil (f) 30.00 0.00 18.00 18.00
Mechanical height 15.01 Service Life (years) 120
Angle of Crest Slope 0.00 Seismic Details
Distance from the face 0.00 Max horizontal acceleration 0.160
Embenkment Height 0.00 Reduction factor of Live Loads 0.50

Loading Details

1 Vertical Loading Detail

Distance from
Width of Strip CG of Strip
Sr. No. Loading Value in kN/m2 Value in kN/m the face of
(m) from edge (m)
panel (m)

1 Strip Loading 16.00 28.80 1.80 0.00 0.90

2 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Strip Loading 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DL 0.00 NA NA NA NA
5 LL 26.00 NA NA NA NA

MACCAFERRI MacRES Design Software (Version 2.0)

2 Horizantal Loading Detail

Parameter Value
Horizontal Load Intensity (kN/m) 0.00
Contact Width of footing (m) 0.00
Distance of footing from face of wall (m) 0.00
Height of Load from Top of Coping (m),From top of panel if without coping) 0.00
CG of load 0.00













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Earth Pressure
Inclination of Earth Pressure (Degrees) 11.63
Earth Pressure Coefficients
K2x 0.306 K2ex 0.383
Static Dynamic
K2y 0.306 Kaey 0.383

External Stability Check

Resisting Overturning
Eccentricity FOS
Load Case Rv (kN) Rh (kN) Moment (kN Moment (kN FOS Bearing FOS Sliding Qref (kPa)
(e) Overturning
m) m)

Load Case A 6105.53 1285.95 32648.99 6962.80 1.18 1.99 2.28 4.69 741.50
Load Case B 3858.81 1285.95 20996.22 6962.80 1.75 2.40 1.44 3.02 544.00
Load Case C 3790.07 732.50 20255.29 3696.04 1.02 3.44 2.49 5.48 442.86
Load Case 1S + dW 4073.56 1171.57 21728.40 6991.67 1.77 3.04 2.01 3.11 577.37
Load Case 1S - dW 3786.87 1171.57 20292.88 6991.67 1.88 3.09 1.87 2.90 553.24
Load Case 2S + dW 4073.56 1171.57 21728.40 6991.67 1.77 3.04 2.01 3.11 577.37
Load Case 2S - dW 3786.87 1171.57 20292.88 6991.67 1.88 3.09 1.87 2.90 553.24


No. of Connections per sq. m. = 1.42

Reinforcement Type Linear m, per Sq. m. Cost per sqm
Paraweb 2E 30 0.00 € -
Paraweb 2E 40 2.94 € -
Paraweb 2E 50 1.47 € -
Paraweb 2E 60 5.89 € -
Paraweb 2E 75 2.94 € -
Paraweb 2E 85 1.47 € -
Paraweb 2E 100 15.46 € -


Length Strip No. of Tie

Layer Case Depth (m)
Sv k
Type points svi (kPa) shi (kPa) Tmax (kN) To (kN) Tr/Tm Tro/Tm

1 A 0.40 10.60 0.80 0.47 2 4 74.94 35.36 18.22 16.10 1.21 1.37
B 23.13 10.91 7.08 6.43 3.12 3.44
C 23.06 10.88 7.07 6.42 3.13 3.45
1S 36.50 17.22 12.25 8.57 1.81 2.58
2S 36.50 17.22 12.25 8.57 1.81 2.58
2 A 1.20 10.60 0.80 0.45 2 4 101.86 45.80 21.56 18.81 1.03 1.18
B 41.16 18.51 9.56 8.45 2.31 2.62
C 41.15 18.50 9.56 8.45 2.31 2.62
1S 54.45 24.48 14.65 10.48 1.51 2.11
2S 54.45 24.48 14.65 10.48 1.51 2.11
3 A 2.00 10.60 0.80 0.43 3 4 128.62 54.97 24.63 21.33 1.15 1.32
B 59.03 25.23 11.85 10.34 2.38 2.73
C 59.25 25.32 11.89 10.37 2.37 2.72
1S 72.29 30.90 16.87 12.26 1.67 2.30
2S 72.29 30.90 16.87 12.26 1.67 2.30
4 A 2.80 10.60 0.80 0.41 4 4 155.12 62.85 27.33 23.56 1.24 1.44
B 76.64 31.05 13.88 12.02 2.44 2.82
C 77.26 31.30 13.98 12.10 2.42 2.80
1S 89.96 36.45 18.85 13.85 1.80 2.44
2S 89.96 36.45 18.85 13.85 1.80 2.44
5 A 3.60 10.60 0.80 0.38 4 4 181.29 69.43 29.61 25.44 1.14 1.33
B 94.66 36.25 15.73 13.55 2.15 2.50
C 95.12 36.43 15.80 13.61 2.14 2.49
1S 107.41 41.13 20.55 15.21 1.65 2.23
2S 107.41 41.13 20.55 15.21 1.65 2.23
6 A 4.40 10.60 0.80 0.36 4 4 207.10 74.71 31.44 26.96 1.08 1.26
B 114.12 41.17 17.51 15.04 1.93 2.25
C 112.79 40.69 17.31 14.87 1.95 2.28
1S 124.62 44.96 21.94 16.32 1.54 2.07
2S 124.62 44.96 21.94 16.32 1.54 2.07
7 A 5.20 10.60 0.80 0.34 4 4 234.08 79.24 33.02 28.27 1.02 1.20
B 134.08 45.39 19.04 16.32 1.78 2.07
C 130.23 44.09 18.52 15.88 1.83 2.13
1S 143.50 48.58 23.30 17.40 1.45 1.94
2S 143.50 48.58 23.30 17.40 1.45 1.94
8 A 6.00 10.60 0.80 0.33 5 4 263.66 87.89 36.35 31.08 1.16 1.36
B 155.18 51.73 21.49 18.39 1.97 2.30
C 147.90 49.30 20.52 17.56 2.06 2.41
1S 163.23 54.41 25.60 19.30 1.65 2.19
2S 163.23 54.41 25.60 19.30 1.65 2.19
9 A 6.80 10.60 0.80 0.33 5 4 294.40 98.13 40.36 34.47 1.05 1.23
B 177.51 59.17 24.41 20.86 1.73 2.03
C 167.55 55.85 23.08 19.73 1.83 2.14
1S 183.74 61.25 28.33 21.56 1.49 1.96
2S 183.74 61.25 28.33 21.56 1.49 1.96
10 A 7.60 10.60 0.80 0.33 6 4 326.28 108.76 44.53 38.01 1.08 1.26
B 201.10 67.03 27.50 23.48 1.74 2.04
C 187.84 62.61 25.73 21.97 1.86 2.18
1S 205.02 68.34 31.17 23.92 1.54 2.00
2S 205.02 68.34 31.17 23.92 1.54 2.00
11 A 8.40 10.60 0.80 0.33 7 4 359.47 119.82 48.89 41.70 1.15 1.35
B 226.14 75.38 30.79 26.27 1.83 2.15
C 208.84 69.61 28.49 24.31 1.98 2.32
1S 227.17 75.72 34.13 26.39 1.65 2.14
2S 227.17 75.72 34.13 26.39 1.65 2.14
12 A 9.20 10.60 0.80 0.33 7 4 394.12 131.37 53.45 45.82 1.06 1.23
B 252.86 84.29 34.31 29.75 1.64 1.90
C 230.66 76.89 31.35 27.19 1.80 2.07
1S 250.31 83.44 37.35 29.13 1.51 1.94
2S 250.31 83.44 37.35 29.13 1.51 1.94
13 A 10.00 10.60 0.80 0.33 7 5 430.43 143.48 46.59 40.84 1.21 1.38
B 281.52 93.84 30.48 27.04 1.85 2.09
C 253.40 84.47 27.48 24.38 2.05 2.31
1S 274.56 91.52 33.28 26.07 1.69 2.16
2S 274.56 91.52 33.28 26.07 1.69 2.16
14 A 10.80 10.60 0.80 0.33 7 5 468.60 156.20 50.62 45.36 1.11 1.24
B 312.44 104.15 33.75 30.63 1.67 1.84
C 277.18 92.39 29.99 27.22 1.88 2.07
1S 300.07 100.02 36.15 29.07 1.56 1.94
2S 300.07 100.02 36.15 29.07 1.56 1.94
15 A 11.60 10.60 0.80 0.33 7 5 508.86 169.62 54.88 50.26 1.03 1.12
B 345.98 115.33 37.31 34.62 1.51 1.63
C 302.12 100.71 32.63 30.28 1.73 1.86
1S 326.99 109.00 39.16 32.31 1.44 1.75
2S 326.99 109.00 39.16 32.31 1.44 1.75
16 A 12.40 10.60 0.80 0.33 7 6 551.49 183.83 49.50 46.30 1.14 1.22
B 328.38 109.46 34.33 32.56 1.64 1.73
C 328.38 109.46 29.51 27.99 1.91 2.01
1S 355.52 118.51 35.97 29.86 1.57 1.89
2S 355.52 118.51 35.97 29.86 1.57 1.89
17 A 13.20 10.60 0.80 0.33 7 6 596.79 198.93 53.50 51.10 1.05 1.10
B 422.81 140.94 37.89 36.71 1.49 1.54
C 356.12 118.71 31.96 30.97 1.76 1.82
1S 385.85 128.62 38.82 33.05 1.45 1.71
2S 385.85 128.62 38.82 33.05 1.45 1.71
18 A 14.00 10.60 0.80 0.33 7 7 645.10 215.03 49.52 48.28 1.14 1.17
B 467.31 155.77 35.85 35.48 1.57 1.59
C 385.53 128.51 29.62 29.32 1.90 1.92
1S 418.22 139.41 36.50 31.31 1.54 1.80
2S 418.22 139.41 36.50 31.31 1.54 1.80

Effective No. of
Length Strip Width of
Layer Case Depth (m)
Length m*
rein. (mm) svi (kPa) Tmax (kN) Tf (kN) Tf/Tmax
(m) ments

1 A 0.40 10.60 6.26 1.00 2 8 90 54.75 18.22 47.58 2.61

B 36.50 7.08 31.72 4.48
C 36.50 7.07 31.72 4.49
1S 36.50 12.25 31.72 2.59
2S 36.50 12.25 31.72 2.59
2 A 1.20 10.60 6.40 0.92 2 8 90 76.95 21.56 63.03 2.92
B 51.30 9.56 42.02 4.39
C 51.30 9.56 42.02 4.40
1S 51.30 14.65 42.02 2.87
2S 51.30 14.65 42.02 2.87
3 A 2.00 10.60 6.53 0.85 3 8 90 100.18 24.63 76.75 3.12
B 66.78 11.85 51.17 4.32
C 66.78 11.89 51.17 4.30
1S 66.78 16.87 51.17 3.03
2S 66.78 16.87 51.17 3.03
4 A 2.80 10.60 6.66 0.77 4 8 90 124.05 27.33 88.12 3.22
B 82.70 13.88 58.75 4.23
C 82.70 13.98 58.75 4.20
1S 82.70 18.85 58.75 3.12
2S 82.70 18.85 58.75 3.12
5 A 3.60 10.60 6.80 0.69 4 8 90 148.35 29.61 96.69 3.27
B 98.90 15.73 64.46 4.10
C 98.90 15.80 64.46 4.08
1S 98.90 20.55 64.46 3.14
2S 98.90 20.55 64.46 3.14
6 A 4.40 10.60 6.93 0.62 4 8 90 172.95 31.44 102.09 3.25
B 115.30 17.51 68.06 3.89
C 115.30 17.31 68.06 3.93
1S 115.30 21.94 68.06 3.10
2S 115.30 21.94 68.06 3.10
7 A 5.20 10.60 7.06 0.54 4 8 90 197.77 33.02 104.01 3.15
B 131.84 19.04 69.34 3.64
C 131.84 18.52 69.34 3.74
1S 131.84 23.30 69.34 2.98
2S 131.84 23.30 69.34 2.98
8 A 6.00 10.60 7.20 0.52 5 8 90 222.75 36.35 115.36 3.17
B 148.50 21.49 76.91 3.58
C 148.50 20.52 76.91 3.75
1S 148.50 25.60 76.91 3.00
2S 148.50 25.60 76.91 3.00
9 A 6.80 10.60 7.33 0.52 5 8 90 247.86 40.36 130.74 3.24
B 165.24 24.41 87.16 3.57
C 165.24 23.08 87.16 3.78
1S 165.24 28.33 87.16 3.08
2S 165.24 28.33 87.16 3.08
10 A 7.60 10.60 7.46 0.52 6 8 90 273.06 44.53 146.65 3.29
B 182.04 27.50 97.77 3.56
C 182.04 25.73 97.77 3.80
1S 182.04 31.17 97.77 3.14
2S 182.04 31.17 97.77 3.14
11 A 8.40 10.60 7.60 0.52 7 8 90 298.35 48.89 163.14 3.34
B 198.90 30.79 108.76 3.53
C 198.90 28.49 108.76 3.82
1S 198.90 34.13 108.76 3.19
2S 198.90 34.13 108.76 3.19
12 A 9.20 10.60 8.00 0.52 7 8 90 323.70 53.45 186.31 3.49
B 215.80 34.31 124.21 3.62
C 215.80 31.35 124.21 3.96
1S 215.80 37.35 124.21 3.33
2S 215.80 37.35 124.21 3.33
13 A 10.00 10.60 8.40 0.52 7 10 90 349.10 46.59 210.98 4.53
B 232.73 30.48 140.65 4.61
C 232.73 27.48 140.65 5.12
1S 232.73 33.28 140.65 4.23
2S 232.73 33.28 140.65 4.23
14 A 10.80 10.60 8.80 0.52 7 10 90 374.55 50.62 237.14 4.68
B 249.70 33.75 158.09 4.68
C 249.70 29.99 158.09 5.27
1S 249.70 36.15 158.09 4.37
2S 249.70 36.15 158.09 4.37
15 A 11.60 10.60 9.20 0.52 7 10 90 400.03 54.88 264.79 4.82
B 266.69 37.31 176.52 4.73
C 266.69 32.63 176.52 5.41
1S 266.69 39.16 176.52 4.51
2S 266.69 39.16 176.52 4.51
16 A 12.40 10.60 9.60 0.52 7 12 90 425.55 49.50 293.92 5.94
B 283.70 34.33 195.95 5.71
C 283.70 29.51 195.95 6.64
1S 283.70 35.97 195.95 5.45
2S 283.70 35.97 195.95 5.45
17 A 13.20 10.60 10.00 0.52 7 12 90 451.09 53.50 324.55 6.07
B 300.73 37.89 216.36 5.71
C 300.73 31.96 216.36 6.77
1S 300.73 38.82 216.36 5.57
2S 300.73 38.82 216.36 5.57
18 A 14.00 10.60 10.40 0.52 7 14 90 476.66 49.52 356.66 7.20
B 317.77 35.85 237.77 6.63
C 317.77 29.62 237.77 8.03
1S 317.77 36.50 237.77 6.51
2S 317.77 36.50 237.77 6.51



Methodology For Panel Casting

Methodology for Panel Casting

1) Introduction
The panels for the fascia elements of ParaWebTM reinforced soil wall are pre-cast
at the casting yard. Guidelines for casting panels, curing, stacking, and
transportation are given here in.

2) Methodology for panel casting

2.01) Verification of moulds: Moulds shall be manufactured as per drawing and the
dimensions shall be checked before dispatch from manufacturing unit and after
receiving at site. The checklist for mould inspection shall be maintained
appropriately for the moulds supplied to the project. The dimensions measured
should be recorded in mould dimension checklists for future reference and
verification purposes. Base plate should be free from any warping and
dimensions of all the side shuttering should be within tolerance as indicated in

2.02) Preparation of Casting Yard: For efficient casting and good quality of work the
following arrangements / facilities are required at the casting yard.

a) Casting Area: The panels shall be cast at the casting area using moulds. The
base of the mould shall be supported on two supporting concrete beams (as
shown in Photo No.1) of 250 mm (W) X 300 mm (D) or any other suitable
method. Top of the beams shall be in one horizontal plane. This is to ensure that
the base of the mould is in horizontal plane while resting on the beam during
casting. Number and length of such support system at the casting area shall
depend on the number of base plates.

Photo No.1 Casting Platform.

b) Stacking Area: The area of stacking yard shall depend on the daily production of
panels. The stacking area shall be well compacted and leveled to prevent any
Methodology For Panel Casting

uneven settlement of panel stack which might damage the panels. The stacking
area may be suitably divided with separate stacks for different type of panels.

c) Storage Sheds: Proper storage sheds shall be erected to store all the
accessories supplied to projects which includes Connectors, I Bolts, EPDM pads,
ParaWebTM rolls, geotextile etc.

d) Lab Facilities: Suitable laboratory facility for testing of concrete and backfill
material should be available at project site.

Sand Replacement test Weighing balance Rapid moisture

equipment measuring apparatus

Photo No. 2 Field Soil Testing Equipments.

Photo No. 3 Concrete Slump

Testing setup.

e) Associated Facilities: This includes curing arrangement, needle vibrators, de-

molding agent, generator, spacer blocks, tools for assembling and dismantling of
Methodology For Panel Casting

Photo No. 4 Needle Vibrator Photo No. 5 De-molding Agent

Photo No.6 Concrete Photo No.7 Assembly tools

spacer block

2.03) Fixing of mould base on platform: The mould base shall be fixed horizontally
within a tolerance of + 4.00mm over the concrete beams or any other suitable
platform. The side-shutters shall be mounted on the base plate and fixed in
position by suitable bolting/fixing arrangement. All the nuts-bolts, wedges,
clamping arrangement should be fixed in position. The mould should be oiled
before placing the reinforcement bars. Special care should be taken to prevent
reinforcing bars and fixtures coming in contact with the oiled surface of the
mould. If fixtures or reinforcement bars accidentally get oiled the same should not
be used until their surface is free from oil.

Photo No.8 Mould placed on concrete beam.

Methodology For Panel Casting

Photo No.9 Mould base. Photo No.10 Mould base with side-shutters

Photo No.11 Applying shuttering oil to base plate of mould

2.04) Preparation and placement of steel reinforcement cage: The steel bars
required for assembling the reinforcement cage as per drawing shall be cut to the
specified length. After cutting the steel bars, they should be checked for its
straightness and if necessary the bend should be removed by suitable means
before proceeding further. The reinforcement cage shall be fabricated by placing
the vertical and horizontal bars as per the spacing mentioned in drawing. The
steel bars should be bound properly using binding wires and care shall be taken
to ensure that the individual bars do not move during handling and placement.
The reinforcement orientation (i.e. horizontal/vertical steel bar
with reference to earth face) should be referred from the
drawing and accordingly, the reinforcement cage shall be
placed inside the mould.

Figure No.1 Reinforcement Orientation

Methodology For Panel Casting

Reinforcement shall be lifted off the

base and tied with the panel
accessories to fit in its proper
position. Adequate supporting
arrangement shall be provided so that
reinforcement and accessories
remains in position during placing and
compaction of concrete.

Photo No.12 Reinforcement cage and Connector.

2.05) Placing of panel accessories: Panel accessories like Connectors, and vertical-
lifting I bolt as per approved drawing, shall be fixed in proper position by suitable
positioning arrangement. Connectors shall be fixed in position by using a holding
frame. A lid shall be fixed over the connector and shuttering tape shall be placed
covering the gap between the lid and the connector. The reinforcement bar mesh
shall be suspended from the Connectors attached to holding frame. A clear cover
as indicated in drawing shall be provided to reinforcement mesh from earth
side/back side of panel.

Photo No.13 “Light” Connector Photo No.14 “Heavy” Connector

holding frame. holding frame.
Methodology For Panel Casting

Photo No.15 Mould ready for casting.

2.06) Pouring of concrete and its compaction: After completing all the above
activities and filling the pour card and relevant quality checklist forms for panel
casting, concrete of specified grade and slump as per approved mix design
should be poured in the mould with minimum interruption. A vibrator of 40mm
diameter shall be used to compact the concrete. Hand tamping shall be done to
the sides by wooden or rubber mallets. Special care shall be taken to see that
the pouring operation of the concrete does not dislodge the panel accessories.
The concrete shall be leveled to top of the side shutter or up to the level marked
on the side shutter and broom finish shall be provided to the top surface of
concrete. Care shall be taken to ensure that slurry is not accumulated at the

Figure No 2. Details of Light Figure No. 3 Details of Heavy

Panel Connection Panel connection.
Methodology For Panel Casting

Photo No.16 Casting of panel. Photo No.17 RCC Panel.

2.07) Casting of cut-panel: For casting cut panels vertical divider shutters are used to
reduce the horizontal dimension. To determine if a panel is left or right cut, the
rule is to always consider the external side of the panel. Thus, if the drawing
indicates right-cut panel, the panel has to be cast on left side of person facing
the mould while standing on the I-bolt side of the mould. Vice-versa, if drawing
indicates left-cut panel, the panel shall be cast on right side of person facing the
mould while standing on the I-bolt side of the mould, and thus cutting the left side
of the panel. The divider shutters should be adequately supported for achieving a
vertical face of the cut-panel. The supports can be in the form of timber rafters or
uniformly shaped concrete blocks.



Figure No. 4 Casting of Cut Panel. Photo No.18 RCC Cut- Panel.

2.08) Marking for Identification of different types of panel: Panel type, date of
casting shall be inscribed on the earth face of the panel after initial setting time of
concrete. Alternately, the same details can be written with paint on the location of
EPDM pads in the panel after removal of side-shutters as shown in Photo No.19.
Methodology For Panel Casting

Photo No.19 Panel type and date of casting painted on EPDM location.

2.09) Removal of side shutters: Side shutters shall be removed after hardening of
concrete sufficient enough to retain the shape after de-shuttering. This may be
after 4 to 6 hours of casting. Holding arrangement of panel accessories are to be
removed first and side shutters shall be removed slowly with care, without
damaging panel edges. Panel type and date shall be painted on the EPDM
location of the panel.

2.10) Lifting and stacking of R.C.C. panel for curing: The panel shall be lifted from
base after 16 to 20 hours of concreting using vertical lifting arrangement by
Gantry or Hydra crane as applicable and shall be stacked for curing. The vertical
height from the earth side of the panel to the connector of the crane where lifting
belt are attached shall not be less than 1.5 m.


Photo No. 20 Arrangements for Lifting Panel off the base of mould after

2.11) Curing of panels: Curing of panels shall start soon after the panel begins to dry
on the base plate of the mould. After initial curing on the base plate of the mould,
the panels shall be shifted to the curing area where they shall be stacked one
over the other using four concrete blocks between two panels.
Methodology For Panel Casting

Photo No.21 Curing arrangement using Hessian cloth covering the exposed
panel on the base plate.

The panels shall be cured for 14 days in the curing area. Not more than 4 panels
shall be stacked one over the other during curing. Care should be taken to
ensure that the newly cast panels are placed not more than 2 in a stack in a day.
The panels shall then be shifted to the stacking area where curing shall be
continued for another 7 days. The panels shall be covered with damp Hessian
cloth to keep a wet atmosphere around the panels for 14 days.

2.12) Stacking of panels: Stacking area should be suitably divided to stack each type
of panel at designated location. Adequate care should be taken to ensure that
the I-bolts for all the panels in the stack are on the same side.

Concrete cube/Spacer block

Photo No.22 Location of concrete cube/spacer block.

Methodology For Panel Casting

Concrete cube/spacer block shall be placed in one line exactly one above the
other. Care shall be taken that the spacer are placed adequately be away from
the Connector.

Connector Connector

Concrete cube/Spacer block Concrete cube/Spacer block

Location of concrete cube/Spacer block Location of concrete cube/Spacer block

for panel stacking on hard leveled (below 1st panel) for panel stacking on
ground. poor ground.

Figure No. 5 Concrete cubes/Spacer blocks locations between bottom layer

of panel and ground.

Maximum 6 Panels shall be stacked over other using four concrete blocks in
between two panels. Special care shall be taken to see that the Connectors are
not damaged and the panels are stacked in a stable position. Under no
circumstances shall the spacer blocks be placed over the Connector. In no case
should the exposed face of panel shall be placed on the ground or above another
panel without suitable spacers. While lifting the panel from the Connectors for
stacking/ loading/ unloading/ shifting, it shall be lifted from all 4 connections.

Photo No.23 Stacking of panels.

Methodology For Panel Casting

3) Transportation of Panels:
After proper curing fascia panel shall be shifted from casting yard to erection site.
The panels shall be transported by a Trailer-truck in stack of not more than 4
panels, with wooden or concrete blocks placed between the panels. The bottom-
most panel should always be supported on wooden rafters during transportation.
A gap of about 15 to 20 cm shall be maintained in between the stacks. The stack
of panels shall be properly secured with chains or slings to the trailer. To avoid
damage to the panels, trailer shall not travel at speed more then 30km/hr, unless
the road is in good condition and higher speed is not damaging the panels. Panel
shall be unloaded and stacked at erection site in same manner as at casting

Photo No.24 Panel Transportation.

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