Fantastical Flora

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Dungeons and Dragons

Fantastical Flora

Compiled by
Edited by
Introduction 2

Note by Editor 3

D&D 0e & Basic 4

AD&D (1e) 6

AD&D (2e) 18

D&D (3.0/3.5e) 44

D&D (4e) 70

D&D (5e) 73

Other 75

1|P age
 Names in brackets refer to the setting that plant belongs to. Plants
with no specific setting have no tags. I’ve use ‘Faerun’ for plants
specifically from those lands, and ‘Forgotten Realms’ for plants
from that setting but not from Faerun itself (typically planar).
 Plant names that have hyperlinks are nonfictional plants with real
life equivalents. I have done my best to link to a credible page that
can give more information on them, but I am still working on this.
 I haven’t included ‘Creatures’ that are also plants, although this
definition was less clear in 2e. Typically I’ve avoided plants that
have intelligence stats, although I’m still deciding on whether to
include non intelligent, but ‘stated’ plants from 2e (Such as the
Choke Creeper, Mantrap, Retch Plant, Snappersaw, Tri-flower
Frond, Yellow Musk Creeper). I have included the Thornslinger so
far, as this appeared alongside the other plants listed, which had
led to me considering the others.

The contents have been updated up to D&D 3.5e. The contents of

D&D 4e and D&D 5e are not up to date.

2|P age
Note by Editor
Having been a fan of Role Playing Games and an ardent fan of
Alchemy, was searching for sources of reagents for Alchemy in
Dungeons and Dragons for homebrew Alchemical recipes.
I ultimately ended up with this article by Elgryn in Reddit and was
very happy for a source where I can experiment with for developing
some homebrew alchemical recipes.

I just wish that more of the people can find this resource and
benefit in their campaigns and homebrew settings, edited this
article to suit better aesthetically for the users.

We win when we tell an amazing story – read this somewhere and

could never forget how it applies to our lives as well.

Have fun with alchemy my fellow adventurers.

3|P age
D&D 0e & Basic
 ‘Metamorphisis Alpha’ refers to a sci-fi game (and precursor to
Gamma World by James Ward) that used D&D rules but is now no
longer associated with the same publishers. However the mutated
plants of MA could be adapted for any setting, although I may
remove them later.
 Aside from the MA flora, there is little published info on D&D 0e
and basic flora, aside the tolkienesque pipeweed and a few obscure
references here and there.

Name Description Source

Bed of (Metamorphisis Alpha) Formerly an anemone mushroom coral, Dragon

Spikes this mutation is now mobile (jet propulsion much like a squid’s) Magazine
and has spikes on the tips of its “tentacles.” It has #23 p. 11
approximately 50 tentacles.

Green (Metamorphisis Alpha) This mutation still grows in large patches Dragon
Death like its nonmutated cousin, algae. It has a sort of empathy with Magazine
its fellows which enables them to attack. When attacking they #23 p.11
first go for the feet, then legs, then body and finally arms and
head. They dissolve and eat flesh in 4 melee turns. They can
only be killed by a protein disrupter or by exposing them to

Mine (Metamorphisis Alpha) Formerly leather coral, it is now free Dragon

floating coral that explodes when touched causing 10 dice Magazine
damage. #23 P.11

Pipeweed (Works best with a Hobbit’s pipe which is usable 3/day. Magic Dragon
pipeweed is very rare and grown by wizards) Magazine
Common Pipeweed: Can make multi-colored smoke rings at the #02 P.13
rate of four per turn, and these smoke rings will go wherever
ordered by their creator. (Moving at 4” per turn, though high
winds will disperse them, and lasting 1-6 turns.)

Pipeweed of Tranquillity: Hostile creatures refrain from

attacking, NPCs of the smoker’s party gain +1 to morale. Range:
6” radius, duration: 3 turns plus 1-4 turns if used in a Hobbits’

Pipeweed of Stoning: Saving throw vs petrification. Range: 6”.

4|P age
Note however that on any given turn there is a 25% chance that
the wind or something will be blowing the wrong way and the
smoker will get stoned. A Hobbits’ Pipe decreases this chance to

Pipeweed of Illusion: Acts as a Phantasmal Force spell; won’t

work if disturbed by winds or breezes. If used in a Hobbits’ Pipe
the spell will last 1-4 turns longer.

Pipeweed of Acapulco: Causes the smoker to treat everyone as

his friend, stands around in a stupor, not attack and defends at
minus 3. Lasts 2-12 turns. If smoked in a Hobbits’ Pipe, allow
saving throws.

Poison (Metamorphis Alpha)Bright blue grass with barbed tips, these Dragon
Thorn barbs are all poisoned (intensity 9). The grass grows in large ten Magazine
Grass feet by ten feet patches among normal grass areas. #08 P.26

Radiation (Metamorphis Alpha)This plant is able to imitate exactly any Dragon

Vine radiation near it and thus be unaffected by radiation damage. Magazine
Shamans have sometimes used this plant in place of color #08 P.26
bands, as the leaves will activate as the band. This mutation is
only found within radiation areas and is usually orange in color.

Red (Metamorphis Alpha) These one foot wide balls of fungus release Dragon
Puffball all their spores at a touch when fully adult. The spores react on Magazine
Fungus any iron based substance where they completely rust the metal #08 P.26
in seconds. If picked just before the adult stage, they will only
break open when struck sharply.

Sasaki (Japanese mythos supplement). The Sakaki tree is sacred to Dragon

Tree Shinto. Its branches must be used when calling upon the heroes Magazine
of Japan. #13 P.15

Water (Metamorphis Alpha) This was originally staghorn coral but now Dragon
Dagger is covered with aluminum which causes it to do damage like a Magazine
dagger when it is touched. There is also a chance (20%) that it #23 P.11
will be poisonous.

Water (Metamorphis Alpha) Originally seaweed, this is now a Dragon

Grabber dangerous plant; its fronds act independently so as to capture Magazine
more food. It’s fronds can eat flesh in 3 melee turns. #23 P.11

5|P age
AD&D (1e)
 ‘Buirndon’ refers to flora from Dragon Magazine #108. They were
designed for Buirdon’s own homebrew setting, but he notes that they’re
easy to transplant into any other setting.
 ‘Orlows inventions’ refers to flora from Dragon Magazine #30. The plants
are magically bred by Orlow, a magic-user, and are usually only found
in his abandoned garden, which is in an undefined setting.
Honorable mentions:
 Wilderness Survival Guide has rules for foraging (p. 53-54) and using
medicinal herbs (p.69)
 Dragon Magazine #62 has detailed spell rituals and resources that
include certain types of plants. However, the plants individually hold no
specific value or use.
 Dragon Magazine #81 likewise has a list of spell ingredients including
plants, but no detail is given for individual plants.
 Dragon Magazine #87 has a fun article on Flora-Fauna hybrids, made by a
mad floriculturist. These have no stats nor specific uses, but their strange
mating habits and quirks are listed.
 Dragon Magazine #130 has ingredient lists for alchemy, including plants,
but no plant is detailed in particular.
 Dragon Magazine #137 discusses carnivorous plants, but these fall more
under monsters with the plant type than flora.
 The Dungeon Master’s Guide has a whole list of herbs from pages 220-221
with few or no notes on some uses (Such as antiseptic, emollient,
astringent...). This list includes over 170 mundane herbs. I’ve only included
herbs that have a supernatural effect (Aconite and Lycanthropes), or as
cross reference to a herb that appears elsewhere (Such as Juniper berries).
 The module EX1: Dungeonland and EX2: Beyond the Magic Mirror have
unusual living versions of normal plants.

6|P age
Name Description Source

Aaron’s Rod Painkiller. When flowers are mixed with water or wine, Dragon
and applied to a wound, it temporarily restores 1-4 HP. Magazine #82
This wears off in 2 hours, and the subject takes an extra P.15
1d4 hp damage if they aggravated the numbed wound
by fighting under the effect.

Aconite (Aka; monkshood, wolfsbane, friar's cap., etc.) Dungeon

sedative/drives off werewolves Master's Guide
p. 220

Adder’s Mild healing.Steep 4 leaves in tea and drink 3 times a Dragon

Tongue day to regain 1-3 hp during rest (instead of 1), or make Magazine #82
an ointment by boiling in pig’s fat to restore 1-2 hp p.15,
immediately (can be applied once per day). Dungeon
Dungeon Master's Guide: Emetic, emollient Master's Guide
p. 220

Angelica (Biurndon) A small plant with small halo shaped flowers Dragon
and large leaves, both pale green. Grows in the late Magazin e #108
winter months. Makes a minty tea and salad p.43

Belladonna (Aka; deadly nightshade, dwale, black cherry root) Dungeon

Diuretic, sedative, pain reliever, anti-opiate, circulation Master's Guide
stimulant, poison/lycanthropy cure. p. 220

Benedicta Protects against venoms when worn around the neck; Dragon
add +2 to all saving throws. The effect lessens two Magazine #32
weeks after picking. p.33
(Note: The name ‘Benedicta’ and ‘Geum Uranum’ are
very similar to, but not a direct match to the plant
linked ‘Geum Urbanum’.)

Birthwort Antivenom, healing. Use fresh juice (within 1 round) Dragon

from leaves on a poisonous bite or sting for an extra +2 Magazine #82
on the saving throw, once per poison attack. A poultice p.15-16,
applied to a wound allows a character to regain an extra Dungeon
1 HP per day for 2 days. Nonhuman characters suffer a Master's Guide
20% a severe allergic reaction 2 rounds after application p. 220
and become paralysed, looking dead, for 1-8 rounds.
Characters familiar with birthwort have a 50% chance of
knowing of this side effect.
Dungeon Master's Guide: Circulatory stimulant

7|P age
Black Hellbore Dragon Magazine: The dust from three roots of this herb Dragon
will cause whom or whatever it is sprinkled over to Magazine #32
become invisible for 3-8 turns. If the dust is washed or p.33,
blown away, the wearer becomes visible. This herb does Dungeon
not lose its potency over time. Master's Guide
Dungeon Master's Guide: Heart tonic (rootlets are p. 221
(Note: ‘Black Hellbore’/’Hellboris Niger’ is named similar
to, but not exact, to the plant linked, ‘Black
Hellebore’/’Helleborus Niger’.)

Blue Tonic (Biurndon) Perennial. Bright blue clusters of flowers and Dragon
pale green oblong leaves. Has roots the size and Magazine #108
thickness of an arm, that help cure exhaustion, fatigue, p.43
cold, anemia, weak hearts, anxiety or fevers. If eaten
raw, it can sustain a humanoid for 12 hours of activity
No food should be eaten within an hour of consuming
the root or you’ll suffer wracking stomach pains for 1d4
hours. If you have less than 16 con, this means you
move at 3” rate, cannot attack or cast spells, and if you
have higher you’re at -2 to hit or other actions that
need focus or effort.

Boneset (Biurndon) Small perennial that likes the damp. Leaves Dragon
can be used for a spicy tea, but if you pick it’s lilac Magazine #108
blooms under a moonless spring night, they have great p.43
healing properties; 3d6 hp healed from an elixir of
properly picked flowers, and a +4 vs fear for a day due
to mood boost. Incorrectly picked flowers only cure 1d4
hp and have no side benefit. Leaves brewed into tea
have a 50% chance of curing 1hp.

Bronzewood (Greyhawk) Slender until many decades of growth, World of

Tree averaging 40ft. Bark is reddish brown and hard, leaves Greyhawk Box
are 10 inches long, narrow and toothed. Heavy and hard Set p.6
wood, that if treated and dried properly, is as hard as

Cannibal (Part of Poseidon's Temple Dungeon).The plants look Dragon

Carnations like a normal blood-red flower, with a thick stalk. Each Magazine #46
have 2 HP, AC 8, and movement 0. If a PC comes within p. 35
3 feet, the plants will bend toward their target and 1d10
of the heads will be in position to bite, inflicting 1 point
of damage each. Eachone contains 1 seed which, if
planted, will sprout and grow into an adult within 1

Centaury Love philter (No further notes) Dragon

Magazine #32

8|P age
Chain Daisy (Orlows inventions) Looks and smells like a normal Dragon
daisy. The plant, which stand about 1’ high, has a stem Magazine #30
and leaves that are tougher than cured leather. It is p.36
also highly resistant to fire and acids.

Charlemagne’s This very rare herb cures any disease if consumed Dragon
Herb within three days of being picked. Magazine #32
Notes: Possibly refers to this plant. Both names given in p.33
the issue/ Carolus Magnus) refer to a real life historical

Coco de mer If a poison is drunk from a cup made from the very Dragon
large seed, it will have no effect. The cup keeps its Magazine #32
potency for 1 year. p.33

Comfrey Mild healing. ‘Immediately’ applying the fresh Dragon

bruised/dried powdered root to wounds, heals 1d4 hp. Magazine #82
Turn it into a tea or mix with wine to regain 1-3 hp p.16
during rest (instead of 1).

Crumbleweed (Gamma World) A partially invisible(Due to it’s sap) Dragon

tumbleweed that is also toxic; it acts as a level 14 Magazine #108
poison, but instead of damage the dice determine how p. 51-52
many rounds of uncomfortable coughing a PC suffers if
hit by one of these. Players have a chance to spot the
oncoming weed, and have a chance to dodge- attacking
the plant only causes more irritating dust.

Deklo Tree (Greyhawk) 15ft diameter, 100ft tall hardwoods, with World of
round 1ft wide leaves that grow in clumps. Grow in Greyhawk Box
groves, often exluding other vegetation. Set p.6

Devil’s Hand Beautiful, but foul-smelling, orchid. If struck with the Dragon
blossom of this plant while being cursed, a character will Magazine #32
have 3 subtracted from his saving throw. p.33
Note: The name Devil’s Hand / ‘Orchid Gymnadenai’ is
similar to, but not exact, to the linked ‘Gymnadenia’
family. I’m uncertain which species this refers to

Dragon Lily (Orlows inventions) May have been developed to Dragon

contain the Trollflowers. When the bright orange Magazine #30
blossom of the Dragon Lily is disturbed, it will spout a p.36
small burst of fire (can do one point of damage).

9|P age
Felamour (Biurndon) Uncommon, 4 inches tall, likes sunny Dragon
meadows. Has small white flowers, and furry green Magazine #108
leaves, the latter of which acts like pipeweed- a calming p.43
stimulant. Favoured by elves and orcs, and by horse
riders who need to calm their horse before a battle. For
humans it gives +1 to Str, -2 to Wis and Dex for 1d4
hours. First time users have a 10% chance of
hallucinating, reducing by 1% every use. Nonhumans
only gain mild calming effects.

Flower of (Part of an adventure of same name) The Flowers of Dungeon

Flame Flame, resembling flaming orange rosebuds, seem to Magazine #08
grow on vines that snake up from the fires below. Their p.61
seeds can be harvested by plucking a bloom (causing
1d4 hp burn damage). As soon as it leaves the flame ,
the bloom turns to black ash. The cooled ashes of each
flower yield 2d6 small black pellets, the seeds of the
Flowers of Flame . If the flame is stopped for any
reason, the flowers all turn to ash. No value beside their
rarity and beauty. Seeds can be grown in a new fire.

Galda Tree (Greyhawk) 30ft high, yellowish barked trees with World of
yellow green leaves. In Spring produces white, cone Greyhawk Box
shaped fruit that become gold streaked when ripe. They Set p.6
are astringent and salty, but very nutritious and

Garlic Repellent, mild healing. Apply crushed garlic or garlic Dragon

juice to wounds to prevent infection and heal 2 hp per Magazine #82
day for 3 days after application. Applied to bite/stings of p.16,
insects, poisonous or not, it heals 1 hp per injury. If Dungeon
used as an insect repellent, it has 50% of deterring any Master's Guide
attacking insect (giant or otherwise), but might increase P.221
chances of being scented out by other wandering
monsters. Vampire repellent.
Dungeon Master's Guide: Coughs, colds, blood purifier,
detoxifier, kills parasites/wards off vampires

Giant Puffball When burst with the proper incantation, it will act as Dragon
dust of sneezing and weeping for a 10’ x 10’ area. It is Magazine #32
rather fragile and will burst with any hard blow. p.33
Note: The latin name given in the magazine ‘Calvatia
Gigantia’ is slightly different to the linked plant,
‘Calvatia Gigantea’.

Graveolens (Biurdon) Rare, 2ft tall, evergreen perennials. Has small Dragon
bluegreen leaves and yellow flowers that bloom in Magazine #108
summer. Hates shade. The oil crushed from the leaves p.43
and flowers is good for curing diseases and is a
preventative to lycanthropy. 1 ounce of oil must be
consumed within an hour of the bite to gain +2 vs the

10 | P a g e
disease- the intensity of the oil causes 1d3 points of
damage. For one week after drinking, the PC has a 5%
against contracting another disease regardless of
whether they became a lycanthrope.

Grenade Palms (Faerun) The grenade palm was a variety of palm tree TSR9199,
that grew only in the Desert of Desolation, around the Desert of
tombs of the wizard Martek and the Pharaoh Amun-Re. Desolation
They typically grew to around 33 ft (10 m) tall and p.155
produced a fruit that bore a resemblance to pineapples.

These fruits were highly volatile and would unleash a

violent explosion upon hitting the ground. Even falling
while carrying the fruit, or bumping into it, was likely to
cause an explosion. The grenade palm was believed to
have evolved this trait as a means of dispersing its
seeds at great distances. However, grenade palms were
known to lose their explosive quality if removed from
their native land

Hensbane Painkiller. Boil seeds, leaves and roots into a poultice- Dragon
40% chance you inhale the ingredients and suffer Magazine #82
hallucinations. The poultice restores 1d6 hp, only 1d4 of p.16-17
which will wear off with the numbing effects. Trying to
fight under the effects of Hensbane follows the same
rules as fighting under an intoxicant. Against a fever it
will restore 1 point of strength and constitution per day
used, until recovery. Causes 2-12 poison damage (save
for half), and unconsciousness for 3-6 turns after.

Herb True- Antiseptic, antivenom. Eat 3 berries, or several leaves, Dragon

Love or mix into tea/wine or apply directly to wound for +2 Magazine #82
vs poison (+3 for dwarves and halflings). Four leaves p.17-18
brewed into an antiseptic wash can restore 1 hp per
injury. (If badly failing the search roll for this herb, the
character has a chance of finding the similar looking,
but poisonous deadly nightshade, which is save vs
poison; death)

Note: The herb linked is poisonous. The healing

properties in the game are just fantasy, please do not
try eating paris quadrifolia.

11 | P a g e
Holly Druidic focus. PHB p. 54
Must be picked by druid personally, but has no ritual.
Range and effect at 75% (+1 saves) and duration at
50% (+2 saves).

Hornwood (Greyhawk) Beautiful hardwood the shape of small elm. World of

Black barked with spear like leaves. It’s wood is resilient Greyhawk Box
and strong, desired for weapons, especially bows. Set, P.7

Hypersicum, Adds +l to any cleric’s die roll for turning undead. The Dragon
the. herb must be consumed in the round immediately Magazine #32
before the Turn is attempted and the effect lasts for p.33
only the round after consumption.
Note: Note yet sure which nonfictional plant this refers
to. Possibly Hypericum. This may also make it the same
herb as St. John’s Wort from DrM#82 listed below.

Ipp (Ipt) Tree (Greyhawk) 60ft tall with thick trunks. Greenish bark, World of
large, emerald green, hand shaped leaves. Resistant to Greyhawk Box
disease and insects. ‘Ipt’ is a specific subspecies that Set, P.7
grows even larger, favoured by sylvan elves.

Juniper Antitoxin, stimulant. Eating or being forced to eat 2 Dragon

berries will heal an 0 HP character 1-4 hp. Eaten within Magazine #82
2 rounds of poisoning, add +2 to your save. Acts as an p.16-18,
‘aphrodisiac’ for elves and half-elves if they fail a save Dungeon
vs poison, making them infatuated with the first Master's Guide
member of the opposite sex they see for 2-8 rounds. p.221
Dungeon Master's Guide: aphrodisiac, stimulant,
disinfectant, venereal disease, more.

Kara (Greyhawk) 40ft tall, rough bark with irritating resin World of
(itches), but produces fist sized, squarish, light brown Greyhawk Box
fruit all summer. Spots on the fruit turn from yellow to Set p.6
red when ripe. Eaten unripe they cause stomach
cramps, but are sweet, chewy and edible when ripe.

Lenthel (Biurndon) Ivy like plant cultivated by elves. Leaves Dragon

absorb liquids and can be stuck under the tongue to Magazine #108
cheat at drinking, although this dries the mouth out and p.43
turns the tongue bright red. It can also be used to draw
poison from a wound, or crushed for its curative
properties. Each leaf can hold 125ml of liquid (¼ pint) if
there is no barrier between it and the liquid (even cloth

12 | P a g e
and skin).

Linden Tree Crush leaves into wine, treat as a very limited augury Dragon
spell. A side effect is that it causes the user to also Magazine #32
become very drunk immediately after the augury. p.33
Note: The latin name given, ‘Tilia Vulgare’ is similar to
but not exact to the linked ‘Tilia Vulgaris’ (Or Tilia

Luminous (Greyhawk) Unnamed fungi as part of various modules. A3, p3-4.

Fungi Module A3 (Aerie of the Slave lords) describes them as
(Un-Named) “tall fungi (6’-7’ tall, with caps 4‘ across)” Some of
which appear to radiate slow magic when combined with
certain salts. These are different to Glow-Fungi, that
appear to be creatures.

Lycopodium Must be picked with in very complicated, but Dragon

undescribed, ritual Magazine #32
(25% chance minus 2% per level of error). Treat as a p.33
+1 luckstone for 30 days after picking.

Mandrake Root Consuming the root will cure 8 points of damage, minus Dragon
one for every day since the root was picked. Also used Magazine #32
in fertility rituals, especially by orcs and goblins p.33

Marsh-Mallow Burn treatment, Blood vitality. Make a poultice from the Dragon
root to apply to burns to heal 2 hp per day, for 3 days. Magazine #82
Or boil a concentrate from the root to drink for blood p.18
loss and recover 1-3 HP per day.

Medicinetree (Biurndon) Leaves can be used to make hearty, nutty Dragon

tasting teas which heals 1hp per pint drank. The tree Magazine #108
grows orange berries that are said to have many health p.42-5
benefits, strengthening the body and will. (It takes a
very skilled healer to make this tonic, that provides +1
Str, Int and Wis, and +1 to saving throws against mind
control spells for 1d4 hours). However the berries are
toxic raw (2d6 damage, -1 to hit for 1d4 hours after
consumption. Save vs poison for half damage and
duration), and are mostly brewed into potent alcohols.

13 | P a g e
Megaflora Absolutely massive seaweed ‘trees’, looking like conifers Dragon
Aquans and acts more like an environment than a plant. They Magazine #32
trap pure oxygen bubbles, can entangle ships, and are p. 10-11
home to many types of sea monsters and races.

Mistletoe Druidic Focus PHB p. 54

Greater; On Midsummer's Eve, the druid must locate his
mistletoe, cut it with a gold or silver sickle and catch it
in a bowl before it touches the ground. Spell Range,
Duration and Effect are at 100%.
Lesser; Picked personally by the druid, but not in the
proper manner. Spell duration is at 75% (Or +1 to
Borrowed; Picked by another druid. Spell range is at
75% (+1 save), Duration 50% (+2 saves)

Moonwort They cause any horse that treads on them to go lame. Dragon
leaves Note: The issue suggests two different latin names for Magazine #32
this herb, both being very different plants; Botrychium p.33
Lunaria (More likely) and Lunaria Annua.

Mugwort If a fresh sprig of the plant is carried so as to be visible Dragon

from above, the wearer will be undetectable by any evil Magazine #32
creature that is in flight unless the monster saves p.33
versus spells at -3. If the creature does save, it will be
attracted to the wearer before all ordinary party

Natertree (Biurndon) Very rare. 15ft tall, with thick branches that Dragon
start off low and 5ft wide, and taper into 1ft higher up. Magazine #108
Prefers shade and grows best with it’s own species. p.43
Great for bows.

Oak Druidic Focus PHB p.54

Must be picked by the druid, but has no ritual. Spell
Duration, Range and Effect are at 50% (Or +2 to

Papertree (Biurndon) Has papery bark with can be used as Dragon

parchment, but is used to make boats and totems, and Magazine #108
it’s inner bark can be eaten. Burns quickly. p.42

Peony The dried root worn in a pouch on a leather thong Dragon

around the neck will add +2 to one saving throw against Magazine #32
magic and then turn to useless dust. If worn, it will p.33
react to the first spell thrown at the user.

14 | P a g e
Phost Tree (Greyhawk) Similar to oaks, but with shaggy bark and World of
leaves that are twice as broad as they are long. Wood Greyhawk Box
from a phost tree develops a glow a year after being Set p.7
cut, 5ft radius. The wood however is fragile, crumbling
within a month if handled roughly or exposed to damp.

Redoil (Biurndon) Common, flowery herb. Leaves produce an Dragon

oil that turns red after being processed, that has mild Magazine #108
soothing properties when applied to bruises, cuts and p.43
sore feet. Heals 1hp per ounce applied to external
injuries. Takes a round to rub oil in.

Redtree (Biurndon) 70ft tall, 4ft wide, deciduous tree with five Dragon
point leaves that turn bright red in autumn. It’s sap Magazine #108
turned into a syrup is a popular commodity. p.42

Rivertree (Biurndon) 25ft, riverside hanging tree. Rumours about Dragon

it deliberately hiding crocodiles to benefit from their Magazine #108
kills, to warning potential victims by ‘crying on them’, or p.42
these are false ‘crocodile tears’. There does seem to be
evidence backing up some level of sentience and
different personalities in individual trees.

Roanwood tree (Greyhawk) Roanwoods are hardwood trees that look World of
similar to sequoias, with lower growing branches (30ft Greyhawk Box
above ground). They can grow up to 150ft, with roan Set p.7
coloured wood, and fan shaped leaves 1ft long. The
wood isn’t exceptionally strong, but makes for fine
detailed carving.

Rosemary Germicide, muscle tonic, drives off evil spirits Dungeon

Master's Guide

Rue When dipped in holy water and rubbed on the body, will Dragon
add +1 to saving throws against evil creatures. This Magazine #32
effect uses up the sprig and lasts for four hours. p.33
Note: The issue gives ‘Rata Graveolens’ as the latin
name instead of ‘Ruta Graveolens’.

Sablewood (Greyhawk) Evergreens, that a short with thick trunks. World of

Their branches make excellent arrow shafts, and if Greyhawk Box
harvested in the cold months and treated with oil, they Set p.7
shine a lustrous black.

Sacred Herb, When drunk with wine, it causes +2 strength and Dragon
the. uncontrollable lust for 3-8 turns. Magazine #32

15 | P a g e
St. John’s Wort Mild Healing, antitoxin. A tincture made from the Dragon
flowers, when applied within 2 rounds to a new wound, Magazine #82
heals 1d4 hp. A broth from a teaspoon of powdered p.18-19
seeds drunk within 2 rounds of poisoning gives +1 to
the save.
Note: This may be the same plant as ‘Hypersicum, The’
from DrM#32 listed above.

Satan’s Feces Eating the roots of this very rare herb gives the user Dragon
protection from any devil (not demon) summoned by Magazine #32
him in the same manner as a pentagram. Lasts 1-8 p.33
Note: The latin name given ‘Ferula Assafoetida’ is
similar to, but not exact, to the one linked ‘Asafoetida’,
and refers to the product of the Ferula plant, not the
plant itself.

Scarlet The leaves when eaten act as a dispel magic spell Dragon
Pimpernel equal in level to the level of the Druid who picked the Magazine #32
plant. After 30 days this ability is lost and the leaves p.33
become a mild narcotic causing the user to sleep for 1-4

Sphagnum Healing aid. Wounds dressed with clean moss heal Dragon
Moss ‘25%’ faster (4 hp every 3 days, with the extra 1hp on Magazine #82
the 3rd day). Must be changed every 3 days. p.19

Springwort (Or Blasting Root) If eaten by a thief immediately Dragon

before an attempt is made to open a lock, will add 10% Magazine #32
to the thief 's likelihood of success. The root loses 1% of p.33
this effect for every week since it has been dug up to a
minimum of 5%. The entire root must be eaten, does
not stack with multiple roots.
Note: The names ‘Springroot/springwort’ and ‘Blasting-
Root’ in connection to locks is a plant from german
folklore, ‘Springwurzel’. The Latin name given by the
issue, ‘Euphorbia’ refers to spurges. ‘Springwort’ is also
often connected to St. John’s Wort (See above, and
‘Hypersicum’ as well), but I believe in this case it refers
to the spurge as linked.

Sticktree (Biurndon) 15ft tall, with 2 inch bark. Axes tend to Dragon
bounce off bark. Sap is used for strong glue, Magazine #108,
glassblowing, pottery and alchemy. Hourglass pinecones p. 42
are boiled to extract oils for ‘forest fresh’ perfumes or
flavours. Oils can be used to bait traps, but can also
attract unwanted attention from giant insects.

16 | P a g e
Sweet Basil When mixed with horse dung, it will produce a scorpion Dragon
of normal size, but of double potency. Magazine #32

Sweet Onion (Orlows inventions) An onion that tastes normal, but Dragon
smells like a rose and doesn’t upset the eyes. Magazine #30

Trollflower (Orlows inventions) This is what would be described as Dragon

a very hardy perennial. This flower grows slowly at the Magazine #30
rate of 2” per month, but will regenerate as a Troll p.36
within 24
hours (unless burnt, or course).

Usk Tree (Greyhawk) Typically 8-9ft in diameter, 50-60ft tall World of

maple like hardwoods, with oblong leaves and edible Greyhawk Box
fruit. The leaves are tough and flexible. Uskfruit is Set p.7
grapefruit sized, edible, and aromatic, growing in early
summer and staying until frost. It has three to four
lobes and goes from pale to bright blue when ripe.

Woundwort If leaves are applied immediately (2 rounds), the wound Dragon

is staunched, and the character regains 20% of damage Magazine #82
taken by the attack). Dwarf characters have a 25% p.19,
chance to become blinded for 1d6 rounds. Dungeon
Dungeon Master's Guide: Aka; All-Heal. Antiseptic, anti- Master's Guide
spasmodic p.220

Yarpick (Greyhawk) AKA a daggerthorn. Short, sturdy tree with World of

low branches and fringed leaves. The trunk has Greyhawk Box
incredibly sharp thorns about 6 inches long, but thorns Set p.7
on the branches can grow to 2ft, but remain thick as a
finger at the base. Can be used as a
weapon/component. The hard flesh of the fruit is poor
eating, but the ‘nut’ inside are plum sized and

17 | P a g e
AD&D (2e)
Notes: Dragon Annual 4 includes material that sat between 2e and 3e
Honorable Mentions:
 Dragon Magazine #269 also has an article called ‘Extra
Healing’ (p. 42-46) that lists mundane herbs and their
reported medical properties, but does not give any rules or
mechanical effects.
 Elminster’s Ecologies also mentions other vegetation, but gives
no/little description for such including: (Explorer’s guide: Blue
Snowwood Pine, Locust needles), (Cormanthor: Blueridge
pines, Ivory moss, Moon ferns, Redbud trees, Blueberries the
size of watermelons), (Sea of Falling Stars: Biting lily pads),
(Comryean Marshes: Water Lilies with magical properties,
Carnivorous Black Willows), (Settled Lands: Moon Corn, Giant
Sunflowers), (Hill of Lost Souls: White Heart Shrub, Dragon’s
Breath), (High Moor: Cloudberry, a type of raspberry, and
Bilberry, a type of blueberry- which might actually just be
cloudberries and bilberries).
 Anauroch source book describes many nonfictional plants that
grow in the Anauroch desert on pages 40-43, including trade
goods such as coffee, dragon’s blood resin, sesame seeds,
frankincense, myrrh and indigo, etc. Only Chenopods have
been described below due to them having specific poison
mechanics. Luminescent moss can be found in Spellgard.
 Dragon Magic (Dragonlance) also mentions blue corn with no
special properties besides its colour, a yellow fungus that
causes sneezing and damage.
Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home, 1987 (Dragonlance), chapter
‘Herbalism (p.175-187) has a list of mundane herbs, and mundane
herbal recipes, that can help with diseases, or with spellcasting, or
associated mystical attributes. However no mechanics are given.
For example Clary can amplify the creative powers of magic users
and increase mental and physical ‘wholeness’, but there is no
explanation for what this means in game terms.

18 | P a g e
Name Description Source

Adder’s (Ravenloft) Small leafy plant with long forked Dragon Magazine
Tongue leaves and yellow-orange blossoms in spring. DMs #273, p.45
choice: Gives either 1) a +4 bonus or 2)-4 penalty
vs poison for 1d6 hours, or 3) the consumer must
make a save vs poison of suffer 5d6 points of
damage after which it grants it’s +4 bonus, with
regular use causing potential madness.
Note: While there are nonfictional plants of the
same name, I believe this is intended to be a
fictional plant.

Accede (Spelljammer, Dragonlance) A plant that grows on War captain's

the backs of Kindori (Space whales). The liquid companion boxed set
within its stems can cure blindness when drunk or p.25
placed directly on the eyes.

Akat (Greyhawk) A large tree with a drumlike trunk. The Scarlet

When it dies it’s inside rots leaving the ‘drum’ of Brotherhood p.60
the trunk. It has tasty red berries that are slightly
poisonous to humans, and eating them with alcohol
creates a ‘type P’ poison. Grows in the jungles of
Hepmonaland and the Amedio.

Askume Underdark lichen, generic setting. A fiery looking Dragon Magazine

lichen that grows in patchs in the underdark and #211 p.26
can be turned into a potent inhaled poison that
either leaves it’s victims unable to breath or
weakened for a day.

Ateris (Faerun) An ugly, thorny brown mountainside plant Elminster’s Ecologies

that has a sweet smelling flower, that can be Stormhorns &
dabbed on clothing or under the nose to mask foul Thunder peaks p.10-
scents for 2 days. The bloom can stay fresh for up 11
to 2 weeks.

Barausk Tree (Faerun) Grow in Harrowdale and Deepingdale, and Elminster’s

resemble beeches, their black branches and white Ecologies Settled
trunks covered with three-inch thorns. When cut Lands p.12
from the trunk, the branches turn as hard as iron in
24 hours

Bato (Greyhawk) A cousin to the pitcher plant. The liquid The Scarlet
in its flowers can be hardened with heat and used Brotherhood p.60
as glue. Grows in the jungles of Hepmonaland and
the Amedio.

19 | P a g e
Beetle Palm (Faerun) Named for the black bark that looks like a Elminster’s Ecologies
Tree beetle's shell, grow to heights of 100 feet or more. Cormanthor p.10
Clusters of spindly, leafless branches crown the Volo’s Guide to
otherwise smooth trunks. The wood contains oily Everything Magical
deposits that make it exceptionally flammable. It p.59-60
burns nearly three times as long as other types of
wood and produces about half the amount
of smoke. Grows in Cormanthor. (EEC) They grow
4d4 bitter tasting nuts per season. The nuts can be
used as a goodberry component, so the ‘berry’ can
feed a size huge creature as a days meal, or cure
1d4+2 physical damage, and the ‘berry’ can last a
year before loosing magical potency.(VGtEM)

Bentilan (Faerun) The plant appears as a small thin- Elminster’s Ecologies

stemmed flower that bears a tiny red-brown berry Stormhorns &
with an almond scent. The powdered berry is a Thunder peaks p.11
great flavour enhancer, when added to drink, it
dissolves and brings a pinkish hue to clear drinks
and turns most alcoholic drinks red, enhancing the
flavour the drink already holds. By itself the powder
is bitter and can cause vomiting from it’s strong
taste. Berries are worth 2sp or more to certain

Berrenia (Dragonlance) A bush whose barbed spines can Otherlands p.18

(Devil’s Sword) grow up to 4ft and inflict a type B poison on any
they injure.

Bison-Gourd (Faerun) Produces large yellow, trumpet-shaped Elminster’s Ecologies

flowers, that in turn produce a fruit that grows to App. I
five inches in diameter. The ripe fruit contains Hill of Lost Souls
stringy meat and many seeds. The seeds have a p.24
volatile oil that repels small insects- just wearing
the seeds is sufficient.

Black Avis (Ravenloft) Like a tall lopsided lily, with black Dragon Magazine
flowers in late fall/early winter. DMs choice: 1) Can #273, p.45
make a potion that negates magical fear and
depression for 2d6 rounds, with 25% chance to
cure most mental illnesses for 1d6 hours, with
subsequent uses reducing the duration by an hour.
2) as 1 but also grants anyone under a charm spell
a new saving throw. 3) as 1, but also gives a -4
penalty vs charm spells.

Bluecap (Faerun) Rare fungi, Bluecaps can grow to a height Elminster’s

Mushroom of almost six inches, with white stems and closed Ecologies The High
blue caps. Can be eaten raw for +1 bonus vs Moor p.16
injected poison, but prepared into a stew can be
used to neutralize poison. Cooked, but not properly

20 | P a g e
prepared, they still give a +2 bonus vs already
ingested poison. This bonus does not accumulate
with multiple meals.

Blueleaf Tree (Faerun) Grow in the Hermit’s Wood, look like large Elminster’s
maples, reaching 40 feet in height, but rarely attain Ecologies Settled
trunk diameters of over 8 inches. Durable to cold Lands p.12
weather, it bends under snow. Blueleaf trees have Volo’s Guide to All
many small branches that begin about halfway up Things Magical p.61
their trunks; branches grow in spider web like
swirls around the trunks. Their electric blue leaves
radiate a faint blue light. The processed leaves
produce a rich blue glowing dye; when burned, the
wood generates immense blue flames. If the sole
component of a spell (not including holy symbols) it
reduces casting time by 1.

Bloodberry (Faerun) Bloodberry bushes have reddish-green, Elminster’s Ecologies

heart-shaped leaves and reddish-purple berries. App. I
Death results within minutes of eating as few as Battle of Bones p.5
three berries. Chewing twigs or drinking brewed
leaves of the bloodberry bush can be fatal. Smoke
from burning the wood can swell eyes shut and
eating anything cooked over the open flame can
cause grievous illness or death.

Bowen’s (Faerun) This is a small flower that has tiny red and Elminster’s Ecologies
Flower light purple petals and very thin stems. Grows on Stormhorns &
mountain sides in 10ft patches. The drink made Thunder peaks p.9-
from the petals can put drinkers to sleep in 10
(Con/2)*minutes for 1d10 minutes. Apparently
works more effectively on bugbears than humans.

Brak (Dragonlance) A fungus that grows about 12 inches Otherlands p.12

tall, with a heavy 3ft wide cap that weighs 12lb and
can feed several people for a few days. It’s fast
growing and can produce a new cap every 15 to 20

Breathroot (Dragonlance) A water plant that may have once Otherlands p.73
been a land plant, changed in the ‘Cataclysm’, this
brown tuber can be chewed by air breathing
creatures to give them four hours of oxygen.

Calantra tree (Faerun) Calans are stout, red-barked trees with Volo’s Guide to All
deep brown wood that grow to no more than 11 Things Magical p.60
feet in height and consist of thick trunks with no
side-branches that rise up into a gnarly crown of
many small, interwoven branches. Calan trees are
as hardy alive as they are dead, withstanding most

21 | P a g e
frosts, fires (even red dragon breath), and floods.
It’s wood makes all item saving throws with +2
bonus over other woods. This increases to a +3
bonus if an item composed at least 20% of calantra
bears any sort of enchantment. Has no effect as
spell component.

Camel Tree (Faerun) A tree that has a bulge midway up it’s Elminster’s Ecologies
trunk, full of water. It can be pierced and drunk App. I
from, providing sweet water, but this might kill the Hill of Lost Souls
tree. p.25

Centurybloom A 10ft tree with rough, dark brown bark and a Dragon Annual #4,
Tree cluster of branches at the top with reddish green p.78
wedge shaped leaves. It bears small red pear
shaped fruit with cherry like pits. The tree can grow
quickly, within a year, if provided with gallons of
water and produces fruit all year at a fast pace.
However it only produces another seed after a
century and then dies.

Chenopods (Faerun) Grasses that grow in vivid maroon Anauroch p. 41

arcshaped tufts. Their juices are poisonous; all
mammals who eat it must save vs. poison.
Immediate effect is 2d4 hp damage, followed by a
2d12-turn period of attack and damage rolls at -2
and an Armor Class penalty of 3 points. The victim
must also make two successful Intelligence checks-
a failure means the victim is feebleminded until the
poison wears off.
(Notes: Chenopods are a nonfictional plant family,
but I cannot identify the one described here. It
might be connected to amaranth)

Chime Oak (Faerun) They resemble normal oak trees made of Elminster’s
clear glass, with slightly green tinged leaves. Unlike Ecologies
normal oaks, however, chime oaks don’t lose their Cormanthorp.12
leaves in the autumn. Instead, the leaves freeze Volo’s Guide to All
solid, remaining frozen throughout the autumn and Things Magical p.60-
winter until they thaw in the spring. Light breezes 61
cause the frozen leaves to tinkle like wind chimes,
producing a soothing, pleasant sound especially
attractive to basilisks. Chime oak wood gradually
loses its transparent quality as it dries (as do chime
oak leaves), becoming a silvery-white hue when
fully dry. The wood is impervious to cold (Objects
>45% auto save vs cold, otherwise it’s only a +1
bonus), makes sweet sounding instruments, but
otherwise acts as oak wood.

22 | P a g e
Chuichu Tree (Faerun) Resemble 3ft tall hickories and produce Elminster’s
cone-shaped yellow berries that dissolve in water to Ecologies Settled
make a delicious, cinnamon-flavored beverage. Lands p.11-12

Churchsteeple (Ravenloft) Small unremarkable bush with a single Dragon Magazine

long white root. DMs choice: 1) Fresh root (2d4 #273, p.45-46
days) acts as a Protection Against Evil, but any
creature that uses scent to detect PCs can detect
the root at twice the range. 2) As 1, but the roots
protection has a radius of 10ft, and can be smelt by
werecreatures and corporeal undead at 20 miles. 3)
Prevents the carrier from being infected with
lycanthropy or vampirism, and gives +2 saving
throw vs necromancy spells, but the darklord of the
demain is aware of its use.

Cold Light (Spelljammer) A small fungus that glows with a Complete Farer’s
brightness just below a candle’s. It can be Handbook p.75
sustained in lanterns by keeping it moist.

Dead Man’s (Ravenloft) Small lush plant with tear shaped Dragon Magazine
Tears leaves that grows in burial earth. DMs choice: 1) #273, p.46
Appears like undead at distance fooling
unintelligent undead(Pale skin, slow heartbeat, low
body temp), and enhanced strength as the
Strength spell for 1d3 days. 2) As 1, but requires a
madness check and System Shock roll vs -1
permanent constitution, with any PC whose Con
drops below 5 having 50% chance of becoming a
zombie. 3) As 1, but repeated use has an
unspecified but increasing chance of turning the PC
into an undead (ghoul/zombie).

Diamond Cure (Faerun) This plant looks like clover, except that Elminster’s Ecologies
Plant the leaves are more diamond in shape and tastes of App. I
bitter oregano. Grows in large strands in the Hill of Lost Souls
Prairie. Large quantities of it eaten provide anti- p.22
venom properties. More potent fresh.

Dragonfolly (Dragonlance) A waterplant with serrated yellow Otherlands

leaves, Only grows in the Oracle’s Cave, and acts p.73
as catnip on dragons, turning them into ‘frisky
housecats’ for a short duration. On the other hand
a Dragon that resists Dragonfolly tends to turn
murderous instead towards the owner.

23 | P a g e
Dream (Dragonlance) A beautiful sea flower who’s fluid Otherlands p.73
anenome when drunk can cause the imbiber to fall into a
deep sleep with vivid dreams. It’s often mixed with
other juices to brew into alcohol

Duskwood (Faerun) This tree species grows widely all over Volo’s Guide to All
Faerûn, and the trees get their name from the Things Magical p.61
dark, eerie appearance of the closely clustered
stands they grow in. Duskwoods grow up to 60 ft
and have smooth, bare, nontapering trunks, a
crown of tiny, lacy branches at the top, and black
bark, which turns silvery-gray when newly broken
or peeled. The wood beneath the bark is always
smoky gray and as hard as iron, resisting being
cutdown. Duskwood is also very resistant to fire,
smoldering rather than blazing. Duskwood can be
used for magic items but forces the caster of every
eternal flame spell involved to make a saving throw
vs. spell at -2 or have the spell fail, destroying any
previous enchantments successfully cast on or into
the item. Its use should also be avoided in the
casting of spells that involve fire, where it adds a
20% chance of total spell failure, applied after
casting, wherein all material components except
the duskwood are consumed. The sole exception to
this caveat is items and spells of fire resistance;
duskwood augments these by increasing their
protection by 1 point per die of fiery damage they
are forced to ward (operate) against.

Eldella Fern (Faerun) Sprout near the bases of giant Elminster’s

mushrooms growing near the perimeter of the Ecologies Settled
Hullack Forest. If lightly toasted, the ferns may be Lands p.12
fed to catoblepas, neutralizing it’s deathray for 24

Felsul (Faerun) Felsuls have a deep brown hue and soft Elminster’s
flesh. Before fully maturing, they’re soft, fuzzy Ecologies The High
green straight saplings, before they grow gnarled Moor p.14
and twisted by harsh winds, growing on cliffs and Volo’s Guide to All
rocky crags. In the spring they flower brilliantly Things Magical p.61
with blossoms of yellow, red (EEHM) and purple
(VGtATM). The petals of these flowers can be
crushed to yield a spicy scent and a sack full is
worth about 3gp. Felsul wood cannot be used for
building and does not burn well, but felsul root is
favored for use in the carving of small things such
as holy symbols, figurines, and toys. Is a poor spell
component except for spells related to decay and
withering, in which case it can replace other normal
(Not cost specific) components.

24 | P a g e
Fendrake (Ravenloft) A parasitic herb that grows in the roots Dragon Magazine
of trees killin them, and whose foul tasting roots #273, p.46-47
look like cats or dogs. DMs choice: 1) Casting the
‘Find Familiar’ spell and using three drops of blood
on the root causes it to become a cat/dog like
homunculus, that lasts 1 month and cannot fly or
use poison- if it dies before the month, the caster
suffers 2d10 damage. 2) as 1, but the root is
possessed by an imp, making it an evil creature
and requiring Dark Power checks to control-
repeated use it likely to make the imp permanent
and it will kill all other familiars of the caster. 3) As
1, but requires 2000gp of oils, herbs as well as the
spells mirror image, Monster Summoning I, and
Charm Monster.

Fireberry (Faerun) Fireberries are the greenish peppers of Elminster’s Ecologies

the red leaved firebush. Extremely hot to the App. I
palate, the peppers provide little sustenance. Eaten Battle of Bones p.5-6
in quantities, or on an empty stomach, they can
cause severe stomach, but can add spice to dishes.

Flame Heather (Faerun) Found only in the mountains of The Great Glacier
Nakvaligach, this plant resembles a cluster of p.57
yellow and red feathers. Flame heather is highly
flammable; one cluster (consisting of 2-4 plants,
each about a foot tall) burns all night long,
providing heat for a medium-sized snowhouse.

Four Petal (Faerun) Also known as ‘Joker’s Kiss’ or ‘Spitting Elminster’s Ecologies
White Flower Ivy’. A small shrub with white flowers, about two App. I
to three inches across, four petals each (Unlike the Hill of Lost Souls
very similar white heart shrub). This plant sprays p.25
poison on being touched; The victim feels a burning
sensation when the liquid touches the skin. A high
fever begins, and the victim dies in 1d4 hours. It
can also spit acid which can burn through clothing
and has the same effect as the spray.

Foxberry (Faerun) Resembling bright yellow grapes, grow on Elminster’s

snaky vines found throughout the midwood, Ecologies
Cormanthor, typically near beech trees. Foxberries Cormanthorp.10
are greasy to the touch and smell like cooked
steak. Perfectly edible, even to carnivores, but they
taste like dirt.

25 | P a g e
Galda Tree (Greyhawk) Galda tree oil is used for aromatic Dragon Annual #3
lamps and sweetening food. (See 1e for description p.99
of tree)

Giant Weed^ Looks like very tall grass, so 1d6 doses can be Dragon Magazine
found with a Herbalism check at a -1 penalty after #269 p. 40
searching for 8 hours. Can Enlarge as the spell,
using the Herbalists level, after another -1
Herbalism check to prepare it.

Gray Willow (Faerun) A sturdy willow that grows in the Elminster’s

Cormryean Marshes and has bark that can be made Ecologies
into potent insect repellant. Cormryean Marshes

Green Lotus Fragrant emerald green flower. A herbalist who Dragon Magazine
knows what it does and where to look can make a #269 p. 40
herbalist check at -2 after searching for 8 hours, for
1d6 doses. An infusion takes a herbalist check at -
2 and 1d10+5 rounds to make, and works as the
Augury spell, putting the consumer into a trance for
2 rounds.

Goblinberry (Faerun) Goblinberry bushes have narrow, Elminster’s Ecologies

blackish-green leaves with a silvery underside and App. I
reddish-purple berries. The berries are so Battle of Bones p.5
astringent, when eaten plain, cause one's throat to
swell, often causing suffocation but if diluted with
water and prodigious amounts of sugar or honey,
the juice of stewed goblinberries makes a fine

Goni (Greyhawk) A round black flower with golden eye The Scarlet
spots. It’s pollen can be used as a sedative and Brotherhood p.60
sleep aid. Grows in the jungles of Hepmonaland
and the Amedio.

Haltweed (Dragonlance) A yellow-green-brown seaweed that Otherlands p.73

grows at rapid rates when incontact with moving
wooden surfaces and slows them down with drag.
It resists means of ridding of it by any other than
sea creatures, implying some sentience.

26 | P a g e
Haven (seeds) The Haven plant acts more like a magical item- it's Dragon Annual #4
seed grows immediately into a bud, which size is pg. 79
dependent on how much water it's provided, and
then hardens its outer shell and hollows. This can
be entered by creatures. A new seed can be
harvested, but the plant will eventually grow thorny
vines and poisonous berries.

Hemerill A rare fernlike plant. Can only be found by those Dragon Magazine
trained to look for it, at -2 herbalist check, for 8 #269 p. 40
hours, for 1d6 doses. Soaking the leaves in wine for
3d6 rounds and at a -2 herbalist check, makes a
salve that works as a Slow Poison spell.

Hermit Berries (Faerun) Sweet smelling, blue speckled yellow Eliminster’s

berries that grow in the Hermit woods. Their smell Ecologies Sea of
can repulse kelpies, although this is not guaranteed Fallen Stars p. 11

Hiexel (Faerun) This species is very common in the Dales. Volo’s Guide to All
It averages between 30-70 feet in height, although Things Magical p.61-
taller trees often break in strong winds. Hiexel have 62
gently curved, sparse branches that give the whole
tree an upright oval foliage shape. The wood of
these trees, also called simply hiexel, is brittle,
green, and waxy. It succumbs to rot easily, and
produces profuse amounts of thick, oily smoke
when ignited, and dries unevenly making it brittle.
Hiexel bark is silver-green and neither easily
burned nor easily rotted. It has seen use as a
binding material for books, including spell tomes,
and stuck down with wooden pegs and sealed with
mud and clumps of moss as a facing material for
the outside walls of wooden buildings. Hiexel is
unsuitable as a material component for any magic
involving water or other liquids. It can serve as a
universal replacement component for any spells
whose effects involve mists or other vapors, and
when so used, it increases the casting time of the
spell by 1.. Hiexel should not be used in the making
of magical items, as its unstable nature causes
such an item to break after 1d2 years of service at

Hinnie (Faerun) Grows in the starwoods. They look like Eliminster’s

giant buttercups, 10 feet in diameter, with bright Ecologies
blue petals that are usually curled tight in a huge Cormanthorp.12
ball protecting a pool of sweet nectar, two or three
inches deep. Forcing the petals open causes the
flower to disintegrate, ruining the nectar that

27 | P a g e
evaporates. The petals open by themselves for one
day in the first week of spring or if coaxed by
gentle warmth (If directly applied roll 1d4: 1
ignites, 3-4 opens). An open Hinnie can be ‘bathed
in’ for 10 rounds, with effects on a d10: 1-4 no
effect, 5-6 can Speak with Plants for 1d4 hours, 7
acts like a potion of flying, 8 skin toughens giving
AC 2 naked fo 1d2 days, 9 skin turns blue giving -2
charisma for 1d2 days, 10 all blood evaporates
from the body killing the pc if they fail a save vs
spell with a success reducing them to 1 hp.

Hooded Monk (Faerun) Has a single, upright brown leaf that is Elminster’s Ecologies
hollow with a ‘flap’ at the top. Has a sweet smelling App. I
and tasting fruit at it’s base, luring small rodents to Hill of Lost Souls
it, but releases poisonous gas when disturbed p.24-25
killing the animal. The gas causes nausea for 1d4
hours 1d2 rounds after inhaling for larger
creatures, unless the plant senses damage or a lot
of movement releasing all it’s gas at once, which 1
round after inhaling causes nausea, than paralysis,
then death within an hour unless neutralised.

Hundil Root (Faerun) Hundil root is extremely poisonous to Eliminster’s

giant spiders. Orcs will feed it to small animals Ecologies
which they then throw into spider dens, to poison Stonelands & Goblin
the giant spiders within. Marches p.27

Huvremba (Faerun) A plant that can be made into a mask that Elminster’s Ecologies
allows one to breathe the petrifying breath of a Anauroch p.16
gorgon safely.

Ipp/ Ipt Tree (Greyhawk) It’s sap can be burnt to repel insects of Dragon Annual #3
the none giant kind. (See 1e entry for more P.100

Jalzanda flower (Greyhawk) Flowers produce an oil that has Dragon Annual #3
sedative effects. A few drops can be use as scent or p.100
consumed to have calming effects, but in large
doses can fake death.

“Jade Cocoa (Faerun) Name unknown, a hybrid between Jade Elminster’s

Clover” Cocoa and clovers, producing a new species of Ecologies Settled
clover with triangular brown leaves and the scent of Lands p.12
mint. Cattle found the brown clover irresistible;
unfortunately, it was also poisonous.

28 | P a g e
Jessidek Deep purple vine with heart shaped leaves that Dragon Magazine
grows on ruins. Those who are aware of the plants #269 p. 40
properties and habitat can make a -2 herbalist
check to find 1d6 doses after 8 hours of searching.
Another -2 herbalist check can measure and
produce enough sap to properly achieve an effect
as the Friends spell.

Jev (Greyhawk) A thin, sticky tree with branches The Scarlet

covered in tiny leaves. It’s branches have limited Brotherhood p.60
mobility and can shift to chase the sun. Grows in
the jungles of Hepmonaland and the Amedio.

Kaitlin’s Weed (Faerun) Looks like Dragon’s Breath Plant, but is Elminster’s Ecologies
not poisonous and provides a balm to cure sun App. I
sickness. Hill of Lost Souls

Kelimarin (Faerun) It’s petals, crushed into a paste, can Elminster’s Ecologies
flower neutralize urchin poison if applied within 5 minutes Sea of Falling Stars
of the sting. p.10

Kirin’s Leaf (Faerun) This reddish-brown leaf of the Kirin tree is Elminster’s Ecologies
used in potions, with the effect of generally reverse Stormhorns &
whatever mood the drinker is in, after (Con/2 + Thunder peaks p.9-
1d10) minutes. Sad people will become happy, 10
angry folks will settle down. The potion never has
been made strong enough to cause someone to
behave or feel completely contrary to their

Kola (Greyhawk) A large, orange bell shaped flower that The Scarlet
produces a type D poison that degrades natural Brotherhood p.60
material. Grows in the jungles of Hepmonaland and
the Amedio.

Laspar Tree (Faerun) This evergreen species grows near Tethyr Volo’s Guide to All
and Thay and has a distinctive olive-green to Things Magical Pp.62
copper hue. Laspars look like squat cedars, 30 feet
in height, and have thick foliage. Laspar needles
are flat and smooth-pointed, and they grow in
spherical clusters (known as shags) at the ends of a
cloak of delicate branches that swirl around a
straight, strong central trunk. Those trunks have

29 | P a g e
dusty green bark that tends to form a surface of
many small, interlocked, concave plates. Under the
bark is a goldenhued wood that is easily worked,
like pine, but is also pitchy like pine, spitting too
many sparks for safe burning. Boiled laspar needles
are an effective laxative and crushed needles are
used in the making of certain scents. The sharp,
distinctive laspar smell seems to attract laspar
moths, which lair only in laspar trees. For spells
involving transformations of shape or state, a
handful of laspar needles are a universal
replacement component, decreasing the casting
time of the spell by 1.

Lightleaf (Dragonlance) This broad leafed seaplant grows on Otherlands p.73

sandy floors and whose crushed juices shine in a
10ft radius light (20ft cube). This glow can last up
to 36 days.

Lightning (Faerun) These are actually tiny ¼ inch long silver Dragon Magazine
Seeds^ fungi pods and are very rare. It takes a full day and #269 p. 40
a -3 herbalism check to find 1d6 pods. If the player
can find the lost lore on how to prepare them, then
at a -3 herbalism check they can make a powder
that works as a Haste spell at 5th level for 8
rounds. However, the consumer also ages 1 year
from the toll on their body.

Mathiri (Faerun) Also known as Bluewood, found in the The Shining South
forest of Amtar. The wood is actually ivory colored p.36
with faint blue streaks, but, with polishing, it has a
deep luster that resembles the glow of a polished
gem. It is prized for making furniture because it is
easy to cut, yet durable. A skilled woodworker is
required to bring out the true beauty of the wood.

Maxor (Faerun) A plant that is shoulder height and has Elminster’s Ecologies
long, thin, drooping leaves that are almost fernlike. Stormhorns &
The seeds, maxoris, are grain like and an be used Thunder peaks p.11
similarly to salt to preserve meat, although they
leave a slight musty flavour and keep the meat
edible twice as long. The seeds are contained at the
top, within the bulb. Ten plants are needed to
produce enough maxoris to thoroughly pack one
pound of fresh meat.

30 | P a g e
Medquat (Faerun) A crimson lichen found inside hollow logs, Elminster’s Ecologies
particularly camphor, in Cormanthor. The soft Cormanthorp.12
lichen tastes like lemons and is highly prized by
Cormyr gourmets. The smell attracts scorpions.

Medroc (Dragonlance) A 1-3 inch white capped mushroom Otherlands p.12

with a brown spotted stem. It can be eaten, but it’s
main use to create a milky white glue for funno (a
rat like creature) hide together.

Midnight Lace^ (Ravenloft) A delicate, pale green moss that grows Dragon Magazine
along rivers. DM’s choice: 1) Reduces random #273, p.47
encounters with predatory animals by a small
amount, but repulses nosferatu vampires, who
must make save vs poison of suffer intense nausea
and are unable to feed for 1d3 days. 2) Eating the
moss makes the character taste repulsive for 2d6
hours; animals of low intelligence will only bite
them once and higher intelligent animals must
make save vs poison each bite to continue. 3)
Random encounters with predators is greatly
reduced and any encounters that do happen are at
-2 to attack, however cats of all kinds love the
smell and encounter chances with them are

Mikka (Faerun) This is a black lichen found on the The Great Glacier
bottoms of stones near Alpuk streams. The crunchy p.57
lichen tastes like mint; Iulutiuns use it to flavor
soups and stews.

Mill Plant (Spelljammer, Dragonlance) A plant that grows on War Captain’s

the backs of Kindori (Space whales), and whose Companion Boxed
leaves can be turned into a green paste that helps Set
the patient to resist venom. (Gives another delayed p.25
save with a bonus)

Miro (Greyhawk) A squat fruit tree that has an orange- The Scarlet
peach like fruit that will swell with water till it Brotherhood p.60
bursts. Can be repeatedly ‘tapped’ to drain the fruit
repeatedly while still on the tree. Grows in the
jungles of Hepmonaland and the Amedio.

Mist Weed (Ravenloft) A simple looking, but uncommon, grey Dragon Magazine
grass like herb, that grows only in misty bogs and #273, p.47
marshes. DM’s choice: 1) It can grant a +4 bonus
vs vapor like spells (Like Stinking Cloud), and a
save at -4 to such spells that normally offer no
saves (Solid Fog, Cloud Kill)- the herb lasts 1d3
weeks and has no effect on the mists of Ravenloft
itself. 2) If worn around the face it offers +2 vs
mundane poisons in the air and lasts 1d4 days. 3)

31 | P a g e
It attracts the mists of the demiplane, giving a 5%
chance of randomly being engulfed by the mists
and moved elsewhere (usually a core domain, has
no effect on the border mists).

Neverwhere (Dragonlance) A nearly transparent seaweed used Otherlands p.73

to make aquatic versions of Cloaks of Elven kind

Nimergan Underdark, setting generic. Look like 3ft tall flayed Dragon Magazine
beige umbrellas infected with a parasitic fungus of the #211 p.25
same name. When casked and the parasitic fungus
consumes it’s host, it creates a potent alcohol that
can be deadly.

Ormu Underdark, setting generic. Fluorescent green moss Dragon Magazine

that can be turned into makeup, glowing pigment and #211 p.26
dyes, mixed with glowworm glue for potent glowing
paint, or turned into arcane ink.

Panisil (Dragonlance) A fuzzy light green 1 inch fungus, Otherlands

that grows on moist surfaces. Eating half a cup p.11-12
(64g?) of this fungus can work as the Cure Disease
spell, but has a low chance of success which is even
lower if the disease is supernatural in nature like
lycanthropy. It can only be attempted once per
instance of a sickness. Repeated uses of it when
healthy can cause autoimmune symptoms.

Pegaller (Dragonlance) A clinging vine that causes an Otherlands p.19

infectious and delayed rash. The rash can occur
days later, and people who have had contact with
an afflicted person can also develop the rash.

Peral (Faerun) A choking vine that is difficult to cultivate, Elminster’s Ecologies

but if given plants to choke it produces a sap that Stormhorns &
has a strong honey taste and glue like properties. Thunder peaks p.11
Small amounts can be used in cooking, or used to
produce glue that lasts a week before crystallizing-
use of such glue for envelopes is both a status
symbol and signifies how quick the delivery was.

Phandar Tree (Faerun) Rare tree in the High Forest from over Volo’s Guide to All
foresting, although the tree itself is easy to grow. It Things Magical p.62
grows to about 60 feet in height with terrifically
strong, springy curving boughs sprouting in great
numbers from a massive, knobby central trunk,
which greatly resembles the feared monster known
as a roper. Its leaves of mottled, varicolored green
are roughly egg shaped. Their long axes point in
the direction the wind is blowing, so a stand of

32 | P a g e
phandars all seem to be pointing in one direction.
Phandar wood is greenish-brown and striped with
thin black grain lines throughout, popular for decor
and jewellery. A phandar stump often grows a new
tree, and even waste boughs tossed into a heap
have been known to root and sprout. This has
probably saved the tree from total extinction at the
hands of loggers, Phandar wood is ideal for the
making of durable magical items that need not be
straight and as an ingredient in all healing potions
and enchanted unguents. When used in a magical
item, phandar wood requires no purification magics
and prolongs all wondrous web or holy vesting
spells cast upon items even partially made from it
for one additional round.

Phostwood (Greyhawk) Phostwood’s luminescent sap can be Dragon Annual #3

used to make luminous signs (See 1e for more p.100
description on Phostwood)

Pixie Cap (Faerun) The mushrooms, which taste like walnuts Elminster’s
Mushrooms^ and melt on the tongue like delicate pastry, are Ecologies Settled
dried in the sun and sold to Cormyrean gourmets Lands p.25
for as much as 50 gp each.

Pok (Greyhawk) A thin vine that grows blue flowers and The Scarlet
berries at the same time. Both have mild curative Brotherhood p.60
abilities, with the flowers can help heal wounds and
the berries can help neutralize potion. Grows in the
jungles of Hepmonaland and the Amedio.

Raze (Spelljammer, Dragonlance) A plant that grows on War Captain’s

the back of Kindori (space whales). It has deadly Companion Boxed
sharp thorns that can be used as weapons, sharper Set p.25
than even most metals and with a poison that can
cause seizures.

Razor Grass (Faerun) The roots tap deep beneath the rocks, to Elminster’s Ecologies
draw enough moisture to sustain its tough, App. I
longbladed leaves. Each blade of grass is a quarter- Battle of Bones p.6
to a half-inch wide, and may grow 14 to 16 inches
long. The leaves of razor grass can truly be called
blades, cutting anything that walks through it or
attempts to graze/pull on it. Possible to use for

33 | P a g e
Red Cap^ (Ravenloft) Rare mushrooms that stand 5-7 inches Dragon Magazine
tall with red splotched caps of the same diameter, #273, p.47-48
that grow in damp caves. DMs choice: 1) Wizards
who eat one dose of red cap can cast spells at two
levels higher for 1d4 hours, but must also make a
save vs poison or lose 1 point of Con and Int
permanently. 2) The dose acts like a potion of
delusion thinking they have the effects above for
1d4 hours, despite any and all evidence, and must
also make a save vs spell at -4 at the end of the
duration to even realise their delusion. 3) Grants
arcane boosts to wizard spells for 1d6 hours and
even to non-spellcasters for 1d4 hours, although
they must still learn spells normally and each spell
cast under the effect drains the caster by one year;
1 wizard level per red cap consumed at reducing
returns, (So a wizard who consumes 1 red cap for a
1 level boost, has the effects wear off, needs 2 caps
next time to gain the same 1 level boost, 3 the
next time).

Redweed (Dragonlance) A powder made from this plant can Dragon Magic p.43
paralyse creatures for a short while, and is often
used when fishing to paralyse fish.

Reedmace A common plant that some (Yeomen in Greyhawk) Dragon Annual #3

have discovered how to turn into flammable p.101

Reneweed (Spelljammer, Dragonlance) A plant that grows on War Captain’s

the backs of Kindori (space whales). The pollen Companion Boxed
from this plant mixed with the blood of the kindori Set P.25
can be mixed into a potion that increases
Constitution and Strength for a short while.
Overdosing however causes great mental
disturbance, and permanently reduces wisdom.

Ring Moss (Faerun) This rare silvery moss grows in tiny rings The Great Glacier
inside crevasses near the Lugsaas Chain. When p.57
ground to a soft paste, the moss can be used to
coat arrows or other weapons to subdue tirichik. (A
tirichik successfully attacked with a weapon coated
with ring moss must save vs. poison or lapse into
unconsciousness for 2d4 rounds.) Ring moss paste
retains its potency for 1-4 days after the moss is

34 | P a g e
Rose Garden (Faerun) All blooms cause mild confusion with their Elminster’s Ecologies
Varieties heady scent, disorientating those who enter the App. I
Rose Garden Maze. Battle of Bones p.16-
Common Bloodrose: Clusters of medium sized
blood-red blooms. Hates cold, but somehow
survives in the Rose Garden. Cultivated by clerics,
none grow wild, except in one rare occurrence
during 1100 DR, year of the Bloodrose. Very rare,
despite its name.
Creeping Vine Rose: Small, pink blooms, grows
around bones and broken weapons. Cut when open,
it lasts hours, but if still a bud it can last weeks.
Daylight Rose: Similar to the Mourning rose, but
with white or yellow blooms veined with red. The
flowers only bloom for six hours, cut or not.
Mourning Rose: Red or White blooms and red-green
leaves. Red blooms are used for graves and White
ones for lover’s bouquets. Cut flowers last 3 days.
Ruby Blushrose: Has bright red flowers and no
thorns, whose scent brings a blush to cheeks, but
prolonged exposure might damage constitution.
Impairs spatial awareness. Honey made from this
rose has similar effects.
Sunset Rose: Has blooms with petals the shade of
sunsets, and razor sharp and laced with poison that
induces sleep for 1d6 hours. Each tenth of an ounce
ingested reduces breathing by 10%. Those at 30%
or less must make a Constitution check each round
to remain conscious; failing a second check begins
Undead Bloodrose: The undead variety of the
‘Common’ Bloodrose. Cut blooms can ‘live’
indefinitely by draining lifeforce from beings around
them (Cut blooms drain 1d3 hp per day from a
victim, 1 con point every 2 days from prolonged
exposure. Blooms still on the bush drain only 1hp
per day from victims that have stayed within 20ft
for 8 hours or feed of bone marrow in the ground).
If denied a lifesource, the bloom turns from red to
black, and after 3-4 days of starvation the bloom
disintegrates into green-black dust. It’ll turn red
again if ‘fed’ before this.

Rosecork Tree (Faerun) Native to the Isle of Prespur, now flourish Elminster’s
in the southern tributaries of the Wyvemwater, Ecologies Settled
thanks to the efforts of a Wheloon importer. Lands p.12
Rosecork wood is virtually fireproof and is
becoming increasingly popular with builders.

35 | P a g e
Roseneedle (Faerun) Thrives along the banks of the Ashaba, Elminster’s Ecologies
Pine Cormanthor, growing there the year round. They Cormanthor p.10-11
resemble miniature evergreens, seldom exceeding Volo’s Guide to All
three feet tall. A roselike blossom, pink or white, Things Magical p.62
sprouts from the end of each tiny needle during
spring and summer. A roseneedle’s roots extend
ten or more feet into the ground, each ending in a
fat tuber the size of a potato. Chunks of the tubers
make excellent fishing bait. The wood is unsuitable
for most items, but it’s softness makes it excellent
for carving small detailed objects. Tinctures made
from roseneedle tubers or flowers are often used in
the preparation of magical items made to control or
summon aquatic life and the needles can be used
to replace spell components related to fish parts.

Sandberries (Faerun) Bushes with straw yellow berries. Though Elminster’s Ecologies
bitter and acidic, the berries are not poisonous. App. I
Ground up and steeped in sufficient water, they Battle of Bones p.5
make a passable herbal tea.

Santal wood (Greyhawk?) It’s wood can be burnt to neutralise Dragon annual #3
bad air (such as smells, smoke, crypt fumes) and p.101
even magical effects if soaked in the ‘correct
Note: This is likely Sandalwood and so not
Greyhawk specific.

Santolin (Greyhawk?) A plant which can be turned into a Dragon Annual #3

lavender (and possibly other) coloured fabric that it p.101
softer than wool and more durable than linen.
Note: This is likely based on Santolina
chamaecyparissus or ‘Lavender cotton’, which
despite its name, is not used to make fabric.

Scarab Caps (Ravenloft) Rare mushrooms that grow in the Dragon Magazine
desert, very small and white scarab shaped black #273, p.48
lines on it’s cap. DM’s choice: 1) Consumer must
make a save vs death at -2, falling into a coma for
2d4 days on a fail, during which they need no food
or water and suffer no poisons, on a success they
get a save vs death magic at -2 if they die within
24 hours of consumption, going into a trance for
1d6 days instead of dying on success and can be
healed at -4 penalty or with a heal spell; they die
normally if they receive no healing. 2) As one, but
instead of dying if they receive no healing, there’s a
50% chance of becoming undead (Of that, 50%
Zombie, 25% Ghoul, 15% Wright, 10% ghost). 3)
The consumer makes a save vs poison or dies; on
success, for 2d4 days the character needs 50% less
food and more sleep, and loses 1d6 Dex, but gains

36 | P a g e
+2 vs poisons and delays poison effect onset by
double the norm.

Seal berries^ (Faerun) Found near the shores of the Lugalpgotak The Great Glacier
Sea, these are magical pea-sized berries the color p.57
and texture of seal skin. Though inedible, the
berries make useful preservatives; a handful of
berries scattered over 10 pounds of meat preserves
the meat indefinitely, even through the warmest
months of spring and summer

Sessup (Dragonlance) A 4-6 inch bright red mushroom with Otherlands p.13
black spores that is extremely poisonous to
consume (Type J) or touch (Type M).

Sessupine (Dragonlance) A smaller, paler and more potent Otherlands p.19

version of the Sessup.

Shadowtop (Faerun) They grow as quickly as 2 feet a year in Volo’s Guide to All
warm, damp weather, can exist in all except arctic Things Magical p.62-
climates, and can reach 90 feet or more in height if 63
undisturbed. It’s trunk is 20 feet or more in
diameter at base and has pleatlike ridges.
Shadowtops only sprout branches from the
uppermost dozen feet or so of their trunks.
Shadowtop leaves are feathery and irregular in
shape, with many fingers, and have copper-colored
undersides and deep green upper surfaces. In
autumn, the tops change hue to match the
underneath sides before the leaves drop. Shadow
wood is fibrous and tough, but unsuitable for any
use involving stress on the wood. The fibers are
valued in ropemaking. The wood’s qualities as a
fuel make it ideal for use when cooking, burning
cleanly. Shadow wood is much used in the making
of magical staves, rods, and wands. Merald’s meld
joins automatically succeed at their saving throws
and other die rolls when covering a join with
shadow wood. (Treat the item as if it has the
benefits of a crown meld.) Because of an innate
quality of shadow wood, the wood is also always
considered to have been prepared/gathered in the
way necessary for the spell use.

Shimmerweed (Dragonlance, Ravenloft) Native to Krynn, this When Black Roses

crystalline plant can refract light. When it refracts Bloom, p. 54
the light from the Blackmoon in Ravenloft it causes
a prismatic display that is harmful to the local

37 | P a g e
vampiric kender.

Silverbark tree (Faerun) Silverbark trees are uncommon, slender Elminster’s

10-15ft trees with 4’’ trunks, that grow near bogs. Ecologies The High
The bark looks silvery and flakes off easily, and the Moor p.14
reddish wood dries quickly and is too brittle for Volo’s Guide to All
most uses. The deep red leaves are large and Things Magical p.63
waxy, oval with pointed tips, tiny saw-toothed
edges, and purple bases sometimes used by people
native to the area as a wrapping for fresh game or
other materials to keep dirt out. Its sap is an
essential ingredient in poison antidotes and sweet
water potions; it can be used as a universal
component for such spells and reduces cast time by

Sisareya (Faerun) Grows in the High Ice. Can cure poisons, Elminster’s Ecologies
Bloom such as that of a heway snake, but blooms only Anauroch p.5
once every 5 years and grows in snow and ice.

Skypine (Faerun) The skypine, a slender conifer with bright Elminster’s

blue needles, was introduced to Cormyr from the Ecologies Settled
Borock Forest. Stirges favour this tree as roosting Lands p.12

Sliver Tree (Faerun) The tree resembles an oak, until a closer Elminster’s Ecologies
inspection of bark and leaves reveals the App. I
differences. The bark is lined with long, narrow Hill of Lost Souls
cracks that channel moisture toward the roots. The p.25
leaves look porous, like sponges with small holes.
They absorb moisture from the air when moisture is
available, and a waxy plug fills the pores when the
air is drier than the delicate plant tissues. The
slivers are usually ¾ in diameter, and a foot and a
half to three feet long. They splinter if cut, but
make excellent arrow shafts as are, and can
penetrate most armour.

Snapper (Faerun) Uncommon fungi. This puffy ballshaped Elminster’s

Mushroom^ mushroom can grow as large as a foot in diameter Ecologies The High
and is light orange in color with brownish splotches Moor p.16-17
and have 2d6 eyelike spots. When matured it
hardens and releases from its stalk. Blown like a
tumbleweed it explodes into spore on contact with
a hard surface. This causes no harm, but is
unpleasant if you’re caught in it.

38 | P a g e
Snow Flowers (Faerun) Hardy shrubs that grow in the High Ice, Elminster’s Ecologies
and act like tumbleweeds once their roots have Anauroch p.20
been weakened by grazing and winds (EEA). Found Anauroch p.63
in vivid purple, yellow-green, and pink hues in
crevices in the ice and rock, or blown over the plain
by the frigid winds (A).

Softwood Fern (Faerun) Brown and with leaves hard as leather. Elminster’s Ecologies
Cormanthor p.10

Spirit Moss (Faerun) This moss grows about a half inch high, in Elminster’s Ecologies
a soft pile like a delicate sponge. Out of the moss App. I
grow gossamer wisps that float gently in the wind. Hill of Lost Souls
The plant needs a great deal of fresh air to survive, p.25
and the wispy puffs enable the plant to harvest all
it needs. If stepped on or touched with bare limbs,
the limb goes numb. 1 round later, nausea,
paralyzation, muscle seizures and asphyxiation kill
the victim within 2 minutes.

Squid Jail Plant (Faerun) Tentacle-like, these flat foot-wide leaves Elminster’s Ecologies
grow below other vegetation in the area, and each App. I
leaf can be 10-15 feet long. They tend to grow near Hill of Lost Souls
Razor Grass, and when blood is dripped on a leaf, p.24
all the leaves spring up to form a ‘jail’, strong as
iron, which slowly crushes the prisoner. The leaves
are still weak to fire, however.

Suth Tree (Faerun) These tangled trees with olive-green Volo’s Guide to All
leaves grow almost horizontally and then double Things Magical p.63
back over themselves to angle back in another
direction, zig zagging upwards. If a few suth trees
grow together, their branches intertwine creating
effective barriers. Suth leaves are long, soft, and
fluffy, but the ends form spikes. They grow in
bunches at the end of each branch and in a ring
around the trunk wherever tree limbs branch out or
the growing tree changes direction. Suth wood is
very hard and durable. It is so hard that it is
difficult to work unless one has the finest tools.
Thin sheets of this wood retain astonishing strength
for decades and so are favored for use in book
covers. Suth is also the preferred wood for shields;
it never shatters and does not catch fire as long as
it is soaked in water before battle. A crushing blow
might crack a suth wood shield, but it would not fly
apart if cracked.

39 | P a g e
Tannodako (Dragonlance) A dark reddish brown fungus that Otherlands p.12-13
grows in high heat and humidity. It is an intoxicant
and can be distilled into the drink known as

Thornslinger (Faerun) A carnivorous plant with yellow (Settled Elminster’s Ecologies

Lands) or Pink (High Moors) blossoms and white Settled Lands ,
vines. They attract animals with a sweet smell then High Moor p.15
kill them with thorns and sticky sap.
Note: Despite my avoidance of ‘Plant type
creatures’, I’ve included the Thornslinger as it’s less
a monster with stats, than a dangerous plant. I
may change my mind on this.

Tonguehalt (Dragonlance) An aquatic plant that grows near Otherlands

shipwrecks. It’s small black leaves can be placed p.73
under a victim’s tongue to keep them silent for as
long as they remain there and for up to 12 hours

Timmask Underdark mushroom, generic setting. Very rare Dragon Magazine

and vile mushroom that devil’s love to eat. Can be #211 p.26
used to make spells controlling them easier, as well
increasing the potency of necromantic spells. A
single Timmask has dozens of uses and can cost up
to 7,000gp for a whole one.

Trillimac Underdark mushroom, setting generic. Rare in near Dragon Magazine

settlements due to being eaten, uncommon in #211 p.25
wilds. It’s stalk can be turned into ‘loaves’ that last
weeks and it’s cap skin into leather. Drow
sometimes call them ‘corpse caps’ as they can be
fertilised with corpses.

Turis Bark (Faerun) The underside of the bark is coated with a Elminster’s Ecologies
sap which when applied to cuts aids in their Stormhorns &
healing. Applied overnight to a wound of less than Thunder peaks p.9-
4hp severity, it can heal the wound and prevent 10
scarring from non-magical weapons.

Ularimil (Faerun) Grows in the sword, of the Anauroch. This Elminster’s Ecologies
reddish grass, when mixed with sparing amounts of Anauroch p.5
water, forms a thin paste which repels insects of all

Vistani’s Bells (Ravenloft) Small blue bell like flowers that bloom Dragon Magazine
all year long and grow on ruins. The Vistani know #273, p.48-49
best how to brew them. DM’s Choice: 1) The tea
brewed from them induces pleasant dreams in
sleep, preventing even magical nightmares. Vistani
know how to get prophetic dreams from them. 2)
The petals eaten directly can induce 1d6 days of
trance, during which they dream a prophetic

40 | P a g e
dream,but the consumer needs caring for or must
make save vs paralysation each day after or take
1d4 Con damage from lack of food/water. 3) Can
aid sleep, but used as a spell component for
divination spells, such spells act as if cast at 2d6
levels higher.

Vundwood (Faerun) This species of tree is short and scrubby. Volo’s Guide to All
It thrives on poor ground and grows in small Things Magical p.63-
stands. The tree is named for the Vunds, an 64
infamous nomadic tribe who lived long ago in what
is now considered the Western Heartlands and the
Green Fields. Vundwood trees rarely top 15 feet
and lack a central trunk; instead, they have many
small, radiating branches, which in turn split into
smaller branches, and so on. The trees have
smooth, thin, dark red bark and pale green leaves
edged with white that lighten to yellow when winter
is nigh or when a tree is dying. The wood itself is
reddish-brown and smells rather like cinnamon,
making for pleasant firewood. When used in the
making of wands and other magical items that use
charges, it can grant 1d4 charges out of nowhere
once every 1d12 months unless the item is totally
exhausted. In spellcasting, vundwood serves as a
universal replacement material component for
spells that involve recalling an already-cast spell for
the use of the caster or augmenting or altering the
spellcaster’s capacity for spells (such as Rary’s
mnemonic enhancer).

Waterbane (Dragonlance) A prickly spherical seaplant whose Otherlands p.73

sap acts as a water repellant and sealant for up to
one year.

Water Globe (Faerun) Looks like common ivy, but with pure Elminster’s Ecologies
Plant white under-leaves. At the base of the roots can be App. I
found ‘water globes’, milky white stores of water Hill of Lost Souls
that can be gently removed from the stalk and p.24

Weirwood (Faerun) Weir trees are now rare and highly prized, Volo’s Guide to All
and actively protected by dryads, treants, druids, Things Magical p.64
and rangers. They resemble large oaks in
appearance, only with leaves that are brown with a
silver sheen on the upper surfaces and velvety
black on the undersides. Weir wood does not burn
in non-magical fire and is resilient and durable. It is
favored for the making instruments because of the
unmistakable warm, clear sound it gives to such
instruments. Any magical light that is brought into

41 | P a g e
contact with cut or living weirwood lingers around
the wood for 1d4+1 rounds after its source expires
or is removed, unless negated by another spell.
Weirwood serves as a replacement component for
all spells that normally use oak or holly (bark,
leaves, berries, or the wood) or in spells that create
magical radiance or that provide some protection
against, or resistance to, normal or magical fire. If
used as an extra material component in spells that
create or mend objects (such as mending,
wondrous web, awakening, enchant an item, holy
vesting, or ritual of transference), it confers a
bonus of +1 to all saving throws and ability checks
involved in the spellcasting.

Willow Wisps (Ravenloft) Small glowing fungi that grow on Dragon Magazine
weeping willows and similar plants, sometimes #273, p.49
mistaken for will’o'wisps when caught in the
breeze. Only 1d4 trees in an affected grove will
grow 1d2+1 Willow Wisps (Except in Forlorn, where
it is 2d6 trees and 2d4 Wisps). DM’s choice: 1)
Covering your eyes in paste of the fungi reduces
night time penalties due to vision by half for2d4
hours, but they also get luminous eyes, and 1 in 10
people are allergic, gaining a -1 penalty to all
actions while using the paste. 2) As 1 but
successive use with 30 days of the last causes a
save vs poison or the user goes blind, which is
curable by spell or by a successful herbalism and
heal check both at -4. 3) The paste reduces
nighttime penalties by 1, but also allows the user to
see invisible ghosts/spirits for 1d6 hours.

Wilting Roeby (Ravenloft) A bushy woodland plant, that has Dragon Magazine
purple (Or blue in Borca) blooms in spring. The #273, p.49
blooms wilt in the presence of undead detecting
them at a range equal to 5ft*HD of the undead, but
this wilting takes 1d6 hours. Picked blooms can last
a week. DM’s Choice: 1) It only detects corporeal
undead. 2) The detect all undead but also wilt near
necromancy or cold spells and have a 5% chance of
dying for no reason. 3) Detects all undead, but the
direct touch of a vampire, mummy, or lich kills the
bloom in minutes not hours.

Xantla (Greyhawk) A strong thin tree that grows over The Scarlet
200ft, with evenly growing branches and large Brotherhood p.60
leaves, that create ‘floors’ up the tree. Has sweet
but hard to eat nuts. Grows in the jungles of
Hepmonaland and the Amedio.

42 | P a g e
Zalantar (Faerun) This subtropical species is rarely seen Volo’s Guide to All
north of the Shaar. It is plentiful along the shores Things Magical p.63
of Chult and the southern coasts of Faerûn and
seems to grow in any terrain short of mountainous.
The leaves of zalantar trees range from white
through beige, and the bark and wood of the tree
are blackhence its Northern name: blackwood.
Zalantar trees have a central root and eight or
more trunks branching out from the root at ground
level like the splayed fingers of a hand. The trees
may reach 80 feet in height, but they average half
that. Zalantar wood is strong, yet easily worked,
and sees much use in southern buildings and the
making of wagons, litters, and wheels. Southern
sorcerers use zalantar almost exclusively in the
making of rods, staves, and wands. It is durable
and handsome, and it aids magics cast upon it,
providing a +2 bonus to the saving throws
associated with a priest or wizard awakening spell
or a wizard’s enchant an item spell. When an
enchanted or nonmagical item that is wholly or
partially made of zalantar is in use, the wood aids
all item saving throws with a +1 bonus. It also
glows with a very faint mauve radiance when
undead beings are within a 70- foot spherical
radius. L

43 | P a g e
D&D (3.0/3.5e)
Honorary mentions:
 Masters of the Wild (3.0) p. 32 has mechanics for ‘Infusions’: “a
divine spell stored within a specially treated herb. It works like a
scroll, except that it is use-activated.” It has a table suggesting
which plants to use for which school+spell level. Some of these
suggestions for the 8th-9th level spells seem to be fictional plants,
but are undescribed (Unicorn root, Blackbane, Cyclopstongue,
Dragonhart, Madwort, Corpsetoe, Leapleaf, Turtlewort,
Shamblerstalk, Seerglove, Feybread, Firecomb, Madweed, Assassin
seed, Ironmoss)
(Credit to Jowgen and Dirigibee)
Name Description Source

Abyssal Thick black weed native to the lower Heroes of Horror p. 68

Blackgrass planes, that propagates via tiny seeds. On
the surface it appears as 1-foot diameter
clumps, but its roots extend in a 50 ft
diameter just beneath the surface. Natural
healing is prevented when standing above
its roots, and magical healing only heals
half the normal HP. If the clump is pulled
out, the plant survives and regrows the
clump in 1d4 days. Only digging up the
whole root system or the use of a Blight-
type spell can truly kill it. Has taint-
mechanic boosting effects.

Adamant Algae Native to the Elemental plane of Earth. Rare Dragon Magazine #347 p.
algae that grows in water gathered around 45
adamantine. Produces dark red liquid that
doubles natural healing rate for 24 hours
(requires 1 ounce per 100 lb of body
weight). Typical pool contains 32 ounces of
the liquid, which becomes useless 30
minutes after removal from the pool unless
stored in an adamantine vial (200 gp),
which makes it last for 1 month. Adamant
Algae die within 1 hour after removal from
their pool.

Air Plant A sponge-like pond-surface plant that Stormwrack p. 109

produces and stores air. A fist-sized piece
can be held in the mouth to provide a
medium creature with 5 minutes of air

44 | P a g e
before dying. 25 gp

Alfengrape A glowing grape-vine magically created by Dragon Magazine #357

elves that produces grapes all year around p. 55
that all count as a meal for a day and can
be made into very potent wine. Mature
plants sells for 100 pg and can live up to
700 years. See article for information on
how to cultivate.

Amaunauth (Faerun) Has green broad leaves that grow

(Greenflower) in a starburst formatio close to the ground.
Grows in colder climates, From dessarin
valley to icy tundras. Raw it's harmful to
most humanoids except dwarves, gnomes,
halflings, fey and gnolls. Many grazing
herbivores like horses and sheep also eat it.
It can be brewed into a strong poison that
causes minor injury and unconciousness.

Arkas Grass (Forgotten Realms) Type of Grass used as Champions of Valor p.

Horsefeed, fillies raised on Arkas Grass 155
grow up to have a 70 ft landspeed and +2
Dex & Con, grant a +2 on Handle Animal
against them and can be trained in half the
normal time.

Ash Willow Dark red tree native to the elemental plane Dragon Magazine #347 p.
of fire that can grow to 120 ft tall. It thrives 48
of heat, often growing from pools of lava.
They continuously rain ash around them,
producing 1 lb per day per 10 ft of its
height. It extends runner roots that spawn
1d3 new tree each month. They create
areas of calm, slow-burning forests within
the volatile plane.

Atramen A planar fruit that grows shoals of the Planar Handbook p. 75

Elemental Plane of Earth that are close to
the Negative Energy Plane. It can be cold-
pressed into an oil that, when thrown as a
splash weapon, imposes a -4 penalty on
Fort saves for 1 minute (-1 on splash). 50
gp for oil flask, alchemy DC 20 to create.

45 | P a g e
Barrelstalk (Faerun) Large cask-shaped fungus that Underdark p. 108
grows to 5 x 8 ft. Outside is hard as wood,
inner flesh is edible, center contains 20 to
50 gallons of water. After 10 years of
growth, it begins spore production and the
flesh grows black and poisonous.

Bluecap (Faerun) Common underdark crop. Fungus Underdark p. 108

itself is inedible, but spores can be made
into flour. Grows with or without faerzress.
Note: Either a different species to the 2e
Bluecap, or its qualities have been changed.

Blueleaf (Faerun, 3.0) Durable tree with gleaming Forgotten Realms

blue leaves native to humid temperate and Campaign Setting p. 79,
subarctic latitudes. Reaches 40 ft height, Unapproachable East p.
rarely develops thick trunks, bends rather 59
than breaks under wind/snow and tends to
grow in thick strands. Sap and crushed
leaves yield vivid blue dye, burnt wood
creates leaping blue flames. Its wood can
be magically treated to be as hard as steel
(requires 10 days and 10 ranks in craft
alchemy or woodworking) and then
fashioned into armor, counting as
Masterwork and providing a half-weight
benefit. Costs range from 300 gp to 1200

Bone Fungus Bulbous ivory-coloured fungus that releases Dungeonscape p. 140

a 10 ft cloud of spores that work as an
inhaled poison (DC 14, 1d6 dex/1d6 dex). If
damage is taken, bone density is reduced,
resulting in extra damage from bludgeoning
damage in the form of an extra 1 critical
mulities. Immune to Acid and sonic,
destroyed by cold damage, fire and
electricity also destroy but release spores.

Boomshroom (Faerun, 3.0) "Special Environmental Magic of Faerun p. 43

Conditions" in swamps and marshes can
give rise to up to 300 ft radius patches of
these magical mushrooms. They detect as
Moderate Evocation (Spellcraft DC 20 to
identify), and explode as a Fire Trap spell if
disturbed. A Disable Device or Survival
Check (DC 27) allows you to pick one, but it
renders them inert. Always regrow in the
same spot in 10 days after triggering or any
other attempt to purge them.

46 | P a g e
Bronzewood (Eberron) Hardwood native to Aerenal that Eberron Campaign
is as durable as steel/iron but 10% lighter, Setting p. 126
although it can't be used for chain weapons.
ACP of medium/heavy armor made from
bronzewood does not apply to hide-checks
made in woodlands. +4000 gp for medium,
+ 9000 gp for heavy, +500 gp/lb for other

Cassil (Faerun, 3.0) Mustard-like shrub, whose Forgotten Realms

seeds can be made into a powder that Campaign Setting p. 96
suppresses male fertility for 3d4 days (1
hour to take effect). DC 15 Heal or
profession herbalism check can detect its
effects, while a DC 20 check can reverse

Cave Creeper (Faerun, Underdark) A grey and white Underdark p. 110

fungus that grows near water. It has a
delayed reaction poison that causes the
effects of the confusion spell on any who
breath in it’s spores.

Cave Moss (Faerun) A faerzress dependent moss that Underdark p. 108

is grazed by giant vermin and rothe.

Cave Star (3.0) Glowing yellow lichen found on chill Dragon Magazine #301 p.
cave roofs, but can't stand warm places. It 56
can be made into Lantern Stars, which are
fist-sized balls of glass containing a mixture
of Cave Star and reagents that give light as
a torch for 4 hours. Alchemy DC 10, 5 gp

Choke Mold Bright yellow mold native to the elemental Dragon Magazine #347 p.
plane of earth commonly found in 2d4 45
patches that devours air, creating localized
vacuums (can cause air-tight space to
collapse inwards). Creatures within 5 ft of a
patch begin to suffocate unless there is a
Stoneshroom in the same square.

Coldwood A Fey-created variety of Hickory that Dragon Magazine #357 p.

reaches maturity in 2 decades and has 55
properties identical to steel, except the
Fey/Druid-aversion part. Items are always
masterwork, Crafting DCs for Coldwood
items are 8 higher. Sapling sells for 500 gp,
see article for information on item prices
and how to cultivate.

47 | P a g e
Cotsbalm (3.0)Fleshy-leafed plant with small yellow Dragon Magazine #301 p.
flowers that grows 1 ft tall. It is hardy and 53
found in temperate and subtropical regions.
Its syrupy sap can be applied to a injury or
contact poison victim to grant a +8
Alchemical bonus on the secondary Fort
save against a poison. Alchemy DC 35, 75

Covadish (Eberron) Plant native to Aerenal, whose Eberron Campaign

leaves when used as a component in a Setting p. 91
necromancy spell have a 30% chance of
increasing CL by 2. 750 gp

Darkberry (Faerun, 3.0) Bush that grows clumps of Magic of Faerun p. 181
small purple berries. The handful of berries
that reach ripeness each year contain
shadowstuff in their skins, and if broken or
crushed, they create a 5 ft diameter circle
of “blackness” for 2 rounds. One sells for 5

Darkroot (3.0)Large black twisted root that grows to Dragon Magazine #301 p.
10 ft in found by waterfalls and similar 55
damp areas. It tastes vile, so
chewing/swallowing it induces vomiting. It
can be made into Titan Gum, a strong and
fast-setting glue that bonds in one round
and requires a DC 20 Strength check to
remove. It can support 500 lb of weight.
Alchemy DC 15, 25 gp.

Darkshine Crystallizing glossy-black fungus that grows Dragon Magazine #347 p.

sharp 6-ft long shards, native areas of 46
elemental plane earth featuring portals to
the negative energy plane. Areas with
Darkshine in it function as caltrops that deal
1d10 damage, and damaged creature can
not be magically healed for 1 minute. A
patch has hardness 5, 20 hp and takes half
damage from piercing and slashing
weapons, but it take 1 point of damage
each our it is exposed to any light-source
stronger than a candle.

48 | P a g e
Darkwood aka. (Faerun 3.0, Eberron 3.5) Wood items Dungeon Master's Guide
Zalantar made from this tree's magical wood are p. 283, Arms &
half-weight and masterwork, with shields Equipment p. 19, Eberron
having -2 ACP. Cost is equal to masterwork Campaign Setting p. 120,
plus 10 gp/lb. Can also be fashioned into Forgotten Realms
elven Darkleaf armor, which has -5 ASF and Campaign Setting p. 80
+1 Max Dex, -2 ACP and is 1 category
lighter. Darkleaf armor creation requires DC
25 Alchemy check; costs +750 gp for light,
+ 2250 gp for medium and + 3000 gp for

Deep Imaskari (Faerun) These magical plants are found in Underdark p. 140
Waterplant every deep imaskari household and grow 2-
inch diameter balls of water grow from
them every day and can be carried like
oranges, until they are pierced and drank

Densewood (Eberron) Hard and sturdy tree native to Eberron Campaign

Aerenal whose wood has Hardness 8, 20 Setting p. 127
hp/inch and +5 Break DC. It doubles the
weight of any wooden item and costs twice
as much (prior to adding masterwork cost
or similar).

Devil Weed aka. (3.0) Tobacco like smoked Drug, Initial: 1 Book of Vile Darkness p.
Wyssin Wis damage, Secondary: +2 Alchemical Str 42
bonus and shaken for 1d3 hours, no
overdose. Low Addiction, Alchemy DC 20, 6
Note: 3.0 edition

Djinn Blossom Fern native to the Elemental Plane of Air. Dragon Magazine #357 p.
Wearing one of its petals grants a +2 bonus 53
on saves VS inhaled poisons and gas-based
effects, and a DC 20 alchemy check allows
one to make it into a perfume that grants a
+2 bonus on all charisma-based skill checks
for 24 hours. Perfume costs 400 gp, mature
plant sells for 2000 gp-3000 gp. See article
for information on how to cultivate on the
material plane.

Dragonseye Oak (Eberron) Oak native to Q'barra, whose Eberbarkoakron

acorns when used as a component for Campaign Setting p. 91
evocation spell with an energy descriptor
have a 10% chance of Empowering the
spell. 60 gp

49 | P a g e
Duskwood (Faerun, 3.0)Black-barked tree that grows Magic of Faerun p. 178.
60 ft tall in tightly spaces groves, featuring
small branches and smokey grey wood
that's strong as iron (hardness 10, 30
Hp/inch)but half the weight. Items made
from it count as master-work and replaces
steel in weapons and Breastplates , which
have altered stats and counts as light
armor. Costs +1500 for a weapon, +300 for
a breastplate.

Dwarven Oak (3.0) Stunted, gnarled tree found on the Dragon Magazine #301 p.
slopes of temperate mountains that looks 55
like a sitting Dwarf from a distance. Its bark
can be made into a brown fluid that can be
added to poisons up to 1 hour before the
poison is used to increase the poison's DC
by 2. Alchemy DC 25, 100 gp.

Eldritch (Eberron) Tree with a twisted and gnarled Explorer's Handbook p.

Whorlwood grain pattern, which becomes straight if a 151
wand or other charged magic item made of
Eldritch Whorlwood expends all its charges
(DC 15 Knowledge Arcane to determine
remaining charges from the pattern). Tree
has hardness 6 and 10 HP/inch, requires
magical care to grow/live, and can be
propagated via both seeds and cutting.
Charged magic items made from Eldritch
Whorlwood cost 5% more.

Elven Willow Small tree (up to 5 ft tall) with golden- ?

sheen bark that produces golden buds in
the spring. Grows on riverbanks in
temperate areas. Its sap can be made into
an Elf Hazel, which fades scars if applied
over the course of a week. Alchemy DC 10,
5 gp

Ember root A shrivelled-coconut looking plant native to Dragon Magazine #347 p.

the elemental plane of fire that grows on 48
aly solid stone in areas of at least extreme
heat. The flesh is poisonous, but the core
contains drinkable liquid that never grows
hotter than 70 degrees and one ounce of
which equates to one day's worth of water.
A typical ember-root contains 1d4 ounces of
liquid and is worth 200 gp on the elemental
plane of fire, while the juice is worth 40 gp
per ounce. DC 30 survival check to find.

50 | P a g e
Embramaph (Faerun) A tall flowering plant with rich Silver Marches p.40
(Fairflower) purple flowers that have irregular petals. It
prefers sunny climates and can be turned
into a semi-universal antidote to various
things (poisons, diseases...) but it's affects
can apparently vary by individual, and can
be eaten or rubbed on the skin (mechnically
it can aid a heal check).

Entangle Weed Nigh-invisible (DC 22 spot check to notice Dragon Magazine #347 p.
from within 10 ft) seaweed native to the 50
elemental plane of water that forms patches
of about 600 ft diameter. Entering a square
with it forces a DC 20 Reflex save against
becoming entangled (Str check to escape
DC 15 +1 per failed attempt). Each failed
attempt to escape deal 1d6 nonlethal
damage and causes fatigue, and taking 60
points of damage from it causes
exhaustion. Hardness 0 and 10 HP/square.

Fesul (Faerun, 3.0)A type of gnarled, twisted tree Magic of Faerun p. 181
that favors cold and poor soil and areas
with little purchase such as cliffsides. Its
cinnamon-brown wood crumbles when
touched. Spring flowers from this tree can
be made into perfume that grants a +1
competence bonus to Cha-based checks
made to persuade another for 10 minutes.
One tree yields 1d4-1 ounces per year and
1 ounce of oil has 10 applications and is
worth 100gp.

Fey Cherry Unbelievably massive cherry trees that can Dragon Magazine #357 p.
live forever. Area under its canopy is 56
mystically protected, i.e. always temperate
and wind speeds are dampened by 20 mph.
Items made from Fey Cherry cost 10% less
gp and XP to enhance magically. It
blossoms annually but only creates cherries
every 10 years, and eating a cherry picked
less than a day ago (gentle repose applies)
grants a Protection from Evil effect for 5
minutes. Sapling sells for 3000 gp. See
article for information on how to cultivate.

51 | P a g e
Fire Fungus (Faerun, Underdark) A hazardous fungus Underdark p. 110
that produces heat, raising the temperature
around it significantly, but also causes open
flames to explode violently. Its often used
in place of flames for heating homes.

Fire Lichen (Faerun) Orange white lichen that grows in Underdark p. 108
warm underground areas. Can be made into
a spicy paste or fiercely hot liquor.

Flame Clove Garlic with essence of the elemental plane Dragon Magazine #357 p.
of fire. Mild poison (DC 13 1d6 fire/ 1 dex). 56
If boiled in salt water, crushed and added to
food it keeps the food hot for 1d4 days
without drying it out. Adding it to
alchemist's fire doubles the fire damage and
doubles the doration. It matures in 5 weeks
and is viable for 3 week following. A bulb
sells for 20 gp.

Fleshshiver Ten-coloured mushroom that grows in the Dragon Magazine #336 p.

soil between the roots of tropical fruit trees. 98
It can be mixed with mud and then added
to a compress that, when applied to the
head of a diseased creature, grants a +2
alchemical bonus to Fort saves against
disease for 1 day. Survival DC 20, 25 gp.

Galda (Greyhawk) A yellowish tree that produces Living Greyhawk

a salty fruit. Gazetteer p. 143

Garlic Can be turned into a 1 use amulet dealing Dragon Magazine #331
1d6 damage on a touch attack and DC14 p.33
will vs shaken for 1d4 rounds, or into a
draught for +2 alchemical bonus against
spells by garlic repulsed creatures for an

Glowvine A morning glory derivative that gives off Dragon Magazine #357 p.
light as a torch at night. It grows 1 ft every 56
2 weeks. Seedling sells for 500 gp. See
article for information on how to cultivate.

Goblin Rogue (3.0) Medium-sized bush with yellow- Dragon Magazine #301 p.
orange berries in autumn found in 56
temperate regions. It can be made into
Goblin Ink, which is waterproof. Alchemy
DC 10, 20 gp.

52 | P a g e
Golden Desert A rare desert tree, whose sap (called Complete Mage p. 136
Tree Golden Desert Honey) is a vital ingredient
in expensive perfumes and incense. When
used as a component in casting a
summoning spell with a 1 round casting
time, it reduces the casting time to a
standard action.

Goldencup Oily yellow moss found where water collects Dragon Magazine #336 p.
near the bottom of rocks in tundras. Can be 98
chewed to induce mild euphoria, granting a
+2 alchemical bonus on saves VS fear for
for 30 minutes. However, upon entering
combat while under the effects of
goldencup, a creature must make a DC 10
Will-save or be affected by a Confusion
effect for the remaining duration. Survival
DC 25, 50 gp.

Green Air Fast-growing creeping vine that sprouts Complete Scoundrel p.

Bramble green berries. Can grow in most 118
inhospitable climates and only needs to be
in moist soil for 6 hours per week. Exposure
to poison quickly kills the plant, wrinkling
leaves and berries. Carrying 3 ft vine grants
+2 untyped bonus to resist inhaled poisons,
airborne diseases and nauseating effects
like stinking cloud. 80 gp

Groundpine (Faerun) 1ft tall pines that resembled Silver Marches p. 40

'spiders on their backs'. They can be
difficult for horses to get through and
provide shelter (and cover) for many
creatures. It's bark can make a 'seering-
cool sweet' drink.

Gulthias Tree A severely evil tree that came to be when a The Sunless Citadel
vampire was staked to the ground with a (Module)
stake that was still green and took root.
Focus of the adventure.

Halfling Thistle (3.0) Small hardy thistle with a violet flower Dragon Magazine #301
that grows in all temperature areas, p.56
especially highlands. It can be made into
Shinewater, which removes all rust and
corrosion from metal objects left to soak in
it overnight. One dose re-rusts a medium-
sized metal weapon. Alchemy DC 5, 5 gp.

Hathil (Eberron) Plant native to the Shadow Eberron Campaign

March, which when used as a component Setting p.91
for a transmutation spell has a 35% chance
of increasing the DC by 1. 90 gp. Eberron

53 | P a g e
Campaign Setting p. 91

Healing Apple (Faerun) A magically bred medium-sized Mysteries of the Moonsea

Tree apple tree that bears red fruits that heal p.61
like Goodberries (does not count as a
meal). A tree produces 100 apples per

Helmthorn (Faerun, 3.0) Very hardy and adaptable Forgotten Realms

vine-line ground shrub with dark waxy Campaign Setting p.79,
green leaves and black thorns as long as Magic of Faerun p.181
human hands, which are sometime used as
needles or dart points. Produces indigo
coloured berries with a tart flavour that can
be used for winemaking. Occasionally, a
string of berries will be scarlet red instead
of indigo. If Goodberry is cast on a Red
Helmthorn Berry, the effect lasts for one
extra day.

Ice Lotus (3.0) Solitary Translucent blue-white flower Dragon Magazine #301 p.
found in cold environments that can be 56
made into Icewalker Oil, which is a blue
liquid that grants the Ice Walking ability of
White Dragons for 10 minutes. Alchemy DC
25, 75 gp.

Ironvine (Faerun) A type of Underdark vine that is as Underdark p. 149

hard as iron. Always found interwoven into
a thick curtain that blocks passage.

Jabberweed Tenacious ugly root native to pandemonium Complete Scoundrel p.

that looks like a pocket, multi-digit skeletal 119
hand with lots of holes in it that cause a low
missing sound audible to 100 ft (DC 15
listen to notice sound and direction) that
imposes a -4 penalty to other listen checks.
If kept wrapped in moist cloth it survives
for 1 week away from pandemonium, but
DC 18 Knowledge (Nature) check can keep
it alive for another week. 60 gp, 1 lb

Kieros (Eberron) Herb native to the Madwood in Eberron Campaign

Aerenal, whose leaves when used as a Setting p.91
component for a death spells have a 30%
chance of increasing the DC by 2.

54 | P a g e
Kiss of Discord Herb with dull red leaves that resemble lips. Complete Champion p.
aka. Lusiri Ingestion causes 1d3 hours of 132
Blossom hallucinations as Confusion, Fort DC 13
negate. As component for Chaos descriptor
spells it grants +2 effective CL. 310 gp

Lakeleaf Parsley like herb descended from plants Dragon Magazine #357 p.
growing on the shores of the river Oceanus. 53
If crushed and rubbed onto meat, that meat
never dries out regardless of how
overcooked. If used as a component for
casting gentle repose, it double the duration
(does not stack with extend sp hiell).
Matures in 14 weeks and remains viable for
5 weeks after. One spring sells for 20 gp.

Lakrak^ (Dragonlance) The Search for Power

Black lakrak: the refined root tastes like (Novel), p.282,
mint, smoke, and ‘something spicy mixed
with wakefulness’.

This appears to be mostly used by

Bundesphar Scouts, people bonded with

Lichbriar Bougainvillea- looking pants that clings to Dragon Magazine #357 p.

any surface and grows up to 50 ft in ideal 57
conditions. It has poisons thorns (DC 14
1d2 Str + 1d4 Dex initial and secondary)
and subsists by growing roots into living
creatures and slowly draining their EXP until
they die. See article for information on how
to cultivate and exact mechanics.

Lish Small tree, which grows dozens of small Dragon Magazine #336 p.
nuts in the spring in temperate forests. A 98
handful of the nuts sustains a medium
creature for a day. Eating a Lish Nut as a
full-round action provides limited protection
from vermin, which must succeed a DC 11
Will-save or or becoming sickened for 2d4
rounds after touching/attacking the
creature exuding the nut's odour. Survival
DC 30, 10 gp

55 | P a g e
Livewood (Eberron) Highly magical green-coloured Eberron Campaign
tree native to Aerenal whose wood remains Setting p.127
alive when felled. Items made from it are
affected by Plant Growth, sprouting small
branches and leaves, while Speak with
Plants allows one to communicate with
them and Blight damages them as if they
were plant creatures. Livewood items can
also be used for Tree Stride, Animate Plants
can animate a Livewood object, and Dryads
can live in Livewood objects. As a living
object, a Livewood items are immune to the
Disintegrate spell. It has Hardness 6, 10
HP/inch, and cost is +50 %.

Living Wood aka. (3.0) This "special living wood" is written to Stronghold Builder’s
Lifewood only be found in Elven Forests, where it was Guidebook p.36, Dragon
specially "bred". It heals 1 HP per round. Magazine #304 p.55
Whether this is a particular type of tree or if
any tree type of tree can be bred/harvested
to be Living Wood is anyone's guess.

Luhix (3.0) Wound-powder Drug, made from Book of Vile Darkness p.

stalks of Abyssal plants. Initial 1 damage to 42
all ability scores and intense pain,
Secondary 1d2 alchemical bonus to all
ability scores for and pain immunity 1d2
hours, Overdose DC 25 Fort or painful
death if 2 doses in 24 hours. Vicious
addiction, alchemy DC 30, 2000 gp

Luurden aka. (Faerun) Faerzress dependent pale gnarled Underdark p. 108

Bloodfruit tree that looks dead, except for a short
period every 3 or 4 years where it produces
bitter red fruit that can be made into wine.

Maiden's Hair An odd mushroom cultivated by dwarves for Races of Stone p.160
aka. Earthsilk the silken tendrils that hang from it and
collect moisture. These tendrils are tough
and time-consuming to harvest, but they
can be made into yarn that can create a
very tough silk that can make tough rope
(Hardness 1, 10 hp, DC 26 to burst) and
shirts that grant DR 1/slashing or
bludgeoning, although the shirt can be torn
by a piercing damage critical hit, at which
point it loses its properties until repaired.
Rope costs 12 gp, Jersey costs 150 gp.

56 | P a g e
Masthin (Eberron) Plant native to Q'barra jungle Eberron Campaign
that produces natural intoxicants when Setting p.92
young that attract wild animals. If its shoots
are used as a component for any
enchantment spell targeting animals or
magical beasts, they have a 40% chance of
doubling spell duration. 60 gp.

Meadow Giant Tenacious large green-stemmed weed that Dragon Magazine #301 p.
can spring up overnight in temperate 55
grasslands, plains and farmlands. It easily
threatens crops, and its powdered stem can
be made into an anticoagulant called White
Sanguine, which when added to an injury
poison, causes the victim to bleed for 1
point of damage each round for one minute,
if it fails a save against the poison. Magical
healing or a DC 15 Heal check stops the
bleeding. Alchemy DC 20, 100 gp

Mimetic Plants (Eberron) A non-specific category of plants Magic of Eberron p. 139

whose fibers have the ability to take on the
hue of whatever is around it. Forms the
basis for Chameleonweave.

Mordayn (Faerun, 3.0) Inhaled steam Drug made Book of Vile Darkness
from “rare Herb found in deep forest”. p.42, Lords of Darkness
Initial hallucinations as Bestow Curse action p. 183
loss for d20 + 10 minutes, Secondary 1d4
Con and Wis damage, DC 17 Will or 1d4
hour suggestion to immediately take drug
again, Overdose DC 17 Fort or 1d10
Con/1d10 Con. High addiction, Alchemy DC
20, 200 gp.

Mule Pollen (Faerun, 3.0)A daisy-type yellow flower. Magic of Faerun p.181
Inhaling the pollen grants +2 Str and
imposes a -2 penalty to Int and Wis for 1d4
x 10 minutes. DC 12 save to avoid
addiction, wherein addiction causes
constant fatigue while not under the
influence of the pollen. Neutralize Poison
cures addiction.

Musk Muddle Stinky, brown, dead-looking plant with wide Dragon Magazine #301 p.
leaves found in swamps and marshes. Can 53
be made into Burn Salve, which when
applied within 2 rounds after taking fire
damage, heals 1d6 points of the damage
done by fire. Alchemy DC 10, 15 gp

57 | P a g e
Nahre Lotus Water Lilly native to the Elemental Plane of Dragon Magazine #357 p.
Water that draws water from its home 54
plane at a rate of 50 gallons per day. Plant
sells for 10000 gp, seedling sells for 500
gp, vial containing a dead plants (which
functions as a splash weapon against plant
creatures) sells for 200 gp. See article for
information on how to cultivate on the
material plane.

Nararoot (Faerun, 3.0)Woody black tuber with a Forgotten Realms

licorice flavor. If made into tea, it Campaign Setting p.96
suppresses female fertility for 1d4+2 days,
while chewing it raw has the same effect for
2d4+4 days. Same DCs as for Cassil.

Obaddis Leaf Rare holly variety that can retain some Complete Champion p.
magic if used as Druid divine focus. As 132
component for Plant domain spell or plant-
targeting spell it doubles both area and
duration. 130 gp.

Old Man's Friend (3.0) Sticky leaf herb that grows to 2 inches Dragon Magazine #301 p.
in large (up to 10 by 10 ft) beds that acts 54
like catnip for dogs. Can be made into a
thick grey substance called gash glue,
which can stabilize a dying creature.
Alchemy DC 20, 40 gp

Orevine A vine-grape looking plant native to the Dragon Magazine #357 p.

Elemental Plane of water that draws metal 54
from the surrounding soil. Depending what
type of metal it is keyed to, it sells for 2000
gp – 10000 gp, producing between 300 gp
– 2000 gp worth of the metal per month.
See article for information on how to
cultivate on the material plane.

Orticusp Extremely rare flower with a root that looks Dragon Magazine #301 p.
like a pale white fist, found in temperate 55
forests with trees of at least 150 years of
age. Fey within 20 yards can smell its
earthy aroma and find it easily. If the root
is pulped it can be made into Night Venom,
which when added to a poison, adds an
additional saving throw (at the poisons'
normal DC) to the initial save against the
poison. Failure causes the creature to fall
asleep until the secondary effect of the
poison kicks in. Alchemy DC 35, 500 gp

58 | P a g e
Oruighen (Faerun, 3.0)A rare cactus native to alkaline Lords of Darkness p.185
salts that can be made into an inhaled
powder drug, although it's really just a
poison DC14 that causes blindness for 2d4
minutes and extreme nostril and nose pain
that cause -2 penalty to attacks, skill
checks and saves. 20 gp.


Panaeolo (Faerun, 3.0) Magical herb whose leaves Lords of Darkness p.185
taste like leather and function as an
ingested drug with no initial effect.
Secondary effect is to increase all arcane
spell save DCs by 2 for 1d4 hours and 1d6
Cha damage. A second dose within an hour
of the first improves the effect to a +3 to
save DCs and deals 2d8 Cha damage.
Further doses only cause Cha damage. Low
addiction, 250 gp

Pixie table (3.0) Rare 1-ft tall and 1 ft diameter Dragon Magazine #301 p.
mushroom with a dark lavender cap that 58
can be found in any woodland but is most
common in temperate forests housing Fey.
If boiled with cloth, it dyes it Lavender. It is
the main ingredient for a red liquid called
memorybind, which allows a prepared
caster to prepare an extra 1st level spell in
exchange for reducing all save DCs by 2.
Alchemy DC 20, 300 gp

Poison Apple Tree (Faerun) A magically bred medium-sized Mysteries of the Moonsea
apple tree that bears red fruits that taste p.62
good but function as a Fort DC 15 1d6/1d6
Con poison. A tree produces 100 apples per

Pomow (Eberron) A magically created dark-purple Secrets of Sarlona p.51

spheroid fruit-plant that grows to 1-2 feet
across, serves as a hardy crop viable in a
range of climates. Meat, root and seeds are
edible and high in protein, core of the plant
is filled with juice, the fibres are similar to
cotton, and the rind can hold a razor edge.
A new fruit starts growing as soon as the
old one is plucked.

59 | P a g e
"Powdered Desert (3.0) Distilled liquid drug that stains lips Book of Vile Darkness
plant" (x Wolves' blue, Initial 1 Wis damage, Secondary 1d4 p.43
Milk) hours pain immunity, euphoria and -2
Initiative, Overdose if second does during
duration causing Slowed for 2d4
hours.Medium Addiction, Alchemy DC 25,
15 gp.

Prickly Tea (3.0) Thorny bush about 3 ft in height with Dragon Magazine #301 p.
grey-green leaves. Can be made into a mild 54
stimulant tea, or with the alchemy skill, a
substance called senses; which tastes
terrible but grants a +1 alchemical bonus to
Spot and Listen for 1 hour. Alchemy DC 25,
50 gp

Rare Blue (3.0) Inhaled Mushroom Powder Drug, Book of Vile Darkness
Mushroom Initial +2 Alchemical to Int and Cha for 1 p.43
hour, Secondary 1 Str damage, -2
alchemical penalty to Wis for 1d4 hours and
Str and Con for 2d4 hours, Overdose 2d6
damage if 2 doses in 12 hours and 4d6
damage plus paralysis for 2d4 hours if 3 or
more doses in 24 hours. Medium Addiction,
Alchemy DC 25, 100 gp.

Razorvine Climber native to the Lower Planes (also Planar Handbook p. 146,
found in Sigil) that is nigh impossible to get Expedition to the
rid of as it grows at least 1 ft per day even Demonweb pits. p. 107
if cut down to a stub. Dried Razorvine
provides excellent fire kindle. Light contact
deals 1d6 points of damage, while e.g.
falling into it deals up to 3d6 points of
damage; but this damage is reduced by a
creatures natural armor bonus plus half its
regular armor bonus.

Reath (Eberron) Parasitic Vine that grows on Eberron Campaign

Eldeen Reach trees, whose leaves when Setting p.92
used as a component for a plant-(creature)
targeting spell has a 45% chance of
increasing the DC by 2. 120 gp

Redflower (Faerun, 3.0)Tiny red-bog flower crushed Book of Vile Darkness

leaf drug, no initial effect, Secondary 10 p.43, Lords of Darkness
minutes Ability to use move action to gain p.185
+4 competence to attack a single creature,
Overdose if second dose during duration
causes 1d4 x 10 minutes nauseated. Low
Addiction, Alchemy DC 27, 300 gp.

60 | P a g e
Ripplebark (Faerun) Shelf-like fungus that looks like Underdark p. 108
rotting flesh but is perfectly edible,
although it tastes better if cooked properly.

Ripplewood Dark-green vine up to 400 ft long with no Dragon Magazine #347 p.

roots or leaves native to the elemental 43
planes of air. Forms massive twisted nests
of at least 4 vines that choose their “down”
to be in the centre between them to float
about the elemental plane of air. Often used
by giant eagles and such to make nests. A
cluster can support 500 lb per 5 ft square.
Hardness 5 and 20 hp per 100 ft section,
centre has 25 hp.

Ruby Apple Tree (Faerun, 3.0)A legendary tree allegedly Races of the Wild p.26,
created by a by a female elf most severely
gifted in the cultivation of magically grown
plants. Its an apple tree that grows rubies
instead of apples. Similar trees grow in
Mottlegrasp’s Orchard in Bytopia

Sable Fir (Greyhawk) A type of tree from a Living Greyhawk

eponymous forest on the world of greyhawk Gazetteer p.142
that allegedly makes excellent arrow-shafts
and turns a deep lustrous black if lumbered
mid-winter and rubbed with hot oils.

Salamander Orchid that's constantly on fire from the Dragon Magazine #357 p.
Orchids City of Brass on the elemental plane for fire 55
that subsists on its home-planes energy
wherever it is. Reduces the cost of a
Flaming or Flaming burst weapon by 500 gp
or 100 exp. Handling it without proper tools
deals 1d6 points of damage. Mature plant
sells for 2500 gp, lives up to 125 years. See
article for information on how to cultivate
on the material plane.

Sand Vine (3.0) Relatively rare rope-like seaweed Dragon Magazine #301 p.
found along temperate or warmer coasts. 54
Grows both above and below water,
commonly rooted to a small rock. Can be
dried and used as rope. With alchemy, its
juices can be made into Vine Oil, which is a
topical aesthetic that allows a creature to
fight until -5 hit points (does not stabilize).
Lasts for 1 hour, has the side-effect that
within 24 hours of use, a creature can not
stabilize on its own. Regular use gives a
signature smell. Alchemy DC 15, 50 gp.

61 | P a g e
Scholar's Dream Ivy that grows on sage graves. If used as a Complete Champion p.
component for knowledge domain spells it 132
doubles range and duration. 175 gp

Serren Wood Tree from Arborea's top layer Arvandor, Book of Exalted Deeds
vessel for nature spirits. Bow, Arrow or p.38
Crossbow bolt made from this wood has
non-magical Ghosttouch. 4000 gp per
weapon or 50 bolts

Sezarad (Faerun 3.0) Broad vivid flower with a short Lords of Darkness p.185
brittle root, which when chewed functions
as a drug. The initial and secondary effects
are 1d8 temp HP that overlap with each
other that last for 10 minutes after initial
ingestion. Also, 1d4 Wis damage. Low
Addiction, 75 gp

Shadowtop (Faerun 3.0) Massive trees native to humid Forgotten Realms

climates that grow 2 ft a year, top out at 90 Campaign Setting p.79,
ft and reach a 10 ft or more diameter. Its Magic of Faerun p.181
wood is fibrous and tough, making it
unusual for carving or building, but burns
hot with very little smoke (torch lasts 2
hours) and its fibres make good ropes.

Silverwood/bark (Faerun, Greyhawk 3.0)A type of tree Living Greyhawk

nurtured by sylvan elves to grow into Gazetteer p. 142, Magic
unique forms, be free of disease and of Faerun p. 181
produce delicious sap that is made into
famous elven mead. The sap is clear and
slightly sticky, and provides a _2 alchemical
bonus on Fort saves VS poison for 1 hour. A
typical tree yields 2d4 ounces of sap a year.

Sky Lotus White stemless flower native to the Dragon Magazine #347 p.
elemental plane of air. Provides 1 day of 44
nutrition, but contains trace amounts of
arsenic that can affect creatures that eat a
lot of them. If oil is collected from 10 sky
lotuses, it produces a natural potion of
levitation that is also a dose of arsenic. 30

Sleepweed This plant appears similar to milkweed, and Magic of Faerun p. 181
its pods contain sleep-inducing spores. If
Pods can be thrown as a ranged touch
attack (increment 5 ft), and a struck target
must make a DC 12 Will save or fall asleep
for 1 minute.

62 | P a g e
Slumberweed Dried and powdered leaves of this plant, if Dragon Magazine #316 p.
inhaled or ingested, can cause a "sleeplike 39
state resembling death" for 8 hours (Fort
DC 12 negates). Can be delivered via
blowgun, no Heal DC for seeing through
fake death given. 500 gp per dose, no craft
DC given.

Snowflake Lichen Magical plant that looks like snow and Frostburn p.16
grows on rocks in cold climates. It leeches
heat, dealing 1d6 cold damage to creatures
within 10 ft. Touching causes 1 Dex
damage (DC 15 Fort negates, gloves/boots
grant +2 circumstance bonus on save). Can
be made into a weak inhaled poison, DC 11
1 Str/ 1 Dex

Soarwood (Eberron) Rare wood native to Aerenal that Eberron Campaign

possesses magical buoyancy. Water-vessels Setting p. 127, Explorer's
made from Soarwood cost quadruple and Handbook p. 30
move at double speed. Soarwood is 75%
lighter than regular wood, and weight is
75% less. It is a necessary component for
the construction of Eberron-style airships,
and when worked into an airship, it
becomes naturally lighter than air.

Spotty Dragonfire (3.0) Wildflower with red, yellow and Dragon Magazine #301 p.
orange petals that grows to 1 ft high and 58
stretches 6 inch in diameter and only
blooms at night. It can be found in tropical
to temperate regions anda grows solitary,
except near red dragon lairs, where it
grows plentiful. It can be made into Dragon
grew, which grants a +1 Alchemical bonus
to all fortitude saves for 1 hour. Alchemy
DC 25, 50 gp

Stoneshrooms Chalky rock-looking fungus native to the Dragon Magazine #347 p.

elemental plane of earth that is both edible 47
(1 stoneshroom =1 meal) and produces
spores in the form of breathable air. Also,
for 24 hours after eating a Stoneshroom, a
creature can hold its breath twice as long as
normal. Stoneshroom subsists on minerals
in the rock, remains edible for 1 day after
picking, and is worth 20 gp.

63 | P a g e
Stygian Pumpkin A sulphur-scented dead-looking variety of Dragon Magazine #301 p.
pumpkin that can grow in any temperate 58
region and is cultivated by goblins as food.
It grows rapidly over large areas, rendering
the soil poisonous to other plants. It can be
made into Devil's Soap, which is a stinking
black paste that grants fire resistance 2 for
1 hour. Alchemy DC 20, 25 gp.

Sunflower of Pelor Large sunflower commonly found where Complete Champion

undead were destroyed by Pelorian turn p.132
undead. If petals are treated with various
unguents and used as component for sun-
domain or light descriptor spells it doubles
spell area. 100 gp

Sussur aka. (Faerun) A rare, magical, faerzres- Underdark p. 108

Deeproot dependent tree with long gnarled branches
and banyan-like aerial roots found in the
largest underdark caverns. Grows to 60 ft
of height, has very few leaves, and absorbs
magic, creating massive (i.e. several 100 ft)
antimagic fields.

Suth (Faerun) Greybark tree with long, soft, Forgotten Realms

olive-green leaves that likes to grow Campaign Setting p. 80
horizontal to the ground and then double
back at an angle. Suths that grow together
tend to intertwine, forming wall-like
barriers. Wood is hard and durable, making
it difficult to work, but sheets of this wood
retain strength for decades, making it great
for book-covers. It also makes good shield-
wood, especially since soaking it in water
before battle keeps it from catching fire.

Tahtoalethi Mystical plant that grants a wish every Dragon Magazine #357 p.
(Wishfern) 1d100 years on the night of the winter 58
solstice. Seed sells for 25000 gp, devilishly
hard to cultivate, see article for information.

Tekkil (Faerun, 3.0) Succulent swamp plant with Lords of Darkness p. 185
fat red leaves, which when chewed function
as an analgesic drug. No initial effect,
secondary effect is the reduction of any
save made against or penalties caused by
pain by 1 for the next 1d4 hours. Also,
damage reduction 1/non-lethal and -2
Initiative for. Overdose occurs with second
dose during the original duration and
causes a Slow effect for 2d4 hours.

64 | P a g e
Tereeka Root Slime white tuber native to the shaded Dragon Magazine #336 p.
sandy ground in temperate climates with a 98
bitter taste. After chewing it for one minute
a creature to fit until -5 HP and regain HP
while resting as if under the care of a healer
for the next 12 hours. Survival DC 30, 150

Thistledown (Faerun, 3.0) A silken fabric made by elves Races of the Wild p. 168
(presumably from an eponymous plant)
that can be worked into armor to make it
easier to move in, increasing ACP by 1 and
reducing ASF by 5%. Requires DC 15 Craft
(tailoring) and costs 250 gp.

Thumberry (Faerun) A spherical lime green plant with Silver Marches p.40
ragged leaves and white thumb shaped
berries. The berries are fatty and edible and
can even be made into candles. The root
can be made into slate-grey ink or dye.

Torchstalk (Faerun) Nonmagical mushroom that can Underdark p. 108

serve as a torch. Takes 1d4+1 minutes to
ignite, but burns for 24 hours shedding
bright illumination in 10 ft radius. Has a
sub-species that explodes into choking
spores after 5 rounds of burning, requiring
anyone within 20 ft to make a DC 15 Fort
save to negate 1d4 Con damage. DC 18
appropriate Knowledge or Survival check
allows differentiation between the two

Trueroot A legendary sapling that is said to have Races of Destiny p.80

been accidentally created during a series of
experiments involving the repeated grafting
of various magically enhanced roots onto
treants, from which seeds were planted to
create saplings that were then grafted with
each other and so on. The trueroot sapling's
roots are said to have pulled magical
energy from an unknown place, and this
magical energy could be channeled into
other plants to accelerate their growth to be
10 times faster, or be channelled into
spellcasters to give perfect health and
“almost limitless spellcasting”. The trueroot
died after small cutting were taken to
propagate it and there are no known
successes in recreating it.

65 | P a g e
Twilight Green Distant belladonna relative, Ingested DC 14 Complete Champion p.
Fort or 1d4/1d4 Con damage poison. If 133
used as a component for negative energy
damage dealing spell, it increases damage
by 1 point per spell level. 250 gp.

Tyrant's Sword (3.0) Coarse grass with broad sharp leaves Dragon Magazine #301 p.
with silver edges that grows to 2 ft in 54
height. Sporadically found in tundras and
temperate plains, it grows slow and doesn't
compete well. It can be made into Frost
Lotion, which has the same effect DC and
cost as Burn Salve, but for Cold damage.

Ulashu (Dragonlance) A black barked tree native to Trail of the Black Wyrm,
Neron, whose leaves can be chewed to p.342, 403
regain stamina.
Note: This is from a novel, so edition is

Varathar (Faerun) Has pale silver-blue gleam in Silver Marches p.40

(moonglow) moonlight but otherwise is an ugly
groundcover plant that looks like torn up
rotting brown mushrooms. It can heal a
small amount of HP but using too much of it
in one day has diminishing returns.

Vashiq Cactus (Dragonlance) A tall cactus with stinging War of the Lance
(warrior cactus) thorns that grows into entire forests. (Sourcebook) p.111

Visma Paste Tropical bush with dark broad leaves, which Dragon Magazine #336 p.
when made into a paste can soothe burns, 98
i.e. heal 1d3 points of non-lethal damage
sustained from heat exposure. It also
grants a +2 alchemical bonus on the next
save made VS environmental heat damage
within 1 hour of application. Survival DC 15,
30 gp

Vodare (3.0) Powder Drug made from flower that Book of Vile Darkness p.
grows on graves of Rallaster worshippers, 43
Initial +2 Alchemical to intimate and saves
VS fear for 1d4 hours, Secondary -4
alchemical penalty to Diplomacy & Bluff for
2d4 hours, Overdose if additional dose
within 4 hours DC 15 For or catatonia. High
Addiction, Alchemy DC 15, 40 gp.

Waterorb (Faerun) Bulbous aquatic fungus that grows Underdark p. 109

in boulder-like patches in detritus areas.

66 | P a g e
Weirwood (Faerun, 3.0) Rare oak-like tree with leaves Forgotten Realms
that are a silver-sheen brown on top and Campaign Setting p. 80,
velvet black on the underside, often Magic of Faerun p. 181
protected by Dryads and Treants. Can grow
huge and many-branched, will not burn
from non-magical fire, and imparts a warm
clear tone to musical instruments made
from it. It can replace oak or holly in any
spell, and living Weirwood has fire
resistance 20 (no means to preserve this
quality after harvesting is known).
Weirwood within the illumination radius of a
magical light source emits light as a candle
for 1d4+1 rounds after leaving the area.

Wild Fireclover (3.0) Brilliant orange-red summer-flower Dragon Magazine #301 p.

found in temperate plains and farmland. 55
Crushed petals give of a lovely smell for 1
week. The stem can be made into a
substance called Mindfire, which when
added to an ingested poison, imposes a -2
alchemical penalty to will-saves to those
who fail a save against the poison, and
forces casters to make concentration checks
(DC 15 + spell level) to cast spells. Effects
last 1 hour. Alchemy DC 30, 200 gp

Wildwood aka. (3.0) A flexible wood that can be worked Races of the Wild p. 169
Saelas into armor (counts as masterwork, -1 AC,
Max dex +1, ACP -1, no ACP on hide in
undergrowth, ASF -5, -25% weight
compared to metal). Wildwood “heals” a
point of damage over 24 hours if exposed
to sunlight for at least 1 our, or, heals 5
points if also left to soak in water for 8
hours. Cost is double that of ordinary
masterwork equivalent, but crating time is
unaffected, and crafting requires craft
(woodworking). It has hardness 6 and 10

Winterberry (Faerun) Tangled vines that shed their bark Silver Marches p.40
constantly and form spherical coils. They
have silver grey leaves they loose when a
strong frost breaks open the flakey vines to
reveal waxy white berries. They are sour-
sweet and can be eaten frozen.

67 | P a g e
Wisp Lichen (Faerun, Underdark) a glowing white lichen Underdark p. 110
that hangs from ceilings of caves and
paralyzes creatures that fly into it. Smaller
creatures (up to 100lb) are caught and
slowly consumed.

Witchweed A plants whose leaves and stalks can be Lords of Darkness p. 185
refined into a paste, which is then rolled
into a smokestick of sorts that creates 10 ft
cube of light smoke (no concealment) that
forces casters to make a concentration
check as if casting defensively or loose the
spell. The smoke is effective for 5 rounds.
Alchemy DC 20, 40 gp

Wittlewort (3.0) Herb with green gossamer-like fronds Dragon Magazine #301 p.
which, due to its rapid growth cycle, is 53
found only in the spring in temperate,
subtropical or tropical areas. Deters slugs
and other pests. If powdered, it can be
made into Wittlewort brew, which grants
those under Enchantment effects another
saving throw (if the effect allowed
one).Alchemy DC 15, 30 gp

Wolfsbane aka. MM:A creature affected with Lycanthropy Monster Manual p. 178
Belladonna can eat a sprig of wolfsbane within 1 hour
of affliction to try and shrug off the affliction Dragon Magazine #331 p.
with a DC 20 Fortitude save. Alternatively, 45
a Heal Check can be made, and the result
can be used in place of the creature's bonus
to Fort saves (whichever is higher). Only
one attempt can be made. Wolfsbane is
also toxic, requiring a DC 13 Fort save to
avoid 1d6/2d6 Str damage.
DM331: a touch attack with a fresh sprig
forces a DC 12 will save vs cause fear,
destroying the sprig on hit.

Wolfweed (3.0) Similar in appearance to Wolfsbane, Dragon Magazine #301 p.

this plant can be made into a substance 55
called Journeyman Serum, which provides a
+2 Alchemical bonus on constitution checks
to avoid damage from a forces march.
Alchemy DC 5, 5 gp.

68 | P a g e
Yarpick aka. (Greyhawk) A type of tree that grows small Living Greyhawk
Daggerthorn fruit whose seeds are nourishing both whole Gazetteer p. 140
and as ground meal.

Yarta (Dragonlance) It’s root can be chewed to Blades of the Tiger p.408
give energy and stamina.
Note: This comes from a novel, so edition is

Zurkhwood (Faerun) Giant 30-40 ft high mushroom. Underdark p. 109

Has large spores that can be eaten if
prepared properly, and its hardy stalks
serve as an Underdark substitute for wood.

69 | P a g e
D&D (4e)
Name Description Source

Bloodpurge (Faerun) Found in the depths of freshwater marshes Elminster’s

polluted by magical and nonmagical wastes, this herb Forgotten Realms.
can neutralize minor poisons p.38

Bloodstaunch (Faerun) Found in dry gullies in semiarid temperate Elminster’s

zones, this herb thickens blood very quickly upon direct Forgotten Realms.
contact, and so can be applied to open wounds to slow p.38
or stop bleeding.

Dathil (Faerun) The tiny petals of the common white ground Elminster’s
flower known as dathlil work to neutralize poisons for Forgotten Realms.
some who consume them, typically by drinking them as a p.39
tea, or washing them down with water or alcohol. The
effects vary widely with the individual and the poison
being fought against, and even vary unpredictably for the
same individual over time, but do apply to all known
creatures and are sometimes (not often) complete
cures—one petal banishes all poison effects. Dathlil can
work on contact, ingested, and insinuative poisons—but
it sometimes does nothing at all. For most individuals, the
herb usually slows poison and lessens its eventual

Deathwort (Greyhawk*) A black mold-moss that when eaten aids Dungeon Magazine
death saving throws. Roll death saving throws with #198 p. 31
advantage when consumed within 1 minute before or (Warrens of the
after death. Stone Giant
*The module this is taken from is set in Greyhawk, but Thane)
can also take place in other settings.

Dragonheart (Greyhawk*) A type of fungus that grows red heart Dungeon Magazine
Pods shaped pods that can give temporary hitpoints when #198 p. 31
eaten. The mushroom itself grows into a tall orange (Warrens of the
shroom with a yellow horn-like protrusion. Stone Giant
*The module this is taken from is set in Greyhawk, but Thane)
can also take place in other settings.

Fleshwort (faerun) Made from the stalk of a gray, celery-like Elminster’s

vegetable, fleshwort is found only on recent battlefields, Forgotten Realms.
where corpses are buried near the surface or left to rot p.38
above ground. If sewn into an internal wound, fleshwort
is slowly absorbed by any mammalian body as raw
material for building new tissue.

70 | P a g e
Felsul tree (faerun) Chewing the soft wood that directly underlies the Elminster’s
bark of a felsul tree, or chewing small datherthorn roots Forgotten Realms.
(those of purplish hue) quells nausea and deadens all p.38
mouth, tooth, and throat pain. This does nothing to
remove the cause of the discomfort; it merely temporarily
removes the discomfort to allow sleep, hearty eating, and
other usual activities. Eating a volume roughly as much
as the eater’s palm, as thick as the eater’s hand, will
deaden for a day and a night, or so.

Gorgonbane (Greyhawk*) A rare phosphorescent green moss that can Dungeon Magazine
reverse petrification within minutes. #198 p.48 /p. 31
*The module this is taken from is set in Greyhawk, but (Warrens of the
can also take place in other settings. Stone Giant

Harlthorn (faerun) Drinking the liquid derived from boiling down Elminster’s
equal parts of the thorns from harlthorn bushes (a Forgotten Realms.
common Heartlands wild shrub) with dried or fresh p.38
leaves of the very common weed known as hoof-leaf
(because its flat, on-the-ground leaves look like the print
of a cloven-hoofed herd animal) calms delirium, rage,
and grief, and soothes itchiness and skin rashes,
allowing for rest or sleep.

Sporebomb (Greyhawk*) A spiky yellow orb that can be picked and Dungeon Magazine
thrown to cause a cloud of poisonous spores to erupt, #198 p.48 /p. 31
that both harms and slows creatures that inhale them. (Warrens of the
*The module this is taken from is set in Greyhawk, but Stone Giant
can also take place in other settings. Thane)

Tatterskye (Faerun) Eating small flakes of tatterskyre bark slows Elminster’s

bleeding (internal and external) and thickens the blood, Forgotten Realms.
soothing agitated folk and making them drowsy. This p.38
herb can aid the healing of many sorts of internal
wounds. Orcs and all goblinkin (goblins, hobgoblins, and
such) are especially susceptible to the effects of
tatterskyre bark, and typically fall asleep if given as much
to eat as would cover their palms. Since this is a sleep
typically filled with pleasant dreams, many orcs gather
and carry the bark and eat it regularly. The tatterskyre is
a gnarled shrub that tends to form loops or drooping arcs
like wild raspberry canes, rerooting when it touches the
ground only to throw up fresh stems. It grows all over the
Heartlands and the North, is smaller in colder climes, and
its bark is very flaky and easily brushed off; its foliage
sprouts as bursts of needlelike flat leaves all up and
down its stems

71 | P a g e
Tonandurr (faerun) Bound against open wounds, tonandurr bark Elminster’s
inhibits bleeding and infection, and helps skin and flesh Forgotten Realms
to heal by helping it expand and knit together. This p.39
substance works on humans, halflings, dwarves, and
gnomes only; elves it helps not at all; and it actually
harms goblinkin, making their wounds fester. “Tonandurr”
is a tall, spindly “weed tree” of the Heartlands and more
southerly forests; it’s not hardy enough to survive winters
much north of Waterdeep, though a few specimens are
kept alive in indoor gardens in Silverymoon and

72 | P a g e
D&D (5e)

Name Description Source

Barrelstalk (Faerun, underdark) a Barrel shaped fungus that can Dungeon of the
provide up to 8 gallons of water and 10 pounds of food Mad Mage
when fully mature. It stores water and it’s husk can be pg.59
Bluecap (Faerun, underdark) A tall blue, bell shaped mushroom Dungeon of the
who’s spores can be used as flour to bake mad mage
‘bluebread’/’sporebread’ pg.60
Dancing (Faerun, Chult) A rare magical fruit that can cause the eater Tomb of
Monkey Fruit to dance comically, leaving them drained. annihilation
Gulthias Tree (Ravenloft)A tree that looks dead and twisted, causing Curse of Strahd
blights to form around it. p.198

Menga bush (Faerun, Chult) A liquid made from ground menga leaves Tomb of
can have minor healing properties in small doses, or strong annihilation
sedative in larger doses. p205
Rapture (Greyhawk) A rare underwater plant that is poisonous and Ghosts of
Weed causes hallucinations and even long term delusions. Saltmarsh
Ripplebark (Faerun, underdark) A shelf-like fungus that is edible, Dungeon of the
despite looking like rotting flesh. A mature fungus can mad mage
provide up to 10 pounds of food. pg.60
Ryath (Faerun, Chult) Ryath root in small doses can cause a Tomb of
vitality boost, or poison the consumer in larger doses. annihilation
Sinda berry (Faerun, Chult) A bush that seems to grow dark brown and Tomb of
bush bitter berries intermittently throughout the year. It’s berries annihilation
can aid the consumer against poisons and disease, if p.205
enough are consumed.
Timmask (Faerun, underdark) “Devil’s mushroom”A beige, 2ft Dungeon of the
toadstool with red and orange stripes. It’s spores can cause mad mage
confusion. pg.60
Trillimac (Faerun, underdark) A tall, blue-grey mushroom with a Dungeon of the
broad cap. It can be used to make material that functions mad mage
as cloth and paper. It’s stalk can produce up to 10 pounds pg.60
of bread like food, once prepared.
Tongues of (Faerun, underdark) A tongue shaped mushroom that can Dungeon of the
Madness cause those who consume it to compulsively speak their mad mage
thoughts. pg.60
Ugparassa (Faerun, Chult) this root can be rubbed against poisoned Tomb of
tree wounds to neutralise the poison. Annihilation

73 | P a g e
Wukka Tree (Faerun, Chult) This tree is a favourite haunt of monsters, Tomb of
but has magic seeds that produce a small amount of light Annihilation
when shaken. p.205
Zabou (Faerun, Chult) mushrooms that release poisonous, itchy Tomb of
spores when heavily disturbed. Annihilation
Zurkhwood (Faerun, underdark) A tree like mushroom that can grow Dungeon of the
40ft tall, produce up to 10lb of grain like spores, and who’s mad mage
stem can be used like wood. pg.60

74 | P a g e
Here are a few plants related to D&D settings and systems, but are
not actually part of the official WotC/TSR D&D editions, and so
don’t belong in the above categories.
 Dragonlance has a rocky relationship with D&D.
1984-1987 Dragonlance was published under 2e AD&D.
Dragonlance: The Fifth Age in 1996 is published under the
SAGA system.
In 2003-2007 Dragonlance Campaign setting was published
under D&D 3.5
Dragonlance novels from 1987 were no longer published under
TSR, with only one book in 1995 being published by TSR.
They did publish a few books with WotC. I’m putting novels
published outside of 1984-1987 and 2003-2007 here as I
cannot assume which system, if any, the novels might be
Name Description System Source

Pelinta (Dragonlance) a small silver-blue cloverlike SAGA Citadel of Light:

plant. Boiled together with a type of fish known Book 2, p.41
as Waukan (Honey-fish), the fish can then be
ground into a surprisingly pleasant honey
scented golden paste that can cure.

Rage- (Dragonlance) Sometimes known as star-weed SAGA* Relics and Omens

wort or heart-bind, it was a springtime herb found The Novel (ch. 2: Legacy)
in forests and gardens. The oils and juice from is part of
fresh leaves can be used for a tisane to treat a the ‘5th
fever. age’

Smagroot (Dragonlance) also known as Desert Balm, is a Novel, The Companions

green, fleshy, moist root, with a texture like that 2012 (The Meetings
of an uncooked potato. When eaten, it has a Sextet Vol. VI) ?
sweet taste to it. Can be found growing in arid *Needs
regions. verification

75 | P a g e

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