Egdeg Jurnal
Egdeg Jurnal
Egdeg Jurnal
Food Chemistry
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Keywords: An analytical method for the simultaneous determination of ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol in beer was
Glycols developed and validated according to current legislation. This method includes the application of sample dilution
Beverage with ethanol followed by quantification using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. All figures of
Food contaminants
merit were within the limits established by regulation. The recoveries of the analytes, expressed as mean re
Gas chromatography
covery, were between 91.9% and 108.9%. Precision, in terms of repeatability and intermediate precision, was
Mass spectrometry
established (relative standard deviations were lower than or equal to 10%). The limits of detection (10.0 and 5.0
Chemical compounds studied in this article:
Ethylene glycol (PubChem CID: 174)
mg.L− 1 for ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol, respectively) and quantification (15.0 mg.L− 1 for ethylene
Diethylene glycol (PubChem CID: 8117) glycol and diethylene glycol) obtained were appropriate. Finally, the present method was applied for determi
nation of ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol in 701 beer samples (from 67 different brands and 128 different
labels), proving to be reliable.
1. Introduction (GC–MS) (FDA, 2007; Fu, Hao, Parker, & Knapp, 2011), gas chroma
tography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) (Holloway, Math
Ethylene glycol (EG) and diethylene glycol (DEG) (Fig. 1) are clear, eswaran, Leeks, Bradby, & Wahab, 2010), ultra-high performance liquid
hygroscopic, odorless and sweet tasting liquids. These glycols are chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry
miscible with water and polar organic solvents. They are mainly used as (UHPLC–HRMS) (Hernández, Ibáñez, & Sancho, 2008), attenuated total
humectant, solvent, antifreeze and coolants agents in the production of reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy (López-
automotive antifreeze and coolant formulations, aircraft anti-icing and Sánchez, Domínguez-Vidal, Ayora-Cañada, & Molina-Díaz, 2008); direct
deicing materials (Fowles, Banton, Klapacz, & Shen, 2017). analysis in real time-mass spectrometry (DART-MS) (Self, 2013) and
EG and DEG have physicochemical properties similar to non-toxic excipients by GC-FID (Tokunaga, Osako, & Sato, 2012) have been
and more expensive glycols, such as glycerol (GRO) and propylene reported.
glycol (PPG) (Fig. 1). As a result, they are often used as adulterants in As previously described, several analytical techniques are described
products based on GRO or PPG, mainly in pharmaceutical products such in the literature for the analysis of toxic glycols in different matrices,
as toothpaste, injectable drugs, antipyretic medication and couch syrup and, due to the physical-chemical characteristics of this group of com
(Marraffa, Holland, Stork, Hoy, & Hodgman, 2007). pounds, GC–MS is a highly recommended technique for its analysis.
Unlike PPG and GRO, which are both generally recognized as safe in Published analytical methods for analysis of DEG in food are more
food, cosmetics and drugs, there are no approved use for EG and DEG in limited. There are few studies from the 1980s regarding the analysis of
these products because of their high toxicities. In fact, there are several DEG in wine (Caccamo, Di Coarcia, & Samperi, 1986; Kaiser & Rieder,
reports of incidents involving human poisoning, mainly caused by DEG. 1985; Lau & Weber, 1987; Lawrence, Chadha, Lau, & Weber, 1986)
The determination of DEG or both EG and DEG in pharmaceutical because, in that time, some events related to the addition of DEG in this
products by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry beverage occurred. This practice was done to improve its sweet taste.
* Corresponding author at: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 6627, Pampulha, 31270-901 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.
E-mail address: (C. Fernandes).
Received 19 August 2020; Received in revised form 4 December 2020; Accepted 9 December 2020
Available online 15 December 2020
0308-8146/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. This article is made available under the Elsevier license (
L.R. Caldeira et al. Food Chemistry 346 (2021) 128871
L.R. Caldeira et al. Food Chemistry 346 (2021) 128871
monitored fragments were at m/z 61 (*), 31 and 43 for EG; at m/z 75 (*)
(Nx1 − 1)s2a1 + (Nx2 − 1)s2a2
and 45 for DEG; and at m/z 44 (*), 57 and 71 for 1,4-BuOH. The s2a1,a2 = (3)
instrumental response was the ratio of the peak chromatogram area of (Nx1 + Nx2 − 2)
quantifier’s fragment of the analyte and the peak chromatogram area of
(Nx1 − 1)s2b1 + (Nx2 − 1)s2b2
the fragment m/z 44 of the IS. The validated quantifier’s fragment ions s2b1,b2 = (4)
(Nx1 + Nx2 − 2)
were those marked with the symbol (*) and the other monitored frag
ments were the qualifiers.
in which s2a1,a2 is the pooled variance of the intercepts, s2b1,b2 is the pooled
2.6. Validation variance of the slopes, Nx1 and Nx2 are the number of independent
concentration levels of the calibration curves.
Figures of merit (selectivity, linearity, matrix effect, accuracy, pre After the evaluation of the variances of the two compared curves, the
cision, limit of detection and limit of quantification) were estimated slopes and the intercepts of them were compared applying t-test at a
according to the validation protocol specified in guidelines of the Bra probability level of 95%.
zilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Ministry of In cases where the variances of solvent-based and matrix-matched
Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply of Brazil, 2011, 2015) and calibration curves were equivalent, the t values were calculated as
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Brazilian Health Surveillance described in Eqs. (5) and (6). In this case the critical t value was obtained
Agency, 2012, 2017). by a t Student distribution applying a probability level of 95% and de
grees of freedom (ν) calculated in Eq. (7).
2.6.1. Selectivity |a1 − a2 |
Injection of standard solutions of EG, DEG and 1,4-BuOH into the ta,calc = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
( ) (5)
chromatographic system were performed to verify the purity of these s2a1,a2 1
+ N1x2
standards. Then, blank beer samples, fortified with these standards,
were also injected into the system, in order to determine the retention
time of the analytes. To perform selectivity test, three blank beer sam |b1 − b2 |
tb,calc = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
( ) (6)
ples were injected to verify the presence of interfering compounds in the 1 1
s2b1,b2 +
same retention time of the analytes. Nx1 Nx2 Matrix effect. Solvent-based and matrix-matched calibration ν = Nx1 + Nx2 − 2 (7)
curves were built and compared to verify the presence of matrix effect.
To build the solvent-based calibration curves, from the 1000 mg.L− 1 in which a1 and a2 are the values of the intercepts of solvent-based and
pool standard stock solution, pool working standard solutions were matrix-matched calibration curves, and b1 and b2 are the values of the
prepared to give rise to the six different levels (3, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 slopes of solvent-based and matrix-matched calibration curves.
mg.L− 1). In the case where the variances were different, the calculated t value
To build the matrix-matched calibration curve, from the 10,000 mg. was obtained using the Eq. (8). In this case, the critical t value is ob
L− 1 pool standard stock solution, pool working standard solutions were tained by a t Student distribution at a probability level of 95% and de
prepared to fortify beer blank samples. The blank extracts were prepared grees of freedom calculated by the Eq. (9).
by applying the optimized extraction procedure, which employs a 5-fold |b1 − b2 |
dilution, in ethanol, of the blank beer sample followed by centrifugation tb,calc = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
̅ (8)
s2b1 s2
as previously described. Hence, 100 μL of each pool working standard Nx1
+ Nb2x2
solution were transferred to a 10 mL volumetric flask and its volume was
( )2
completed with the beer blank extracts. Each pool of working standard s2b1 /Nx1 + s2b2 /Nx2
solution had a different concentration to give rise to the six different ν= − 2 (9)
(s2b1 /Nx1 ) (s2b2 /Nx2 )
levels (3, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 mg.L− 1) of the matrix-matched calibration N +1
+ N +1
x1 x2
curve. Another approach used to evaluate matrix effect was the comparison
These curves were prepared in triplicate (three distinct days) and of the concentrations of fortified beer samples, obtained using solvent-
injected into the chromatographic system in triplicate. Matrix effect was based and matrix-matched calibration curves. Blank beer samples
evaluated by the comparison of the slopes and the intercepts of the were fortified in four concentration levels, in a minimum of 12 samples
solvent-based calibration curve with those of the matrix-matched cali per level. They were submitted to sample preparation and injected into
bration curve as described in Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food the chromatographic system. Solvent-based and matrix-matched cali
Supply of Brazil (2011). bration curves were also prepared and analyzed. Concentrations of the
First, the variances of the slopes and intercepts of the two types of samples estimated by the two different calibration curves were
curves were compared by F-test using the following equations (Eqs. (1) compared applying t-test, since the variances of the groups were not
and (2)): statistically different, as verified by F-test.
F= (1) 2.6.2. Linearity
The calibration curve covered the range of 3–50 mg.L− 1. Regression
s2b1 was performed by the weighted least squares method using dispersion as
F= (2) a weighting factor. This procedure was adopted due to the hetero
scedastic behavior of the instrumental response. The linear adjustment
in which s2a1 and s2a2 are the variances of the intercepts; s2b1 and s2b2 are the quality was evaluated by applying the t-test (Ministry of Agriculture,
variances of the slopes, being the bigger variance in the numerator. Livestock and Food Supply of Brazil, 2011). In this test the null hy
In cases where the variances of solvent-based and matrix-matched pothesis (H0) is that in which the correlation coefficient is statistically
calibration curves were equivalent, the pooled variance was calculated equal to zero; and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is that in which this
using the Eqs. (3) and (4). coefficient is statistically different from zero. The experimental t value
was calculated as in Eq. (10).
L.R. Caldeira et al. Food Chemistry 346 (2021) 128871
L− 1.
|rw | Nx − 2
trw = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (10) ( )
1 − r2w IR − a VF1 VF2
C= × × × CF Rec + CIP (12)
b VI1 VI2
in which rw is the correlation coefficient and Nx is the number of
experimental values for the calibration curve. where IR = instrumental response (peak area ratio between analyte and
If the calculated trw is higher or equal to the critical t value obtained IS); a = intercept of the calibration curve; b = slope of the calibration
by the two-tailed t distribution with 95% of confidence level and (Nx− 2) curve; VF1 = final volume of the first sample dilution with ethanol (mL);
degrees of level, the range of the calibration curve is considered linear. VI1 = volume measured of beer sample (mL); VF2 = final volume of the
second sample dilution with ethanol (mL); VI2 = initial volume of the
2.6.3. Accuracy and precision second sample dilution with ethanol (mL); CFRec = correction factor due
Accuracy was estimated via the attainment of recovery rates. Preci to systematic error of recovery; CIP = correction of intermediate
sion was assessed by the repeatability and intermediate precision re precision.
sults. For the recovery and accuracy evaluation, six blank samples were From Eq. (3), the coefficients of sensitivity for each of the identified
fortified and analyzed at four concentration levels and on three distinct uncertainty source were calculated according to Eqs. (13)–(20).
days. For the fortification experiments, beer blank samples were forti
fied at concentrations 15, 25, 250 and 2000 mg.L− 1 of EG and DEG. All ∂C
= −
VF1 × VF2 × CF Rec
the samples were submitted to sample preparation protocol applying 5- ∂a b × VI1 × VI2
fold dilution with ethanol followed by centrifugation. The sample for ( )
tified at 2000 mg.L− 1 was diluted in a second step using 20-fold dilution
∂C VF1 × VF2 × CF Rec a − IR
= × (14)
in ethanol, since its initial concentration was above the upper limit of ∂b VI1 × VI2 b2
the validated calibration curve. This concentration was used in order to
∂C VF1 × VF2 × CFRec
include, in the validation procedure, the case of beer samples with high = (15)
∂IR b × VI1 × VI2
concentration of EG and/or DEG that would extrapolate the validated
linear range if only the standardized 5-fold dilution procedure was ∂C VF1 × VF2 × CF Rec × (a − IR)
performed in sample preparation. So, the concentration of the sample = (16)
∂VI1 b × VI1 2 × VI2
extracts injected into the chromatography system were 3, 5, 50 and 20
mg.L− 1, arising from the beer samples fortified at 15, 25, 250 and 2000 ∂C VF1 × VF2 × CF Rec × (a − IR)
mg.L− 1, respectively. = (17)
∂VI2 b × VI1 × VI2 2
Since there is no maximum tolerated level established for EG and
DEG in beer, generic acceptance criteria for the results of accuracy and ∂C VF2 × CF Rec × (IR − a)
= (18)
precision was used, as stated in the validation guide of Brazilian Ministry ∂VF1 b × VI1 × VI2
of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Food Supply of Brazil, 2015). The mean recovery values ∂C VF1 × CF Rec × (IR − a)
= (19)
were considered acceptable only if the differences between the mean of ∂VF2 b × VI1 × VI2
the experimental values and the theoretical values were within ±20%.
For precision, the values calculated by the Horwitz equation (Eq. (11)) ∂C
(IR − a) VF1 VF2
× × (20)
were used as the limit for each fortification level. ∂CF Rec b VI1 VI2
L.R. Caldeira et al. Food Chemistry 346 (2021) 128871
Fig. 2. Extracted ion chromatograms (EIC) for each analyte and internal standard (IS) obtained under the optimized conditions of analysis.
observed. It avoids residues of non-evaporated DEG to stay in the in the retention times of the analytes.
capillary column. Second, the presence of analytes in the syringe of the
injector may be a cause of carryover. If the syringe is not properly 3.2.1. Matrix effect
cleaned between analyzes, carryover will cause inconsistent results. The results of the comparison between the slope and intercept values
Some rinsing procedures of the syringe were tested and a rinsing pro of solvent-based and matrix-matched calibration curves are presented in
tocol in which the syringe was rinsed with ethanol 3 times before in Supplementary Material (Table S1). As the analysis of these parameters
jection and 15 times after the injection was established. Another fact demonstrate, the equations of the curves were statistically different,
that favors carryover is the nature of beer, which is essentially an showing matrix effect.
aqueous matrix. Since the injected samples can contain up to 20% of The results obtained in the comparison of the fortified beer samples
water in their composition, a liquid with high expansion volume, it is concentration, estimated using these two different calibration curves,
common the occurrence of the backflash phenomenon. This occurs when also corroborates the occurrence of matrix effect (Table S2). The mean
the sample expansion volume exceeds the capacity of the liner, which values of EG and DEG concentrations, estimated by the solvent-based or
drives the vapor cloud out of it, resulting in poor sample transfer onto matrix-matched calibration curves, in all levels (except for DEG 50 mg.
the column (Fu, Hao, Parker, & Knapp, 2011). This can also cause L− 1), presented significant difference (p value <0.05).
carryover. In order to avoid the backflash phenomenon, the split mode
of injection was chosen, which reduces the amount of water injected into 3.3. Linearity
the chromatographic system. The split ratio was also optimized, being
defined as 1:25 to avoid backflash phenomenon without losing detect Linearity was performed on solvent-based and matrix-matched
ability. Based on the importance of reducing the amount of water calibration curves. Since significant matrix effect was demonstrated,
injected into the chromatographic system, it was not advisable to reduce the results presented here are only those obtained by matrix-matched
the dilution factor of the beer samples under 5-fold. The dilution of the calibration curve.
samples also contributes to minimize matrix effects and, also, to pre First, the presence of outliers was assessed upon the application of
serve the mass spectrometer clean for a longer period of time. the t-test defined in Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply
The optimized conditions (previously exposed) yielded chromato of Brazil (2011) guideline, using the Eq. (21):
grams of beer samples as those presented in Fig. 2. As can be observed,
the fragment ions monitored in the first 7 min of the chromatographic ty =
|ey |
run were those with m/z 45.0; 43.0, 61.0 and 31.0. From 7 min to the sres
final of the chromatographic run the monitored fragment ions were
those with m/z 44.0; 45.0, 57.0, 71.0 and 75.0. where |ey | is the instrumental residue of a specific replicate of the cali
bration curve and sres is the sample standard deviation of the instru
mental responses in the same concentration level.
3.2. Selectivity Since all calculated values of t were lower than the critical t value of
the two-tailed t distribution with 95% of confidence level and 5 degrees
Analysis of blank samples confirmed the method selectivity, since no of freedom (DG), no data was considered outlier.
interfering compounds were detected at a signal-to-noise ratio of up 3:1 A heteroscedastic behavior of the instrumental response variances
Table 1
Results for linearity, LOD, LOQ and uncertainty arising from the validation of the analytical method developed for the analysis of EG and DEG in beer samples.
Analyte Intercept Slope r r2 t-valuea LOD (mg.L− 1) LOQ (mg.L− 1) uc (max) (mg.L− 1) U (max) (%)
EG (m/z 61) 0.0022 0.0039 0.990 0.979 27.57 10.0 15.0 2.4 33
DEG (m/z 75) 0.0245 0.0625 0.993 0.987 34.86 5.0 15.0 2.3 28
tcritical = 2.120 (16 degrees of freedom; 95% of confidence level); LOD = limit of detection; LOQ = limit of quantification; U = maximum expanded measurement
uncertainty in LOQ level.
L.R. Caldeira et al. Food Chemistry 346 (2021) 128871
Table 2
Results for precision and accuracy arising from the validation of the analytical method applied to the analysis of EG and DEG in beer samples.
Figure of merit Analyte EG DEG
a a a a
Levels of concentration 1st level 2nd level 3rd level 4th level 1st levela 2nd levela 3rd levela 4th levela
Precision RSD (%) of Repeatability 1st day 6.4 8.6 3.9 2.1 5.2 7.9 5.1 4.0
2nd day 7.4 6.9 1.9 2.6 6.0 2.5 3.2 4.4
3rd day 6.4 7.6 3.6 2.2 6.3 6.0 3.2 3.7
RSD (%) of Intermediate precision 8.0 10.1 5.1 3.6 8.4 7.5 4.3 8.9
Acceptance criteria of Precision – Repeatability and 13.6 12.6 10.2 8.9 13.6 12.6 10.2 8.9
Intermediate precision: RSDHorwitz (%)
Accuracy Mean recovery (%) 91.9 94.8 85.9 94.0 94.1 100.8 100.5 108.9
Difference between experimental and theoretical 8.1 5.2 14.1 6.0 5.9 0.8 0.5 8.9
value (%)
Acceptance criteria to the difference between 20.0 20.0
experimental and theoretical value (%)b
Spiked concentration: 1st level = 3 mg.L− 1 in the vial or 15 mg.L− 1 in the beer, 2nd level = 5 mg.L− 1
in the vial or 25 mg.L− 1
in the beer, 3rd level = 20 mg.L− 1
the vial or 2000 mg.L− 1 in the beer, 4th level = 50 mg.L− 1 in the vial or 250 mg.L− 1 in the beer.
Acceptance criteria based on Brazil (2015).
was observed, so the weighted least squares method regression was quantifying ions, the qualifying ions were also detected at the LOD level.
applied on the experimental data. The quality of the linear fit was The LOQ values allowed the quantification of glycols in beer when
confirmed by the excellent correlation coefficients (r) obtained present in low concentrations, ensuring precision and accuracy of the
(>0.990), as displayed in Table 1. Even more important than deter result.
mining the correlation and determination coefficients, is the statistical
analysis of the significance of the regression. Moreover, the t-test applied 3.6. Measurement uncertainty
on each set of data confirmed the adequacy of the linear model since the
tvalue ≫ tcritical (2.120 for 16 degrees of freedom with 95% confidence The measurement uncertainty (uc) for each analyte was calculated
level) for each analyte (Table 1). using the bottom-up approach. Sensitivity coefficients were obtained by
applying Eqs. (13)–(21). Table 1 shows the expanded measurement
3.4. Accuracy and precision uncertainty (U) for each compound, calculated at the LOQ level. It
should be noted that the results obtained are in conformity with the
For accuracy, all recovery rates obtained herein fall in the acceptance maximum expanded uncertainty assumed in percentage terms. The
criteria (Table 2). To confirm the analytical performance, Horwitz uncertainty estimation model showed that, regardless of the concen
relative standard deviation (RSDHorwitz) values were used as the limit for tration of EG and/or DEG in beer samples, the main uncertainty
the RSD in the precision estimate. It can be observed (Table 2) that contribution was the uncertainty due to the non-correction of the result
repeatability and intermediate precision were within the limits recom by the recovery, followed by the intermediate precision uncertainty and,
mended at the four levels for each compound. to a lesser extent, repeatability. These three sources of uncertainty
together contributed between 90 and 100% of the total uncertainty.
3.5. LOD and LOQ
3.7. Occurrence study
The experimental LOD and LOQ values, shown in Table 1, demon
strate the high detectability of the analytical method. The LOD values For the occurrence study, 612 beer samples of one investigated brand
enabled the detection of glycols in beers when present in low concen were analyzed using the analytical method developed and 51 of them
trations, while avoiding false positive results, since in addition to the presented at least one glycol, which represent about 8% of these
Fig. 3. Number of beer samples, contaminated with at least one of the glycols, classified in levels of concentrations of EG and DEG.
L.R. Caldeira et al. Food Chemistry 346 (2021) 128871
Fig. 4. Ascending concentration of EG and DEG in each beer samples contaminated with at least one of glycol.
samples. Among these, six samples were contaminated only with DEG at glycols. It is important to highlight that the collection of samples was not
low level (five of them under LOQ) and three samples were contami representative of the Brazilian beer consumption market, since the
nated only with EG at low level. The other 42 contaminated samples performance of the analysis had the purpose of inspection, in such a way
showed both EG and DEG at different levels of concentration. Concen that the majority of the analyzed beers belonged to one investigated
trations of EG and DEG in beer samples contaminated with at least one brand. Positive results for the presence of EG and/or DEG were found in
glycol were stratified by level and the number of samples present in each only this brand, related to a specific failure in the production of beers.
class is shown in Fig. 3. This was the first case of DEG and EG contamination in foods consumed
Beer samples that presented at least one glycol above the LOQ are in Brazil. The developed analytical method was essential for the inves
also shown in Fig. 4, in ascending order of the sum of the concentration tigation of the case in question, providing subsidies for the decision of
of EG and DEG, showing the level of each glycol and it expanded mea the inspection organizations, aiming to guarantee food safety.
surement uncertainty. It is noticed that most contaminated samples
presented concentration of total glycols between 15 and 500 mg.L− 1, but 4. Conclusions
higher concentrations were found, with the maximum value found being
9677 mg.L− 1 for the sum of EG and DEG. A method that employs a simple sample preparation procedure
Despite these findings, one can assume that beer consumption in combined with GC–MS was developed for the simultaneous determina
Brazil is safe, since 93% of samples analyzed – including 92% (n = 561) tion of ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol in beer. The entire pro
of beer samples of the investigated brand and all the beer samples of the cedure was validated according to the directive from Brazilian Ministry
other 66 different brands (n = 89) – did not present any of these toxic of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, since this is the organization
L.R. Caldeira et al. Food Chemistry 346 (2021) 128871