GUID - 4 en-US
GUID - 4 en-US
GUID - 4 en-US
Printed by: Maria Christina Official Date: Official as of 01-May-2019 Document Type: USP & NF @2022 USPC
DOI Ref: 1ctq4 DOI:
2208 19.0 24.0 4.0 12.0 equipped with a pressure-tight septum with a
polytetrafluoroethylene-faced butyl rubber and an airtight
2906 27.0 30.0 4.0 7.5
seal using an aluminum crimp or any sealing system that
2910 28.0 30.0 7.0 12.0 provides sufficient airtightness. Use a heater having a
heating module that has a square-shaped aluminum block
with holes 20 mm in diameter and 32 mm in depth, into
• A.
Sample: 1 g
Analysis: Gently add the Sample to the top of 100 mL of
ci which the reaction vial fits. The heating module is also
equipped with a magnetic stirrer capable of mixing the
contents of the vial, or use a reciprocal shaker that
water in a beaker, and allow to disperse over the surface, performs a reciprocating motion of about 100 times/min.
tapping the top of the container to ensure an even Hydriodic acid: Use a reagent with a typical concentration
dispersion of the substance. Allow the beaker to stand for of hydrogen iodide (HI) of about 57%.
1–2 min. Internal standard solution: 30 mg/mL of n-octane in
Acceptance criteria: The powdered material aggregates on o-xylene
the surface. Standard solution: Into a suitable serum vial, weigh
• B. between 60 and 100 mg of adipic acid, and add 2.0 mL of
Sample: 1 g Hydriodic acid and 2.0 mL of Internal standard solution.
Analysis: Add the Sample to 100 mL of boiling water, and Close the vial securely with a suitable septum stopper.
stir the mixture using a magnetic stirrer with a bar Weigh the vial and contents, add between 15 and 22 µL of
25-mm long. isopropyl iodide through the septum with a syringe, weigh
Acceptance criteria: A slurry is formed, but the powdered again, and calculate the weight of isopropyl iodide added,
material does not dissolve. Cool the slurry to 10°, and stir by difference. Add 45 µL of methyl iodide similarly, weigh
using a magnetic stirrer. The resulting liquid is a clear or again, and calculate the weight of methyl iodide added, by
slightly turbid solution with thickness dependent on the difference. Shake the reaction vial well, and allow the layers
viscosity grade. to separate. Use the upper layer as the Standard solution.
• C. Sample solution: Transfer 0.065 g of Hypromellose to a
Solution A: Sulfuric acid and water (9 in 10). 5-mL thick-walled reaction vial equipped with a
[NOTE—Carefully add sulfuric acid to water.] pressure-tight septum-type closure, add between 60 and
Sample solution: 0.1 mL of the solution prepared for 100 mg of adipic acid, and pipet 2.0 mL of Internal standard
Identification B solution into the vial. Cautiously pipet 2.0 mL of
Analysis: To the Sample solution add 9 mL of Solution A, and Hydriodic acid into the mixture, immediately cap the vial
shake. Heat in a water bath for exactly 3 min, immediately tightly, and weigh. Using the magnetic stirrer equipped in
cool in an ice bath, and add carefully 0.6 mL of the heating module, or using a reciprocal shaker, mix the
ninhydrin TS. Shake, and allow to stand at 25°. contents of the vial continuously, heating and maintaining
Acceptance criteria: A red color develops at first that the temperature of the contents at 130 ± 2° for 60 min. If a
changes to purple within 100 min. reciprocal shaker or magnetic stirrer cannot be used, shake
• D. the vial well by hand at 5-min intervals during the initial
Sample solution: 2–3 mL of the solution prepared for 30 min of the heating time. Allow the vial to cool, and
Identification B weigh. If the weight loss is ▲≥26 mg▲ (USP 1-May-2019) or there
Analysis: Pour the Sample solution onto a glass slide as a thin is evidence of a leak, discard the mixture, and prepare
film, and allow the water to evaporate. another Sample solution.
Acceptance criteria: A coherent, clear film forms on the Chromatographic system
glass slide. (See Chromatography á621ñ, System Suitability.)
• E. Mode: GC
Sample solution: 50 mL of the solution prepared in Detector: Thermal conductivity or hydrogen
Identification B flame-ionization 1/3
Printed on: Mon Oct 24 2022, 08:31:47 PM(EST) Status: Currently Official on 25-Oct-2022 DocId: GUID-6A0B0F3C-FA70-433C-AD55-2020BBC64718_4_en-US
Printed by: Maria Christina Official Date: Official as of 01-May-2019 Document Type: USP & NF @2022 USPC
DOI Ref: 1ctq4 DOI:
Injection volume: 1–2 µL (90°–99°) to obtain a total weight of the sample and water
Injection type: Split ratio, 40:1 of 200.0 g. Capping the bottle, stir by mechanical means
Run time: 20.3 min at 400 ± 50 rpm for 10–20 min until the particles are
System suitability thoroughly dispersed and wetted out. Scrape down the
Sample: Standard solution ci walls of the bottle with a spatula, if necessary, to ensure
Suitability requirements that there is no undissolved material on the sides of the
Resolution: Methyl iodide, isopropyl iodide, and the bottle, and continue the stirring in a cooling water bath
internal standard are eluted in this order, with resolution equilibrated at a temperature below 10° for another 20–
NLT 5 between these peaks. 40 min. Adjust the solution weight, if necessary, to
Relative standard deviation: NMT 2.0% for 6 injections 200.0 g, using cold water. Centrifuge the solution, if
of the Standard solution, using the ratio of the peak area necessary, to expel any entrapped air. If any foam is
of methyl iodide, isopropyl iodide to that of the internal present, remove with a spatula.
standard.▲ (USP 1-May-2019) Analysis: Determine the viscosity at 20 ± 0.1° in a suitable
Analysis viscometer of the Ubbelohde type as directed in Viscosity
Samples: Upper layer of the Standard solution and the —Capillary Methods á911ñ.
Sample solution Acceptance criteria: 80%–120% of the viscosity stated
O 2/3
Printed on: Mon Oct 24 2022, 08:31:47 PM(EST) Status: Currently Official on 25-Oct-2022 DocId: GUID-6A0B0F3C-FA70-433C-AD55-2020BBC64718_4_en-US
Printed by: Maria Christina Official Date: Official as of 01-May-2019 Document Type: USP & NF @2022 USPC
DOI Ref: 1ctq4 DOI:
O 3/3