SM Organizational Structure

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SM Organizational Structure

Hans SY - President

Gregorio Kilayko
Independent Director

Senen Mendiola Herbert Sy Henry Sy Teresita Sy

Director Director Director Director

Diana Dionisio Jose Cuisia Henry Sy Jeffrey Lim

Vice president Independent Vice Chairman of the Chief Finance
Chairman of the board Officer Executive
(Finance) Vice President

The SM’s organizational structure shows the different positions and fuctions of the
officers. It is a functional departmentalization because the jobs are specialized and
performed by people with common skills, knowledge and orientations. From the highest
position which was the President, Hans Sy to the lowest positions which were the
chairman of the board and finance vice presidents.Each position has its own functions
and their jobs are being divided and grouped based on their tasks and specializations
Fr Yap hails from Cebu City. He entered the Society of Jesus on May 30, 1982 and was ordained
a Catholic Priest on March 14, 1992. He earned his degree in Bachelor of Arts in Economics
from the Ateneo de Manila University where he graduated Cum Laude; his Master of Arts in
Economics from the New School for Social Research, New York; his Bachelor in Sacred Theology
from Loyola School of Theology where he graduated Summa Cum Laude and his Master of Arts
in Theology from the Ateneo de Manila University; his Master in Public Policy from Harvard
University; and his Doctor of Philosophy in Economics from the University College London.

Provincial Superior of the Jesuit Philippine Province, Rev Fr Jose CJ Magadia SJ missioned Fr Yap
to his new ministry and conferred on him the Presidential Medallion. Rev. Fr. Roberto C. Yap, SJ
serves as President of the Ekklesia Mutual Fund, Inc. Rev. Fr. Yap serves as Chairman of Realty
Investment, Inc. Rev. Fr. Yap serves as a Director of The Medical City.

Rev Fr Roberto C Yap SJ was formally installed as 10th president of Xavier University on Aug 15,
Feast of Our Lady’s Assumption, at the Immaculate Conception Chapel. The investiture
ceremonies commenced with a Eucharistic Celebration presided by Most Rev Antonio J
Ledesma SJ DD, Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro, followed by an Academic Convocation.

Provincial Superior of the Jesuit Philippine Province, Rev Fr Jose CJ Magadia SJ missioned Fr Yap
to his new ministry and conferred on him the Presidential Medallion.

Besides serving as Xavier University President, Fr Yap is concurrently the Province Treasurer of
the Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus.
Kysha Haze S. Paulin Sociology – BH
BSBA-1 Jan. 29, 2013

Setting: Commerce Building, January 28, 2013

Characters: Two girls.


G1: Girl, I’m so worried what will be my midterm grade in accounting, I really hate our
G2: Sus, she must be guilty with our grades because if she really fails us...
G1: what?
G2: Maybe I’ll go to the student affairs to report her. She graduated cum laude but she’s
not an effective teacher. Tsk!
G1: Right, we’re so unlucky. Hahai…
G2: Harhar. You only worried with your accounting? Well, mine is worse!
G1: Weh? Really?
G2: What grade you got in math?
G1: 84, you?
G2: I only got 53. See? Who’s worse? It’s only a passing grade!
G1: Atleast noh, you passed! I heard many failed with our math midterm exams.
G2: Really? I heard also that the Math 01 in accountancy is nice.
G1: Da? It depends on the teacher you know, the subject is the same.
G2: Maybe. Oh, by the way, have you answer our assignment in Math? I think we have
an assignment.
G1: Ha? Do we have an assignment? Shockz! I don’t know! (Worried).
G2: “Shunga!” Let’s answer it! We still have minutes left.
G1: Wait, what page is that?
G2: Page 167 I think, I’m not sure.
G1: I found it; I encircled the numbers to answer.
G2: Good.
(They start answering.)
G2: Girl, can I ask a favor?
G1: What?
G2: I forgot how to answer this; can I copy your answers?
G1: “Shunga!” This is so simple you know? Just follow your notes!
G2: Sorry, I’m so weak when it comes to Math you know? Girl, please, please! (holding
the arm of the other girl.)
G1: Alright! Alright! But before that, I have a condition.
G2: Over ha! What’s your condition?
G1: Buy me a sundae after class!
G2: What? Okey. No probz!
G1: Did you bring your notes? I forgot mine eh.
G2: “Shunga!” Okey, wait. (Getting her notes from her bag.) Here!
G1: Where are your math notes here?
G2: (Finding her notes.) Here oh, are you blind?
G1: Whatever! (Start answering.).
G2: You’re so smart girl, what is your secret?
G1: smart “dadtoo…”
G2: Weh? Where did you get your brain?
G1: From your heart.
G2: Hahaha! “Shunga!” What can I help you?
G1: Just shut up! Oh, what time is it?
G2: Hmmm… (Looking at her watch.) It’s 1:47pm.
G1: We still have time, good for us it’s only 3 items, we can finish this up quick.
G2: Yaahh… ai, girl, I will read again my ebook, is it okey?
G1: Go. What story do you read now?
G2: Voiceless. I almost wanted to cry.
G1: O.A.. ha? What happen? (While answering the assignment.)
G2: “Basta!” Hard for me to explain.
G1: “Shunga!” KJ!
G2: Okey, I admit I’m KJ, sorry!
G1: Whatever!
G2: OMG! (Laughing.)
G1: Are you crazy?
G2: Can’t you get me? I’m reading the climactic part, “Shunga!”
G1: Ah… What happen? Share “naman.”
G2: Secret! Are you done?
G1: Not yet but one item left.
G2: “Shunga.” Finish it first!
G1: “Shunga.” When I finished this, let’s go to our room quickly. (Continue answering.)
G2: Hahahaha. How sweet!
G1: (silent)
G2: Hahahaha. OMG girl! (reading her cellphone.)
G1: Can you just shut up?
G2: Ow. Sorry, don’t be mad.
G1: Tss. (Still answering.)
G2: (Smiling while reading her phone.)
G1: okey. I’m done!
G2: Weh? Can I have a look?
G1: Copy it later! Let’s go! Our time is near!
G2: Wait! (Returning her notes to her bag.) okey, let’s go!
G1: “Shunga gyud!” (Getting her bag then walk away with the other girl.)
„The McDonaldization of Society‟, George Ritzer


This book encompasses concepts from sociology, management, and economics to provide a
profound understanding of our modern society. According to George Ritzer, McDonaldization is
defined as the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate
more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world. Toys “R”Us, Wal-
Mart, Gap, Jiffy Lube, and Home Depot are all examples of companies that want to become the
McDonald‟s of their industry. The success of McDonald‟s is also evident worldwide as over half
of the company‟s revenue comes from overseas operations serving 50 million customers a day.
Indeed, this fast-food restaurant has become more than just a company. It has become a part of
our culture.

McDonaldization‟s Process

Ritzer argues that the success of McDonaldization can be explained through four dimensions.
The first dimension is efficiency. For consumers the restaurant offers an efficient way to go from
hungry to full. Workers at McDonald‟s also operate efficiently by following predesigned steps of
a process. The second dimension is calculability which focuses on the quantitative aspects of
McDonald‟s products. Examples include portion size, cost, and the amount of time it takes for
the customer to get the product. This is important because people in the U.S. now view quantity
as being as important as quality. People also calculate how much time it will take for them to get
to a McDonald‟s rather than eat at home. Predictability is the third dimension. When a person
goes to McDonald‟s he or she can be sure that the product is going to be the same every time
they go. The fourth dimension of McDonaldization is control. This is exerted over the customers
with the use of lines, limited menus, and uncomfortable seats. These methods of control cause
people to eat quickly and leave. While McDonald‟s has become an inevitable part of our society,
there are still some sectors that are not affected. One aspect of un-McDonaldized society can be
traced to the earlier pre-modern age, such as the „mom and pop‟ grocery store. Although their
operations have not been affected by McDonaldization, they are becoming rare due to the
competition of Wal-Mart.

Trough his analysis, Ritzer refers to bureaucracy theory as proposed by the German sociologist
Max Weber. Weber maintained that the modern West is marked by rationality and consequently
is dominated by efficiency, predictability, calculability, and non-human technologies that control
people. In the same vein, Ritzer considers the McDonaldization process as an amplification of
this theory. Formal rationalization means that people‟s search for the optimum means to an end
is shaped by rules, regulations, and larger social structures. The bureaucracy ultimately leads to
fewer options because virtually everyone can make the same optimal choice. Although the
bureaucracy does not offer many options it still has advantages within the four dimensions of
rationalization. First, the bureaucracy is viewed as the most efficient structure for handling tasks
with large amounts of paper work. Second, bureaucracy values the quantification of as many
things as possible. The third advantage is that because of rules and regulations, bureaucracy
operates in a highly predictable manner. Finally, bureaucracy emphasizes control over people
through the replacement of human judgment with rules, regulations, and structures.
The Forces that Drive McDonaldization

According to Ritzer, there are three important factors which contribute to the increasing
prevalence of McDonaldization. These factors are: material interests, the culture of the U.S.
which values McDonaldization as an end itself, and the degree to which McDonaldization is
attuned to important changes taking place in society. Through McDonaldization economic goals
and aspirations can become more easily attainable. It has become an end in itself in that people
value efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control and will seek them out whether
economic gain will result or not. The third explanation for the rush toward McDonaldization is
that it meshes well with other social changes taking place throughout the world. The fast-food
model thrives in a society that emphasizes mobility; therefore these restaurants suit a society in
which people prefer to be on the move.

McDonaldization and Efficiency

Although the fast-food industry did not create the desire for efficiency in society, it has helped
efficiency turn into a universal reality in everyday life. The streamlined process of
McDonaldization has spread to other restaurants within the fast-food industry. Other restaurants
such as Taco Bell, Burger King, and Domino‟s have all created processes to get customers in and
out as quickly as possible. The frozen food industry sprang up as a result of the demand to speed
up and simplify home cooking. Dieting and exercise has been affected by McDonaldization as
well. Diet books now promise shortcuts to weight loss, pills are sold to lose weight, and diet
centers sell prepackaged dried food. Some other areas of society that have been affected by
McDonaldization include shopping, higher education, healthcare, and entertainment. The
department stores, shopping malls, and even gas stations have all become streamlined stores
which allow consumers to buy products quickly and efficiently. Universities now provide
assessments that can be graded by a machine, leaving academics more time for research and
publication. Likewise, because of DVDs people no longer see it as efficient to go to the movie
theater. Now more efficient modes of entertainment are available such as Netflix, which allows
consumers to have movies delivered directly to their homes. People can also now listen to audio
books instead of reading them.

McDonaldization and Calculability

Ritzer uses the term calculability to describe how a McDonaldized society like the United States
of America emphasizes quantity over quality. The emphasis on quantity in fast food restaurants
leads to decreased quality for the customers, but customers are not the only people that suffer
from the restaurants striving for quantity instead of quality. The most efficient way to produce
mass quantities of food is to have the food preparation process broken down into several
individual parts. Like Henry Ford‟s assembly line, each worker is conducting one small task
repetitively which leads to employees feeling no sense of personal meaning or pride in their
work. Thus, both the employees work experience and the services provided by the employees
suffer a decrease in quality. Ritzer argues that everything in a McDonaldized society must be
quantifiable. For example, in the current day educational system in the United States “the focus
seems to be on how many students („products‟) can be herded through the system and what
grades they earn rather than the quality of what they have learned and of the educational
experience” (Ritzer, page 84). Ritzer points out that the entire educational system has become
quantified in the sense that the students are now evaluated by their Grade Point Average (GPA)
and how their GPA ranks against that of their fellow classmates. Also, colleges have become
quantified by how they rank against other colleges in any particular area. Similarly, television
shows are quantified because stations use a ratings system to determine which shows stay on the
air and which shows will be cancelled.

McDonaldization and Predictability

When customers walk into a McDonalds anywhere in the world they will get the same
experience regardless of location. The employees will be wearing the same uniforms and
addressing the customer with the same basic responses. The same repetitive tasks not only
increase efficiency, but also enable companies to consistently produce the same products each
time, thus making the employees duties predictable. Predictability and McDonaldization have
hugely affected the movie industry in the United States. The customers need for predictability in
a McDonaldized society has lead to a significant increase in movies with unoriginal plots and
movies with multiple sequels. Ritzer uses movies such as: The Ring, Spiderman, Saw, The
Matrix, Shrek, and Mission Impossible, to exemplify modern movies that have spawned multiple
sequels. It seems that the customers feel more comfortable with movies that are not completely
original. According to Ritzer, sequels and movies with unoriginal plots are more likely to
succeed at the box office than movies that are completely original, and therefore the profits are
more predictable. Another way that the movie industry has succumbed to predictability is the
rating system that is applied to all movies. Predictability has also affected how people living in a
McDonaldized society go about their shopping. Most people now do their shopping in malls,
which are filled with McDonaldized shops that sell the same predictable products in all of their
stores throughout the world.

McDonaldization and Control

According to Ritzer, the non-human technology is controlling not only workers, but also
consumers as well. For instance, at McDonald‟s the non-human technology increases the control
over the employees making sure that customers are getting exactly what they wanted every time
they place an order. The same can be said for doctors and how they treat their patients. The main
doctor is now just the start of the process of diagnosing what a patient may have. The doctor will
send the patient elsewhere after examining the patient, perhaps to a specialist or to other experts.
In essence, the general practitioner or family doctor isn‟t the solution anymore like it used to be.
A person‟s doctor is just the start of a long pathway for some patients who are trying to figure
out what is wrong. People with creative ways of doing work aren‟t always the ones coming out
on top, especially in „blue collar‟ jobs. Ritzer talks about U.S. airlines and how every minute of
their work on the clock must be accounted for. When you think of a pilot and how much control
they have of an airplane you‟d think it would be a pretty big job. Ritzer explains how on the
contrary pilots‟ jobs have been McDonaldized by on board computers that basically run the plane
between take off and landing of the plane. In short, most jobs are controlled by a system that is in
In a McDonaldized society, the non-human technology controls the customers as well. For
instance, customers face a variety of structural constraints and they follow the norms when they
enter a fast-food restaurant. All of these are ways to control customers at fast-food restaurants to
act in a manner in which the business wants them to act. Ritzer elaborates on the effects of non-
human technology in universities, hospitals, and supermarkets and illustrates how they are
controlling customers‟ wants and needs. Fast-food restaurants today have little preparation.
Everything is pre-cooked, wrapped, cut, and seasoned. To go even further the process in which
the food is cooked is already predetermined. Ritzer reflects on birth and death and illustrates how
our lives are becoming McDonaldized. The clinics guarantee a live baby. Giving birth to a child
is becoming more common in hospitals than anywhere else such as a home. At hospitals the birth
process has been standardized to a series of efficient steps. Ritzer points out: “Women are herded
like sheep through an obstetrical assembly line, are drugged and strapped on tables where their
babies are forceps delivered” (Ritzer, Page 135). The author goes further to argue that people
today have the ability to slow down the death process by getting medical attention and care
rather than just letting life have its way. Deaths are mainly controlled by hospitals today.

The Irrationality of Rationality

While the bureaucracy offers many advantages, it suffers from what Ritzer describes as the
irrationality of rationality. Bureaucracy can create a dehumanizing place for a person to work in
or be served in. Aside from the dehumanizing effect, there are several other irrationalities.
Bureaucracies can become inefficient when there are too many regulations. Also, bureaucracies
can become unpredictable as employees grow unclear about what they are supposed to do and
clients do not receive the service that they expect. For instance, in a McDonaldized society,
customer service is becoming standardized and void of any real friendliness, thus it is becoming
ineffective. Another example is that people know fast food isn‟t good for their health but yet they
still eat it, because it is efficient, cheap, and fast. People have taken McDonaldization to an
extreme where if they can‟t have their dinner made within ten minutes they find something else
that is quick and easy. Not many household moms cook large dinners anymore and actually have
a sit down dinner. People‟s lives are demanding to be faster and faster due to McDonaldization.
Many parents do not have time to sit down and read to their kids anymore, because in a
McDonaldized society even the McDonaldized books can be found on audio books and TV.
Ritzer argues that even sex and intimate relations are becoming McDonaldized as people rely on
certain medications that speed up the sexual arousal. Ritzer goes further and blames the
McDonaldization for its negative effects on the natural environment. The increase of farm
animals and chemicals and the trash from fast food restaurants are some examples of such
negative effects. Similarly, McDonaldized education, online courses, and bigger class sizes have
prevented students and instructors, from having that close interaction that they had previously.

Globalization and McDonaldization

The idea of glocalization is that global institutions are brought into the local community.
McDonald‟s is trying to standardize and homogenize other parts of the world; as such it is a
globalizing force. The outcomes of globalization and glocalization are also discussed as being
either „something‟ or „nothing‟. „Something‟ can be described as being indigenously created
from the local culture. It is also important for „something‟ to be substantial and have deep
meaning. „Nothing‟, on the other hand, is often centrally conceived and is devoid of any real
content or meaning to anyone. Thus, something has more meaning, flavor, character, or history.
Nothing is empty, forgettable, and made to please everyone by making it boring and similar to
everything else. Some examples of globalization of something include museums, traveling art
exhibits, concerts, and knowledgeable tour guides. All of these examples cater to limited
audiences but deliver something that is unique and meaningful through a standardized process.
Globalization of nothing is when something is watered down to appeal to a wider range of tastes
and it is offered at low prices and in high demand. Globalization of nothing is the easiest way for
companies to expand because they make everything the same, in every location, and market it
the same. As a result, the process of McDonaldization is spread on a global scale. On the other
hand, the glocalization of nothing can be demonstrated through the transformation of tourist
areas. It can be seen that as there is higher demand for something, it leads to it being transformed
into nothing. An example is a souvenir shop that now sells items that reflect the local culture but
may be made in another part of the world. Finally, the glocalization of something can be
described as something not mass produced, only made or sold locally, and which often has a
meaning to a certain location. After looking at all of these combinations, the author makes the
case for why McDonaldization can be considered an example of either the „globalization of
nothing‟ and the „glocalization of something‟. As the globalization of nothing, McDonald‟s and
other fast food restaurants are seen as giant multinationals that come into other countries to bring
standardized foods and processes that mean nothing to the local people. McDonaldization also
has the power to cause local restaurants to transform to become more like McDonald‟s and
spread the processes of McDonaldization to the rest of the world. Because the local communities
are able to change the ways that things are done, they can see the McDonaldization processes as
their own. McDonald‟s tries to adapt itself in many ways to become as much as part of the local
culture as possible, and can thus be seen as the „glocalization of something‟. Although the basic
processes and menu may still remain, McDonald‟s tries to customize its menus based on local
tastes, preferences, and customs.

Dealing with McDonaldization

The author brings up many ways for people to help themselves and society to deal with the
increasing McDonaldization in our society. He states that people generally fall into one of three
cages that summarize their view. In the velvet cage are people who are not threatened by
McDonaldization, but instead enjoy and are comforted by the rationalization and the
predictability it brings to society. The rubber cage is for people who dislike some aspects of
McDonaldization, but at the same time like other aspects of it. They are usually the one who
recognize the cost of becoming too McDonaldized and try to find ways to temporarily escape the
process. The third type is the iron cage, and these people are more pessimistic and try to fight
back against the McDonaldization process. Indeed, more and more people fall into the velvet
cage group because they are increasingly dependent on fast, quick, convenient, and predictable
products and services. These people may fall in the second category for luxury or hobbies, but
overall they like to know what will happen before they do anything. Also one may dislike the
McDonaldization process for different reasons such as, working conditions or to defend the
interests of small and local restaurants/businesses.
Dr Hamid Yeganeh is assistant professor of international management at Winona State
University in Minnesota, USA. His research focuses on cross-cultural/comparative management
and organizational theory. His work has appeared in various journals such as International
Journal of HRM, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, International Journal of
Commerce and Management, Gender in Management, Personnel Review, International Journal
of Conflict Management, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, International
Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, and Gestion-2000.

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