Food Waste Report
Food Waste Report
Food Waste Report
This report was prepared for the Global Food Security Programme (GFS) by Mark Bond and Theresa Meacham, with inputs from Riaz Bhunnoo and Tim Benton. GFS is a partnership of the UKs main public funders of research on issues around food security (see www.foodsecurity. for details). This report should be cited as: Bond, M., Meacham, T., Bhunnoo, R. and Benton, T.G. (2013) Food waste within global food systems. A Global Food Security report (
Executive Summary Part one: Global food security and hunger Introduction Food waste definitions Global characteristics of food waste 1 3 3 3 4 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 14 15 15 19 20 21 21 21 23
Part two: Food waste in the UK Structure of the UK food supply-chain Food waste within primary production Weather related food losses Retail-driven food production losses Post-production food waste Retail supply-chains Food waste during consumption Hospitality and food service sectors Household food waste Summary of food waste within the UK
Part three: Research priorities and needs Priorities within developed countries Priorities within developing countries Research needs: evidence gaps
Part four: Closing remarks Behaviours and potential for change Conclusion
List of Figures
Figure 1: WRAP classification of Household waste Figure 2: Supply-chain food losses per capita from production to retail and final consumption stages, Figure 3: Demand for Food Consumption Figure 4: Food service market segments Figure 5: Percentage of edible purchases wasted by single person households compared to average households 4 4 5 12 12
List of Tables:
Table 1: Typical causes for food waste arising within developing and developed countries Table 2: Contributory factors for waste reduction in developed countries: Issues and priority areas 8 17
This report was commissioned by the UKs Global Food Security (GFS) programme to better understand the issues surrounding food waste in developing and developed countries, with a particular focus on understanding where new approaches and new research may be instrumental in reducing waste. The report is an independent assessment of the state of knowledge of the food waste area, and is aimed at all stakeholders involved in the programme. The findings of this research are to guide future research funding priorities, but do not represent the policy position of GFS partners. This report is underpinned by an extensive literature review, analysis of a survey circulated to a number of interested parties within the food system and over 40 consultations with GFS partner organisations and external stakeholders. The GFS secretariat would like to thank all who contributed to this report.
The GFS secretariat would like to thank all who commented on draft manuscripts or served as external reviewers; they include Julian Parfitt (Oakdene Hollins Research Consulting), Mark Barthel (WRAP), Robert Lillywhite (University of Warwick) and Peter Jackson (University of Sheffield).
AD Anaerobic digestion LFHW MDG Mt NGO NHR QoL RD RFID ROI SIK SME VMI WRAP Love Food Hate Waste Millennium Development Goal Million tonnes (Megatonne) Non-Government Organisation Non-host resistance Quality of life Refuse derived fuel Radio-frequency Identification Return of investment Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology Small & medium-sized enterprises Vendor-managed inventory Waste & Resources Action Programme BOGOF Buy one, get one free BRIC Brazil, Russia, India & China
CO2 (e) Carbon dioxide (equivalent) CPFR Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment CRM ECR Customer relationship management Efficient consumer response
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations FEI/HEI Further/Higher Education Institutes GDP IVC kcal LCA Gross domestic product In-vessel composting Kilocalories Life-cycle assessment
Executive Summary
The global population exceeded seven billion people during 2011 and is predicted to reach 9.3bn by 2050, with a projected increased food demand of 50-70%. Against this backdrop of rising demand, 868 million people are chronically under-nourished, equating to one in eight people worldwide. At the same time, it is estimated that over one third of all food produced globally for human consumption goes to waste. In the UK, 5.6 million people live in deep poverty, where basic food provision is a daily challenge; yet at the same time, 15 million tonnes of food is wasted annually, with nearly half discarded within UK households. Therefore, reducing the scale of losses and waste throughout the entire food system is a crucial step towards improving global food security. This report provides an independent assessment of the issues around food waste in developing and developed countries and suggests a number of potential future research priorities across the food supply chain. Variation in National wealth, across different countries, has a direct impact on capability in terms of capital infrastructure, technological adoption and a reliance on agricultural, manufacturing or knowledge economies. In developing countries, food is largely wasted at the pre and post-harvest stage, before the farm gate. Pre-harvest losses occur through significant yield and livestock losses, from a lack of resilience and control of natural assaults (biotic and abiotic stresses) characterised by basic agricultural inefficiencies and technological limitations. Post-harvest losses (PHLs) in developing countries are sizeable due to poor storage facilities and frequent infestation from rodents, pests and diseases. Dry and cold storage facilities provide farmers and growers with more market flexibility (e.g. not having to sell grain as soon as it is harvested) and economic benefit (e.g. reducing losses and improving overall produce quality). In developing countries, storage capability benefits are only possible when they are affordable and a general improvement in farm income occurs. A current evidence gap exists in understanding local, social and cultural drivers when establishing successful agri-tech schemes and how best practices may be more readily adopted. In developed countries, current priorities are polarised between early production and late consumption stages. Agricultural priorities seek to advance farming competitiveness, to reduce in-field yield losses and to address retail grading practices. Technological priorities centre on extending product freshness and shelf-life by enhancing ripening characteristics, innovative storage, packaging solutions, process efficiencies and food supply chain efficiencies to bring food to consumers faster and with more available shelf-life. The food and drinks industry in the UK is a major economic asset, with the agri-food sector collectively contributing over 89 billion to the national economy (7% GVA) and employing 14% of the UK workforce. At the production stage, agricultural losses of 15-20% are incurred through pests and disease, whilst retailer standards (e.g. size, shape and blemish criteria of fruit and vegetables) can reject up to 40% of edible produce (avoidable waste), which may never reach market. The UK food chain has been working to become more resource efficient, through a number of commitments (e.g. the Courtauld Commitment, the 5-fold ambition of the Food and Drink Federation, the Federation House Commitment and the British Retail Consortiums A better retailing climate). Work is also being undertaken to reduce weather related losses through better forecasting, so that waste from harvesting crops at the wrong time and from inefficient supermarket stocking can be reduced. Grading standards are also being redefined, e.g. by marketing odd shapes and sizes of fruit and vegetables. Within the UK post-production supply-chain, nearly one quarter of waste is generated during manufacturing processes, although this is largely the inedible (unavoidable) parts of produce. In contrast nearly three quarters of food waste occurs at the consumer stage; with two thirds of this being avoidable waste, equalling a 11.8bn economic loss, at an average annual cost of 480 per household and 680 per family. Food losses from within distribution and retail average just 3% of total losses. Products most prone to household waste are short shelf-life chilled products (perishables), most frequently associated with over-purchasing and poor household food skills (e.g. cooking and storage). Whilst consumers generally value food, many are unaware of food levels discarded, although sizeable reductions of household waste have been achieved in recent years. Three primary factors guide consumer choices; price, convenience and quality with modern consumers spending proportionally less income on food and less time on food preparation than previous generations. Various mechanisms to reduce post-production food waste. These include, reducing pack sizes, considering the impact of in-store promotions (e.g. BOGOF), clarifying date labelling and targeting particular households at risk of producing larger quantities of
waste (i.e. households which are single person, lower economic status and families with children). Currently, evidence gaps exist around how to nurture a social environment where consumers are nudged towards sustainable and healthy food choice, within a resource-constrained environment. There is a need for government agencies, NGOs and the food & drinks industry to engage with consumers to raise awareness and elicit change. Further research into the
UKs position on food waste, health and sustainable societies requires continued investigation to unravel the complexities of human behaviours, perhaps over multiple generations. Research priorities and needs for waste reduction have been suggested in this report (see pages 17-19), supported by survey analysis and stakeholder consultation. Priority areas take into account the whole supply chain; from food production, through to food processing and retail.
influences to ensure food security is sustainable. A food systems analysis captures inputs and outputs, processes and infrastructure factors throughout the supply-chains (including production and postconsumption) thereby allowing the full determination of impacts of wasted food to be quantified7. Food waste definitions Food waste most commonly refers to edible food products, which are intended for the purposes of human consumption, but have instead been discarded, lost, degraded or consumed by pests, and does not include the inedible or undesirable portions of foodstuffsa 3 8 9 10. Food waste may be more finely classified as food loss when incurred during early phases of the food supply-chain, and as food waste within latter phases11. Food loss occurs in production, storage, transport, and processing, which are the stages of the value chain with the lowest returns. Conversely, food waste generated at the end of the supply-chain within retail and final consumption is synonymous with higher value-chain potential; but also represents higher costs when diverted away from human consumption12.
Numerous definitions have been constructed to accommodate differing perspectives of food waste debates, as cited in the references above.
Within the UK, it is common for a generic food waste term (including liquids) to be used, which encompasses all food and drinks discarded throughout the entire food supply-chain, from production through to postconsumption (as defined by WRAP). Additionally, food waste may be disaggregated into three forms of waste (Figure 1), which in contrast to alternative definitions includes the inedible portion of food (unavoidable waste), as well as food of personal preference (possibly avoidable) and edible waste (avoidable waste)13 b. Including inedible food waste into the definition is advantageous, because it enables a consideration of food waste infrastructure requirements to be taken (e.g. composting or anaerobic digestion), so that biodegradable waste can be diverted from landfill.
Figure 1: WRAP classification of Household waste.
Source: WRAP (2009). Household Food and Drink Waste in the UK.
The above classification of food waste provides advantages when investigating patterns of food consumption and disposal in the UK, identifying potential value-adding channels of organic waste-streams and for more accurately determining the collective impacts of waste throughout the supply-chain and in landfill decomposition. The classification is largely relevant for the later stages of the food supply chain, post farm-gate. Economic and environmental costs are associated with input expenditure (e.g. water, energy, pesticides, fertilisers, seed or feed) and output impacts (e.g. processing, transport and landfill) which may be summarised as a carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).
Global characteristics of food waste Global food loss and waste is estimated at 1.3 billion tonnes annually across the food supply, equalling one third of global food production17 18. Data sources supporting the statistics for global food production are however sparse and estimates therefore need to be treated with a degree of caution. Surprisingly, the proportion of food not consumed within developing and developed nations is similar; albeit through very different channels. Of the one third global food wasted, a significant proportion (40% of total waste) is lost during early stage post-harvest and processing within developing countries; whilst conversely, in developed countries, an equally significant proportion is wasted during the latter stages of retail and consumption. These food losses are explored in relation to supplychain characteristics and dietary intake. In highly developed countries, food waste is most prevalent during consumption, which also represents the highest point of value-chain potential for food types such as fresh fruit and vegetables (rather than grain) (Figure 2)11 C.
c The international data presented in Gustavsson et al 2011 (Ref. 11) tabulates the extent of food loss and food waste along the supply chain, defined as: Agricultural production, Post-harvest handling & storage, Process & packaging, Distribution (supermarket retail) and Consumption.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions derived from total UK energy consumption is approaching 1 billion tonnes CO2e annually14. Nearly one fifth of emissions may be attributed to the food and drinks sector, largely through agricultural outputs and imported goods15 16; although this figure may differ depending upon the particular methodologies used. Therefore, when considering the production, consumption and disposal of food, there are inseparable impacts on the environment; and consequently, the food systems concept is an appropriate tool in which to frame food waste.
WRAP definitions for food waste (including drinks). Avoidable is food which prior to its disposal was edible. Possibly avoidable is food that can be eaten depending on personal preference (e.g. bread crusts) or by food preparation preference (e.g. potato skins). Unavoidable is waste that under normal conditions is not intended for human consumption (e.g. teabags, bones, eggshells). Reference 13.
An estimated 95-115kg of food waste is produced per person annually in developed regions, such as Europe and North America. In contrast, one tenth of this level of consumer food waste is generated within the lowincome nations, especially Sub-Saharan Africa and South/Southeast Asia, at 6-11kg per capita annually11. However, these losses also reflect the differential susceptibilities of commodity groups along the supplychain, and the different challenges faced by developing and developed nations; equalling average losses of 4050% of all root crops, fruits & vegetables; and 20-30% of cereals, fish, meat, dairy and oilseeds11 19 d. An observed trend between developing and developed countries relates to increasing food intake (as dietary calories) and higher national economic growth (i.e. GDP/capita)1; there also exists the expanding transition economies in Europe, the former Soviet Union and Asia, which exhibit common characteristics between the two (Figure 3)1 4 5. Low income countries are dominated by smallholder farmers, facing considerable challenges from harsh climates, inefficient agriculture (e.g. poor storage, hygiene and management practices) and fragmented supply-chains. Smallholders have limited access to information or trade with non-local food markets; however if market barriers such as access to market information or agricultural extension services can be overcome, innovation and the overall performance of farmers can be improved. Agriculture can act as a key driver in easing poverty for the worlds poorest communities; a 1% increase in agricultural GDP generates a 6% increase in personal expenditure. Nonagricultural GDP meanwhile, fails to return any direct financial benefits to the poorest 10%20 e. Transition countries are countries which are changing from central planning, to free markets and are moving toward high national income status. Transition countries may be characterised by population growth, increased urbanisation, rising incomes and a dietary shift more inclusive of meat, fish and dairy. This cultural shift is accompanied by higher calorific intake towards a nutrition transition with preponderance towards obesity and wider health implications, as observed in the BRIC nations; especially Brazil and China5. This transition is also paralleled by greater food losses and waste, due to both infrastructural inadequacies and consumption excesses21.
Graphical outputs and datasets are presented in Annex 1, summarising the relative losses of these different food groups throughout the supply-chain. Agricultural GDP also provides a sliding-scale in increased expenditure to 4% for the 10-20% decile; and 3% for the 30-40% decile poor populations.
High income countries possess supply-chains which are integrated and mechanised, albeit to differing capabilities. Even though these countries have a relatively high affordability for food (as a proportion of total income) these countries can still experience food insecurity. For example even today in the USA, 40% of food goes to waste at an economic cost of $165bn annually, whilst one in six citizens lack food security22. Within the EU27, nearly 90 million tonnes (Mt) of food waste was generated annually (2006 data) and in the UK, 5.6 million people live in deep poverty23. Food provision in the UK is an on-going challenge and 2 million people are affected by under-nutrition20.
National wealth is the primary differentiator of the above national income types, reflecting capability differences in capital infrastructure, technological adoption and a reliance on agricultural, manufacturing or knowledge economies. Food insecurity diminishes further along this (value-adding) supply-chain. In terms of supply-chain development and food diverted away from human consumption, Table 1 provides indicative causes of food waste within developing and developed countries. The shape and characteristics of food markets in the BRIC countries, affect food waste and losses. Brazil and China commonly adopt a supermarket driven supply chain, displaying characteristics more associated with developed countries (i.e. late stage food waste), although evidence suggests that losses do occur at the storage stage, as infrastructure development fails to respond to increased volumes of demand. Conversely in India, less than 1% of food is sold through supermarkets, with a high dependency on traditional wet markets and street vendors. India still lacks mature capital infrastructure and cohesive supply-chain capabilities, and therefore exhibits many of the traits more commonly observed for developing countries24. These examples demonstrate that when considering differences in food waste between nations, each system has advantages and disadvantages. Pre and post-harvest losses before the farm gate significantly contribute to food wastage in developing countries25. Pre-harvest losses occur through significant yield and livestock losses from a lack of resilience and control of natural assaults (biotic and abiotic stresses)26 f characterised by basic agricultural
inefficiencies and technological limitations. Post-harvest losses (PHLs) are sizeable due to poor storage facilities and frequent infestation from rodents, pests and diseases27. A lack of contiguous cold-chain, packaging, transportation and distribution networks all contribute to poor market access, thereby restricting opportunities to return investment and stability back into family smallholdings10. Methods to reduce PHLs in developing countries include more widespread education of farmers in the causes of PHLs, better infrastructure to connect smallholders to markets, more effective value chains that provide sufficient financial incentives at the producer level, opportunities to adopt collective marketing and better technologies supported by access to microcredit28. The extent, to which demands for higher quality produce from formal markets or traders can lead to reduced losses on the farm, is a potential area for future research29. It is expected that climate change will increase waste in post-harvest agriculture, because higher temperatures will lead to increased drying and fire risk of mature crops. There will also be greater losses from pests or diseases, both during production and storage30. For cereal grains, pulses and oil seeds, losses occur from grain scattering or deterioration caused by the activity of pests and micro-organisms, which themselves can be attributed to poor harvesting techniques, inadequate drying, poor threshing and inadequate transport and storage systems31. It has been estimated that the quantitative losses of cereal grains are 15-30% per annum32 and the value of cereal grain quantity losses for the whole of subSaharan Africa amounts to about 4 billion US dollars per annum33. Further PHLs occur from root and tuber crops, which are susceptible to physical damage once harvested, because of their high moisture content and losses from fruit and vegetables. A survey in Ghana, put losses of onions and tomatoes at 13.6% and 30.4% respectively, whilst losses from mangoes reached 60%34. Processing (e.g. canning, freezing or drying) has been identified as a solution to post harvest losses of fresh fruit and vegetables.
f Abiotic stress is elicited from non-living factors (e.g. drought, salinity or toxic heavy metals), whilst biotic stresses are induced through living organisms (i.e. weeds, pests and diseases from: viruses, bacteria, fungi and insects).
amassed, and even within manufacturing processes the majority of waste generated are the inedible portions of foodstuffs (unavoidable waste)36. A key aspect of food waste generation also lies within retail provision (and consumer choice), where the most compelling retail driver and competitive advantage is to maintain stock availability and provision of food commodities throughout the year. This modern day supply-chain generates food waste through the culmination of forecasting inaccuracies, product-gradings, over-production and a push of promotions (and potential waste) onto consumer households12 36. Retail promotions are an established part of the retail - consumer interface and are currently running at historically high rates, because of declining grocery sales leading to competition for market shares. Some retail promotions offer good value for money, with little change in food waste (e.g. on non-perishable products), whilst other promotions (like BOGOFs on perishable food items) can lead to more food waste, if not accompanied by good storage or preparation advice on recipe ideas. These drivers of food waste are explored further in Part two, specifically in context of the UK food supply-chain and consumerism.
Livestock products are highly perishable and can incur large losses in developing countries, especially when a cold chain is absent. Trekking animals to market may appear the cheapest way of transporting animals; however weight losses (estimated at 30% in Africa35) may make the method more expensive. Furthermore, inadequate care of the meat due to poor hygiene, high ambient temperatures and lack of refrigeration during and after slaughter can also lead to losses from spoilage due to mechanical damage, pathological damage caused by the invasion of bacteria and fungi and physiological deterioration due to ripening. In the developed world, better forecasting of consumer demand and weather can reduce waste (e.g. if it is a hot summer, more tomatoes may be needed which should be planted in early spring; if it is a wet summer, much of what has been grown will not sell) (Table 1). For the developing world, the issue between matching demand and supply is less acute. Better weather forecasting at the seasonal level, allows farmers to have prior knowledge about when to plant successfully, so that crops can go all the way through and reduce pre-harvest losses. Whilst food insecurity exists within population subgroups of developed countries, the majority of food wasted occurs during the late supply-chain stage of (household) consumption (Table 1). This is coupled with substantial quantities of edible goods being rejected during primary production, through contractual constraints (i.e. over-production contingencies) or by retail grading of fruit and vegetables in higher income countries (see sections Retail-driven food production losses and Retail supply chains for further details). Once food goods enter the post-production supplychain, relatively low levels of avoidable food waste are
Table 1: Typical causes for food waste arising within developing and developed countries. Sources: Sampled from references cited.
Developing countries
+ Pre-harvest losses: Extreme weather, pests, disease & weeds, less resilient crop varieties, poor soil quality and water shortages. + Agricultural production: weather effects, poor agricultural practices (e.g. tilling, continuous flood irrigation etc.). Technological limitations, often from manual farming with traditional implements, although increasingly with some level of crude mechanisation. + Labour limitations: Many women and children farmers miss educational opportunities when working in the field. High incidences of ill-health (e.g. HIV/AIDS) can also lead to labour shortages, especially at peak harvesting times. + High animal mortality rates: Poor animal welfare standards and high occurrence of disease (e.g. mastitis) which lowers productivity and potential market opportunities. + Early harvesting: Forced through weather conditions, alleviating hunger and financial constraints. Early harvest results in lower nutritional foods and lower returns on selling goods. + Post-harvest handling: Inefficient use of traditional and crude processes, for example: threshing, drying and winnowing practices. Poor or non-existent transit packaging and staff training in pack houses, lead to increased rates of product damage (e.g. through the crushing and bruising or produce). + Post-harvest storage: Losses from spillage or spoilage (pests and diseases) and foraging losses by birds and rodents etc. + Lack of physical infrastructure: Especially important in harsh climates. Poor storage and distribution facilities including cold-chain apparatus. + Processing facilities: Low number of processing facilities, which limits scale of produce to be processed (i.e. higher value-chain) and preserved (shelf-life extension). Inadequate storage facilities affect food supply chains and networks. + Market networks: Distribution and market networks (e.g. too few wholesale, supermarket and retail outlets). Transport infrastructure, power supply and storage infrastructure (e.g. cold chain) affect food supply chains, networks and waste levels. Further problems include, poor information exchange between growers & markets, lack of grading of whats sent to market, lack of price differentiation of quality, markets not functioning well for small holders, because of too many middlemen. + Low Private sector investment: Private sector has ability to provide sustained market access and supply-chain capabilities - including distribution, processing, preservation and market networks.
Developed countries
+ Demand Forecasting: At the retailer end and at the growing stage is inherently complex and inaccurate, affected by seasonality, weather, time lag in crop production, marketing campaigns, product launches and special occasions/events leading to highly unpredictable demand. Sales channels are also becoming increasingly complex (e.g. in-store and online sales). + Pre-harvest losses: Climate change is likely to increase the prevalence of severe weather and certain pests, disease & weeds in crop varieties and animal breeds which have been chosen for yield rather than resilience or resistance. + Mechanisation: Losses attributed to farming practices and machine inefficiencies. + Over-production: For farmers to meet contractual obligations, an excess in yield is forecast to serve as contingency but may not reach market. + Storage: Losses from insects, microbial spoilage, shrinkage and storage failures (cold-chain, modified atmospheres etc.). + High retail grading standards. Produce which does not meet strict quality standards relating to appearance, weight, size, colour and shape may be rejected, often being diverted as animal feed or even ploughed back into the ground. + Food trimming: Excessive waste from automated or manual trimming. Additional processor errors. Processed food often requires additional packaging and assigned retailer date labels (unlike many unprocessed produce). + Poor handling: Packaging failures, spillages, product damage and cold-chain efficiencies. + Supply-chain: Shrinkage, product recalls, packaging changes, labelling errors, cold-chain failures, contamination. + Retailers: Forecasting, out-grading standards, delivery rejections, poor stock rotation, promotions management. + Fast-food time limits: Commercial outlets set standing timelines after which cooked food must be discarded if not sold. These timelines can be short (e.g. 10-20 minutes). + Consumers: Affordability, attitudes, behaviours, choice, promotions, date labelling, food safety concerns, poor shelf life of fresh products after purchase. + Household practices: Portion sizes, discarding leftovers, poor meal planning and cooking abilities, low awareness of food handling or safety and optimal storage (including correct storage options, refrigeration maintenance or freezing practices).
As a more detailed guide to food waste and process inefficiencies within the UK food supply-chain, a series of sector maps have been produced for drinks (Ref :41), meat (43), fruit & vegetables (56) and fish and shellfish (57).[a resource map for pre-prepared foods has also been completed].
Retail-driven food production losses The main UK retailers have a large impact on UK farming production practices, by providing advice, investment and contracts for produce. Contractual obligations can include On Time In Ful contracts, which require farmers to have produce available at a specified time and with a predefined amount. This practice encourages contingency planning by farmers to ensure yield agreements are met; if the farmer is tied into an exclusivity deal, excess goods may result from there being few alternative markets for selling the surplus55. In addition, consumers consistently demand high quality produce, and retailers respond to this need through applying stringent product grading standards. However, such criteria can result in rejected goods affecting up to 40% of total yields, and in the absence of alternative markets, sub-standard but still edible produce is redirected as animal feed or simply ploughed back into the ground24 56. Whilst overseas suppliers are also subject to stringent criteria for UK markets, international suppliers utilise multiple market options to channel differing standards of goods, whereas many UK farmers are contracted to the big retailers with few alternate market options for residual goods. In an examination of the sustainability of European food supply chains, Defra deemed such high grading standards to be unsustainable55 and some progress being made with retailers marketing odd shapes and sizes for fruit and vegetables, to minimise waste. There is also a growing body of evidence that more UK consumers are prepared to accept, so called ugly fruit and vegetables, because of sustainability and also food price inflation concerns.
Weather related food losses Severe weather events (e.g. extremes in temperature, rainfall or wind) are expected to increase in frequency in the future48. During 2012, some areas of the UK had extremes of both drought and rainfall and were described as experiencing the wettest drought ever49. Agricultural productivity was highly impacted with yield reductions in the order of 25% (e.g. for potato and apples), whilst the UKs main cereal crop of wheat witnessed yields more typical of three decades ago (down 15%) and all incurring consequential price rises50. More recently, the severe snows in March 2013 resulted in extraordinary levels of livestock mortalities, with English, Scottish and Welsh sheep losses in April more than 50% higher in 2013 than in 2012; this was equivalent to 35,000 additional lives51.The UK Met Office is currently working with major retailers to mitigate the effects of severe weather events in the future. Various lead times are being used to help optimise the food supply chain and realise reductions in waste through inappropriate lifting of crops and supermarket stocking. Agricultural losses attributed to weeds, pests & disease within the UK (and Northwest Europe) are still substantial at 15-20% of expected yield (although variability in losses does occur across crops); but these losses are the lowest globally compared to over one third in other industrialised regions and over half in developing countries52. Livestock and fisheries are also affected by a host of endemic and exotic diseases, which affect productivity and mortality rates. Over the last decade, the UK has endured over 14 exotic disease outbreaks (from Avian flu to Bluetongue)53 with Schmallenberg virus (SBV) being the most recent arrival to affect livestock in 201154.
Management practices are often culturally embedded across the industry which focuses on maintaining replenished retail shelves to attract high consumer satisfaction and long-term loyalty38 60. This constant supply-chain push leads to food waste generation; in part, driven by corporate penalties relating to sales and availability targets. As a consequence, perhaps the largest challenge for retail management is forecasting demand and inventory management to ensure appropriate levels of stock rotation to maximise sales whilst minimising waste. Product forecasting still proves highly problematic for retailers and this inaccurate science is further complicated by the seasonality of goods, weather patterns, consumer trends and calendar events, from designated holidays to sporting fixtures and national events38. Commercial food supply-chains are viewed as inefficient compared to other manufacturing sectors, because manufacturing processes generate nearly one quarter of all food waste (post-production to consumption). The majority of this waste is inedible (unavoidable) components, such as peelings, offcuts, stones, shells etc. and the amount depends upon whether by-products are sent animal feed or alternative outlets. Distribution and retail generate proportionately low levels of food waste (just 3% of total), but this still amounts to 366,000 tonnes per annum61. The economic value of finished goods from distribution and retail is high, so their loss and waste may significantly affect the profitability of the sector. The process by which food waste is amassed and potential preventative initiatives behind food waste are discussed below. Food waste during consumption Food consumption patterns can be differentiated between food that is consumed within households and food consumed away from the home (i.e. the hospitality sector) (Figure 4). In total, UK households create over 7Mt of food waste annually, and combined with the hospitality sector; the stage of intended consumption accounts for half of all food waste (post-production)15. Hospitality and food service sectors Nearly 80bn is spent on food goods purchased through external services (profit and cost sectors)h. Initial findings indicate that the four major hospitality
h The profit sector comprises of businesses primarily trading in catering and or accommodation services with the objective to maximise profits, with the four largest market outlets of: quick service restaurants (QSRs), restaurants, hotels and pubs. The profit sector also includes guesthouses, bed & breakfast establishments and youth hostels.
Post-production food waste Following primary production, food produce enters the post-farm gate supply-chain either for distribution as final products (e.g. fresh goods) or via manufacturing supply-chains41 43 56 57 58. During manufacturing, foodstuffs undergo one of a whole range of procedures from basic primary processing (e.g. milling, animal slaughter) through to multiple complex process (and logistics) stages in the preparation of ready meals for example. These finalised products are then distributed to consumer retail outlets or to the hospitality and food service sectors15. A Defra commissioned study59 identified a need for research to improve raw material quality (e.g. crop plant breeding) to support processing needs, to meet consumer demand and to meet the challenges posed by land use constraints, resources and the impact of climate change. Further detail about this report may be found in Annex 3. Retail supply-chains Businesses may not be aware of the costs of food waste within production processes, because management focus is instead on yields and increasing sales. Furthermore, the industry has sometimes tolerated waste as a supply-chain by-product, in order to secure sectoral competitive advantage and profit. Business practices between suppliers and retailers (pre-consumption) allows waste generation through three causal factors; relating to management practices, product integrity (e.g. quality and packaging) and environmental & consumer influences38. Central to the generation of food waste within the commercial supply-chain is the dynamic relationship between retail management practices and consumer demands and influence, as discussed within the context of research priorities (Part two).
The cost sector differs in that hospitality is not the primary function; and profit is not the main driver, whereby service provision is the over-riding objective; these include: catering and accommodation services within the premises of schools, hospitals, prisons, military facilities etc.
segments generate 0.4Mt avoidable food waste that enters landfill; at an economic loss of 722m annually62 (as illustrated, Figure 4). A WRAP-operated Hospitality and Food Service voluntary agreement has been initiated to support the sector in recycling and reducing waste. Further research is required in this area, because eating out is becoming increasingly popular and the current evidence base for the scale of waste produced across this sector is small63 64 65.
Figure 4: Public sector food procurement and sales of food and drink in the UK food service sector, 2011.
which, are: Cooking, preparing or serving too much food; or over-portioning, contributes to over 40% of household food waste which often reflects excessive pack sizes of goods especially for smaller households. Whilst smaller pack sizes are available at a premium, price is the prevailing driver in purchasing decisions69. Similarly, shoppers are highly influenced by in-store promotions and because many of these products are perishable. If they are not frozen for storage, many households experience increased pressure to consume more food within a shorter period of time. Food not used in time is linked to modern lifestyles, which do not promote prior planning of when food should be bought and eaten. Furthermore, research has indicated that product date-labelling is a prominent factor in food disposal decisions70 71. Over recent years, product date formats have been simplified and consumer awareness grown; although the benefits of product packaging and optimum storage conditions remain common household barriers contributing to unnecessary food waste70 72.
Figure 5: Percentage of edible purchases wasted by single person households compared to average households.
Household food waste In contrast, patterns of food waste within UK households are well documented. Collectively, 38Mt of food and drink enter UK homes each year, of which nearly one fifth is discarded. This translates into a 12bn annual food surplus, costing 480 per average household66 i and 680 for family households67. On average, households amass over 5kg total food waste weekly with nearly two thirds being avoidable waste68, from cooking, preparing or serving too much or more commonly by food not eaten in time (following definitions ascribed in Figure 1)13, the characteristics of
These channels of waste may also be aligned to distinct population sub-groups68. Households which typically generate the least food waste are the elderly and professional social classes. Possible reasons why the elderly generate the least waste individually include a wartime mentality towards food73 and the effect of inflation on savings and pensions. Households which generate more waste per person are often those of families with children, younger households or lower social class households; whilst single-person households generate the most waste (Figure 5)68 74. The current economic climate is also providing all households with an incentive for avoiding food waste and making purchases go further.
i Office for National Statistics data (derived from 2011 Census) calculated national average UK household size as 2.35 people (Ref: 66).
Likewise, relating to personal affordability is the temptation and influence of retail promotions. In-store promotions are a highly persuasive driver of consumer overspend; accounting for one third of total food sales. However, against popular belief the BOGOF bargains account for just 2% of sales compared to other marketing toolsj. In fact, consumers hold strong opinions that in-store marketing is the major cause of overspend and food waste production77. Whilst the evidence as to whether promotions directly encourage wastefulness remains unproven, it is anticipated that single person households would be most prone to additional wastage with their typical household routine and domestic practice73 78.Within a wider context, waste may be viewed as a by-product of lifestyles, information overloads, social norms79 and retailers policies on package sizes. Younger -person households appear unprepared and inexperienced in managing food within their homes. Individuals are less likely to check stocks prior to shopping and are less familiar with food storage. Single person households are also challenged by pack sizes and BOGOF retail promotions, which are frequently less suited to individual meal preparation compared to multiple households and families73. These combined factors culminate in high levels of food waste, making younger and single-person households a desired subgroup to explore behavioural changes towards better food management. Consideration should be given to ensuring that smaller sizes of products are made consistently cheaper (per unit mass or volume), than larger-volume products. Not only does Figure 5 illustrate the scale of food waste, but it also provides a snapshot of the types of foodstuffs being wasted by all households. Typically, products most prone to waste are the short shelf-life chilled products (perishable and delicate goods) especially bakery goods75 and fruits & vegetables13 38 56 74. In addition, large quantities of drinks which are disposed of down the drain are often not readily associated with food waste76. Whilst ready meals are not discarded at such excessive levels, their high economic value contributes to one fifth of wasted food budgets. Single person households are the largest consumers of chilled pre-prepared foods, such as ready meals which frequently have short expiry dates and are thus, highly prone to wastage. Within these waste-streams, there is a reciprocal trend of commodity prices against waste levels; whereby cheap staple foods (bread, cereals) are discarded and replaced much more readily than premium goods such as meats and fish, perhaps valued as an affordability-for-freshness75. As a final aside from the food waste debate per se, it is also important to at least highlight the parallel economic and environmental costs accrued from food waste. In fact, food waste incurs a double economic burden, the largest of which being from initial financial and energy costs of food production, the smallest of which being from additional fiscal penalties for waste disposal and the generation of deleterious greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. from landfill). These costs are not equally distributed throughout the supply chain. The environmental impact for every tonne of avoidable food waste produces an equivalent of 4.2 tonnes of CO2; nationally this is comparable to the emissions of one in five cars on the UK roads67. Furthermore, the water used to produce food and drink that is then wasted, represents 6% of the UKs water requirements, a quarter of which originates in the UK80. An environmental cost will always be associated with food, however reducing food waste and consumption can help minimise this cost. Towards this goal, the Government, in association with WRAP have developed a series of measures to help move society up the waste hierarchy.
j Various sales tools exist, most commonly used are the Temporary Price Reduction (TPR) and the buy x for y -accounting for 18% and 12% of total sales respectively. Other tools include buy x% free and multi-buy purchases accounting for just 2% and 3% of total sales respectively (WRAP, 2011)77.
Summary of food waste within the UK It is clear that the food and drinks industry is highly competitive, yet perhaps not as technologically advanced as envisaged, with major investment barriers for many supply-chain businesses. Consequently, the retail supply-chain has existed on principles of high throughput goods, process inefficiencies and an acceptance of waste as a by-product. However, it is also evident that the majority of food waste occurs during initial production and final consumption,
attributed to both technological limitations and behavioural influences resonating throughout the supply chain. It is also acknowledged that supplychain inefficiencies and food waste both contribute to associated economic losses and environmental impacts; these combined aspects all serve as an initial framework in which research priorities and opportunities may be positioned, as discussed in Part three.
Product enhancement (freshness/shelf-life) can be approached through innovative storage, preservation, reformulation or packaging solutions; or through biological control of crop maturation to exploit ripening properties of biological pathways. In fact by its very nature, many product enhancing approaches facilitate supply-chain efficiencies (in duration and monitoring). Sensing technologies (e.g. photo-electronics or biosensors) offer an array of potential real-time waste reduction applications, whilst packaging technologies have proven effective in microbial control along with the use of new materials. Moreover, further research is required to provide a better understanding of microbial biology (interactions and processes) to develop new anti-bacterial surfaces and environments to diminish spoilage throughout the food and drinks industry. As an example, the recent revelations of fresh two week sandwiches81 82 and 60 day bread83 provide insights into potential future possibilities through multidisciplinary research. It is important to recognise that such research applications also raise further questions surrounding consumer acceptance and behaviours of novel technologies and novel foods. Work by WRAP and FSA to underpin Love Food, Hate Waste is currently tackling safe-food practices via labelling. For household consumption, the Department of Health (DH) has undertaken much work to help
improve domestic food management skills, e.g. the Food Bus which toured schools. Private sector initiatives have also occurred in this space e.g. supermarkets that encourage children to cook. Similarly, for post-consumption, WRAP have been encouraging take-up of anaerobic digestion, though this is now being scaled back (Table: 2). At the retail-consumer interface, increasing product shelflife without compromising food safety offers the opportunity for retailers to manage product flows better and to respond to demand-pull rather than supply-push, and thereby diminish food waste. WRAPs Fresher for Longer campaign is attempting to get consumers to use food packaging to extend the life of food in the home84. However, modern lifestyles, shopping patterns and behaviours have developed strong social norms towards consumer engagement with food; these are explored below. Consumption priorities (Table 5) centre on retailerconsumer relationships, consumer behaviours within the home and wider social norms. As summarised in Part two, there is evidence to support waste reduction by perhaps focusing on the retail-consumer interface, to elicit change in shopping patterns and influences. At the wider commercial level, the growing market segment of hospitality and food service needs investigation, to better understand consumption behaviours and waste generation. There is a need to link good consumer behaviours and attitudes in the home with those that occur when eating out (particularly around portion sizes and plate waste). Finally, household consumption trends are in radical need of change across society; with preliminary focus on lower social groups, younger households, families and single-person households, as previously highlighted in Part two. It is widely reported within consumer research studies, that consumers are largely unaware of the levels of food waste generated. In part, this is complicated by individuals perceptions (and language used) to convey waste in terms of down the drain, pre-plate losses or leftover scraps13 70 73 76. Moreover, consumer behaviours
are identified as being complex, inter-linked and selfreinforcing where self-awareness can be a powerful trigger to alter behavioural outcomes and levels of waste generation, especially where cost is perceived as the primary driver for change. Nudging has been used as a tool to influence consumer choice towards a desired trajectory, as observed for social agendas, including: alcohol consumption, teen pregnancy, diabetes and even organ donation85. This approach has also been used successfully in a number of food-oriented initiatives, including salt reduction, nutrition labelling and television advertising, either through nudging consumer choice (nutrition education) or by changing market environments (fiscal, regulatory)86. As with other countries, the UK Government87 and Scottish Government88 have issued guidelines for dietary change; with priority goals to reduce food waste and to lower consumption of low nutritional foods, meat and dairy products. The desired approach to nudge consumers into eating the right choice of foods and without excessive consumption is applied through the principles of a low impact diet89 90, executed through a pro-environmental behaviours framework91, largely within local contexts 58 92 93 94 95. WRAPs96 and Zero Waste Scotlands97 Love Food, Hate Waste campaign is working to raise awareness of the financial and environmental impact of food waste. Scotland Food and Drink aims to provide support and leadership for the food and drink industry, to improve its sustainability in Scotland98. Whilst the development and understanding of a proenvironmental framework is becoming more wellestablished in nudging behaviours, there is a ceiling of change within individual lifestyles even for the most receptive members of society99. In fact, as interventions go, there is no real benchmark to draw upon where radical shifts towards eating desired and healthy food choices have been successful86. In light of this, studying the (national) cost-effectiveness of policy effectiveness, preliminary recommendations are in favour of preemptive interventions within the dietary health agenda, albeit as being socially intrusive100 101. Whilst the technological (codified) priorities have been explicitly presented within Table: 2, the tacit behavioural priorities affecting both primary production and consumption stages are not so well suited to this reductionism. As behavioural change is absolutely central to this food waste debate, the impacts of consumer behaviours and consumerism are briefly discussed in a worldview perspective in Part four.
Table 2: Contributory factors for waste reduction in developed countries: Issues and priority areas.
Product standards and uniformity including food safety
Pest and disease pressure, extreme weather conditions Sustainable ecosystem services mitigate environment impacts by lower inputs Sustainable crop production Higher crop productivity and greater resource efficiency Sustainable livestock Higher animal welfare & productivity. Potential GHG mitigation and impact of diversion from food crop yields. Environmental impact of restricting feeding food waste to animals. Sustainable aquaculture welfare/productivity Farm machinery efficiencies - reduce losses in handling, transportation and storage. Forecasting meeting retail demands Frequency of food spikes. Post-gate spoilage/shelf-life extension reduce waste through handling, transportation & storage. Additional benefits derived from seed/crop enhancement Microbial spoilage of produce - better understanding of food spoilage processes Cold-chain faster, development of deep chill technologies, efficient preservation processes, temperature stability, reduce energy inputs, emissions & hardware failure Monitoring product integrity, need accurate, faster detection and greater containment of spoilage or microbial contamination
Technology adoption & transfer - Low levels of automation, robotics or flexible processing systems Food preservation microbial management of food products and clean-air environments Resource efficiency reduce wastewater & energy inputs
Monitoring reducing process inefficiencies, and increasing QC measures for processed foods & drinks Supply-chain models meeting consumer affordability, demands and values
Shelf-life extension minimise microbial contamination/product spoilage; extending product life within retail and consumer premises (households/food-service sector)
Information and tracking systems direct microbial control of products and indirectly through innovative packaging Consumer acceptance new packaging and labelling technologies, and extended shelf-lives
Packaging technologies have provided significant advances in minimising spoilage and microbial contamination, thereby extending shelf-life and reducing waste concurrently. There still exists significant potential in utilising new materials and processes to further extend product integrity, and in providing supplementary retailer and consumer information. The popularity/ need of product traceability and authenticity is likely to expand in the future. Future priorities: + Extension of active packaging technologies and applications + Extension of intelligent packaging technologies and applications + Consumer awareness of packaging benefits within the home + Extension in clean-room environments (anti-bacterial surfaces) and antimicrobial applications. Retail environments are highly complex and dynamic, commanding established IT-systems capabilities to co-ordinate the flow of goods through stage-gate processes of the supply-chain. Retailers also serve as a technological hub throughout the supply-chain including innovations in packaging and data-labelling. However, dense environments and fast-flow of goods in backroom retail warehousing remains highly challenging. There is a priority need to understand consumer choice: using alternative providers (e.g. local markets or boxed vegetable deliveries) or food ethics (e.g. food miles or in-season) to consider the social impacts of future food provision models. Future priorities: + Advanced integrated supply-chain tracking systems + Flexible warehousing processes + Consumer engagement in food management skills + Retailer consumer relationship - Corporate social responsibility + Adoption of refillables and re-usables + Optimising resource efficiency (e.g. washing vegetables before sale).
The final 50 yards: Forecasting & inventory management to minimise surplus whilst maximising shelf replenishment and in-store shelf-life times Cold-chain (as above for Storage) Consumer choice: Provision of high value, quality & safe food. Purchasing needs versus wants (promotions) Date labelling consumer confusion and potential to extend maximum product life?
Food management and consumer waste Individual behaviours, attitudes, habits & values. New social norms & centrality of food. A better understanding of the base psychology around food and food waste.
Health messages Portion sizes, balanced nutrition and food safety guidelines Hospitality sector Consumer expectations for menu choice, nutritional standard in cost sector, complex environment in which to set food waste reduction priorities. Consumer and supermarket campaigns Effective social engagement and embedding practices Greenhouse gas emissions
Diversion from landfill best alternative uses for value-added (including energy generation) Anaerobic digestion nascent technology and adoption. Advances in early stage technology for energy production, digestate applications & networking systems
Post-consumption destinations of food-waste are pivotal in securing highest value-added and alleviation of landfill environmental impacts. Future priorities: + Retaining highest value-added - Social norms of sharing food: domestic and retail environments + Retaining highest value-added - Scientific research into biomolecule recovery + Anaerobic digestion + Implications for future models (on-farm, local hub, networks) + Biopolymer research.
Priorities within developing countries Over 98% of the 868 million undernourished people live in developing countries, predominantly within Sub-Saharan regions and Southern and Eastern Asia, and it is typically these regions which will also witness the greatest population growth rates towards 2050. It is clearly appreciated that significant and persistent capital investment is required within these least developed countries along with engagement with political powers and NGOs on the ground, education and policy reform. Food insecurity within developing countries provides an opportunity to focus on specific research priorities, although a model based on a bottom-up regional approach in priority setting and implementation towards national (and global) priorities may provide an appropriate framework to signal successful initiatives104. The strength of this approach is through attracting resources (priority-pull) rather than allocating resources (priority-push) facilitating greater community and organisational engagement, and therefore greater potential for such projects to succeed. There exists a mass of literature which has hailed successive case-studies through local engagement, novel thinking and applied workings; yet there remain
significant barriers to knowledge dissemination, technology adoption and best practices. There is therefore a need to better understand the social complexity of local contexts in establishing successful agri-tech schemes and how best practices may be more readily adopted universally. Taking a proof of concept approach, actionable research may be prioritised at post-harvest to maximise and retain yield, either through existing local and innovative re-
engineering solutions or accessible biological control approaches. In reality, there is an urgent need for multi-disciplinary research throughout the supply-chain from agricultural efficiencies, through to processing optimisation and economies of market structures. The Foresight Workshop on Global Food Waste identified the overall sequencing of the economic and technological development of food supply chains to be a key consideration for the reduction of food waste105. The workshop highlighted that there is little point in greater agricultural productivity, unless the infrastructure can deliver food to the consumer e.g. adequate storage, good roads and availability of transport packaging. Storage capabilities provide a compelling economic and social benefit in serving as a buffer between sustaining longer-term selfprovision, and increasing future market opportunities. Longer term self-provision provides greater food security, serves as a bartering tool and reduces external expenditure of alternative food goods. Similar buffering capacity may also alleviate adverse market conditions, providing a greater window of opportunity to access disconnected or sporadic markets. Storage capabilities and wider supply-chain benefits can be realised through economies of scale and the facilitation of farmers groups and co-operatives in achieving purchasing power, agricultural efficiencies and greater access to markets. That said, it would be nave to single out storage capabilities as a solution in isolation, but it is recognised as an important factor in conjunction with whole supply-chain and capital infrastructure investments4 19 106 107 108. Emergence of mobile technologies and social media approaches (e.g. peer to peer learning and information sharing amongst farmers and growers), has also recently gained momentum in reaching distant communities and is already proven to be a powerful
agri-business tool in knowledge dissemination106 107 109. But the scope of its reach and best utilisation remains to be explored as a key driver in terms of economic, social benefits and poverty alleviation. Finally, additional social enhancements may be returned through engagement and practical support for women farmers, whereby educational and health impacts can lead to amongst other things, greater farming efficiencies, waste prevention, and reduction of food losses1 108. Research needs: evidence gaps The global analysis of Gustavsson et al (2011) provides a clear perspective of supply-chain trends relating to food waste. This preliminary research should serve as a baseline for future analyses and success of policy developments to reduce food waste and alleviate global hunger. There is a need for future analyses to collect new on the ground data, from crops, food types and world regions and research into the utilisation of food waste is also important (e.g. for energy generation). The detailed analysis undertaken within the UK has provided key insights into food waste patterns and consumer behaviours. These sources of analysis have provided strong guidance in identifying the socioeconomic pinch-points of food waste generation. Currently, evidence gaps exist around how to nurture a social environment where consumers are nudged towards sustainable and healthy food choice, within a resource-constrained environment.
Alternative consumption models must be explored, with a need for greater environmental sustainability where food is viewed as a finite resource. Society as a whole needs to consider the current mass commoditisation of global food in providing cheap and plentiful goods, but at high environmental cost. New options should be explored which truly appreciate food as a natural (non-uniform) resource and move towards high quality, nutritious and sustainable food intakes, albeit perhaps at higher financial costs for consumers. Such an approach would incorporate sustainable and healthy diets (e.g. reducing red meat consumption), which have major global environmental and health impacts. As such, the food waste agenda may also be practicably viewed where food waste prevention also becomes an
integral component, derived from higher productivity and greater utilisation of finite ecosystem services in a food systems approach, framed in terms of the least environmental impact. These findings may be carried forward within the context of underpinning Global Food Security Programme objectives, and in supporting the UK governments Agri-Tech Strategy.
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The composition of waste disposed of by the UK hospitality industry. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury
66 Office for National Statistics (2013). Chapter 3 - Households, families and people in General Lifestyle Survey Overview - a report on the 2011 General Lifestyle Survey. ( 67 WRAP (2011). New estimates for household food and drink waste in the UK. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury. 68 Defra (2009). Enhancing participation in kitchen waste collections. [WR0209]. 69 WRAP (2008). Research into consumer behaviour in relation to food dates and portion sizes. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury. 70 WRAP (2011). Consumer insight: Date labels and storage guidance. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury. 71 WRAP (2007). Food storage and packaging. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury. 72 WRAP (2013). Consumer attitudes to food waste and packaging. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury. 73 WRAP (2007). We dont waste food! A householder survey. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury. 74 Defra (2010). Household food and drink waste linked to food and drink purchases. 75 WRAP (2011). Reducing household bakery waste. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury. 76 WRAP (2009). Down the drain. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury. 77 WRAP (2011). Investigation into the possible impact of promotions on food waste. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury. 78 WRAP (2013). The milk model: Simulating food waste in the home. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury. 79 Evans, D. (2011). Blaming the consumer once again: the social and material contexts of everyday food waste practices in some English households. Critical Public Health, DOI:10.1080/09581596.2011.608797 80 WRAP (2011). The water and carbon footprint of household food and drink waste in the UK. 81 Dunn, J. (2011). Packaging is now lighter and greener. But is it robust enough to prevent food waste? Food Manufacture October. 82 Judd, T. (2011). Long lunch? This sandwich stays fresh for two weeks. The Independent 5th July. ( long-lunch-this-sandwich-stays-fresh-for-two-weeks-2306968.html) 83 McGrath, M. (2012). Bread that lasts for 60 days could cut food waste. BBC News. 30th November. ( 84 85 Cabinet Office (2010). Applying behavioural insights to health. Behavioural Insights Team. ( data/file/60524/403936_BehaviouralInsight_acc.pdf) 86 EU FP7 Eatwell (2012). Effectiveness of policy interventions to promote healthy eating and recommendations for future action: Evidence from the EATWELL project ( 87 Government Office for Science (2011). Foresight project on global food and farming futures: Changing consumption patterns. Synthesis Report C8. 88 Scottish Government (2013). Revised Dietary Goals for Scotland. (www.scotland. 89 Garnett, T. (2011). Where are the best opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the food system (including the food chain)? Food Policy 36 S23-S32. 90 Defra (2007). A Synthesis review of the public understanding research projects. [EV02065]. 91 Defra (2008). A framework for pro-environmental behaviours. 92 Defra (2008). Understanding of consumer attitudes and actual purchasing behaviour with reference to local and regional foods [FO0312]. 93 Defra (2012). Understanding the environmental impacts of consuming foods that are produced locally in season. [FO0412]. 94 Defra (2009). Analysis of socio-economic aspects of local and national organic farming markets. [OF0337]. 95 Defra (2011). Can community food enterprises inform and deliver food policy? Insights from case studies. [EV0521]. 96 WRAP (2013). Love Food Hate Waste ( 97 Zero Waste Scotland (2013). Love Food Hate Waste Scotland (http://www. 98 Scotland Food and Drink (2013). Sustainability ( 99 Defra (2010). Motivations for pro-environmental behaviour. [EV0407]. 100 Cecchini, M., Sassi, F., Lauer, J.A., Lee, Y.Y., Guajardo-Barron, V. & Chisholm, D. (2010). Tackling of unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, and obesity: health effects and cost-effectiveness, Lancet. Nov 20. 376 (9754):1775-84 101 Sassi, F., Cecchini, M., Lauer, J. & Chisholm, D. (2009). Improving lifestyles, tackling obesity: The health and economic impact of prevention strategies. OECD Health Working Paper No. 48. ( documentpdf/?doclanguage=en&cote=delsa/hea/wd/hwp(2009)6)
102 A D Little consultancy, (2013). Mapping current innovation and emerging R&D needs in the food and drink industry required for sustainable economic growth. Report commissioned by Defra. 103 A D Little consultancy, (2013). Mapping current innovation and emerging R&D needs in the food and drink industry required for sustainable economic growth. Report commissioned by Defra. 104 Janssen, W., Kassam, A. & de Janvry, A. (2004). A regional approach to setting research priorities and implementation: Towards satisfying national, regional and global concerns. J. Agric. Food Res. 5 (2) 67-100. 105 Foresight (2010). Workshop Report: W4 Expert Forum on the Reduction of Food Waste. 106 UNEP (2012) Avoiding Future Famines: Strengthening the Ecological Foundation of Food Security through Sustainable Food Systems. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, Kenya. 107 FAO & OECD Interagency Report to the Mexican G20 Presidency (2012). Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Growth and Bridging the Gap for SmallFamily Farms. Consortium: Bioversity, CGIAR Consortium, FAO, IFAD, IFPRI, IICA, OECD, UNCTAD, UN High Level Task Force on the Food Security Crisis, WFP, World Bank, and WTO ( 108 FAO (2012). Greening the Economy with Agriculture. Rio+20. Rome, FAO. 109 CABI (2013). Direct2farm Newsletter Volume 1. 31st January. ( 110 Trivedi, B. (2012). Neuroscience: Hardwired for taste. Nature. 486 S7-S9. 21st June. 111 Evans, D. (2011). Blaming the consumer once again: the social and material contexts of everyday food waste practices in some English households. Critical Public Health, DOI:10.1080/09581596.2011.608797 112 Defra (2010). Motivations for pro-environmental behaviour. [EV0407] 113 WRAP (2007). Love Food Champions. Report prepared by WRAP. Banbury. 114 Defra (2009). The diffusion of environmental behaviours; the role of influential individuals in social networks. [EV0408]. 115 Defra (2010). Motivations for pro-environmental behaviour. [EV0407] 116 Shove, E. (2010). Beyond the ABC: climate change policy and theories of social change. Doi:10.1068/a42282 117 Pollock, C. (2012). Consultation draft: Feeding the future Innovation requirements for primary food production in the UK to 2030. (http://feedingthefutureblog.files. 118 Defra (2012). Green food project conclusions. 119 IAgrE (2012). Agricultural engineering: a key discipline enabling agriculture to deliver global food security. 120 Defra (2001). Knowledge transfer in agriculture arable. [ST0152]. 121 TSB (2011). Sustainable Agriculture and Food. ( innovationplatforms/sustainableagriculture andfood.ashx) 122 Government Office for Science (2010). Technology and innovation futures: UK growth opportunities for the 2020s. 123 Government Office for Science (2012). Technology and innovation futures: UK growth opportunities for the 2020s 2012 Refresh. 124 The Royal Society (2009). Reaping the benefits: Science and the sustainable intensification of global agriculture. London 125 Defra (2009). A Research and Innovation Network Supporting Adaptation in Agriculture to Climate Change [AC0302]. 126 BIS (2009). The Potential to Increase Productivity of wheat and oilseed rape in the UK. 127 TSB (2012). 11 million food technology funding puts innovation back on the menu. ( 128 TSB (2011). Nutrition for Life. Competition for feasibility and collaborative R&D funding. ( 129 IGD (2013). The seven biggest supply chain themes for 2013. 11th January. ( The-seven-biggest-supply-chain-themes-for-2013/) 130 Campden BRI (2011). Scientific and technical needs of the food and drink industry 2012-2014. 131 Defra (2010). Motivations for pro-environmental behaviour. [EV0407] 132 Defra (2009). Food synthesis review summary report. 133 Defra (2008). Understanding of consumer attitudes and actual purchasing behaviour with reference to local and regional foods [FO0312].
Produced by RCUKs internal service provider on 100% recycled post consumer waste
and waste along the supply-chain for different commodity food groups. This dataset below is reproduced herein to serve as a handy reference, in order to contribute directly to the food waste debate for the Global Security Programme. Graphical outputs are also provided for the food groups: cereals (Figure 6) as also presented in the main body of text, and fruit & vegetables (Figure 7), roots & tubers (Figure 8), oilseed & pulses (Figure 9), meat (Figure 10), fish & seafood (Figure 11) and dairy products (Figure 12).
Part of the initial production lost or wasted, at different supply-chain stages in different regions
Figure 6: Supply-chain losses - Cereals
Source: Gustavsson et al (2011)
Modern technologies:
To improve precision and efficiency of key agricultural management practices, towards precision farming and sustainable intensification principles
Systems-based approaches:
To understand better and manage interactions between soil, water and crop/animal processes; including rhizosphere processes and carbon flows, and GHG mitigation
Integrated management:
Develop approaches for crop and animal diseases within farming systems; including novel rotations, disease genetics, vaccines and welfare management
Evidence-based approaches:
To value ecosystem service delivery by land users and incorporate these approaches into effective decision support systems at the enterprise or grouped enterprise level; towards a circular agricultural economy
Enhanced crop productivity and quality - precision farming advances Improved animal health and welfare real time monitoring/ diagnostics Better use of irrigation water to support production
See Table 4 for post-gate research priorities and opportunities. [Framed around challenges within The Foresight Report. Ref: 3]
Ending hunger:
Conservation agriculture sustainability and mechanisation Ergonomically-optimised engineering for women and communities Reduction of wastage in food supply-chains technology and education
Foresight Project on Global Food and Farming Futures. Workshop Report: W4 GOS (2011)24 Information systems technology & knowledge transfer Improved post-harvest infrastructure For arable farms: Knowledge transfer in agriculture Defra (2011)120 Yield Meeting market standards/quality Nitrogen input costs. Fixed costs management Fungicide timing Weed control Cultivation costs Crop productivity including protection and nutrition Sustainable Agriculture and Food Innovation Platform TSB (2011)121 Sustainable livestock production Waste reduction and management GHG Reduction Technologies and Methodologies
Agricultural production:
Technology and Innovation New agricultural technologies, farming techniques and third generation crops. Bio-optimisation of production & processes - novel biomolecules, food safety processes 2nd and 3rd generation industrial bio-refineries to process non-edible plant and other waste into high value biofuels. Futures: UK Growth Opportunities for the 2020s. GOS (2010)122 Technology and Innovation
Futures: UK Growth Opportunities for the 2020s 2012 Refresh. GOS (2012)123
Carbon reduction:
Utilisation of biowaste, including anaerobic digestion or low carbon transport Other novel energy and low carbon technologies
Precision farming:
Microclimate level farming with reduction of chemical inputs and run-offs and providing higher productivity agriculture
Technology convergence:
e.g. genomics, micro-electronics and nanotechnologies in development of novel diagnostics sensors
Active packaging:
From product tracking (e.g. RFID) to food safety and atmospheric control of packaging.
3D printing:
Construction of ready to cook, reducing packaging & food waste along with lower water utilisation
Analytical tools:
Real-time stock controls or consumer behaviours
Applications within agricultural surveying, manufacturing and logistics
Recycling technologies:
For advanced mechanical sorting mixed waste
Crop breeding and genomics programmes to better understand and enhance Reaping the benefits: Science and the sustainable intensification of global agriculture. London The Royal Society (2009)124 germplasm of priority crops: For the UK; wheat, barley, oilseed rape, potato, vegetable brassicas and other horticultural crops Of international importance are millet, sorghum and rice Long-term research into genetic improvements into crops using genetic modification (GM) or conventional breeding programmes (e.g. by traditional hybridisation, phenotype analysis or marker-assisted selection, QTL)xi to: reduce environmental impacts through greater fertiliser efficiencies/uptake, or to grow as perennials increase yields and resistance to stress and disease improve photosynthetic capacity and nitrogen fixation by GM approaches Ecosystem-based approaches, agronomy and research into crop and soil management Translational research and international collaborations (e.g. China, Brazil, India and South Africa) Water application strategies A Research and Innovation Water storage technology New food crops Drought resistant varieties Opportunities, not priorities: water application technology soil structure and function Integrated Pest (Crop) Management crop scheduling Network Supporting Adaptation in Agriculture to Climate Change. Defra (2009)125
Potential to Increase Productivity of wheat & oilseed rape in the UK. BIS (2009)126
Oilseed Rape
Sustainable protection against pests, disease Sustainable protection against pests, disease and weeds and weeds Better water capture and conversion Improving rooting to exploit soil resources (nutrients and water) Better nutrient capture and conversion Better Nitrogen conversion Improved light conversion Early canopy closure Early stem extension Delayed canopy senescence Increased partitioning of dry mass to grain Improved light conversion, especially postflowering Improved pre-flowering assimilate production and storage Increased seed sink capacity Reducing harvest losses
Marker assisted selection (MAS) allows genetic identification of desired traits to be assigned to specific genes at a specific location on the DNA; this region is referred to at the quantitative trait loci (QTL). This QTL marker may then be tracked through conventional plant breeding cycles to ensure the desired characteristic has been carried forward.
Improved home economic skills Make food waste socially unacceptable Identification of who benefits from food waste reduction. Consumer vs Retailer Sensor development as process (line) efficiencies quality control tools Food Technology Fund TSB (2012)127 Drying and preservation processes Microbial management and waste reduction of produce Packaging and labelling technologies Shelf-life extensions Value-adding waste (by-products) Novel, healthier foods & processes Nutrition for Life TSB (2011)128 The seven biggest supply chain themes for 2013 IGD (2013) 129 Food safety, authenticity & traceability Integrating the planning process Understanding the online channel Data integrity checks In-store supply chain Automating order picking Shared resources knowledge exchange
Ending hunger:
Ergonomically-optimised engineering for women and communities Reduction of wastage in food supply-chains technology and education
Table 5: Literature listings for future consumption stage - social research requirements
Food Statistics Pocketbook 2012 Defra (2013)15
Consumer attitudes to food waste and packaging WRAP (2013)72 The Milk Model: Simulating Food Waste in the Home. WRAP (2013)78 Effectiveness of Policy
Poor consumer understanding of role of packaging within the home, with the opposite generally perceived as true. Packaging seen as excessive and bad for the environment Consumer awareness can change attitudes and behaviours to packaging and waste Prior actions can influence waste levels, including stock-taking and shopping patterns interactive and feedback loops which link purchasing decisions Waste prevention involves trade-offs e.g. additional packaging or shopping more often Benchmarking diet and health-related policy interventions of EU member states - most dietary interventions are recent, therefore weak evidence-base Majority of policies are information measures cost effective but small positive effects, and well-received by public Most common market interventions are directed towards: the nutritional composition of school meals the private sector to improve diets (i.e. reformulation of processed foods) Less common market interventions are fiscal incentives, nutritional standards and equity of food availability Social marketing campaigns to sustain messages and behavioural influences Member states should work towards introducing taxes aimed at promoting healthy eating and reinvest in further health programmes
Interventions to Promote Healthy Eating and Recommendations for Future Action: Evidence from the EATWELL Project EU FP7 Eatwell (2012)86
Foresight Project on Global Food and Farming Futures: Changing consumption patterns. Synthesis Report C8 GOS (2011)
Increased resource competition and dietary shifts leading to health and environmental impacts. Nutritionally balanced diet to reduce societal health costs Pro-environmental and locally sourced foods High priority reduce food waste, reduce consumption of low nutritional foods, dairy and meat products Medium priority increase consumption of fruit & vegetable and sustainable fish, with a greater environmental consideration in the production of food stuffs. Changing food consumption behaviours highly complex may take decades. Tools for change: taxes/subsidies, labelling, campaigns, targeting schools/workplace
Motivations are complex and contested. Individuals have different motivations and interact in different ways leading to unique patterns of behaviour. Potentially causal link between motivations and environmental behaviours Pro-environmental behaviours becoming a social norm especially recycling. Balanced between self-identity, status and social environment Individual ceilings (barriers) for change Positive greens most receptive Social circles (family, friends & colleagues etc) can influence to create new social norm Economic downtime as lever for actual change Policies to promote mainstream socially acceptable and self-rewarding activities Positive indicators for pro-environmental change, but not a new social norm as yet.
Applying behavioural insights to health. Behavioural Insights Team. Cabinet Office (2010)85
Most important policy issues have a strong behavioural component Adoption of MINSPACE behavioural model Pre-emptive approach to healthy lives (rather than focus on ill-health) Environmental effects on behaviour is strong influence
Tackling health
unhealthy and
diets, cost-
Cost-effective interventions to reduce obesity, increase health and activity collectively, for low and middle income countries Price interventions and regulation can produce the largest health gains in the shortest timeframe Multiple interventions to yield significantly larger health gains and cost-effectiveness Interventions targeting children are long-term for return of benefits. Private sector interventions may be useful, but is largely unproven
and obesity:
To minimise peoples environmental impacts, must address entire food supply -chain Most environmental impact during purchasing (e.g. transport), handling (e.g. storage or cooking) and disposal (e.g. transport, landfill) Adopt Low Impact Diet as the overarching framework No evidence for low impact preparation, eating less meat & dairy or lower portion sizes
To improve the environment by increasing contributions from individual and community actions 7 population segments from most receptive Positive greens to the Honestly disengaged 12 headline behaviours including; waste less food, eat more locally & in season and adopt a low impact diet Spectrum of peoples willingness and ability to change behaviours - motivations/barriers Radical lifestyle changes highly unlikely
Consumer-led demand for local & regional goods is increasing, less so for younger, poorer urban consumers Positive attitudes but doesnt always translate into purchases with modern lifes tyles Significant behavioural, structural, and institutional factors that impede its wholesale expansion Public poor understanding of different behaviours and environmental impact Pro-environmental behaviour frequently associated with sacrifice, lower quality and higher cost High expectation for government to lead on environmental issues Public mistrust of government, but less so for environmental issues Motivation for some, can act as barriers for others Radical lifestyle changes highly unlikely
Attitudes and Actual Purchasing Behaviour with Reference to Local and Regional Foods FO0312. Defra (2008) 133 A Synthesis Review of the Public Understanding Research Projects Defra (2007)90
14% households do not check stocks prior to shopping single households least likely. One quarter households do not pre-plan meals Three-quarters of households buy unintended items at times, with promotions making up half of the unintended purchases Main waste food past its best by or use by date, as well as cooking too much No single message to enable behavioural change
Annex 3: research by the AD Little consultancy - Mapping current innovation and emerging R&D needs in the food and drink industry required for sustainable economic growth
This study has identified nine priority technological challenges, i.e. problems or opportunities that require technological innovation in order to be solved or exploited, which Defra could seek to address in order to further stimulate the production of environmentally sustainable and healthy food. The challenges are summarised in the graphic, below. The challenges concern the sourcing of environmentally sustainable and resilient raw materials. This is an activity which requires close interaction with the farming and primary production sector and has strong implications for security of supply, both for the UK and for individual companies. Manufacturing healthier and differentiated food products requires a continued focus on reducing salt, sugar and fat content of foods, especially those which are highly processed, and developing products which are bespoke to individuals within an ageing population with increasing incidence of nutrition related disease. There are also opportunities to change manufacturing and supply chain efficiency by reducing water use, improving energy and process efficiency in the food manufacturing environment, and making improvements to the cold chain. Reducing and reusing waste is a further important topic, in terms of increasing the shelf life of foods whilst meeting consumer demand for freshness and innovating in packaging to reduce food spoilage and wastage. There are further opportunities to reuse food waste as ingredients, materials and energy. Challenges to be addressed through technological innovation Summary
Source: Arthur D. Little analysis Arthur D Little also make some suggestions for action to encourage innovation. Those that relate to research are: To create technology roadmaps to set R&D targets and addr ess the hot spot technological challenges To build a better evidence base to support minimum temperature requirements for chilled and frozen products.
Timothy Searchinger Princeton University USA Dale Southerton Peter Sutton Leon Terry Sian Thomas Brian Thomas Alan Tollervey Teresa Tucker Keith Waldron John Walsh Christof Walter Phil Webster Andrew Westby University of Manchester Syngenta Ltd Cranfield University Food Standards Agency University of Warwick * Department for International Development ESRC Institute of Food Research University of Warwick * Christof Walter Consulting AD Little University of Greenwich
Bill Finch-Savage University of Warwick * Lucy Foster Tara Garnett Miriam Gifford Bruce Grieve James Hallett John Ingram Peter Jackson Robert James Simon Kenny Lenny Koh Rob Lillywhite Defra Food Climate Research Network University of Warwick * University of Manchester British Growers Association NERC - University of Oxford University of Sheffield Thanet Earth IAgrE Consultant University of Sheffield University of Warwick *