Audited Report-2019
Audited Report-2019
Audited Report-2019
We have audited the financial statements of Dragon Srveater & Spinning Limited (thc Company), r'hich
comprise the Statement of Fiiancial Position as at 30 June 2019, and Statement of Profit or Loss & Other
Comprchensive Inoorne. Statement of Changes in Equity and Statement of Cash flows for the year thelr
ended. and notes to the financial statcments, including a sumnary of signillcant accounting policies and othcr
erplanalor) inlonnation.
In our opiiion. thc accompan),ing fiDaicial statcments give true and fair view, in all malerial respects, ofthe
financial position of the company as at 30 June 2019, and its financial pertbrmance and its cash flows lor the
year then ended in accordance with lntemaiional Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), The Companies.Act
1 994, The Securilies and Exchange Rules I I87 and other applicable laws and regul ations.
During the ycar ended 30 June 2019. total repofed In order to obtain the competences. accuracv and
reveDUe is of Tk. 1,921.7?4.538. The company corrcctness of tlle rerenue. \\'e have tested the following
exponcd all products. key control activitics:
.1 :r)
86, Bir Uttam C.R. Datta Road
(312, Sonargaon Road), Dhaka-1205
Tel 88'02.963i139. Fax: 88-02-9672006
Mobil€ : 01552-63 822 8, 0l1l l-520170
E-mail :
Pleasc sce Note No. 19.00 to the Statement ofProfil or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income.
Most ofthe inventories are of specialized in nature We verified the appropriateness of management's
and required to be maintained in controlled assumptions applied in calculating the value of the
environment. Regular moDitoriig is required as the inventory as per International Accounting Standard
inventories are material by its value, quantity and (l-A.S) by:
its nature. . Evaluating the desigD and inplementation of
key inventory controls operating across the
On reporting datc, inventories are carried at the factory-
1o\\er ofcost and net realizable value. As such. the . Attend the physical verification olinventory
company applies judgment in determinjng the
counts and reconciling dre couDt results to the
appropriate values of llrventory in accordance *,ith
inventory listing to test the accuracy ofdata.
lnternational Accounting Standards.
r Reviewing the historical accuracy of inveDtory
. Applying professional skepticism to the
comple,ene.s ol inrcnror) record,rr!. a',
actual and forecast the sales of inventory and
tested dre slow moving/absolute invcntory.
B l{rBArT}${ffl{{*99:
86, Bir Uttam C.R. Datta Road
(312, Sonargaon Road), Dhaka-1205
(,4n a:sociateJim of a. I't gupta e,lAssociates) Tel : 88'02-9635139. Fax: 88.02-9672006
Mobile : 01552-638228, 01711-520'770
E-mail :
E-mail :
Checked whcthcr the depreciation oi PPE items
$as commenced from the dale ofready to usc
and found the depreciation had been sta ed
The total amount of tradc receivable is Tk. Our audit procedures ol assess the recoverabilit) of
.1r8.818.8o, lRe.eirable "rom loreign trade receivables including the follo*,ing:
Companies is Tk. 628,185,946 and from Local
Conpanies is Tk. 690,632,9450 at 30 June,2019. . Tested the accuracy ot' ageing ol Trade
Customers i1r diflerent business scgments and recc;!rble:rl )errend on a.ampl< hr,i.:
lurisdictions are subiect to their independent . Evaluating the Cornpany's policy for naking
busincss risk. allorvance for doubtful debts with reference to
Thc total amount ol trade receivable is Tk. the requirements of the prevailing accounting
l.il8.8 8.80r rReceir"bl. lrorr lurergr standardsi
Companies is Tk. 628,185.9,16 and ftom Local . Assessing the classificntion ol lrade receivables
Companies is Tk. 690,632,9450 at 30 June, 2019. in the tradc receivable ageing repofi b]
Customers in different business segments and comparison with sales invoice and other
jurisdictions are subject to their independent underlying documentation on a taste basis;
. lnspectiDg subsequent bank receipts lioln
customers and other relevant underl)ing
documeDtation relating to trade reccivablc
balanccs at 30 June 2019.
B f{lHqfll$\Plf{f*99r
86, Bir Uttam C.R. Datta Road
(312, Sonargaon Road), Dhaka-1205
(An associatefrm ofA. $t €1tpta c:tAssociates)
Tel : 88-02'9635139, lax r 88-02'9672006
Mobile : 01552-638228. 01711-520770
E-mail :
0lher Information
Management is responsible for the other information. The other inlormation comprises,ll ofthe infonnation
in the annual report other than the financial statements and our auditor's repofi thereon The directors are
responsible for the othcr intbrmalion.
Our opirrion on the financial statemenls does not co!er the other infornlalion and we do not exprcss any tbrm
of assurance conclusion thereon.
ln connection with our audit ofthe financial statements, our rcsponsibilily is to read the other information and.
in doing so, oonsider whether the other infomation is materially inconsistcnt with the financial statements or'
our kno\\ledge obtained in thc audit or olherwise appears to be materially misstated. If. based on the work we
have performed, rve conclude that there is a material misstatement ofthis other inlormation \le are rcquired to
repofi that fact.
Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for thc Financial
Statemcnts and Internal Controls
Managemenr is responsible t'or the prepamtion and fair presentation ot'the financial statements in accordance
$ith IFRSs, The Companies Act I994. The Securities and Exchange Rules 1987 and other applicablc larvs and
regulations and lor such iitemal control as nranagement determines is necessary to enable the preparation of
linancial statemenls that are free flom material misstatement, whether duc to tiaud or error. l'he Companics
Act, 1994 rcquire the management to ensure effective intemal audit. internal control and risk nanagcment
functions of the company.
In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the company's ability to
contirue as a going concem, disclosing, as applicable, mafters related to going concem and ising the going
concern basis ofaccounting unless management either intends to liquidate the company or to cease operatiol'ls,
or has no realistic altemative but to do so.
Those clrarged with governance are responsiblc for overseeing the company's financial reporting process.
Our objectives are to obtaii reasonable assurance about whether dre financial statements as a rvhole are lree
lrom rnaterial nisstarement. $hether due to flaud or error, and to issuc an alrditor's repot that includes our
opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guaraDtee lhal an audit conducted in
accordance with lSAs will al*,ays detecl a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise frol11
fraud or error and are considered material if. individuall) or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be
expect,rd to influence the economic decisions ofusers talien on the basis ofthese financial statements.
. Identilf and assess the risks of material misstatement ofthe financial statements, whether due to fraud or
eror, design and pcrfomr audit proccdures rcsponsive to those risks, and obtain audil evidence that is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis lor our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material
misstatement resultiDg lrom fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as lraud may involve
. Obtain an understanding ot' internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedues that
are appropriete ilr circLrnstances, but not for thc purpose ofexpressing an opinion on the effectiveness of
the compan-v's internal control,
B !{rH4HI$li P$!+{,t
(,An assoctatefirm ofo
9{. Gupta &,Associates)
K. TOWllli L I
86, Bir Uttam C.R. Datta Road
(312, Sonargaon Road), Dhaka-1205
: 88-02-9635139.
Iax i88-02-9672006
Mohile : 0l 552"638228. 017 11 -520'1 70
E-mail :
. Evaluate the appropriateness of accoullting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates
and related disclosures made by management.
. ConclLde on the apprcp ateness of management's use ofthe going concem basis accounting and, based
on the audit evidence obtained. wheiher a material uncedainry exists related ro events or conditions that
may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a
material uncefiainq- exists. we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related
disclosurcs in the financinl statements or, if such disclosers are inadequate, to modily our opinion. Our
conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to thc date of our auditor's report. However,
future events or conditions may cause the company to cease to contiDue as a going concem.
. Hvaluate thc overall presentation, sffuclure and content of the financial statements, including the
disclosures. and *,hether the financial statements represent the underlying transactio s and event i11 a
manner that achieves fair presentaiion.
. Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information ofthe cntities or business
activities within the company to express an opinion on the financial statemeots we are responsible lor the
direction, supervision and perfomance oflhe company audit. We solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with tlrose charged \rith govemancc regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and
timing ofthe audit and signilicant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in inienral confiol that
we identiry dudng our audit.
Wc also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied rvith relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that
may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable , related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with those charged rvith govemance, we detemine those matters that were of
most significance in the audit ofthe financial stateme ts ofthe current period and are thereforc thc key audii
matters. We describe these matters in our auditor's report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure
about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be
communicated in our rcport because tho advcrse consequences oi doing so would reasonably be expected to
outweigh the public iDterest benefits ofsuch communication.
b) In our opinion, proper books ofaccounts, records and other statutory books as required by law have
been kept by the company so lar as it appeared lrorn our examinations ofthose books;
c) The Statement of Financial Position, StatemeDt of Profit or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income and
Statement ofcharges in Equity and Statement of Cash Flows ofthe Company dcalt with by the repo(
are in agreement with the books ofaccounts and rctums; and
d.) The expenditure incured was for the purpose ofthe Company's business.
s I l.le8.see ll s.t;+,g::
Intangible Asseis
Capiral work-in-Prcgress uI ll I
The annexed notes form are ar integral pan ofthe Statement ofPrcfit or Loss and Other Comprehensive
Company Secretary c
Managing Director Chairman
Company Secretary
.- F,,
Manasinq Dir€ctor
shiraz Khan Basak & co.
Chartered Accountants
The annexed notes form are an integral part ofthe Statement ofCash Flo\rs.
Company Secretary
6-\a-,--?h<- .il. /.4".1*
Manlging Directol Chrirman
" .r -
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
2.01 AccountingStandard:
The financial statcments of the company have been Ixepared in accordance with Intenrational
Financial Repotung Standards (IFRS) which include Inlemational Accounting Stendards (lAS).
2.02 -A.ccountingConvention:
'lhc finarcial statements are prepared under thc historical cost convcntion. Thc company classilied
the expenses using dre lLrnctioll of expenses method as per IAS-1.
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartored Accountants
2.05 Reporting Framcwork and Compliance Thercof:
Thc F'inancial sralemenr have been prepared in comprianoe $ith rhe requirements ofrhe co,rpanies
Act 1994, the Securilies & Exchange Rules I987 and other relevant looal la*,s as applicable, and ir
accordance \!irh the rnlemationar Financial Reporting standards (rlrRSs) aird International
Accounting Srandards (lAS).
i) AStatementolliinancialPositionasar30June20lS:
ii) A Statcmenl of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income lor the year ended 30 June
iii) A Starement of Changes in Equily for the year ended 30 June 2019;
iv) A Slatenrent ofCash Flows lor the year ended 30 June 2019; and
v) Notes. comprising a summan, olsignificant accounting policies and explanatory
2.01 Applicstion of Standardsl
following IASs are appricable for the financiar statemcnls ofthe company for the period under
3.00 SignificaotAccountingPoliciesl
The accounting policies in respect ofmaterial items olfinancial statemcnts have been set out belo$i
3.01 RevcnueRecognitionl
ln compliance with the requirements of IFRS 15: "Reve[ue fiom contrlcts with customers" a
performance obligation is satisfied by transiening the prenised good or service to ihe cusiomer. The
good or sen ice is transfered when the customer obtains control ofthe promised good or service. An
indicalor ofthis is when thc clrstomer l'Ias the risk and reward olorvnership.
3,02,,1 Softllare:
Soft\lare is generally charged offas revenue expenditure. Customized softNare lhat is intcgral to the
functionaliB ot' the related equipment is capitalized as part ot that equipment. Which is locall)
developed cuslomizcd software with the technical assistaDt of Welech lndia Limited.
Deprecialion is calculated using 'Reducing Balance Method' over lhe estimatcd usctul life ol each
item ofproped.v, planl and equipments. Depreciation has been charged on addition ofproperry, plant
and equipments during ihe period when the assets are ready lor use. Depreciation has been ch
on disposal ofassets as per IAS-16 Para-55. Rate(s) ofdepreciation of assets considering thei
ri, e, are :. lol ou.: Ih"
t4 \\a...
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Categon Rrtc
Land & Land De\elopment 0%
Building 10%
Plant & Machinery 15%
Ceneralor 154/o
Washing Machine 15%
Weight Nlnchine r5%
Cleaning Machire 15%
l'ransfonner 10%
Furniture & Irixtlrre & Decoration t0%
Offlce Equipmenls 1Ao/o
Cooker;cs 20%
Air Compressor 10%
Water & Gas lnstallation 10%
Computer & Accessories 20%
Telephone & PABx 10%
Electdc Installation l0%
Fire Fighting'r 10%
C.C. Camem 20%
Mok) Vehiclcs t5%
3.03 Valuationoflnventory:
Inventories are canied a1 the lower ol cost and net realizable \alue as prescribed by IAS-2:
"Inventories". Cost is determined on weighted average cost basis. The cost of inventories
comprises ol expenditure incured in the normal course of business in bringing the inventories to
thcir present locatioD ard condition. Net realizablc valuc is bascd on cslimated selling price less any
further costs expected to be incurred to make the sale.
3.04 Finarciillnstrumentsi
A Financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset olone entity and a financial
liabiliq or equiR ofanother entity.
t5 ffi
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
The company initiall! rccognizes receivable on the date thcy are originated. All other financial
assets are recognized initially on the dale at which the company becomes a party to thc contractual
provisions ofthe transaclion. The company derecognizes a financial assct when, and only when, the
contfactual ights of probabilities of receiving the cash flo*s fron the assel expire ot' it transfer the
riglrts to receive the conlractual cash flows on the financial asset in a transaclion in whlch
substantiall) all rhe risk and re\}ards ofo\\oership ofthe financial assels arc transferred.
Prepayments are initially measured al cost. Aller initial recognition. prepaynrents arc caffied at cost
less charges to profit ard loss account.
Financial Iiabilities include payable for expenses, liability for capital expenditure and other cu ent
3.05 Impairmcnt:
a) Financial Assots:
Accounts receivable and other receivables are assessed at eacll reporling date to determine whelher
there is arly oblecti\e cvidcncc of impainnent. Financial asscls arc impaired if objective evidence
indicates that a loss event has oocurred after the initinl recognilion of the asset, and that the loss
elenr had a negative effect on lhe estimated future cash flows of that asset. that can be estimated
reliably. Objective e,'idence that fiDancial assets are impaired oan include def'ault or delinquency b)
a debtor, indicatiors that a debtor or issuer will enter bankruptcy, e!c.
hl Non-Financial Acsets:
An asset impairld lvhen ils caraying amouni exceeds its recovemble amount. The company assesses
at each repoiling date \\'hether there is any indication that an asset may be impalred. Il any such
indication exisls, the compan) eslinlales the recoverable amounl of the asset. The recoverable
amount of an asset is the higher of its fair ralue less costs to sell and its value in use. Carqing
amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable amolrnt by rccognlzing an inpainnent loss if. aDd
only if, the recovcrablc amount of the asset is lcss than its carrying amount. Impairment loss is
recognized imrnedialely in profit or loss, unless the asset is carried at revalued auqut. Any
impainnent Ioss ola rclalucd asset shall be treated as a rcvalLration decrease
Sl \?
i6 a\,/P
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartercd Accountants
1.06 Prcvisions:
A provision is recognized in the stalement ol financial position wheD the company has a legal or
constrncli!e obligation as a result ofa past eveni. it is probable that an outflow ofeconomic benefiis
$ill bc rcquired to seltle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made o[ the amount of the
obligation. Provision is ordinarily measured at the best estimate ollhe expenditurc required to settle
the presenl obligation at the date ofstalement oflinancial position. where the elfect of time valuc ot'
money is material, the amount of provjsion is measured a1 lhe prescnl valuc ofthe expenditures
expected to be required to scttle the obligatioD.
3,07 Taxation:
Income tax expense is recognized in profit and loss account and accounted for in accordance \r'ith
lhe requirements of IAS l2: "Income Taxes"
a) Tax deducted b) the authorized Bank on proceeds realizcd lrom 0l July 2018 to 30 June 20I9
\vas considered as miDimum lax undcr section 82(C).
b) Current Ta\r
As per secliorl 53BBBB ofthe Income'Iax Ordinance 198,1 tax has been deducted al source
lrom expoft proceeds @ 0.65% tiom 01" July, 20 l8 a d the deducted amount is treated as the
Ininimum tax under section 82(C).
c) Deferred Tax:
Deferred tax arises due to temporary diflercncc deductible or taxable for the evenls or
transaction \\hich is recognized in the Stalernent of profit or ]oss and other comprehensir,e
lncome. A temporary difference is thc difference between the tax bases of an asset or liabiliry
and its carrying amount/repoded amounl in the Statement of Financial Position. Deferred tax
assets or liabili|{ is the amounl oI income tax recoverablc or payable io future periods
recognized in lhe cune0t pcriod. Therefore, delerred tax policy has been adopled by tlre
management during the period.
Borrowing oosts relaling in commercial operation are recognized as expenses in the year
10 projects
in $lrich thcy are incurred. In respect of pro_jects lhat have not yet corllmenced commercial
production. borrowing costs arc dcbited to capital work in progress.
3.09 fmployeeBcnefits:
The cornpany takiig initiativc to maintain contribution plan for its eiigible permanent e:nployees in
compliance \\,ith the provisions oflAS l9: "Bmployee Benefits".
As per Section 212 of Bangladesh Labor Act 2006. which states that in sub-section 2 "Thc
Go\'ernment may. by notification in the official Gazette apply this chapter to such other companies
as it may specify thereiri " And in sub-seclion 3 "Not$ ith stand in g anything ooDtained in sub-section
(1) and (2), in industfial sector which is hundred percent export oricntcd or which is hundred percent
foreign in\,es1ed, the go\emmenL may, by rules, for the beneficiaries working in such sectors, from
sector-wise a central t'und consolidating buyers and owners. tund management board, detemine
amount ofdonetion aod procedure lor recovery thereol adopt rules lor Lrsing money ofthat fund and
relevant other necessary rules. Pro\'ided that, such board, may very prior approval of go,rernment
adopt regulations lbr tho plrrpose ofthis scction."
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Wcighted Averago Number ofOrdinary Shares outstanding during the period (Denominator):
This represents thc number of ordinary shares outstanding at thc beginning of the period plus the
number of ordinar) shares isslred during the pcriod multiplied by a time-weighting factor is the
number ofdays the specific shares are oulstanding as a proportion ofthe total number of days in thc
3.12 ForeignCurrencyTransactions:
Thc financial reoords of thc company are naintaincd and the financial statements are stated in
Bangladeshi Taka. Foreign currency transactioDs zlre recorded at thc applicable rates of exchange
ruling at the tranlaction datc.
The rnajor actir,irics ol the company \terc carried out in USD bu1 recordcd and reported in
Bangladesh Taka as this is the rcporting curreDcy.
Thc impoft acti,'ities $ere rot subject to any exchangc fluctuation. Only the unencumbered portions
of export bills wcre subject to erchange fluctuation which was deah tlrrough Statement of
Comprellensive Income olthe sntity. Foreign currency tmnsaction is rccorded at the applicable rates
of e\change ruling at the transaction da1e.
Among ihe moneta$ assets and Iiabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the reporting datc.
oDI] rhe export retention quoia accounts $crc translated at the applicable rates ofexchange ruling at
that date. Exchangc dillcrence on such lranslation was alslr dcalt through the StatemeDt of
Comprehensi!c Income.
'lhe nonctal,-! assets and liabilities. ifany, denominated in lbreign currencies at the reporting daie
are translated a1 rhe applicable rates ol excharges ruliig at that date. Exchange differences are
charged oft' as revenue expenditure / gain in compliance with the provisions ol'lAS 21: The Etfects
ofchanges in Foreign Lxchangc Rates.
3.13 SegmentReporting:
No segmenl repofiing is applicable for the company as rcquired by "IFRS - 8: "Opcrating
Segments" as the company operates in a single indusrry segnlent and rvithin as geographical
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
30 June 2019 30 June 2018
Taka Taka
4.00 Propcrtl-, Plrnt & Equipment
At Cost/Valuation
Opening Balance 2.760.291,619 1,579,007.572
Add: Current year Revaluation Sulplus 8 7 6,932,12',7
Addition dxring the period 304,3s4,320
2,760,291,619 2,7 60.294,619
Accumulated Depreciation
opening Balance 915,4.:12,416 823,4,15.969
Charged during the p€rlod 192,641,386 91.996,44',7
1,108,089,802 9rs,442,116
Written Down Value 1.652.20,1.817 1.8,14.852.202
Thc company revalued its Propeft)-, Plant and Equipment (Land. Building and Planl Machineries) in the year
ended 30 JlLne 2018 b) Ata Khan & Co., Cha ered Accountants d ated on 03 August 201 8 to reflect the fair
value (prevailing marke! price) ofthose classes ofassets. "They applied 'Current Cost Method" lo detemire
the fair value of those assets which are in compliance wilh IA5-16 Propedy. Plant and Equipment".
Revaluation Surplus has arisen Tk. E76.912,727.
Bills receivable have been stated at their nominal value. Bills receivable arc accrued in the ordinary
course of business. All receivables have been considered as good and realizable. Trade Receivable
is a monetary items. so exchange gain or loss has been recognized to profit or loss in accordance
lvith IAS 21. Para-28.
'fhis is considercd as fully secured and guaranteed payment by export letter of credit opening bank
against export order and is considered good & realizable within one year as per the terms of export
letter of credit. The classification of receivables as required by the Schedule XI of the Companies
AcL l9g4 irc givcn bclo\\':
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
11.02 Deposits
Deposit !rith PDB 250,000 250,000
Deposit lvith DESA 150.000 150,000
Deposit \\,ith T&T 50,000 s0,000
Deposit \\'ilh CDBL 500.000 500.000
950.000 950,000
Cash in hand represent a substantial amount as all most ofall the transactions were made in cash.
We could not verified ihe cash in hand at the ended ofthe year as our audit was post dated.
Bank Name
The Cit) Bank Ltd. (CD A/c) 6
The Cit] Bank Lld. (IC Aic) 169,507 t67,902
Bank Asia Ltd. (CD A/c) 71.245,805 15.689.542
South Bangla Agricullure Bank 12,151,826 6,1,875,985
National Bank Ltd. I111 I 874
Bank balances have been confirmed wilh the bank stateDlents and also reconciled.
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
30.Iune 2019 30 June 2018
Taka Taka
shiraz Khan Basak & co.
Chartered Accountants
Building 85,828,679
Plant & lvlachinel--\ 114,860,596
Generalor 2,00/,253
Boiler 2.07 t,62t
Washing Machine 92,130
Cleaning Machine 1,411,099
Alr Compressor
Water & Gas Inslallation 5,14,563
Electric Installation 849,856
Motor Vehicles 615,370
Opening Addition during the Adjustment T,r
of Deterrcd
Balance year
900,290,242 04,428,016 795,862,165 900,290,242
Note: Long'lerm Loan amount to be paid in 11 (Eleven) years by 22 (Twenqv fwo) half yearly
installments. Nlorlgaged 64 dccimals land along with all structurcs constructed or io be constructed
thereon. siruated wilhin Disrrict-Comilla. PS & SR. Office- Chor,'ddagram under Comilla
Collectorate, Touzi r,\o. 252, J.LNo. 30, Mouza- Chandul.
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Bills Payable is a nooctary items, so cxchange gain or Ioss has been recognized to profit or loss in
accordance *,ith TAS-21. Para-28.
Shlraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Julv'18 to July'r7 to
,Iune'19 Taka .Iune'18 Takr
19.00 Revenue
t,92I,774,538 1 .687 .646.647
1,')21,774,518 1,687,646,641
21.02 AdministrativcErpenses
Salary & AIlor._arrccs 50,0t0.145 36,1'14.681
Remuneration 1,224,000 1.221.000
Iloard Meeting Fcc 2l 02A 240.000 320,000
Postage & Telecommunication 993,228 1,071,412
Repair & Maintcnance 1.75t,1)2
Vehicle E\penses /GSP 2.630,935 1.655,323
Electricit-\, Fuel & lb\\'er s rJr r0l 3,889,089
Prinling & Stalioncr) 1.188.t3 r r.487.028
Donation & Olhers r.553,621 2,087,062
Enterlail]ment 611.466 s60,295
Insurance r.970,920 1,970.920
Commercial Audit Fees 825,000 135,000
Audit Fec r 25.000 125,000
Office Rent 1.920,000 r.920.000
Conveyance 2.616.132 1.629,366
Renewal& License Fee 2.415,05,1 3,25 r,966
Lcgal & Prolissional Charges 3,27 4,42t 3,062,941
Security Ser\ ice Charges 1,500,000 1,140,000
BTN{A Expenses 496,9s1 455,46,1
Dcprcciation (Annexure-l) 15,'11 1,791 7,359,716
Amodizdtiolr (Annexure-1) 7',762)1 913,204
99 597,859 74,552,999
Julv'18 to July'17 to
Junerl9 Taka June'18 Taka
22.00 FinancialExpcnses
Bank Charpe & Commission 5,095 5,854
Interest on Long Term [,oan 34.t07.810 38,3',72,973
34.112.90s ____l!,11!,!27
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
chartered Accountants
:8.00 Oth.r Commihnents, Contingencie5 !nd Relev.nt Inlornation
28.01 Quantity ryise schedul..s rcquired und€r Para l, Schedule XI, Pfut ll ofth. Complnies Act, 199.1
Qumlity wise schedules of sals. n\ material consumed and opening and closing nock .f nnished Soods relatirg lo the
llnancial staremints for the ).ar eided 30 Junc 2019 as requned unde.l,ara 3. Schedule XI. Pan II ofthe Companies Act 199,r
are gircn bclolr:
(c) in respect olOp€ning Stock, Sales.nd Closing Stock ofEinish Goods
('lu\ints SIurk Sal.s
Quantiiy Quantity
(in Tak.) (in T.ka)
1.002.,158 1. r24.514 368.81.1.78i
r6..1E2.417 5 t.J25. t42 20.887.089 68.718.52.1
15.r,8-o 2t,rl8 .1,2D !l?
216.915 68.545,248 235,548 72.5r18.754
Ihfornalion as p.r rcquiremort ofPar. 8, Sch.dule XI, Part II. ofThe Cofrpanis Act, 1994
Dlsdosure und{ Para 8, Schcd!le XI- Pat II ollhe Conrpaiies Act. 199{ arc.s lndcr:
Shiraz Khan Basak B Co.
Chartered Accountants
28.03 Number otEmployecs
[mp]o],ee Position rs a130 June 2019
Office Staff Total
Salary Range Hcad Office Employce
Above 5,300 r08 45 362 i15
l0,t 162
FullCaprcitl Installcd
paties, nalure ofthese transactions and their total valuc have been sel out:
a) Company under common directorship
Dr. or Addition d uring Transaction Value in Taka
Cr. Rclation shiD 0I-07-2018 during the year 30 Jun€ 2019
6r\> Dragon Sseater (BD) Ltd.
Dr. 280,23t,825 12,1,875,489 27 Bt,..l8l 27,135..183 177,qr1.831
! ts/".,
LD Acrj lir (sD) Lrd. l)r 52,051,691 r45.,187,542 115,129,63) I t5 42q,6t2 82, t l 1,601 Chuqe/ LCl
Imperial Sweater (BD.) Ltd. Dr. 20t,451 208 85.457,452 56,364,147 56,364"147 230.5,17,5t1
No provision lor bad debts \las made for related party transactions since fie lransaction are made
agaiisl contracr rnd are regular or realised lully in subsequent )ears
ii) Particulxrs I llirectors ofDrrgon Swearer & Spinning Ltd. as at 30 June 2019
Name ofl BOD ofDragon S$eater & Entiti€s lvh€rc they have interests
Mostala Quanr Chairrnan Rupr nsurance Company Ltd.
Mostala Golr' ddus Managing Director & Director Rupa nsurance company L1d.
Fazlutun N,rs! t) Rupal nsurance Company I-td.
Fauzia Qua r, D Rupa nsurance Company L1d.
J a"r ir Quir .nika D Sonali l.ife Insurance Compan), L1d
Shafia Sobl , .rdhu D Rupali ln \u rr nce Cornpan\ LId.
ihiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
29.00 Disclosure as per Requir€ment ofSchedule XI, part II, para 4 ofComplnies act 199:l
Payment to direciors during thc year liom I st Jul] 201 8 to l0 th June 20 19.
The number of Board Meeting end Thc Attendance of Directors During the ),ear lrom I st Jyly 2018 to
30 Junc 2019 i,ere as lollorvs:
shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
An audit committee has becn formed by the board ofdircctoN ofthe company in its Board Meeting
held on October 10. 2016. The commiftee constituted with a chairman and two membels. At 30 the
June 2019, the members ofthe commiftee \tere as followsl
During the year ended June 30, 2019, the followings number of meetings ol the audit commiltee
held rvith the company's Senior Management lo considcr ard review the company's financial
statements and risk management.
Shkaz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
.I'rne '19 Taka
30.00 Cash Receipts from Customers
Opening Balance ofAccounts Receivable lrom Foreign Customer 9.00 526,411,548
Add: Sales during the period 19.00 1 ,921 ,7 7 L ,538
Add: Opening Receivable fro Inter-Company 9.00 533,'1 41 ,',724
Fixed Assets s.hedulc
As rt l0.Iun€ 21119
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
The above Inter Company were creatcd to procure mtv matcrials for the cornpany and it is also executing
expofis orders on bchalf ofthe conrpanics under the comrnon o$nership. Since, the transaclions among the
companies are regular in nature and, there[ore. no provision for bad debts is rcquired.
Shiraz Khan Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Annexure - 4
Dragon S*eater & Spinning Limited
Schedule of Bills Payable
As at 30th June 2019
Amount il Taka
shiraz Khan Basak & co.
Chartered Accountants
As !r 30 June 2019
As at 30 June 2018
Particulars Carryins Tax Base TemDbrary
Fixed Assets (At Cost less Accumulated 1 .593 .52',7 .024 '7
62.0',7 8,922 831.448.102
Ternooran difference for lease As\ets
Liabilifl ro EmDlo\ees | 6.920-0001 16.920.000)
Net temDorarv difference 1.576,607,024 162-074.922 814.528.102
ADDIicable Tax Rate 12%
Deferred Tax Liabititv/(Asset) Clositrs 97 -743.312
Opening Defcned Tax Liability/(Asset) 16,028,883
Delcrred Tax during thc yerr-DT Income 481.714.489',|
As at 30 June 2017
Particulars Carn ins Tax Base TeInLorary
Fr\cd Assets (At Cost less Accumulated 661 .209.628 528,990,236 I18.2 r9.192
Temoorarv difference for lease Assets
Liability to EnDlovees (4.645.368) (4.645.368)
Net temnoran' differ€ncc 662-564-260 528.990.236 133.574.023
ADDIicable Ta-x Rate 12%
Deferred Tax Liabilitv/(Asset) 16.028.883
Shiraz (han Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Amount in BDT
Particulars 01 July 2018 to 0t July 2017 to
30 Jrne 2019 30 June 2018
Computatioo olTotal lncome