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Lec 4
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12.510 Introduction to Seismology 02/27/2008 – 02/29/2008
With and
There is a whole class of theoretical development in applied maths that uses Fourier
Integral Operators (FIOs)
1.D’Alembert’s Solution:
The first term: f(x – ct) represents propogation in the positive x-direction
Consider the profile of the wave at a time and at some later time
Figure 4:
12.510 Introduction to Seismology 02/27/2008 – 02/29/2008
In reality, the wavefronts are circular, but locally they behave as a plane wave.
All points along the wave-front have the same travel-time from the origin.
The relationship between the wavenumber (k) and angular frequency (ω ) is given by:
ω (47)
The relationship between wavenumber (k) and wavelength (λ ) is given by: k = (48)
⎛x ⎞
So we can re-write the phase in terms of wavenumber: ⎜ − t ⎟ → ( kx − ω t ) (in one
⎝c ⎠
( )
In 3 dimensions, this becomes: k x x + k y y + k z z − ω t or ( k .x − ω t )
Where we have used the identity: exp (iα ) = cos (α ) + i sin(α ) (50)
2. Separation of variables:
Using the method of separation of variables, we trial a solution of the wave equation of
the form:
Substituting this into the equation: φ = c 2∇ 2φ gives:
To satisfy this equation, each term must be equal to a constant and the constants must
sum to zero. We choose the constants: − k 2 − k 2 − k 2 ⎛ ω ⎞ respectively
Applying the condition that these constants must sum to zero gives us the dispersion
Substituting the solutions for X,Y,Z,T back into the original trial solution:
A lot of imaging is done in the frequency domain by finding solutions to the helmholtz
3. Fourier Transforms:
Fourier transforms allow us to understand the relationship between the space-time (x,t)
and wavenumber-frequency (k, domains.
In one dimension, the forward and reverse fourier transforms between the space-
frequency and space-time domains are given by:
(Note: in seismology, we normally take the exponential as having a positive sign when
we are transforming into the space-frequency domain, however this is simply a
Similarly, we can use fourier transforms to convert between the space-time and
wavenumber-time domains. In 3d the fourier transforms between the space-time and
wavenumber-time domains are:
Note that does not appear in this equation. This is because, are related via
the dispersion relation.
Hence, if we have specified the angular frequency, and it follows that has
already been determined.
Suppose we want to make a synthetic seismogram that looks similar to the wave.
We do not need to integrate over the full range −π < k x < π and −π < k y < π ,
because this implies we do not know anything about the direction of the wave.
The integrand φ (k x , k y , ω z) is the amplitude or weight.
We have see already that the modulus of the wave-vector gives the wavenumber:
k = k x2 + k y2 + k z2 =
In 2d, we have: k = k x2 + k z2 = (71)
Figure 6:
Since kα = ω gives the length of the vector representing the P-wave and k β = ω represents
α β
the length of the vector representing the S-wave, it follows directly that P-waves ‘dive’
less steeply into the medium than S-waves.
Figure 7:
The phase ‘speed’ c, is given by: c = (73) and is a vector in the direction of
At the surface, we measure: cx = (74) which is the ‘apparent’ velocity/speed
Horizontal slowness:
ds dt ⎛1⎞
sin(t ) ==c = c ⎜ ⎟ = cp (75)
dx dx ⎝ cx ⎠
1 sin(t)
ρ= = = horizontal slowness = ray parameter (76)
cx c
This follows from Snell’s law
Vertical slowness:
12.510 Introduction to Seismology 02/27/2008 – 02/29/2008
So, the vertical slowness does change with depth, because c is a function of depth. The
vertical slowness (η ) is zero if 1 = p 2 (which represents a horizontally propagating
There is a direct relationship between the wave-vector and the slowness components:
kx = = ω p (80)
kz = = ωη (81)
k = (k x , k z ) = (ω p, ωη ) = ω ( p,η ) (82)