Iec 60071 1 2019
Iec 60071 1 2019
Iec 60071 1 2019
Edition 9.0 2019-08
Insulation co-ordination –
Part 1: Definitions, principles and rules
Coordination de l'isolement –
IEC 60071-1:2019
Partie 1: Définitions, principes et règles
IEC 60071-1:2019-08(en-fr)
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FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 6
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................... 6
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 7
4 Abbreviated terms and symbols ..................................................................................... 14
4.1 General ................................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Subscripts ............................................................................................................. 14
4.3 Letter symbols ...................................................................................................... 14
4.4 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 15
5 Procedure for insulation co-ordination ........................................................................... 15
5.1 General outline of the procedure ........................................................................... 15
5.2 Determination of the representative voltages and overvoltages (U rp ) .................... 16
5.3 Determination of the co-ordination withstand voltages (U cw ) ................................. 18
5.4 Determination of the required withstand voltage (U rw) .......................................... 18
5.5 Selection of the rated insulation level .................................................................... 19
5.6 List of standard rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltages ............. 20
5.7 List of standard rated impulse withstand voltages ................................................. 20
Ranges for highest voltage for equipment ............................................................. 20
5.9 Environmental conditions ...................................................................................... 20
Normal environmental conditions ................................................................... 20
5.9.2 Standard reference atmospheric conditions ................................................... 20
IEC 60071-1:2019
5.10 Selection
of the standard insulation level .............................................................. 20
5.11 Background of the standard insulation level .......................................................... 24
5.11.1 General ......................................................................................................... 24
5.11.2 Standard rated switching impulse withstand voltage ...................................... 25
5.11.3 Standard rated lightning impulse withstand voltage ........................................ 25
6 Requirements for standard withstand voltage tests ........................................................ 25
6.1 General requirements ........................................................................................... 25
6.2 Standard short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage tests ......................... 26
6.3 Standard impulse withstand voltage tests.............................................................. 26
6.4 Alternative test situation ........................................................................................ 27
6.5 Phase-to-phase and longitudinal insulation standard withstand voltage tests
for equipment in range I ........................................................................................ 27
6.5.1 Power-frequency tests ................................................................................... 27
6.5.2 Phase-to-phase (or longitudinal) insulation lightning impulse tests ................. 28
6.6 Phase-to-phase and longitudinal insulation standard withstand voltage tests
for equipment in range II ....................................................................................... 28
Annex A (normative) Clearances in air to assure a specified impulse withstand voltage
installation ............................................................................................................................ 29
A.1 General ................................................................................................................. 29
A.2 Lightning impulse .................................................................................................. 30
A.3 Switching impulse ................................................................................................. 31
Annex B (informative) Rated insulation levels for highest voltages of equipment U m
not standardized by IEC ........................................................................................................ 33
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 34
IEC 60071-1:2019 IEC 2019 –3–
Figure 1 – Flow chart for the determination of rated or standard insulation level ................... 16
Table 1 – Classes and shapes of overvoltages, Standard voltage shapes and Standard
withstand voltage tests ......................................................................................................... 17
Table 2 – Standard insulation levels for range I (1 kV < U m ≤ 245 kV) .................................. 22
Table 3 – Standard insulation levels for range II (U m > 245 kV) ............................................ 23
Table A.1 – Correlation between standard rated lightning impulse withstand voltages
and minimum air clearances ................................................................................................. 30
Table A.2 – Correlation between standard rated switching impulse withstand voltages
and minimum phase-to-earth air clearances .......................................................................... 31
Table A.3 – Correlation between standard rated switching impulse withstand voltages
and minimum phase-to-phase air clearances ........................................................................ 32
Table B.1 – Rated insulation levels for highest voltages of equipment U m not
standardized by IEC.............................................................................................................. 33
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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the latter. IEC 60071-1:2019
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International Standard IEC 60071-1 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 99:
Insulation co-ordination and system engineering of high voltage electrical power installations
above 1,0 kV AC and 1,5 kV DC.
This ninth edition cancels and replaces the eighth edition published in 2006 and
Amendment 1:2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
a) all references are updated to current IEC standards, and the bibliography is deleted;
b) some definitions are clarified in order to avoid overlapping and ensure clear understanding;
c) letter symbols are changed and corrected in order to keep the consistency with relevant
IEC standards;
d) some titles are changed to clarify understanding (see Clauses A.2, A.3 and Annex B).
IEC 60071-1:2019 IEC 2019 –5–
Full information on the voting for the approval of this International Standard can be found in
the report on voting indicated in the above table.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
A list of all parts in the IEC 60071 series, published under the general title Insulation co-
ordination, can be found on the IEC website.
The committee has decided that the contents of the base publication and its amendments will
remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under
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IMPORTANT – The “colour inside” logo on the cover page of this publication indicates
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IEC 60071-1:2019
of its contents. Users should therefore print this publication using a colour printer.
–6– IEC 60071-1:2019 IEC 2019
1 Scope
This part of IEC 60071 applies to three-phase AC systems having a highest voltage for
equipment above 1 kV. It specifies the procedure for the selection of the rated withstand
voltages for the phase-to-earth, phase-to-phase and longitudinal insulation of the equipment
and the installations of these systems. It also gives the lists of the standard withstand
voltages from which the rated withstand voltages are selected.
This document describes that the selected withstand voltages are associated with the highest
voltage for equipment. This association is for insulation co-ordination purposes only. The
requirements for human safety are not covered by this document.
Although the principles of this document also apply to transmission line insulation, the values
of their withstand voltages can be different from the standard rated withstand voltages.
The apparatus committees are responsible for specifying the rated withstand voltages and the
test procedures suitable for the relevant equipment taking into consideration the
recommendations of this document.
NOTE In IEC 60071-2, all rules for insulation co-ordination given in this document are justified in detail, in
particular the association of the standard rated IEC withstand voltages with the highest voltage for equipment. When
more than one set of standard rated withstand voltages is associated with the same highest voltage for equipment,
guidance is provided for
the selection of the most suitable set.
This horizontal standard is primarily intended for use by technical committees in the
preparation of standards in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 108.
One of the responsibilities of a technical committee is, wherever applicable, to make use of
horizontal standards in the preparation of its publications. The contents of this horizontal
standard will not apply unless specifically referred to or included in the relevant publications.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
IEC 60060-1, High-voltage test techniques – Part 1: General definitions and test requirements
IEC 60099-4, Surge arresters – Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c.
IEC 60071-1:2019 IEC 2019 –7–
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following
insulation co-ordination
selection of the dielectric strength of equipment in relation to the operating voltages and
overvoltages which can appear on the system for which the equipment is intended, and taking
into account the service environment and the characteristics of the available preventing and
protective devices
Note 1 to entry: By "dielectric strength" of the equipment, is meant here its rated insulation level (3.36) or its
standard insulation level (3.37).
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-614:2016, 614-03-08, modified – Note 1 to entry has been added]
external insulation
distances in atmospheric air, and the surfaces in contact with atmospheric air of solid
insulation of the equipment which are subject to dielectric stresses and to the effects of
atmospheric and other environmental conditions from the site, such as pollution, humidity,
vermin, etc.
IEC 60071-1:2019
Note 1 to entry: External insulation is either weather protected or non-weather protected, designed to operate
outside or inside closed shelters, respectively.
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-614:2016, 614-03-02, modified – Note 1 to entry has been added]
internal insulation
internal distances of the solid, liquid, or gaseous insulation of equipment which are protected
from the effects of atmospheric and other external conditions
self-restoring insulation
insulation which completely recovers its insulating properties within a short time interval after
a disruptive discharge
Note 1 to entry: Insulation of this kind is generally, but not necessarily, external insulation.
Note 2 to entry: This definition applies only when the discharge is caused by the application of a test voltage
during a dielectric test. However, discharges occurring in service may cause a self-restoring insulation to lose
partially or completely its original insulating properties.
non-self-restoring insulation
insulation which loses its insulating properties, or does not recover them completely, after a
disruptive discharge
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Note 1 to entry: This definition applies only when the discharge is caused by the application of a test voltage
during a dielectric test. However, discharges occurring in service may cause a self-restoring insulation to lose
partially or completely its original insulating properties.
insulation configuration terminal
any of the terminals between any two of which a voltage that stresses the insulation can be
insulation configuration
complete geometric configuration of the insulation in service, consisting of the insulation and
of all terminals and including all elements (insulating and conducting) which influence its
dielectric behaviour
Note 1 to entry: The insulation configurations defined in 3.7.1 to 3.7.4 are identified.
phase-to-phase insulation configuration
three-phase insulation configuration where one phase terminal is disregarded. In particular
cases, the neutral and the earth terminals are also disregarded
longitudinal insulation configuration
insulation configuration having two phase terminals and one earth terminal, the phase
terminals belonging to the same phase of a three-phase system temporarily separated into
two independently energized parts (e.g. open switching devices)
Note 1 to entry: The four terminals belonging to the other two phases are disregarded or earthed. In particular
cases one of the two phase terminals considered is earthed.
nominal voltage of a system
suitable approximate value of voltage used to designate or identify a system
highest voltage of a system
highest value of the phase-to-phase operating voltage (RMS value) which occurs under
normal operating conditions at any time and at any point in the system
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-601:1985, 601-01-23, modified – Clear meaning on the voltage has
been added.]
highest voltage for equipment
highest value of phase-to-phase voltage (RMS value) for which the equipment is designed in
respect of its insulation as well as other characteristics which relate to this voltage in the
relevant equipment standards
Note 1 to entry: Under normal service conditions specified by the relevant apparatus committee, this voltage can
be applied continuously to the equipment.
isolated neutral system
system where the neutral point is not intentionally connected to earth, except for high
impedance connections for protection or measurement purposes
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-601:1985, 601-02-24]
3.12 IEC 60071-1:2019
solidly earthed neutral system
system whose neutral point(s) is(are) earthed directly
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-601:1985, 601-02-25]
impedance earthed (neutral) system
system whose neutral point(s) is(are) earthed through impedances to limit earth fault currents
resonant earthed (neutral) system
system in which one or more neutral points are connected to earth through reactances which
approximately compensate the capacitive component of a single-phase-to-earth fault current
Note 1 to entry: With resonant earthing of a system, the residual current in the fault is limited to such an extent
that an arcing fault in air is usually self-extinguishing.
earth fault factor
at a given location of a three-phase system, and for a given system configuration, the ratio of
the highest RMS phase-to-earth power-frequency voltage on a healthy phase during a fault to
earth affecting one or more phases at any point on the system to the RMS phase-to-earth
power-frequency voltage which would be obtained at the given location in the absence of any
such fault
– 10 – IEC 60071-1:2019 IEC 2019
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-614:2016, 614-03-06, modified – A symbol has been added and
description on voltage has been modified.
continuous voltage
power-frequency voltage, considered having constant RMS value, continuously applied to any
pair of terminals of an insulation configuration
– between one phase conductor and earth or across a longitudinal insulation having a peak
value exceeding the peak of the highest voltage of the system divided by 3 ;
– between phase conductors having a peak value exceeding the amplitude of the highest
voltage of the system
Note 1 to entry: Unless otherwise clearly indicated, such as for surge arresters, overvoltage values expressed in
p.u. refer to U s × 2 3
temporary overvoltage
power-frequency overvoltage of relatively long duration
Note 1 to entry: The overvoltage may be undamped or weakly damped. In some cases, its frequency may be
several times smaller or higher than power frequency.
IEC 60071-1:2019
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-614:2016, 614-03-13]
transient overvoltage
short-duration overvoltage of few milliseconds or less, oscillatory or non-oscillatory, usually
highly damped
Note 1 to entry: Transient overvoltages may be immediately followed by temporary overvoltages. In such cases
the two overvoltages are considered as separate events.
slow-front overvoltage
transient overvoltage, usually unidirectional, with time to peak 20 µs < T p ≤ 5 000 µs, and tail
duration T 2 ≤ 20 ms
fast-front overvoltage
transient overvoltage, usually unidirectional, with time to peak 0,1 µs < T 1 ≤ 20 µs, and tail
duration T 2 < 300 µs
very-fast-front overvoltage
transient overvoltage, usually unidirectional with time to peak T f ≤ 0,1 µs, and with or without
superimposed oscillations at frequency 30 kHz < f < 100 MHz
IEC 60071-1:2019 IEC 2019 – 11 –
combined overvoltage
overvoltage consisting of two voltage components simultaneously applied between each of
the two phase terminals of a phase-to-phase (or longitudinal) insulation and earth
Note 1 to entry: It is classified by the component of higher peak value (temporary, slow-front, fast-front or very-
standard voltage shapes for test
voltage and the overvoltage shapes for test that are determined in amplitude, wave front,
wave tail and duration
Note 1 to entry: More details on the following three first standard voltage shapes are given in IEC 60060-1 and
also in Table 1.
standard short-duration power-frequency voltage
sinusoidal voltage with frequency between 48 Hz and 62 Hz, and duration of 60 s
standard switching impulse
impulse voltage having a time to peak of 250 µs and a time to half-value of 2 500 µs
standard lightning impulse iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
impulse voltage having a front time of 1,2 µs and a time to half-value of 50 µs
standard combined switching impulseIEC 60071-1:2019
for phase-to-phase
insulation, combined impulse voltage having two components of equal
peak value and opposite polarity 7035943ad755/iec-60071-1-2019
Note 1 to entry: The positive component is a standard switching impulse and the negative one is a switching
impulse whose times to peak and half-value should not be less than those of the positive impulse. Both impulses
should reach their peak value at the same instant. The peak value of the combined voltage is, therefore, the sum of
the peak values of the components.
standard combined voltage
for longitudinal insulation, combined voltage having a standard impulse on one terminal and a
power-frequency voltage on the other terminal
Note 1 to entry: The impulse component is applied at the peak of the power-frequency voltage of opposite polarity.
representative overvoltage
U rp
overvoltage assumed to produce the same dielectric effect on the insulation as the
overvoltage of a given class occurring in service due to various origins
Note 1 to entry: Representative overvoltages consist of voltages with the standard shape of the class, and may be
defined by one value or a set of values or a frequency distribution of values that characterize the service conditions.
Note 2 to entry: This definition also applies to the continuous power-frequency voltage representing the effect of
the service voltage on the insulation.
overvoltage limiting device
device which limits the peak values of the overvoltages or their durations or both
Note 1 to entry: They are classified as preventing devices (e.g. a preinsertion resistor) or as protective devices
(e.g. a surge arrester).
– 12 – IEC 60071-1:2019 IEC 2019
lightning impulse protective level
U pl
maximum permissible peak voltage value on the terminals of a protective device subjected to
lightning impulses under specific conditions
switching impulse protective level
U ps
maximum permissible peak voltage value on the terminals of a protective device subjected to
switching impulses under specific conditions
performance criterion
basis on which the insulation is selected so as to reduce to an economically and operationally
acceptable level the probability that the resulting voltage stresses imposed on the equipment
will cause damage to equipment insulation or affect continuity of service
Note 1 to entry: The performance criterion is usually expressed in terms of an acceptable failure rate (number of
failures per year, years between failures, risk of failure, etc.) of the insulation configuration.
withstand voltage (
value of the test voltage to be applied under specified conditions in a withstand voltage test,
during which a specified number of disruptive discharges is tolerated
IEC 60071-1:2019
Note 1 to entry:
The withstand voltage is designated as:
a) conventional assumed withstand voltage, when the number of disruptive discharges tolerated is zero. It is
deemed to correspond to a withstand probability P w = 100 %;
b) statistical withstand voltage, when the number of disruptive discharges tolerated is related to a specified
withstand probability. In this document, the specified probability is P w = 90 %.
Note 2 to entry: In this document, the conventional assumed withstand voltages are specified for non-self-
restoring insulation. The statistical withstand voltages are specified for self-restoring insulation.
co-ordination withstand voltage
U cw
for each class of voltage, the value of the withstand voltage of the insulation configuration in
actual service conditions, that meets the performance criterion
co-ordination factor
factor by which the value of the representative overvoltage must be multiplied in order to
obtain the value of the co-ordination withstand voltage
standard reference atmospheric conditions
atmospheric conditions to which the standardized withstand voltages apply
required withstand voltage
U rw
test voltage that the insulation must withstand in a standard withstand voltage test to ensure
that the insulation will meet the performance criterion when subjected to a given class of
overvoltages in actual service conditions and for the whole service duration
Note 1 to entry: The required withstand voltage has the shape of the co-ordination withstand voltage, and is
specified with reference to all the conditions of the standard withstand voltage test selected to verify it.
atmospheric correction factor
factor to be applied to the co-ordination withstand voltage to account for the difference in
dielectric strength between the average atmospheric conditions in service and the standard
reference atmospheric conditions
Note 2 to entry: For the atmospheric correction factor, the atmospheric conditions taken into account are air
pressure, temperature and humidity. For insulation co-ordination purposes, usually only the air pressure correction
needs to be taken into account.
altitude correction factor
factor to be applied to the co-ordination withstand voltage to account for the difference in
dielectric strength between the average pressure corresponding to the altitude in service and
the standard reference pressure (
Note 1 to entry: The altitude correction factor is part of the atmospheric correction factor.
IEC 60071-1:2019
safety factor 7035943ad755/iec-60071-1-2019
overall factor to be applied to the co-ordination withstand voltage, after the application of the
atmospheric correction factor (if required), to obtain the required withstand voltage,
accounting for all other differences in dielectric strength between the conditions in service
during life time and those in the standard withstand voltage test
actual withstand voltage of an equipment or insulation configuration
U aw
highest possible value of the test voltage that can be applied to an equipment or insulation
configuration in a standard withstand voltage test
test conversion factor
K tc
for a given equipment or insulation configuration, the factor to be applied to the required
withstand voltage of a given overvoltage class, in the case where the standard withstand
shape of the selected withstand voltage test is that of a different overvoltage class
Note 1 to entry: For a given equipment or insulation configuration: the test conversion factor of the standard
voltage shape (a) to the standard voltage shape (b) must be higher than or equal to the ratio between the actual
withstand voltage for the standard voltage shape (a) and the actual withstand voltage of the standard voltage
shape (b).
rated withstand voltage
value of the test voltage, applied in a standard withstand voltage test that proves that the
insulation complies with one or more required withstand voltages