Mini Breaker
Mini Breaker
Mini Breaker
One of the latest approaches for providing a safety circuit to lithium-ion battery packs is the use of the
HC Series Bourns® Mini-breaker, which is a resettable Thermal Cutoff (TCO) device designed to provide accurate
and repeatable overcurrent and overtemperature protection.
NR-C Series The Bourns® Mini-breaker is a combination of two common circuit protection technologies, a PTC and
a bimetal switch, providing several advantages over either technology on its own. The skills developed
by Bourns over 70 years in precision metal stamping, plastic injection molding and high-end assembly
turn these ubiquitous technologies into a market-leading circuit protection solution. Figure 1 below
provides a simple schematic of how the mini-breaker is constructed. The two terminals, arm terminal
NR-A Series and base terminal, are connected in a normally closed position to allow current to flow through the
device. Naturally, the contact point between both terminals provides a critical function and a testament
to the high precision of the Bourns® mini-breaker is that the contact resistance is as low as 2 mΩ (max.)
in some model families.
Current Flow
HC Series
Current Flow
HC Series OFF
NR-C Series Figure 4. Relationship between Trip/Reset Temperature and
Bourns® Mini-breaker TCO Operation
16 NR77C (Low 72 °C average)
Current (A )
NR-A Series NR77A
8.5 A
4 NR77C
25 ˚C 60 ˚C
Ambient Temperature (°C)
Within the various Bourns® TCO device series, there are individual models that feature different
trip temperatures where the higher the trip temperatures, the higher the operating currents. This
is illustrated in figure 7, which shows that in the Model HC series, the Model HC90 can hold
significantly higher currents than the Model HC72.
04/17 • e/KLM1708
Overcoming Circuit Protection Challenges in Lithium-Ion Battery Packs
Bourns® Mini-Breakers (Thermal Cutoff Devices) Application Note
10 HC90AY
HC Series 9
8 HC85AY
6 HC82AY
NR-C Series
Temperature (°C)
Figure 7. Ambient Temperature Impact on Operating Currents within the Same Series
NR-A Series
The maximum leakage current is a specification determined by the PTC. When the mini-breaker
opens, it does not cut the current as the current path changes and now travels through the parallel
circuit of the bimetal disc and PTC. The PTC has an internal resistance that is used to heat the bimetal
disc and the leakage current is a result of the PTC let-through current.
In order to keep the mini-breaker in the latched (open) position, the PTC requires a minimum
voltage to generate sufficient heat. This is the source of the “self-hold minimum voltage” specification
in the mini-breaker data sheet, which typically ranges from 2 V up to 3.5 V.
04/17 • e/KLM1708
Overcoming Circuit Protection Challenges in Lithium-Ion Battery Packs
Bourns® Mini-Breakers (Thermal Cutoff Devices) Application Note
Mini-breaker TCO devices come in two distinct formats:
SA Series
• Axial leaded packaging, such as Bourns® Models HC, LC, NR & AA Series
• Surface mount packaging, illustrated by Bourns® Model SA Series
The axial leaded models are the most common mini-breaker TCOs on the market. They are almost
LC Series
exclusively used in lithium-ion battery packs and are welded into place using secondary nickel tabs.
Bourns® Model LC Series is one of the most popular models of this type on the market.
Three evolutionary advancements have come out of the Bourns® Model LC series:
HC Series
1. Higher Currents – As higher current density batteries grow in popularity, whether for
electric vehicles, home energy storage or electric bicycles, mini-breakers are being asked to handle
higher currents. This trend has led to the Bourns® Model AA series, which can operate up to 14 A
at 60 °C with future devices under development with even higher current-handling capabilities.
NR-C Series
2. Smaller Footprints – Portable electronics continue to shrink in footprint and thickness.
Electronics have become wearable and are now in intimate contact with the human body. This
has led to a need for greater levels of safety and smaller sizes. Bourns introduced the Model NR
series, one of the smallest mini-breakers in the market. This is an ongoing trend, and Bourns will
NR-A Series continue to develop smaller-size mini-breaker models without sacrificing performance.
3. Surface Mount – Mini-breakers are traditionally resistance welded into the battery pack.
However, this has limited its uses in other applications. Bourns® Model SA Series is the industry’s
first surface mount mini-breaker. This TCO series expands usage into markets such as USB
cables, automotive and consumer board electronics. The demand for these surface mount devices
is a result of the combination of the higher current and smaller footprint trends mentioned above
where they will need to hold greater levels of current and shrink in size.
04/17 • e/KLM1708
Overcoming Circuit Protection Challenges in Lithium-Ion Battery Packs
Bourns® Mini-Breakers (Thermal Cutoff Devices) Application Note
As lithium-ion battery pack applications continue to grow in use and sophistication, so too must
SA Series the safety circuits to match these demands. Bourns® mini-breaker TCO products have been proven
over numerous years in a multitude of applications with an installed base of more than 2.7 billion
units sold. Bourns is committed to maintaining the highest levels of performance and quality as the
foundation for innovating future generations of mini-breaker TCO products that continue to meet the
demand for higher currents, smaller sizes and surface mount formats.
LC Series
HC Series
NR-C Series
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Fax +1-951 781-5700 Fax +36 88 520 211 Fax +886-2 256 241 16
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