Shoulson-11 HD
Shoulson-11 HD
Shoulson-11 HD
Program for Regulatory Science and Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
ABSTRACT: There have been extraordinary the disease. Clinical research on biomarkers and clinical
advances in our knowledge of the underlying gene, the trials on potential neuroprotective agents are underway.
protein it encodes, various models of disease, and Here we review our progress in these areas over the
potential targets for effective therapies for Huntington last 25 years and speculate on what the next 25 years
disease. Huntington disease research has increased may hold. V C 2011 Movement Disorder Society
In 1872, George Huntington described the key heredi- Genetics and Epidemiology
tary and clinical features of the disorder that was to bear
his name,1 in the same era when Gregor Mendel was for- The prevalence of manifest HD in the United States
mulating the fundamental principles of genetics. Many has been approximated to be between 7 and 10 per
decades passed before the significance of Huntington’s 100,000 of the population, leading to the estimate of
insightful clinical description and the brilliance of Men- 30,000 manifest individuals.4 In Europe, the prevalence
of HD may be higher, with as many as 45,000 manifest
del’s scientific contributions would be widely appreci-
individuals.5 For every manifest individual, there are
ated. It would be nearly a century until DNA was
about 5 persons immediately at risk for having inher-
discovered and clinical and genetic interest in Hunting- ited the HD gene; on average, 2 of these 5 persons will
ton disease (HD) converged. When the Movement Disor- have indeed inherited the HD gene mutation, whereas
ders journal was launched 25 years ago, the general 3 of these 5 will not. Since 1993, adults at risk for HD
terrain of DNA corresponding to HD had just been have been able to learn of their actual HD gene-carrier
mapped to chromosome 42—a prelude to 1993, when status, but fewer than 10% in the United States have
the single gene responsible for HD was identified, and actually chosen to be tested. Although there is some
the mutation was found to consist of an expanded repeti- evidence that more adults at risk for HD are opting for
tion of the cytosine-adenine-guanine (CAG) trinucleo- DNA predictive testing, the vast majority of such indi-
tide.3 In the past 25 years, much has been learned about viduals prefer to live with uncertainty or perhaps are
unaware of their HD risk status.6
HD, and accrued knowledge has been applied in antici-
CAG encodes the amino acid glutamine, which is
pation of developing more substantive treatment for this
repeated many times in the huntingtin protein. The
progressively disabling neurodegenerative disease.
gene is large (11 kB), as is the protein (!3300 aa),
and it has 67 exons. The triplet repeat is in the first
------------------------------------------------------------ exon. Alleles from 29 to 35 repeats do not cause HD
*Correspondence to: Dr. Ira Shoulson, 1351 Mt. Hope Avenue, Suite
218, Rochester, NY 14620, USA; but are potentially unstable during inheritance. Inter-
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: Nothing to report. mediate alleles, from 35 to 39 repeats, have variable
Full financial disclosures and author roles may be found in the online penetrance and instability in terms of inheritance.7–9
version of this article.
There is instability of the gene during gametogenesis,
Received: 18 January 2011; Accepted: 27 January 2011
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( and this can lead to so-called anticipation in the off-
DOI: 10.1002/mds.23685 spring.10 In this case, the offspring can get the disease
at an earlier age than their parent. Usually this antici- including subtle involuntary movements and oculomo-
pation occurs with paternal descent. tor dysfunction, may be present for many years before
The extent of the CAG expansion is inversely diagnosis. Evidence of early cognitive abnormalities,
related to the age of clinical onset among large popu- especially the ability to shift cognitive sets, may ante-
lations of HD gene carriers, such that very large date motor abnormalities. Behavioral problems occur
expansions beyond 60–70 CAG repeats are associated in the prodromal period but are abnormal early even
with very early onset in childhood or adolescence. in far-from-onset patients and do not progress as overt
Expansions in the 40–55 range account for nearly motor and cognitive abnormalities do.18
90% of HD carriers, who typically manifest HD in The prodromal emergence of HD may last a decade
young to midadulthood, well into peak reproductive or more based on imaging studies conducted longitu-
years. There is great variance in clinical onset among dinally in premanifest individuals who harbor the HD
individuals with the same number of CAG expansions, gene. Striatal atrophy as well as white matter loss as
which translates into an abundance of caution in pre- measured by standardized MRI volumetric analysis
dicting clinical onset for an individual in the most can be detected at least 15 years prior to predicted
commonly expanded CAG range. Individuals who onset and progresses steadily during the prodromal
have inherited 35–39 repeats seem to have reduced premanifest period.19,20 In addition, cortical thinning
penetrance and may not show signs of HD until very develops during the prodromal period in parallel with
late in life, if at all. Data from Venezuela indicate that the emergence of clinical features.21 A slow but steady
about 70% of the variability of age of onset is a result unexplained loss of body mass in the face of seemingly
of the CAG repeat. Of the remaining 30%, about normal caloric intake is observed in the prodromal
40% is due to modifying genes and about 60% to phase, perhaps related to subtle hypothalamic-pitui-
environmental factors.8 tary dysfunction and the ubiquitous presence of the
Although the extent of the CAG expansion has a mutant HD gene in all cells.22
profound effect on age at clinical onset, expanded Once manifest, the course of HD is slowly but inex-
CAG repeats also exert a related burden on the course orably progressive and is characterized by increasing
of the illness, especially when adjusted for the age of motor and cognitive dysfunction, resulting in gradual
the individual.11 Penney et al found in the examina- loss of capacities related to occupation, financial man-
tion of HD postmortem brains that the extent of CAG agement, domestic tasks, and self-care skills. The pro-
expansion was associated with more severe age- totypical individual who has inherited the HD gene
adjusted neurodegeneration.12 Langbehn et al devised develops normally and spends the initial two thirds of
a formula based on CAG expansions that may predict life in a relatively healthy condition, often marked by
whether an HD gene carrier of a given age is ‘‘close educational achievement, occupational satisfaction,
to’’ or ‘‘far from’’ onset.13 The contributions of CAG and progeny. The last one third of life is typified by
repeat length and age may prove useful for enriching slowly progressive illness over a course of 15–20 years
clinical trial cohorts in preventive trials of premanifest until the patient succumbs to the lethal effects of
HD carriers, perhaps by enrolling those with greater neurodegeneration and the resulting dysphagia and
disease burdens, who have a higher likelihood of more inanition.
imminent clinical onset. However, these estimates of
disease and genetic burdens are more useful in design-
ing experimental studies than in predicting the onset Pathological Features
or course of the illness for any individual carrier of
the HD mutation. The brain in end-stage Huntington disease is about
400 g smaller than the average brain weight of 1300–
1400 g.23,24 This gross atrophy results from profound
Prodromal and Clinical atrophy of the caudate nucleus and putamen but also
Manifestations severe loss of neurons25 in the deeper layers of the cer-
ebral cortex. The hippocampus and thalamus are also
HD is manifested by motor, cognitive, and behav- affected but the cerebellum much less so. The white
ioral characteristics that typically emerge gradually in matter including the corpus callosum is atrophied.26
young adulthood and are diagnosed on average by age The cortical atrophy progresses from the motorsensory
40; however, the range of clinical onset varies from cortex to the occipital, parietal, and limbic cortices.27
childhood to well into the eighth decade of life. Large It progresses from unimodal to multimodal cortices in
observational studies of adults at risk for HD who apparent sequence. Atrophy of the basal ganglia, thin-
have chosen not to undergo predictive testing14 and of ning of the cortex, and atrophy of the whole brain all
clinically unaffected adults who have learned of their precede the overt onset of clinical symptoms by years.
HD gene-carrier status15–17 have portrayed a prodro- In the caudate/putamen, the primary neuronal type
mal period for HD in which motor abnormalities, is the medium spiny neuron, which makes up 90% of
the neurons in the nuclei. These neurons are the out- manage the fragments by processing them through the
put neurons of the striatum, and they form 2 general proteosome or autophagosome, but the fragments
populations—(1) those with GABA/substance P/dynor- build up nevertheless and cause aggregation in the
phin cells that project to substantia nigra pars re- nucleus, cytoplasm, and neurites.
ticulata and the medial globus pallidus (the so-called It is not clear whether the nuclear aggregates them-
direct motor pathway) and (2) those with GABA/ selves cause pathology or whether the fragments or the
enkephalin that project to the lateral globus pallidus full-length mutated protein cause pathology prior to
(the so-called indirect motor pathway).28,29 aggregation.42,43 The general consensus is currently that
In Huntington disease, there is clear selective vulner- the fragments and oligomers of the fragments may be the
ability of neurons,30–33 and thus some neurons survive culprit.44
despite the expression of the huntingtin protein and the Mitochondrial dysfunction has long been a hypothesis
development of aggregates. Somatostatin/neuropeptide in HD because of the weight loss and high metabolic
Y/NADPH diaphorase/NO synthetase interneurons are demand in the disease. Inhibitors of complex II of the
virtually spared in the disease,34 and cholinergic inter- electron transport chain lead to selective striatal cell
neurons35 are partially spared, as are other interneuro- death that mimics that observed in the postmortem
nal populations such as parvalbumin and calretinin HD brain.45 More recently, the mitochondrial master
neurons. In contrast, the earliest cell loss appears in the gene, PGC1alpha, has been found to be abnormally
GABA/enkephalin neurons projecting to the lateral transcribed in HD, thus resulting in mitochondrial
globus pallidus.29–32 The loss of these indirect pathway dysfunction.46
neurons is thought to underlie the development of cho- In 1998, evidence for transcriptional dysregulation
rea. Later, the GABA/substance P/dynorphin cells pro- was shown in exon 1 transgenic animals, and subse-
jecting to the direct pathway are affected, leading to quently, gene expression studies in multiple animal
motor incoordination and abnormal eye movements. models and human postmortem tissue provided con-
Loss of cortical neurons is likely to lead to cognitive crete evidence for transcriptional dysfunction.47–49
and behavioral problems. Mutant huntingtin binds to transcription factors and
The huntingtin protein is widely expressed in the to DNA itself to alter normal gene transcription
brain but is much more in neurons than in glia. The directly.50,51 Alterations in transcription have led to
expression of huntingtin does not reflect the distribu- many studies of histone deacetylases that modify tran-
tion of selective vulnerability. Interestingly, huntingtin scription. HDAC inhibitors have even been in clinical
was found to form intranuclear, cytoplasmic, and neu- trials. Other deacetylases including sirtuins have been
ritic inclusions.36 The intranuclear inclusions were first found to influence huntingtin toxicity and are poten-
observed in 1974 but were not pursued.37 Once hun- tial drug targets.52,53 Recent work has found that
tingtin antibodies became available, aggregates of hun- 2 lysines in the first 17 amino acids of huntingtin just
tingtin were rediscovered and found to be distributed prior to the glutamine repeat can be phosphorylated,
throughout vulnerable and nonvulnerable regions.36 and when they are, the mutant protein is no longer
Aggregates are mostly ubiquitinated, and their role in toxic.54,55 How phosphorylation works mechanisti-
the underlying pathogenesis remains controversial. cally is still unknown, although targeting of the pro-
Recent data from Richard Faull’s group in New tein to the proteosome and the lysosome appears to be
Zealand correlated the clinical mood disorder with pa- involved.55
thology in the anterior cingulate cortex and striosomal
compartments of striatum, whereas the motor disorder
was more associated with motor cortex pathology and Genetic Testing and Counseling
striatal matrix cell loss.38,39
It is difficult to imagine a more personal, complex,
and life-changing decision than the irreversible choice
Pathogenesis individuals at risk for HD may now opt for to learn
their HD gene carrier status. Therefore, skilled yet
The HD gene is necessary for life because knockouts time-consuming genetic and psychological counseling
of the gene are lethal during embryogenesis.40 Knock- and abundant clinical sensibilities are essential prior to
ing out the gene conditionally in adulthood appears to and following the administration of the predictive or
result in neurodegeneration.41 The protein and gene prenatal test.56,57
are expressed ubiquitously, with the brain and testes Predictive HD testing typically involves analysis of
showing the highest expression. The huntingtin pro- blood DNA from a clinically unaffected adult at nomi-
tein is cytoplasmic, and its normal function is still nal 50:50 risk who has an affected HD parent (or sib-
unknown. It appears to be cleaved by proteases and ling) or from an individual who has suggestive clinical
caspases into smaller fragments that can have patho- features without a confirmed family history of HD.
logical and perhaps other functions. The cell tries to Although DNA testing is not required for an
individual who has developed clear clinical HD fea- forts of lingering uncertainty, their faith in technology,
tures in the setting of known and relevant family his- and perceived prospects for substantive treatments.
tory, adults who have prodromal or equivocal clinical
features may choose DNA testing to confirm or dis-
prove the diagnosis.
Clinical Care and Treatment
Direct prenatal DNA testing, involving detection of The care of HD patients and their families has
the actual CAG expansion in fetal cells, is accurate but improved with increasing recognition of this hereditary
also reveals the HD gene carrier status of the parent disorder, access to genetic counseling, and the availability
who is at risk to have inherited the HD gene. Alterna- of specialized care programs that incorporate comprehen-
tively, testing using linkage analysis can exclude the al- sive neurological, psychiatric, behavioral, and rehabilita-
lele of the at-risk grandparent, if DNA is available, tion assessments. Patients and families greatly appreciate
whereas the at-risk parent remains nominally at 50% and benefit from skilled and accessible care that is knowl-
risk and unaware of his or her individual gene status. In
edgeable, accessible, and respectful of the challenging
both approaches to prenatal testing, the implication is
choices and future they face.68
that the pregnancy will be aborted if the fetus is found
Pharmacotherapeutic interventions remain limited but
to be at high risk for HD. Experiences with prenatal
are being increasingly assessed in an evidence-based fash-
testing vary, and prenatal testing is a highly personal de-
ion.69–71 Tetrabenazine, which depletes vesicular stores
cision.58 In a European study in which 305 individuals
of catecholamines, has been demonstrated to suppress
underwent prenatal testing between 1993 and 1998,
the severity of chorea and is associated with improve-
131 tests (43%) were high risk for HD, and 8 of these
ment in clinical global impression.72 Neuroleptic drugs
pregnancies (6%) continued.59 There is some contro-
that block postsynaptic dopamine receptors (eg, fluphe-
versy about prenatal screening for HD where gene car-
nazine,73 haloperidol74) may be effective in suppressing
riers may remain healthy for 30–50 years prior to the
chorea, but their long-term use has not been systemati-
onset of illness.59–61
cally evaluated. There have been few controlled studies
For a potential parent who is at risk for or known to
of treatments for the cognitive, affective, or behavioral
carry the HD gene, preimplantation genetic diagnosis
disorders of HD. Antidepressants have not been system-
(PGD) of HD is an alternative to prenatal testing that
atically evaluated in depressed HD patients, but both tra-
may mitigate some ethical dilemmas.62 This high-tech-
ditional tricyclic and selective serotonin reuptake
nology option involves in vitro fertilization to prompt
inhibitors antidepressants are widely considered to bene-
ovulation and the development of multiple fertilized eggs
that are in turn retrieved, fertilized, and screened for the fit HD.69 Although cognitive impairment is a major
HD gene. Embryos not containing the HD gene are source of disability, there is no persuasive evidence of
returned to the mother to complete pregnancy.63,64 This benefit from medications used to temporarily improve
complicated and expensive approach is not without its cognition in other dementing disorders.
own ethical dilemmas and societal implications.65
Currently, few adults at risk for HD choose to be Experimental Therapeutics
tested, perhaps fewer than 10% of this group in North
America. Even fewer individuals choose prenatal testing. Twenty-five years ago, there were just a handful of
Surprisingly meager data have been accrued prospec- controlled clinical trials in HD and no multicenter trials
tively about the long-term reproductive choices, out- to examine relevant effects, safety concerns, and gener-
comes, and behaviors of individuals who learn they alizability of findings. In 2010, clinical lists
are at risk for HD and choose whether to learn if they more than 20 active HD trials, including the first PRE-
carry the HD gene. QUEL (NCT00920699) to examine the safety and tol-
Oster et al analyzed data from the PHAROS project erability of an experimental treatment (coenzyme Q10)
and found less investment in human capital (eg, insur- in individuals with premanifest HD who are known to
ance, education, preventive health surveillance) for those carry the mutant gene but have not yet manifested clin-
who learned they carried the genetic mutation compared ical features. This robust increase in the clinical experi-
with individuals who did not choose DNA testing, sug- mental therapeutics of HD has been catalyzed by an
gesting the importance of certainty and uncertainty in increasing understanding of its pathogenesis, the power-
weighing such decisions.66 Quaid et al used qualitative ful impact of CAG expansions on clinical onset, the
methods to explore reproductive decision-making in identification of ‘‘druggable’’ pharmacological targets,
3 groups of PHAROS research participants: (1) those and the welcome participation of research participants
who knew of their risk and decided to have children, in this still-early stage of clinical research.
(2) those who had children before they knew of their So-called symptomatic and neuroprotective treatments
risk, and (3) those who chose not to have children based for neurodegenerative disorders are distinguished by the
on their risk.67 Among all groups, there was a fine psy- endurance of treatment effects. Symptomatic therapies
chological balance between the comforts and discom- improve the signs and symptoms of illness without
necessarily affecting underlying disease progression; carry the HD gene ( registration no.
therefore, benefits are only temporary in the setting of NCT00920699).
progressive neurodegeneration. Neuroprotection is Two large, prospective observational studies are
aimed at producing enduring benefits by favorably influ- well under way to better inform about research meth-
encing the underlying etiology or pathogenesis.75 Restor- odology and potential biomarkers in premanifest HD.
ative therapies promote regrowth or repair of areas of The Prospective Huntington At Risk Observational
neuronal injury or cell loss. Both neuroprotective and re- Study (PHAROS) enrolled 1001 clinically unaffected
storative treatments exert disease-modifying effects that adults at risk for HD who have chosen not to undergo
could be measured by slowing clinical decline in manifest predictive DNA testing but agreed to be followed in a
HD or forestalling onset of illness in premanifest HD multiyear, double-blinded longitudinal study to exam-
(‘‘secondary prevention’’). In their evidence-based ine the precursors of clinical onset and the specificity
review, Bonelli and Wenning and the Cochrane collabo- of emerging phenotype to CAG repeat length.14 Neu-
ration also reviewed the outcomes of disease-modifying robiological Predictors of HD (PREDICT-HD) is a
clinical trials for HD.69–71 No studies have demonstrated similarly large, prospective observational study that
a slowing of clinical progression in manifest HD or evi- largely involves unaffected adults who have chosen to
dence of restorative effects. undergo predictive DNA testing and have learned that
CARE-HD was a randomized controlled trial in ambu- they have inherited the HD gene. PREDICT-HD
latory HD patients examining coenzyme Q10, an antioxi- research participants have also consented to be fol-
dant and cofactor involved in mitochondrial electron lowed prospectively and undergo extensive cognitive
transfer, and remacemide, a noncompetitive NMDA re- assessments and standardized magnetic resonance
ceptor antagonist. Employing a double-blind, placebo- imaging (MRI) in order to assess the predictive value
controlled, parallel-group 2 " 2 factorial design, 347 of quantitative clinical assessments and emerging bio-
patients with early HD were evaluated for a minimum of markers relative to the clinical onset of HD.15 The
30 months by Huntington Study Group investigators at clinical and biological markers corresponding to clini-
23 sites in the United States and Canada. Research partic- cal onset from PREDICT-HD and other longitudinal
ipants were randomized to 1 of 4 treatment groups: coen- studies20 are providing useful clinical end points for
zyme Q10 600 mg daily, remacemide 600 mg daily, the clinical trials aimed at postponing the onset and pro-
combination of coenzyme Q10 and remacemide, or pla- gressive disability of HD.
cebo. Remacemide exerted a modest antichoreic effect More proximal experimental approaches are being
but did not slow functional capacity, the prespecified pri- focused at transcriptional mechanisms in an effort to
mary outcome. In contrast, individuals treated with coen- inhibit mutant RNA expression or make use of oligo-
zyme Q10 showed about a 13% slowing in functional nucleotide antisense interventions. Specificity of action
decline (P ¼ .15) as well as a benefit on cognitive meas- on the mutant rather than wild-type mutations and
ures compared with individuals not receiving coenzyme effective delivery to the vulnerable brain targets repre-
Q10.76 Based on studies of coenzyme Q10 showing good sent important challenges in realizing the potential of
tolerability at dosages up to 2400 mg/day,77 a 5-year pla- these innovative strategies.
cebo-controlled study (2-CARE) of coenzyme Q10 2400 The Huntington Study Group (http://www.hunting-
mg/day in early HD is in progress ( regis-, through the sponsorship of gov-
tration no. NCT00608881). ernment, industry, and foundations, as well as the
Creatine increases cytoplasmic brain phosphocre- European HD Network (see
atine to maintain cellular ATP levels and buffer energy are committed to the development and conduct of
metabolism,78 and like Coenzyme Q10, exerts antioxi- randomized clinical trials and observational studies to
dative effects and neuroprotective effects in HD ani- improve treatment and our understanding of genetic
mal models.79,80 The disease-modifying rationale and factors that may modify the onset and course of HD.
dose-ranging and safety studies in HD have prompted The participation of individuals affected clinically by
the development of a multicenter, placebo-controlled, HD and those unaffected who carry the mutant HD
randomized controlled trial of high-dosage creatine gene are critical to the success of these collaborative
(CREST-E), which is being conducted by the Huntington efforts.
Study Group and is currently enrolling research partici-
pants ( registration no. NCT00712426).
Potential disease-modifying treatments might best The Next 25 Years
be initiated prior to the onset of HD, when patho-
genic mechanisms are potentially more reversible.81 A Identification of the HD gene, the rapid pace of sci-
randomized, controlled study (PREQUEL) has been entific discovery, and expanding knowledge about the
designed to examine the safety, tolerability, and dosage clinical and biological features of manifest and pre-
of coenzyme Q10 in unaffected (premanifest) individuals manifest HD hold great promise for substantive thera-
who, through predictive DNA testing, are known to peutic advances in the next 25 years. The option to
learn one’s gene carrier status, the expanding group of 19. Aylward EH, Sparks BF, Field KM, et al. Onset and rate of striatal
atrophy in preclinical Huntington disease. Neurology. 2004;63:
individuals who learn they have premanifest HD, tech- 66–72.
nological advances such as preimplantation genetic di- 20. Tabrizi SJ, Langbehn DR, Leavitt BR, et al. Biological and clinical
agnosis, and incremental gains in developing disease- manifestations of Huntington’s disease in the longitudinal TRACK-
HD study: cross-sectional analysis of baseline data. Lancet Neurol.
modifying therapies carry potential risks as well as 2009;8:791–801.
benefit. The challenges remain, but now there is a 21. Rosas HD, Hevelone ND, Zaleta AK, Greve DN, Salat DH, Fischl
rational and evidence-based pathway forward to lessen B. Regional cortical thinning in preclinical Huntington disease and
its relationship to cognition. Neurology. 2005;65:745–747.
the burden and improve the quality of life for patients
22. Marder K, Zhao H, Eberly S, Tanner CM, Oakes D, Shoulson I.
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