Newer Modes of Ventilation1

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Review Article

Newer nonconventional modes of mechanical

Preet Mohinder Singh, Anuradha Borle, Anjan Trikha
Department of Anaesthesia, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India

The conventional modes of ventilation suffer many limitations. Although they are popularly used and are well-understood,
often they fail to match the patient-based requirements. Over the years, many small modifications in ventilators have
been incorporated to improve patient outcome. The ventilators of newer generation respond to patient’s demands
by additional feedback systems. In this review, we discuss the popular newer modes of ventilation that have been
accepted in to clinical practice. Various intensive care units over the world have found these modes to improve patient
ventilator synchrony, decrease ventilator days and improve patient safety. The various modes discusses in this review
are: Dual control modes (volume assured pressure support, volume support), Adaptive support ventilation, proportional
assist ventilation, mandatory minute ventilation, Bi-level airway pressure release ventilation, (BiPAP), neurally adjusted
ventilatory assist and NeoGanesh. Their working principles with their advantages and clinical limitations are discussed
in brief.

Key Words: Adaptive support ventilation, airway pressure release ventilation, dual control modes, mandatory minute
ventilation, newer modes of ventilation, neurally adjusted ventilatory assist, NeoGanesh, proportional assist ventilation,
volume-assured pressure support, volume support

INTRODUCTION Key ideas in understanding mechanical ventilation

The basic understanding into mechanical aspects of ventilation
The conventional modes of ventilation suffer many limitations. comes from understanding the physics of flow and pressure
Although they are popularly used and are well-understood, often involved. Before we elaborate the rationale for newer modes
they fail to match the patient based requirements. Over the years, of ventilation understanding the key concepts in ventilation are
many small modifications in ventilators have been incorporated critical. These modern modes are just alterations of interplay
to improve patient outcome. The ventilators of newer generation among these factors and thus innovate into newer advanced
respond to patient’s demands by additional feedback systems. In patient ventilator interactions.
this review, we discuss the popular newer modes of ventilation
that have been accepted in to clinical practice. Various intensive The ability of ventilator to initiate, maintain, and terminate
care units over the world have found these modes to improve an assisted/artificial breath derives its basis from “ Equation
patient ventilator synchrony, decrease ventilator days, and of motion.”[1,2] The equation of motion postulates that the
improve patient safety. pressure necessary to deliver a breath has two components;
the pressure to overcome elastic recoil of the lungs and chest
Address for correspondence:
wall and the pressure to cause flow through the airways. The
Prof. Anjan Trikha, E-mail: left hand side of the equation can be expanded to show that
ventilating pressure may be made up of muscle pressure
Access this article online and/or airway pressure generated by the ventilator. The
Quick Response Code: right hand side of the equation can be expanded to show
that elastic recoil pressure is the product of elastance time’s
volume, while resistive pressure is the product of resistance
and flow.[3]
P = Presistive + Pelastance

222 Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock I 7:3 I Jul - Sept 2014
Singh, et al.: Newer non conventional modes of mechanical ventilation

In a ventilators perspective, the same can be rewritten as shown in pressure control ventilation [Figure 4], airway pressure is
in [Figure 1]: held constant during inspiration. This causes inspiratory flow
to fall exponentially from its peak value toward 0 as volume
In mathematical terms rises exponentially. Inspiration ends after a preset inspiratory
P resistive is given by Volume (V) * Airway resistance (R) time or after a preset inspiratory flow threshold (depending on
P elastance is given by Volume (V) * Lung elastance (E) cycle variable).

Thus, the equation becomes This is the factor that the ventilator quantitatively modifies to
P = V*R + V*E deliver inspiratory volume to lungs.[5] This can be the following:
1. Volume/flow controlled,
The various pressures involved in delivering volume to alveoli 2. Pressure control, and
are illustrated in Figure 2. 3. Time controlled.

The other aspect of modifications targets “the ventilatory This is the mode that determines the primary labeled name
variables”. These are as follows: of ventilatory mode, for example, volume-controlled or
pressure-controlled ventilation.
Trigger variable
This variable is what helps the ventilator to initiate a breath.
In patient-initiated modes this forms a determinant of
ventilator patient synchrony. The more sensitive is ventilator
in sensing the lesser is likely to be patient work of initiation Figure 1: Ventilator pressure generation mechanics
of breathing.[4] Trigger can further be by following:
1. Time (control modes),
2. Pressure
3. Flow,
4 Neural sensing

Trigger variable is the primary factor that divides all modes into
the following:
1. Mandatory: Where ventilator initiates and controls phases
of breathing
2. Spontaneous: Where patient initiates the breath and often
interacts with ventilator to modify phase and cycle variables.

Limit variable
This is the maximal limit manually set for a phase of respiration;
however, it does not cause switching of phase of breath. (i.e.,
maximal value to stop inspiration). This can be further Figure 2: Alveolar diagram showing various pressures involved in
inspiration/expiration. The same are either provided or overcome
1. Time (control modes), by the ventilator
2. Pressure,
3. Flow,
4. Volumes

Cycle variable
This terminates the phase of respiration and causes the ventilator
to switch from inspiration to expiration or vice versa. This can
be time (commonest), flow, volume, or pressure.

Control variable
It can be understood from the equation of motion that the
ventilator can control either the left side of the equation (i.e.,
airway pressure) or the right side (i.e., volume and flow). In
volume control, [Figure 3] the ventilator controls flow indirectly
controlling volume. Holding, inspiratory flow constant during
inspiration causes volume and pressure to rise linearly. Inspiration
ends (cycles off) when a preset tidal volume is met. In contrast Figure 3: Ventilatory graphics in classical volume control mode

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PROBLEMS WITH CONVENTIONAL MODES OF this mode. One must understand if the set pressure limit is too
VENTILATION high it will not only cause unwanted barotrauma to lung but also
would generate higher volume than minimal set tidal volume, thus
In critical care settings, all the parameters of equation of motion negating the volume guarantee. Set flow rates must not be very low;
change with time. A ventilator setting appropriate for one in situations where minimal volume is not met it would cause a
point of time may not be optimal with patient deterioration or delayed switch from pressure control to volume control and would
improvement.[6] These ventilators only deliver the set parameters lead to unwanted prolongation of inspiratory time. Evidence in
and take no feedback from patient variables. Thus, all the classical favor of this mode has shown that it leads to decreased work of
volume/pressure control modes are “Open Loop” (the feedback breathing and lower intrinsic PEEP.[12,13]
loop is absent). The newer modes target to make alterations with
the changing lung and take feedback from patient parameters, Dual control in subsequent breaths
thus completing the feedback loop and are “Closed loop” type.[7,8] The ventilator takes feedback from output parameters of initial
The control, cycle, or the limit variables undergo self-adjustment breaths and makes automatic adjustments to set targets in the
and these variables are no longer limited to single parameter subsequent breaths. The mode listed under this subcategory is
determinant but if the threshold of one component is reached
they shift to the other alternate set parameter. This has lead to Pressure limited flow cycled ventilation (aka volume
name “Dual control” ventilation.[9,10] These adjustments can occur support): It is a modification of pressure support mode where
in a single initiated breath or in subsequent breaths and thus form the support pressure is automatically adjusted by the ventilator
the basis of classification of these modes. Various newer modes to meet the minimal set tidal volume.[14] [Figure 6] The ventilator
available in market are shown in Table 1.

Dual control within a breath

The control variable can change its nature (from pressure to
volume or vice versa) within a single breath if the desired
ventilation requirements are not met.[9]

The listed mode under this subtype is

Volume-assured pressure support (VAPS): This is a modification
into pressure control mode. It makes the ventilator to switch from
pressure control mode to volume control if a minimum set tidal
volume is not achieved.[11] [Figure 5] The operator adjustable
mechanical parameters are as in conventional pressure control
mode-Pressure limit, peak flow rate, ventilator rate, and positive
end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). Additionally, a minimum desired
“Minimum tidal volume” is also defined. In patients where the lung
compliance decreases this mode provides safety against increasing Figure 4: Ventilatory graphics in classical pressure control mode
blood CO2 levels by maintaining minimal minute ventilation. It
is tricky to understand the rationale behind the optimal setting in

Table 1: Ventilator modes and Modes and available

ventilatorsavailable market ventilators
Mode name Ventilator in market
VAPS T-Bird AVS III, Bird 8400Ti
Volume support Siemens; Servo 300
Adaptive Support Hamilton Medical;Galileo Drager;Evita
PAV Puritan Bennett 840 ventilator
Figure 5: Ventilatory graphics in VAPS (Volume assured pressure
Mandatory minute ventilation Drager; Babylog VN500
support mode) mode
Airway pressure release Drager Medical Evita, Viasys Avea Bi-level-
ventilation Puritan Bennett 840
APRV (extended) Vela Ventilators; Diamond Series Evita XL,
Evita XL-Neo (Drager Inc)
BiPAP Philips;Respironics V60 Evita XL, Evita XL-Neo
(Drager Inc)
NAVA SERVO-i Ventilator
NeoGanesh Evita XL, Evita XL-Neo (Drager Inc)
APRV: A ; B PAP: B -
; PAV: P ; NAVA: N
; VAPS: V -
Figure 6: Ventilatory graphics in volume support mode

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Singh, et al.: Newer non conventional modes of mechanical ventilation

in initial breaths measures the delivered tidal volume and if the pulmonary disease (COPD) patients needing longer expiratory
minimal volume set is higher than this, it automatically steps up times which are currently unaccounted in current protocols of
the pressure support in the next breaths.[15] This mode achieves the automatic adjustments.
advantages of pressure support assuring an adequate tidal volume
despite changes in lung compliance. The respiratory therapist sets Proportional assist ventilation (PAV)
respiratory rate, minimal tidal volume and PEEP. Volume support PAV is a promising newer mode with advantage of improving
is a useful mode for weaning as once the patient begins to achieve ventilator patient synchrony. It is a form of synchronized
a desired tidal volume it automatically decreases the pressure partial ventilator assistance with a unique feature that
support, thus gradually loading the respiratory muscles to take ventilator assists in proportion to patients instantaneous
on work of breathing. Like the pressure support mode patient effort.[20] In other words, it amplifies patient’s ventilatory effort
controls the I:E (Inspiratory time: Expiratory time) and the total giving patient freedom to adopt his own breathing pattern.
inspiratory time, this improves the ventilator-patient synchrony. PAV unloads respiratory muscles and unaltered respiratory
The basic caution prior to use of this mode is that patient must pattern allows synchrony between ventilator and patient’s
have spontaneous breathing activity else the ventilator will neural ventilator drive. The therapist sets the percentage of
automatically shift to backup mode. Also if the set tidal volume is assistance to be delivered and other parameters are adjusted
too large, the ventilator will raise the pressure support to achieve it automatically by patients “air hunger.” As the ventilator on
and lead to problems like barotrauma, hemodynamic compromise, take on only a part of breathing work this mode is unlikely
and intrinsic PEEP. If the set volume is too low, it may lead to to cause respiratory muscle atrophy in chronically ventilated
inadequate pressure support and thus increased respiratory rate patients. Parameters like I:E ration and inspiratory time are
leading to increased work of breathing.[16] completely patient controlled and further add to successful
patient synchronization. The potential disadvantage noted
It must be realized from above description that VAPS and it that if the patient worsens or improves, the proportion
volume support not only differ in the method of their of assistance may needed to be reset according to newer
parameter adjustment but also VAPS is an entirely controlled clinical situation.[21] This has, however, has been addressed
mode, whereas the volume support is a spontaneous patient- in newer modification of “PAV+” mode, which is capable
initiated mode. of sensing patient lung mechanical properties and adjusting
accordingly. [22] Other advantages of PAV include low
airway pressures, optimal weaning, and decreased work of
OTHER NEWER CLOSED LOOP MODES breathing.[23] A technical important aspect of PAV is that there
should be minimal air leak in the system; this would cause
Adaptive support ventilation the ventilator to overassist or cause auto cycling[24] (a positive
This is a unique mode that sets minimal work of breathing as back pressure wont build up during inspiration and ventilator
its end point to achieve desired minute ventilation. The control would presume inspiration is going on). PAV has been used in
variable is “pressure” and is capable of delivering both pressure early/late ARDS, hypercapnic respiratory failure, and weaning.
control or pressure support breaths. The operating principle Recent trials with noninvasive PAV have also shown promising
is based on pressure controlled synchronized intermittent results for the above indications.
mandatory ventilation with automatic adjustments to set
pressure level and respiratory rate on the basis of measured Mandatory minute ventilation (MMV)
lung mechanics in the previous breaths.[17] The set parameters It is a modifi cation of pressure support ventilation. The
are the ideal body weight, minimum minute ventilation, PEEP, ventilator takes feedback to alter both respiratory rate and
and trigger sensitivity. The target ventilation (tidal volume and the level of pressure support to achieve set minimum minute
respiratory rate) corresponds to the best combination from ventilation. The operator sets minimum minute ventilation
energy standpoint estimated by automatic measurements of lung required adjudging the present patient clinical state. These
compliance and resistance. The ventilator continuously optimizes values often fall in 70%-90% of current minute volume. If the
I:E ratio to avoid any auto-PEEP. The indications for the use patient fails to achieve the set value, the ventilator provides the
of this mode cover wide range of clinical conditions. It can be deficit. MMV forms a reliable weaning mode,[25] as the set value
used as partial to full support mode Acute respiratory distress can be gradually decreased loading the respiratory muscles.
syndrome (ARDS), asthma, and weaning.[18,19] Patients with rapid In patients with apneic episodes or central drive pathologies,
changes in lung physical parameters like compliance (ARDS) and MMV sets safety by providing a set value ventilation as
resistance (asthma) are benefited, as these parameters are main mandatory ventilation.[26] The ventilatory setting of MMV
determinants unlike any other mode. The major limitation if this need extreme caution, if the set value is significantly lower
mode is inability to recognize dead space ventilation or shunts than current minute ventilation, this may lead to increased
to make adjustments to ventilation.[17] In clinical conditions work of breathing by the patient and in reverse situation
where lung physical parameters remain unchanged (pulmonary this can lead to complete unloading of respiratory muscles
embolism), the mode fails to adapt to patients requirements. causing possibility of muscle atrophy. A maximal respiratory
Auto-PEEP may become problem in chronic obstructive rate set too high can cause significant increase in ventilator
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frequency during ventilator automatic adjustment leading to to plateau pressure or the upper inflection point and Plow should
“rapid shallow” breathing. be set at lower inflection point on volume-pressure curve.
APRV should be used with caution in hypovolemic as increased
intrathoracic pressure further lower venous return. APRV should
be avoided in patients with obstructive lung diseases as it can
cause air trapping or rupture of bullae in COPD. APRV has
Bi-levels are innovative ventilator modes that allow patients
been shown to improve oxygenation in patients with ARDS
spontaneous breathing during any phase of ventilator cycle. The
simultaneously decreasing need of sedation or paralysis.[30]
ventilator cycles between two set pressures: P-High and P-Low
(high pressure and low pressure, respectively). The likelihood
Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA)
of ventilator-patient asynchrony is minimal due to the fact
NAVA is a closed loop mode that delivers breath proportional to
that the patient can breathe irrespective of ventilator cycle and
patient’s inspiratory effort. Unlike all other modes available that
these breaths can be aided by the ventilator. Maintaining high
use pressure, flow or volume sensing to initiate a breath, NAVA
pressure prevents alveolar collapse and aids in recruitment. The
uses diaphragmatic electromyogram to detect inspiratory effort
low-pressure phase prevents any barotrauma, air trapping, and
of patient.[31] An esophageal catheter with electrodes placed at
hemodynamic compromise. The various modifications to Bi-level
the level of diaphragm is used to record time of initiation and
ventilator modes[27] are represented in Table 2.
strength of contraction. This mode over scores all other modes
in synchronization of patients efforts to ventilator by having
Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV)
least possible delay among the two. Like PAV, NAVA assists in
APRV is a bi-level mode representing another open-lung
accordance to measured strength of diaphragmatic contractions
ventilation strategy. It provides two levels of continuous positive
and most of parameters like inspiratory time, I:E ratio are patient
airway pressure (CPAP) with an inverse I:E ratio of 2:1 or more.
controlled. Leaks in the circuit can cause false initiation of breaths
[Figure 7].[28] The rationale of using prolonged high-pressure
in conventional modes leading to severe ventilator asynchrony;
phase is to prevent alveolar collapse and maintain recruitment.
NAVA, however, is completely unaffected by this phenomena as
The release phase (expiratory phase) brings down mean airway breath initiation is completely independent of physical properties
pressure and plays significant role in maintaining normocarbia. of the circuit.[32] In other modes auto-PEEP increases work of
The mode has dual functionality; in presence of spontaneous ventilator initiation in COPD and asthma, this does not effect
breathing the patient can breathe in any phase of respiratory cycle ventilatory cycle in NAVA and thus overall work of breathing
with supported breaths thus bringing down needs of sedation. In decreases in these patients. Setting up a NAVA ventilator is
absence of spontaneous breathing activity, the bi-level pressure straightforward and gain over diaphragmatic electrographic
acts as time-cycled inverse ratio ventilation.[29] The tidal volume potential is the only single input required. A practical limitation
generated mainly depends upon respiratory compliance and with NAVA is placement of esophageal catheter with electrodes
difference between the two CPAP levels. The therapist sets and its validity of longer duration of ventilation.[33]
Phigh,(high pressure in CPAP) Plow,(low pressure in CPAP) Thigh
(time for Phigh)and Tlow(Time for Plow). Initial Phigh should be set NeoGanesh (Smartcare)
It is closed loop modification of pressure support ventilation
Table 2: (Bi-level modes and their modifications) with integrated artificial intelligence. The system mimics clinical
Bi-level Mode Features approach of adjusting ventilator assistance depending on patient’s
BIPAP Time cycled, pressure-controlled, allowing spontaneous breaths respiratory pattern and literature based weaning protocols. This
at both pressures, Thigh:TLow= 1:1
mode is based on three fundamental principles: 1. Adapt pressure
BIPAP+PS Pressure-supported spontaneous breaths at PLow, weaning mode
with increased Thigh
support to patient’s current clinical situation, 2. In case of stability
APRV (Classical) Time-cycled, pressure-controlled, THigh>>TLow. Spontaneous the ventilator tends to wean of pressure support, and 3. Initiate
breathing at PHigh, controlled mode acts as Inverse ratio PCV spontaneous breathing trials as per prerecorded clinical guidelines.
APRV (Extended) Time-cycled, pressure-controlled, Long THigh (4-6 s) and shorter Ventilator takes feedback from monitored respiratory rate, tidal
TLow(≤0.8 s).
volume, and end-tidal CO2. Once the patient remains stable on a
setting, it tries to gradually wean off to maintain optimal respiratory
variables, which are predefined as “Patient comfort zone.” Trials
have shown that it not only reduces weaning failures but also
significantly hastens weaning duration.[34]


The newer modes by the use of ventilatory physics improve

Figure 7: Ventilatory graphics in airway pressure release patient ventilator synchrony and assist in weaning. These modes
ventilation have become sensitive to patient ventilation requirements and
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